path: root/scripts
diff options
authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2012-03-07 12:47:38 -0500
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2012-03-07 12:47:38 -0500
commitc4d376b33ef504be226d8090ee59c64bbb963696 (patch)
tree492bbba9247f4050a3a77fd8744040874f6399d3 /scripts
parent6ef663ee541eef65dd93b2664902afee773ae137 (diff)
Removed `scripts/update_doc` in favor of using `src/Makefile`.
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 580 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/adeptsensedoc.lua b/scripts/adeptsensedoc.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e18a4fb4..00000000
--- a/scripts/adeptsensedoc.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2012 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Adeptsense doclet for LuaDoc.
--- This module is used by LuaDoc to create an adeptsense for Lua with a fake
--- ctags file and an api file.
--- Since LuaDoc does not recognize module fields, this doclet parses the Lua
--- modules for comments of the form "-- * `field_name`" to generate a field tag
--- and apidoc. Multiple line comments for fields must be indented flush with
--- `field_name` (3 spaces). Indenting more than this preserves formatting in the
--- apidoc.
--- @usage luadoc -d [output_path] -doclet path/to/adeptsensedoc [file(s)]
-module('adeptsensedoc', package.seeall)
-local CTAGS_FMT = '%s\t_\t0;"\t%s\t%s'
-local string_format = string.format
--- Writes a ctag.
--- @param file The file to write to.
--- @param name The name of the tag.
--- @param k The kind of ctag. Lua adeptsense uses 4 kinds: m Module, f Function,
--- t Table, and F Field.
--- @param ext_fields The ext_fields for the ctag.
-local function write_tag(file, name, k, ext_fields)
- if type(ext_fields) == 'table' then
- ext_fields = table.concat(ext_fields, '\t')
- end
- file[#file + 1] = string_format(CTAGS_FMT, name, k, ext_fields)
--- Writes a function or field apidoc.
--- @param file The file to write to.
--- @param m The LuaDoc module object.
--- @param b The LuaDoc block object.
-local function write_apidoc(file, m, b)
- -- Function or field name.
- local name = b.name
- if not name:find('[%.:]') then name = m.name..'.'..name end
- -- Block documentation for the function or field.
- local doc = {}
- -- Function arguments or field type.
- local header = name
- if b.class == 'function' then
- header = header..(b.param and '('..table.concat(b.param, ', ')..')' or '')
- end
- if b.modifier and b.modifier ~= '' then header = header..' '..b.modifier end
- doc[#doc + 1] = header
- -- Function or field description.
- doc[#doc + 1] = b.description:gsub('\\n', '\\\\n')
- -- Function parameters (@param).
- if b.class == 'function' and b.param then
- for _, p in ipairs(b.param) do
- if b.param[p] and #b.param[p] > 0 then
- doc[#doc + 1] = '@param '..p..' '..b.param[p]:gsub('\\n', '\\\\n')
- end
- end
- end
- -- Function usage (@usage).
- if b.class == 'function' and b.usage then
- if type(b.usage) == 'string' then
- doc[#doc + 1] = '@usage '..b.usage
- else
- for _, u in ipairs(b.usage) do doc[#doc + 1] = '@usage '..u end
- end
- end
- -- Function returns (@return).
- if b.class == 'function' and b.ret then
- if type(b.ret) == 'string' then
- doc[#doc + 1] = '@return '..b.ret
- else
- for _, u in ipairs(b.ret) do doc[#doc + 1] = '@return '..u end
- end
- end
- -- See also (@see).
- if b.see then
- if type(b.see) == 'string' then
- doc[#doc + 1] = '@see '..b.see
- else
- for _, s in ipairs(b.see) do doc[#doc + 1] = '@see '..s end
- end
- end
- -- Format the block documentation.
- doc = table.concat(doc, '\n'):gsub('\n', '\\n')
- file[#file + 1] = name:match('[^%.:]+$')..' '..doc
--- Called by LuaDoc to process a doc object.
--- @param doc The LuaDoc doc object.
-function start(doc)
--- require 'luarocks.require'
--- local profiler = require 'profiler'
--- profiler.start()
- local modules = doc.modules
- -- Convert module functions in the Lua luadoc into LuaDoc modules.
