path: root/doc/11_Scripting.md
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/11_Scripting.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 103 deletions
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-# Scripting
-Since Textadept is entirely scriptable with Lua, the editor has superb support
-for editing Lua code. Textadept provides syntax autocompletion and documentation
-for the Lua and Textadept APIs. The [`lua` module][] also has more tools for
-working with Lua code.
-![ta Autocompletion](images/adeptsense_ta.png)
-![ta Documentation](images/adeptsense_tadoc.png)
-[`lua` module]: api/_M.lua.html
-## LuaDoc and Examples
-Textadept's API is heavily documented. The [API documentation][] is the ultimate
-resource on scripting Textadept. There are of course abundant scripting examples
-since the editor's internals consist primarily of Lua.
-[API documentation]: api/index.html
-### Generating LuaDoc
-Generate Textadept-like API documentation for your own modules using the
-*doc/markdowndoc.lua* [LuaDoc][] module (you must have [Discount][] installed):
- luadoc -d . [-t template_dir] --doclet _HOME/doc/markdowndoc [module(s)]
-where `_HOME` is the path where you installed Textadept and `template_dir` is an
-optional template directory that contains two Markdown files: *.header.md* and
-*.footer.md*. (See *doc/.header.md* and *doc/.footer.md* for examples.) LuaDoc
-creates an *api/* directory in the current directory that contains the generated
-API documentation HTML files.
-[LuaDoc]: http://keplerproject.github.com/luadoc/
-[Discount]: http://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code/discount/
-## Lua Configuration
-Textadept contains its own copy of [Lua 5.2][] which has the same configuration
-(*luaconf.h*) as vanilla Lua with the following exceptions:
-* `TA_LUA_PATH` and `TA_LUA_CPATH` replace the `LUA_PATH` and `LUA_CPATH`
- environment variables.
-* `LUA_ROOT` is "/usr/" in Linux systems instead of "/usr/local/".
-* `LUA_PATH` and `LUA_CPATH` do not have "./?.lua" and "./?.so" in them.
-* No Lua 5.1 compatibility flags are set.
-[Lua 5.2]: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/
-### LuaJIT
-Even though Textadept runs with [LuaJIT][], LuaJIT does not fully support
-Lua 5.2. Therefore, try to write your modules and scripts to be compatible with
-both versions. For the most part, LuaJIT only lacks Lua 5.2's new `_ENV`.
-[LuaJIT]: http://luajit.org
-## Scintilla
-Textadept uses the [Scintilla][] editing component. The [buffer][] part of
-Textadept's API emulates the [Scintilla API][] so porting any C/C++ Scintilla
-calls to Lua should not be difficult.
-[Scintilla]: http://scintilla.org
-[buffer]: api/buffer.html
-[Scintilla API]: http://scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html
-## Textadept Structure
-Because Textadept consists mainly of Lua, its Lua scripts have to be stored in
-an organized folder structure.
-### Core
-The *core/* directory contains Textadept's core Lua modules. These modules are
-essential for the application to run. They provide Textadept's Lua to C
-interface, event structure, file interactions, and localization.
-### Lexers
-Lexer modules analyze source code for syntax highlighting. *lexers/* houses
-### Modules
-*modules/* contains generic and language modules for editing text and source
-### Themes
-*themes/* has built-in themes that customize the look and feel of Textadept.
-### User
-The *~/.textadept/* folder houses your preferences, Lua modules, themes, and
-user-data. This folder may contain *lexers/*, *modules/*, and *themes/*
-### GTK+
-GTK+ uses the *etc/*, *lib/*, and *share/* directories, which only appear in the
-Win32 and Mac OSX packages.