path: root/docs/api.md
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authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+orbitalquark@users.noreply.github.com>2022-02-27 22:01:14 -0500
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+orbitalquark@users.noreply.github.com>2022-02-27 22:01:14 -0500
commit6a6b7cccbb2fd21bf040729b99e18aa3a98fe8ad (patch)
tree55a6546a89a8c3a44f547349684b5e502f8bedf6 /docs/api.md
parent35a77b009b2577b1e41e00f3b19cedb99597b5de (diff)
Use icon names from the Free Desktop Icon Naming Specification.
Requires latest gtDialog.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/api.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 11452 deletions
diff --git a/docs/api.md b/docs/api.md
index d014c16b..e69de29b 100644
--- a/docs/api.md
+++ b/docs/api.md
@@ -1,11452 +0,0 @@
-## Textadept 11.3 API Documentation
-1. [_G](#_G)
-1. [_L](#_L)
-1. [_M](#_M)
-1. [_M.ansi_c](#_M.ansi_c)
-1. [_M.lua](#_M.lua)
-1. [args](#args)
-1. [assert](#assert)
-1. [buffer](#buffer)
-1. [events](#events)
-1. [io](#io)
-1. [keys](#keys)
-1. [lexer](#lexer)
-1. [lfs](#lfs)
-1. [os](#os)
-1. [string](#string)
-1. [textadept](#textadept)
-1. [textadept.bookmarks](#textadept.bookmarks)
-1. [textadept.editing](#textadept.editing)
-1. [textadept.file_types](#textadept.file_types)
-1. [textadept.history](#textadept.history)
-1. [textadept.keys](#textadept.keys)
-1. [textadept.macros](#textadept.macros)
-1. [textadept.menu](#textadept.menu)
-1. [textadept.run](#textadept.run)
-1. [textadept.session](#textadept.session)
-1. [textadept.snippets](#textadept.snippets)
-1. [ui](#ui)
-1. [ui.command_entry](#ui.command_entry)
-1. [ui.dialogs](#ui.dialogs)
-1. [ui.find](#ui.find)
-1. [view](#view)
-<a id="_G"></a>
-## The `_G` Module
-Extends Lua's _G table to provide extra functions and fields for Textadept.
-### Fields defined by `_G`
-<a id="BSD"></a>
-#### `BSD` (bool)
-Whether or not Textadept is running on BSD.
-<a id="CURSES"></a>
-#### `CURSES` (bool)
-Whether or not Textadept is running in a terminal.
- Curses feature incompatibilities are listed in the [Appendix][].
- [Appendix]: manual.html#terminal-version-compatibility
-<a id="LINUX"></a>
-#### `LINUX` (bool)
-Whether or not Textadept is running on Linux.
-<a id="OSX"></a>
-#### `OSX` (bool)
-Whether or not Textadept is running on macOS as a GUI application.
-<a id="WIN32"></a>
-#### `WIN32` (bool)
-Whether or not Textadept is running on Windows.
-<a id="_CHARSET"></a>
-#### `_CHARSET` (string)
-The filesystem's character encoding.
- This is used when [working with files](#io).
-<a id="_HOME"></a>
-#### `_HOME` (string)
-The path to Textadept's home, or installation, directory.
-<a id="_RELEASE"></a>
-#### `_RELEASE` (string)
-The Textadept release version string.
-<a id="_USERHOME"></a>
-#### `_USERHOME` (string)
-The path to the user's *~/.textadept/* directory, where all preferences and user-data
- is stored.
- On Windows machines *~/* is the value of the "USERHOME" environment variable (typically
- *C:\Users\username\\* or *C:\Documents and Settings\username\\*). On Linux, BSD, and macOS
- machines *~/* is the value of "$HOME" (typically */home/username/* and */Users/username/*
- respectively).
-### Functions defined by `_G`
-<a id="quit"></a>
-#### `quit`()
-Emits a `QUIT` event, and unless any handler returns `false`, quits Textadept.
-See also:
-* [`events.QUIT`](#events.QUIT)
-<a id="reset"></a>
-#### `reset`()
-Resets the Lua State by reloading all initialization scripts.
-Language modules for opened files are NOT reloaded. Re-opening the files that use them will
-reload those modules instead.
-This function is useful for modifying user scripts (such as *~/.textadept/init.lua* and
-*~/.textadept/modules/textadept/keys.lua*) on the fly without having to restart Textadept. `arg`
-is set to `nil` when reinitializing the Lua State. Any scripts that need to differentiate
-between startup and reset can test `arg`.
-<a id="timeout"></a>
-#### `timeout`(*interval, f, ...*)
-Calls function *f* with the given arguments after *interval* seconds.
-If *f* returns `true`, calls *f* repeatedly every *interval* seconds as long as *f* returns
-`true`. A `nil` or `false` return value stops repetition.
-* *`interval`*: The interval in seconds to call *f* after.
-* *`f`*: The function to call.
-* *`...`*: Additional arguments to pass to *f*.
-### Tables defined by `_G`
-<a id="_BUFFERS"></a>
-#### `_BUFFERS`
-Table of all open buffers in Textadept.
-Numeric keys have buffer values and buffer keys have their associated numeric keys.
-* `_BUFFERS[n] --> buffer at index n`
-* `_BUFFERS[buffer] --> index of buffer in _BUFFERS`
-See also:
-* [`_G.buffer`](#_G.buffer)
-<a id="_VIEWS"></a>
-#### `_VIEWS`
-Table of all views in Textadept.
-Numeric keys have view values and view keys have their associated numeric keys.
-* `_VIEWS[n] --> view at index n`
-* `_VIEWS[view] --> index of view in _VIEWS`
-See also:
-* [`_G.view`](#_G.view)
-<a id="arg"></a>
-#### `arg`
-Table of command line parameters passed to Textadept.
-See also:
-* [`args`](#args)
-<a id="_G.buffer"></a>
-#### `_G.buffer`
-The current [buffer](#buffer) in the [current view](#_G.view).
-<a id="_G.view"></a>
-#### `_G.view`
-The current [view](#view).
-<a id="_L"></a>
-## The `_L` Module
-Map of all messages used by Textadept to their localized form.
-If the table does not contain the localized version of a given message, it returns a string
-that starts with "No Localization:" via a metamethod.
-Note: the terminal version ignores any "_" mnemonics the GUI version would use.
-<a id="_M"></a>
-## The `_M` Module
-A table of loaded Textadept language modules.
-Language modules are a special kind of module that Textadept automatically loads when editing
-source code in a particular programming language. The only thing "special" about them is they
-are named after a lexer. Otherwise they are plain Lua modules. The *~/.textadept/modules/*
-directory houses language modules (along with other modules).
-A language module is designed to provide extra functionality for a single programming
-language. Some examples of what language modules can do:
- * Specify block comment syntax for lines of code
- * Define compile and run commands for source files
- * Set language-specific editor properties like indentation rules
- * Specify code autocompletion routines
- * Declare snippets
- * Define commands and key bindings for them
- * Add to the top-level menu or right-click editor context menu
-Examples of these features are described in the sections below.
-### Block Comment
-Many languages have different syntaxes for single line comments and multi-line comments in
-source code. Textadept's block comment feature only uses one of those syntaxes for a given
-language. If you prefer the other syntax, or if Textadept does not support block comments
-for a particular language, modify the [`textadept.editing.comment_string`](#textadept.editing.comment_string) table. For example:
- textadept.editing.comment_string.ansi_c = '//' -- change from /* ... */
-### Compile and Run
-Textadept knows most of the commands that compile and/or run code in source files. However,
-it does not know all of them, and the ones that it does know may not be completely accurate
-in all cases. Compile and run commands are read from the [`textadept.run.compile_commands`](#textadept.run.compile_commands)
-and [`textadept.run.run_commands`](#textadept.run.run_commands) tables using the appropriate lexer name key, and thus
-can be defined or modified. For Lua, it would look like:
- textadept.run.compile_commands.lua = 'luac "%f"'
- textadept.run.run_commands.lua = 'lua "%f"'
-Double-clicking on compile or runtime errors jumps to the error's location. If
-Textadept does not recognize your language's errors properly, add an error pattern to
-[`textadept.run.error_patterns`](#textadept.run.error_patterns). The Lua error pattern looks like:
- local patterns = textadept.run.error_patterns
- if not patterns.lua then patterns.lua = {} end
- patterns.lua[#patterns.lua + 1] = '^luac?: (.-):(%d+): (.+)$'
-### Buffer Properties
-By default, Textadept uses 2 spaces for indentation. Some languages have different indentation
-guidelines, however. As described in the manual, use `events.LEXER_LOADED` to change this
-and any other language-specific editor properties. For example:
- events.connect(events.LEXER_LOADED, function(name)
- if name ~= 'python' then return end
- buffer.tab_width = 4
- buffer.use_tabs = false
- view.view_ws = view.WS_VISIBLEALWAYS
- end)
-### Autocompletion and Documentation
-Textadept has the capability to autocomplete symbols for programming
-languages and display API documentation. In order for these to work for a
-given language, an [autocompleter](#textadept.editing.autocompleters) and [API
-file(s)](#textadept.editing.api_files) must exist. All of Textadept's included language
-modules have examples of autocompleters and API documentation, as well as most of its
-officially supported language modules.
-### Snippets
-[Snippets](#textadept.snippets) for common language constructs are useful. Some snippets
-for common Lua control structures look like this:
- snippets.lua = {
- f = "function %1(name)(%2(args))\n\t%0\nend",
- ['for'] = "for i = %1(1), %2(10)%3(, -1) do\n\t%0\nend",
- fori = "for %1(i), %2(val) in ipairs(%3(table)) do\n\t%0\nend",
- forp = "for %1(k), %2(v) in pairs(%3(table)) do\n\t%0\nend",
- }
-### Commands
-Additional editing features for the language can be useful. For example, a C++ module might
-have a feature to add a ';' to the end of the current line and insert a new line. This command
-could be bound to the `Shift+Enter` (`⇧↩` on macOS | `S-Enter` in the terminal version)
-key for easy access:
- keys.cpp['shift+\n'] = function()
- buffer:line_end()
- buffer:add_text(';')
- buffer:new_line()
- end
-When defining key bindings for other commands, you may make use of a `Ctrl+L` (`⌘L` on
-macOS | `M-L` in the terminal version) keychain. Traditionally this prefix has been reserved
-for use by language modules (although neither Textadept nor its modules utilize it at the
-moment). Users may define this keychain for new or existing modules and it will not conflict
-with any default key bindings. For example:
- keys.lua[CURSES and 'meta+l' or OSX and 'cmd+l' or 'ctrl+l'] = {
- ...
- }
-### Menus
-It may be useful to add language-specific menu options to the top-level menu and/or right-click
-context menu in order to access module features without using key bindings. For example:
- local lua_menu = {
- title = 'Lua',
- {'Item 1', function() ... end},
- {'Item 2', function() ... end}
- }
- local tools = textadept.menu.menubar[_L['Tools']]
- tools[#tools + 1] = lua_menu
- textadept.menu.context_menu[#textadept.menu.context_menu + 1] = lua_menu
-<a id="_M.ansi_c"></a>
-## The `_M.ansi_c` Module
-The ansi_c module.
-It provides utilities for editing C code.
-### Fields defined by `_M.ansi_c`
-<a id="_M.ansi_c.autocomplete_snippets"></a>
-#### `_M.ansi_c.autocomplete_snippets` (boolean)
-Whether or not to include snippets in autocompletion lists.
- The default value is `true`.
-### Tables defined by `_M.ansi_c`
-<a id="_M.ansi_c.tags"></a>
-#### `_M.ansi_c.tags`
-List of ctags files to use for autocompletion in addition to the current project's top-level
-*tags* file or the current directory's *tags* file.
-<a id="_M.lua"></a>
-## The `_M.lua` Module
-The lua module.
-It provides utilities for editing Lua code.
-### Fields defined by `_M.lua`
-<a id="_M.lua.autocomplete_snippets"></a>
-#### `_M.lua.autocomplete_snippets` (boolean)
-Whether or not to include snippets in autocompletion lists.
- The default value is `false`.
-### Tables defined by `_M.lua`
-<a id="_M.lua.expr_types"></a>
-#### `_M.lua.expr_types`
-Map of expression patterns to their types.
-Used for type-hinting when showing autocompletions for variables. Expressions are expected
-to match after the '=' sign of a statement.
-* `_M.lua.expr_types['^spawn%b()%s*$'] = 'proc'`
-<a id="_M.lua.tags"></a>
-#### `_M.lua.tags`
-List of "fake" ctags files (or functions that return such files) to use for autocompletion.
-The kind 'm' is recognized as a module, 'f' as a function, 't' as a table and 'F' as a module
-or table field.
-The *modules/lua/tadoc.lua* script can generate *tags* and [*api*](#textadept.editing.api_files)
-files for Lua modules via LuaDoc.
-<a id="_SCINTILLA"></a>
-## The `_SCINTILLA` Module
-Scintilla constants, functions, and properties.
-Do not modify anything in this module. Doing so will have unpredictable consequences.
-### Functions defined by `_SCINTILLA`
-<a id="_SCINTILLA.next_image_type"></a>
-#### `_SCINTILLA.next_image_type`()
-Returns a unique image type identier number for use with `view.register_image()` and
-Use this function for custom image types in order to prevent clashes with identifiers of
-other custom image types.
-* `local image_type = _SCINTILLA.next_image_type()`
-See also:
-* [`view.register_image`](#view.register_image)
-* [`view.register_rgba_image`](#view.register_rgba_image)
-<a id="_SCINTILLA.next_indic_number"></a>
-#### `_SCINTILLA.next_indic_number`()
-Returns a unique indicator number for use with custom indicators.
-Use this function for custom indicators in order to prevent clashes with identifiers of
-other custom indicators.
-* `local indic_num = _SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()`
-See also:
-* [`view.indic_style`](#view.indic_style)
-<a id="_SCINTILLA.next_marker_number"></a>
-#### `_SCINTILLA.next_marker_number`()
-Returns a unique marker number for use with `view.marker_define()`.
-Use this function for custom markers in order to prevent clashes with identifiers of other
-custom markers.
-* `local marknum = _SCINTILLA.next_marker_number()`
-See also:
-* [`view.marker_define`](#view.marker_define)
-<a id="_SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type"></a>
-#### `_SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type`()
-Returns a unique user list identier number for use with `buffer.user_list_show()`.
-Use this function for custom user lists in order to prevent clashes with list identifiers
-of other custom user lists.
-* `local list_type = _SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type()`
-See also:
-* [`buffer.user_list_show`](#buffer.user_list_show)
-### Tables defined by `_SCINTILLA`
-<a id="_SCINTILLA.constants"></a>
-#### `_SCINTILLA.constants`
-Map of Scintilla constant names to their numeric values.
-See also:
-* [`buffer`](#buffer)
-<a id="_SCINTILLA.events"></a>
-#### `_SCINTILLA.events`
-Map of Scintilla event IDs to tables of event names and event parameters.
-<a id="_SCINTILLA.functions"></a>
-#### `_SCINTILLA.functions`
-Map of Scintilla function names to tables containing their IDs, return types, wParam types,
-and lParam types. Types are as follows:
- + `0`: Void.
- + `1`: Integer.
- + `2`: Length of the given lParam string.
- + `3`: Integer position.
- + `4`: Color, in "0xBBGGRR" format or "0xAABBGGRR" format where supported.
- + `5`: Boolean `true` or `false`.
- + `6`: Bitmask of Scintilla key modifiers and a key value.
- + `7`: String parameter.
- + `8`: String return value.
-<a id="_SCINTILLA.properties"></a>
-#### `_SCINTILLA.properties`
-Map of Scintilla property names to table values containing their "get" function IDs, "set"
-function IDs, return types, and wParam types.
-The wParam type will be non-zero if the property is indexable.
-Types are the same as in the `functions` table.
-See also:
-* [`_SCINTILLA.functions`](#_SCINTILLA.functions)
-<a id="args"></a>
-## The `args` Module
-Processes command line arguments for Textadept.
-### Fields defined by `args`
-<a id="events.ARG_NONE"></a>
-#### `events.ARG_NONE` (string)
-Emitted when no command line arguments are passed to Textadept on startup.
-### Functions defined by `args`
-<a id="args.register"></a>
-#### `args.register`(*short, long, narg, f, description*)
-Registers a command line option with short and long versions *short* and *long*, respectively.
-*narg* is the number of arguments the option accepts, *f* is the function called when the
-option is set, and *description* is the option's description when displaying help.
-* *`short`*: The string short version of the option.
-* *`long`*: The string long version of the option.
-* *`narg`*: The number of expected parameters for the option.
-* *`f`*: The Lua function to run when the option is set. It is passed *narg* string arguments.
-* *`description`*: The string description of the option for command line help.
-<a id="assert"></a>
-## The `assert` Module
-Extends `_G` with formatted assertions and function argument type checks.
-### Functions defined by `assert`
-<a id="_G.assert"></a>
-#### `_G.assert`(*v, message, ...*)
-Asserts that value *v* is not `false` or `nil` and returns *v*, or calls `error()` with
-*message* as the error message, defaulting to "assertion failed!".
-If *message* is a format string, the remaining arguments are passed to `string.format()`
-and the resulting string becomes the error message.
-* *`v`*: Value to assert.
-* *`message`*: Optional error message to show on error. The default value is "assertion failed!".
-* *`...`*: If *message* is a format string, these arguments are passed to `string.format()`.
-<a id="_G.assert_type"></a>
-#### `_G.assert_type`(*v, expected\_type, narg*)
-Asserts that value *v* has type string *expected_type* and returns *v*, or calls `error()`
-with an error message that implicates function argument number *narg*.
-This is intended to be used with API function arguments so users receive more helpful error
-* *`v`*: Value to assert the type of.
-* *`expected_type`*: String type to assert. It may be a non-letter-delimited list of type
- options.
-* *`narg`*: The positional argument number *v* is associated with. This is not required to
- be a number.
-* `assert_type(filename, 'string/nil', 1)`
-* `assert_type(option.setting, 'number', 'setting') -- implicates key`
-<a id="buffer"></a>
-## The `buffer` Module
-A Textadept buffer object.
-Constants are documented in the fields they apply to.
-While you can work with individual buffer instances, it is really only useful to work with
-the global one.
-Many of these functions and fields are derived from buffer-specific functionality of the
-Scintilla editing component, and additional information can be found on the [Scintilla
-website](https://scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html). Note that with regard to Scintilla-specific
-functionality, this API is a _suggestion_, not a hard requirement. All of that functionality
-also exists in [`view`](#view), even if undocumented.
-Any buffer fields set on startup (e.g. in *~/.textadept/init.lua*) will be the default,
-initial values for all buffers.
-### Fields defined by `buffer`
-<a id="buffer.CARETSTICKY_OFF"></a>
-#### `buffer.CARETSTICKY_OFF` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.CARETSTICKY_ON"></a>
-#### `buffer.CARETSTICKY_ON` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.CARETSTICKY_WHITESPACE"></a>
-#### `buffer.CARETSTICKY_WHITESPACE` (number, Read-only)
-#### `buffer.CASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOR_IGNORECASE` (number, Read-only)
-#### `buffer.CASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOR_RESPECTCASE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.EOL_CR"></a>
-#### `buffer.EOL_CR` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.EOL_CRLF"></a>
-#### `buffer.EOL_CRLF` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.EOL_LF"></a>
-#### `buffer.EOL_LF` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.FIND_MATCHCASE"></a>
-#### `buffer.FIND_MATCHCASE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.FIND_REGEXP"></a>
-#### `buffer.FIND_REGEXP` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.FIND_WHOLEWORD"></a>
-#### `buffer.FIND_WHOLEWORD` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.FIND_WORDSTART"></a>
-#### `buffer.FIND_WORDSTART` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.FOLDLEVELBASE"></a>
-#### `buffer.FOLDLEVELBASE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG"></a>
-#### `buffer.FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK"></a>
-#### `buffer.FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG"></a>
-#### `buffer.FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.INDICATOR_MAX"></a>
-#### `buffer.INDICATOR_MAX` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MARKER_MAX"></a>
-#### `buffer.MARKER_MAX` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDER"></a>
-#### `buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEREND"></a>
-#### `buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEREND` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL"></a>
-#### `buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN"></a>
-#### `buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID"></a>
-#### `buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB"></a>
-#### `buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL"></a>
-#### `buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MARK_AVAILABLE"></a>
-#### `buffer.MARK_AVAILABLE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MULTIAUTOC_EACH"></a>
-#### `buffer.MULTIAUTOC_EACH` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MULTIAUTOC_ONCE"></a>
-#### `buffer.MULTIAUTOC_ONCE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MULTIPASTE_EACH"></a>
-#### `buffer.MULTIPASTE_EACH` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.MULTIPASTE_ONCE"></a>
-#### `buffer.MULTIPASTE_ONCE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.ORDER_CUSTOM"></a>
-#### `buffer.ORDER_CUSTOM` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.ORDER_PERFORMSORT"></a>
-#### `buffer.ORDER_PERFORMSORT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.ORDER_PRESORTED"></a>
-#### `buffer.ORDER_PRESORTED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.SEL_LINES"></a>
-#### `buffer.SEL_LINES` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.SEL_RECTANGLE"></a>
-#### `buffer.SEL_RECTANGLE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.SEL_STREAM"></a>
-#### `buffer.SEL_STREAM` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.SEL_THIN"></a>
-#### `buffer.SEL_THIN` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.UPDATE_CONTENT"></a>
-#### `buffer.UPDATE_CONTENT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.UPDATE_SELECTION"></a>
-#### `buffer.UPDATE_SELECTION` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.VS_NONE"></a>
-#### `buffer.VS_NONE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.VS_RECTANGULARSELECTION"></a>
-#### `buffer.VS_RECTANGULARSELECTION` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.VS_USERACCESSIBLE"></a>
-#### `buffer.VS_USERACCESSIBLE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="buffer.additional_selection_typing"></a>
-#### `buffer.additional_selection_typing` (bool)
-Type into multiple selections.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="buffer.anchor"></a>
-#### `buffer.anchor` (number)
-The anchor's position.
-<a id="buffer.annotation_lines"></a>
-#### `buffer.annotation_lines` (table, Read-only)
-Table of the number of annotation text lines per line number.
-<a id="buffer.annotation_style"></a>
-#### `buffer.annotation_style` (table)
-Table of style numbers for annotation text per line number.
- Only some style attributes are active in annotations: font, size/size_fractional, bold/weight,
- italics, fore, back, and character_set.
-<a id="buffer.annotation_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.annotation_text` (table)
-Table of annotation text per line number.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_auto_hide"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_auto_hide` (bool)
-Automatically cancel an autocompletion or user list when no entries match typed text.
- The default value is `true`.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_cancel_at_start"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_cancel_at_start` (bool)
-Cancel an autocompletion list when backspacing to a position before where autocompletion
- started (instead of before the word being completed).
- This option has no effect for a user list.
- The default value is `true`.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_case_insensitive_behavior"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_case_insensitive_behavior` (number)
-The behavior mode for a case insensitive autocompletion or user list when
- [`buffer.auto_c_ignore_case`](#buffer.auto_c_ignore_case) is `true`.
- Prefer to select case-sensitive matches.
- No preference.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_choose_single"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_choose_single` (bool)
-Automatically choose the item in a single-item autocompletion list.
- This option has no effect for a user list.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_current"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_current` (number, Read-only)
-The index of the currently selected item in an autocompletion or user list.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_current_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_current_text` (string, Read-only)
-The text of the currently selected item in an autocompletion or user list.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_drop_rest_of_word"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_drop_rest_of_word` (bool)
-Delete any word characters immediately to the right of autocompleted text.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_fill_ups"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_fill_ups` (string, Write-only)
-The set of characters that choose the currently selected item in an autocompletion or user
- list when the user types one of them.
- The default value is `''`.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_ignore_case"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_ignore_case` (bool)
-Ignore case when searching an autocompletion or user list for matches.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_multi"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_multi` (number)
-The multiple selection autocomplete mode.
- * `buffer.MULTIAUTOC_ONCE`
- Autocomplete into only the main selection.
- * `buffer.MULTIAUTOC_EACH`
- Autocomplete into all selections.
- The default value is `buffer.MULTIAUTOC_ONCE`.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_order"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_order` (number)
-The order setting for autocompletion and user lists.
- * `buffer.ORDER_PRESORTED`
- Lists passed to [`buffer.auto_c_show()`](#buffer.auto_c_show) are in sorted, alphabetical order.
- Sort autocompletion lists passed to [`buffer.auto_c_show()`](#buffer.auto_c_show).
- * `buffer.ORDER_CUSTOM`
- Lists passed to [`buffer.auto_c_show()`](#buffer.auto_c_show) are already in a custom order.
- The default value is `buffer.ORDER_PRESORTED`.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_separator"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_separator` (number)
-The byte value of the character that separates autocompletion and user list list items.
- The default value is `32` (' ').
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_type_separator"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_type_separator` (number)
-The character byte that separates autocompletion and user list items and their image types.
- Autocompletion and user list items can display both an image and text. Register images
- and their types using [`view.register_image()`](#view.register_image) or [`view.register_rgba_image()`](#view.register_rgba_image)
- before appending image types to list items after type separator characters.
- The default value is 63 ('?').
-<a id="buffer.back_space_un_indents"></a>
-#### `buffer.back_space_un_indents` (bool)
-Un-indent text when backspacing within indentation.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="buffer.caret_sticky"></a>
-#### `buffer.caret_sticky` (number)
-The caret's preferred horizontal position when moving between lines.
- * `buffer.CARETSTICKY_OFF`
- Use the same position the caret had on the previous line.
- * `buffer.CARETSTICKY_ON`
- Use the last position the caret was moved to via the mouse, left/right arrow keys,
- home/end keys, etc. Typing text does not affect the position.
- Use the position the caret had on the previous line, but prior to any inserted indentation.
- The default value is `buffer.CARETSTICKY_OFF`.
-<a id="buffer.char_at"></a>
-#### `buffer.char_at` (table, Read-only)
-Table of character bytes per position.
-<a id="buffer.column"></a>
-#### `buffer.column` (table, Read-only)
-Table of column numbers (taking tab widths into account) per position.
- Multi-byte characters count as single characters.
-<a id="buffer.current_pos"></a>
-#### `buffer.current_pos` (number)
-The caret's position.
- When set, does not scroll the caret into view.
-<a id="buffer.encoding"></a>
-#### `buffer.encoding` (string or nil)
-The string encoding of the file, or `nil` for binary files.
-<a id="buffer.end_styled"></a>
-#### `buffer.end_styled` (number, Read-only)
-The current styling position or the last correctly styled character's position.
-<a id="buffer.eol_annotation_style"></a>
-#### `buffer.eol_annotation_style` (table)
-Table of style numbers for EOL annotation text per line number.
- Only some style attributes are active in annotations: font, size/size_fractional, bold/weight,
- italics, fore, back, and character_set.
-<a id="buffer.eol_annotation_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.eol_annotation_text` (table)
-Table of EOL annotation text per line number.
-<a id="buffer.eol_mode"></a>
-#### `buffer.eol_mode` (number)
-The current end of line mode.
- Changing the current mode does not convert any of the buffer's existing end of line
- characters. Use [`buffer.convert_eols()`](#buffer.convert_eols) to do so.
- * `buffer.EOL_CRLF`
- Carriage return with line feed ("\r\n").
- * `buffer.EOL_CR`
- Carriage return ("\r").
- * `buffer.EOL_LF`
- Line feed ("\n").
- The default value is `buffer.EOL_CRLF` on Windows platforms, `buffer.EOL_LF` otherwise.
-<a id="buffer.filename"></a>
-#### `buffer.filename` (string)
-The absolute file path associated with the buffer.
-<a id="buffer.fold_level"></a>
-#### `buffer.fold_level` (table)
-Table of fold level bit-masks per line number.
- Fold level masks comprise of an integer level combined with any of the following bit flags:
- * `buffer.FOLDLEVELBASE`
- The initial fold level.
- The line is blank.
- The line is a header, or fold point.
-<a id="buffer.fold_parent"></a>
-#### `buffer.fold_parent` (table, Read-only)
-Table of fold point line numbers per child line number.
- A line number of `-1` means no line was found.
-<a id="buffer.indent"></a>
-#### `buffer.indent` (number)
-The number of spaces in one level of indentation.
- The default value is `0`, which uses the value of [`buffer.tab_width`](#buffer.tab_width).
-<a id="buffer.indicator_current"></a>
-#### `buffer.indicator_current` (number)
-The indicator number in the range of `1` to `32` used by [`buffer.indicator_fill_range()`](#buffer.indicator_fill_range)
- and [`buffer.indicator_clear_range()`](#buffer.indicator_clear_range).
-<a id="buffer.length"></a>
-#### `buffer.length` (number, Read-only)
-The number of bytes in the buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_count"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_count` (number, Read-only)
-The number of lines in the buffer.
- There is always at least one.
-<a id="buffer.line_end_position"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_end_position` (table, Read-only)
-Table of positions at the ends of lines, but before any end of line characters, per
- line number.
-<a id="buffer.line_indent_position"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_indent_position` (table, Read-only)
-Table of positions at the ends of indentation per line number.
-<a id="buffer.line_indentation"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_indentation` (table)
-Table of column indentation amounts per line number.
-<a id="buffer.main_selection"></a>
-#### `buffer.main_selection` (number)
-The number of the main or most recent selection.
- Only an existing selection can be made main.
-<a id="buffer.margin_style"></a>
-#### `buffer.margin_style` (table)
-Table of style numbers in the text margin per line number.
- Only some style attributes are active in text margins: font, size, bold, italics, fore,
- and back.
-<a id="buffer.margin_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.margin_text` (table)
-Table of text displayed in text margins per line number.
-<a id="buffer.modify"></a>
-#### `buffer.modify` (bool, Read-only)
-Whether or not the buffer has unsaved changes.
-<a id="buffer.move_extends_selection"></a>
-#### `buffer.move_extends_selection` (bool, Read-only)
-Whether or not regular caret movement alters the selected text.
- [`buffer.selection_mode`](#buffer.selection_mode) dictates this property.
-<a id="buffer.multi_paste"></a>
-#### `buffer.multi_paste` (number)
-The multiple selection paste mode.
- * `buffer.MULTIPASTE_ONCE`
- Paste into only the main selection.
- * `buffer.MULTIPASTE_EACH`
- Paste into all selections.
- The default value is `buffer.MULTIPASTE_ONCE`.
-<a id="buffer.multiple_selection"></a>
-#### `buffer.multiple_selection` (bool)
-Enable multiple selection.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="buffer.overtype"></a>
-#### `buffer.overtype` (bool)
-Enable overtype mode, where typed characters overwrite existing ones.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="buffer.punctuation_chars"></a>
-#### `buffer.punctuation_chars` (string)
-The string set of characters recognized as punctuation characters.
- Set this only after setting [`buffer.word_chars`](#buffer.word_chars).