- local lua_luadoc = doc.files['../modules/lua/lua.luadoc']
- if lua_luadoc then
- for _, f in ipairs(lua_luadoc.functions) do
- f = lua_luadoc.functions[f]
- local module = f.name:match('^([^%.:]+)[%.:]') or '_G'
- if not modules[module] then
- modules[#modules + 1] = module
- modules[module] = { name = module, functions = {} }
- -- For functions like file:read(), 'file' is not a module; fake it.
- if f.name:find(':') then modules[module].fake = true end
- end
- local module = modules[module]
- module.description = 'Lua '..module.name..' module.'
- module.functions[#module.functions + 1] = f.name
- module.functions[f.name] = f
- end
- end
- -- Parse out module fields (-- * `FIELD`: doc) and insert them into the
- -- module's LuaDoc.
- for _, file in ipairs(doc.files) do
- local module, field, docs
- -- Adds the field to its module's LuaDoc.
- local function add_field()
- local doc = table.concat(docs, '\n')
- doc = doc:gsub('%[([^%]]+)%]%b[]', '%1'):gsub('%[([^%]]+)%]%b()', '%1')
- field.description = doc
- local m = modules[field.module]
- if not m then
- local name = field.module
- _G.print("Module '"..name.."' does not exist. Faking...")
- m = { name = name, functions = {}, fake = true }
- modules[#modules + 1] = name
- modules[name] = m
- end
- if not m.fields then m.fields = {} end
- m.fields[#m.fields + 1] = field.name
- m.fields[field.name] = field
- field = nil
- end
- local f = io.open(file, 'rb')
- for line in f:lines() do
- if not field and line:find('^module%(') then
- -- Get the module's name to add the parsed fields to.
- module = line:match("^module%('([^']+)'")
- elseif line:find('^%-%- %* `') then
- -- New field; if another field was parsed right before this one, add
- -- the former field to its module's LuaDoc.
- if field then add_field() end
- field, docs = {}, {}
- local name, doc = line:match('^%-%- %* `([^`]+)`([^\r\n]*)')
- field.module = name:match('^_G%.(.-)%.[^%.]+$') or module or
- name:match('^[^%.]+')
- field.name = name:match('[^%.]+$')
- if doc ~= '' then
- field.modifier, doc = doc:match('^%s*([^:]*):?%s*(.*)$')
- end
- if doc ~= '' then docs[#docs + 1] = doc end
- elseif field and line:find('^%-%-%s+[^\r\n]+') then
- docs[#docs + 1] = line:match('^%-%-%s%s%s(%s*[^\r\n]+)')
- elseif field and
- (line:find('^%-%-[\r\n]*$') or line:find('^[\r\n]*$')) then
- -- End of field documentation. Add it to its module's LuaDoc.
- add_field()
- end
- end
- f:close()
- end
- -- Process LuaDoc and write the ctags and api file.
- local ctags, apidoc = {}, {}
- for _, m in ipairs(modules) do
- m = modules[m]
- local module = m.name
- if not m.fake then
- -- Tag the module and write the apidoc.
- write_tag(ctags, module, 'm', '')
- if module:find('%.') then
- -- Tag the last part of the module as a table of the first part.
- local parent, child = module:match('^(.-)%.([^%.]+)$')
- write_tag(ctags, child, 't', 'class:'..parent)
- elseif module ~= '_G' then
- -- Tag the module as a global table.
- write_tag(ctags, module, 't', '')
- end
- m.modifier = '[module]'
- write_apidoc(apidoc, { name = '_G' }, m)
- end
- -- Tag the functions and write the apidoc.
- for _, f in ipairs(m.functions) do
- local func = f:match('[^%.:]+$')
- local ext_fields = module == '_G' and '' or 'class:'..module
- write_tag(ctags, func, 'f', ext_fields)
- write_apidoc(apidoc, m, m.functions[f])
- end
- -- Tag the tables and write the apidoc.
- for _, t in ipairs(m.tables or {}) do
- local table = m.tables[t]
- local module = module -- define locally so any modification stays local
- if t:find('^_G%.') then module, t = t:match('^_G%.(.-)%.?([^%.]+)$') end
- if not module then _G.print(table.name) end
- local ext_fields = module == '_G' and '' or 'class:'..module
- write_tag(ctags, t, 't', ext_fields)
- table.modifier = '[table]'
- write_apidoc(apidoc, m, table)
- -- Tag the fields of the tables.
