path: root/modules
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2 files changed, 26 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/modules/lua/api b/modules/lua/api
index 184c5597..d0a35868 100644
--- a/modules/lua/api
+++ b/modules/lua/api
APPLEEVENT_ODOC events.APPLEEVENT_ODOC (string)\nEmitted when Mac OSX tells Textadept to open a file.\nArguments:\n\n* _`uri`_: The UTF-8-encoded URI to open.
+ARG_NONE events.ARG_NONE (string)\nEmitted when no command line arguments are passed to Textadept on startup.
AUTOINDENT textadept.editing.AUTOINDENT (bool)\nMatch the indentation level of the previous line when inserting a new line.\nThe default value is `true`.
AUTOPAIR textadept.editing.AUTOPAIR (bool)\nAutomatically close opening brace and quote characters with their\ncomplements.\nThe default value is `true`.\nAuto-paired characters are defined in the `char_matches`\ntable.
AUTO_C_CHAR_DELETED events.AUTO_C_CHAR_DELETED (string)\nEmitted when deleting a character while the autocompletion list is active.
AUTO_C_RELEASE events.AUTO_C_RELEASE (string)\nEmitted when canceling the autocompletion list.
AUTO_C_SELECTION events.AUTO_C_SELECTION (string)\nEmitted when selecting an item in the autocompletion list and before\ninserting the selection.\nAutomatic insertion can be cancelled by calling\n`buffer:auto_c_cancel()` before returning from the event handler.\nArguments:\n\n* _`text`_: The text of the selection.\n* _`position`_: The position of the beginning of the autocompleted word.
B lpeg.B(patt)\nReturns a pattern that matches only if the input string at the current\nposition is preceded by `patt`. Pattern `patt` must match only strings with\nsome fixed length, and it cannot contain captures.\n\nLike the and predicate, this pattern never consumes any input, independently\nof success or failure.
-BOOKMARK_COLOR textadept.bookmarks.BOOKMARK_COLOR (string)\nThe name of the color in the current theme to mark a bookmarked line with.
BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH (string)\nEmitted right after switching to another buffer.\nEmitted by `view:goto_buffer()`.
BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH events.BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH (string)\nEmitted right before switching to another buffer.\nEmitted by `view:goto_buffer()`.
BUFFER_DELETED events.BUFFER_DELETED (string)\nEmitted after deleting a buffer.\nEmitted by `buffer:delete()`.
@@ -50,13 +50,12 @@ EDGE_LINE _SCINTILLA.constants.EDGE_LINE\n1
ERROR events.ERROR (string)\nEmitted when an error occurs.\nArguments:\n\n* _`text`_: The error text.
ERROR lexer.ERROR (string)\nThe token name for error tokens.
-ERROR_COLOR textadept.run.ERROR_COLOR (string)\nThe name of the color in the current theme to mark a line containing a\nrecognized run or compile error.
FIELD textadept.adeptsense.FIELD (string)\nCtags kind for Adeptsense fields.
FIELD_IMAGE textadept.adeptsense.FIELD_IMAGE (string)\nXPM image for Adeptsense fields.
