path: root/modules/lua/ta_api
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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/modules/lua/ta_api b/modules/lua/ta_api
index 57c8a8bb..ea4d7cee 100644
--- a/modules/lua/ta_api
+++ b/modules/lua/ta_api
@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ can_undo buffer.can_undo(buffer)\nReturns whether or not there is an action to b
cancel buffer.cancel(buffer)\nCancels the active selection mode, autocompletion or user list, call tip, etc.\n@param buffer A buffer.
cancel_current textadept.snippets.cancel_current()\nCancels the active snippet, removing all inserted text.\nReturns `false` if no snippet is active.\n@return `false` if no snippet is active; `nil` otherwise.
caret_line_frame view.caret_line_frame (number)\nThe caret line's frame width in pixels.\nWhen non-zero, the line that contains the caret is framed instead of colored in. The\n`view.caret_line_back` and `view.caret_line_back_alpha` properties apply to the frame.\nThe default value is `0`.
+caret_line_highlight_subline view.caret_line_highlight_subline (boolean)\nColor the background of the subline that contains the caret a different color, rather than\nthe whole line.\nThe defalt value is `false`.
caret_line_layer view.caret_line_layer (number)\nThe caret line layer mode.\n\n* `view.LAYER_BASE`\n Draw the caret line opaquely on the background.\n* `view.LAYER_UNDER_TEXT`\n Draw the caret line translucently under text.\n* `view.LAYER_OVER_TEXT`\n Draw the caret line translucently over text.\n\nThe default value is `view.LAYER_BASE`.
caret_line_visible view.caret_line_visible (bool)\nColor the background of the line that contains the caret a different color.\nThe default value is `false`.
caret_line_visible_always view.caret_line_visible_always (bool)\nAlways show the caret line, even when the view is not in focus.\nThe default value is `false`, showing the line only when the view is in focus.
@@ -493,7 +494,7 @@ editing textadept.editing (module)\nEditing features for Textadept.
editing_keys ui.command_entry.editing_keys (table)\nA metatable with typical platform-specific key bindings for text entries.\nThis metatable may be used to add basic editing and movement keys to command entry modes. It\nis automatically added to command entry modes unless a metatable was previously set.
element_allows_translucent view.element_allows_translucent (table)\nTable of flags for UI element identifiers that indicate whether or not an element supports\ntranslucent colors.\nSee `view.element_color` for element identifiers.
element_base_color view.element_base_color (table, read-only)\nTable of default colors on "0xAABBGGRR" format for UI element identifiers.\nIf the alpha byte is omitted, it is assumed to be `0xFF` (opaque).\nSee `view.element_color` for element identifiers.
-element_color view.element_color (table)\nTable of colors in "0xAABBGGRR" format for UI element identifiers.\nIf the alpha byte is omitted, it is assumed to be `0xFF` (opaque).\n\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_TEXT`\n The main selection's text color.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_BACK`\n The main selection's background color.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_ADDITIONAL_TEXT`\n The text color of additional selections.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_ADDITIONAL_BACK`\n The background color of additional selections.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_SECONDARY_TEXT`\n The text color of selections when another window contains the primary selection.\n This is only available on Linux.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_SECONDARY_BACK`\n The background color of selections when another window contains the primary selection.\n This is only available on Linux.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT`\n The text color of selections when another window has focus.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK`\n The background color of selections when another window has focus.\n* `view.ELEMENT_CARET`\n The main selection's caret color.\n* `view.ELEMENT_CARET_ADDITIONAL`\n The caret color of additional selections.\n* `view.ELEMENT_CARET_LINE_BACK`\n The background color of the line that contains the caret.\n* `view.ELEMENT_WHITE_SPACE`\n The color of visible whitespace.\n* `view.ELEMENT_WHITE_SPACE_BACK`\n The background color of visible whitespace.
+element_color view.element_color (table)\nTable of colors in "0xAABBGGRR" format for UI element identifiers.\nIf the alpha byte is omitted, it is assumed to be `0xFF` (opaque).\n\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_TEXT`\n The main selection's text color.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_BACK`\n The main selection's background color.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_ADDITIONAL_TEXT`\n The text color of additional selections.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_ADDITIONAL_BACK`\n The background color of additional selections.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_SECONDARY_TEXT`\n The text color of selections when another window contains the primary selection.\n This is only available on Linux.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_SECONDARY_BACK`\n The background color of selections when another window contains the primary selection.\n This is only available on Linux.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT`\n The text color of selections when another window has focus.\n* `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK`\n The background color of selections when another window has focus.\n* `view.ELEMENT_CARET`\n The main selection's caret color.\n* `view.ELEMENT_CARET_ADDITIONAL`\n The caret color of additional selections.\n* `view.ELEMENT_CARET_LINE_BACK`\n The background color of the line that contains the caret.\n* `view.ELEMENT_WHITE_SPACE`\n The color of visible whitespace.\n* `view.ELEMENT_WHITE_SPACE_BACK`\n The background color of visible whitespace.\n* `view.ELEMENT_FOLD_LINE`\n The color of fold lines.\n* `view.ELEMENT_HIDDEN_LINE`\n The color of lines shown in place of hidden lines.