- t = module..'.'..t
- for _, f in ipairs(table.field or {}) do
- write_tag(ctags, f, 'F', 'class:'..t)
- write_apidoc(apidoc, { name = t },
- { name = f, description = table.field[f] })
- end
- end
- -- Tag the fields.
- for _, f in ipairs(m.fields or {}) do
- local ext_fields = module == '_G' and '' or 'class:'..module
- write_tag(ctags, f, 'F', ext_fields)
- write_apidoc(apidoc, m, m.fields[f])
- end
- end
- table.sort(ctags)
- table.sort(apidoc)
- local f = io.open(options.output_dir..'/tags', 'w')
- f:write(table.concat(ctags, '\n'))
- f:close()
- f = io.open(options.output_dir..'api', 'w')
- f:write(table.concat(apidoc, '\n'))
- f:close()
--- profiler.stop()
-return _M
diff --git a/scripts/luadoc.patch b/scripts/luadoc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 175b5942..00000000
--- a/scripts/luadoc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- luadoc/util.lua.orig 2012-02-10 13:34:46.166184400 -0500
-+++ luadoc/util.lua 2012-02-10 13:36:59.847551200 -0500
-@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
- -- @see string.gsub
- function trim_comment (s)
-- s = string.gsub(s, "%-%-+(.*)$", "%1")
-- return trim(s)
-+ s = string.gsub(s, "%-%-+ ?(.*)$", "%1")
-+ return s
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- if str1 == nil or string.len(str1) == 0 then
- return str2
- else
-- return str1 .. " " .. str2
-+ return str1 .. "\n" .. str2
- end
- end
diff --git a/scripts/markdowndoc.lua b/scripts/markdowndoc.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index be86b980..00000000
--- a/scripts/markdowndoc.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2012 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
-local ipairs, type = ipairs, type
-local io_open, io_popen = io.open, io.popen
-local string_format, string_rep = string.format, string.rep
-local table_concat = table.concat
--- Markdown doclet for Luadoc.
--- Requires Discount (http://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code/discount/).
--- @usage luadoc -d [output_path] -doclet path/to/markdowndoc [file(s)]
-local NAVFILE = '%s* [%s](%s)\n'
-local FUNCTION = '<a id="%s" />\n### `%s` (%s)\n\n'
---local FUNCTION = '### `%s` (%s)\n\n'
-local DESCRIPTION = '> %s\n\n'
-local LIST_TITLE = '> %s:\n\n'
-local PARAM = '> * `%s`: %s\n'
-local USAGE = '> * `%s`\n'
-local RETURN = '> * %s\n'
-local SEE = '> * [`%s`](#%s)\n'
-local TABLE = '<a id="%s" />\n### `%s`\n\n'
---local TABLE = '### `%s`\n\n'
-local FIELD = '> * `%s`: %s\n'
-local HTML = [[
- <!doctype html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>%(title)</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style.css" type="text/css" />
- <meta charset="utf-8" />
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="content">
- <div id="nav">
- <div class="title">Modules</div>
- %(nav)
- </div>
- <div id="toc">
- <div class="title">Contents</div>
- %(toc)
- </div>
- <div id="main">
- %(main)
- </div>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
--- Writes LuaDoc hierarchical module navigation to the given file.
--- @param f The navigation file being written to.
--- @param list The module list.
--- @param parent String parent module with a trailing '.' for sub-modules in
--- order to generate full page links.
-local function write_nav(f, list, parent)
- if not parent then parent = '' end
- local level = 0
- for _ in parent:gmatch('%.') do level = level + 1 end
- for _, name in ipairs(list) do
- f:write(string_format(NAVFILE, string_rep(' ', level * 4), name,
- parent..name..'.html'))
- if list[name] then
- f:write('\n')
- write_nav(f, list[name], parent..name..'.')
- end
- end
--- Writes a LuaDoc description to the given file.
--- @param f The markdown file being written to.
--- @param description The description.