-FILE_AFTER_SAVE events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE (string)\nEmitted right after saving a file to disk.\nEmitted by `buffer:save()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
-FILE_BEFORE_SAVE events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE (string)\nEmitted right before saving a file to disk.\nEmitted by `buffer:save()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
+FILE_AFTER_SAVE events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE (string)\nEmitted right after saving a file to disk.\nEmitted by `io.save_file()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
+FILE_BEFORE_SAVE events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE (string)\nEmitted right before saving a file to disk.\nEmitted by `io.save_file()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
FILE_OPENED events.FILE_OPENED (string)\nEmitted when opening a file in a new buffer.\nEmitted by `open_file()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
-FILE_SAVED_AS events.FILE_SAVED_AS (string)\nEmitted after saving a file under a different filename.\nEmitted by `buffer:save_as()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
+FILE_SAVED_AS events.FILE_SAVED_AS (string)\nEmitted after saving a file under a different filename.\nEmitted by `io.save_file_as()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
FILTER lfs.FILTER (table)\nThe filter table containing common binary file extensions and version control\nfolders to exclude when iterating over files and directories using\n`dir_foreach` when its `exclude_FILTER` argument is `false`.\n@see dir_foreach
FILTER ui.find.FILTER (table)\nThe table of Lua patterns matching files and folders to exclude when finding\nin files.\nEach filter string is a pattern that matches filenames to exclude, with\npatterns matching folders to exclude listed in a `folders` sub-table.\nPatterns starting with '!' exclude files and folders that do not match the\npattern that follows. Use a table of raw file extensions assigned to an\n`extensions` key for fast filtering by extension. All strings must be encoded\nin `_G._CHARSET`, not UTF-8.\nThe default value is `lfs.FILTER`, a filter for common binary file extensions\nand version control folders.\n@see find_in_files
FIND events.FIND (string)\nEmitted to find text via the Find dialog box.\nArguments:\n\n* _`text`_: The text to search for.\n* _`next`_: Whether or not to search forward.
@@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ FUNCTION lexer.FUNCTION (string)\nThe token name for function tokens.
FUNCTION textadept.adeptsense.FUNCTION (string)\nCtags kind for Adeptsense functions.
FUNCTION_IMAGE textadept.adeptsense.FUNCTION_IMAGE (string)\nXPM image for Adeptsense functions.
HIGHLIGHT_BRACES textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_BRACES (bool)\nHighlight matching brace characters like "()[]{}".\nThe default value is `true`.\nMatching braces are defined in the `braces` table.
-HIGHLIGHT_COLOR textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR (string)\nThe name of the color in the current theme to\nhighlight words with.
HOTSPOT_CLICK events.HOTSPOT_CLICK (string)\nEmitted when clicking on text that is in a style with the hotspot attribute\nset.\nArguments:\n\n* _`position`_: The position in the buffer clicked.\n* _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys used: `buffer.SCMOD_CTRL`,\n `buffer.SCMOD_SHIFT`, `buffer.SCMOD_ALT`, and `buffer.SCMOD_META`.\n Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to\n `buffer.SCMOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as *both*\n "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+.
HOTSPOT_DOUBLE_CLICK events.HOTSPOT_DOUBLE_CLICK (string)\nEmitted when double-clicking on text that is in a style with the hotspot\nattribute set.\nArguments:\n\n* _`position`_: The position in the buffer double-clicked.\n* _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys used: `buffer.SCMOD_CTRL`,\n `buffer.SCMOD_SHIFT`, `buffer.SCMOD_ALT`, and `buffer.SCMOD_META`.\n Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to\n `buffer.SCMOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as *both*\n "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+.
HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK events.HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK (string)\nEmitted after releasing the mouse after clicking on text that was in a\nstyle with the hotspot attribute set.\nArguments:\n\n* _`position`_: The position in the buffer unclicked.
@@ -87,6 +85,7 @@ INDIC_DIAGONAL _SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_DIAGONAL\n3
+INDIC_HIGHLIGHT textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT (number)\nThe word highlight indicator number.
@@ -107,6 +106,8 @@ LANGUAGE_MODULE_PREFIX keys.LANGUAGE_MODULE_PREFIX (string)\nThe prefix key of t
LEXER_LOADED events.LEXER_LOADED (string)\nEmitted after loading a language lexer.\nThis is useful for overriding a language module's key bindings or other\nproperties since the module is not loaded when Textadept starts.\nArguments:\n\n* *`lexer`*: The language lexer name.
MARGIN_CLICK events.MARGIN_CLICK (string)\nEmitted when clicking the mouse inside a margin.\nArguments:\n\n* _`margin`_: The margin number clicked.\n* _`position`_: The position of the start of the line in the buffer whose\n margin was clicked.\n* _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys used: `buffer.SCMOD_CTRL`,\n `buffer.SCMOD_SHIFT`, `buffer.SCMOD_ALT`, and `buffer.SCMOD_META`.\n Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to\n `buffer.SCMOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as *both*\n "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+.