- The default value is a string that contains all non-word and non-whitespace characters.
-<a id="buffer.read_only"></a>
-#### `buffer.read_only` (bool)
-Whether or not the buffer is read-only.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="buffer.rectangular_selection_anchor"></a>
-#### `buffer.rectangular_selection_anchor` (number)
-The rectangular selection's anchor position.
-<a id="buffer.rectangular_selection_anchor_virtual_space"></a>
-#### `buffer.rectangular_selection_anchor_virtual_space` (number)
-The amount of virtual space for the rectangular selection's anchor.
-<a id="buffer.rectangular_selection_caret"></a>
-#### `buffer.rectangular_selection_caret` (number)
-The rectangular selection's caret position.
-<a id="buffer.rectangular_selection_caret_virtual_space"></a>
-#### `buffer.rectangular_selection_caret_virtual_space` (number)
-The amount of virtual space for the rectangular selection's caret.
-<a id="buffer.search_flags"></a>
-#### `buffer.search_flags` (number)
-The bit-mask of search flags used by [`buffer.search_in_target()`](#buffer.search_in_target).
- * `buffer.FIND_WHOLEWORD`
- Match search text only when it is surrounded by non-word characters.
- * `buffer.FIND_MATCHCASE`
- Match search text case sensitively.
- * `buffer.FIND_WORDSTART`
- Match search text only when the previous character is a non-word character.
- * `buffer.FIND_REGEXP`
- Interpret search text as a regular expression.
- The default value is `0`.
-<a id="buffer.selection_empty"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_empty` (bool, Read-only)
-Whether or not no text is selected.
-<a id="buffer.selection_end"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_end` (number)
-The position of the end of the selected text.
- When set, becomes the current position, but is not scrolled into view.
-<a id="buffer.selection_is_rectangle"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_is_rectangle` (bool, Read-only)
-Whether or not the selection is a rectangular selection.
-<a id="buffer.selection_mode"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_mode` (number)
-The selection mode.
- * `buffer.SEL_STREAM`
- Character selection.
- * `buffer.SEL_RECTANGLE`
- Rectangular selection.
- * `buffer.SEL_LINES`
- Line selection.
- * `buffer.SEL_THIN`
- Thin rectangular selection. This is the mode after a rectangular selection has been
- typed into and ensures that no characters are selected.
- When set, caret movement alters the selected text until this field is set again to the
- same value or until [`buffer.cancel()`](#buffer.cancel) is called.
-<a id="buffer.selection_n_anchor"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_n_anchor` (table)
-Table of positions at the beginning of existing selections numbered from `1`, the main
- selection.
-<a id="buffer.selection_n_anchor_virtual_space"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_n_anchor_virtual_space` (table)
-Table of positions at the beginning of virtual space selected in existing selections
- numbered from `1`, the main selection.
-<a id="buffer.selection_n_caret"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_n_caret` (table)
-Table of positions at the end of existing selections numbered from `1`, the main selection.
-<a id="buffer.selection_n_caret_virtual_space"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_n_caret_virtual_space` (table)
-Table of positions at the end of virtual space selected in existing selections numbered from
- `1`, the main selection.
-<a id="buffer.selection_n_end"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_n_end` (table)
-Table of positions at the end of existing selections numbered from `1`, the main selection.
-<a id="buffer.selection_n_end_virtual_space"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_n_end_virtual_space` (number, Read-only)
-Table of positions at the end of virtual space selected in existing selections numbered from
- `1`, the main selection.
-<a id="buffer.selection_n_start"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_n_start` (table)
-Table of positions at the beginning of existing selections numbered from `1`, the main
- selection.
-<a id="buffer.selection_n_start_virtual_space"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_n_start_virtual_space` (number, Read-only)
-Table of positions at the beginning of virtual space selected in existing selections
- numbered from `1`, the main selection.
-<a id="buffer.selection_start"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_start` (number)
-The position of the beginning of the selected text.
- When set, becomes the anchor, but is not scrolled into view.
-<a id="buffer.selections"></a>
-#### `buffer.selections` (number, Read-only)
-The number of active selections. There is always at least one selection.
-<a id="buffer.style_at"></a>
-#### `buffer.style_at` (table, Read-only)
-Table of style numbers per position.
-<a id="buffer.tab_indents"></a>
-#### `buffer.tab_indents` (bool)
-Indent text when tabbing within indentation.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="buffer.tab_label"></a>
-#### `buffer.tab_label` (string)
-The buffer's tab label in the tab bar.
-<a id="buffer.tab_width"></a>
-#### `buffer.tab_width` (number)
-The number of space characters represented by a tab character.
- The default value is `8`.
-<a id="buffer.tag"></a>
-#### `buffer.tag` (table, Read-only)
-List of capture text for capture numbers from a regular expression search.
-<a id="buffer.target_end"></a>
-#### `buffer.target_end` (number)
-The position of the end of the target range.
- This is also set by a successful [`buffer.search_in_target()`](#buffer.search_in_target).
-<a id="buffer.target_end_virtual_space"></a>
-#### `buffer.target_end_virtual_space` (number)
-The position of the end of virtual space in the target range.
- This is set to `1` when [`buffer.target_start`](#buffer.target_start) or [`buffer.target_end`](#buffer.target_end) is set,
- or when [`buffer.set_target_range()`](#buffer.set_target_range) is called.
-<a id="buffer.target_start"></a>
-#### `buffer.target_start` (number)
-The position of the beginning of the target range.
- This is also set by a successful [`buffer.search_in_target()`](#buffer.search_in_target).
-<a id="buffer.target_start_virtual_space"></a>
-#### `buffer.target_start_virtual_space` (number)
-The position of the beginning of virtual space in the target range.
- This is set to `1` when [`buffer.target_start`](#buffer.target_start) or [`buffer.target_end`](#buffer.target_end) is set,
- or when [`buffer.set_target_range()`](#buffer.set_target_range) is called.
-<a id="buffer.target_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.target_text` (string, Read-only)
-The text in the target range.
-<a id="buffer.text_length"></a>
-#### `buffer.text_length` (number, Read-only)
-The number of bytes in the buffer.
-<a id="buffer.use_tabs"></a>
-#### `buffer.use_tabs` (bool)
-Use tabs instead of spaces in indentation.
- Changing the current setting does not convert any of the buffer's existing indentation. Use
- [`textadept.editing.convert_indentation()`](#textadept.editing.convert_indentation) to do so.
- The default value is `true`.
-<a id="buffer.virtual_space_options"></a>
-#### `buffer.virtual_space_options` (number)
-The virtual space mode.
- * `buffer.VS_NONE`
- Disable virtual space.
- Enable virtual space only for rectangular selections.
- Enable virtual space.
- Prevent the caret from wrapping to the previous line via `buffer:char_left()` and
- `buffer:char_left_extend()`. This option is not restricted to virtual space and should
- be added to any of the above options.
- When virtual space is enabled, the caret may move into the space past end of line characters.
- The default value is `buffer.VS_NONE`.
-<a id="buffer.whitespace_chars"></a>
-#### `buffer.whitespace_chars` (string)
-The string set of characters recognized as whitespace characters.
- Set this only after setting [`buffer.word_chars`](#buffer.word_chars).
- The default value is a string that contains all non-newline characters less than ASCII
- value 33.
-<a id="buffer.word_chars"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_chars` (string)
-The string set of characters recognized as word characters.
- The default value is a string that contains alphanumeric characters, an underscore, and
- all characters greater than ASCII value 127.
-### Functions defined by `buffer`
-<a id="buffer.add_selection"></a>
-#### `buffer.add_selection`(*buffer, end\_pos, start\_pos*)
-Selects the range of text between positions *start_pos* to *end_pos* as the main selection,
-retaining all other selections as additional selections.
-Since an empty selection (i.e. the current position) still counts as a selection, use
-`buffer.set_selection()` first when setting a list of selections.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`end_pos`*: The caret position of the range of text to select in *buffer*.
-* *`start_pos`*: The anchor position of the range of text to select in *buffer*.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.set_selection`](#buffer.set_selection)
-<a id="buffer.add_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.add_text`(*buffer, text*)
-Adds string *text* to the buffer at the caret position and moves the caret to the end of
-the added text without scrolling it into view.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`text`*: The text to add.
-<a id="buffer.annotation_clear_all"></a>
-#### `buffer.annotation_clear_all`(*buffer*)
-Clears annotations from all lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.append_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.append_text`(*buffer, text*)
-Appends string *text* to the end of the buffer without modifying any existing selections or
-scrolling the text into view.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`text`*: The text to append.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_active"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_active`(*buffer*)
-Returns whether or not an autocompletion or user list is visible.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* bool
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_cancel"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_cancel`(*buffer*)
-Cancels the displayed autocompletion or user list.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_complete"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_complete`(*buffer*)
-Completes the current word with the one selected in an autocompletion list.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_pos_start"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_pos_start`(*buffer*)
-Returns the position where autocompletion started or where a user list was shown.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_select"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_select`(*buffer, prefix*)
-Selects the first item that starts with string *prefix* in an autocompletion or user list,
-using the case sensitivity setting `buffer.auto_c_ignore_case`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`prefix`*: The item in the list to select.
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_show"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_show`(*buffer, len\_entered, items*)
-Displays an autocompletion list constructed from string *items* (whose items are delimited by
-`buffer.auto_c_separator` characters) using *len_entered* number of characters behind the
-caret as the prefix of the word to be autocompleted.
-The sorted order of *items* (`buffer.auto_c_order`) must have already been defined.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`len_entered`*: The number of characters before the caret used to provide the context.
-* *`items`*: The sorted string of words to show, separated by `buffer.auto_c_separator`
- characters (initially spaces).
-See also:
-* [`buffer.auto_c_separator`](#buffer.auto_c_separator)
-* [`buffer.auto_c_order`](#buffer.auto_c_order)
-<a id="buffer.auto_c_stops"></a>
-#### `buffer.auto_c_stops`(*buffer, chars*)
-Allows the user to type any character in string set *chars* in order to cancel an autocompletion
-or user list.
-The default set is empty.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`chars`*: The string of characters that cancel autocompletion. This string is empty
- by default.
-<a id="buffer.back_tab"></a>
-#### `buffer.back_tab`(*buffer*)
-Un-indents the text on the selected lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.begin_undo_action"></a>
-#### `buffer.begin_undo_action`(*buffer*)
-Starts a sequence of actions to be undone or redone as a single action.
-May be nested.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.brace_match"></a>
-#### `buffer.brace_match`(*buffer, pos, max\_re\_style*)
-Returns the position of the matching brace for the brace character at position *pos*, taking
-nested braces into account, or `-1`.
-The brace characters recognized are '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '<', and '>' and must have
-the same style.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position of the brace in *buffer* to match.
-* *`max_re_style`*: Must be `0`. Reserved for expansion.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.can_redo"></a>
-#### `buffer.can_redo`(*buffer*)
-Returns whether or not there is an action to be redone.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* bool
-<a id="buffer.can_undo"></a>
-#### `buffer.can_undo`(*buffer*)
-Returns whether or not there is an action to be undone.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* bool
-<a id="buffer.cancel"></a>
-#### `buffer.cancel`(*buffer*)
-Cancels the active selection mode, autocompletion or user list, call tip, etc.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.char_left"></a>
-#### `buffer.char_left`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret left one character.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.char_left_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.char_left_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret left one character, extending the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.char_left_rect_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.char_left_rect_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret left one character, extending the rectangular selection to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.char_right"></a>
-#### `buffer.char_right`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret right one character.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.char_right_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.char_right_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret right one character, extending the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.char_right_rect_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.char_right_rect_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret right one character, extending the rectangular selection to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.choose_caret_x"></a>
-#### `buffer.choose_caret_x`(*buffer*)
-Identifies the current horizontal caret position as the caret's preferred horizontal position
-when moving between lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.caret_sticky`](#buffer.caret_sticky)
-<a id="buffer.clear"></a>
-#### `buffer.clear`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the selected text or the character at the caret.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.clear_all"></a>
-#### `buffer.clear_all`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the buffer's text.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.clear_document_style"></a>
-#### `buffer.clear_document_style`(*buffer*)
-Clears all styling and folding information.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.close"></a>
-#### `buffer.close`(*buffer, force*)
-Closes the buffer, prompting the user to continue if there are unsaved changes (unless *force*
-is `true`), and returns `true` if the buffer was closed.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`force`*: Optional flag that discards unsaved changes without prompting the user. The
- default value is `false`.
-* `true` if the buffer was closed; `nil` otherwise.
-<a id="buffer.colorize"></a>
-#### `buffer.colorize`(*buffer, start\_pos, end\_pos*)
-Instructs the lexer to style and mark fold points in the range of text between *start_pos*
-and *end_pos*.
-If *end_pos* is `-1`, styles and marks to the end of the buffer.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`start_pos`*: The start position of the range of text in *buffer* to process.
-* *`end_pos`*: The end position of the range of text in *buffer* to process, or `-1` to
- process from *start_pos* to the end of *buffer*.
-<a id="buffer.convert_eols"></a>
-#### `buffer.convert_eols`(*buffer, mode*)
-Converts all end of line characters to those in end of line mode *mode*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`mode`*: The end of line mode to convert to. Valid values are:
- * `buffer.EOL_CRLF`
- * `buffer.EOL_CR`
- * `buffer.EOL_LF`
-<a id="buffer.copy"></a>
-#### `buffer.copy`(*buffer*)
-Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
-Multiple selections are copied in order with no delimiters. Rectangular selections are copied
-from top to bottom with end of line characters. Virtual space is not copied.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.copy_range"></a>
-#### `buffer.copy_range`(*buffer, start\_pos, end\_pos*)
-Copies to the clipboard the range of text between positions *start_pos* and *end_pos*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`start_pos`*: The start position of the range of text in *buffer* to copy.
-* *`end_pos`*: The end position of the range of text in *buffer* to copy.
-<a id="buffer.copy_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.copy_text`(*buffer, text*)
-Copies string *text* to the clipboard.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`text`*: The text to copy.
-<a id="buffer.count_characters"></a>
-#### `buffer.count_characters`(*buffer, start\_pos, end\_pos*)
-Returns the number of whole characters (taking multi-byte characters into account) between
-positions *start_pos* and *end_pos*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`start_pos`*: The start position of the range of text in *buffer* to start counting at.
-* *`end_pos`*: The end position of the range of text in *buffer* to stop counting at.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.cut"></a>
-#### `buffer.cut`(*buffer*)
-Cuts the selected text to the clipboard.
-Multiple selections are copied in order with no delimiters. Rectangular selections are copied
-from top to bottom with end of line characters. Virtual space is not copied.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.del_line_left"></a>
-#### `buffer.del_line_left`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the range of text from the caret to the beginning of the current line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.del_line_right"></a>
-#### `buffer.del_line_right`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the range of text from the caret to the end of the current line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.del_word_left"></a>
-#### `buffer.del_word_left`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the word to the left of the caret, including any leading non-word characters.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.del_word_right"></a>
-#### `buffer.del_word_right`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the word to the right of the caret, including any trailing non-word characters.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.del_word_right_end"></a>
-#### `buffer.del_word_right_end`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the word to the right of the caret, excluding any trailing non-word characters.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.delete"></a>
-#### `buffer.delete`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the buffer.
-**Do not call this function.** Call `buffer:close()` instead. Emits a `BUFFER_DELETED` event.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-See also:
-* [`events.BUFFER_DELETED`](#events.BUFFER_DELETED)
-<a id="buffer.delete_back"></a>
-#### `buffer.delete_back`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the character behind the caret if no text is selected.
-Otherwise, deletes the selected text.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.delete_back_not_line"></a>
-#### `buffer.delete_back_not_line`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the character behind the caret unless either the caret is at the beginning of a line
-or text is selected.
-If text is selected, deletes it.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.delete_range"></a>
-#### `buffer.delete_range`(*buffer, pos, length*)
-Deletes the range of text from position *pos* to *pos* + *length*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The start position of the range of text in *buffer* to delete.
-* *`length`*: The number of characters in the range of text to delete.
-<a id="buffer.document_end"></a>
-#### `buffer.document_end`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the end of the buffer.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.document_end_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.document_end_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the end of the buffer, extending the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.document_start"></a>
-#### `buffer.document_start`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of the buffer.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.document_start_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.document_start_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of the buffer, extending the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.drop_selection_n"></a>
-#### `buffer.drop_selection_n`(*buffer, n*)
-Drops existing selection number *n*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`n`*: The number of the existing selection.
-<a id="buffer.edit_toggle_overtype"></a>
-#### `buffer.edit_toggle_overtype`(*buffer*)
-Toggles `buffer.overtype`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.empty_undo_buffer"></a>
-#### `buffer.empty_undo_buffer`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the undo and redo history.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.end_undo_action"></a>
-#### `buffer.end_undo_action`(*buffer*)
-Ends a sequence of actions to be undone or redone as a single action.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.eol_annotation_clear_all"></a>
-#### `buffer.eol_annotation_clear_all`(*buffer*)
-Clears EOL annotations from all lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.find_column"></a>
-#### `buffer.find_column`(*buffer, line, column*)
-Returns the position of column number *column* on line number *line* (taking tab and multi-byte
-characters into account), or the position at the end of line *line*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *buffer* to use.
-* *`column`*: The column number to use.
-<a id="buffer.get_cur_line"></a>
-#### `buffer.get_cur_line`(*buffer*)
-Returns the current line's text and the caret's position on that line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* string, number
-<a id="buffer.get_last_child"></a>
-#### `buffer.get_last_child`(*buffer, line, level*)
-Returns the line number of the last line after line number *line* whose fold level is greater
-than *level*.
-If *level* is `-1`, returns the level of *line*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *buffer* of a header line.
-* *`level`*: The fold level, or `-1` for the level of *line*.
-<a id="buffer.get_lexer"></a>
-#### `buffer.get_lexer`(*buffer, current*)
-Returns the buffer's lexer name.
-If *current* is `true`, returns the name of the lexer under the caret in a multiple-language
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`current`*: Whether or not to get the lexer at the current caret position in multi-language
- lexers. The default is `false` and returns the parent lexer.
-<a id="buffer.get_line"></a>
-#### `buffer.get_line`(*buffer, line*)
-Returns the text on line number *line*, including end of line characters.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *buffer* to use.
-* string, number
-<a id="buffer.get_sel_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.get_sel_text`(*buffer*)
-Returns the selected text.
-Multiple selections are included in order with no delimiters. Rectangular selections are
-included from top to bottom with end of line characters. Virtual space is not included.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* string, number
-<a id="buffer.get_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.get_text`(*buffer*)
-Returns the buffer's text.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.goto_line"></a>
-#### `buffer.goto_line`(*buffer, line*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of line number *line* and scrolls it into view, event if
-*line* is hidden.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *buffer* to go to.
-<a id="buffer.goto_pos"></a>
-#### `buffer.goto_pos`(*buffer, pos*)
-Moves the caret to position *pos* and scrolls it into view.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* to go to.
-<a id="buffer.home"></a>
-#### `buffer.home`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of the current line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.home_display"></a>
-#### `buffer.home_display`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of the current wrapped line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.home_display_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.home_display_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of the current wrapped line, extending the selected text
-to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.home_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.home_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of the current line, extending the selected text to the
-new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.home_rect_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.home_rect_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of the current line, extending the rectangular selection
-to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.home_wrap"></a>
-#### `buffer.home_wrap`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of the current wrapped line or, if already there, to the
-beginning of the actual line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.home_wrap_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.home_wrap_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.home_wrap()`, but extends the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.indicator_all_on_for"></a>
-#### `buffer.indicator_all_on_for`(*buffer, pos*)
-Returns a bit-mask that represents which indicators are on at position *pos*.
-The first bit is set if indicator 1 is on, the second bit for indicator 2, etc.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* to get indicators at.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.indicator_clear_range"></a>
-#### `buffer.indicator_clear_range`(*buffer, pos, length*)
-Clears indicator number `buffer.indicator_current` over the range of text from position *pos*
-to *pos* + *length*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The start position of the range of text in *buffer* to clear indicators over.
-* *`length`*: The number of characters in the range of text to clear indicators over.
-<a id="buffer.indicator_end"></a>
-#### `buffer.indicator_end`(*buffer, indicator, pos*)
-Returns the next boundary position, starting from position *pos*, of indicator number
-*indicator*, in the range of `1` to `32`.
-Returns `1` if *indicator* was not found.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`indicator`*: An indicator number in the range of `1` to `32`.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* of the indicator.
-<a id="buffer.indicator_fill_range"></a>
-#### `buffer.indicator_fill_range`(*buffer, pos, length*)
-Fills the range of text from position *pos* to *pos* + *length* with indicator number
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The start position of the range of text in *buffer* to set indicators over.
-* *`length`*: The number of characters in the range of text to set indicators over.
-<a id="buffer.indicator_start"></a>
-#### `buffer.indicator_start`(*buffer, indicator, pos*)
-Returns the previous boundary position, starting from position *pos*, of indicator number
-*indicator*, in the range of `1` to `32`.
-Returns `1` if *indicator* was not found.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`indicator`*: An indicator number in the range of `1` to `32`.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* of the indicator.
-<a id="buffer.insert_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.insert_text`(*buffer, pos, text*)
-Inserts string *text* at position *pos*, removing any selections.
-If *pos* is `-1`, inserts *text* at the caret position.
-If the caret is after the *pos*, it is moved appropriately, but not scrolled into view.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* to insert text at, or `-1` for the current position.
-* *`text`*: The text to insert.
-<a id="buffer.is_range_word"></a>
-#### `buffer.is_range_word`(*buffer, start\_pos, end\_pos*)
-Returns whether or not the the positions *start_pos* and *end_pos* are at word boundaries.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`start_pos`*: The start position of the range of text in *buffer* to check for a word
- boundary at.
-* *`end_pos`*: The end position of the range of text in *buffer* to check for a word
- boundary at.
-<a id="buffer.line_copy"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_copy`(*buffer*)
-Copies the current line to the clipboard.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_cut"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_cut`(*buffer*)
-Cuts the current line to the clipboard.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_delete"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_delete`(*buffer*)
-Deletes the current line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_down"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_down`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret down one line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_down_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_down_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret down one line, extending the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_down_rect_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_down_rect_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret down one line, extending the rectangular selection to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_duplicate"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_duplicate`(*buffer*)
-Duplicates the current line on a new line below.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_end"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_end`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the end of the current line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_end_display"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_end_display`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the end of the current wrapped line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_end_display_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_end_display_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the end of the current wrapped line, extending the selected text to the
-new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_end_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_end_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the end of the current line, extending the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_end_rect_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_end_rect_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the end of the current line, extending the rectangular selection to the
-new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_end_wrap"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_end_wrap`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the end of the current wrapped line or, if already there, to the end of
-the actual line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_end_wrap_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_end_wrap_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.line_end_wrap()`, but extends the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_from_position"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_from_position`(*buffer, pos*)
-Returns the line number of the line that contains position *pos*.
-Returns `1` if *pos* is less than 1 or `buffer.line_count` if *pos* is greater than
-`buffer.length + 1`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* to get the line number of.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.line_length"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_length`(*buffer, line*)
-Returns the number of bytes on line number *line*, including end of line characters.
-To get line length excluding end of line characters, use `buffer.line_end_position[line]
-- buffer.position_from_line(line)`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *buffer* to get the length of.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.line_reverse"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_reverse`(*buffer*)
-Reverses the order of the selected lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_transpose"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_transpose`(*buffer*)
-Swaps the current line with the previous one.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_up"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_up`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret up one line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_up_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_up_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret up one line, extending the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.line_up_rect_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.line_up_rect_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret up one line, extending the rectangular selection to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.lines_join"></a>
-#### `buffer.lines_join`(*buffer*)
-Joins the lines in the target range, inserting spaces between the words joined at line
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.lines_split"></a>
-#### `buffer.lines_split`(*buffer, pixel\_width, width*)
-Splits the lines in the target range into lines *width* pixels wide.
-If *width* is `0`, splits the lines in the target range into lines as wide as the view.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pixel_width`*:
-* *`width`*: The pixel width to split lines at. When `0`, uses the width of the view.
-<a id="buffer.lower_case"></a>
-#### `buffer.lower_case`(*buffer*)
-Converts the selected text to lower case letters.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.margin_text_clear_all"></a>
-#### `buffer.margin_text_clear_all`(*buffer*)
-Clears all text in text margins.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.marker_add"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_add`(*buffer, line, marker*)
-Adds marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to `32`, to line number *line*, returning
-the added marker's handle which can be used in `buffer.marker_delete_handle()` and
-`buffer.marker_line_from_handle()`, or `-1` if *line* is invalid.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number to add the marker on.
-* *`marker`*: The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to add.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.marker_add_set"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_add_set`(*buffer, line, marker\_mask*)
-Adds the markers specified in marker bit-mask *marker_mask* to line number *line*.
-The first bit is set to add marker number 1, the second bit for marker number 2, and so on
-up to marker number 32.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number to add the markers on.
-* *`marker_mask`*: The mask of markers to set. Set the first bit to set marker 1, the second
- bit for marker 2 and so on.
-<a id="buffer.marker_delete"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_delete`(*buffer, line, marker*)
-Deletes marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to `32`, from line number *line*. If
-*marker* is `-1`, deletes all markers from *line*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number to delete the marker on.
-* *`marker`*: The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to delete from *line*, or `-1`
- to delete all markers from the line.
-<a id="buffer.marker_delete_all"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_delete_all`(*buffer, marker*)
-Deletes marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to `32`, from any line that has it.
-If *marker* is `-1`, deletes all markers from all lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`marker`*: The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to delete from all lines, or
- `-1` to delete all markers from all lines.
-<a id="buffer.marker_delete_handle"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_delete_handle`(*buffer, handle*)
-Deletes the marker with handle *handle* returned by `buffer.marker_add()`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`handle`*: The identifier of a marker returned by `buffer.marker_add()`.
-<a id="buffer.marker_get"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_get`(*buffer, line*)
-Returns a bit-mask that represents the markers on line number *line*.
-The first bit is set if marker number 1 is present, the second bit for marker number 2,
-and so on.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number to get markers on.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.marker_handle_from_line"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_handle_from_line`(*buffer, line, n*)
-Returns the handle of the *n*th marker on line number *line*, or `-1` if no such marker exists.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number to get markers on.
-* *`n`*: The marker to get the handle of.
-<a id="buffer.marker_line_from_handle"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_line_from_handle`(*buffer, handle*)
-Returns the line number of the line that contains the marker with handle *handle* (returned
-`buffer.marker_add()`), or `-1` if the line was not found.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`handle`*: The identifier of a marker returned by `buffer.marker_add()`.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.marker_next"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_next`(*buffer, line, marker\_mask*)
-Returns the first line number, starting at line number *line*, that contains all of the
-markers represented by marker bit-mask *marker_mask*.
-Returns `-1` if no line was found.
-The first bit is set if marker 1 is set, the second bit for marker 2, etc., up to marker 32.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The start line to search from.
-* *`marker_mask`*: The mask of markers to find. Set the first bit to find marker 1, the
- second bit for marker 2, and so on.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.marker_number_from_line"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_number_from_line`(*buffer, line, n*)
-Returns the number of the *n*th marker on line number *line*, or `-1` if no such marker exists.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number to get markers on.
-* *`n`*: The marker to get the number of.
-<a id="buffer.marker_previous"></a>
-#### `buffer.marker_previous`(*buffer, line, marker\_mask*)
-Returns the last line number, before or on line number *line*, that contains all of the
-markers represented by marker bit-mask *marker_mask*.
-Returns `-1` if no line was found.
-The first bit is set if marker 1 is set, the second bit for marker 2, etc., up to marker 32.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The start line to search from.
-* *`marker_mask`*: The mask of markers to find. Set the first bit to find marker 1, the
- second bit for marker 2, and so on.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.move_caret_inside_view"></a>
-#### `buffer.move_caret_inside_view`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret into view if it is not already, removing any selections.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.move_selected_lines_down"></a>
-#### `buffer.move_selected_lines_down`(*buffer*)
-Shifts the selected lines down one line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.move_selected_lines_up"></a>
-#### `buffer.move_selected_lines_up`(*buffer*)
-Shifts the selected lines up one line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.multiple_select_add_each"></a>
-#### `buffer.multiple_select_add_each`(*buffer*)
-Adds to the set of selections each occurrence of the main selection within the target range.
-If there is no selected text, the current word is used.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.multiple_select_add_next"></a>
-#### `buffer.multiple_select_add_next`(*buffer*)
-Adds to the set of selections the next occurrence of the main selection within the target
-range, makes that occurrence the new main selection, and scrolls it into view.
-If there is no selected text, the current word is used.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.name_of_style"></a>
-#### `buffer.name_of_style`(*buffer, style*)
-Returns the name of style number *style*, which is between `1` and `256`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`style`*: The style number between `1` and `256` to get the name of.
-* string
-<a id="buffer.new"></a>
-#### `buffer.new`()
-Creates a new buffer, displays it in the current view, and returns it.
-Emits a `BUFFER_NEW` event.
-* the new buffer.
-See also:
-* [`events.BUFFER_NEW`](#events.BUFFER_NEW)
-<a id="buffer.new_line"></a>
-#### `buffer.new_line`(*buffer*)
-Types a new line at the caret position according to [`buffer.eol_mode`](#buffer.eol_mode).
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.page_down"></a>
-#### `buffer.page_down`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret down one page.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.page_down_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.page_down_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret down one page, extending the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.page_down_rect_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.page_down_rect_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret down one page, extending the rectangular selection to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.page_up"></a>
-#### `buffer.page_up`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret up one page.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.page_up_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.page_up_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret up one page, extending the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.page_up_rect_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.page_up_rect_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret up one page, extending the rectangular selection to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.para_down"></a>
-#### `buffer.para_down`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret down one paragraph.
-Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.para_down_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.para_down_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret down one paragraph, extending the selected text to the new position.
-Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.para_up"></a>
-#### `buffer.para_up`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret up one paragraph.
-Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.para_up_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.para_up_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret up one paragraph, extending the selected text to the new position.
-Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.paste"></a>
-#### `buffer.paste`(*buffer*)
-Pastes the clipboard's contents into the buffer, replacing any selected text according to
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.position_after"></a>
-#### `buffer.position_after`(*buffer, pos*)
-Returns the position of the character after position *pos* (taking multi-byte characters
-into account), or `buffer.length + 1` if there is no character after *pos*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* to get the position after from.
-<a id="buffer.position_before"></a>
-#### `buffer.position_before`(*buffer, pos*)
-Returns the position of the character before position *pos* (taking multi-byte characters
-into account), or `1` if there is no character before *pos*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* to get the position before from.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.position_from_line"></a>
-#### `buffer.position_from_line`(*buffer, line*)
-Returns the position at the beginning of line number *line*.
