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5 files changed, 352 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/modules/textadept/snippets.lua b/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
index 60134bc9..af7819b9 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
@@ -41,21 +41,33 @@ local M = {}
-- ### `%`*n*`<`*Lua code*`>`<br/>`%`*n*`[`*Shell code*`]`
--- Represents a transform, where *n* is an integer, *Lua code* is arbitrary Lua
--- code, and *Shell code* is arbitrary Shell code. Textadept executes the code
--- when the editor visits placeholder *n*. If the transform omits *n*, Textadept
--- executes the transform's code the moment the editor inserts the snippet.
+-- Represents a transform, where *n* is an integer that has an associated
+-- placeholder, *Lua code* is arbitrary Lua code, and *Shell code* is arbitrary
+-- Shell code. Textadept executes the code as text is typed into placeholder
+-- *n*. If the transform omits *n*, Textadept executes the transform's code the
+-- moment the editor inserts the snippet.
-- Textadept runs Lua code in its Lua State and replaces the transform with the
--- code's return text. The code may use a temporary `selected_text` global
--- variable that contains the currently selected text. An example is
+-- code's return text. The code may use the temporary `text` and `selected_text`
+-- global variables which contain placeholder *n*'s text and the text originally
+-- selected when the snippet was inserted, respectively. An example is
--- snippets['add'] = '%1(1) + %2(2) = %3<%1 + %2>'
+-- snippets['attr'] = [[
+-- %1(int) %2(foo) = %3;
+-- %1 get%2<text:gsub('^.', function(c) return c:upper() end)>() {
+-- return %2;
+-- }
+-- void set%2<text:gsub('^.', function(c) return c:upper() end)>(%1 value) {
+-- %2 = value;
+-- }
+-- ]]
-- Textadept executes shell code using Lua's [`io.popen()`][] and replaces the
--- transform with the process' standard output (stdout). An example is
+-- transform with the process' standard output (stdout). The code may use a `%`
+-- character to represent placeholder *n*'s text. An example is
--- snippets['foo'] = '$%1(HOME) = %2[echo $%1]'
+-- snippets['env'] = '$%1(HOME) = %1[echo $%]'
-- ### `%%`
@@ -72,22 +84,63 @@ local M = {}
-- A single set of line ending delimiters based on the buffer's end of line mode
-- ([`buffer.eol_mode`]()).
--- [`io.popen()`]: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io.popen
+-- [`io.popen()`]: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#pdf-io.popen
+-- @fields INDIC_PLACEHOLDER (number)
+-- The snippet placeholder indicator number.
--- The stack of currently running snippets.
-local snippet_stack = {}
+M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER = _SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()
local INDIC_SNIPPET = _SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()
+local INDIC_CURRENTPLACEHOLDER = _SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()
-local newlines = {[0] = '\r\n', '\r', '\n'}
--- Inserts a new snippet.
+-- The stack of currently running snippets.
+local snippet_stack = {}
+-- Inserts a new snippet, adds it to the snippet stack, and returns the snippet.
-- @param text The new snippet to insert.
-- @param trigger The trigger text used to expand the snippet, if any.
local function new_snippet(text, trigger)
+ -- An inserted snippet.
+ -- @field trigger The word that triggered this snippet.
+ -- @field original_sel_text The text originally selected when this snippet was
+ -- inserted.
+ -- @field start_pos This snippet's start position.
+ -- @field end_pos This snippet's end position. This is a metafield that is
+ -- computed based on the `INDIC_SNIPPET` sentinel.
+ -- @field placeholder_pos The beginning of the current placeholder in this
+ -- snippet. This is used by transforms to identify text to transform. This
+ -- is a metafield that is computed based on `INDIC_CURRENTPLACEHOLDER`.
+ -- @field index This snippet's current placeholder index.
+ -- @field max_index The number of different placeholders in this snippet.
+ -- @field snapshots A record of this snippet's text over time. The snapshot
+ -- for a given placeholder index contains the state of the snippet with all
+ -- placeholders of that index filled in (prior to moving to the next
+ -- placeholder index). Snippet state consists of a `text` string field and a
+ -- `placeholders` table field.