+MARK_BOOKMARK textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK (number)\nThe bookmark mark number.
+MARK_ERROR textadept.run.MARK_ERROR (number)\nThe run or compile error marker number.
MAX_RECENT_FILES textadept.session.MAX_RECENT_FILES (number)\nThe maximum number of recent files to save to session files.\nRecent files are stored in `io.recent_files`.\nThe default value is `10`.
MENU_CLICKED events.MENU_CLICKED (string)\nEmitted after selecting a menu item.\nArguments:\n\n* _`menu_id`_: The numeric ID of the menu item set in `ui.menu()`.
MODE keys.MODE (string)\nThe current key mode.\nWhen non-`nil`, all key bindings defined outside of `keys[MODE]` are\nignored.\nThe default value is `nil`.
@@ -960,10 +961,10 @@ clear_registered_images buffer.clear_registered_images(buffer)\nClears all image
clear_selections buffer.clear_selections(buffer)\nRemoves all selections and moves the caret to the beginning of the buffer.\n@param buffer The global buffer.
clipboard_text ui.clipboard_text (string, Read-only)\nThe text on the clipboard.
clock os.clock()\nReturns an approximation of the amount in seconds of CPU time used by\nthe program.
-close buffer.close(buffer)\nCloses the buffer, prompting the user to continue if there are unsaved\nchanges, and returns `true` if the buffer was closed.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@return `true` if the buffer was closed; `nil` otherwise.
close file:close()\nCloses `file`. Note that files are automatically closed when their\nhandles are garbage collected, but that takes an unpredictable amount of\ntime to happen.\n\nWhen closing a file handle created with `io.popen`, `file:close` returns the\nsame values returned by `os.execute`.
close io.close([file])\nEquivalent to `file:close()`. Without a `file`, closes the default\noutput file.
-close_all io.close_all()\nCloses all open buffers, prompting the user to continue with unsaved buffers,\nand returning `true` if the user did not cancel.\nNo buffers are saved automatically. They must be saved manually.\n@return `true` if user did not cancel.\n@see buffer.close
+close_all_buffers io.close_all_buffers()\nCloses all open buffers, prompting the user to continue with unsaved buffers,\nand returning `true` if the user did not cancel.\nNo buffers are saved automatically. They must be saved manually.\n@return `true` if user did not cancel.\n@see io.close_buffer
+close_buffer io.close_buffer()\nCloses the current buffer, prompting the user to continue if there are\nunsaved changes, and returns `true` if the buffer was closed.\n@return `true` if the buffer was closed; `nil` otherwise.
cntrl lexer.cntrl (pattern)\nA pattern matching any control character (`0`..`31`).
collectgarbage _G.collectgarbage([opt [, arg]])\nThis function is a generic interface to the garbage collector. It\nperforms different functions according to its first argument, `opt`:\n "collect": performs a full garbage-collection cycle. This is the default\n option.\n "stop": stops automatic execution of the garbage collector.\n "restart": restarts automatic execution of the garbage collector.\n "count": returns the total memory in use by Lua (in Kbytes) and a second\n value with the total memory in bytes modulo 1024. The first value\n has a fractional part, so the following equality is always true:\n\n k, b = collectgarbage("count")\n assert(k*1024 == math.floor(k)*1024 + b)\n\n (The second result is useful when Lua is compiled with a non\n floating-point type for numbers.)\n "step": performs a garbage-collection step. The step "size" is controlled\n by `arg` (larger values mean more steps) in a non-specified way. If\n you want to control the step size you must experimentally tune the\n value of `arg`. Returns true if the step finished a collection\n cycle.\n "setpause": sets `arg` as the new value for the *pause* of the collector\n (see §2.5). Returns the previous value for *pause*.\n "setstepmul": sets `arg` as the new value for the *step multiplier*\n of the collector (see §2.5). Returns the previous value for\n *step*.\n "isrunning": returns a boolean that tells whether the collector is running\n (i.e., not stopped).\n "generational": changes the collector to generational mode. This is an\n experimental feature (see §2.5).\n "incremental": changes the collector to incremental mode. This is the\n default mode.