-Returns `-1` if *line* is greater than `buffer.line_count + 1`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *buffer* to get the beginning position for.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.position_relative"></a>
-#### `buffer.position_relative`(*buffer, pos, n*)
-Returns the position *n* characters before or after position *pos* (taking multi-byte
-characters into account).
-Returns `1` if the position is less than 1 or greater than `buffer.length + 1`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* to get the relative position from.
-* *`n`*: The relative number of characters to get the position for. A negative number
- indicates a position before while a positive number indicates a position after.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.redo"></a>
-#### `buffer.redo`(*buffer*)
-Redoes the next undone action.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.reload"></a>
-#### `buffer.reload`(*buffer*)
-Reloads the buffer's file contents, discarding any changes.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.replace_rectangular"></a>
-#### `buffer.replace_rectangular`(*buffer, text*)
-Replaces the rectangular selection with string *text*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`text`*: The text to replace the rectangular selection with.
-<a id="buffer.replace_sel"></a>
-#### `buffer.replace_sel`(*buffer, text*)
-Replaces the selected text with string *text*, scrolling the caret into view.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`text`*: The text to replace the selected text with.
-<a id="buffer.replace_target"></a>
-#### `buffer.replace_target`(*buffer, text*)
-Replaces the text in the target range with string *text* sans modifying any selections or
-scrolling the view.
-Setting the target and calling this function with an empty string is another way to delete text.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`text`*: The text to replace the target range with.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.replace_target_re"></a>
-#### `buffer.replace_target_re`(*buffer, text*)
-Replaces the text in the target range with string *text* but first replaces any "\d" sequences
-with the text of capture number *d* from the regular expression (or the entire match for *d*
-= 0), and then returns the replacement text's length.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`text`*: The text to replace the target range with.
-* number
-<a id="buffer.rotate_selection"></a>
-#### `buffer.rotate_selection`(*buffer*)
-Designates the next additional selection to be the main selection.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.save"></a>
-#### `buffer.save`(*buffer*)
-Saves the buffer to its file.
-If the buffer does not have a file, the user is prompted for one.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.save_as"></a>
-#### `buffer.save_as`(*buffer, filename*)
-Saves the buffer to file *filename* or the user-specified filename.
-Emits a `FILE_AFTER_SAVE` event.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`filename`*: Optional new filepath to save the buffer to. If `nil`, the user is prompted
- for one.
-<a id="buffer.search_anchor"></a>
-#### `buffer.search_anchor`(*buffer*)
-Anchors the position that `buffer.search_next()` and `buffer.search_prev()` start at to the
-beginning of the current selection or caret position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.search_in_target"></a>
-#### `buffer.search_in_target`(*buffer, text*)
-Searches for the first occurrence of string *text* in the target range bounded by
-`buffer.target_start` and `buffer.target_end` using search flags `buffer.search_flags`
-and, if found, sets the new target range to that occurrence, returning its position or `-1`
-if *text* was not found.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`text`*: The text to search the target range for.
-* number
-See also:
-* [`buffer.search_flags`](#buffer.search_flags)
-<a id="buffer.search_next"></a>
-#### `buffer.search_next`(*buffer, flags, text*)
-Searches for and selects the first occurrence of string *text* starting at the search
-anchor using search flags *flags*, returning that occurrence's position or `-1` if *text*
-was not found.
-Selected text is not scrolled into view.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`flags`*: The search flags to use. See `buffer.search_flags`.
-* *`text`*: The text to search for.
-* number
-See also:
-* [`buffer.search_flags`](#buffer.search_flags)
-<a id="buffer.search_prev"></a>
-#### `buffer.search_prev`(*buffer, flags, text*)
-Searches for and selects the last occurrence of string *text* before the search anchor using
-search flags *flags*, returning that occurrence's position or `-1` if *text* was not found.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`flags`*: The search flags to use. See `buffer.search_flags`.
-* *`text`*: The text to search for.
-* number
-See also:
-* [`buffer.search_flags`](#buffer.search_flags)
-<a id="buffer.select_all"></a>
-#### `buffer.select_all`(*buffer*)
-Selects all of the buffer's text without scrolling the view.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.selection_duplicate"></a>
-#### `buffer.selection_duplicate`(*buffer*)
-Duplicates the selected text to its right.
-If no text is selected, duplicates the current line on a new line below.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.set_chars_default"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_chars_default`(*buffer*)
-Resets `buffer.word_chars`, `buffer.whitespace_chars`, and `buffer.punctuation_chars` to
-their respective defaults.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.word_chars`](#buffer.word_chars)
-* [`buffer.whitespace_chars`](#buffer.whitespace_chars)
-* [`buffer.punctuation_chars`](#buffer.punctuation_chars)
-<a id="buffer.set_empty_selection"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_empty_selection`(*buffer, pos*)
-Moves the caret to position *pos* without scrolling the view and removes any selections.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* to move to.
-<a id="buffer.set_encoding"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_encoding`(*buffer, encoding*)
-Converts the buffer's contents to encoding *encoding*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`encoding`*: The string encoding to set. Valid encodings are ones that GNU iconv accepts. If
- `nil`, assumes a binary encoding.
-* `buffer:set_encoding('CP1252')`
-<a id="buffer.set_lexer"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_lexer`(*buffer, name*)
-Associates string lexer name *name* or the auto-detected lexer name with the buffer and then
-loads the appropriate language module if that module exists.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`name`*: Optional string lexer name to set. If `nil`, attempts to auto-detect the
- buffer's lexer.
-* `buffer:set_lexer('lexer_name')`
-<a id="buffer.set_save_point"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_save_point`(*buffer*)
-Indicates the buffer has no unsaved changes.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.set_sel"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_sel`(*buffer, start\_pos, end\_pos*)
-Selects the range of text between positions *start_pos* and *end_pos*, scrolling the selected
-text into view.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`start_pos`*: The start position of the range of text in *buffer* to select. If negative,
- it means the end of the buffer.
-* *`end_pos`*: The end position of the range of text in *buffer* to select. If negative,
- it means remove any selection (i.e. set the `anchor` to the same position as `current_pos`).
-<a id="buffer.set_selection"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_selection`(*buffer, end\_pos, start\_pos*)
-Selects the range of text between positions *start_pos* to *end_pos*, removing all other
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`end_pos`*: The caret position of the range of text to select in *buffer*.
-* *`start_pos`*: The anchor position of the range of text to select in *buffer*.
-<a id="buffer.set_styling"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_styling`(*buffer, length, style*)
-Assigns style number *style*, in the range from `1` to `256`, to the next *length* characters,
-starting from the current styling position, and increments the styling position by *length*.
-[`buffer:start_styling`](#buffer.start_styling) should be called before `buffer:set_styling()`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`length`*: The number of characters to style.
-* *`style`*: The style number to set.
-<a id="buffer.set_target_range"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_target_range`(*buffer, start\_pos, end\_pos*)
-Defines the target range's beginning and end positions as *start_pos* and *end_pos*,
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`start_pos`*: The position of the beginning of the target range.
-* *`end_pos`*: The position of the end of the target range.
-<a id="buffer.set_text"></a>
-#### `buffer.set_text`(*buffer, text*)
-Replaces the buffer's text with string *text*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`text`*: The text to set.
-<a id="buffer.start_styling"></a>
-#### `buffer.start_styling`(*buffer, position, unused*)
-Begins styling at position *position* with styling bit-mask *style_mask*.
-*style_mask* specifies which style bits can be set with `buffer.set_styling()`.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`position`*: The position in *buffer* to start styling at.
-* *`unused`*: Unused number. `0` can be safely used.
-* `buffer:start_styling(1, 0)`
-See also:
-* [`buffer.set_styling`](#buffer.set_styling)
-<a id="buffer.stuttered_page_down"></a>
-#### `buffer.stuttered_page_down`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the bottom of the page or, if already there, down one page.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.stuttered_page_down_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.stuttered_page_down_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.stuttered_page_down()`, but extends the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.stuttered_page_up"></a>
-#### `buffer.stuttered_page_up`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the top of the page or, if already there, up one page.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.stuttered_page_up_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.stuttered_page_up_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.stuttered_page_up()`, but extends the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.style_of_name"></a>
-#### `buffer.style_of_name`(*buffer, style\_name, string*)
-Returns the style number associated with string *style_name*, or `view.STYLE_DEFAULT` if
-*style_name* is not in use.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`style_name`*:
-* *`string`*: The style name to get the number of.
-* style number, between `1` and `256`.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.name_of_style`](#buffer.name_of_style)
-<a id="buffer.swap_main_anchor_caret"></a>
-#### `buffer.swap_main_anchor_caret`(*buffer*)
-Swaps the main selection's beginning and end positions.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.tab"></a>
-#### `buffer.tab`(*buffer*)
-Indents the text on the selected lines or types a Tab character ("\t") at the caret position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.target_from_selection"></a>
-#### `buffer.target_from_selection`(*buffer*)
-Defines the target range's beginning and end positions as the beginning and end positions
-of the main selection, respectively.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.target_whole_document"></a>
-#### `buffer.target_whole_document`(*buffer*)
-Defines the target range's beginning and end positions as the beginning and end positions
-of the document, respectively.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.text_range"></a>
-#### `buffer.text_range`(*buffer, start\_pos, end\_pos*)
-Returns the range of text between positions *start_pos* and *end_pos*.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`start_pos`*: The start position of the range of text to get in *buffer*.
-* *`end_pos`*: The end position of the range of text to get in *buffer*.
-<a id="buffer.toggle_caret_sticky"></a>
-#### `buffer.toggle_caret_sticky`(*buffer*)
-Cycles between `buffer.caret_sticky` option settings `buffer.CARETSTICKY_ON` and
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.caret_sticky`](#buffer.caret_sticky)
-<a id="buffer.undo"></a>
-#### `buffer.undo`(*buffer*)
-Undoes the most recent action.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.upper_case"></a>
-#### `buffer.upper_case`(*buffer*)
-Converts the selected text to upper case letters.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.user_list_show"></a>
-#### `buffer.user_list_show`(*buffer, id, items*)
-Displays a user list identified by list identifier number *id* and constructed from string
-*items* (whose items are delimited by `buffer.auto_c_separator` characters).
-The sorted order of *items* (`buffer.auto_c_order`) must have already been defined. When the
-user selects an item, *id* is sent in a `USER_LIST_SELECTION` event along with the selection.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`id`*: The list identifier number greater than zero to use.
-* *`items`*: The sorted string of words to show, separated by `buffer.auto_c_separator`
- characters (initially spaces).
-See also:
-* [`_SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type`](#_SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type)
-<a id="buffer.vc_home"></a>
-#### `buffer.vc_home`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the first visible character on the current line or, if already there,
-to the beginning of the current line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.vc_home_display"></a>
-#### `buffer.vc_home_display`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the first visible character on the current wrapped line or, if already
-there, to the beginning of the current wrapped line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.vc_home_display_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.vc_home_display_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.vc_home_display()`, but extends the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.vc_home_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.vc_home_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.vc_home()`, but extends the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.vc_home_rect_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.vc_home_rect_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.vc_home()`, but extends the rectangular selection to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.vc_home_wrap"></a>
-#### `buffer.vc_home_wrap`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the first visible character on the current wrapped line or, if already
-there, to the beginning of the actual line.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.vc_home_wrap_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.vc_home_wrap_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.vc_home_wrap()`, but extends the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_end_position"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_end_position`(*buffer, pos, only\_word\_chars*)
-Returns the position of the end of the word at position *pos*.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words. If *pos* has a
-non-word character to its right and *only_word_chars* is `false`, returns the first word
-character's position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* of the word.
-* *`only_word_chars`*: If `true`, stops searching at the first non-word character in
- the search direction. Otherwise, the first character in the search direction sets the
- type of the search as word or non-word and the search stops at the first non-matching
- character. Searches are also terminated by the start or end of the buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_left"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_left`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret left one word.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_left_end"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_left_end`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret left one word, positioning it at the end of the previous word.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_left_end_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_left_end_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.word_left_end()`, but extends the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_left_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_left_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret left one word, extending the selected text to the new position.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_part_left"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_part_left`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the previous part of the current word.
-Word parts are delimited by underscore characters or changes in capitalization.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_part_left_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_part_left_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the previous part of the current word, extending the selected text to
-the new position.
-Word parts are delimited by underscore characters or changes in capitalization.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_part_right"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_part_right`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the next part of the current word.
-Word parts are delimited by underscore characters or changes in capitalization.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_part_right_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_part_right_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret to the next part of the current word, extending the selected text to the
-new position.
-Word parts are delimited by underscore characters or changes in capitalization.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_right"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_right`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret right one word.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_right_end"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_right_end`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret right one word, positioning it at the end of the current word.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_right_end_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_right_end_extend`(*buffer*)
-Like `buffer.word_right_end()`, but extends the selected text to the new position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_right_extend"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_right_extend`(*buffer*)
-Moves the caret right one word, extending the selected text to the new position.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-<a id="buffer.word_start_position"></a>
-#### `buffer.word_start_position`(*buffer, pos, only\_word\_chars*)
-Returns the position of the beginning of the word at position *pos*.
-`buffer.word_chars` contains the set of characters that constitute words. If *pos* has
-a non-word character to its left and *only_word_chars* is `false`, returns the last word
-character's position.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *buffer* of the word.
-* *`only_word_chars`*: If `true`, stops searching at the first non-word character in
- the search direction. Otherwise, the first character in the search direction sets the
- type of the search as word or non-word and the search stops at the first non-matching
- character. Searches are also terminated by the start or end of the buffer.
-<a id="events"></a>
-## The `events` Module
-Textadept's core event structure and handlers.
-Textadept emits events when you do things like create a new buffer, press a key, click on
-a menu, etc. You can even emit events yourself using Lua. Each event has a set of event
-handlers, which are simply Lua functions called in the order they were connected to an
-event. For example, if you created a module that needs to do something each time Textadept
-creates a new buffer, connect a Lua function to the [`events.BUFFER_NEW`](#events.BUFFER_NEW) event:
- events.connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, function()
- -- Do something here.
- end)
-Events themselves are nothing special. You do not have to declare one before using it. Events
-are simply strings containing arbitrary event names. When either you or Textadept emits an
-event, Textadept runs all event handlers connected to the event, passing any given arguments
-to the event's handler functions. If an event handler explicitly returns a value that is not
-`nil`, Textadept will not call subsequent handlers. This is useful if you want to stop the
-propagation of an event like a keypress if your event handler handled it, or if you want to
-use the event framework to pass values.
-### Fields defined by `events`
-<a id="events.APPLEEVENT_ODOC"></a>
-#### `events.APPLEEVENT_ODOC` (string)
-Emitted when macOS tells Textadept to open a file.
- Arguments:
- * _`uri`_: The UTF-8-encoded URI to open.
-<a id="events.AUTO_C_CANCELED"></a>
-#### `events.AUTO_C_CANCELED` (string)
-Emitted when canceling an autocompletion or user list.
-<a id="events.AUTO_C_CHAR_DELETED"></a>
-#### `events.AUTO_C_CHAR_DELETED` (string)
-Emitted after deleting a character while an autocompletion or user list is active.
-<a id="events.AUTO_C_COMPLETED"></a>
-#### `events.AUTO_C_COMPLETED` (string)
-Emitted after inserting an item from an autocompletion list into the buffer.
- Arguments:
- * _`text`_: The selection's text.
- * _`position`_: The autocompleted word's beginning position.
-<a id="events.AUTO_C_SELECTION"></a>
-#### `events.AUTO_C_SELECTION` (string)
-Emitted after selecting an item from an autocompletion list, but before inserting that
- item into the buffer.
- Automatic insertion can be canceled by calling [`buffer:auto_c_cancel()`](#buffer.auto_c_cancel) before returning
- from the event handler.
- Arguments:
- * _`text`_: The selection's text.
- * _`position`_: The autocompleted word's beginning position.
-<a id="events.AUTO_C_SELECTION_CHANGE"></a>
-#### `events.AUTO_C_SELECTION_CHANGE` (string)
-Emitted as items are highlighted in an autocompletion or user list.
- Arguments:
- * _`id`_: Either the *id* from [`buffer.user_list_show()`](#buffer.user_list_show) or `0` for an autocompletion list.
- * _`text`_: The current selection's text.
- * _`position`_: The position the list was displayed at.
-<a id="events.BUFFER_AFTER_REPLACE_TEXT"></a>
-#### `events.BUFFER_AFTER_REPLACE_TEXT` (string)
-Emitted after replacing the contents of the current buffer.
- Note that it is not guaranteed that [`events.BUFFER_BEFORE_REPLACE_TEXT`](#events.BUFFER_BEFORE_REPLACE_TEXT) was emitted
- previously.
- The buffer **must not** be modified during this event.
-<a id="events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH"></a>
-#### `events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH` (string)
-Emitted right after switching to another buffer.
- The buffer being switched to is `buffer`.
- Emitted by [`view.goto_buffer()`](#view.goto_buffer).
-<a id="events.BUFFER_BEFORE_REPLACE_TEXT"></a>
-#### `events.BUFFER_BEFORE_REPLACE_TEXT` (string)
-Emitted before replacing the contents of the current buffer.
- Note that it is not guaranteed that [`events.BUFFER_AFTER_REPLACE_TEXT`](#events.BUFFER_AFTER_REPLACE_TEXT) will be emitted
- shortly after this event.
- The buffer **must not** be modified during this event.
-<a id="events.BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH"></a>
-#### `events.BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH` (string)
-Emitted right before switching to another buffer.
- The buffer being switched from is `buffer`.
- Emitted by [`view.goto_buffer()`](#view.goto_buffer).
-<a id="events.BUFFER_DELETED"></a>
-#### `events.BUFFER_DELETED` (string)
-Emitted after deleting a buffer.
- Emitted by [`buffer.delete()`](#buffer.delete).
-<a id="events.BUFFER_NEW"></a>
-#### `events.BUFFER_NEW` (string)
-Emitted after creating a new buffer.
- The new buffer is `buffer`.
- Emitted on startup and by [`buffer.new()`](#buffer.new).
-<a id="events.CALL_TIP_CLICK"></a>
-#### `events.CALL_TIP_CLICK` (string)
-Emitted when clicking on a calltip.
- Arguments:
- * _`position`_: `1` if the up arrow was clicked, 2 if the down arrow was clicked, and
- 0 otherwise.
-<a id="events.CHAR_ADDED"></a>
-#### `events.CHAR_ADDED` (string)
-Emitted after the user types a text character into the buffer.
- Arguments:
- * _`code`_: The text character's character code.
-<a id="events.COMMAND_TEXT_CHANGED"></a>
-#### `events.COMMAND_TEXT_CHANGED` (string)
-Emitted when the text in the command entry changes.
- `ui.command_entry:get_text()` returns the current text.
-<a id="events.CSI"></a>
-#### `events.CSI` (string)
-Emitted when the terminal version receives an unrecognized CSI sequence.
- Arguments:
- * _`cmd`_: The 24-bit CSI command value. The lowest byte contains the command byte. The
- second lowest byte contains the leading byte, if any (e.g. '?'). The third lowest byte
- contains the intermediate byte, if any (e.g. '$').
- * _`args`_: Table of numeric arguments of the CSI sequence.
-<a id="events.DOUBLE_CLICK"></a>
-#### `events.DOUBLE_CLICK` (string)
-Emitted after double-clicking the mouse button.
- Arguments:
- * _`position`_: The position double-clicked.
- * _`line`_: The line number of the position double-clicked.
- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys held down: `view.MOD_CTRL`,
- `view.MOD_SHIFT`, `view.MOD_ALT`, and `view.MOD_META`. On macOS, the Command modifier
- key is reported as `view.MOD_CTRL` and Ctrl is `view.MOD_META`. Note: If you set
- `view.rectangular_selection_modifier` to `view.MOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is
- reported as *both* "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK.
-<a id="events.DWELL_END"></a>
-#### `events.DWELL_END` (string)
-Emitted after `DWELL_START` when the user moves the mouse, presses a key, or scrolls the view.
- Arguments:
- * _`position`_: The position closest to *x* and *y*.
- * _`x`_: The x-coordinate of the mouse in the view.
- * _`y`_: The y-coordinate of the mouse in the view.
-<a id="events.DWELL_START"></a>
-#### `events.DWELL_START` (string)
-Emitted when the mouse is stationary for [`view.mouse_dwell_time`](#view.mouse_dwell_time) milliseconds.
- Arguments:
- * _`position`_: The position closest to *x* and *y*.
- * _`x`_: The x-coordinate of the mouse in the view.
- * _`y`_: The y-coordinate of the mouse in the view.
-<a id="events.ERROR"></a>
-#### `events.ERROR` (string)
-Emitted when an error occurs.
- Arguments:
- * _`text`_: The error message text.
-<a id="events.FIND"></a>
-#### `events.FIND` (string)
-Emitted to find text via the Find & Replace Pane.
- Arguments:
- * _`text`_: The text to search for.
- * _`next`_: Whether or not to search forward.
-<a id="events.FIND_TEXT_CHANGED"></a>
-#### `events.FIND_TEXT_CHANGED` (string)
-Emitted when the text in the "Find" field of the Find & Replace Pane changes.
- `ui.find.find_entry_text` contains the current text.
-<a id="events.FOCUS"></a>
-#### `events.FOCUS` (string)
-Emitted when Textadept receives focus.
- This event is never emitted when Textadept is running in the terminal.
-<a id="events.INDICATOR_CLICK"></a>
-#### `events.INDICATOR_CLICK` (string)
-Emitted when clicking the mouse on text that has an indicator present.
- Arguments:
- * _`position`_: The clicked text's position.
- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys held down: `view.MOD_CTRL`,
- `view.MOD_SHIFT`, `view.MOD_ALT`, and `view.MOD_META`. On macOS, the Command modifier
- key is reported as `view.MOD_CTRL` and Ctrl is `view.MOD_META`. Note: If you set
- `view.rectangular_selection_modifier` to `view.MOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is
- reported as *both* "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK.
-<a id="events.INDICATOR_RELEASE"></a>
-#### `events.INDICATOR_RELEASE` (string)
-Emitted when releasing the mouse after clicking on text that has an indicator present.
- Arguments:
- * _`position`_: The clicked text's position.
- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys held down: `view.MOD_CTRL`,
- `view.MOD_SHIFT`, `view.MOD_ALT`, and `view.MOD_META`. On macOS, the Command modifier
- key is reported as `view.MOD_CTRL` and Ctrl is `view.MOD_META`. Note: If you set
- `view.rectangular_selection_modifier` to `view.MOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is
- reported as *both* "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK.
-<a id="events.INITIALIZED"></a>
-#### `events.INITIALIZED` (string)
-Emitted after Textadept finishes initializing.
-<a id="events.KEYPRESS"></a>
-#### `events.KEYPRESS` (string)
-Emitted when pressing a key.
- If any handler returns `true`, the key is not inserted into the buffer.
- Arguments:
- * _`code`_: The numeric key code.
- * _`shift`_: The "Shift" modifier key is held down.
- * _`ctrl`_: The "Control" modifier key is held down.
- * _`alt`_: The "Alt"/"Option" modifier key is held down.
- * _`cmd`_: The "Command" modifier key on macOS is held down.
- * _`caps_lock`_: The "Caps Lock" modifier is on.
-<a id="events.MARGIN_CLICK"></a>
-#### `events.MARGIN_CLICK` (string)
-Emitted when clicking the mouse inside a sensitive margin.
- Arguments:
- * _`margin`_: The margin number clicked.
- * _`position`_: The beginning position of the clicked margin's line.
- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys held down: `view.MOD_CTRL`,
- `view.MOD_SHIFT`, `view.MOD_ALT`, and `view.MOD_META`. On macOS, the Command modifier
- key is reported as `view.MOD_CTRL` and Ctrl is `view.MOD_META`. Note: If you set
- `view.rectangular_selection_modifier` to `view.MOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is
- reported as *both* "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK.
-<a id="events.MENU_CLICKED"></a>
-#### `events.MENU_CLICKED` (string)
-Emitted after selecting a menu item.
- Arguments:
- * _`menu_id`_: The numeric ID of the menu item, which was defined in [`ui.menu()`](#ui.menu).
-<a id="events.MOUSE"></a>
-#### `events.MOUSE` (string)
-Emitted by the terminal version for an unhandled mouse event.
- A handler should return `true` if it handled the event. Otherwise Textadept will try again.
- (This side effect for a `false` or `nil` return is useful for sending the original mouse
- event to a different view that a handler has switched to.)
- Arguments:
- * _`event`_: The mouse event: `view.MOUSE_PRESS`, `view.MOUSE_DRAG`, or `view.MOUSE_RELEASE`.
- * _`button`_: The mouse button number.
- * _`y`_: The y-coordinate of the mouse event, starting from 1.
- * _`x`_: The x-coordinate of the mouse event, starting from 1.
- * _`shift`_: The "Shift" modifier key is held down.
- * _`ctrl`_: The "Control" modifier key is held down.
- * _`alt`_: The "Alt"/"Option" modifier key is held down.
-<a id="events.QUIT"></a>
-#### `events.QUIT` (string)
-Emitted when quitting Textadept.
- When connecting to this event, connect with an index of 1 if the handler needs to run
- before Textadept closes all open buffers. If a handler returns `true`, Textadept does not
- quit. It is not recommended to return `false` from a quit handler, as that may interfere
- with Textadept's normal shutdown procedure.
- Emitted by [`quit()`](#quit).
-<a id="events.REPLACE"></a>
-#### `events.REPLACE` (string)
-Emitted to replace selected (found) text.
- Arguments:
- * _`text`_: The replacement text.
-<a id="events.REPLACE_ALL"></a>
-#### `events.REPLACE_ALL` (string)
-Emitted to replace all occurrences of found text.
- Arguments:
- * _`find_text`_: The text to search for.
- * _`repl_text`_: The replacement text.
-<a id="events.RESET_AFTER"></a>
-#### `events.RESET_AFTER` (string)
-Emitted after resetting Textadept's Lua state.
- Emitted by [`reset()`](#reset).
- Arguments:
- * _`persist`_: Table of data persisted by `events.RESET_BEFORE`. All handlers will have
- access to this same table.
-<a id="events.RESET_BEFORE"></a>
-#### `events.RESET_BEFORE` (string)
-Emitted before resetting Textadept's Lua state.
- Emitted by [`reset()`](#reset).
- Arguments:
- * _`persist`_: Table to store persistent data in for use by `events.RESET_AFTER`. All
- handlers will have access to this same table.
-<a id="events.RESUME"></a>
-#### `events.RESUME` (string)
-Emitted when resuming Textadept from a suspended state.
- This event is only emitted by the terminal version.
-<a id="events.SAVE_POINT_LEFT"></a>
-#### `events.SAVE_POINT_LEFT` (string)
-Emitted after leaving a save point.
-<a id="events.SAVE_POINT_REACHED"></a>
-#### `events.SAVE_POINT_REACHED` (string)
-Emitted after reaching a save point.
-<a id="events.SUSPEND"></a>
-#### `events.SUSPEND` (string)
-Emitted when suspending Textadept. If any handler returns `true`, Textadept does not suspend.
- This event is only emitted by the terminal version.
-<a id="events.TAB_CLICKED"></a>
-#### `events.TAB_CLICKED` (string)
-Emitted when the user clicks on a buffer tab.
- When connecting to this event, connect with an index of 1 if the handler needs to run
- before Textadept switches between buffers.
- Note that Textadept always displays a context menu on right-click.
- Arguments:
- * _`index`_: The numeric index of the clicked tab.
- * _`button`_: The mouse button number that was clicked, either `1` (left button), `2`
- (middle button), `3` (right button), `4` (wheel up), or `5` (wheel down).
- * _`shift`_: The "Shift" modifier key is held down.
- * _`ctrl`_: The "Control" modifier key is held down.
- * _`alt`_: The "Alt"/"Option" modifier key is held down.
- * _`cmd`_: The "Command" modifier key on macOS is held down.
-<a id="events.UNFOCUS"></a>
-#### `events.UNFOCUS` (string)
-Emitted when Textadept loses focus.
- This event is never emitted when Textadept is running in the terminal.
-<a id="events.UPDATE_UI"></a>
-#### `events.UPDATE_UI` (string)
-Emitted after the view is visually updated.
- Arguments:
- * _`updated`_: A bitmask of changes since the last update.
- + `buffer.UPDATE_CONTENT`
- Buffer contents, styling, or markers have changed.
- Buffer selection has changed (including caret movement).
- + `view.UPDATE_V_SCROLL`
- Buffer has scrolled vertically.
- + `view.UPDATE_H_SCROLL`
- Buffer has scrolled horizontally.
-<a id="events.URI_DROPPED"></a>
-#### `events.URI_DROPPED` (string)
-Emitted after dragging and dropping a URI into a view.
- Arguments:
- * _`text`_: The UTF-8-encoded URI dropped.
-<a id="events.USER_LIST_SELECTION"></a>
-#### `events.USER_LIST_SELECTION` (string)
-Emitted after selecting an item in a user list.
- Arguments:
- * _`id`_: The *id* from [`buffer.user_list_show()`](#buffer.user_list_show).
- * _`text`_: The selection's text.
- * _`position`_: The position the list was displayed at.
-<a id="events.VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH"></a>
-#### `events.VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH` (string)
-Emitted right after switching to another view.
- The view being switched to is `view`.
- Emitted by [`ui.goto_view()`](#ui.goto_view).
-<a id="events.VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH"></a>
-#### `events.VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH` (string)
-Emitted right before switching to another view.
- The view being switched from is `view`.
- Emitted by [`ui.goto_view()`](#ui.goto_view).
-<a id="events.VIEW_NEW"></a>
-#### `events.VIEW_NEW` (string)
-Emitted after creating a new view.
- The new view is `view`.
- Emitted on startup and by [`view.split()`](#view.split).
-<a id="events.ZOOM"></a>
-#### `events.ZOOM` (string)
-Emitted after changing [`view.zoom`](#view.zoom).
- Emitted by [`view.zoom_in()`](#view.zoom_in) and [`view.zoom_out()`](#view.zoom_out).
-### Functions defined by `events`
-<a id="events.connect"></a>
-#### `events.connect`(*event, f, index*)
-Adds function *f* to the set of event handlers for event *event* at position *index*.
-If *index* not given, appends *f* to the set of handlers. *event* may be any arbitrary string
-and does not need to have been previously defined.
-* *`event`*: The string event name.
-* *`f`*: The Lua function to connect to *event*.
-* *`index`*: Optional index to insert the handler into.
-* `events.connect('my_event', function(msg) ui.print(msg) end)`
-See also:
-* [`events.disconnect`](#events.disconnect)
-<a id="events.disconnect"></a>
-#### `events.disconnect`(*event, f*)
-Removes function *f* from the set of handlers for event *event*.
-* *`event`*: The string event name.
-* *`f`*: The Lua function connected to *event*.
-See also:
-* [`events.connect`](#events.connect)
-<a id="events.emit"></a>
-#### `events.emit`(*event, ...*)
-Sequentially calls all handler functions for event *event* with the given arguments.