+ -- @class table
+ -- @name snippet
local snippet = setmetatable({
- trigger = trigger, original_sel_text = buffer:get_sel_text(), snapshots = {}
- }, {__index = M._snippet_mt})
+ trigger = trigger, original_sel_text = buffer:get_sel_text(),
+ start_pos = buffer.current_pos - (trigger and #trigger or 0),
+ index = 0, max_index = 0, snapshots = {},
+ }, {__index = function(self, k)
+ if k == 'end_pos' then
+ return buffer:indicator_end(INDIC_SNIPPET, self.start_pos)
+ elseif k == 'placeholder_pos' then
+ -- Normally the marker is one character behind the placeholder. However
+ -- it will not exist at all if the placeholder is at the beginning of the
+ -- snippet. Also account for the marker being at the beginning of the
+ -- snippet. (If so, pos will point to the correct position.)
+ local pos = buffer:indicator_end(INDIC_CURRENTPLACEHOLDER, self.start_pos)
+ if pos == 0 then pos = self.start_pos end
+ return bit32.band(buffer:indicator_all_on_for(pos),
+ 2^INDIC_CURRENTPLACEHOLDER) > 0 and pos + 1 or pos
+ else
+ return M._snippet_mt[k]
+ end
+ end})
snippet_stack[#snippet_stack + 1] = snippet
-- Convert and match indentation.
@@ -109,17 +162,107 @@ local function new_snippet(text, trigger)
local additional_indent = indent[use_tabs]:rep(indent_size)
for i = 2, #lines do lines[i] = additional_indent..lines[i] end
- text = table.concat(lines, newlines[buffer.eol_mode])
+ text = table.concat(lines, ({[0] = '\r\n', '\r', '\n'})[buffer.eol_mode])
+ -- Parse placeholders and generate initial snapshot.
+ local snapshot = {text = '', placeholders = {}}
+ local P, S, R, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.V
+ local C, Cp, Ct, Cg, Cc = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cc
+ local patt = P{
+ V('plain_text') * V('placeholder') * Cp() + V('plain_text') * -1,
+ plain_text = C(((P(1) - '%')^1 + '%%')^0),
+ placeholder = Ct('%' * (V('index')^-1 * (V('angles') + V('brackets')) *
+ V('transform') +
+ V('index') * (V('parens') + V('simple')))),
+ index = Cg(R('09') / tonumber, 'index'),
+ parens = '(' * Cg((1 - S('()') + V('parens'))^0, 'default') * ')',
+ simple = Cg(Cc(true), 'simple'), transform = Cg(Cc(true), 'transform'),
+ angles = '<' * Cg((1 - S('<>') + V('angles'))^0, 'lua_code') * '>',
+ brackets = '[' * Cg((1 - S('[]') + V('brackets'))^0, 'sh_code') * ']'
+ }
+ -- A snippet placeholder.
+ -- Each placeholder is stored in a snippet snapshot.
+ -- @field id This placeholder's unique ID. This field is used as an
+ -- indicator's value for identification purposes.
+ -- @field index This placeholder's index.
+ -- @field default This placeholder's default text, if any.
+ -- @field transform Whether or not this placeholder is a transform (containing
+ -- either Lua or Shell code).
+ -- @field lua_code The Lua code of this transform.
+ -- @field sh_code The Shell code of this transform.
+ -- @field position This placeholder's initial position in its snapshot. This
+ -- field will not update until the next snapshot is taken. Use
+ -- `snippet:each_placeholder()` to determine a placeholder's current
+ -- position.
+ -- @field length This placeholder's initial length in its snapshot. This field
+ -- will never update. Use `buffer:indicator_end()` in conjunction with
+ -- `snippet:each_placeholder()` to determine a placeholder's current length.
+ -- @class table
+ -- @name placeholder
+ local text_part, placeholder, e = lpeg.match(patt, text)
+ while placeholder do
+ if placeholder.index then
+ local i = placeholder.index
+ if i > snippet.max_index then snippet.max_index = i end
+ placeholder.id = #snapshot.placeholders + 1
+ snapshot.placeholders[#snapshot.placeholders + 1] = placeholder
+ end
+ if text_part ~= '' then snapshot.text = snapshot.text..text_part end
+ placeholder.position = #snapshot.text
+ if placeholder.default then
+ -- Execute any embedded code first.