colourise buffer.colourise(buffer, start_pos, end_pos)\nTells the lexer to style and fold the range of text between *start_pos* and\n*end_pos*.\nIf *end_pos* is `-1`, styles and folds to the end of the buffer.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@param start_pos The start position of the range of text in *buffer* to\n process.\n@param end_pos The end position of the range of text in *buffer* to process,\n or `-1` to process from *start_pos* to the end of *buffer*.
@@ -1369,7 +1370,7 @@ preload package.preload (table)\nA table to store loaders for specific modules (
print _G.print(···)\nReceives any number of arguments and prints their values to `stdout`, using\nthe `tostring` function to convert each argument to a string. `print` is not\nintended for formatted output, but only as a quick way to show a value,\nfor instance for debugging. For complete control over the output, use\n`string.format` and `io.write`.
print lexer.print (pattern)\nA pattern matching any printable character (space to `~`).
print ui.print(...)\nPrints messages to the Textadept message buffer.\nOpens a new buffer if one has not already been opened for printing messages.\n@param ... Message strings.
-process args.process(arg)\nProcesses command line argument table *arg*, handling switches previously\ndefined using `args.register()` and treating unrecognized arguments as\nfilenames to open.\nEmits an `'arg_none'` event when no arguments are present.\n@param arg Argument table.\n@see register\n@see events
+process args.process(arg)\nProcesses command line argument table *arg*, handling switches previously\ndefined using `args.register()` and treating unrecognized arguments as\nfilenames to open.\nEmits an `ARG_NONE` event when no arguments are present.\n@param arg Argument table.\n@see register\n@see events
properties _SCINTILLA.properties (table)\nMap of Scintilla property names to table values containing their "get"\nfunction IDs, "set" function IDs, return types, and wParam types.\nThe wParam type will be non-zero if the property is indexable.\nTypes are the same as in the `functions` table.\n@see functions
property buffer.property (table)\nMap of key-value string pairs used by lexers.
property_expanded buffer.property_expanded (table, Read-only)\nMap of key-value string pairs used by lexers with `$()` variable\nreplacement performed in values.
@@ -1404,7 +1405,7 @@ register args.register(short, long, narg, f, description)\nRegisters a command l
register_image buffer.register_image(buffer, type, xpm_data)\nRegisters XPM image *xpm_data* to type number *type* for use in\nautocompletion lists.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@param type Integer type to register the image with.\n@param xpm_data The XPM data as described in `buffer:marker_define_pixmap()`.
register_rgba_image buffer.register_rgba_image(buffer, type, pixels)\nRegisters RGBA image *pixels* to type number *type* for use in autocompletion\nlists.\nThe dimensions for *pixels*, `buffer.rgba_image_width` and\n`buffer.rgba_image_height`, must have already been defined. *pixels* is a\nsequence of 4 byte pixel values (red, blue, green, and alpha) defining the\nimage line by line starting at the top-left pixel.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@param type Integer type to register the image with.\n@param pixels The RGBA data as described in\n `buffer:marker_define_rgba_image()`.
release_all_extended_styles buffer.release_all_extended_styles(buffer)\nReleases all styles allocated with `buffer:allocate_extended_styles()`.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@see allocate_extended_styles
-reload buffer.reload(buffer)\nReloads the file in the buffer.\n@param buffer The global buffer.