-*event* may be any arbitrary string and does not need to have been previously defined. If
-any handler explicitly returns a value that is not `nil`, `emit()` returns that value and
-ceases to call subsequent handlers. This is useful for stopping the propagation of an event
-like a keypress after it has been handled, or for passing back values from handlers.
-* *`event`*: The string event name.
-* *`...`*: Arguments passed to the handler.
-* `events.emit('my_event', 'my message')`
-* `nil` unless any any handler explicitly returned a non-`nil` value; otherwise returns
- that value
-<a id="io"></a>
-## The `io` Module
-Extends Lua's `io` library with Textadept functions for working with files.
-### Fields defined by `io`
-<a id="events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE"></a>
-#### `events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE` (string)
-Emitted right after saving a file to disk.
- Emitted by [`buffer:save()`](#buffer.save) and [`buffer:save_as()`](#buffer.save_as).
- Arguments:
- * _`filename`_: The filename of the file being saved.
- * _`saved_as`_: Whether or not the file was saved under a different filename.
-<a id="events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE"></a>
-#### `events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE` (string)
-Emitted right before saving a file to disk.
- Emitted by [`buffer:save()`](#buffer.save).
- Arguments:
- * _`filename`_: The filename of the file being saved.
-<a id="events.FILE_CHANGED"></a>
-#### `events.FILE_CHANGED` (string)
-Emitted when Textadept detects that an open file was modified externally.
- When connecting to this event, connect with an index of 1 in order to override the default
- prompt to reload the file.
- Arguments:
- * _`filename`_: The filename externally modified.
-<a id="events.FILE_OPENED"></a>
-#### `events.FILE_OPENED` (string)
-Emitted after opening a file in a new buffer.
- Emitted by [`io.open_file()`](#io.open_file).
- Arguments:
- * _`filename`_: The opened file's filename.
-<a id="io.quick_open_max"></a>
-#### `io.quick_open_max` (number)
-The maximum number of files listed in the quick open dialog.
- The default value is `1000`.
-### Functions defined by `io`
-<a id="io.close_all_buffers"></a>
-#### `io.close_all_buffers`()
-Closes all open buffers, prompting the user to continue if there are unsaved buffers, and
-returns `true` if the user did not cancel.
-No buffers are saved automatically. They must be saved manually.
-* `true` if user did not cancel; `nil` otherwise.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.close`](#buffer.close)
-<a id="io.get_project_root"></a>
-#### `io.get_project_root`(*path, submodule*)
-Returns the root directory of the project that contains filesystem path *path*.
-In order to be recognized, projects must be under version control. Recognized VCSes are
-Bazaar, Fossil, Git, Mercurial, and SVN.
-* *`path`*: Optional filesystem path to a project or a file contained within a project. The
- default value is the buffer's filename or the current working directory. This parameter
- may be omitted.
-* *`submodule`*: Optional flag that indicates whether or not to return the root of the
- current submodule (if applicable). The default value is `false`.
-* string root or nil
-<a id="io.open_file"></a>
-#### `io.open_file`(*filenames, encodings*)
-Opens *filenames*, a string filename or list of filenames, or the user-selected filename(s).
-Emits a `FILE_OPENED` event.
-* *`filenames`*: Optional string filename or table of filenames to open. If `nil`, the user
- is prompted with a fileselect dialog.
-* *`encodings`*: Optional string encoding or table of encodings file contents are in (one
- encoding per file). If `nil`, encoding auto-detection is attempted via `io.encodings`.
-See also:
-* [`events`](#events)
-<a id="io.open_recent_file"></a>
-#### `io.open_recent_file`()
-Prompts the user to select a recently opened file to be reopened.
-See also:
-* [`io.recent_files`](#io.recent_files)
-<a id="io.quick_open"></a>
-#### `io.quick_open`(*paths, filter, opts*)
-Prompts the user to select files to be opened from *paths*, a string directory path or list
-of directory paths, using a filtered list dialog.
-If *paths* is `nil`, uses the current project's root directory, which is obtained from
-String or list *filter* determines which files to show in the dialog, with the default
-filter being `io.quick_open_filters[path]` (if it exists) or `lfs.default_filter`. A filter
-consists of Lua patterns that match file and directory paths to include or exclude. Patterns
-are inclusive by default. Exclusive patterns begin with a '!'. If no inclusive patterns are
-given, any path is initially considered. As a convenience, file extensions can be specified
-literally instead of as a Lua pattern (e.g. '.lua' vs. '%.lua$'), and '/' also matches the
-Windows directory separator ('[/\\]' is not needed).
-The number of files in the list is capped at `quick_open_max`.
-If *filter* is `nil` and *paths* is ultimately a string, the filter from the
-`io.quick_open_filters` table is used. If that filter does not exist, `lfs.default_filter`
-is used.
-*opts* is an optional table of additional options for `ui.dialogs.filteredlist()`.
-* *`paths`*: Optional string directory path or table of directory paths to search. The
- default value is the current project's root directory, if available.
-* *`filter`*: Optional filter for files and directories to include and/or exclude. The
- default value is `lfs.default_filter` unless a filter for *paths* is defined in
- `io.quick_open_filters`.
-* *`opts`*: Optional table of additional options for `ui.dialogs.filteredlist()`.
-* `io.quick_open(buffer.filename:match('^(.+)[/\\]')) -- list all files in the current
- file's directory, subject to the default filter`
-* `io.quick_open(io.get_current_project(), '.lua') -- list all Lua files in the current
- project`
-* `io.quick_open(io.get_current_project(), '!/build') -- list all files in the current
- project except those in the build directory`
-See also:
-* [`io.quick_open_filters`](#io.quick_open_filters)
-* [`lfs.default_filter`](#lfs.default_filter)
-* [`io.quick_open_max`](#io.quick_open_max)
-* [`ui.dialogs.filteredlist`](#ui.dialogs.filteredlist)
-<a id="io.save_all_files"></a>
-#### `io.save_all_files`()
-Saves all unsaved buffers to their respective files.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.save`](#buffer.save)
-### Tables defined by `io`
-<a id="io.encodings"></a>
-#### `io.encodings`
-List of encodings to attempt to decode files as.
-You should add to this list if you get a "Conversion failed" error when trying to open a file
-whose encoding is not recognized. Valid encodings are [GNU iconv's encodings][] and include:
- * European: ASCII, ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,13,14,15,16}, KOI8-R,
- KOI8-U, KOI8-RU, CP{1250,1251,1252,1253,1254,1257}, CP{850,866,1131},
- Mac{Roman,CentralEurope,Iceland,Croatian,Romania}, Mac{Cyrillic,Ukraine,Greek,Turkish},
- Macintosh.
- * Unicode: UTF-8, UCS-2, UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE, UCS-4, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE, UTF-16, UTF-16BE,
- UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-7, C99, JAVA.
-[GNU iconv's encodings]: https://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/
-* `io.encodings[#io.encodings + 1] = 'UTF-32'`
-<a id="io.quick_open_filters"></a>
-#### `io.quick_open_filters`
-Map of directory paths to filters used by `io.quick_open()`.
-See also:
-* [`io.quick_open`](#io.quick_open)
-<a id="io.recent_files"></a>
-#### `io.recent_files`
-List of recently opened files, the most recent being towards the top.
-<a id="keys"></a>
-## The `keys` Module
-Manages key bindings in Textadept.
-### Overview
-Define key bindings in the global `keys` table in key-value pairs. Each pair consists of
-either a string key sequence and its associated command, a string lexer name (from the
-*lexers/* directory) with a table of key sequences and commands, a string key mode with a
-table of key sequences and commands, or a key sequence with a table of more sequences and
-commands. The latter is part of what is called a "key chain", to be discussed below. When
-searching for a command to run based on a key sequence, Textadept considers key bindings
-in the current key mode to have priority. If no key mode is active, language-specific key
-bindings have priority, followed by the ones in the global table. This means if there are
-two commands with the same key sequence, Textadept runs the language-specific one. However,
-if the command returns the boolean value `false`, Textadept also runs the lower-priority
-command. (This is useful for language modules to override commands like autocompletion,
-but fall back to word autocompletion if the first command fails.)
-### Key Sequences
-Key sequences are strings built from an ordered combination of modifier keys and the key's
-inserted character. Modifier keys are "Control", "Shift", and "Alt" on Windows, Linux, BSD,
-and in the terminal version. On macOS they are "Control" (`^`), "Alt/Option" (`⌥`), "Command"
-(`⌘`), and "Shift" (`⇧`). These modifiers have the following string representations:
-Modifier | Linux / Win32 | macOS | Terminal
-Control | `'ctrl'` | `'ctrl'` | `'ctrl'`
-Alt | `'alt'` | `'alt'` | `'meta'`
-Command | N/A | `'cmd'` | N/A
-Shift | `'shift'` | `'shift'` | `'shift'`
-The string representation of key values less than 255 is the character that Textadept would
-normally insert if the "Control", "Alt", and "Command" modifiers were not held down. Therefore,
-a combination of `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A` has the key sequence `ctrl+alt+A` on Windows and Linux,
-but a combination of `Ctrl+Shift+Tab` has the key sequence `ctrl+shift+\t`. On a United States
-English keyboard, since the combination of `Ctrl+Shift+,` has the key sequence `ctrl+<`
-(`Shift+,` inserts a `<`), Textadept recognizes the key binding as `Ctrl+<`. This allows
-key bindings to be language and layout agnostic. For key values greater than 255, Textadept
-uses the [`keys.KEYSYMS`](#keys.KEYSYMS) lookup table. Therefore, `Ctrl+Right Arrow` has the key sequence
-`ctrl+right`. Uncommenting the `print()` statements in *core/keys.lua* causes Textadept to
-print key sequences to standard out (stdout) for inspection.
-### Commands
-A command bound to a key sequence is simply a Lua function. For example:
- keys['ctrl+n'] = buffer.new
- keys['ctrl+z'] = buffer.undo
- keys['ctrl+u'] = function() io.quick_open(_USERHOME) end
-Textadept handles [`buffer`](#buffer) references properly in static contexts.
-### Modes
-Modes are groups of key bindings such that when a key [mode](#keys.mode) is active, Textadept
-ignores all key bindings defined outside the mode until the mode is unset. Here is a simple
-vi mode example:
- keys.command_mode = {
- ['h'] = buffer.char_left,
- ['j'] = buffer.line_up,
- ['k'] = buffer.line_down,
- ['l'] = buffer.char_right,
- ['i'] = function()
- keys.mode = nil
- ui.statusbar_text = 'INSERT MODE'
- end
- }
- keys['esc'] = function() keys.mode = 'command_mode' end
- events.connect(events.UPDATE_UI, function()
- if keys.mode == 'command_mode' then return end
- ui.statusbar_text = 'INSERT MODE'
- end)
- keys.mode = 'command_mode' -- default mode
-**Warning**: When creating a mode, be sure to define a way to exit the mode, otherwise you
-will probably have to restart Textadept.
-### Key Chains
-Key chains are a powerful concept. They allow you to assign multiple key bindings to one
-key sequence. By default, the `Esc` key cancels a key chain, but you can redefine it via
-[`keys.CLEAR`](#keys.CLEAR). An example key chain looks like:
- keys['alt+a'] = {
- a = function1,
- b = function2,
- c = {...}
- }
-### Fields defined by `keys`
-<a id="keys.CLEAR"></a>
-#### `keys.CLEAR` (string)
-The key that clears the current key chain.
- It cannot be part of a key chain.
- The default value is `'esc'` for the `Esc` key.
-<a id="keys.mode"></a>
-#### `keys.mode` (string)
-The current key mode.
- When non-`nil`, all key bindings defined outside of `keys[mode]` are ignored.
- The default value is `nil`.
-### Tables defined by `keys`
-<a id="keys.KEYSYMS"></a>
-#### `keys.KEYSYMS`
-Lookup table for string representations of key codes higher than 255.
-Key codes can be identified by temporarily uncommenting the `print()` statements in
-Recognized codes are: esc, \b, \t, \n, down, up, left, right, home, end, pgup, pgdn, del,
-ins, and f1-f12.
-The GUI version also recognizes: kpenter, kphome, kpend, kpleft, kpup, kpright, kpdown,
-kppgup, kppgdn, kpmul, kpadd, kpsub, kpdiv, kpdec, and kp0-kp9.
-<a id="_G.keys"></a>
-#### `_G.keys`
-Map of key bindings to commands, with language-specific key tables assigned to a lexer name key.
-<a id="keys.keychain"></a>
-#### `keys.keychain`
-The current chain of key sequences. (Read-only.)
-<a id="lexer"></a>
-## The `lexer` Module
-Lexes Scintilla documents and source code with Lua and LPeg.
-### Writing Lua Lexers
-Lexers highlight the syntax of source code. Scintilla (the editing component behind
-[Textadept][] and [SciTE][]) traditionally uses static, compiled C++ lexers which are
-notoriously difficult to create and/or extend. On the other hand, Lua makes it easy to to
-rapidly create new lexers, extend existing ones, and embed lexers within one another. Lua
-lexers tend to be more readable than C++ lexers too.
-Lexers are Parsing Expression Grammars, or PEGs, composed with the Lua [LPeg library][]. The
-following table comes from the LPeg documentation and summarizes all you need to know about
-constructing basic LPeg patterns. This module provides convenience functions for creating
-and working with other more advanced patterns and concepts.
-Operator | Description
-`lpeg.P(string)` | Matches `string` literally.
-`lpeg.P(`_`n`_`)` | Matches exactly _`n`_ number of characters.
-`lpeg.S(string)` | Matches any character in set `string`.
-`lpeg.R("`_`xy`_`")`| Matches any character between range `x` and `y`.
-`patt^`_`n`_ | Matches at least _`n`_ repetitions of `patt`.
-`patt^-`_`n`_ | Matches at most _`n`_ repetitions of `patt`.
-`patt1 * patt2` | Matches `patt1` followed by `patt2`.
-`patt1 + patt2` | Matches `patt1` or `patt2` (ordered choice).
-`patt1 - patt2` | Matches `patt1` if `patt2` does not also match.
-`-patt` | Equivalent to `("" - patt)`.
-`#patt` | Matches `patt` but consumes no input.
-The first part of this document deals with rapidly constructing a simple lexer. The next part
-deals with more advanced techniques, such as custom coloring and embedding lexers within one
-another. Following that is a discussion about code folding, or being able to tell Scintilla
-which code blocks are "foldable" (temporarily hideable from view). After that are instructions
-on how to use Lua lexers with the aforementioned Textadept and SciTE editors. Finally there
-are comments on lexer performance and limitations.
-[LPeg library]: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg.html
-[Textadept]: https://orbitalquark.github.io/textadept
-[SciTE]: https://scintilla.org/SciTE.html
-### Lexer Basics
-The *lexers/* directory contains all lexers, including your new one. Before attempting to
-write one from scratch though, first determine if your programming language is similar to
-any of the 100+ languages supported. If so, you may be able to copy and modify that lexer,
-saving some time and effort. The filename of your lexer should be the name of your programming
-language in lower case followed by a *.lua* extension. For example, a new Lua lexer has the
-name *lua.lua*.
-Note: Try to refrain from using one-character language names like "c", "d", or "r". For
-example, Scintillua uses "ansi_c", "dmd", and "rstats", respectively.
-#### New Lexer Template
-There is a *lexers/template.txt* file that contains a simple template for a new lexer. Feel
-free to use it, replacing the '?'s with the name of your lexer. Consider this snippet from
-the template:
- -- ? LPeg lexer.
- local lexer = require('lexer')
- local token, word_match = lexer.token, lexer.word_match
- local P, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.S
- local lex = lexer.new('?')
- -- Whitespace.
- local ws = token(lexer.WHITESPACE, lexer.space^1)
- lex:add_rule('whitespace', ws)
- [...]
- return lex
-The first 3 lines of code simply define often used convenience variables. The fourth and
-last lines [define](#lexer.new) and return the lexer object Scintilla uses; they are very
-important and must be part of every lexer. The fifth line defines something called a "token",
-an essential building block of lexers. You will learn about tokens shortly. The sixth line
-defines a lexer grammar rule, which you will learn about later, as well as token styles. (Be
-aware that it is common practice to combine these two lines for short rules.) Note, however,
-the `local` prefix in front of variables, which is needed so-as not to affect Lua's global
-environment. All in all, this is a minimal, working lexer that you can build on.
-#### Tokens
-Take a moment to think about your programming language's structure. What kind of key
-elements does it have? In the template shown earlier, one predefined element all languages
-have is whitespace. Your language probably also has elements like comments, strings, and
-keywords. Lexers refer to these elements as "tokens". Tokens are the fundamental "building
-blocks" of lexers. Lexers break down source code into tokens for coloring, which results
-in the syntax highlighting familiar to you. It is up to you how specific your lexer is
-when it comes to tokens. Perhaps only distinguishing between keywords and identifiers is
-necessary, or maybe recognizing constants and built-in functions, methods, or libraries is
-desirable. The Lua lexer, for example, defines 11 tokens: whitespace, keywords, built-in
-functions, constants, built-in libraries, identifiers, strings, comments, numbers, labels,
-and operators. Even though constants, built-in functions, and built-in libraries are subsets
-of identifiers, Lua programmers find it helpful for the lexer to distinguish between them
-all. It is perfectly acceptable to just recognize keywords and identifiers.
-In a lexer, tokens consist of a token name and an LPeg pattern that matches a sequence of
-characters recognized as an instance of that token. Create tokens using the [`lexer.token()`](#lexer.token)
-function. Let us examine the "whitespace" token defined in the template shown earlier:
- local ws = token(lexer.WHITESPACE, lexer.space^1)
-At first glance, the first argument does not appear to be a string name and the second
-argument does not appear to be an LPeg pattern. Perhaps you expected something like:
- local ws = token('whitespace', S('\t\v\f\n\r ')^1)
-The `lexer` module actually provides a convenient list of common token names and common LPeg
-patterns for you to use. Token names include [`lexer.DEFAULT`](#lexer.DEFAULT), [`lexer.WHITESPACE`](#lexer.WHITESPACE),
-[`lexer.COMMENT`](#lexer.COMMENT), [`lexer.STRING`](#lexer.STRING), [`lexer.NUMBER`](#lexer.NUMBER), [`lexer.KEYWORD`](#lexer.KEYWORD),
-[`lexer.IDENTIFIER`](#lexer.IDENTIFIER), [`lexer.OPERATOR`](#lexer.OPERATOR), [`lexer.ERROR`](#lexer.ERROR), [`lexer.PREPROCESSOR`](#lexer.PREPROCESSOR),
-[`lexer.CONSTANT`](#lexer.CONSTANT), [`lexer.VARIABLE`](#lexer.VARIABLE), [`lexer.FUNCTION`](#lexer.FUNCTION), [`lexer.CLASS`](#lexer.CLASS),
-[`lexer.TYPE`](#lexer.TYPE), [`lexer.LABEL`](#lexer.LABEL), [`lexer.REGEX`](#lexer.REGEX), and [`lexer.EMBEDDED`](#lexer.EMBEDDED). Patterns
-include [`lexer.any`](#lexer.any), [`lexer.alpha`](#lexer.alpha), [`lexer.digit`](#lexer.digit), [`lexer.alnum`](#lexer.alnum),
-[`lexer.lower`](#lexer.lower), [`lexer.upper`](#lexer.upper), [`lexer.xdigit`](#lexer.xdigit), [`lexer.graph`](#lexer.graph), [`lexer.print`](#lexer.print),
-[`lexer.punct`](#lexer.punct), [`lexer.space`](#lexer.space), [`lexer.newline`](#lexer.newline), [`lexer.nonnewline`](#lexer.nonnewline),
-[`lexer.dec_num`](#lexer.dec_num), [`lexer.hex_num`](#lexer.hex_num), [`lexer.oct_num`](#lexer.oct_num), [`lexer.integer`](#lexer.integer),
-[`lexer.float`](#lexer.float), [`lexer.number`](#lexer.number), and [`lexer.word`](#lexer.word). You may use your own token names
-if none of the above fit your language, but an advantage to using predefined token names is
-that your lexer's tokens will inherit the universal syntax highlighting color theme used by
-your text editor.
-##### Example Tokens
-So, how might you define other tokens like keywords, comments, and strings? Here are some
-Instead of matching _n_ keywords with _n_ `P('keyword_`_`n`_`')` ordered choices, use another
-convenience function: [`lexer.word_match()`](#lexer.word_match). It is much easier and more efficient to
-write word matches like:
- local keyword = token(lexer.KEYWORD, lexer.word_match{
- 'keyword_1', 'keyword_2', ..., 'keyword_n'
- })
- local case_insensitive_keyword = token(lexer.KEYWORD, lexer.word_match({
- 'KEYWORD_1', 'keyword_2', ..., 'KEYword_n'
- }, true))
- local hyphened_keyword = token(lexer.KEYWORD, lexer.word_match{
- 'keyword-1', 'keyword-2', ..., 'keyword-n'
- })
-For short keyword lists, you can use a single string of words. For example:
- local keyword = token(lexer.KEYWORD, lexer.word_match('key_1 key_2 ... key_n'))
-Line-style comments with a prefix character(s) are easy to express with LPeg:
- local shell_comment = token(lexer.COMMENT, lexer.to_eol('#'))
- local c_line_comment = token(lexer.COMMENT, lexer.to_eol('//', true))
-The comments above start with a '#' or "//" and go to the end of the line. The second comment
-recognizes the next line also as a comment if the current line ends with a '\' escape character.
-C-style "block" comments with a start and end delimiter are also easy to express:
- local c_comment = token(lexer.COMMENT, lexer.range('/*', '*/'))
-This comment starts with a "/\*" sequence and contains anything up to and including an ending
-"\*/" sequence. The ending "\*/" is optional so the lexer can recognize unfinished comments
-as comments and highlight them properly.
-Most programming languages allow escape sequences in strings such that a sequence like
-"\\&quot;" in a double-quoted string indicates that the '&quot;' is not the end of the
-string. [`lexer.range()`](#lexer.range) handles escapes inherently.
- local dq_str = lexer.range('"')
- local sq_str = lexer.range("'")
- local string = token(lexer.STRING, dq_str + sq_str)
-In this case, the lexer treats '\' as an escape character in a string sequence.
-Most programming languages have the same format for integer and float tokens, so it might
-be as simple as using a predefined LPeg pattern:
- local number = token(lexer.NUMBER, lexer.number)
-However, some languages allow postfix characters on integers.
- local integer = P('-')^-1 * (lexer.dec_num * S('lL')^-1)
- local number = token(lexer.NUMBER, lexer.float + lexer.hex_num + integer)
-Your language may need other tweaks, but it is up to you how fine-grained you want your
-highlighting to be. After all, you are not writing a compiler or interpreter!
-#### Rules
-Programming languages have grammars, which specify valid token structure. For example,
-comments usually cannot appear within a string. Grammars consist of rules, which are simply
-combinations of tokens. Recall from the lexer template the [`lexer.add_rule()`](#lexer.add_rule) call,
-which adds a rule to the lexer's grammar:
- lex:add_rule('whitespace', ws)
-Each rule has an associated name, but rule names are completely arbitrary and serve only to
-identify and distinguish between different rules. Rule order is important: if text does not
-match the first rule added to the grammar, the lexer tries to match the second rule added, and
-so on. Right now this lexer simply matches whitespace tokens under a rule named "whitespace".
-To illustrate the importance of rule order, here is an example of a simplified Lua lexer:
- lex:add_rule('whitespace', token(lexer.WHITESPACE, ...))
- lex:add_rule('keyword', token(lexer.KEYWORD, ...))
- lex:add_rule('identifier', token(lexer.IDENTIFIER, ...))
- lex:add_rule('string', token(lexer.STRING, ...))
- lex:add_rule('comment', token(lexer.COMMENT, ...))
- lex:add_rule('number', token(lexer.NUMBER, ...))
- lex:add_rule('label', token(lexer.LABEL, ...))
- lex:add_rule('operator', token(lexer.OPERATOR, ...))
-Note how identifiers come after keywords. In Lua, as with most programming languages,
-the characters allowed in keywords and identifiers are in the same set (alphanumerics
-plus underscores). If the lexer added the "identifier" rule before the "keyword" rule,
-all keywords would match identifiers and thus incorrectly highlight as identifiers instead
-of keywords. The same idea applies to function, constant, etc. tokens that you may want to
-distinguish between: their rules should come before identifiers.
-So what about text that does not match any rules? For example in Lua, the '!' character is
-meaningless outside a string or comment. Normally the lexer skips over such text. If instead
-you want to highlight these "syntax errors", add an additional end rule:
- lex:add_rule('whitespace', ws)
- ...
- lex:add_rule('error', token(lexer.ERROR, lexer.any))
-This identifies and highlights any character not matched by an existing rule as a `lexer.ERROR`
-Even though the rules defined in the examples above contain a single token, rules may
-consist of multiple tokens. For example, a rule for an HTML tag could consist of a tag token
-followed by an arbitrary number of attribute tokens, allowing the lexer to highlight all
-tokens separately. That rule might look something like this:
- lex:add_rule('tag', tag_start * (ws * attributes)^0 * tag_end^-1)
-Note however that lexers with complex rules like these are more prone to lose track of their
-state, especially if they span multiple lines.
-#### Summary
-Lexers primarily consist of tokens and grammar rules. At your disposal are a number of
-convenience patterns and functions for rapidly creating a lexer. If you choose to use
-predefined token names for your tokens, you do not have to define how the lexer highlights
-them. The tokens will inherit the default syntax highlighting color theme your editor uses.
-### Advanced Techniques
-#### Styles and Styling
-The most basic form of syntax highlighting is assigning different colors to different
-tokens. Instead of highlighting with just colors, Scintilla allows for more rich highlighting,
-or "styling", with different fonts, font sizes, font attributes, and foreground and background
-colors, just to name a few. The unit of this rich highlighting is called a "style". Styles
-are simply Lua tables of properties. By default, lexers associate predefined token names like
-`lexer.WHITESPACE`, `lexer.COMMENT`, `lexer.STRING`, etc. with particular styles as part
-of a universal color theme. These predefined styles are contained in [`lexer.styles`](#lexer.styles),
-and you may define your own styles. See that table's documentation for more information. As
-with token names, LPeg patterns, and styles, there is a set of predefined color names,
-but they vary depending on the current color theme in use. Therefore, it is generally not
-a good idea to manually define colors within styles in your lexer since they might not fit
-into a user's chosen color theme. Try to refrain from even using predefined colors in a
-style because that color may be theme-specific. Instead, the best practice is to either use
-predefined styles or derive new color-agnostic styles from predefined ones. For example, Lua
-"longstring" tokens use the existing `lexer.styles.string` style instead of defining a new one.
-##### Example Styles
-Defining styles is pretty straightforward. An empty style that inherits the default theme
-settings is simply an empty table:
- local style_nothing = {}
-A similar style but with a bold font face looks like this:
- local style_bold = {bold = true}
-You can derive new styles from predefined ones without having to rewrite them. This operation
-leaves the old style unchanged. For example, if you had a "static variable" token whose
-style you wanted to base off of `lexer.styles.variable`, it would probably look like:
- local style_static_var = lexer.styles.variable .. {italics = true}
-The color theme files in the *lexers/themes/* folder give more examples of style definitions.
-#### Token Styles
-Lexers use the [`lexer.add_style()`](#lexer.add_style) function to assign styles to particular tokens. Recall
-the token definition and from the lexer template:
- local ws = token(lexer.WHITESPACE, lexer.space^1)
- lex:add_rule('whitespace', ws)
-Why is a style not assigned to the `lexer.WHITESPACE` token? As mentioned earlier, lexers
-automatically associate tokens that use predefined token names with a particular style. Only
-tokens with custom token names need manual style associations. As an example, consider a
-custom whitespace token:
- local ws = token('custom_whitespace', lexer.space^1)
-Assigning a style to this token looks like:
- lex:add_style('custom_whitespace', lexer.styles.whitespace)
-Do not confuse token names with rule names. They are completely different entities. In the
-example above, the lexer associates the "custom_whitespace" token with the existing style
-for `lexer.WHITESPACE` tokens. If instead you prefer to color the background of whitespace
-a shade of grey, it might look like:
- lex:add_style('custom_whitespace', lexer.styles.whitespace .. {back = lexer.colors.grey})
-Remember to refrain from assigning specific colors in styles, but in this case, all user
-color themes probably define `colors.grey`.
-#### Line Lexers
-By default, lexers match the arbitrary chunks of text passed to them by Scintilla. These
-chunks may be a full document, only the visible part of a document, or even just portions
-of lines. Some lexers need to match whole lines. For example, a lexer for the output of a
-file "diff" needs to know if the line started with a '+' or '-' and then style the entire
-line accordingly. To indicate that your lexer matches by line, create the lexer with an
-extra parameter:
- local lex = lexer.new('?', {lex_by_line = true})
-Now the input text for the lexer is a single line at a time. Keep in mind that line lexers
-do not have the ability to look ahead at subsequent lines.
-#### Embedded Lexers
-Lexers embed within one another very easily, requiring minimal effort. In the following
-sections, the lexer being embedded is called the "child" lexer and the lexer a child is
-being embedded in is called the "parent". For example, consider an HTML lexer and a CSS
-lexer. Either lexer stands alone for styling their respective HTML and CSS files. However, CSS
-can be embedded inside HTML. In this specific case, the CSS lexer is the "child" lexer with
-the HTML lexer being the "parent". Now consider an HTML lexer and a PHP lexer. This sounds
-a lot like the case with CSS, but there is a subtle difference: PHP _embeds itself into_
-HTML while CSS is _embedded in_ HTML. This fundamental difference results in two types of
-embedded lexers: a parent lexer that embeds other child lexers in it (like HTML embedding CSS),
-and a child lexer that embeds itself into a parent lexer (like PHP embedding itself in HTML).