+ placeholder.default = placeholder.default:gsub('%%%b<>', function(s)
+ return snippet:execute_code{lua_code = s:sub(3, -2)}
+ end):gsub('%%%b[]', function(s)
+ return snippet:execute_code{sh_code = s:sub(3, -2)}
+ end)
+ if placeholder.default:find('%%%d+%b()') then
+ -- Parses out embedded placeholders, adding them to this snippet's
+ -- snapshot.
+ -- @param s The placeholder string to parse.
+ -- @param start_pos The absolute position in the snippet `s` starts
+ -- from. All computed positions are anchored from here.
+ -- @return plain text from `s` (i.e. no placeholder markup)
+ local function process_placeholders(s, start_pos)
+ return s:gsub('()%%(%d+)(%b())', function(position, index, default)
+ position = start_pos + position - 1
+ default = process_placeholders(default:sub(2, -2),
+ position + #index + 2) -- skip '%n('
+ index = tonumber(index)
+ if index > snippet.max_index then snippet.max_index = index end
+ snapshot.placeholders[#snapshot.placeholders + 1] = {
+ id = #snapshot.placeholders + 1,
+ index = index, default = default,
+ position = snippet.start_pos + position, length = #default
+ }
+ return default
+ end)
+ end
+ placeholder.default = process_placeholders(placeholder.default,
+ placeholder.position)
+ end
+ snapshot.text = snapshot.text..placeholder.default
+ elseif placeholder.transform and not placeholder.index then
+ snapshot.text = snapshot.text..snippet:execute_code(placeholder)
+ else
+ snapshot.text = snapshot.text..' ' -- fill empty placeholders for display
+ end
+ placeholder.length = #snapshot.text - placeholder.position
+ placeholder.position = snippet.start_pos + placeholder.position -- absolute
+ text_part, placeholder, e = lpeg.match(patt, text, e)
+ end
+ if text_part ~= '' then snapshot.text = snapshot.text..text_part end
+ snippet.snapshots[0] = snapshot
- -- Insert the snippet and its mark into the buffer.
- buffer:target_from_selection()
- if trigger then buffer.target_start = buffer.current_pos - #trigger end
- snippet.start_position = buffer.target_start
- buffer:replace_target(text..' ')
+ -- Insert the snippet into the buffer and mark its end position.
+ buffer:begin_undo_action()
+ buffer:set_target_range(snippet.start_pos, buffer.selection_end)
+ buffer:replace_target(' ') -- placeholder for snippet text
buffer.indicator_current = INDIC_SNIPPET
- buffer:indicator_fill_range(buffer.target_end - 1, 1)
+ buffer:indicator_fill_range(snippet.start_pos + 1, 1)
+ snippet:insert() -- insert into placeholder
+ buffer:end_undo_action()
- snippet:execute_code('')
return snippet
@@ -144,8 +287,7 @@ function M._insert(text)
local snippet = type(text) == 'string' and new_snippet(text, trigger) or
- if not snippet then return false end
- snippet:next()
+ if snippet then snippet:next() else return false end
@@ -163,7 +305,7 @@ end
-- Cancels the active snippet, removing all inserted text.
-- @name _cancel_current
function M._cancel_current()
- if #snippet_stack > 0 then snippet_stack[#snippet_stack]:cancel() end
+ if #snippet_stack > 0 then snippet_stack[#snippet_stack]:finish(true) end
@@ -193,175 +335,207 @@ function M._select()
if button == 1 and i then M._insert(t[i * 3]) end
--- Table of escape sequences.
--- @class table
--- @name escapes
-local escapes = {
- ['%%'] = '\027\027', ['\027\027'] = '%%',
- ['%('] = '\027\017', ['\027\017'] = '%(',
- ['%)'] = '\027\018', ['\027\018'] = '%)',
- ['%>'] = '\027\019', ['\027\019'] = '%>',
- ['%]'] = '\027\020', ['\027\020'] = '%]'
-- Metatable for a snippet object.
-- @class table
-- @name _snippet_mt
M._snippet_mt = {
- -- Gets a snippet's end position in the buffer.