+reload_file io.reload_file()\nReloads the current buffer's file contents, discarding any changes.
remove os.remove(filename)\nDeletes the file (or empty directory, on POSIX systems) with the given name.\nIf this function fails, it returns nil, plus a string describing the error\nand the error code.
remove table.remove(list [, pos])\nRemoves from `list` the element at position `pos`, returning the value of the\nremoved element. When `pos` is an integer between 1 and `#list`, it shifts\ndown the elements `list[pos+1], list[pos+2], ···, list[#list]` and erases\nelement `list[#list]`; The index `pos` can also be 0 when `#list` is 0, or\n`#list + 1`; in those cases, the function erases the element `list[pos]`.\n\nThe default value for `pos` is `#list`, so that a call `table.remove(t)`\nremoves the last element of list `t`.
rename os.rename(oldname, newname)\nRenames file or directory named `oldname` to `newname`. If this function\nfails, it returns nil, plus a string describing the error and the error code.
@@ -1440,10 +1441,10 @@ run textadept.run (module)\nCompile and run/execute source files with Textadept.
run textadept.run.run()\nRuns/executes the file based on its extension using the command from the\n`run_command` table.\nEmits a `RUN_OUTPUT` event.\n@see run_command\n@see _G.events
run_command textadept.run.run_command (table)\nMap of file extensions (excluding the leading '.') to their associated\n"run" shell command line strings or functions returning such strings.\nCommand line strings may have the following macros:\n\n + `%(filepath)`: The full path of the current file.\n + `%(filedir)`: The current file's directory path.\n + `%(filename)`: The name of the file, including its extension.\n + `%(filename_noext)`: The name of the file, excluding its extension.\n\nThis table is typically populated by language modules.
running coroutine.running()\nReturns the running coroutine plus a boolean, true when the running coroutine\nis the main one.
-save buffer.save(buffer)\nSaves the buffer to the file.\nEmits `FILE_BEFORE_SAVE` and `FILE_AFTER_SAVE` events.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@see _G.events
save textadept.session.save(filename)\nSaves a Textadept session to file *filename* or a user-selected file.\nSaves split views, opened buffers, cursor information, and recent files.\n@param filename Optional absolute path to the session file to save. If `nil`,\n the user is prompted for one.\n@usage textadept.session.save(filename)\n@see DEFAULT_SESSION
-save_all io.save_all()\nSaves all unsaved buffers to their respective files.\n@see buffer.save
-save_as buffer.save_as(buffer, utf8_filename)\nSaves the buffer to the *utf8_filename* or user-specified filename.\nEmits a `FILE_SAVED_AS` event.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@param utf8_filename The new filepath to save the buffer to. Must be UTF-8\n encoded.\n@see _G.events
+save_all_files io.save_all_files()\nSaves all unsaved buffers to their respective files.\n@see io.save_file
+save_file io.save_file()\nSaves the current buffer to its file.\nEmits `FILE_BEFORE_SAVE` and `FILE_AFTER_SAVE` events.
+save_file_as io.save_file_as(utf8_filename)\nSaves the current buffer to file *utf8_filename* or user-specified filename.\nEmits a `FILE_SAVED_AS` event.\n@param utf8_filename Optional new filepath to save the buffer to. Must be\n UTF-8 encoded. If `nil`, the user is prompted for one.
scroll_caret buffer.scroll_caret(buffer)\nScrolls the caret into view based on the policies set with\n`buffer:set_x_caret_policy()` and `buffer:set_y_caret_policy()`.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@see set_x_caret_policy\n@see set_y_caret_policy
scroll_range buffer.scroll_range(buffer, secondary_pos, primary_pos)\nScrolls the range of text between positions *primary_pos* and *secondary_pos*\ninto view, with priority given to *primary_pos*.\nSimilar to `buffer:scroll_caret()`, but with *primary_pos* instead of\n`buffer.current_pos`.\nThis is useful for scrolling search results into view.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@param secondary_pos The secondary range position to scroll into view.\n@param primary_pos The primary range position to scroll into view.
scroll_to_end buffer.scroll_to_end(buffer)\nScrolls to the end of the buffer without moving the caret.\n@param buffer The global buffer.