-##### Parent Lexer
-Before embedding a child lexer into a parent lexer, the parent lexer needs to load the child
-lexer. This is done with the [`lexer.load()`](#lexer.load) function. For example, loading the CSS lexer
-within the HTML lexer looks like:
- local css = lexer.load('css')
-The next part of the embedding process is telling the parent lexer when to switch over
-to the child lexer and when to switch back. The lexer refers to these indications as the
-"start rule" and "end rule", respectively, and are just LPeg patterns. Continuing with the
-HTML/CSS example, the transition from HTML to CSS is when the lexer encounters a "style"
-tag with a "type" attribute whose value is "text/css":
- local css_tag = P('<style') * P(function(input, index)
- if input:find('^[^>]+type="text/css"', index) then return index end
- end)
-This pattern looks for the beginning of a "style" tag and searches its attribute list for
-the text "`type="text/css"`". (In this simplified example, the Lua pattern does not consider
-whitespace between the '=' nor does it consider that using single quotes is valid.) If there
-is a match, the functional pattern returns a value instead of `nil`. In this case, the value
-returned does not matter because we ultimately want to style the "style" tag as an HTML tag,
-so the actual start rule looks like this:
- local css_start_rule = #css_tag * tag
-Now that the parent knows when to switch to the child, it needs to know when to switch
-back. In the case of HTML/CSS, the switch back occurs when the lexer encounters an ending
-"style" tag, though the lexer should still style the tag as an HTML tag:
- local css_end_rule = #P('</style>') * tag
-Once the parent loads the child lexer and defines the child's start and end rules, it embeds
-the child with the [`lexer.embed()`](#lexer.embed) function:
- lex:embed(css, css_start_rule, css_end_rule)
-##### Child Lexer
-The process for instructing a child lexer to embed itself into a parent is very similar to
-embedding a child into a parent: first, load the parent lexer into the child lexer with the
-[`lexer.load()`](#lexer.load) function and then create start and end rules for the child lexer. However,
-in this case, call [`lexer.embed()`](#lexer.embed) with switched arguments. For example, in the PHP lexer:
- local html = lexer.load('html')
- local php_start_rule = token('php_tag', '<?php ')
- local php_end_rule = token('php_tag', '?>')
- lex:add_style('php_tag', lexer.styles.embedded)
- html:embed(lex, php_start_rule, php_end_rule)
-#### Lexers with Complex State
-A vast majority of lexers are not stateful and can operate on any chunk of text in a
-document. However, there may be rare cases where a lexer does need to keep track of some
-sort of persistent state. Rather than using `lpeg.P` function patterns that set state
-variables, it is recommended to make use of Scintilla's built-in, per-line state integers via
-[`lexer.line_state`](#lexer.line_state). It was designed to accommodate up to 32 bit flags for tracking state.
-[`lexer.line_from_position()`](#lexer.line_from_position) will return the line for any position given to an `lpeg.P`
-function pattern. (Any positions derived from that position argument will also work.)
-Writing stateful lexers is beyond the scope of this document.
-### Code Folding
-When reading source code, it is occasionally helpful to temporarily hide blocks of code like
-functions, classes, comments, etc. This is the concept of "folding". In the Textadept and
-SciTE editors for example, little indicators in the editor margins appear next to code that
-can be folded at places called "fold points". When the user clicks an indicator, the editor
-hides the code associated with the indicator until the user clicks the indicator again. The
-lexer specifies these fold points and what code exactly to fold.
-The fold points for most languages occur on keywords or character sequences. Examples of
-fold keywords are "if" and "end" in Lua and examples of fold character sequences are '{',
-'}', "/\*", and "\*/" in C for code block and comment delimiters, respectively. However,
-these fold points cannot occur just anywhere. For example, lexers should not recognize fold
-keywords that appear within strings or comments. The [`lexer.add_fold_point()`](#lexer.add_fold_point) function
-allows you to conveniently define fold points with such granularity. For example, consider C:
- lex:add_fold_point(lexer.OPERATOR, '{', '}')
- lex:add_fold_point(lexer.COMMENT, '/*', '*/')
-The first assignment states that any '{' or '}' that the lexer recognized as an `lexer.OPERATOR`
-token is a fold point. Likewise, the second assignment states that any "/\*" or "\*/" that
-the lexer recognizes as part of a `lexer.COMMENT` token is a fold point. The lexer does
-not consider any occurrences of these characters outside their defined tokens (such as in
-a string) as fold points. How do you specify fold keywords? Here is an example for Lua:
- lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'if', 'end')
- lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'do', 'end')
- lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'function', 'end')
- lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'repeat', 'until')
-If your lexer has case-insensitive keywords as fold points, simply add a
-`case_insensitive_fold_points = true` option to [`lexer.new()`](#lexer.new), and specify keywords in
-lower case.
-If your lexer needs to do some additional processing in order to determine if a token is
-a fold point, pass a function that returns an integer to `lex:add_fold_point()`. Returning
-`1` indicates the token is a beginning fold point and returning `-1` indicates the token is
-an ending fold point. Returning `0` indicates the token is not a fold point. For example:
- local function fold_strange_token(text, pos, line, s, symbol)
- if ... then
- return 1 -- beginning fold point
- elseif ... then
- return -1 -- ending fold point
- end
- return 0
- end
- lex:add_fold_point('strange_token', '|', fold_strange_token)
-Any time the lexer encounters a '|' that is a "strange_token", it calls the `fold_strange_token`
-function to determine if '|' is a fold point. The lexer calls these functions with the
-following arguments: the text to identify fold points in, the beginning position of the
-current line in the text to fold, the current line's text, the position in the current line
-the fold point text starts at, and the fold point text itself.
-#### Fold by Indentation
-Some languages have significant whitespace and/or no delimiters that indicate fold points. If
-your lexer falls into this category and you would like to mark fold points based on changes
-in indentation, create the lexer with a `fold_by_indentation = true` option:
- local lex = lexer.new('?', {fold_by_indentation = true})
-### Using Lexers
-Put your lexer in your *~/.textadept/lexers/* directory so you do not overwrite it when
-upgrading Textadept. Also, lexers in this directory override default lexers. Thus, Textadept
-loads a user *lua* lexer instead of the default *lua* lexer. This is convenient for tweaking
-a default lexer to your liking. Then add a [file type](#textadept.file_types) for your lexer
-if necessary.
-Create a *.properties* file for your lexer and `import` it in either your *SciTEUser.properties*
-or *SciTEGlobal.properties*. The contents of the *.properties* file should contain:
- file.patterns.[lexer_name]=[file_patterns]
- lexer.$(file.patterns.[lexer_name])=[lexer_name]
-where `[lexer_name]` is the name of your lexer (minus the *.lua* extension) and
-`[file_patterns]` is a set of file extensions to use your lexer for.
-Please note that Lua lexers ignore any styling information in *.properties* files. Your
-theme file in the *lexers/themes/* directory contains styling information.
-### Migrating Legacy Lexers
-Legacy lexers are of the form:
- local l = require('lexer')
- local token, word_match = l.token, l.word_match
- local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S
- local M = {_NAME = '?'}
- [... token and pattern definitions ...]
- M._rules = {
- {'rule', pattern},
- [...]
- }
- M._tokenstyles = {
- 'token' = 'style',
- [...]
- }
- M._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {...},
- ['token'] = {['start'] = 1, ['end'] = -1},
- [...]
- }
- return M
-While Scintillua will handle such legacy lexers just fine without any changes, it is
-recommended that you migrate yours. The migration process is fairly straightforward:
-1. Replace all instances of `l` with `lexer`, as it's better practice and results in less
- confusion.
-2. Replace `local M = {_NAME = '?'}` with `local lex = lexer.new('?')`, where `?` is the
- name of your legacy lexer. At the end of the lexer, change `return M` to `return lex`.
-3. Instead of defining rules towards the end of your lexer, define your rules as you define
- your tokens and patterns using [`lex:add_rule()`](#lexer.add_rule).
-4. Similarly, any custom token names should have their styles immediately defined using
- [`lex:add_style()`](#lexer.add_style).
-5. Optionally convert any table arguments passed to [`lexer.word_match()`](#lexer.word_match) to a
- space-separated string of words.
-6. Replace any calls to `lexer.embed(M, child, ...)` and `lexer.embed(parent, M, ...)` with
- [`lex:embed`](#lexer.embed)`(child, ...)` and `parent:embed(lex, ...)`, respectively.
-7. Define fold points with simple calls to [`lex:add_fold_point()`](#lexer.add_fold_point). No
- need to mess with Lua patterns anymore.
-8. Any legacy lexer options such as `M._FOLDBYINDENTATION`, `M._LEXBYLINE`, `M._lexer`,
- etc. should be added as table options to [`lexer.new()`](#lexer.new).
-9. Any external lexer rule fetching and/or modifications via `lexer._RULES` should be changed
- to use [`lexer.get_rule()`](#lexer.get_rule) and [`lexer.modify_rule()`](#lexer.modify_rule).
-As an example, consider the following sample legacy lexer:
- local l = require('lexer')
- local token, word_match = l.token, l.word_match
- local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S
- local M = {_NAME = 'legacy'}
- local ws = token(l.WHITESPACE, l.space^1)
- local comment = token(l.COMMENT, '#' * l.nonnewline^0)
- local string = token(l.STRING, l.delimited_range('"'))
- local number = token(l.NUMBER, l.float + l.integer)
- local keyword = token(l.KEYWORD, word_match{'foo', 'bar', 'baz'})
- local custom = token('custom', P('quux'))
- local identifier = token(l.IDENTIFIER, l.word)
- local operator = token(l.OPERATOR, S('+-*/%^=<>,.()[]{}'))
- M._rules = {
- {'whitespace', ws},
- {'keyword', keyword},
- {'custom', custom},
- {'identifier', identifier},
- {'string', string},
- {'comment', comment},
- {'number', number},
- {'operator', operator}
- }
- M._tokenstyles = {
- 'custom' = l.STYLE_KEYWORD .. ',bold'
- }
- M._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {'[{}]'},
- [l.OPERATOR] = {['{'] = 1, ['}'] = -1}
- }
- return M
-Following the migration steps would yield:
- local lexer = require('lexer')
- local token, word_match = lexer.token, lexer.word_match
- local P, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.S
- local lex = lexer.new('legacy')
- lex:add_rule('whitespace', token(lexer.WHITESPACE, lexer.space^1))
- lex:add_rule('keyword', token(lexer.KEYWORD, word_match('foo bar baz')))
- lex:add_rule('custom', token('custom', 'quux'))
- lex:add_style('custom', lexer.styles.keyword .. {bold = true})
- lex:add_rule('identifier', token(lexer.IDENTIFIER, lexer.word))
- lex:add_rule('string', token(lexer.STRING, lexer.range('"')))
- lex:add_rule('comment', token(lexer.COMMENT, lexer.to_eol('#')))
- lex:add_rule('number', token(lexer.NUMBER, lexer.number))
- lex:add_rule('operator', token(lexer.OPERATOR, S('+-*/%^=<>,.()[]{}')))
- lex:add_fold_point(lexer.OPERATOR, '{', '}')
- return lex
-### Considerations
-#### Performance
-There might be some slight overhead when initializing a lexer, but loading a file from disk
-into Scintilla is usually more expensive. On modern computer systems, I see no difference in
-speed between Lua lexers and Scintilla's C++ ones. Optimize lexers for speed by re-arranging
-`lexer.add_rule()` calls so that the most common rules match first. Do keep in mind that
-order matters for similar rules.
-In some cases, folding may be far more expensive than lexing, particularly in lexers with a
-lot of potential fold points. If your lexer is exhibiting signs of slowness, try disabling
-folding in your text editor first. If that speeds things up, you can try reducing the number
-of fold points you added, overriding `lexer.fold()` with your own implementation, or simply
-eliminating folding support from your lexer.
-#### Limitations
-Embedded preprocessor languages like PHP cannot completely embed in their parent languages
-in that the parent's tokens do not support start and end rules. This mostly goes unnoticed,
-but code like
- <div id="<?php echo $id; ?>">
-will not style correctly.
-#### Troubleshooting
-Errors in lexers can be tricky to debug. Lexers print Lua errors to `io.stderr` and `_G.print()`
-statements to `io.stdout`. Running your editor from a terminal is the easiest way to see
-errors as they occur.
-#### Risks
-Poorly written lexers have the ability to crash Scintilla (and thus its containing application),
-so unsaved data might be lost. However, I have only observed these crashes in early lexer
-development, when syntax errors or pattern errors are present. Once the lexer actually starts
-styling text (either correctly or incorrectly, it does not matter), I have not observed
-any crashes.
-#### Acknowledgements
-Thanks to Peter Odding for his [lexer post][] on the Lua mailing list that provided inspiration,
-and thanks to Roberto Ierusalimschy for LPeg.
-[lexer post]: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-04/msg00116.html
-### Fields defined by `lexer`
-<a id="lexer.CLASS"></a>
-#### `lexer.CLASS` (string)
-The token name for class tokens.
-<a id="lexer.COMMENT"></a>
-#### `lexer.COMMENT` (string)
-The token name for comment tokens.
-<a id="lexer.CONSTANT"></a>
-#### `lexer.CONSTANT` (string)
-The token name for constant tokens.
-<a id="lexer.DEFAULT"></a>
-#### `lexer.DEFAULT` (string)
-The token name for default tokens.
-<a id="lexer.ERROR"></a>
-#### `lexer.ERROR` (string)
-The token name for error tokens.
-<a id="lexer.FOLD_BASE"></a>
-#### `lexer.FOLD_BASE` (number)
-The initial (root) fold level.
-<a id="lexer.FOLD_BLANK"></a>
-#### `lexer.FOLD_BLANK` (number)
-Flag indicating that the line is blank.
-<a id="lexer.FOLD_HEADER"></a>
-#### `lexer.FOLD_HEADER` (number)
-Flag indicating the line is fold point.
-<a id="lexer.FUNCTION"></a>
-#### `lexer.FUNCTION` (string)
-The token name for function tokens.
-<a id="lexer.IDENTIFIER"></a>
-#### `lexer.IDENTIFIER` (string)
-The token name for identifier tokens.
-<a id="lexer.KEYWORD"></a>
-#### `lexer.KEYWORD` (string)
-The token name for keyword tokens.
-<a id="lexer.LABEL"></a>
-#### `lexer.LABEL` (string)
-The token name for label tokens.
-<a id="lexer.NUMBER"></a>
-#### `lexer.NUMBER` (string)
-The token name for number tokens.
-<a id="lexer.OPERATOR"></a>
-#### `lexer.OPERATOR` (string)
-The token name for operator tokens.
-<a id="lexer.PREPROCESSOR"></a>
-#### `lexer.PREPROCESSOR` (string)
-The token name for preprocessor tokens.
-<a id="lexer.REGEX"></a>
-#### `lexer.REGEX` (string)
-The token name for regex tokens.
-<a id="lexer.STRING"></a>
-#### `lexer.STRING` (string)
-The token name for string tokens.
-<a id="lexer.TYPE"></a>
-#### `lexer.TYPE` (string)
-The token name for type tokens.
-<a id="lexer.VARIABLE"></a>
-#### `lexer.VARIABLE` (string)
-The token name for variable tokens.
-<a id="lexer.WHITESPACE"></a>
-#### `lexer.WHITESPACE` (string)
-The token name for whitespace tokens.
-<a id="lexer.alnum"></a>
-#### `lexer.alnum` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any alphanumeric character ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9').
-<a id="lexer.alpha"></a>
-#### `lexer.alpha` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any alphabetic character ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z').
-<a id="lexer.any"></a>
-#### `lexer.any` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any single character.
-<a id="lexer.ascii"></a>
-#### `lexer.ascii` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any ASCII character (codes 0 to 127).
-<a id="lexer.cntrl"></a>
-#### `lexer.cntrl` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any control character (ASCII codes 0 to 31).
-<a id="lexer.dec_num"></a>
-#### `lexer.dec_num` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches a decimal number.
-<a id="lexer.digit"></a>
-#### `lexer.digit` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any digit ('0'-'9').
-<a id="lexer.extend"></a>
-#### `lexer.extend` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any ASCII extended character (codes 0 to 255).
-<a id="lexer.float"></a>
-#### `lexer.float` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches a floating point number.
-<a id="lexer.fold_by_indentation"></a>
-#### `lexer.fold_by_indentation` (boolean)
-Whether or not to fold based on indentation level if a lexer does not have
- a folder.
- Some lexers automatically enable this option. It is disabled by default.
- This is an alias for `lexer.property['fold.by.indentation'] = '1|0'`.
-<a id="lexer.fold_compact"></a>
-#### `lexer.fold_compact` (boolean)
-Whether or not blank lines after an ending fold point are included in that
- fold.
- This option is disabled by default.
- This is an alias for `lexer.property['fold.compact'] = '1|0'`.
-<a id="lexer.fold_level"></a>
-#### `lexer.fold_level` (table, Read-only)
-Table of fold level bit-masks for line numbers starting from 1.
- Fold level masks are composed of an integer level combined with any of the following bits:
- * `lexer.FOLD_BASE`
- The initial fold level.
- * `lexer.FOLD_BLANK`
- The line is blank.
- * `lexer.FOLD_HEADER`
- The line is a header, or fold point.
-<a id="lexer.fold_line_groups"></a>
-#### `lexer.fold_line_groups` (boolean)
-Whether or not to fold multiple, consecutive line groups (such as line comments and import
- statements) and only show the top line.
- This option is disabled by default.
- This is an alias for `lexer.property['fold.line.groups'] = '1|0'`.
-<a id="lexer.fold_on_zero_sum_lines"></a>
-#### `lexer.fold_on_zero_sum_lines` (boolean)
-Whether or not to mark as a fold point lines that contain both an ending and starting fold
- point. For example, `} else {` would be marked as a fold point.
- This option is disabled by default. This is an alias for
- `lexer.property['fold.on.zero.sum.lines'] = '1|0'`.
-<a id="lexer.folding"></a>
-#### `lexer.folding` (boolean)
-Whether or not folding is enabled for the lexers that support it.
- This option is disabled by default.
- This is an alias for `lexer.property['fold'] = '1|0'`.
-<a id="lexer.graph"></a>
-#### `lexer.graph` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any graphical character ('!' to '~').
-<a id="lexer.hex_num"></a>
-#### `lexer.hex_num` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches a hexadecimal number.
-<a id="lexer.indent_amount"></a>
-#### `lexer.indent_amount` (table, Read-only)
-Table of indentation amounts in character columns, for line numbers starting from 1.
-<a id="lexer.integer"></a>
-#### `lexer.integer` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches either a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number.
-<a id="lexer.line_state"></a>
-#### `lexer.line_state` (table)
-Table of integer line states for line numbers starting from 1.
- Line states can be used by lexers for keeping track of persistent states.
-<a id="lexer.lower"></a>
-#### `lexer.lower` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any lower case character ('a'-'z').
-<a id="lexer.newline"></a>
-#### `lexer.newline` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches a sequence of end of line characters.
-<a id="lexer.nonnewline"></a>
-#### `lexer.nonnewline` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any single, non-newline character.
-<a id="lexer.number"></a>
-#### `lexer.number` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches a typical number, either a floating point, decimal, hexadecimal,
- or octal number.
-<a id="lexer.oct_num"></a>
-#### `lexer.oct_num` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches an octal number.
-<a id="lexer.print"></a>
-#### `lexer.print` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any printable character (' ' to '~').
-<a id="lexer.property"></a>
-#### `lexer.property` (table)
-Map of key-value string pairs.
-<a id="lexer.property_expanded"></a>
-#### `lexer.property_expanded` (table, Read-only)
-Map of key-value string pairs with `$()` and `%()` variable replacement performed in values.
-<a id="lexer.property_int"></a>
-#### `lexer.property_int` (table, Read-only)
-Map of key-value pairs with values interpreted as numbers, or `0` if not found.
-<a id="lexer.punct"></a>
-#### `lexer.punct` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any punctuation character ('!' to '/', ':' to '@', '[' to ''',
- '{' to '~').
-<a id="lexer.space"></a>
-#### `lexer.space` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any whitespace character ('\t', '\v', '\f', '\n', '\r', space).
-<a id="lexer.style_at"></a>
-#### `lexer.style_at` (table, Read-only)
-Table of style names at positions in the buffer starting from 1.
-<a id="lexer.upper"></a>
-#### `lexer.upper` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any upper case character ('A'-'Z').
-<a id="lexer.word"></a>
-#### `lexer.word` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches a typical word. Words begin with a letter or underscore and consist
- of alphanumeric and underscore characters.
-<a id="lexer.xdigit"></a>
-#### `lexer.xdigit` (pattern)
-A pattern that matches any hexadecimal digit ('0'-'9', 'A'-'F', 'a'-'f').
-### Functions defined by `lexer`
-<a id="lexer.add_fold_point"></a>
-#### `lexer.add_fold_point`(*lexer, token\_name, start\_symbol, end\_symbol*)
-Adds to lexer *lexer* a fold point whose beginning and end tokens are string *token_name*
-tokens with string content *start_symbol* and *end_symbol*, respectively.
-In the event that *start_symbol* may or may not be a fold point depending on context, and that
-additional processing is required, *end_symbol* may be a function that ultimately returns
-`1` (indicating a beginning fold point), `-1` (indicating an ending fold point), or `0`
-(indicating no fold point). That function is passed the following arguments:
- * `text`: The text being processed for fold points.
- * `pos`: The position in *text* of the beginning of the line currently being processed.
- * `line`: The text of the line currently being processed.
- * `s`: The position of *start_symbol* in *line*.
- * `symbol`: *start_symbol* itself.
-* *`lexer`*: The lexer to add a fold point to.
-* *`token_name`*: The token name of text that indicates a fold point.
-* *`start_symbol`*: The text that indicates the beginning of a fold point.
-* *`end_symbol`*: Either the text that indicates the end of a fold point, or a function that
- returns whether or not *start_symbol* is a beginning fold point (1), an ending fold point
- (-1), or not a fold point at all (0).
-* `lex:add_fold_point(lexer.OPERATOR, '{', '}')`
-* `lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'if', 'end')`
-* `lex:add_fold_point(lexer.COMMENT, lexer.fold_consecutive_lines('#'))`
-* `lex:add_fold_point('custom', function(text, pos, line, s, symbol) ... end)`
-<a id="lexer.add_rule"></a>
-#### `lexer.add_rule`(*lexer, id, rule*)
-Adds pattern *rule* identified by string *id* to the ordered list of rules for lexer *lexer*.
-* *`lexer`*: The lexer to add the given rule to.
-* *`id`*: The id associated with this rule. It does not have to be the same as the name
- passed to `token()`.
-* *`rule`*: The LPeg pattern of the rule.
-See also:
-* [`lexer.modify_rule`](#lexer.modify_rule)
-<a id="lexer.add_style"></a>
-#### `lexer.add_style`(*lexer, token\_name, style*)
-Associates string *token_name* in lexer *lexer* with style table *style*.
-*style* may have the following fields:
-* `font`: String font name.
-* `size`: Integer font size.
-* `bold`: Whether or not the font face is bold. The default value is `false`.
-* `weight`: Integer weight or boldness of a font, between 1 and 999.
-* `italics`: Whether or not the font face is italic. The default value is `false`.
-* `underlined`: Whether or not the font face is underlined. The default value is `false`.
-* `fore`: Font face foreground color in `0xBBGGRR` or `"#RRGGBB"` format.
-* `back`: Font face background color in `0xBBGGRR` or `"#RRGGBB"` format.
-* `eolfilled`: Whether or not the background color extends to the end of the line. The
- default value is `false`.
-* `case`: Font case, `'u'` for upper, `'l'` for lower, and `'m'` for normal, mixed case. The
- default value is `'m'`.
-* `visible`: Whether or not the text is visible. The default value is `true`.
-* `changeable`: Whether the text is changeable instead of read-only. The default value is
- `true`.
-Field values may also contain "$(property.name)" expansions for properties defined in Scintilla,
-theme files, etc.
-* *`lexer`*: The lexer to add a style to.
-* *`token_name`*: The name of the token to associated with the style.
-* *`style`*: A style string for Scintilla.
-* `lex:add_style('longstring', lexer.styles.string)`
-* `lex:add_style('deprecated_func', lexer.styles['function'] .. {italics = true}`
-* `lex:add_style('visible_ws', lexer.styles.whitespace .. {back = lexer.colors.grey}`
-<a id="lexer.embed"></a>
-#### `lexer.embed`(*lexer, child, start\_rule, end\_rule*)
-Embeds child lexer *child* in parent lexer *lexer* using patterns *start_rule* and *end_rule*,
-which signal the beginning and end of the embedded lexer, respectively.
-* *`lexer`*: The parent lexer.
-* *`child`*: The child lexer.
-* *`start_rule`*: The pattern that signals the beginning of the embedded lexer.
-* *`end_rule`*: The pattern that signals the end of the embedded lexer.
-* `html:embed(css, css_start_rule, css_end_rule)`
-* `html:embed(lex, php_start_rule, php_end_rule) -- from php lexer`
-<a id="lexer.fold"></a>
-#### `lexer.fold`(*lexer, text, start\_pos, start\_line, start\_level*)
-Determines fold points in a chunk of text *text* using lexer *lexer*, returning a table of
-fold levels associated with line numbers.
-*text* starts at position *start_pos* on line number *start_line* with a beginning fold
-level of *start_level* in the buffer.
-* *`lexer`*: The lexer to fold text with.
-* *`text`*: The text in the buffer to fold.
-* *`start_pos`*: The position in the buffer *text* starts at, counting from 1.
-* *`start_line`*: The line number *text* starts on, counting from 1.
-* *`start_level`*: The fold level *text* starts on.
-* table of fold levels associated with line numbers.
-<a id="lexer.fold_consecutive_lines"></a>
-#### `lexer.fold_consecutive_lines`(*prefix*)
-Returns for `lexer.add_fold_point()` the parameters needed to fold consecutive lines that
-start with string *prefix*.
-* *`prefix`*: The prefix string (e.g. a line comment).
-* `lex:add_fold_point(lexer.COMMENT, lexer.fold_consecutive_lines('--'))`
-* `lex:add_fold_point(lexer.COMMENT, lexer.fold_consecutive_lines('//'))`
-* `lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, lexer.fold_consecutive_lines('import'))`
-<a id="lexer.get_rule"></a>
-#### `lexer.get_rule`(*lexer, id*)
-Returns the rule identified by string *id*.
-* *`lexer`*: The lexer to fetch a rule from.
-* *`id`*: The id of the rule to fetch.
-* pattern
-<a id="lexer.last_char_includes"></a>
-#### `lexer.last_char_includes`(*s*)
-Creates and returns a pattern that verifies the first non-whitespace character behind the
-current match position is in string set *s*.
-* *`s`*: String character set like one passed to `lpeg.S()`.
-* `local regex = lexer.last_char_includes('+-*!%^&|=,([{') * lexer.range('/')`
-* pattern
-<a id="lexer.lex"></a>
-#### `lexer.lex`(*lexer, text, init\_style*)
-Lexes a chunk of text *text* (that has an initial style number of *init_style*) using lexer
-*lexer*, returning a table of token names and positions.
-* *`lexer`*: The lexer to lex text with.
-* *`text`*: The text in the buffer to lex.
-* *`init_style`*: The current style. Multiple-language lexers use this to determine which
- language to start lexing in.
-* table of token names and positions.
-<a id="lexer.line_from_position"></a>
-#### `lexer.line_from_position`(*pos*)
-Returns the line number (starting from 1) of the line that contains position *pos*, which
-starts from 1.
-* *`pos`*: The position to get the line number of.
-* number
-<a id="lexer.load"></a>
-#### `lexer.load`(*name, alt\_name, cache*)
-Initializes or loads and returns the lexer of string name *name*.
-Scintilla calls this function in order to load a lexer. Parent lexers also call this function
-in order to load child lexers and vice-versa. The user calls this function in order to load
-a lexer when using Scintillua as a Lua library.
-* *`name`*: The name of the lexing language.
-* *`alt_name`*: The alternate name of the lexing language. This is useful for embedding the
- same child lexer with multiple sets of start and end tokens.
-* *`cache`*: Flag indicating whether or not to load lexers from the cache. This should only
- be `true` when initially loading a lexer (e.g. not from within another lexer for embedding
- purposes). The default value is `false`.
-* lexer object
-<a id="lexer.modify_rule"></a>
-#### `lexer.modify_rule`(*lexer, id, rule*)
-Replaces in lexer *lexer* the existing rule identified by string *id* with pattern *rule*.
-* *`lexer`*: The lexer to modify.
-* *`id`*: The id associated with this rule.
-* *`rule`*: The LPeg pattern of the rule.
-<a id="lexer.new"></a>
-#### `lexer.new`(*name, opts*)
-Creates a returns a new lexer with the given name.
-* *`name`*: The lexer's name.
-* *`opts`*: Table of lexer options. Options currently supported:
- * `lex_by_line`: Whether or not the lexer only processes whole lines of text (instead of
- arbitrary chunks of text) at a time. Line lexers cannot look ahead to subsequent lines.
- The default value is `false`.
- * `fold_by_indentation`: Whether or not the lexer does not define any fold points and that
- fold points should be calculated based on changes in line indentation. The default value
- is `false`.
- * `case_insensitive_fold_points`: Whether or not fold points added via
- `lexer.add_fold_point()` ignore case. The default value is `false`.
- * `inherit`: Lexer to inherit from. The default value is `nil`.
-* `lexer.new('rhtml', {inherit = lexer.load('html')})`
-<a id="lexer.range"></a>
-#### `lexer.range`(*s, e, single\_line, escapes, balanced*)
-Creates and returns a pattern that matches a range of text bounded by strings or patterns *s*
-and *e*.
-This is a convenience function for matching more complicated ranges like strings with escape
-characters, balanced parentheses, and block comments (nested or not). *e* is optional and
-defaults to *s*. *single_line* indicates whether or not the range must be on a single line;
-*escapes* indicates whether or not to allow '\' as an escape character; and *balanced*
-indicates whether or not to handle balanced ranges like parentheses, and requires *s* and *e*
-to be different.
-* *`s`*: String or pattern start of a range.
-* *`e`*: Optional string or pattern end of a range. The default value is *s*.
-* *`single_line`*: Optional flag indicating whether or not the range must be on a single
- line. The default value is `false`.
-* *`escapes`*: Optional flag indicating whether or not the range end may be escaped by a '\'
- character. The default value is `false` unless *s* and *e* are identical, single-character
- strings. In that case, the default value is `true`.
-* *`balanced`*: Optional flag indicating whether or not to match a balanced range, like the
- "%b" Lua pattern. This flag only applies if *s* and *e* are different.
-* `local dq_str_escapes = lexer.range('"')`
-* `local dq_str_noescapes = lexer.range('"', false, false)`
-* `local unbalanced_parens = lexer.range('(', ')')`
-* `local balanced_parens = lexer.range('(', ')', false, false, true)`
-* pattern
-<a id="lexer.starts_line"></a>
-#### `lexer.starts_line`(*patt*)
-Creates and returns a pattern that matches pattern *patt* only at the beginning of a line.
-* *`patt`*: The LPeg pattern to match on the beginning of a line.
-* `local preproc = token(lexer.PREPROCESSOR, lexer.starts_line(lexer.to_eol('#')))`
-* pattern
-<a id="lexer.to_eol"></a>
-#### `lexer.to_eol`(*prefix, escape*)
-Creates and returns a pattern that matches from string or pattern *prefix* until the end of
-the line.
-*escape* indicates whether the end of the line can be escaped with a '\' character.
-* *`prefix`*: String or pattern prefix to start matching at.
-* *`escape`*: Optional flag indicating whether or not newlines can be escaped by a '\'
- character. The default value is `false`.
-* `local line_comment = lexer.to_eol('//')`
-* `local line_comment = lexer.to_eol(S('#;'))`
-* pattern
-<a id="lexer.token"></a>
-#### `lexer.token`(*name, patt*)
-Creates and returns a token pattern with token name *name* and pattern *patt*.