- -- @param snippet The snippet returned by `new_snippet()`.
- get_end_position = function(snippet)
- return buffer:indicator_end(INDIC_SNIPPET, snippet.start_position + 1)
+ -- Inserts the current snapshot (based on `self.index`) of this snippet into
+ -- the buffer and marks placeholders.
+ insert = function(self)
+ buffer:set_target_range(self.start_pos, self.end_pos)
+ buffer:replace_target(self.snapshots[self.index].text)
+ buffer.indicator_current = M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER
+ for id, placeholder in pairs(self.snapshots[self.index].placeholders) do
+ buffer.indicator_value = id
+ buffer:indicator_fill_range(placeholder.position, placeholder.length)
+ end
- -- Gets the text for a snippet.
- -- @param snippet The snippet returned by `new_snippet()`.
- get_text = function(snippet)
- return buffer:text_range(snippet.start_position, snippet:get_end_position())
- end,
+ -- Jumps to the next placeholder in this snippet and adds additional carets
+ -- at mirrors.
+ next = function(self)
+ -- Take a snapshot of the current state in order to restore it later if
+ -- necessary.
+ if self.index > 0 then
+ local text = buffer:text_range(self.start_pos, self.end_pos)
+ local placeholders = {}
+ for pos, ph in self:each_placeholder() do
+ -- Only the position of placeholders changes between snapshots; save it
+ -- and keep all other existing properties.
+ -- Note that nested placeholders will return the same placeholder id
+ -- twice: once before a nested placeholder, and again after. (e.g.
+ -- [foo[bar]baz] will will return the '[foo' and 'baz]' portions of the
+ -- same placeholder.) Only process the first occurrence.
+ if not placeholders[ph.id] then
+ placeholders[ph.id] = setmetatable({position = pos}, {
+ __index = self.snapshots[self.index - 1].placeholders[ph.id]
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ self.snapshots[self.index] = {text = text, placeholders = placeholders}
+ end
+ self.index = self.index < self.max_index and self.index + 1 or 0
- -- Sets the text for a snippet.
- -- This text will be displayed immediately in the buffer.
- -- @param snippet The snippet returned by `new_snippet()`.
- -- @param text The snippet's text.
- set_text = function(snippet, text)
- buffer:set_target_range(snippet.start_position, snippet:get_end_position())
- buffer:replace_target(text)
- end,
+ -- Find the default placeholder, which may be the first mirror.
+ local ph = select(2, self:each_placeholder(self.index, 'default')()) or
+ select(2, self:each_placeholder(self.index, 'simple')()) or
+ self.index == 0 and {position = self.end_pos, length = 0}
+ if not ph then self:next() return end -- try next placeholder
- -- Returns the escaped form of the snippet's text.
- -- @param snippet The snippet returned by `new_snippet()`.
- -- @see escapes
- get_escaped_text = function(snippet)
- return snippet:get_text():gsub('%%[%%%(%)>%]]', escapes)
- end,
+ -- Mark the position of the placeholder so transforms can identify it.
+ buffer.indicator_current = INDIC_CURRENTPLACEHOLDER
+ buffer:indicator_clear_range(self.placeholder_pos - 1, 1)
+ if ph.position > self.start_pos and self.index > 0 then
+ -- Place it directly behind the placeholder so it will be preserved.
+ buffer:indicator_fill_range(ph.position - 1, 1)
+ end
+ buffer:begin_undo_action()
+ -- Jump to the default placeholder and clear its marker.
+ buffer:set_sel(ph.position, ph.position + ph.length)
+ local e = buffer:indicator_end(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, ph.position)
+ buffer.indicator_current = M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER
+ buffer:indicator_clear_range(ph.position, e - ph.position)
+ if not ph.default then buffer:replace_sel('') end -- delete filler ' '
- -- Returns the unescaped form of the given text.
- -- This does the opposite of `get_escaped_text()` by default. The behaviour is
- -- slightly different when `complete` true.
- -- @param text Text to unescape.
- -- @param complete Flag indicating whether or not to also remove the extra
- -- escape character '%'. The default value is `false`.
