path: root/modules
diff options
authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2010-06-10 23:53:20 -0400
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2010-06-10 23:53:20 -0400
commit7b000605365fc28542ac0bc50b41fc08c5a13f90 (patch)
treead9591c527f07657b892b056a3fa3c3fdd1379a4 /modules
parent2ddb3c692bebf8011207f8c961ea5c89fb8beabb (diff)
Moved textadept.mime_types into the textadept module.
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
3 files changed, 582 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/modules/textadept/init.lua b/modules/textadept/init.lua
index 027a9518..bd4245c9 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/init.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/init.lua
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module('_m.textadept', package.seeall)
require 'textadept.bookmarks'
require 'textadept.editing'
-require 'textadept.snippets'
+require 'textadept.mime_types'
require 'textadept.run'
require 'textadept.session'
+require 'textadept.snippets'
diff --git a/modules/textadept/mime_types.conf b/modules/textadept/mime_types.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10f4a8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/textadept/mime_types.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+% Copyright 2007-2010 Mitchell mitchell<att>caladbolg.net. See LICENSE.
+% Configuration file for mime-types.
+% Each line defines a mime-type (by extension, shebang word, or Lua pattern) and
+% its associated lexer. A shebang word is one that is contained in the file's
+% shebang line (#!). Only the last space, the one separating the mime-type from
+% its lexer, in a definition is significant.
+% Syntax:
+% % Comment (must start a line)
+% ext lexer_name
+% #shbang_word lexer_name
+% /lua_pattern lexer_name
+% Actionscript
+as actionscript
+% ADA
+ada ada
+adb ada
+ads ada
+g antlr
+ans apdl
+inp apdl
+mac apdl
+% Applescript
+applescript applescript
+% ASP
+asa asp
+asp asp
+% AWK
+awk awk
+#awk awk
+% Batch
+bat batch
+cmd batch
+% Boo
+boo boo
+% C/C++
+c cpp
+cc cpp
+C cpp
+cpp cpp
+cxx cpp
+c++ cpp
+h cpp
+hh cpp
+hpp cpp
+% C#
+cs csharp
+% CSS
+css css
+% D
+d dmd
+di dmd
+% diff
+diff diff
+patch diff
+% dot
+dot dot
+% Eiffel
+e eiffel
+eif eiffel
+% Erlang
+erl erlang
+% Forth
+f forth
+frt forth
+fs forth
+% Fortran
+for fortran
+fort fortran
+f77 fortran
+f90 fortran
+f95 fortran
+% Gap
+g gap
+gd gap
+gi gap
+gap gap
+% Gettext
+po gettext
+pot gettext
+% GNUPlot
+dem gnuplot
+plt gnuplot
+% Groovy
+groovy groovy
+grv groovy
+% Haskell
+hs haskell
+htm hypertext
+html hypertext
+shtm hypertext
+shtml hypertext
+% IDL
+idl idl
+% Inform
+inf inform
+% ini
+ini ini
+reg ini
+% Io
+io Io
+% Java
+bsh java
+java java
+% Javascript
+js javascript
+json json
+% Latex
+bbl latex
+dtx latex
+ins latex
+ltx latex
+tex latex
+sty latex
+% Lilypond
+ly lilypond
+% Lisp
+el lisp
+lisp lisp
+lsp lisp
+% Lua
+lua lua
+#lua lua
+% Makefile
+GNUmakefile makefile
+iface makefile
+mak makefile
+makefile makefile
+Makefile makefile
+% Maxima
+maxima maxima
+nsh nsis
+nsi nsis
+% Objective C
+m objective_c
+objc objective_c
+ml ocaml
+mli ocaml
+mll ocaml
+mly ocaml
+% Octave
+#octave matlab
+% Pascal
+dpk pascal
+dpr pascal
+p pascal
+pas pascal
+% Perl
+al perl
+perl perl
+pl perl
+pm perl
+#perl perl
+% PHP
+inc php
+php php
+php3 php
+php4 php
+phtml php
+#php php
+% Pike
+pike pike
+pmod pike
+% Postscript
+eps postscript
+ps postscript
+% Properties
+props props
+properties props
+% Python
+sc python
+py python
+pyw python
+#python python
+% R
+R r
+Rout r
+Rhistory r
+Rt r
+Rout.save r
+Rout.fail r
+% Rebol
+r rebol
+% Rexx
+orx rexx
+rex rexx
+rhtml rhtml
+% Ruby
+rb ruby
+rbw ruby
+#ruby ruby
+% Ragel
+rl ragel
+% Scheme
+scm scheme
+% Shell
+bash bash
+csh bash
+sh bash
+#sh bash
+% Smalltalk
+changes smalltalk
+st smalltalk
+sources smalltalk
+% SQL
+sql sql
+% TCL
+tcl tcl
+tk tcl
+% Vala
+vala vala
+% Verilog
+v verilog
+ver verlilog
+vh vhdl
+vhd vhdl
+vhdl vhdl
+% Visual Basic
+asa vb
+bas vb
+cls vb
+ctl vb
+dob vb
+dsm vb
+dsr vb
+frm vb
+pag vb
+pag vb
+vb vb
+vba vb
+vbs vb
+% XML
+xhtml xml
+xml xml
+xsd xml
+xsl xml
+xslt xml
+/^%s*<%?xml%s xml
diff --git a/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua b/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba7a33c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+-- Copyright 2007-2010 Mitchell mitchell<att>caladbolg.net. See LICENSE.
