path: root/doc/12_Compiling.md
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+# Compiling
+## Requirements
+Unfortunately, the requirements for building Textadept are not quite as minimal
+as running it.
+### Linux and BSD
+Linux systems need the GTK+ development libraries. Your package manager should
+allow you to install them. For Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu, the
+package is typically called `libgtk2.0-dev`. Otherwise, compile and install GTK
+from the [GTK+ website][]. Additionally you will need the [GNU C compiler][]
+(`gcc`) and [GNU Make][] (`make`). Both should be available for your Linux
+distribution through its package manager. For example, Ubuntu includes these
+tools in the `build-essential` package.
+[GTK+ website]: http://www.gtk.org/download/linux.html
+[GNU C compiler]: http://gcc.gnu.org
+[GNU Make]: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/
+### Windows
+Compiling Textadept on Windows is no longer supported. If you wish to do so
+however, you need a C compiler that supports the C99 standard (Microsoft's does
+not) and the [GTK+ for Windows bundle][] (2.22 is recommended).
+The preferred way to compile for Windows is cross-compiling from Linux. To do
+so, in addition to the GTK bundle mentioned above, you need [MinGW][] with the
+Windows header files. They should be available from your package manager.
+[GTK+ for Windows bundle]: http://www.gtk.org/download/win32.html
+[MinGW]: http://mingw.org
+### Mac OSX
+[XCode][] is needed for Mac OSX as well as [jhbuild][]. After building
+`meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap` and `meta-gtk-osx-core`, you need to build
+`meta-gtk-osx-themes`. Note that the entire compiling process can easily take
+30 minutes or more and ultimately consume nearly 1GB of disk space.
+[XCode]: http://developer.apple.com/TOOLS/xcode/
+[jhbuild]: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gtk-osx/wiki/Build
+## Compiling
+Make sure you downloaded the `textadept_x.x.src.zip` (regardless of what
+platform you are on) and not a platform-specific binary package.
+### Linux and BSD
+For Linux systems, simply run `make` in the `src/` directory. The `textadept`
+executable is created in the root directory. Make a symlink from it to
+`/usr/bin/` or elsewhere in your `PATH`.
+BSD users please run `make BSD=1`.
+### Cross Compiling for Windows
+When cross-compiling from within Linux, first unzip the GTK+ for Windows bundle
+into a new `src/win32gtk` directory. Then modify the `CC`, `CPP`, and `WINDRES`
+variables in the `WIN32` block of `src/Makefile` to match your MinGW
+installation and run `make WIN32=1` to build `../textadept.exe`.
+### Mac OSX
+After using `jhbuild`, GTK is in `~/gtk` so make a symlink from `~/gtk/inst` to
+`src/gtkosx` in Textadept. Then run `make OSX=1` to build `../textadept.osx`. At
+this point it is recommended to build a new `textadept.app` from an existing
+one. Download the most recent app and replace `Contents/MacOS/textadept.osx`,
+all `.dylib` files in `Contents/Resources/lib`, and all `.so` files in
+`Contents/Resources/lib/gtk-2.0/<version>/{engines,immodules,loaders}` with your
+own versions in `src/gtkosx/lib`. If you wish, you may also replace the files
+in `Contents/Resources/{etc,share}`, but these rarely change.
+#### Problems
+If the build fails because of a
+ `redefinition of 'struct Sci_TextRange'`
+error, open `src/scintilla/include/Scintilla.h` and comment out the following
+lines (put `//` at the start of the line):
+ #define CharacterRange Sci_CharacterRange
+ #define TextRange Sci_TextRange
+ #define TextToFind Sci_TextToFind
+### Compiling with LuaJIT
+[LuaJIT][] is a Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua and can boost the speed of Lua
+programs. I have noticed that syntax highlighting can be up to 2 times faster
+with LuaJIT than with vanilla Lua. This difference is largely unnoticable on
+modern computers and usually only discernable when initially loading large
+files. Other than syntax highlighting, LuaJIT offers no real benefit
+performance-wise to justify it being Textadept's default runtime. LuaJIT's
+[ffi library][], however, appears to be useful for interfacing with external,
+non-Lua, libraries.
+You can compile Textadept with LuaJIT by running `make LUAJIT=1` for Linux
+systems, `make OSX=1 LUAJIT=1` for Mac OSX, and `make WIN32=1 LUAJIT=1` for
+Windows systems.
+Please note that a `lua51.dll` is produced for Windows platforms because
+limitations on external Lua library loading do not allow statically linking
+LuaJIT to Textadept. Static linking occurs on all other platforms.
+[LuaJIT]: http://luajit.org
+[ffi library]: http://luajit.org/ext_ffi.html