- unescape_text = function(text, complete)
- text = text:gsub('\027.', escapes)
- return complete and text:gsub('%%([%%%(%)>%]])', '%1') or text
+ -- Add additional carets at mirrors and clear their markers.
+ local text = ph.default or ''
+ ::redo::
+ for pos in self:each_placeholder(self.index, 'simple') do
+ local e = buffer:indicator_end(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, pos)
+ buffer:indicator_clear_range(pos, e - pos)
+ buffer:set_target_range(pos, pos + 1)
+ buffer:replace_target(text)
+ buffer:add_selection(pos, pos + #text)
+ goto redo -- indicator positions have changed
+ end
+ buffer.main_selection = 0
+ -- Update transforms.
+ self:update_transforms()
+ buffer:end_undo_action()
+ if self.index == 0 then self:finish() end
- -- Executes code in the snippet for the given index.
- -- @param snippet The snippet returned by `new_snippet()`.
- -- @param index Execute code with this index.
- execute_code = function(snippet, index)
- local escaped_text = snippet:get_escaped_text()
- -- Lua code.
- escaped_text = escaped_text:gsub('%%'..index..'<([^>]*)>', function(code)
- local env = setmetatable({selected_text = snippet.original_sel_text},
- {__index = _G})
- local f, result = load('return '..snippet.unescape_text(code, true), nil,
- 'bt', env)
- if f then result = select(2, pcall(f)) end
- return result or ''
- end)
- -- Shell code.
- escaped_text = escaped_text:gsub('%%'..index..'%[([^%]]*)%]', function(code)
- local p = io.popen(snippet.unescape_text(code, true))
- local result = p:read('*a'):sub(1, -2) -- chop '\n'
- p:close()
- return result
- end)
- snippet:set_text(snippet.unescape_text(escaped_text))
+ -- Jumps to the previous placeholder in this snippet and restores the state
+ -- associated with that placeholder.
+ previous = function(self)
+ if self.index < 2 then self:finish(true) return end
+ self.index = self.index - 2
+ self:insert()
+ self:next()
- -- Goes to the next placeholder in a snippet.
- -- @param snippet The snippet returned by `new_snippet()`.
- next = function(snippet)
- -- If the snippet was just initialized, determine how many placeholders it
- -- has.
- if not snippet.index then
- snippet.index, snippet.max_index = 1, 0
- for i in snippet:get_escaped_text():gmatch('%%(%d+)') do
- i = tonumber(i)
- if i > snippet.max_index then snippet.max_index = i end
- end
+ -- Finishes or cancels this snippet depending on boolean *canceling*.
+ -- The snippet cleans up after itself regardless.
+ -- @param canceling Whether or not to cancel inserting this snippet. When
+ -- `true`, the buffer is restored to its state prior to snippet expansion.
+ finish = function(self, canceling)
+ if canceling then
+ buffer:set_sel(self.start_pos, self.end_pos)
+ buffer:replace_sel(self.trigger or self.original_sel_text)
- local index = snippet.index
- snippet.snapshots[index] = snippet:get_text()
- if index <= snippet.max_index then
- -- Execute shell and Lua code.
- snippet:execute_code(index)
- local escaped_text = snippet:get_escaped_text()..' '
- -- Find the next placeholder.
- local s, _, placeholder, e = escaped_text:find('%%'..index..'(%b())()')
- if not s then s, _, e = escaped_text:find('%%'..index..'()[^(]') end
- if s then
- local start = snippet.start_position
- placeholder = (placeholder or ''):sub(2, -2)
- -- Place the caret at the placeholder.
- buffer:set_target_range(start + s - 1, start + e - 1)
- buffer:replace_target(snippet.unescape_text(placeholder))
- buffer:set_sel(buffer.target_start, buffer.target_end)
- -- Add additional carets at mirrors.
- escaped_text = snippet:get_escaped_text()..' '
- local offset = 0
- for s2, e2 in escaped_text:gmatch('()%%'..index..'()[^(]') do
- buffer:set_target_range(start + s2 - 1 + offset,
- start + e2 - 1 + offset)
- buffer:replace_target(placeholder)
- buffer:add_selection(buffer.target_start, buffer.target_end)
- offset = offset + (#placeholder - (e2 - s2))
+ buffer:delete_range(self.end_pos, 1) -- clear initial padding space
+ snippet_stack[#snippet_stack] = nil
+ end,
+ -- Returns a generator that returns each placeholder's position and state for
+ -- all placeholders in this snippet.