+local textadept = _G.textadept
+local locale = _G.locale
+-- Handles file-specific settings.
+module('_m.textadept.mime_types', package.seeall)
+-- Markdown:
+-- ## Overview
+-- Files can be recognized and associated with programming language lexers in
+-- three ways:
+-- * By file extension.
+-- * By keywords in the file's shebang (`#!/path/to/exe`) line.
+-- * By a pattern that matches the file's first line.
+-- If a lexer is not associated with a file you open, first make sure the lexer
+-- exists in `lexers/`. If it does not, you will need to write one. Consult the
+-- [lexer][lexer] module for a tutorial.
+-- [lexer]: ../modules/lexer.html
+-- ## Configuration Files
+-- Built-in mime-types are located in `core/ext/mime_types.conf`. You can
+-- override or add to them in your `~/.textadept/mime_types.conf`.
+-- #### Detection by File Extension
+-- file_ext lexer
+-- Note: `file_ext` should not start with a `.` (period).
+-- #### Detection by Shebang Keywords
+-- #shebang_word lexer
+-- Examples of `shebang_word`'s are `lua`, `ruby`, `python`.
+-- #### Detection by Pattern
+-- /pattern lexer
+-- Only the last space, the one separating the pattern from the lexer, is
+-- significant. No spaces in the pattern need to be escaped.
+-- ## Extras
+-- This module adds an extra function to `buffer`:
+-- * **buffer:set\_lexer** (language)<br />
+-- Replacement for [`buffer:set_lexer_language()`][buffer_set_lexer_language].<br />
+-- Sets a buffer._lexer field so it can be restored without querying the
+-- mime-types tables. Also if the user manually sets the lexer, it should be
+-- restored.<br />
+-- Loads the language-specific module if it exists.
+-- - lang: The string language to set.
+-- [buffer_set_lexer_language]: buffer.html#buffer:set_lexer_language
+-- Markdown:
+-- ## Overview
+-- Files can be recognized and associated with programming language lexers in
+-- three ways:
+-- * By file extension.
+-- * By keywords in the file's shebang (`#!/path/to/exe`) line.
+-- * By a pattern that matches the file's first line.
+-- If a lexer is not associated with a file you open, first make sure the lexer
+-- exists in `lexers/`. If it does not, you will need to write one. Consult the
+-- [lexer][lexer] module for a tutorial.
+-- [lexer]: ../modules/lexer.html
+-- ## Configuration Files
+-- Built-in mime-types are located in `core/ext/mime_types.conf`. You can
+-- override or add to them in your `~/.textadept/mime_types.conf`.
+-- #### Detection by File Extension
+-- file_ext lexer
+-- Note: `file_ext` should not start with a `.` (period).
+-- #### Detection by Shebang Keywords
+-- #shebang_word lexer
+-- Examples of `shebang_word`'s are `lua`, `ruby`, `python`.
+-- #### Detection by Pattern
+-- /pattern lexer
+-- Only the last space, the one separating the pattern from the lexer, is
+-- significant. No spaces in the pattern need to be escaped.
+-- ## Extras
+-- This module adds an extra function to `buffer`:
+-- * **buffer:set\_lexer** (language)<br />
+-- Replacement for [`buffer:set_lexer_language()`][buffer_set_lexer_language].<br />
+-- Sets a buffer._lexer field so it can be restored without querying the
+-- mime-types tables. Also if the user manually sets the lexer, it should be
+-- restored.<br />
+-- Loads the language-specific module if it exists.
+-- - lang: The string language to set.
+-- [buffer_set_lexer_language]: buffer.html#buffer:set_lexer_language
+-- File extensions with their associated lexers.
+-- @class table
+-- @name extensions
+extensions = {}
+-- Shebang words and their associated lexers.
+-- @class table
+-- @name shebangs
+shebangs = {}
+-- First-line patterns and their associated lexers.