-local function write_description(f, description)
- f:write(string_format(DESCRIPTION, description))
--- Writes a LuaDoc list to the given file.
--- @param f The markdown file being written to.
--- @param title The title of the list.
--- @param fmt The format of a list item.
--- @param list The LuaDoc list.
-local function write_list(f, title, fmt, list)
- if not list or #list == 0 then return end
- if type(list) == 'string' then list = { list } end
- f:write(string_format(LIST_TITLE, title))
- for _, value in ipairs(list) do
- f:write(string_format(fmt, value, value))
- end
- f:write('\n')
--- Writes a LuaDoc hashmap to the given file.
--- @param f The markdown file being written to.
--- @param title The title of the hashmap.
--- @param fmt The format of a hashmap item.
--- @param list The LuaDoc hashmap.
-local function write_hashmap(f, title, fmt, hashmap)
- if not hashmap or #hashmap == 0 then return end
- f:write(string_format(LIST_TITLE, title))
- for _, name in ipairs(hashmap) do
- f:write(string_format(fmt, name, hashmap[name] or ''))
- end
- f:write('\n')
--- Called by LuaDoc to process a doc object.
--- @param doc The LuaDoc doc object.
-function start(doc)
- local modules, files = doc.modules, doc.files
- -- Create the navigation list.
- local hierarchy = {}
- for _, name in ipairs(modules) do
- local parent, self = name:match('^(.-)%.?([^.]+)$')
- local h = hierarchy
- for table in parent:gmatch('[^.]+') do
- if not h[table] then h[table] = {} end
- h = h[table]
- end
- h[#h + 1] = self
- end
- local navfile = options.output_dir..'/api/.nav.md'
- local f = io_open(navfile, 'wb')
- write_nav(f, hierarchy)
- f:close()
- local p = io_popen('markdown "'..navfile..'"')
- local nav = p:read('*all')
- p:close()
- -- Create a map of doc objects to file names so their Markdown doc comments
- -- can be extracted.
- local filedocs = {}
- for _, name in ipairs(files) do filedocs[files[name].doc] = name end
- -- Loop over modules, creating Markdown documents.
- for _, name in ipairs(modules) do
- local module = modules[name]
- local filename = filedocs[module.doc]
- local mdfile = options.output_dir..'/api/'..name..'.md'
- local f = io_open(mdfile, 'wb')
- -- Write the header and description.
- f:write('# ', name, '\n\n')
- f:write(module.description, '\n\n')
- -- Extract any Markdown doc comments and insert them.
- -- Markdown doc comments must immediately proceed a 'module' declaration
- -- (excluding blank lines), start with '-- Markdown:', and end on a blank or
- -- uncommented line.
- if filename then
- local module_declaration, markdown = false, false
- local module_file = io_open(filename, 'rb')
- for line in module_file:lines() do
- if not module_declaration and line:find('^module') then
- module_declaration = true
- elseif module_declaration and not markdown and line ~= '' then
- if line ~= '-- Markdown:' then break end
- markdown = true
- elseif markdown then
- line = line:match('^%-%-%s?(.*)$')
- if not line then break end
- f:write(line, '\n')
- end
- end
- module_file:close()
- end
- f:write('\n')
- f:write('- - -\n\n')
- -- Write functions.
- local funcs = module.functions
- if #funcs > 0 then
- f:write('## Functions\n\n')
- f:write('- - -\n\n')
- for _, fname in ipairs(funcs) do
- local func = funcs[fname]
- f:write(string_format(FUNCTION, func.name, func.name,
- table_concat(func.param, ', '):gsub('_', '\\_')))
- write_description(f, func.description)
- write_hashmap(f, 'Parameters', PARAM, func.param)
- write_list(f, 'Usage', USAGE, func.usage)
- write_list(f, 'Return', RETURN, func.ret)
- write_list(f, 'See also', SEE, func.see)
- f:write('- - -\n\n')
- end
- f:write('\n')
- end
- -- Write tables.