+ -- DO NOT modify the buffer while this generator is running. Doing so will
+ -- affect the generator's state and cause errors. Re-run the generator each
+ -- time a buffer edit is made (e.g. via `goto`).
+ -- @param index Optional placeholder index to constrain results to.
+ -- @param type Optional placeholder type to constrain results to.
+ each_placeholder = function(self, index, type)
+ local snapshot = self.snapshots[self.index > 0 and self.index - 1 or
+ #self.snapshots]
+ local i = self.start_pos
+ return function()
+ local s = buffer:indicator_end(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, i)
+ while s > 0 and s <= self.end_pos do
+ if bit32.band(buffer:indicator_all_on_for(i),
+ -- This next indicator comes directly after the previous one; adjust
+ -- start and end positions to compensate.
+ s, i = buffer:indicator_start(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, i), s
+ else
+ i = buffer:indicator_end(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, s)
+ end
+ local id = buffer:indicator_value_at(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, s)
+ local ph = snapshot.placeholders[id]
+ if (not index or ph.index == index) and (not type or ph[type]) then
+ return s, ph
- buffer.main_selection = 0
+ s = buffer:indicator_end(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, i)
- snippet.index = index + 1
- if not s then snippet:next() end
- else
- snippet:finish()
- -- Goes to the previous placeholder in a snippet.
- -- @param snippet The snippet returned by `new_snippet()`.
- previous = function(snippet)
- if snippet.index <= 2 then snippet:cancel() return end
- snippet:set_text(snippet.snapshots[snippet.index - 2])
- snippet.index = snippet.index - 2
- snippet:next()
- end,
- -- Cancels a snippet.
- -- @param snippet The snippet returned by `new_snippet()`.
- cancel = function(snippet)
- buffer:set_sel(snippet.start_position, snippet:get_end_position())
- buffer:replace_sel(snippet.trigger or snippet.original_sel_text)
- buffer.indicator_current = INDIC_SNIPPET
- buffer:indicator_clear_range(snippet:get_end_position(), 1)
- snippet_stack[#snippet_stack] = nil
+ -- Returns the result of executing Lua or Shell code, in placeholder table
+ -- *placeholder*, in the context of this snippet.
+ -- @param placeholder The placeholder that contains code to execute.
+ execute_code = function(self, placeholder)
+ local text = buffer:text_range(self.placeholder_pos, buffer.selection_end)
+ if not self.index then text = '' end -- %<...> or %[...]
+ if placeholder.lua_code then
+ local env = {text = text, selected_text = self.original_sel_text}
+ local f, result = load('return '..placeholder.lua_code, nil, 'bt',
+ setmetatable(env, {__index = _G}))
+ return f and select(2, pcall(f)) or result or ''
+ elseif placeholder.sh_code then
+ local command = placeholder.sh_code:gsub('%f[%%]%%%f[^%%]', text)
+ local p = io.popen(command)
+ local result = p:read('*a'):sub(1, -2) -- chop '\n'
+ p:close()
+ return result
+ end
- -- Finishes a snippet by going to its "%0" placeholder and cleaning up.
- -- @param snippet The snippet returned by `new_snippet()`.
- finish = function(snippet)
- snippet:set_text(snippet.unescape_text(snippet:get_text(), true))
- local s, e = snippet:get_text():find('%%0')
- if s and e then
- buffer:set_sel(snippet.start_position + s - 1, snippet.start_position + e)
- buffer:replace_sel('')
- else
- buffer:goto_pos(snippet:get_end_position())
+ -- Updates transforms in place based on the current placeholder's text.
+ update_transforms = function(self)
+ buffer.indicator_current = M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER
+ local processed = {}
+ ::redo::
+ for s, ph in self:each_placeholder(nil, 'transform') do
+ if ph.index == self.index and not processed[ph] then
+ -- Execute the code and replace any existing transform text.