+-- @class table
+-- @name patterns
+patterns = {}
+-- Load mime-types from mime_types.conf
+local mime_types
+local f = io.open(_HOME..'/modules/textadept/mime_types.conf', 'rb')
+if f then
+ mime_types = f:read('*all')
+ f:close()
+f = io.open(_USERHOME..'/mime_types.conf', 'rb')
+if f then
+ mime_types = mime_types..'\n'..f:read('*all')
+ f:close()
+for line in mime_types:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
+ if not line:find('^%s*%%') then
+ if line:find('^%s*[^#/]') then -- extension definition
+ local ext, lexer_name = line:match('^%s*(.+)%s+(%S+)$')
+ if ext and lexer_name then extensions[ext] = lexer_name end
+ else -- shebang or pattern
+ local ch, text, lexer_name = line:match('^%s*([#/])(.+)%s+(%S+)$')
+ if ch and text and lexer_name then
+ (ch == '#' and shebangs or patterns)[text] = lexer_name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- List of detected lexers.
+-- Lexers are read from `lexers/` and `~/.textadept/lexers/`.
+-- @class table
+-- @name lexers
+lexers = {}
+-- Generate lexer list
+local lexers_found = {}
+local lfs = require 'lfs'
+for lexer in lfs.dir(_HOME..'/lexers/') do
+ if lexer:find('%.lua$') and lexer ~= 'lexer.lua' then
+ lexers_found[lexer:match('^(.+)%.lua$')] = true
+ end
+if lfs.attributes(_USERHOME..'/lexers/') then
+ for lexer in lfs.dir(_USERHOME..'/lexers/') do
+ if lexer:find('%.lua$') and lexer ~= 'lexer.lua' then
+ lexers_found[lexer:match('^(.+)%.lua$')] = true
+ end
+ end
+for lexer in pairs(lexers_found) do lexers[#lexers + 1] = lexer end
+-- Replacement for buffer:set_lexer_language().
+-- Sets a buffer._lexer field so it can be restored without querying the
+-- mime-types tables. Also if the user manually sets the lexer, it should be
+-- restored.
+-- Loads the language-specific module if it exists.
+-- @param buffer The buffer to set the lexer language of.
+-- @param lang The string language to set.
+-- @usage buffer:set_lexer('language_name')
+local function set_lexer(buffer, lang)
+ buffer._lexer = lang
+ buffer:set_lexer_language(lang)
+ local ret, err = pcall(require, lang)
+ if ret then
+ _m[lang].set_buffer_properties()
+ elseif not ret and not err:find("^module '"..lang.."' not found:") then
+ error(err)
+ end
+ buffer:colourise(0, -1)
+ function() buffer.set_lexer = set_lexer end)
+-- Scintilla's first buffer doesn't have this
+if not RESETTING then buffer.set_lexer = set_lexer end
+-- Performs actions suitable for a new buffer.
+-- Sets the buffer's lexer language and loads the language module.
+local function handle_new()
+ local lexer
+ if buffer.filename then
+ lexer = extensions[buffer.filename:match('[^/\\.]+$')]
+ end
+ if not lexer then
+ local line = buffer:get_line(0)
+ if line:find('^#!') then
+ for word in line:gsub('[/\\]', ' '):gmatch('%S+') do
+ lexer = shebangs[word]
+ if lexer then break end
+ end
+ end
+ if not lexer then
+ for patt, lex in pairs(patterns) do
+ if line:find(patt) then
+ lexer = lex
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ buffer:set_lexer(lexer or 'container')
+-- Sets the buffer's lexer based on filename, shebang words, or
+-- first line pattern.
+local function restore_lexer()
+ buffer:set_lexer_language(buffer._lexer or 'container')
+textadept.events.add_handler('file_opened', handle_new)
+textadept.events.add_handler('file_saved_as', handle_new)
+textadept.events.add_handler('buffer_after_switch', restore_lexer)
+textadept.events.add_handler('view_new', restore_lexer)
+ function() buffer:set_lexer(buffer._lexer) end)
+-- Prompts the user to select a lexer from a filtered list for the current
+-- buffer.
+function select_lexer()
+ local out =
+ textadept.dialog('filteredlist',
+ '--title', locale.MT_SELECT_LEXER,
+ '--button1', 'gtk-ok',
+ '--button2', 'gtk-cancel',
+ '--no-newline',
+ '--string-output',
+ '--columns', 'Name',
+ '--items', unpack(lexers))
+ local response, lexer = out:match('([^\n]+)\n([^\n]+)$')
+ if response and response ~= 'gtk-cancel' then buffer:set_lexer(lexer) end