@@ -1494,10 +1495,10 @@ sense _M.rails.sense\nThe Rails Adeptsense.\n It loads user tags from *`_USERHO
sense _M.rhtml.sense\nThe RHTML Adeptsense.\n It loads user tags from *`_USERHOME`/modules/rhtml/tags* and user apidocs\n from *`_USERHOME`/modules/rhtml/api*.
sense _M.ruby.sense\nThe Ruby Adeptsense.\n It loads user tags from *`_USERHOME`/modules/ruby/tags* and user apidocs\n from *`_USERHOME`/modules/ruby/api*.
session textadept.session (module)\nSession support for Textadept.
+set_buffer_encoding io.set_buffer_encoding(encoding)\nConverts the current buffer's contents to string encoding *encoding*.\n@param encoding The string encoding to set. Valid encodings are ones that GNU\n iconv accepts.\n@usage io.set_buffer_encoding('ASCII')
set_chars_default buffer.set_chars_default(buffer)\nResets `buffer.word_chars`, `buffer.whitespace_chars`, and\n`buffer.punctuation_chars` to their respective defaults.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@see word_chars\n@see whitespace_chars\n@see punctuation_chars
set_contextmenu textadept.menu.set_contextmenu(menu)\nSets `ui.context_menu` from *menu*, an ordered list of menu items.\nMenu items are tables containing menu text and either a function to call or\na table containing a function with its parameters to call when an item is\nclicked. Menu items may also be sub-menus, ordered lists of menu items with\nan additional `title` key for the sub-menu's title text.\n@param menu The menu table to create the context menu from.\n@see ui.context_menu\n@see ui.menu
set_empty_selection buffer.set_empty_selection(buffer, pos)\nMoves the caret to position *pos* without scrolling the view and removes any\nselections.\n@param buffer The buffer\n@param pos The position in *buffer* to move to.
-set_encoding buffer.set_encoding(buffer, encoding)\nSets the encoding for the buffer to *encoding*, converting its contents from\nthe old encoding to the new one.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@param encoding The string encoding to set. Valid encodings are ones that GNU\n iconv accepts.\n@usage buffer.set_encoding(buffer, 'ASCII')
set_fold_margin_colour buffer.set_fold_margin_colour(buffer, use_setting, color)\nOverrides the default color of the fold margin with *color*, in "0xBBGGRR"\nformat, if *use_setting* is `true`.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@param use_setting Whether or not to use *color*.\n@param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
set_fold_margin_hi_colour buffer.set_fold_margin_hi_colour(buffer, use_setting, color)\nOverrides the default highlight color of the fold margin with *color*, in\n"0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@param use_setting Whether or not to use *color*.\n@param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
set_hotspot_active_back buffer.set_hotspot_active_back(buffer, use_setting, color)\nOverrides the default background color of active hotspots with *color*, in\n"0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`.\n@param buffer The global buffer.\n@param use_setting Whether or not to use *color*.\n@param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
diff --git a/modules/lua/tags b/modules/lua/tags
index f3c98f1e..ef780785 100644
--- a/modules/lua/tags
+++ b/modules/lua/tags
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ ANNOTATION_BOXED _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
ANNOTATION_HIDDEN _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
APPLEEVENT_ODOC _ 0;" F class:events
+ARG_NONE _ 0;" F class:events
AUTOINDENT _ 0;" F class:textadept.editing
AUTOPAIR _ 0;" F class:textadept.editing
AUTO_C_CHAR_DELETED _ 0;" F class:events
AUTO_C_RELEASE _ 0;" F class:events
