path: root/modules/lua/ta_api
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1 files changed, 4 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/modules/lua/ta_api b/modules/lua/ta_api
index 08a28627..57c8a8bb 100644
--- a/modules/lua/ta_api
+++ b/modules/lua/ta_api
@@ -432,9 +432,10 @@ clear buffer.clear(buffer)\nDeletes the selected text or the character at the ca
clear textadept.bookmarks.clear()\nClears all bookmarks in the current buffer.
clear textadept.history.clear()\nClears all view history.
clear_all buffer.clear_all(buffer)\nDeletes the buffer's text.\n@param buffer A buffer.
+clear_all_representations view.clear_all_representations(view)\nRemoves all alternate string representations of characters.\n@param view A view.
clear_document_style buffer.clear_document_style(buffer)\nClears all styling and folding information.\n@param buffer A buffer.
clear_registered_images view.clear_registered_images(view)\nClears all images registered using `view.register_image()` and `view.register_rgba_image()`.\n@param view A view.
-clear_representation view.clear_representation(view, char)\nRemoves the alternate string representation for character *char* (which may be a multi-byte\n character).\n@param view A view.\n@param char The string character in `buffer.representations` to remove the alternate string\n representation for.
+clear_representation view.clear_representation(view, char)\nRemoves the alternate string representation for character *char* (which may be a multi-byte\ncharacter).\n@param view A view.\n@param char The string character in `buffer.representations` to remove the alternate string\n representation for.
clipboard_text ui.clipboard_text (string)\nThe text on the clipboard.
close buffer.close(buffer, force)\nCloses the buffer, prompting the user to continue if there are unsaved changes (unless *force*\nis `true`), and returns `true` if the buffer was closed.\n@param buffer A buffer.\n@param force Optional flag that discards unsaved changes without prompting the user. The\n default value is `false`.\n@return `true` if the buffer was closed; `nil` otherwise.
close spawn_proc:close()\nCloses standard input for process *spawn_proc*, effectively sending an EOF (end of file) to it.
@@ -821,6 +822,8 @@ replace_sel buffer.replace_sel(buffer, text)\nReplaces the selected text with st
replace_target buffer.replace_target(buffer, text)\nReplaces the text in the target range with string *text* sans modifying any selections or\nscrolling the view.\nSetting the target and calling this function with an empty string is another way to delete text.\n@param buffer A buffer.\n@param text The text to replace the target range with.\n@return number
replace_target_re buffer.replace_target_re(buffer, text)\nReplaces the text in the target range with string *text* but first replaces any "\d" sequences\nwith the text of capture number *d* from the regular expression (or the entire match for *d*\n= 0), and then returns the replacement text's length.\n@param buffer A buffer.\n@param text The text to replace the target range with.\n@return number
representation view.representation (table)\nThe alternative string representations of characters.\nRepresentations are displayed in the same way control characters are. Use the empty\nstring for the '\0' character when assigning its representation. Characters are strings,\nnot numeric codes, and can be multi-byte characters.\nCall `view.clear_representation()` to remove a representation.
+representation_appearance view.representation_appearance (table)\nMap of characters to their string representation's appearance.\n\n* `view.REPRESENTATION_PLAIN`\n Draw the representation with no decoration.\n* `view.REPRESENTATION_BLOB`\n Draw the representation within a rounded rectangle and an inverted color.\n* `view.REPRESENTATION_COLOR`\n Draw the representation using the color set in `view.representation_color`.\n\nThe default values are `view.REPRESENTATION_BLOB`.
+representation_color view.representation_color (table)\nMap of characters to their string representation's color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
reset _G.reset()\nResets the Lua State by reloading all initialization scripts.\nLanguage modules for opened files are NOT reloaded. Re-opening the files that use them will\nreload those modules instead.\nThis function is useful for modifying user scripts (such as *~/.textadept/init.lua* and\n*~/.textadept/modules/textadept/keys.lua*) on the fly without having to restart Textadept. `arg`\nis set to `nil` when reinitializing the Lua State. Any scripts that need to differentiate\nbetween startup and reset can test `arg`.
reset_element_color view.reset_element_color(view, element)\nResets the color of UI element *element* to its default color.\n@param element One of the UI elements specified in `view.element_color`.\n@see element_color
rgba_image_height view.rgba_image_height (number)\nThe height of the RGBA image to be defined using `view.marker_define_rgba_image()`.