-If *name* is not a predefined token name, its style must be defined via `lexer.add_style()`.
-* *`name`*: The name of token. If this name is not a predefined token name, then a style
- needs to be assiciated with it via `lexer.add_style()`.
-* *`patt`*: The LPeg pattern associated with the token.
-* `local ws = token(lexer.WHITESPACE, lexer.space^1)`
-* `local annotation = token('annotation', '@' * lexer.word)`
-* pattern
-<a id="lexer.word_match"></a>
-#### `lexer.word_match`(*word\_list, case\_insensitive, word\_chars*)
-Creates and returns a pattern that matches any single word in list or string *words*.
-*case_insensitive* indicates whether or not to ignore case when matching words.
-This is a convenience function for simplifying a set of ordered choice word patterns.
-* *`word_list`*: A list of words or a string list of words separated by spaces.
-* *`case_insensitive`*: Optional boolean flag indicating whether or not the word match is
- case-insensitive. The default value is `false`.
-* *`word_chars`*: Unused legacy parameter.
-* `local keyword = token(lexer.KEYWORD, word_match{'foo', 'bar', 'baz'})`
-* `local keyword = token(lexer.KEYWORD, word_match({'foo-bar', 'foo-baz', 'bar-foo',
- 'bar-baz', 'baz-foo', 'baz-bar'}, true))`
-* `local keyword = token(lexer.KEYWORD, word_match('foo bar baz'))`
-* pattern
-### Tables defined by `lexer`
-<a id="lexer.colors"></a>
-#### `lexer.colors`
-Map of color name strings to color values in `0xBBGGRR` or `"#RRGGBB"` format.
-Note: for applications running within a terminal emulator, only 16 color values are recognized,
-regardless of how many colors a user's terminal actually supports. (A terminal emulator's
-settings determines how to actually display these recognized color values, which may end up
-being mapped to a completely different color set.) In order to use the light variant of a
-color, some terminals require a style's `bold` attribute must be set along with that normal
-color. Recognized color values are black (0x000000), red (0x000080), green (0x008000), yellow
-(0x008080), blue (0x800000), magenta (0x800080), cyan (0x808000), white (0xC0C0C0), light black
-(0x404040), light red (0x0000FF), light green (0x00FF00), light yellow (0x00FFFF), light blue
-(0xFF0000), light magenta (0xFF00FF), light cyan (0xFFFF00), and light white (0xFFFFFF).
-<a id="lexer.styles"></a>
-#### `lexer.styles`
-Map of style names to style definition tables.
-Style names consist of the following default names as well as the token names defined by lexers.
-* `default`: The default style all others are based on.
-* `line_number`: The line number margin style.
-* `control_char`: The style of control character blocks.
-* `indent_guide`: The style of indentation guides.
-* `call_tip`: The style of call tip text. Only the `font`, `size`, `fore`, and `back` style
- definition fields are supported.
-* `fold_display_text`: The style of text displayed next to folded lines.
-* `class`, `comment`, `constant`, `embedded`, `error`, `function`, `identifier`, `keyword`,
- `label`, `number`, `operator`, `preprocessor`, `regex`, `string`, `type`, `variable`,
- `whitespace`: Some token names used by lexers. Some lexers may define more token names,
- so this list is not exhaustive.
-* *`lang`*`_whitespace`: A special style for whitespace tokens in lexer name *lang*. It
- inherits from `whitespace`, and is used in place of it for all lexers.
-Style definition tables may contain the following fields:
-* `font`: String font name.
-* `size`: Integer font size.
-* `bold`: Whether or not the font face is bold. The default value is `false`.
-* `weight`: Integer weight or boldness of a font, between 1 and 999.
-* `italics`: Whether or not the font face is italic. The default value is `false`.
-* `underlined`: Whether or not the font face is underlined. The default value is `false`.
-* `fore`: Font face foreground color in `0xBBGGRR` or `"#RRGGBB"` format.
-* `back`: Font face background color in `0xBBGGRR` or `"#RRGGBB"` format.
-* `eolfilled`: Whether or not the background color extends to the end of the line. The
- default value is `false`.
-* `case`: Font case: `'u'` for upper, `'l'` for lower, and `'m'` for normal, mixed case. The
- default value is `'m'`.
-* `visible`: Whether or not the text is visible. The default value is `true`.
-* `changeable`: Whether the text is changeable instead of read-only. The default value is
- `true`.
-<a id="lfs"></a>
-## The `lfs` Module
-Extends the `lfs` library to find files in directories and determine absolute file paths.
-### Functions defined by `lfs`
-<a id="lfs.abspath"></a>
-#### `lfs.abspath`(*filename, prefix*)
-Returns the absolute path to string *filename*.
-*prefix* or `lfs.currentdir()` is prepended to a relative filename. The returned path is
-not guaranteed to exist.
-* *`filename`*: The relative or absolute path to a file.
-* *`prefix`*: Optional prefix path prepended to a relative filename.
-* string absolute path
-<a id="lfs.walk"></a>
-#### `lfs.walk`(*dir, filter, n, include\_dirs*)
-Returns an iterator that iterates over all files and sub-directories (up to *n* levels deep)
-in directory *dir* and yields each file found.
-String or list *filter* determines which files to yield, with the default filter being
-`lfs.default_filter`. A filter consists of Lua patterns that match file and directory paths
-to include or exclude. Exclusive patterns begin with a '!'. If no inclusive patterns are
-given, any path is initially considered. As a convenience, file extensions can be specified
-literally instead of as a Lua pattern (e.g. '.lua' vs. '%.lua$'), and '/' also matches the
-Windows directory separator ('[/\\]' is not needed).
-* *`dir`*: The directory path to iterate over.
-* *`filter`*: Optional filter for files and directories to include and exclude. The default
- value is `lfs.default_filter`.
-* *`n`*: Optional maximum number of directory levels to descend into. The default value is
- `nil`, which indicates no limit.
-* *`include_dirs`*: Optional flag indicating whether or not to yield directory names too.
- Directory names are passed with a trailing '/' or '\', depending on the current platform.
- The default value is `false`.
-See also:
-* [`lfs.filter`](#lfs.filter)
-### Tables defined by `lfs`
-<a id="lfs.default_filter"></a>
-#### `lfs.default_filter`
-The filter table containing common binary file extensions and version control directories
-to exclude when iterating over files and directories using `walk`.
-Extensions excluded: a, bmp, bz2, class, dll, exe, gif, gz, jar, jpeg, jpg, o, pdf, png,
-so, tar, tgz, tif, tiff, xz, and zip.
-Directories excluded: .bzr, .git, .hg, .svn, _FOSSIL_, and node_modules.
-See also:
-* [`lfs.walk`](#lfs.walk)
-<a id="os"></a>
-## The `os` Module
-Extends Lua's `os` library to provide process spawning capabilities.
-### Functions defined by `os`
-<a id="os.spawn"></a>
-#### `os.spawn`(*cmd, cwd, env, stdout\_cb, stderr\_cb, exit\_cb*)
-Spawns an interactive child process *cmd* in a separate thread, returning a handle to that
-On Windows, *cmd* is passed to `cmd.exe`: `%COMSPEC% /c [cmd]`.
-At the moment, only the Windows terminal version spawns processes in the same thread.
-* *`cmd`*: A command line string that contains the program's name followed by arguments to
- pass to it. `PATH` is searched for program names.
-* *`cwd`*: Optional current working directory (cwd) for the child process. When omitted,
- the parent's cwd is used.
-* *`env`*: Optional map of environment variables for the child process. When omitted,
- Textadept's environment is used.
-* *`stdout_cb`*: Optional Lua function that accepts a string parameter for a block of standard
- output read from the child. Stdout is read asynchronously in 1KB or 0.5KB blocks (depending
- on the platform), or however much data is available at the time.
- At the moment, only the Win32 terminal version sends all output, whether it be stdout or
- stderr, to this callback after the process finishes.
-* *`stderr_cb`*: Optional Lua function that accepts a string parameter for a block of
- standard error read from the child. Stderr is read asynchronously in 1KB or 0.5kB blocks
- (depending on the platform), or however much data is available at the time.
-* *`exit_cb`*: Optional Lua function that is called when the child process finishes. The
- child's exit status is passed.
-* `os.spawn('lua ' .. buffer.filename, print)`
-* `proc = os.spawn('lua -e "print(io.read())"', print)
- proc:write('foo\n')`
-* proc or nil plus an error message on failure
-<a id="spawn_proc:close"></a>
-#### `spawn_proc:close`()
-Closes standard input for process *spawn_proc*, effectively sending an EOF (end of file) to it.
-<a id="spawn_proc:kill"></a>
-#### `spawn_proc:kill`(*signal*)
-Kills running process *spawn_proc*, or sends it Unix signal *signal*.
-* *`signal`*: Optional Unix signal to send to *spawn_proc*. The default value is 9 (`SIGKILL`),
- which kills the process.
-<a id="spawn_proc:read"></a>
-#### `spawn_proc:read`(*arg*)
-Reads and returns stdout from process *spawn_proc*, according to string format or number *arg*.
-Similar to Lua's `io.read()` and blocks for input. *spawn_proc* must still be running. If
-an error occurs while reading, returns `nil`, an error code, and an error message.
-Ensure any read operations read all stdout available, as the stdout callback function passed
-to `os.spawn()` will not be called until the stdout buffer is clear.
-* *`arg`*: Optional argument similar to those in Lua's `io.read()`, but "n" is not
- supported. The default value is "l", which reads a line.
-* string of bytes read
-<a id="spawn_proc:status"></a>
-#### `spawn_proc:status`()
-Returns the status of process *spawn_proc*, which is either "running" or "terminated".
-* "running" or "terminated"
-<a id="spawn_proc:wait"></a>
-#### `spawn_proc:wait`()
-Blocks until process *spawn_proc* finishes (if it has not already done so) and returns its
-status code.
-* integer status code
-<a id="spawn_proc:write"></a>
-#### `spawn_proc:write`(*...*)
-Writes string input to the stdin of process *spawn_proc*.
-Note: On Linux, if more than 65536 bytes (64K) are to be written, it is possible those
-bytes need to be written in 65536-byte (64K) chunks, or the process may not receive all
-input. However, it is also possible that there is a limit on how many bytes can be written
-in a short period of time, perhaps 196608 bytes (192K).
-* *`...`*: Standard input for *spawn_proc*.
-<a id="string"></a>
-## The `string` Module
-Extends Lua's `string` library to provide character set conversions.
-### Functions defined by `string`
-<a id="string.iconv"></a>
-#### `string.iconv`(*text, new, old*)
-Converts string *text* from encoding *old* to encoding *new* using GNU libiconv, returning
-the string result.
-Raises an error if the encoding conversion failed.
-Valid encodings are [GNU libiconv's encodings][] and include:
- * European: ASCII, ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,13,14,15,16}, KOI8-R,
- KOI8-U, KOI8-RU, CP{1250,1251,1252,1253,1254,1257}, CP{850,866,1131},
- Mac{Roman,CentralEurope,Iceland,Croatian,Romania}, Mac{Cyrillic,Ukraine,Greek,Turkish},
- Macintosh.
- * Semitic: ISO-8859-{6,8}, CP{1255,1256}, CP862, Mac{Hebrew,Arabic}.
- * Japanese: EUC-JP, SHIFT_JIS, CP932, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-2, ISO-2022-JP-1.
- * Chinese: EUC-CN, HZ, GBK, CP936, GB18030, EUC-TW, BIG5, CP950, BIG5-HKSCS, BIG5-HKSCS:2004,
- BIG5-HKSCS:2001, BIG5-HKSCS:1999, ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT.
- * Korean: EUC-KR, CP949, ISO-2022-KR, JOHAB.
- * Armenian: ARMSCII-8.
- * Georgian: Georgian-Academy, Georgian-PS.
- * Tajik: KOI8-T.
- * Kazakh: PT154, RK1048.
- * Thai: ISO-8859-11, TIS-620, CP874, MacThai.
- * Laotian: MuleLao-1, CP1133.
- * Vietnamese: VISCII, TCVN, CP1258.
- * Unicode: UTF-8, UCS-2, UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE, UCS-4, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE, UTF-16, UTF-16BE,
- UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-7, C99, JAVA.
-[GNU libiconv's encodings]: https://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/
-* *`text`*: The text to convert.
-* *`new`*: The string encoding to convert to.
-* *`old`*: The string encoding to convert from.
-<a id="textadept"></a>
-## The `textadept` Module
-The textadept module.
-It provides utilities for editing text in Textadept.
-<a id="textadept.bookmarks"></a>
-## The `textadept.bookmarks` Module
-Bookmarks for Textadept.
-### Fields defined by `textadept.bookmarks`
-<a id="textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK"></a>
-#### `textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK` (number)
-The bookmark mark number.
-### Functions defined by `textadept.bookmarks`
-<a id="textadept.bookmarks.clear"></a>
-#### `textadept.bookmarks.clear`()
-Clears all bookmarks in the current buffer.
-<a id="textadept.bookmarks.goto_mark"></a>
-#### `textadept.bookmarks.goto_mark`(*next*)
-Prompts the user to select a bookmarked line to move the caret to the beginning of unless
-*next* is given.
-If *next* is `true` or `false`, moves the caret to the beginning of the next or previously
-bookmarked line, respectively.
-* *`next`*: Optional flag indicating whether to go to the next or previous bookmarked
- line relative to the current line. The default value is `nil`, prompting the user for a
- bookmarked line to go to.
-<a id="textadept.bookmarks.toggle"></a>
-#### `textadept.bookmarks.toggle`()
-Toggles a bookmark on the current line.
-<a id="textadept.editing"></a>
-## The `textadept.editing` Module
-Editing features for Textadept.
-### Fields defined by `textadept.editing`
-<a id="textadept.editing.INDIC_BRACEMATCH"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.INDIC_BRACEMATCH` (number)
-The matching brace highlight indicator number.
-<a id="textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT` (number)
-The word highlight indicator number.
-<a id="textadept.editing.auto_enclose"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.auto_enclose` (bool)
-Whether or not to auto-enclose selected text when typing a punctuation character, taking
- [`textadept.editing.auto_pairs`](#textadept.editing.auto_pairs) into account.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="textadept.editing.auto_indent"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.auto_indent` (bool)
-Match the previous line's indentation level after inserting a new line.
- The default value is `true`.
-<a id="textadept.editing.autocomplete_all_words"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.autocomplete_all_words` (bool)
-Autocomplete the current word using words from all open buffers.
- If `true`, performance may be slow when many buffers are open.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="textadept.editing.highlight_words"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.highlight_words` (number)
-The word highlight mode.
- * `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_CURRENT`
- Automatically highlight all instances of the current word.
- * `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED`
- Automatically highlight all instances of the selected word.
- * `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_NONE`
- Do not automatically highlight words.
- The default value is `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_NONE`.
-<a id="textadept.editing.strip_trailing_spaces"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.strip_trailing_spaces` (bool)
-Strip trailing whitespace before saving files. (Does not apply to binary files.)
- The default value is `false`.
-### Functions defined by `textadept.editing`
-<a id="textadept.editing.autocomplete"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.autocomplete`(*name*)
-Displays an autocompletion list provided by the autocompleter function associated with string
-*name*, and returns `true` if completions were found.
-* *`name`*: The name of an autocompleter function in the `autocompleters` table to use for
- providing autocompletions.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.editing.autocompleters`](#textadept.editing.autocompleters)
-<a id="textadept.editing.convert_indentation"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.convert_indentation`()
-Converts indentation between tabs and spaces according to `buffer.use_tabs`.
-If `buffer.use_tabs` is `true`, `buffer.tab_width` indenting spaces are converted to tabs.
-Otherwise, all indenting tabs are converted to `buffer.tab_width` spaces.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.use_tabs`](#buffer.use_tabs)
-<a id="textadept.editing.enclose"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.enclose`(*left, right, select*)
-Encloses the selected text or the current word within strings *left* and *right*, taking
-multiple selections into account.
-* *`left`*: The left part of the enclosure.
-* *`right`*: The right part of the enclosure.
-* *`select`*: Optional flag that indicates whether or not to keep enclosed text selected. The
- default value is `false`.
-<a id="textadept.editing.filter_through"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.filter_through`(*command*)
-Passes the selected text or all buffer text to string shell command *command* as standard input
-(stdin) and replaces the input text with the command's standard output (stdout). *command*
-may contain shell pipes ('|').
-Standard input is as follows:
-1. If no text is selected, the entire buffer is used.
-2. If text is selected and spans a single line, is a multiple selection, or is a rectangular
- selection, only the selected text is used.
-3. If text is selected and spans multiple lines, all text on the lines that have text selected
- is passed as stdin. However, if the end of the selection is at the beginning of a line,
- only the line ending delimiters from the previous line are included. The rest of the line
- is excluded.
-* *`command`*: The Linux, BSD, macOS, or Windows shell command to filter text through. May
- contain pipes.
-<a id="textadept.editing.goto_line"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.goto_line`(*line*)
-Moves the caret to the beginning of line number *line* or the user-specified line, ensuring
-*line* is visible.
-* *`line`*: Optional line number to go to. If `nil`, the user is prompted for one.
-<a id="textadept.editing.join_lines"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.join_lines`()
-Joins the currently selected lines or the current line with the line below it.
-As long as any part of a line is selected, the entire line is eligible for joining.
-<a id="textadept.editing.paste_reindent"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.paste_reindent`()
-Pastes the text from the clipboard, taking into account the buffer's indentation settings
-and the indentation of the current and preceding lines.
-<a id="textadept.editing.select_enclosed"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.select_enclosed`(*left, right*)
-Selects the text between strings *left* and *right* that enclose the caret.
-If that range is already selected, toggles between selecting *left* and *right* as well.
-If *left* and *right* are not provided, they are assumed to be one of the delimiter pairs
-specified in `auto_pairs` and are inferred from the current position or selection.
-* *`left`*: Optional left part of the enclosure.
-* *`right`*: Optional right part of the enclosure.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.editing.auto_pairs`](#textadept.editing.auto_pairs)
-<a id="textadept.editing.select_line"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.select_line`()
-Selects the current line.
-<a id="textadept.editing.select_paragraph"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.select_paragraph`()
-Selects the current paragraph.
-Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines.
-<a id="textadept.editing.select_word"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.select_word`(*all*)
-Selects the current word or, if *all* is `true`, all occurrences of the current word.
-If a word is already selected, selects the next occurrence as a multiple selection.
-* *`all`*: Whether or not to select all occurrences of the current word. The default value is
- `false`.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.word_chars`](#buffer.word_chars)
-<a id="textadept.editing.show_documentation"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.show_documentation`(*pos, ignore\_case*)
-Displays a call tip with documentation for the symbol under or directly behind position *pos*
-or the caret position.
-Documentation is read from API files in the `api_files` table.
-If a call tip is already shown, cycles to the next one if it exists.
-Symbols are determined by using `buffer.word_chars`.
-* *`pos`*: Optional position of the symbol to show documentation for. If omitted, the caret
- position is used.
-* *`ignore_case`*: Optional flag that indicates whether or not to search API files
- case-insensitively for symbols. The default value is `false`.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.editing.api_files`](#textadept.editing.api_files)
-* [`buffer.word_chars`](#buffer.word_chars)
-<a id="textadept.editing.toggle_comment"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.toggle_comment`()
-Comments or uncomments the selected lines based on the current language.
-As long as any part of a line is selected, the entire line is eligible for
-See also:
-* [`textadept.editing.comment_string`](#textadept.editing.comment_string)
-<a id="textadept.editing.transpose_chars"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.transpose_chars`()
-Transposes characters intelligently.
-If the caret is at the end of a line, transposes the two characters before the caret. Otherwise,
-the characters to the left and right are.
-### Tables defined by `textadept.editing`
-<a id="textadept.editing.XPM_IMAGES"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.XPM_IMAGES`
-Map of image names to registered image numbers.
-* `CLASS`: The image number for classes.
-* `NAMESPACE`: The image number for namespaces.
-* `METHOD`: The image number for methods.
-* `SIGNAL`: The image number for signals.
-* `SLOT`: The image number for slots.
-* `VARIABLE`: The image number for variables.
-* `STRUCT`: The image number for structures.
-* `TYPEDEF`: The image number for type definitions.
-<a id="textadept.editing.api_files"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.api_files`
-Map of lexer names to API documentation file tables.
-File tables contain API file paths or functions that return such paths. Each line in an
-API file consists of a symbol name (not a fully qualified symbol name), a space character,
-and that symbol's documentation. "\n" represents a newline character.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.editing.show_documentation`](#textadept.editing.show_documentation)
-<a id="textadept.editing.auto_pairs"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.auto_pairs`
-Map of auto-paired characters like parentheses, brackets, braces, and quotes.
-The ASCII values of opening characters are assigned to strings that contain complement
-characters. The default auto-paired characters are "()", "[]", "{}", "&apos;&apos;",
-"&quot;&quot;", and "``".
-* `textadept.editing.auto_pairs[string.byte('<')] = '>'`
-* `textadept.editing.auto_pairs = nil -- disable completely`
-<a id="textadept.editing.autocompleters"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.autocompleters`
-Map of autocompleter names to autocompletion functions.
-Names are typically lexer names and autocompletion functions typically autocomplete symbols.
-Autocompletion functions must return two values: the number of characters behind the caret
-that are used as the prefix of the entity to be autocompleted, and a list of completions to
-be shown. Autocompletion lists are sorted automatically.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.editing.autocomplete`](#textadept.editing.autocomplete)
-<a id="textadept.editing.brace_matches"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.brace_matches`
-Table of brace characters to highlight.
-The ASCII values of brace characters are keys and are assigned `true`. The default brace
-characters are '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', and '}'.
-* `textadept.editing.brace_matches[string.byte('<')] = true`
-* `textadept.editing.brace_matches[string.byte('>')] = true`
-<a id="textadept.editing.comment_string"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.comment_string`
-Map of lexer names to line comment strings for programming languages, used by the
-`toggle_comment()` function.
-Keys are lexer names and values are either the language's line comment prefixes or block
-comment delimiters separated by a '|' character.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.editing.toggle_comment`](#textadept.editing.toggle_comment)
-<a id="textadept.editing.typeover_chars"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.typeover_chars`
-Table of characters to move over when typed.
-The ASCII values of characters are keys and are assigned `true` values. The default characters
-are ')', ']', '}', '&apos;', '&quot;', and '`'.
-* `textadept.editing.typeover_chars[string.byte('>')] = true`
-<a id="textadept.file_types"></a>
-## The `textadept.file_types` Module
-Handles file type detection for Textadept.
-### Fields defined by `textadept.file_types`
-<a id="events.LEXER_LOADED"></a>
-#### `events.LEXER_LOADED` (string)
-Emitted after loading a language lexer.
- This is useful for overriding a language module's key bindings or other properties since
- the module is not loaded when Textadept starts.
- Arguments:
- * _`name`_: The language lexer's name.
-### Functions defined by `textadept.file_types`
-<a id="textadept.file_types.select_lexer"></a>
-#### `textadept.file_types.select_lexer`()
-Prompts the user to select a lexer for the current buffer.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.set_lexer`](#buffer.set_lexer)
-### Tables defined by `textadept.file_types`
-<a id="textadept.file_types.extensions"></a>
-#### `textadept.file_types.extensions`
-Map of file extensions to their associated lexer names.
-If the file type is not recognized by its first-line, each file extension is matched against
-the file's extension.
-<a id="textadept.file_types.patterns"></a>
-#### `textadept.file_types.patterns`
-Map of first-line patterns to their associated lexer names.
-Each pattern is matched against the first line in the file.
-<a id="textadept.history"></a>
-## The `textadept.history` Module
-Records buffer positions within Textadept views over time and allows for navigating through
-that history.
-This module listens for text edit events and buffer switch events. Each time an insertion
-or deletion occurs, its location is recorded in the current view's location history. If the
-edit is close enough to the previous record, the previous record is amended. Each time a
-buffer switch occurs, the before and after locations are also recorded.
-### Fields defined by `textadept.history`
-<a id="textadept.history.maximum_history_size"></a>
-#### `textadept.history.maximum_history_size` (number)
-The maximum number of history records to keep per view.
- The default value is `100`.
-<a id="textadept.history.minimum_line_distance"></a>
-#### `textadept.history.minimum_line_distance` (number)
-The minimum number of lines between distinct history records.
- The default value is `3`.
-### Functions defined by `textadept.history`
-<a id="textadept.history.back"></a>
-#### `textadept.history.back`()
-Navigates backwards through the current view's history.
-<a id="textadept.history.clear"></a>
-#### `textadept.history.clear`()
-Clears all view history.
-<a id="textadept.history.forward"></a>
-#### `textadept.history.forward`()
-Navigates forwards through the current view's history.
-<a id="textadept.history.record"></a>
-#### `textadept.history.record`(*filename, line, column, soft*)
-Records the given location in the current view's history.
-* *`filename`*: Optional string filename, buffer type, or identifier of the buffer to store. If
- `nil`, uses the current buffer.
-* *`line`*: Optional Integer line number to store. If `nil`, uses the current line.
-* *`column`*: Optional integer column number on line *line* to store. If `nil`, uses the
- current column.
-* *`soft`*: Optional flag that indicates whether or not this record should be skipped when
- navigating backward towards it, and updated when navigating away from it. The default
- value is `false`.
-<a id="textadept.keys"></a>
-## The `textadept.keys` Module
-Defines key bindings for Textadept.
-This set of key bindings is pretty standard among other text editors, at least for basic
-editing commands and movements.
-### Key Bindings
-Win32, Linux, BSD | macOS | Terminal | Command
-Ctrl+N | ⌘N | M-^N | New file
-Ctrl+O | ⌘O | ^O | Open file
-Ctrl+Alt+O | ^⌘O | M-^O | Open recent file...
-Ctrl+Shift+O | ⌘⇧O | M-O | Reload file
-Ctrl+S | ⌘S | ^S | Save file
-Ctrl+Shift+S | ⌘⇧S | M-^S | Save file as..
-None | None | None | Save all files
-Ctrl+W | ⌘W | ^W | Close file
-Ctrl+Shift+W | ⌘⇧W | M-^W | Close all files
-None | None | None | Load session...
-None | None | None | Save session...
-Ctrl+Q | ⌘Q | ^Q | Quit
-**Edit**| | |
-Ctrl+Z<br/>Alt+Bksp | ⌘Z | ^Z^(†)<br/>M-Z | Undo
-Ctrl+Y<br/>Ctrl+Shift+Z | ⌘⇧Z | ^Y<br/>M-S-Z | Redo
-Ctrl+X<br/>Shift+Del | ⌘X<br/>⇧⌦ | ^X | Cut
-Ctrl+C<br/>Ctrl+Ins | ⌘C | ^C | Copy
-Ctrl+V<br/>Shift+Ins | ⌘V | ^V | Paste
-Ctrl+Shift+V | ⌘⇧V | M-V | Paste Reindent
-Ctrl+D | ⌘D | None | Duplicate line
-Del | ⌦<br/>^D | Del<br/>^D | Delete
-Alt+Del | ^⌦ | M-Del<br/>M-D | Delete word
-Ctrl+A | ⌘A | M-A | Select all
-Ctrl+M | ^M | M-M | Match brace
-Ctrl+Enter | ^Esc | M-Enter^(‡) | Complete word
-Ctrl+/ | ^/ | M-/ | Toggle block comment
-Ctrl+T | ^T | ^T | Transpose characters
-Ctrl+Shift+J | ^J | M-J | Join lines
-Ctrl+&#124; | ⌘&#124; | ^\ | Filter text through
-Ctrl+Shift+M | ^⇧M | M-S-M | Select between delimiters
-Ctrl+< | ⌘< | M-< | Select between XML tags
-Ctrl+> | ⌘> | None | Select in XML tag
-Ctrl+Shift+D | ⌘⇧D | M-S-W | Select word
-Ctrl+Shift+N | ⌘⇧N | M-S-N | Select line
-Ctrl+Shift+P | ⌘⇧P | M-S-P | Select paragraph
-Ctrl+Alt+U | ^U | M-^U | Upper case selection
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U | ^⇧U | M-^L | Lower case selection
-Alt+< | ^< | M-> | Enclose as XML tags
-Alt+> | ^> | None | Enclose as single XML tag
-Alt+" | ^" | None | Enclose in double quotes
-Alt+' | ^' | None | Enclose in single quotes
-Alt+( | ^( | M-) | Enclose in parentheses
-Alt+[ | ^[ | M-] | Enclose in brackets
-Alt+{ | ^{ | M-} | Enclose in braces
-Ctrl+Shift+Up | ^⇧⇡ | S-^Up | Move selected lines up
-Ctrl+Shift+Down | ^⇧⇣ | S-^Down | Move selected lines down
-Alt+, | ^, | M-, | Navigate backward
-Alt+. | ^. | M-. | Navigate forward
-None | None | None | Record location
-None | None | None | Clear navigation history
-Ctrl+P | ⌘, | M-~ | Preferences
-**Search**| | |
-Ctrl+F | ⌘F | M-F<br/>M-S-F | Find
-Ctrl+G<br/>F3 | ⌘G | M-G | Find next
-Ctrl+Shift+G<br/>Shift+F3 | ⌘⇧G | M-S-G | Find previous
-Ctrl+Alt+R | ^R | M-R | Replace
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R | ^⇧R | M-S-R | Replace all
-Ctrl+Alt+F | ^⌘F | M-^F | Find incremental
-Ctrl+Shift+F | ⌘⇧F | None | Find in files
-Ctrl+Alt+G | ^⌘G | None | Goto next file found
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G | ^⌘⇧G | None | Goto previous file found
-Ctrl+J | ⌘J | ^J | Jump to line
-**Tools**| | |
-Ctrl+E | ⌘E | M-C | Command entry
-Ctrl+Shift+E | ⌘⇧E | M-S-C | Select command
-Ctrl+R | ⌘R | ^R | Run
-Ctrl+Shift+R | ⌘⇧R | M-^R | Compile
-Ctrl+Shift+A | ⌘⇧A | None | Set Arguments...
-Ctrl+Shift+B | ⌘⇧B | M-^B | Build
-Ctrl+Shift+T | ⌘⇧T | M-^T | Run tests
-Ctrl+Shift+X | ⌘⇧X | M-^X | Stop
-Ctrl+Alt+E | ^⌘E | M-X | Next Error
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E | ^⌘⇧E | M-S-X | Previous Error
-Ctrl+F2 | ⌘F2 | F1 | Toggle bookmark
-Ctrl+Shift+F2 | ⌘⇧F2 | F6 | Clear bookmarks
-F2 | F2 | F2 | Next bookmark
-Shift+F2 | ⇧F2 | F3 | Previous bookmark
-Alt+F2 | ⌥F2 | F4 | Goto bookmark...