+ local result = self:execute_code(ph)
+ if result == '' then result = ' ' end -- fill for display
+ local id = buffer:indicator_value_at(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, s)
+ buffer:set_target_range(s, buffer:indicator_end(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, s))
+ buffer:replace_target(result)
+ buffer.indicator_value = id
+ buffer:indicator_fill_range(s, #result) -- re-mark
+ processed[ph] = true
+ goto redo -- indicator positions have changed
+ elseif ph.index < self.index or self.index == 0 then
+ -- Clear obsolete transforms, deleting filler text if necessary.
+ local e = buffer:indicator_end(M.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER, s)
+ buffer:indicator_clear_range(s, e - s)
+ if buffer:text_range(s, e) == ' ' then
+ buffer:set_target_range(s, e)
+ buffer:replace_target('')
+ goto redo
+ end
+ end
+ -- TODO: insert initial transform for ph.index > self.index
- buffer.indicator_current = INDIC_SNIPPET
- e = snippet:get_end_position()
- buffer:indicator_clear_range(e, 1)
- buffer:delete_range(e, 1) -- clear initial padding space
- snippet_stack[#snippet_stack] = nil
+-- Update snippet transforms when text is added or deleted.
+events.connect(events.UPDATE_UI, function(updated)
+ if #snippet_stack > 0 and bit32.band(updated, buffer.UPDATE_CONTENT) > 0 then
+ snippet_stack[#snippet_stack]:update_transforms()
+ end
events.connect(events.VIEW_NEW, function()
buffer.indic_style[INDIC_SNIPPET] = buffer.INDIC_HIDDEN
+ buffer.indic_style[INDIC_CURRENTPLACEHOLDER] = buffer.INDIC_HIDDEN
diff --git a/properties.lua b/properties.lua
index c534b57b..a4f481d8 100644
--- a/properties.lua
+++ b/properties.lua
@@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ buffer:brace_highlight_indicator(not CURSES, INDIC_BRACEMATCH)
local INDIC_HIGHLIGHT = textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT
buffer.indic_style[INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = buffer.INDIC_ROUNDBOX
if not CURSES then buffer.indic_under[INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = true end
+buffer.indic_style[INDIC_PLACEHOLDER] = not CURSES and buffer.INDIC_DOTBOX or
-- Autocompletion.
--buffer.auto_c_separator =
diff --git a/themes/dark.lua b/themes/dark.lua
index 84c25c64..eee87d7a 100644
--- a/themes/dark.lua
+++ b/themes/dark.lua
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ buffer.indic_fore[INDIC_BRACEMATCH] = property_int['color.light_grey']
local INDIC_HIGHLIGHT = textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT
buffer.indic_fore[INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = property_int['color.orange']
buffer.indic_alpha[INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = 255
+buffer.indic_fore[INDIC_PLACEHOLDER] = property_int['color.grey']
-- Call tips.
--buffer.call_tip_fore_hlt = property_int['color.light_blue']
diff --git a/themes/light.lua b/themes/light.lua
index ac45310c..3630b3b9 100644
--- a/themes/light.lua
+++ b/themes/light.lua
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ buffer.indic_fore[INDIC_BRACEMATCH] = property_int['color.grey']
local INDIC_HIGHLIGHT = textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT
buffer.indic_fore[INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = property_int['color.orange']
buffer.indic_alpha[INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = 255
+buffer.indic_fore[INDIC_PLACEHOLDER] = property_int['color.grey_black']
-- Call tips.
--buffer.call_tip_fore_hlt = property_int['color.light_blue']
diff --git a/themes/term.lua b/themes/term.lua
index b99e870b..4cd440a0 100644
--- a/themes/term.lua
+++ b/themes/term.lua
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ buffer.marker_back[textadept.run.MARK_ERROR] = property_int['color.red']
buffer.indic_fore[ui.find.INDIC_FIND] = property_int['color.yellow']
local INDIC_HIGHLIGHT = textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT
buffer.indic_fore[INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = property_int['color.yellow']
+buffer.indic_fore[INDIC_PLACEHOLDER] = property_int['color.magenta']
-- Call tips.
--buffer.call_tip_fore_hlt = property_int['color.blue']