path: root/src/regex.ur
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authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2015-08-26 17:29:32 -0400
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2015-08-26 17:29:32 -0400
commitbc6b0bee8fe4120642029daaa8ce6c069ef667b8 (patch)
treefab27db4556318e4f6a4b7c60e6b47c7ab58e59a /src/regex.ur
parent75ff1a7a1979466a77dcc3acbbb88e897213027f (diff)
Rework replacement API to rely on transformation
Redesign library API around highly general regex-based transformations. Instead of specifying a string to substitute for each match, you now execute an entire function over the match (and over nonmatching regions as well). The resulting C++ code is much simpler, with more functionality pushed into Ur, and the engine now supports certain types of regex transformations needed to mimic Perl.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/regex.ur')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/regex.ur b/src/regex.ur
index 8d099ca..0024561 100644
--- a/src/regex.ur
+++ b/src/regex.ur
@@ -12,30 +12,118 @@ under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *)
+(* Utility *)
+fun concat (strings : list string) : string =
+ List.foldr String.append "" strings
+(* Substrings and matches *)
+type substring = {Start : int, Len : int}
+type match = {Whole : substring, Groups : list substring}
+fun substring_offset (delta : int) (substring : substring) : substring =
+ {Start = substring.Start + delta, Len = substring.Len}
+fun match_offset (delta : int) (match : match) : match =
+ {Whole = substring_offset delta match.Whole,
+ Groups = (substring_offset delta) match.Groups}
+(* Returns the index of the character just _after_ a match. *)
+fun after_match (match : match) : int =
+ match.Whole.Start + match.Whole.Len
+(* Unmarshaling FFI types *)
structure FFI = Regex__FFI
-fun match regex input =
- (* Perform the match. *)
- let
- val result = FFI.do_match regex input
- in
- if not (FFI.succeeded result)
- then
- (* No match occurred. *)
- None
- else
- (* Get the subexpressions. We must do this iteratively, as the Regex__FFI
- API can't return a list of matches. *)
+(* Unmarshals an 'FFI.substring_t' from C into Ur. *)
+fun unmarshal_substring (substring : FFI.substring_t) : substring =
+ {Start = FFI.substring_start substring,
+ Len = FFI.substring_length substring}
+(* Unmarshals an 'FFI.substring_list_t' from C into Ur. *)
+fun unmarshal_substring_list (substrings : FFI.substring_list_t)
+ : option match =
+ case FFI.substring_list_length substrings of
+ 0 => None
+ | n_groups =>
- fun loop i =
- if i = FFI.n_subexpression_matches result
- then
- (* We've got all the subexpressions. *)
- []
- else FFI.subexpression_match result i :: loop (i + 1)
+ fun loop n =
+ if n_groups <= n
+ then []
+ else unmarshal_substring (FFI.substring_list_get substrings n)
+ :: loop (n + 1)
- Some (loop 0)
+ Some {Whole = unmarshal_substring (FFI.substring_list_get substrings 0),
+ Groups = loop 1}
+(* Regular expressions *)
+(* Ensures that a regex is not going to cause problems later down the line. *)
+fun validate (regex : string) : string =
+ if String.lengthGe regex 1
+ then regex
+ else error <xml>regex: Empty regex</xml>
+fun match needle haystack =
+ unmarshal_substring_list (FFI.do_match (validate needle) haystack)
+fun all_matches needle haystack =
+ case match needle haystack of
+ None => []
+ | Some match =>
+ let
+ val remaining_start = after_match match
+ in
+ match
+ :: (match_offset remaining_start)
+ (all_matches needle
+ (String.suffix haystack remaining_start))
+ end
+fun transform needle f_nomatch f_match haystack =
+ let
+ val haystack_length = String.length haystack
+ val matches = all_matches needle haystack
+ in
+ (* Handle the first nonmatching region. *)
+ f_nomatch {Start = 0,
+ Len = case matches of
+ [] => haystack_length
+ | first_match :: _ => first_match.Whole.Start}
+ ^
+ (* Handle the remaining regions. *)
+ concat
+ (List.mapi
+ (fn match_number match =>
+ (* Handle the matching region. *)
+ f_match match
+ ^
+ (* Handle the nonmatching region. *)
+ let
+ val start = match.Whole.Start + match.Whole.Len
+ in
+ f_nomatch {Start = start,
+ Len =
+ case List.nth matches (match_number + 1) of
+ None =>
+ (* We’re on the last matching region in the
+ string, so the nonmatching region lasts until the
+ end of the string. *)
+ haystack_length - start
+ | Some next_match =>
+ next_match.Whole.Start - start}
+ end)
+ matches)
-val replace = FFI.replace
+fun transform_matches needle f_match haystack =
+ transform needle (String.substring haystack) f_match haystack
+fun replace needle haystack replacement =
+ transform_matches needle (fn _ => replacement) haystack