-F9 | F9 | F9 | Start/stop recording macro
-Shift+F9 | ⇧F9 | F10 | Play recorded macro
-Ctrl+U | ⌘U | ^U | Quickly open `_USERHOME`
-None | None | None | Quickly open `_HOME`
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O | ^⌘⇧O | M-S-O | Quickly open current directory
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P | ^⌘⇧P | M-^P | Quickly open current project
-Ctrl+Shift+K | ⌥⇧⇥ | M-S-K | Insert snippet...
-Tab | ⇥ | Tab | Expand snippet or next placeholder
-Shift+Tab | ⇧⇥ | S-Tab | Previous snippet placeholder
-Esc | Esc | Esc | Cancel snippet
-Ctrl+K | ⌥⇥ | M-K | Complete trigger word
-Ctrl+Space | ⌥Esc | ^Space | Complete symbol
-Ctrl+H | ^H | M-H<br/>M-S-H | Show documentation
-Ctrl+I | ⌘I | M-S-I | Show style
-**Buffer**| | |
-Ctrl+Tab | ^⇥ | M-N | Next buffer
-Ctrl+Shift+Tab | ^⇧⇥ | M-P | Previous buffer
-Ctrl+B | ⌘B | M-B<br/>M-S-B | Switch to buffer...
-None | None | None | Tab width: 2
-None | None | None | Tab width: 3
-None | None | None | Tab width: 4
-None | None | None | Tab width: 8
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T | ^⇧T | M-T<br/>M-S-T | Toggle use tabs
-Ctrl+Alt+I | ^I | M-I | Convert indentation
-None | None | None | CR+LF EOL mode
-None | None | None | LF EOL mode
-None | None | None | UTF-8 encoding
-None | None | None | ASCII encoding
-None | None | None | CP-1252 encoding
-None | None | None | UTF-16 encoding
-Ctrl+Alt+\\ | ^\\ | None | Toggle wrap mode
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S | ^⇧S | None | Toggle view whitespace
-Ctrl+Shift+L | ⌘⇧L | M-S-L | Select lexer...
-**View**| | |
-Ctrl+Alt+N | ^⌥⇥ | M-^V N | Next view
-Ctrl+Alt+P | ^⌥⇧⇥ | M-^V P | Previous view
-Ctrl+Alt+S<br/>Ctrl+Alt+H | ^S | M-^V S<br/>M-^V H | Split view horizontal
-Ctrl+Alt+V | ^V | M-^V V | Split view vertical
-Ctrl+Alt+W | ^W | M-^V W | Unsplit view
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+W | ^⇧W | M-^V S-W | Unsplit all views
-Ctrl+Alt++<br/>Ctrl+Alt+= | ^+<br/>^= | M-^V +<br/>M-^V = | Grow view
-Ctrl+Alt+- | ^- | M-^V - | Shrink view
-Ctrl+* | ⌘* | M-* | Toggle current fold
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I | ^⇧I | N/A | Toggle indent guides
-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V | ^⇧V | None | Toggle virtual space
-Ctrl+= | ⌘= | N/A | Zoom in
-Ctrl+- | ⌘- | N/A | Zoom out
-Ctrl+0 | ⌘0 | N/A | Reset zoom
-**Help**|| |
-F1 | F1 | None | Open manual
-Shift+F1 | ⇧F1 | None | Open LuaDoc
-None | None | None | About
-**Movement**| | |
-Down | ⇣<br/>^N | ^N<br/>Down | Line down
-Shift+Down | ⇧⇣<br/>^⇧N | S-Down | Line down extend selection
-Ctrl+Down | ^⇣ | ^Down | Scroll line down
-Alt+Shift+Down | ⌥⇧⇣ | M-S-Down | Line down extend rect. selection
-Up | ⇡<br/>^P | ^P<br/>Up | Line up
-Shift+Up | ⇧⇡<br/>^⇧P | S-Up | Line up extend selection
-Ctrl+Up | ^⇡ | ^Up | Scroll line up
-Alt+Shift+Up | ⌥⇧⇡ | M-S-Up | Line up extend rect. selection
-Left | ⇠<br/>^B | ^B<br/>Left | Char left
-Shift+Left | ⇧⇠<br/>^⇧B | S-Left | Char left extend selection
-Ctrl+Left | ⌥⇠<br/>^⌘B | ^Left | Word left
-Ctrl+Shift+Left | ^⇧⇠<br/>^⌘⇧B | S-^Left | Word left extend selection
-Alt+Shift+Left | ⌥⇧⇠ | M-S-Left | Char left extend rect. selection
-Right | ⇢<br/>^F | ^F<br/>Right | Char right
-Shift+Right | ⇧⇢<br/>^⇧F | S-Right | Char right extend selection
-Ctrl+Right | ⌥⇢<br/>^⌘F | ^Right | Word right
-Ctrl+Shift+Right | ^⇧⇢<br/>^⌘⇧F | S-^Right | Word right extend selection
-Alt+Shift+Right | ⌥⇧⇢ | M-S-Right | Char right extend rect. selection
-Home | ⌘⇠<br/>^A | ^A<br/>Home | Line start
-Shift+Home | ⌘⇧⇠<br/>^⇧A | M-S-A | Line start extend selection
-Ctrl+Home | ⌘⇡<br/>⌘↖ | M-^A | Document start
-Ctrl+Shift+Home | ⌘⇧⇡<br/>⌘⇧↖ | None | Document start extend selection
-Alt+Shift+Home | ⌥⇧↖ | None | Line start extend rect. selection
-End | ⌘⇢<br/>^E | ^E<br/>End | Line end
-Shift+End | ⌘⇧⇢<br/>^⇧E | M-S-E | Line end extend selection
-Ctrl+End | ⌘⇣<br/>⌘↘ | M-^E | Document end
-Ctrl+Shift+End | ⌘⇧⇣<br/>⌘⇧↘ | None | Document end extend selection
-Alt+Shift+End | ⌥⇧↘ | None | Line end extend rect. selection
-PgUp | ⇞ | PgUp | Page up
-Shift+PgUp | ⇧⇞ | M-S-U | Page up extend selection
-Alt+Shift+PgUp | ⌥⇧⇞ | None | Page up extend rect. selection
-PgDn | ⇟ | PgDn | Page down
-Shift+PgDn | ⇧⇟ | M-S-D | Page down extend selection
-Alt+Shift+PgDn | ⌥⇧⇟ | None | Page down extend rect. selection
-Ctrl+Del | ⌘⌦ | ^Del | Delete word right
-Ctrl+Shift+Del | ⌘⇧⌦ | S-^Del | Delete line right
-Ins | Ins | Ins | Toggle overtype
-Bksp | ⌫<br/>⇧⌫ | ^H<br/>Bksp | Delete back
-Ctrl+Bksp | ⌘⌫ | None | Delete word left
-Ctrl+Shift+Bksp | ⌘⇧⌫ | None | Delete line left
-Tab | ⇥ | Tab<br/>^I | Insert tab or indent
-Shift+Tab | ⇧⇥ | S-Tab | Dedent
-None | ^K | ^K | Cut to line end
-None | ^L | None | Center line vertically
-N/A | N/A | ^^ | Mark text at the caret position
-N/A | N/A | ^] | Swap caret and mark anchor
-**UTF-8 Input**|||
-Ctrl+Shift+U *xxxx* Enter | ⌘⇧U *xxxx* ↩ | M-U *xxxx* Enter | Insert U-*xxxx* char.
-**Find Fields**|||
-Left | ⇠<br/>^B | ^B<br/>Left | Cursor left
-Right | ⇢<br/>^F | ^F<br/>Right | Cursor right
-Del | ⌦ | Del | Delete forward
-Bksp | ⌫ | ^H<br/>Bksp | Delete back
-Ctrl+V | ⌘V | ^V | Paste
-N/A | N/A | ^X | Cut all
-N/A | N/A | ^Y | Copy all
-N/A | N/A | ^U | Erase all
-Home | ↖<br/>⌘⇠<br/>^A | ^A | Home
-End | ↘<br/>⌘⇢<br/>^E | ^E | End
-N/A | N/A | ^T | Transpose characters
-N/A | N/A | Tab | Toggle find/replace buttons
-Tab | ⇥ | Down | Focus replace field
-Shift+Tab | ⇧⇥ | Up | Focus find field
-Up | ⇡ | ^P | Cycle back through history
-Down | ⇣ | ^N | Cycle forward through history
-N/A | N/A | F1 | Toggle "Match Case"
-N/A | N/A | F2 | Toggle "Whole Word"
-N/A | N/A | F3 | Toggle "Regex"
-N/A | N/A | F4 | Toggle "Find in Files"
-†: Some terminals interpret ^Z as suspend; see FAQ for workaround.
-‡: Ctrl+Enter in Windows terminal version.
-<a id="textadept.macros"></a>
-## The `textadept.macros` Module
-A module for recording, playing, saving, and loading keyboard macros.
-Menu commands are also recorded.
-At this time, typing into multiple cursors during macro playback is not supported.
-### Functions defined by `textadept.macros`
-<a id="textadept.macros.load"></a>
-#### `textadept.macros.load`(*filename*)
-Loads a macro from file *filename* or the user-selected file.
-* *`filename`*: Optional macro file to load. If `nil`, the user is prompted for one.
-<a id="textadept.macros.play"></a>
-#### `textadept.macros.play`()
-Plays a recorded or loaded macro.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.macros.load`](#textadept.macros.load)
-<a id="textadept.macros.record"></a>
-#### `textadept.macros.record`()
-Toggles between starting and stopping macro recording.
-<a id="textadept.macros.save"></a>
-#### `textadept.macros.save`(*filename*)
-Saves a recorded macro to file *filename* or the user-selected file.
-* *`filename`*: Optional filename to save the recorded macro to. If `nil`, the user is
- prompted for one.
-<a id="textadept.menu"></a>
-## The `textadept.menu` Module
-Defines the menus used by Textadept.
-Menus are simply tables of menu items and submenus and may be edited in place. A menu item
-itself is a table whose first element is a menu label and whose second element is a menu
-command to run. Submenus have `title` keys assigned to string text.
-### Functions defined by `textadept.menu`
-<a id="textadept.menu.select_command"></a>
-#### `textadept.menu.select_command`()
-Prompts the user to select a menu command to run.
-### Tables defined by `textadept.menu`
-<a id="textadept.menu.context_menu"></a>
-#### `textadept.menu.context_menu`
-The default right-click context menu.
-Submenus, and menu items can be retrieved by name in addition to table index number.
-* `textadept.menu.context_menu[#textadept.menu.context_menu + 1] = {...}`
-<a id="textadept.menu.menubar"></a>
-#### `textadept.menu.menubar`
-The default main menubar.
-Individual menus, submenus, and menu items can be retrieved by name in addition to table
-index number.
-* `textadept.menu.menubar[_L['File']][_L['New']]`
-* `textadept.menu.menubar[_L['File']][_L['New']][2] = function() .. end`
-<a id="textadept.menu.tab_context_menu"></a>
-#### `textadept.menu.tab_context_menu`
-The default tabbar context menu.
-Submenus, and menu items can be retrieved by name in addition to table index number.
-<a id="textadept.run"></a>
-## The `textadept.run` Module
-Compile and run source code files with Textadept.
-[Language modules](#compile-and-run) may tweak the `compile_commands`, `run_commands`, and
-`error_patterns` tables for particular languages.
-The user may tweak `build_commands` and `test_commands` for particular projects.
-### Fields defined by `textadept.run`
-<a id="textadept.run.MARK_ERROR"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.MARK_ERROR` (number)
-The run or compile error marker number.
-<a id="textadept.run.MARK_WARNING"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.MARK_WARNING` (number)
-The run or compile warning marker number.
-<a id="events.BUILD_OUTPUT"></a>
-#### `events.BUILD_OUTPUT` (string)
-Emitted when executing a project's build shell command.
- By default, output is printed to the message buffer. In order to override this behavior,
- connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`.
- Arguments:
- * `output`: A line of string output from the command.
-<a id="events.COMPILE_OUTPUT"></a>
-#### `events.COMPILE_OUTPUT` (string)
-Emitted when executing a language's compile shell command.
- By default, compiler output is printed to the message buffer. In order to override this
- behavior, connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`.
- Arguments:
- * `output`: A line of string output from the command.
- * `ext_or_lexer`: The file extension or lexer name associated with the executed compile
- command.
-<a id="events.RUN_OUTPUT"></a>
-#### `events.RUN_OUTPUT` (string)
-Emitted when executing a language's run shell command.
- By default, output is printed to the message buffer. In order to override this behavior,
- connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`.
- Arguments:
- * `output`: A line of string output from the command.
- * `ext_or_lexer`: The file extension or lexer name associated with the executed run command.
-<a id="events.TEST_OUTPUT"></a>
-#### `events.TEST_OUTPUT` (string)
-Emitted when executing a project's shell command for running tests.
- By default, output is printed to the message buffer. In order to override this behavior,
- connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`.
- Arguments:
- * `output`: A line of string output from the command.
-<a id="textadept.run.run_in_background"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.run_in_background` (bool)
-Run shell commands silently in the background.
- This only applies when the message buffer is open, though it does not have to be visible.
- The default value is `false`.
-### Functions defined by `textadept.run`
-<a id="textadept.run.build"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.build`(*root\_directory*)
-Builds the project whose root path is *root_directory* or the current project using the
-shell command from the `build_commands` table.
-If a "makefile" type of build file is found, prompts the user for the full build command. The
-current project is determined by either the buffer's filename or the current working directory.
-Emits `BUILD_OUTPUT` events.
-* *`root_directory`*: The path to the project to build. The default value is the current project.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.run.build_commands`](#textadept.run.build_commands)
-* [`events`](#events)
-<a id="textadept.run.compile"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.compile`(*filename*)
-Compiles file *filename* or the current file using an appropriate shell command from the
-`compile_commands` table.
-The shell command is determined from the file's filename, extension, or language in that order.
-Emits `COMPILE_OUTPUT` events.
-* *`filename`*: Optional path to the file to compile. The default value is the current
- file's filename.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.run.compile_commands`](#textadept.run.compile_commands)
-* [`events`](#events)
-<a id="textadept.run.goto_error"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.goto_error`(*line\_num, next*)
-Jumps to the source of the recognized compile/run warning or error on line number *line_num*
-in the message buffer.
-If *line_num* is `nil`, jumps to the next or previous warning or error, depending on boolean
-*next*. Displays an annotation with the warning or error message if possible.
-* *`line_num`*: Optional line number in the message buffer that contains the compile/run
- warning or error to go to. This parameter may be omitted completely.
-* *`next`*: Optional flag indicating whether to go to the next recognized warning/error or
- the previous one. Only applicable when *line_num* is `nil`.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.run.error_patterns`](#textadept.run.error_patterns)
-<a id="textadept.run.run"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.run`(*filename*)
-Runs file *filename* or the current file using an appropriate shell command from the
-`run_commands` table.
-The shell command is determined from the file's filename, extension, or language in that order.
-Emits `RUN_OUTPUT` events.
-* *`filename`*: Optional path to the file to run. The default value is the current file's
- filename.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.run.run_commands`](#textadept.run.run_commands)
-* [`events`](#events)
-<a id="textadept.run.set_arguments"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.set_arguments`(*filename, run, compile*)
-Appends the command line argument strings *run* and *compile* to their respective run and
-compile commands for file *filename* or the current file.
-If either is `nil`, prompts the user for missing the arguments. Each filename has its own
-set of compile and run arguments.
-* *`filename`*: Optional path to the file to set run/compile arguments for.
-* *`run`*: Optional string run arguments to set. If `nil`, the user is prompted for them. Pass
- the empty string for no run arguments.
-* *`compile`*: Optional string compile arguments to set. If `nil`, the user is prompted
- for them. Pass the empty string for no compile arguments.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.run.run_commands`](#textadept.run.run_commands)
-* [`textadept.run.compile_commands`](#textadept.run.compile_commands)
-<a id="textadept.run.stop"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.stop`()
-Stops the currently running process, if any.
-<a id="textadept.run.test"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.test`(*root\_directory*)
-Runs tests for the project whose root path is *root_directory* or the current project using
-the shell command from the `test_commands` table.
-The current project is determined by either the buffer's filename or the current working
-Emits `TEST_OUTPUT` events.
-* *`root_directory`*: The path to the project to run tests for. The default value is the
- current project.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.run.test_commands`](#textadept.run.test_commands)
-* [`events`](#events)
-### Tables defined by `textadept.run`
-<a id="textadept.run.build_commands"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.build_commands`
-Map of project root paths and "makefiles" to their associated "build" shell command line
-strings or functions that return such strings.
-Functions may also return a working directory and process environment table to operate
-in. By default, the working directory is the project's root directory and the environment
-is Textadept's environment.
-<a id="textadept.run.compile_commands"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.compile_commands`
-Map of filenames, file extensions, and lexer names to their associated "compile" shell
-command line strings or functions that return such strings.
-Command line strings may have the following macros:
- + `%f`: The file's name, including its extension.
- + `%e`: The file's name, excluding its extension.
- + `%d`: The file's directory path.
- + `%p`: The file's full path.
-Functions may also return a working directory and process environment table to operate in. By
-default, the working directory is the current file's parent directory and the environment
-is Textadept's environment.
-<a id="textadept.run.error_patterns"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.error_patterns`
-Map of file extensions and lexer names to their associated lists of string patterns that
-match warning and error messages emitted by compile and run commands for those file extensions
-and lexers.
-Patterns match single lines and contain captures for a filename, line number, column number
-(optional), and warning or error message (optional). Double-clicking a warning or error
-message takes the user to the source of that warning/error.
-Note: `(.-)` captures in patterns are interpreted as filenames; `(%d+)` captures are
-interpreted as line numbers first, and then column numbers; and any other capture is treated
-as warning/error message text.
-<a id="textadept.run.run_commands"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.run_commands`
-Map of filenames, file extensions, and lexer names to their associated "run" shell command
-line strings or functions that return strings.
-Command line strings may have the following macros:
- + `%f`: The file's name, including its extension.
- + `%e`: The file's name, excluding its extension.
- + `%d`: The file's directory path.
- + `%p`: The file's full path.
-Functions may also return a working directory and process environment table to operate in. By
-default, the working directory is the current file's parent directory and the environment
-is Textadept's environment.
-<a id="textadept.run.test_commands"></a>
-#### `textadept.run.test_commands`
-Map of project root paths to their associated "test" shell command line strings or functions
-that return such strings.
-Functions may also return a working directory and process environment table to operate
-in. By default, the working directory is the project's root directory and the environment
-is Textadept's environment.
-<a id="textadept.session"></a>
-## The `textadept.session` Module
-Session support for Textadept.
-### Fields defined by `textadept.session`
-<a id="events.SESSION_LOAD"></a>
-#### `events.SESSION_LOAD` (string)
-Emitted when loading a session.
- Arguments:
- * `session`: Table of session data to load. All handlers will have access to this same table.
-<a id="events.SESSION_SAVE"></a>
-#### `events.SESSION_SAVE` (string)
-Emitted when saving a session.
- Arguments:
- * `session`: Table of session data to save. All handlers will have access to this same
- table, and Textadept's default handler reserves the use of some keys.
- Note that functions, userdata, and circular table values cannot be saved. The latter
- case is not recognized at all, so beware.
-<a id="textadept.session.save_on_quit"></a>
-#### `textadept.session.save_on_quit` (bool)
-Save the session when quitting.
- The default value is `true` unless the user passed the command line switch `-n` or
- `--nosession` to Textadept.
-### Functions defined by `textadept.session`
-<a id="textadept.session.load"></a>
-#### `textadept.session.load`(*filename*)
-Loads session file *filename* or the user-selected session, returning `true` if a session
-file was opened and read.
-Textadept restores split views, opened buffers, cursor information, recent files, and bookmarks.
-* *`filename`*: Optional absolute path to the session file to load. If `nil`, the user is
- prompted for one.
-* `textadept.session.load(filename)`
-* `true` if the session file was opened and read; `nil` otherwise.
-<a id="textadept.session.save"></a>
-#### `textadept.session.save`(*filename*)
-Saves the session to file *filename* or the user-selected file.
-Saves split views, opened buffers, cursor information, recent files, and bookmarks.
-Upon quitting, the current session is saved to *filename* again, unless
-`textadept.session.save_on_quit` is `false`.
-* *`filename`*: Optional absolute path to the session file to save. If `nil`, the user is
- prompted for one.
-* `textadept.session.save(filename)`
-<a id="textadept.snippets"></a>
-## The `textadept.snippets` Module
-Snippets for Textadept.
-### Overview
-Define snippets in the global `snippets` table in key-value pairs. Each pair consists of
-either a string trigger word and its snippet text, or a string lexer name (from the *lexers/*
-directory) with a table of trigger words and snippet texts. When searching for a snippet to
-insert based on a trigger word, Textadept considers snippets in the current lexer to have
-priority, followed by the ones in the global table. This means if there are two snippets
-with the same trigger word, Textadept inserts the one specific to the current lexer, not
-the global one.
-### Special Sequences
-#### `%`*n*`(`*text*`)`
-Represents a placeholder, where *n* is an integer and *text* is default placeholder
-text. Textadept moves the caret to placeholders in numeric order each time it calls
-[`textadept.snippets.insert()`](#textadept.snippets.insert), finishing at either the "%0" placeholder if it exists or
-at the end of the snippet. Examples are
- snippets['foo'] = 'foobar%1(baz)'
- snippets['bar'] = 'start\n\t%0\nend'
-#### `%`*n*`{`*list*`}`
-Also represents a placeholder (where *n* is an integer), but presents a list of choices for
-placeholder text constructed from comma-separated *list*. Examples are
- snippets['op'] = 'operator(%1(1), %2(1), "%3{add,sub,mul,div}")'
-#### `%`*n*
-Represents a mirror, where *n* is an integer. Mirrors with the same *n* as a placeholder mirror
-any user input in the placeholder. If no placeholder exists for *n*, the first occurrence
-of that mirror in the snippet becomes the placeholder, but with no default text. Examples are
- snippets['foo'] = '%1(mirror), %1, on the wall'
- snippets['q'] = '"%1"'
-#### `%`*n*`<`*Lua code*`>`<br/>`%`*n*`[`*Shell code*`]`
-Represents a transform, where *n* is an integer that has an associated placeholder, *Lua code*
-is arbitrary Lua code, and *Shell code* is arbitrary Shell code. Textadept executes the code
-as text is typed into placeholder *n*. If the transform omits *n*, Textadept executes the
-transform's code the moment the editor inserts the snippet.
-Textadept runs Lua code in its Lua State and replaces the transform with the code's return
-text. The code may use the temporary `text` and `selected_text` global variables which
-contain placeholder *n*'s text and the text originally selected when the snippet was inserted,
-respectively. An example is
- snippets['attr'] = [[
- %1(int) %2(foo) = %3;
- %1 get%2<text:gsub('^.', function(c) return c:upper() end)>() {
- return %2;
- }
- void set%2<text:gsub('^.', function(c) return c:upper() end)>(%1 value) {
- %2 = value;
- }
- ]]
-Textadept executes shell code using Lua's [`io.popen()`][] and replaces the transform with the
-process' standard output (stdout). The code may use a `%` character to represent placeholder
-*n*'s text. An example is
- snippets['env'] = '$%1(HOME) = %1[echo $%]'
-#### `%%`
-Stands for a single '%' since '%' by itself has a special meaning in snippets.
-#### `%(`<br/>`%{`
-Stands for a single '(' or '{', respectively, after a `%`*n* mirror. Otherwise, the mirror
-would be interpreted as a placeholder or transform. Note: it is currently not possible to
-escape a '<' or '[' immediately after a `%`*n* mirror due to `%<...>` and `%[...]` sequences
-being interpreted as code to execute.
-#### `\t`
-A single unit of indentation based on the buffer's indentation settings ([`buffer.use_tabs`](#buffer.use_tabs)
-and [`buffer.tab_width`](#buffer.tab_width)).
-#### `\n`
-A single set of line ending delimiters based on the buffer's end of line mode
-[`io.popen()`]: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#pdf-io.popen
-### Fields defined by `textadept.snippets`
-<a id="textadept.snippets.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER"></a>
-#### `textadept.snippets.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER` (number)
-The snippet placeholder indicator number.
-<a id="textadept.editing.autocompleters.snippet"></a>
-#### `textadept.editing.autocompleters.snippet` (function)
-Autocompleter function for snippet trigger words.
-### Functions defined by `textadept.snippets`
-<a id="textadept.snippets.cancel_current"></a>
-#### `textadept.snippets.cancel_current`()
-Cancels the active snippet, removing all inserted text.
-Returns `false` if no snippet is active.
-* `false` if no snippet is active; `nil` otherwise.
-<a id="textadept.snippets.insert"></a>
-#### `textadept.snippets.insert`(*text*)
-Inserts snippet text *text* or the snippet assigned to the trigger word behind the caret.
-Otherwise, if a snippet is active, goes to the active snippet's next placeholder. Returns
-`false` if no action was taken.
-* *`text`*: Optional snippet text to insert. If `nil`, attempts to insert a new snippet
- based on the trigger, the word behind caret, and the current lexer.
-* `false` if no action was taken; `nil` otherwise.
-See also:
-* [`buffer.word_chars`](#buffer.word_chars)
-<a id="textadept.snippets.previous"></a>
-#### `textadept.snippets.previous`()
-Jumps back to the previous snippet placeholder, reverting any changes from the current one.
-Returns `false` if no snippet is active.
-* `false` if no snippet is active; `nil` otherwise.
-<a id="textadept.snippets.select"></a>
-#### `textadept.snippets.select`()
-Prompts the user to select a snippet to insert from a list of global and language-specific
-### Tables defined by `textadept.snippets`
-<a id="_G.snippets"></a>
-#### `_G.snippets`
-Map of snippet triggers with their snippet text or functions that return such text, with
-language-specific snippets tables assigned to a lexer name key.
-<a id="textadept.snippets.paths"></a>
-#### `textadept.snippets.paths`
-List of directory paths to look for snippet files in.
-Filenames are of the form *lexer.trigger.ext* or *trigger.ext* (*.ext* is an optional,
-arbitrary file extension). If the global `snippets` table does not contain a snippet for
-a given trigger, this table is consulted for a matching filename, and the contents of that
-file is inserted as a snippet.
-Note: If a directory has multiple snippets with the same trigger, the snippet chosen for
-insertion is not defined and may not be constant.
-<a id="ui"></a>
-## The `ui` Module
-Utilities for interacting with Textadept's user interface.
-### Fields defined by `ui`
-<a id="ui.SHOW_ALL_TABS"></a>
-#### `ui.SHOW_ALL_TABS` (number)
-<a id="ui.buffer_statusbar_text"></a>
-#### `ui.buffer_statusbar_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text displayed in the buffer statusbar.
-<a id="ui.clipboard_text"></a>
-#### `ui.clipboard_text` (string)
-The text on the clipboard.
-<a id="ui.context_menu"></a>
-#### `ui.context_menu` (userdata)
-The buffer's context menu, a [`ui.menu()`](#ui.menu).
- This is a low-level field. You probably want to use the higher-level
- [`textadept.menu.context_menu`](#textadept.menu.context_menu).
-<a id="ui.maximized"></a>
-#### `ui.maximized` (bool)
-Whether or not Textadept's window is maximized.
-<a id="ui.silent_print"></a>
-#### `ui.silent_print` (bool)
-Whether or not to print messages to buffers silently.
- This is not guaranteed to be a constant value, as Textadept may change it for the editor's
- own purposes. This flag should be used only in conjunction with a group of [`ui.print()`](#ui.print)
- and [`ui._print()`](#ui._print) function calls.
- The default value is `false`, and focuses buffers when messages are printed to them.
-<a id="ui.statusbar_text"></a>
-#### `ui.statusbar_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text displayed in the statusbar.
-<a id="ui.tab_context_menu"></a>
-#### `ui.tab_context_menu` (userdata)
-The context menu for the buffer's tab, a [`ui.menu()`](#ui.menu).
- This is a low-level field. You probably want to use the higher-level
- [`textadept.menu.tab_context_menu`](#textadept.menu.tab_context_menu).
-<a id="ui.tabs"></a>
-#### `ui.tabs` (bool)
-Whether or not to display the tab bar when multiple buffers are open.
- The default value is `true`.
- A third option, `ui.SHOW_ALL_TABS` may be used to always show the tab bar, even if only
- one buffer is open.
-<a id="ui.title"></a>
-#### `ui.title` (string, Write-only)
-The title text of Textadept's window.
-### Functions defined by `ui`
-<a id="ui._print"></a>
-#### `ui._print`(*buffer\_type, ...*)
-Prints the given string messages to the buffer of string type *buffer_type*.
-Opens a new buffer for printing messages to if necessary. If the message buffer is already
-open in a view, the message is printed to that view. Otherwise the view is split (unless
-`ui.tabs` is `true`) and the message buffer is displayed before being printed to.
-* *`buffer_type`*: String type of message buffer.
-* *`...`*: Message strings.
-* `ui._print(_L['[Message Buffer]'], message)`
-<a id="ui.dialog"></a>
-#### `ui.dialog`(*kind, ...*)
-Low-level function for prompting the user with a [gtdialog][] of kind *kind* with the given
-string and table arguments, returning a formatted string of the dialog's output.
-You probably want to use the higher-level functions in the [`ui.dialogs`](#ui.dialogs) module.
-Table arguments containing strings are allowed and expanded in place. This is useful for
-filtered list dialogs with many items.
-[gtdialog]: https://orbitalquark.github.io/gtdialog/manual.html
-* *`kind`*: The kind of gtdialog.
-* *`...`*: Parameters to the gtdialog.
-* string gtdialog result.
-<a id="ui.get_split_table"></a>
-#### `ui.get_split_table`()
-Returns a split table that contains Textadept's current split view structure.
-This is primarily used in session saving.
-* table of split views. Each split view entry is a table with 4 fields: `1`, `2`,
- `vertical`, and `size`. `1` and `2` have values of either nested split view entries or
- the views themselves; `vertical` is a flag that indicates if the split is vertical or not;
- and `size` is the integer position of the split resizer.
-<a id="ui.goto_file"></a>
-#### `ui.goto_file`(*filename, split, preferred\_view, sloppy*)
-Switches to the existing view whose buffer's filename is *filename*.
-If no view was found and *split* is `true`, splits the current view in order to show the
-requested file. If *split* is `false`, shifts to the next or *preferred_view* view in order
-to show the requested file. If *sloppy* is `true`, requires only the basename of *filename*
-to match a buffer's `filename`. If the requested file was not found, it is opened in the
-desired view.
-* *`filename`*: The filename of the buffer to go to.
-* *`split`*: Optional flag that indicates whether or not to open the buffer in a split view
- if there is only one view. The default value is `false`.
-* *`preferred_view`*: Optional view to open the desired buffer in if the buffer is not
- visible in any other view.