element_is_set view.element_is_set (table)\nTable of flags for UI element identifiers that indicate whether or not a color has been\nmanually set.\nSee `view.element_color` for element identifiers.
embed lexer.embed(lexer, child, start_rule, end_rule)\nEmbeds child lexer *child* in parent lexer *lexer* using patterns *start_rule* and *end_rule*,\nwhich signal the beginning and end of the embedded lexer, respectively.\n@param lexer The parent lexer.\n@param child The child lexer.\n@param start_rule The pattern that signals the beginning of the embedded lexer.\n@param end_rule The pattern that signals the end of the embedded lexer.\n@usage html:embed(css, css_start_rule, css_end_rule)\n@usage html:embed(lex, php_start_rule, php_end_rule) -- from php lexer
emit events.emit(event, ...)\nSequentially calls all handler functions for event *event* with the given arguments.\n*event* may be any arbitrary string and does not need to have been previously defined. If\nany handler explicitly returns a value that is not `nil`, `emit()` returns that value and\nceases to call subsequent handlers. This is useful for stopping the propagation of an event\nlike a keypress after it has been handled, or for passing back values from handlers.\n@param event The string event name.\n@param ... Arguments passed to the handler.\n@usage events.emit('my_event', 'my message')\n@return `nil` unless any any handler explicitly returned a non-`nil` value; otherwise returns\n that value
@@ -582,7 +583,7 @@ graph lexer.graph (pattern)\nA pattern that matches any graphical character ('!'
h_scroll_bar view.h_scroll_bar (bool)\nDisplay the horizontal scroll bar.\nThe default value is `true`.
height ui.command_entry.height (number)\nThe height in pixels of the command entry.
hex_num lexer.hex_num (pattern)\nA pattern that matches a hexadecimal number.
-hide_lines view.hide_lines(view, start_line, end_line)\nHides the range of lines between line numbers *start_line* to *end_line*.\nThis has no effect on fold levels or fold flags and the first line cannot be hidden.\n@param view A view.\n@param start_line The start line of the range of lines in *view* to hide.\n@param end_line The end line of the range of lines in *view* to hide.
+hide_lines view.hide_lines(view, start_line, end_line)\nHides the range of lines between line numbers *start_line* to *end_line*.\nThis has no effect on fold levels or fold flags.\n@param view A view.\n@param start_line The start line of the range of lines in *view* to hide.\n@param end_line The end line of the range of lines in *view* to hide.
highlight_all_matches ui.find.highlight_all_matches (boolean)\nWhether or not to highlight all occurrences of found text in the current buffer.\nThe default value is `false`.
highlight_guide view.highlight_guide (number)\nThe indentation guide column number to also highlight when highlighting matching braces,\nor `0` to stop indentation guide highlighting.
highlight_words textadept.editing.highlight_words (number)\nThe word highlight mode.\n\n* `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_CURRENT`\n Automatically highlight all instances of the current word.\n* `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED`\n Automatically highlight all instances of the selected word.\n* `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_NONE`\n Do not automatically highlight words.\n\nThe default value is `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_NONE`.
@@ -784,7 +785,6 @@ properties _SCINTILLA.properties (table)\nMap of Scintilla property names to tab
property lexer.property (table)\nMap of key-value string pairs.
property view.property (table)\nMap of key-value string pairs used by lexers.
property_expanded lexer.property_expanded (table, Read-only)\nMap of key-value string pairs with `$()` and `%()` variable replacement performed in values.
-property_expanded view.property_expanded (table, Read-only)\nMap of key-value string pairs used by lexers with `$()` and `%()` variable replacement\nperformed in values.
property_int lexer.property_int (table, Read-only)\nMap of key-value pairs with values interpreted as numbers, or `0` if not found.
property_int view.property_int (table, Read-only)\nMap of key-value pairs used by lexers with values interpreted as numbers, or `0` if not found.
punct lexer.punct (pattern)\nA pattern that matches any punctuation character ('!' to '/', ':' to '@', '[' to ''',\n'{' to '~').