AUTO_C_SELECTION _ 0;" F class:events
B _ 0;" f class:lpeg
-BOOKMARK_COLOR _ 0;" F class:textadept.bookmarks
BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH _ 0;" F class:events
BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH _ 0;" F class:events
BUFFER_DELETED _ 0;" F class:events
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ EDGE_LINE _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
EDGE_NONE _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
ERROR _ 0;" F class:events
ERROR _ 0;" F class:lexer
-ERROR_COLOR _ 0;" F class:textadept.run
FIELD _ 0;" F class:textadept.adeptsense
FIELD_IMAGE _ 0;" F class:textadept.adeptsense
FILE_AFTER_SAVE _ 0;" F class:events
@@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ FUNCTION _ 0;" F class:lexer
FUNCTION _ 0;" F class:textadept.adeptsense
FUNCTION_IMAGE _ 0;" F class:textadept.adeptsense
HIGHLIGHT_BRACES _ 0;" F class:textadept.editing
-HIGHLIGHT_COLOR _ 0;" F class:textadept.editing
HOTSPOT_CLICK _ 0;" F class:events
HOTSPOT_DOUBLE_CLICK _ 0;" F class:events
HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK _ 0;" F class:events
@@ -87,6 +85,7 @@ INDIC_DIAGONAL _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
INDIC_DOTBOX _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
INDIC_DOTS _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
INDIC_HIDDEN _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
+INDIC_HIGHLIGHT _ 0;" F class:textadept.editing
INDIC_MAX _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
INDIC_PLAIN _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
INDIC_ROUNDBOX _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
@@ -107,6 +106,8 @@ LANGUAGE_MODULE_PREFIX _ 0;" F class:keys
LEXER_LOADED _ 0;" F class:events
MARGIN_CLICK _ 0;" F class:events
MARKER_MAX _ 0;" F class:_SCINTILLA.constants
+MARK_BOOKMARK _ 0;" F class:textadept.bookmarks
+MARK_ERROR _ 0;" F class:textadept.run
MAX_RECENT_FILES _ 0;" F class:textadept.session
MENU_CLICKED _ 0;" F class:events
MODE _ 0;" F class:keys
@@ -976,10 +977,10 @@ clear_registered_images _ 0;" f class:buffer
clear_selections _ 0;" f class:buffer
clipboard_text _ 0;" F class:ui
clock _ 0;" f class:os
-close _ 0;" f class:buffer
close _ 0;" f class:file
close _ 0;" f class:io
-close_all _ 0;" f class:io
+close_all_buffers _ 0;" f class:io
+close_buffer _ 0;" f class:io
cntrl _ 0;" F class:lexer
collectgarbage _ 0;" f
colourise _ 0;" f class:buffer
@@ -1431,7 +1432,7 @@ register _ 0;" f class:args
register_image _ 0;" f class:buffer
register_rgba_image _ 0;" f class:buffer
release_all_extended_styles _ 0;" f class:buffer
-reload _ 0;" f class:buffer
+reload_file _ 0;" f class:io
remove _ 0;" f class:os
remove _ 0;" f class:table
rename _ 0;" f class:os
@@ -1467,10 +1468,10 @@ run _ 0;" f class:textadept.run
run _ 0;" t class:textadept
run_command _ 0;" t class:textadept.run
running _ 0;" f class:coroutine
-save _ 0;" f class:buffer
save _ 0;" f class:textadept.session
-save_all _ 0;" f class:io
-save_as _ 0;" f class:buffer
+save_all_files _ 0;" f class:io
+save_file _ 0;" f class:io
+save_file_as _ 0;" f class:io
scroll_caret _ 0;" f class:buffer
scroll_range _ 0;" f class:buffer
scroll_to_end _ 0;" f class:buffer
@@ -1521,10 +1522,10 @@ sense _ 0;" F class:_M.rails
sense _ 0;" F class:_M.rhtml
sense _ 0;" F class:_M.ruby
session _ 0;" t class:textadept
+set_buffer_encoding _ 0;" f class:io
set_chars_default _ 0;" f class:buffer
set_contextmenu _ 0;" f class:textadept.menu
set_empty_selection _ 0;" f class:buffer
-set_encoding _ 0;" f class:buffer
set_fold_margin_colour _ 0;" f class:buffer
set_fold_margin_hi_colour _ 0;" f class:buffer
set_hotspot_active_back _ 0;" f class:buffer