- local tables = module.tables
- if #tables > 0 then
- f:write('## Tables\n\n')
- f:write('- - -\n\n')
- for _, tname in ipairs(tables) do
- local tbl = tables[tname]
- f:write(string_format(TABLE, tbl.name, tbl.name))
- write_description(f, tbl.description)
- write_hashmap(f, 'Fields', FIELD, tbl.field)
- write_list(f, 'Usage', USAGE, tbl.usage)
- write_list(f, 'See also', SEE, tbl.see)
- f:write('- - -\n\n')
- end
- end
- f:close()
- -- Write HTML.
- local p = io_popen('markdown -f toc -T "'..mdfile..'"')
- local toc, main = p:read('*all'):match('^(.-\n</ul>\n)(.+)$')
- p:close()
- toc = toc:gsub('(<a.-)%b()(</a>)', '%1%2') -- strip function parameters
- f = io_open(options.output_dir..'/api/'..name..'.html', 'wb')
- local html = HTML:gsub('%%%(([^)]+)%)', {
- title = name..' - Textadept API', nav = nav, toc = toc, main = main
- })
- f:write(html)
- f:close()
- end
diff --git a/scripts/update_doc b/scripts/update_doc
deleted file mode 100755
index ee824678..00000000
--- a/scripts/update_doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2012 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
-local all = false
-if #arg == 0 then all = true end
-local luadoc = all
-local manual = all
-local doxygen = all
-local adeptsense = all
-for _, doctype in ipairs(arg) do
- if doctype == 'luadoc' then
- luadoc = true
- elseif doctype == 'manual' then
- manual = true
- elseif doctype == 'doxygen' then
- doxygen = true
- elseif doctype == 'adeptsense' then
- adeptsense = true
- end
--- Generate LuaDoc.
-if luadoc then
- os.execute('rm -r ../doc/api/*')
- os.execute('luadoc -d ../doc -doclet markdowndoc '..
- '../modules ../core ../lexers/lexer.lua')
--- Generate the Manual.
-if manual then
- local HTML = [[
- <!doctype html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>%(title)</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style.css" type="text/css" />
- <meta charset="utf-8" />
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="content">
- <div id="nav">
- <div class="title">Manual</div>
- %(nav)
- </div>
- <div id="toc">
- <div class="title">Contents</div>
- %(toc)
- </div>
- <div id="main">
- %(main)
- </div>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
- ]]
- -- Get manual pages.
- local pages = {}
- local lfs = require 'lfs'
- for file in lfs.dir('../doc/manual/') do
- if file:find('^%d+_.-%.md$') then pages[#pages + 1] = file end
- end
- table.sort(pages)
- pages[#pages + 1] = '../../README.md'
- pages[#pages + 1] = '../../CHANGELOG.md'
- pages[#pages + 1] = '../../THANKS.md'
- -- Create the navigation list.
- local navfile = '../doc/manual/.nav.md'
- local f = io.open(navfile, 'wb')
- for _, page in ipairs(pages) do
- local name = page:match('^%A+(.-)%.md$'):gsub('(%l)(%u)', '%1 %2')
- if page:find('^%.%./') then page = page:match('^%A+(.+)$') end
- f:write('* [', name, '](', page:gsub('%.md$', '.html'), ')\n')
- end
- f:close()
- local p = io.popen('markdown "'..navfile..'"')
- local nav = p:read('*all')
- p:close()
- -- Write HTML.
- for _, page in ipairs(pages) do
- local name = page:match('^%A+(.-)%.md$'):gsub('(%l)(%u)', '%1 %2')
- local p = io.popen('markdown -f toc -T "../doc/manual/'..page..'"')
- local toc, main = p:read('*all'):match('^(.-\n</ul>\n)(.+)$')
- p:close()
- if page:find('^%.%./') then page = page:match('^%A+(.+)$') end
- f = io.open('../doc/manual/'..page:gsub('%.md$', '.html'), 'wb')
- local html = HTML:gsub('%%%(([^)]+)%)', {
- title = name..' - Textadept Manual', nav = nav, toc = toc, main = main
- })
- f:write(html)
- f:close()
- end
--- Generate Doxygen documentation.
-if doxygen then
- os.execute('cd ../; doxygen Doxyfile')
--- Create Lua adeptsense for textadept.
-if adeptsense then
- os.execute('luadoc -d ../modules/lua -doclet adeptsensedoc '..
- '../modules ../core ../lexers/lexer.lua')