diff options
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/modules/textadept/run.lua b/modules/textadept/run.lua
index e816ff39..eb588a2b 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/run.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/run.lua
@@ -96,10 +96,9 @@ local function command(commands, event)
filedir, filename = filepath:match('^(.+[/\\])([^/\\]+)$')
local filename_noext = filename:match('^(.+)%.')
- command = command:gsub('%%%b()', {
- ['%(filepath)'] = filepath, ['%(filedir)'] = filedir,
- ['%(filename)'] = filename, ['%(filename_noext)'] = filename_noext,
- }):gsub('%%([dfe])', {d = filedir, f = filename, e = filename_noext})
+ command = command:gsub('%%([pdfe])', {
+ p = filepath, d = filedir, f = filename, e = filename_noext
+ })
preferred_view = view
@@ -164,10 +163,10 @@ end
-- command line strings or functions that return such strings.
-- Command line strings may have the following macros:
--- + `%f` or `%(filename)`: The file's name, including its extension.
--- + `%e` or `%(filename_noext)`: The file's name, excluding its extension.
--- + `%d` or `%(filedir)`: The current file's directory path.
--- + `%(filepath)`: The current file's full path.
+-- + `%f`: The file's name, including its extension.
+-- + `%e`: The file's name, excluding its extension.
+-- + `%d`: The current file's directory path.
+-- + `%p`: The current file's full path.
-- @class table
-- @name compile_commands
M.compile_commands = {actionscript='mxmlc "%f"',ada='gnatmake "%f"',ansi_c='gcc -o "%e" "%f"',antlr='antlr4 "%f"',g='antlr3 "%f"',applescript='osacompile "%f" -o "%e.scpt"',asm='nasm "%f" && ld "%e.o" -o "%e"',boo='booc "%f"',caml='ocamlc -o "%e" "%f"',csharp=WIN32 and 'csc "%f"' or 'mcs "%f"',cpp='g++ -o "%e" "%f"',coffeescript='coffee -c "%f"',context='context --nonstopmode "%f"',cuda=WIN32 and 'nvcc -o "%e.exe" "%f"' or 'nvcc -o "%e" "%f"',dmd='dmd "%f"',dot='dot -Tps "%f" -o "%e.ps"',eiffel='se c "%f"',erlang='erl -compile "%e"',fsharp=WIN32 and 'fsc.exe "%f"' or 'mono fsc.exe "%f"',fortran='gfortran -o "%e" "%f"',gap='gac -o "%e" "%f"',go='go build "%f"',groovy='groovyc "%f"',haskell=WIN32 and 'ghc -o "%e.exe" "%f"' or 'ghc -o "%e" "%f"',inform=function() return 'inform -c "'..buffer.filename:match('^(.+%.inform[/\\])Source')..'"' end,java='javac "%f"',ltx='pdflatex -file-line-error -halt-on-error "%f"',less='lessc "%f" "%e.css"',lilypond='lilypond "%f"',lisp='clisp -c "%f"',litcoffee='coffee -c "%f"',lua='luac -o "%e.luac" "%f"',markdown='markdown "%f" > "%e.html"',nemerle='ncc "%f" -out:"%e.exe"',nim='nim c "%f"',nsis='MakeNSIS "%f"',objective_c='gcc -o "%e" "%f"',pascal='fpc "%f"',perl='perl -c "%f"',php='php -l "%f"',prolog='gplc --no-top-level "%f"',python='python -m py_compile "%f"',ruby='ruby -c "%f"',sass='sass "%f" "%e.css"',scala='scalac "%f"',tex='pdflatex -file-line-error -halt-on-error "%f"',vala='valac "%f"',vb=WIN32 and 'vbc "%f"' or 'vbnc "%f"',}
@@ -187,10 +186,10 @@ events.connect(events.COMPILE_OUTPUT, print_output)
-- line strings or functions that return strings.
-- Command line strings may have the following macros:
--- + `%f` or `%(filename)`: The file's name, including its extension.
--- + `%e` or `%(filename_noext)`: The file's name, excluding its extension.
--- + `%d` or `%(filedir)`: The current file's directory path.
--- + `%(filepath)`: The full path of the current file.
+-- + `%f`: The file's name, including its extension.
+-- + `%e`: The file's name, excluding its extension.
+-- + `%d`: The current file's directory path.
+-- + `%p`: The full path of the current file.
-- @class table
-- @name run_commands
M.run_commands = {actionscript=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.swf"' or OSX and 'open "file://%e.swf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.swf"',ada=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',ansi_c=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',applescript='osascript "%f"',asm='./"%e"',awk='awk -f "%f"',batch='"%f"',boo='booi "%f"',caml='ocamlrun "%e"',csharp=WIN32 and '"%e"' or 'mono "%e.exe"',cpp=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',chuck='chuck "%f"',cmake='cmake -P "%f"',coffeescript='coffee "%f"',context=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.pdf"' or OSX and 'open "%e.pdf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.pdf"',cuda=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',dmd=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',eiffel="./a.out",fsharp=WIN32 and '"%e"' or 'mono "%e.exe"',forth='gforth "%f" -e bye',fortran=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',gnuplot='gnuplot "%f"',go='go run "%f"',groovy='groovy "%f"',haskell=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',html=WIN32 and 'start "" "%f"' or OSX and 'open "file://%f"' or 'xdg-open "%f"',idl='idl -batch "%f"',Io='io "%f"',java='java "%e"',javascript='node "%f"',ltx=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.pdf"' or OSX and 'open "%e.pdf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.pdf"',less='lessc --no-color "%f"',lilypond=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.pdf"' or OSX and 'open "%e.pdf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.pdf"',lisp='clisp "%f"',litcoffee='coffee "%f"',lua='lua -e "io.stdout:setvbuf(\'no\')" "%f"',makefile=WIN32 and 'nmake -f "%f"' or 'make -f "%f"',markdown='markdown "%f"',nemerle=WIN32 and '"%e"' or 'mono "%e.exe"',nim='nim c -r "%f"',objective_c=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',pascal=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',perl='perl "%f"',php='php "%f"',pike='pike "%f"',pkgbuild='makepkg -p "%f"',prolog=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',python='python -u "%f"',rstats=WIN32 and 'Rterm -f "%f"' or 'R -f "%f"',rebol='REBOL "%f"',rexx=WIN32 and 'rexx "%e"' or 'regina "%e"',ruby='ruby "%f"',sass='sass "%f"',scala='scala "%e"',bash='bash "%f"',csh='tcsh "%f"',sh='sh "%f"',zsh='zsh "%f"',smalltalk='gst "%f"',tcl='tclsh "%f"',tex=WIN32 and 'start "" "%e.pdf"' or OSX and 'open "%e.pdf"' or 'xdg-open "%e.pdf"',vala=WIN32 and '"%e"' or './"%e"',vb=WIN32 and '"%e"' or 'mono "%e.exe"',}