-* *`sloppy`*: Optional flag that indicates whether or not to not match *filename* to
- `buffer.filename` exactly. When `true`, matches *filename* to only the last part of
- `buffer.filename` This is useful for run and compile commands which output relative filenames
- and paths instead of full ones and it is likely that the file in question is already open.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="ui.goto_view"></a>
-#### `ui.goto_view`(*view*)
-Shifts to view *view* or the view *view* number of views relative to the current one.
-* *`view`*: A view or relative view number (typically 1 or -1).
-See also:
-* [`_VIEWS`](#_VIEWS)
-<a id="ui.menu"></a>
-#### `ui.menu`(*menu\_table*)
-Low-level function for creating a menu from table *menu_table* and returning the userdata.
-You probably want to use the higher-level `textadept.menu.menubar`,
-`textadept.menu.context_menu`, or `textadept.menu.tab_context_menu` tables.
-Emits a `MENU_CLICKED` event when a menu item is selected.
-* *`menu_table`*: A table defining the menu. It is an ordered list of tables with a string
- menu item, integer menu ID, and optional GDK keycode and modifier mask. The latter
- two are used to display key shortcuts in the menu. '_' characters are treated as a menu
- mnemonics. If the menu item is empty, a menu separator item is created. Submenus are just
- nested menu-structure tables. Their title text is defined with a `title` key.
-* `ui.menu{ {'_New', 1}, {'_Open', 2}, {''}, {'_Quit', 4} }`
-* `ui.menu{ {'_New', 1, string.byte('n'), 4} } -- 'Ctrl+N'`
-See also:
-* [`events.MENU_CLICKED`](#events.MENU_CLICKED)
-* [`textadept.menu.menubar`](#textadept.menu.menubar)
-* [`textadept.menu.context_menu`](#textadept.menu.context_menu)
-* [`textadept.menu.tab_context_menu`](#textadept.menu.tab_context_menu)
-<a id="ui.print"></a>
-#### `ui.print`(*...*)
-Prints the given string messages to the message buffer.
-Opens a new buffer if one has not already been opened for printing messages.
-* *`...`*: Message strings.
-<a id="ui.switch_buffer"></a>
-#### `ui.switch_buffer`(*zorder*)
-Prompts the user to select a buffer to switch to.
-Buffers are listed in the order they were opened unless `zorder` is `true`, in which case
-buffers are listed by their z-order (most recently viewed to least recently viewed).
-* *`zorder`*: Flag that indicates whether or not to list buffers by their z-order. The
- default value is `false`.
-<a id="ui.update"></a>
-#### `ui.update`()
-Processes pending GTK events, including reading from spawned processes.
-This function is primarily used in unit tests.
-### Tables defined by `ui`
-<a id="ui.menubar"></a>
-#### `ui.menubar`
-A table of menus defining a menubar. (Write-only).
-This is a low-level field. You probably want to use the higher-level `textadept.menu.menubar`.
-See also:
-* [`textadept.menu.menubar`](#textadept.menu.menubar)
-<a id="ui.size"></a>
-#### `ui.size`
-A table containing the width and height pixel values of Textadept's window.
-<a id="ui.command_entry"></a>
-## The `ui.command_entry` Module
-Textadept's Command Entry.
-It supports multiple modes that each have their own functionality (such as running Lua code
-and filtering text through shell commands) and history.
-### Fields defined by `ui.command_entry`
-<a id="ui.command_entry.active"></a>
-#### `ui.command_entry.active` (boolean)
-Whether or not the command entry is active.
-<a id="ui.command_entry.height"></a>
-#### `ui.command_entry.height` (number)
-The height in pixels of the command entry.
-### Functions defined by `ui.command_entry`
-<a id="ui.command_entry.append_history"></a>
-#### `ui.command_entry.append_history`(*f, text*)
-Appends string *text* to the history for command entry mode *f* or the current or most
-recent mode.
-This should only be called if `ui.command_entry.run()` is called with a keys table that has a
-custom binding for the Enter key ('\n'). Otherwise, history is automatically appended as needed.
-* *`f`*: Optional command entry mode to append history to. This is a function passed to
- `ui.command_entry_run()`. If omitted, uses the current or most recent mode.
-* *`text`*: String text to append to history.
-<a id="ui.command_entry.focus"></a>
-#### `ui.command_entry.focus`()
-Opens the command entry.
-<a id="ui.command_entry.run"></a>
-#### `ui.command_entry.run`(*f, keys, lang, height*)
-Opens the command entry, subjecting it to any key bindings defined in table *keys*,
-highlighting text with lexer name *lang*, and displaying *height* number of lines at a time,
-and then when the `Enter` key is pressed, closes the command entry and calls function *f*
-(if non-`nil`) with the command entry's text as an argument.
-By default with no arguments given, opens a Lua command entry.
-The command entry does not respond to Textadept's default key bindings, but instead to the
-key bindings defined in *keys* and in `ui.command_entry.editing_keys`.
-* *`f`*: Optional function to call upon pressing `Enter` in the command entry, ending the mode.
- It should accept the command entry text as an argument.
-* *`keys`*: Optional table of key bindings to respond to. This is in addition to the
- basic editing and movement keys defined in `ui.command_entry.editing_keys`. `Esc` and
- `Enter` are automatically defined to cancel and finish the command entry, respectively.
- This parameter may be omitted completely.
-* *`lang`*: Optional string lexer name to use for command entry text. The default value is
- `'text'`.
-* *`height`*: Optional number of lines to display in the command entry. The default value is `1`.
-* `ui.command_entry.run(ui.print)`
-See also:
-* [`ui.command_entry.editing_keys`](#ui.command_entry.editing_keys)
-### Tables defined by `ui.command_entry`
-<a id="ui.command_entry.editing_keys"></a>
-#### `ui.command_entry.editing_keys`
-A metatable with typical platform-specific key bindings for text entries.
-This metatable may be used to add basic editing and movement keys to command entry modes. It
-is automatically added to command entry modes unless a metatable was previously set.
-* `setmetatable(mode_keys, ui.command_entry.editing_keys)`
-<a id="ui.dialogs"></a>
-## The `ui.dialogs` Module
-Provides a set of interactive dialog prompts for user input.
-### Functions defined by `ui.dialogs`
-<a id="ui.dialogs.colorselect"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.colorselect`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a color selection dialog defined by dialog options table *options*,
-returning the color selected.
-If the user canceled the dialog, returns `nil`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the option select dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `color`: The initially selected color as either a number in "0xBBGGRR" format, or as a
- string in "#RRGGBB" format.
- * `palette`: The list of colors to show in the dialog's color palette. Up to 20 colors can
- be specified as either numbers in "0xBBGGRR" format or as strings in "#RRGGBB" format. If
- `true` (no list was given), a default palette is shown.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected color in string "#RRGGBB" format instead of as a
- number. The default value is `false`.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
-* `ui.dialogs.colorselect{title = 'Foreground color', color = 0x000000,
- palette = {'#000000', 0x0000FF, '#00FF00', 0xFF0000}}`
-* selected color
-<a id="ui.dialogs.dropdown"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.dropdown`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a drop-down item selection dialog defined by dialog options table
-*options*, returning the selected button's index along with the index of the selected item.
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label along with the
-selected item's text. If the dialog closed due to *options*.`exit_onchange`, returns `4`
-along with either the selected item's index or its text. If the dialog timed out, returns
-`0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the drop-down dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `text`: The dialog's main message text.
- * `items`: The list of string items to show in the drop-down.
- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is `_L['OK']`.
- * `button2`: The middle button's label.
- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` to be set.
- * `exit_onchange`: Close the dialog after selecting a new item. The default value is `false`.
- * `select`: The index of the initially selected list item. The default value is `1`.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) and the selected
- item's text (instead of its index). If no item was selected, returns the dialog's exit
- status (instead of its exit code). The default value is `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* `ui.dialogs.dropdown{title = 'Select Encoding', width = 200, items = io.encodings,
- string_output = true}`
-* selected button or exit code, selected item
-<a id="ui.dialogs.filesave"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.filesave`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a file save dialog defined by dialog options table *options*, returning
-the string file chosen.
-If the user canceled the dialog, returns `nil`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `with_directory`: The initial filesystem directory to show.
- * `with_file`: The initially chosen filename. This option requires `with_directory` to be set.
- * `with_extension`: The list of extensions selectable files must have.
- * `no_create_directories`: Prevent the user from creating new directories. The default
- value is `false`.
-* filename or nil
-<a id="ui.dialogs.fileselect"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.fileselect`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a file selection dialog defined by dialog options table *options*,
-returning the string file selected.
-If *options*.`select_multiple` is `true`, returns the list of files selected. If the user
-canceled the dialog, returns `nil`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `with_directory`: The initial filesystem directory to show.
- * `with_file`: The initially selected filename. This option requires `with_directory`
- to be set.
- * `with_extension`: The list of extensions selectable files must have.
- * `select_multiple`: Allow the user to select multiple files. The default value is `false`.
- * `select_only_directories`: Only allow the user to select directories. The default value is
- `false`.
-* `ui.dialogs.fileselect{title = 'Open C File', with_directory = _HOME,
- with_extension = {'c', 'h'}, select_multiple = true}`
-* filename, list of filenames, or nil
-<a id="ui.dialogs.filteredlist"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.filteredlist`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a filtered list item selection dialog defined by dialog options table
-*options*, returning the selected button's index along with the index or indices of the
-selected item or items (depending on whether or not *options*.`select_multiple` is `true`).
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label along with the
-text of the selected item or items. If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If
-the user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-Spaces in the filter text are treated as wildcards.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the filtered list dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text.
- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text.
- * `columns`: The list of string column names for list rows.
- * `items`: The list of string items to show in the filtered list.
- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is `_L['OK']`.
- * `button2`: The middle button's label.
- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` to be set.
- * `select_multiple`: Allow the user to select multiple items. The default value is `false`.
- * `search_column`: The column number to filter the input text against. The default value is
- `1`. This option requires `columns` to be set and contain at least *n* column names.
- * `output_column`: The column number to use for `string_output`. The default value is
- `1`. This option requires `columns` to be set and contain at least *n* column names.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) and the selected
- item's text (instead of its index). If no item was selected, returns the dialog's exit
- status (instead of its exit code). The default value is `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. The default width stretches nearly the width of
- Textadept's window.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* `ui.dialogs.filteredlist{title = 'Title', columns = {'Foo', 'Bar'},
- items = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}}`
-* selected button or exit code, selected item or list of selected items
-<a id="ui.dialogs.fontselect"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.fontselect`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a font selection dialog defined by dialog options table *options*,
-returning the font selected (including style and size).
-If the user canceled the dialog, returns `nil`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the option select dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `text`: The font preview text.
- * `font_name`: The initially selected font name.
- * `font_size`: The initially selected font size. The default value is `12`.
- * `font_style`: The initially selected font style. The available options are `"regular"`,
- `"bold"`, `"italic"`, and `"bold italic"`. The default value is `"regular"`.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
-* `ui.dialogs.fontselect{title = 'Font', font_name = 'Monospace', font_size = 10}`
-* selected font, including style and size
-<a id="ui.dialogs.inputbox"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.inputbox`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with an inputbox dialog defined by dialog options table *options*, returning
-the selected button's index along with the user's input text (the latter as a string or table,
-depending on the type of *options*.`informative_text`).
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label along with the
-user's input text. If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled
-the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the inputbox.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. If the value is a table, the first
- table value is the main message text and any subsequent values are used as the labels
- for multiple entry boxes. Providing a single label has no effect.
- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text. If the value is a table, the table values are
- used to populate the multiple entry boxes defined by `informative_text`.
- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is `_L['OK']`.
- * `button2`: The middle button's label.
- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` to be set.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) or the dialog's
- exit status instead of the button's index (instead of its exit code). The default value is
- `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* `ui.dialogs.inputbox{title = 'Goto Line', informative_text = 'Line:',
- text = '1'}`
-* selected button or exit code, input text
-<a id="ui.dialogs.msgbox"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.msgbox`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a generic message box dialog defined by dialog options table *options*,
-returning the selected button's index.
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label. If the dialog timed
-out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the message box.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `text`: The dialog's main message text.
- * `informative_text`: The dialog's extra informative text.
- * `icon`: The dialog's GTK stock icon name. Examples are "gtk-dialog-error",
- "gtk-dialog-info", "gtk-dialog-question", and "gtk-dialog-warning". The dialog does not
- display an icon by default.
- * `icon_file`: The dialog's icon file path. This option has no effect when `icon` is set.
- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is `_L['OK']`.
- * `button2`: The middle button's label.
- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` to be set.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) or the dialog's
- exit status instead of the button's index (instead of its exit code). The default value is
- `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* `ui.dialogs.msgbox{title = 'EOL Mode', text = 'Which EOL?',
- icon = 'gtk-dialog-question', button1 = 'CRLF', button2 = 'CR',
- button3 = 'LF'}`
-* selected button or exit code
-<a id="ui.dialogs.ok_msgbox"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.ok_msgbox`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a generic message box dialog defined by dialog options table *options*
-and with localized "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, returning the selected button's index.
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label. If the dialog timed
-out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the message box.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `text`: The dialog's main message text.
- * `informative_text`: The dialog's extra informative text.
- * `icon`: The dialog's GTK stock icon name. Examples are "gtk-dialog-error",
- "gtk-dialog-info", "gtk-dialog-question", and "gtk-dialog-warning". The dialog does not
- display an icon by default.
- * `icon_file`: The dialog's icon file path. This option has no effect when `icon` is set.
- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is `false`.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) or the dialog's
- exit status instead of the button's index (instead of its exit code). The default value is
- `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* selected button or exit code
-<a id="ui.dialogs.optionselect"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.optionselect`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with an option selection dialog defined by dialog options table *options*,
-returning the selected button's index along with the indices of the selected options.
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label along with the
-text of the selected options. If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the
-user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the option select dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `text`: The dialog's main message text.
- * `items`: The list of string options to show in the option group.
- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is `_L['OK']`.
- * `button2`: The middle button's label.
- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` to be set.
- * `select`: The indices of initially selected options.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label or the dialog's exit status along
- with the selected options' text instead of the button's index or the dialog's exit code
- along with the options' indices. The default value is `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* `ui.dialogs.optionselect{title = 'Language',
- informative_text = 'Check the languages you understand',
- items = {'English', 'Romanian'}, select = 1, string_output = true}`
-* selected button or exit code, list of selected options
-<a id="ui.dialogs.progressbar"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.progressbar`(*options, f*)
-Displays a progressbar dialog, defined by dialog options table *options*, that receives
-updates from function *f*.
-Returns "stopped" if *options*.`stoppable` is `true` and the user clicked the "Stop"
-button. Otherwise, returns `nil`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the progressbar dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `percent`: The initial progressbar percentage between 0 and 100.
- * `text`: The initial progressbar display text (GTK only).
- * `indeterminate`: Show the progress bar as "busy", with no percentage updates.
- * `stoppable`: Show the "Stop" button.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
-* *`f`*: Function repeatedly called to do work and provide progress updates. The function is
- called without arguments and must return either `nil`, which indicates work is complete,
- or a progress percentage number in the range 0-100 and an optional string to display (GTK
- only). If the text is either "stop disable" or "stop enable" and *options*.`stoppable` is
- `true`, the "Stop" button is disabled or enabled, respectively.
-* `ui.dialogs.progressbar({stoppable = true},
- function() if work() then return percent, status else return nil end end)`
-* nil or "stopped"
-<a id="ui.dialogs.secure_inputbox"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.secure_inputbox`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a masked inputbox dialog defined by dialog options table *options*,
-returning the selected button's index along with the user's input text (the latter as a
-string or table, depending on the type of *options*.`informative_text`).
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label along with the
-user's input text. If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled
-the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the inputbox.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. If the value is a table, the first
- table value is the main message text and any subsequent values are used as the labels
- for multiple entry boxes. Providing a single label has no effect.
- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text. If the value is a table, the table values are
- used to populate the multiple entry boxes defined by `informative_text`.
- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is `_L['OK']`.
- * `button2`: The middle button's label.
- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` to be set.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) or the dialog's
- exit status instead of the button's index (instead of its exit code). The default value is
- `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* selected button or exit code, input text
-<a id="ui.dialogs.secure_standard_inputbox"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.secure_standard_inputbox`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a masked inputbox dialog defined by dialog options table *options*
-and with localized "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, returning the selected button's index along
-with the user's input text (the latter as a string or table, depending on the type of
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label along with the
-user's input text. If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled
-the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the inputbox.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. If the value is a table, the first
- table value is the main message text and any subsequent values are used as the labels
- for multiple entry boxes. Providing a single label has no effect.
- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text. If the value is a table, the table values are
- used to populate the multiple entry boxes defined by `informative_text`.
- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is `false`.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) or the dialog's
- exit status instead of the button's index (instead of its exit code). The default value is
- `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* selected button or exit code, input text
-<a id="ui.dialogs.standard_dropdown"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.standard_dropdown`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a drop-down item selection dialog defined by dialog options table
-*options* and with localized "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, returning the selected button's
-index along with the selected item's index.
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label along with the
-selected item's text. If the dialog closed due to *options*.`exit_onchange`, returns `4`
-along with either the selected item's index or its text. If the dialog timed out, returns
-`0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the drop-down dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `text`: The dialog's main message text.
- * `items`: The list of string items to show in the drop-down.
- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is `false`.
- * `exit_onchange`: Close the dialog after selecting a new item. The default value is `false`.
- * `select`: The index of the initially selected list item. The default value is `1`.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) and the selected
- item's text (instead of its index). If no item was selected, returns the dialog's exit
- status (instead of its exit code). The default value is `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* selected button or exit code, selected item
-<a id="ui.dialogs.standard_inputbox"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.standard_inputbox`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with an inputbox dialog defined by dialog options table *options* and
-with localized "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, returning the selected button's index along
-with the user's input text (the latter as a string or table, depending on the type of
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label along with the
-user's input text. If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled
-the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the inputbox.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. If the value is a table, the first
- table value is the main message text and any subsequent values are used as the labels
- for multiple entry boxes. Providing a single label has no effect.
- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text. If the value is a table, the table values are
- used to populate the multiple entry boxes defined by `informative_text`.
- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is `false`.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) or the dialog's
- exit status instead of the button's index (instead of its exit code). The default value is
- `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* selected button or exit code, input text
-<a id="ui.dialogs.textbox"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.textbox`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a multiple-line textbox dialog defined by dialog options table *options*,
-returning the selected button's index.
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label. If
-*options*.`editable` is `true`, also returns the textbox's text. If the dialog timed out,
-returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the dialog.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text.
- * `text`: The dialog's initial textbox text.
- * `text_from_file`: The filename whose contents are loaded into the textbox. This option
- has no effect when `text` is given.
- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is `_L['OK']`.
- * `button2`: The middle button's label.
- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` to be set.
- * `editable`: Allows the user to edit the textbox's text. The default value is `false`.
- * `focus_textbox`: Focus the textbox instead of the buttons. The default value is `false`.
- * `scroll_to`: Where to scroll the textbox's text. The available values are `"top"` and
- `"bottom"`. The default value is `"top"`.
- * `selected`: Select all of the textbox's text. The default value is `false`.
- * `monospaced_font`: Use a monospaced font in the textbox instead of a proportional one. The
- default value is `false`.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) or the dialog's
- exit status instead of the button's index (instead of its exit code). The default value is
- `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* `ui.dialogs.textbox{title = 'License Agreement', informative_text = 'You agree to:',
- text_from_file = _HOME..'/LICENSE'}`
-* selected button or exit code, textbox text
-<a id="ui.dialogs.yesno_msgbox"></a>
-#### `ui.dialogs.yesno_msgbox`(*options*)
-Prompts the user with a generic message box dialog defined by dialog options table *options*
-and with localized "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" buttons, returning the selected button's index.
-If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label. If the dialog timed
-out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`.
-* *`options`*: Table of key-value option pairs for the message box.
- * `title`: The dialog's title text.
- * `text`: The dialog's main message text.
- * `informative_text`: The dialog's extra informative text.
- * `icon`: The dialog's GTK stock icon name. Examples are "gtk-dialog-error",
- "gtk-dialog-info", "gtk-dialog-question", and "gtk-dialog-warning". The dialog does not
- display an icon by default.
- * `icon_file`: The dialog's icon file path. This option has no effect when `icon` is set.
- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is `false`.
- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its index) or the dialog's
- exit status instead of the button's index (instead of its exit code). The default value is
- `false`.
- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width.
- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height.
- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value is `false`.
- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to select a button
- before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default.
-* selected button or exit code
-<a id="ui.find"></a>
-## The `ui.find` Module
-Textadept's Find & Replace pane.
-### Fields defined by `ui.find`
-<a id="ui.find.INDIC_FIND"></a>
-#### `ui.find.INDIC_FIND` (number)
-The find results highlight indicator number.
-<a id="events.FIND_RESULT_FOUND"></a>
-#### `events.FIND_RESULT_FOUND` (string)
-Emitted when a result is found. It is selected and has been scrolled into view.
- Arguments:
- * _`find_text`_: The text originally searched for.
-<a id="events.FIND_WRAPPED"></a>
-#### `events.FIND_WRAPPED` (string)
-Emitted when a text search wraps (passes through the beginning of the buffer), either
- from bottom to top (when searching for a next occurrence), or from top to bottom (when
- searching for a previous occurrence).
- This is useful for implementing a more visual or audible notice when a search wraps in
- addition to the statusbar message.
-<a id="ui.find.active"></a>
-#### `ui.find.active` (boolean)
-Whether or not the Find & Replace pane is active.
-<a id="ui.find.entry_font"></a>
-#### `ui.find.entry_font` (string, Write-only)
-The font to use in the "Find" and "Replace" entries in "name size" format.
- The default value is system-dependent.
-<a id="ui.find.find_entry_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.find_entry_text` (string)
-The text in the "Find" entry.
-<a id="ui.find.find_label_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.find_label_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "Find" label.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-<a id="ui.find.find_next_button_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.find_next_button_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "Find Next" button.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-<a id="ui.find.find_prev_button_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.find_prev_button_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "Find Prev" button.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-<a id="ui.find.highlight_all_matches"></a>
-#### `ui.find.highlight_all_matches` (boolean)
-Whether or not to highlight all occurrences of found text in the current buffer.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="ui.find.in_files"></a>
-#### `ui.find.in_files` (bool)
-Find search text in a directory of files.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="ui.find.in_files_label_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.in_files_label_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "In files" label.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-<a id="ui.find.incremental"></a>
-#### `ui.find.incremental` (bool)
-Find search text incrementally as it is typed.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="ui.find.match_case"></a>
-#### `ui.find.match_case` (bool)
-Match search text case sensitively.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="ui.find.match_case_label_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.match_case_label_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "Match case" label.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-<a id="ui.find.regex"></a>
-#### `ui.find.regex` (bool)
-Interpret search text as a Regular Expression.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="ui.find.regex_label_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.regex_label_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "Regex" label.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-<a id="ui.find.replace_all_button_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.replace_all_button_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "Replace All" button.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-<a id="ui.find.replace_button_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.replace_button_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "Replace" button.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-<a id="ui.find.replace_entry_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.replace_entry_text` (string)
-The text in the "Replace" entry.
- When searching for text in a directory of files, this is the current file and directory filter.
-<a id="ui.find.replace_label_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.replace_label_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "Replace" label.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-<a id="ui.find.whole_word"></a>
-#### `ui.find.whole_word` (bool)
-Match search text only when it is surrounded by non-word characters in searches.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="ui.find.whole_word_label_text"></a>
-#### `ui.find.whole_word_label_text` (string, Write-only)
-The text of the "Whole word" label.
- This is primarily used for localization.
-### Functions defined by `ui.find`
-<a id="ui.find.find_in_files"></a>
-#### `ui.find.find_in_files`(*dir, filter*)
-Searches directory *dir* or the user-specified directory for files that match search text
-and search options (subject to optional filter *filter*), and prints the results to a buffer
-titled "Files Found", highlighting found text.
-Use the `find_entry_text`, `match_case`, `whole_word`, and `regex` fields to set the search
-text and option flags, respectively.
-A filter determines which files to search in, with the default filter being
-`ui.find.find_in_files_filters[dir]` (if it exists) or `lfs.default_filter`. A filter consists
-of Lua patterns that match file and directory paths to include or exclude. Patterns are
-inclusive by default. Exclusive patterns begin with a '!'. If no inclusive patterns are given,
-any filename is initially considered. As a convenience, file extensions can be specified
-literally instead of as a Lua pattern (e.g. '.lua' vs. '%.lua$'), and '/' also matches the
-Windows directory separator ('[/\\]' is not needed). If *filter* is `nil`, the filter from
-the `ui.find.find_in_files_filters` table for *dir* is used. If that filter does not exist,
-`lfs.default_filter` is used.
-* *`dir`*: Optional directory path to search. If `nil`, the user is prompted for one.
-* *`filter`*: Optional filter for files and directories to exclude. The default value is
- `lfs.default_filter` unless a filter for *dir* is defined in `ui.find.find_in_files_filters`.
-See also:
-* [`ui.find.find_in_files_filters`](#ui.find.find_in_files_filters)
-<a id="ui.find.find_next"></a>
-#### `ui.find.find_next`()
-Mimics pressing the "Find Next" button.
-<a id="ui.find.find_prev"></a>
-#### `ui.find.find_prev`()
-Mimics pressing the "Find Prev" button.
-<a id="ui.find.focus"></a>
-#### `ui.find.focus`(*options*)
-Displays and focuses the Find & Replace Pane.
-* *`options`*: Optional table of `ui.find` field options to initially set.
-<a id="ui.find.goto_file_found"></a>
-#### `ui.find.goto_file_found`(*line\_num, next*)
-Jumps to the source of the find in files search result on line number *line_num* in the buffer
-titled "Files Found" or, if *line_num* is `nil`, jumps to the next or previous search result,
-depending on boolean *next*.
-* *`line_num`*: Optional line number in the files found buffer that contains the search
- result to go to. This parameter may be omitted completely.
-* *`next`*: Optional flag indicating whether to go to the next search result or the previous
- one. Only applicable when *line_num* is `nil`.
-<a id="ui.find.replace"></a>
-#### `ui.find.replace`()
-Mimics pressing the "Replace" button.
-<a id="ui.find.replace_all"></a>
-#### `ui.find.replace_all`()
-Mimics pressing the "Replace All" button.
-### Tables defined by `ui.find`
-<a id="ui.find.find_in_files_filters"></a>
-#### `ui.find.find_in_files_filters`
-Map of directory paths to filters used in `ui.find.find_in_files()`.
-This table is updated when the user manually specifies a filter in the "Filter" entry during
-an "In files" search.
-See also:
-* [`ui.find.find_in_files`](#ui.find.find_in_files)
-<a id="view"></a>
-## The `view` Module
-A Textadept view object.
-Constants are documented in the fields they apply to.
-While you can work with individual view instances, it is often useful to work with just the
-global one.
-Many of these functions and fields are derived from view-specific functionality of the
-Scintilla editing component, and additional information can be found on the [Scintilla
-website](https://scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html). Note that with regard to Scintilla-specific
-functionality, this API is a _suggestion_, not a hard requirement. All of that functionality
-also exists in [`buffer`](#buffer), even if undocumented.
-Any view fields set on startup (e.g. in *~/.textadept/init.lua*) will be the default,
-initial values for all views.
-### Fields defined by `view`
-<a id="view.ALPHA_NOALPHA"></a>
-#### `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ALPHA_OPAQUE"></a>
-#### `view.ALPHA_OPAQUE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ALPHA_TRANSPARENT"></a>
-#### `view.ALPHA_TRANSPARENT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ANNOTATION_BOXED"></a>
-#### `view.ANNOTATION_BOXED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ANNOTATION_HIDDEN"></a>
-#### `view.ANNOTATION_HIDDEN` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ANNOTATION_INDENTED"></a>
-#### `view.ANNOTATION_INDENTED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ANNOTATION_STANDARD"></a>
-#### `view.ANNOTATION_STANDARD` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK"></a>
-#### `view.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CARETSTYLE_INVISIBLE"></a>
-#### `view.CARETSTYLE_INVISIBLE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CARETSTYLE_LINE"></a>
-#### `view.CARETSTYLE_LINE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CARET_EVEN"></a>
-#### `view.CARET_EVEN` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CARET_JUMPS"></a>
-#### `view.CARET_JUMPS` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CARET_SLOP"></a>
-#### `view.CARET_SLOP` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CARET_STRICT"></a>
-#### `view.CARET_STRICT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CASE_CAMEL"></a>
-#### `view.CASE_CAMEL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CASE_LOWER"></a>
-#### `view.CASE_LOWER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CASE_MIXED"></a>
-#### `view.CASE_MIXED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CASE_UPPER"></a>
-#### `view.CASE_UPPER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CURSORARROW"></a>
-#### `view.CURSORARROW` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CURSORNORMAL"></a>
-#### `view.CURSORNORMAL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CURSORREVERSEARROW"></a>
-#### `view.CURSORREVERSEARROW` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.CURSORWAIT"></a>
-#### `view.CURSORWAIT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.EDGE_BACKGROUND"></a>
-#### `view.EDGE_BACKGROUND` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.EDGE_LINE"></a>
-#### `view.EDGE_LINE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.EDGE_MULTILINE"></a>
-#### `view.EDGE_MULTILINE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.EDGE_NONE"></a>
-#### `view.EDGE_NONE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ELEMENT_CARET"></a>
-#### `view.ELEMENT_CARET` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.ELEMENT_CARET_ADDITIONAL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ELEMENT_CARET_LINE_BACK"></a>
-#### `view.ELEMENT_CARET_LINE_BACK` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_ADDITIONAL_BACK` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_ADDITIONAL_TEXT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_BACK"></a>
-#### `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_BACK` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_SECONDARY_BACK` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_SECONDARY_TEXT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_TEXT"></a>
-#### `view.ELEMENT_SELECTION_TEXT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ELEMENT_WHITE_SPACE"></a>
-#### `view.ELEMENT_WHITE_SPACE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.ELEMENT_WHITE_SPACE_BACK"></a>
-#### `view.ELEMENT_WHITE_SPACE_BACK` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.FOLDACTION_CONTRACT"></a>
-#### `view.FOLDACTION_CONTRACT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.FOLDACTION_EXPAND"></a>
-#### `view.FOLDACTION_EXPAND` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.FOLDACTION_TOGGLE"></a>
-#### `view.FOLDACTION_TOGGLE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_BOXED"></a>
-#### `view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_BOXED` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_HIDDEN` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_STANDARD` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.FOLDFLAG_LEVELNUMBERS"></a>
-#### `view.FOLDFLAG_LEVELNUMBERS` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_EXPANDED` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_CONTRACTED` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_EXPANDED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE"></a>
-#### `view.FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_BOX"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_BOX` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHICK` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHIN"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHIN` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_DASH"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_DASH` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_DIAGONAL"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_DIAGONAL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_DOTBOX"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_DOTBOX` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_DOTS"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_DOTS` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_FULLBOX"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_FULLBOX` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_GRADIENT"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_GRADIENT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_GRADIENTCENTER"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_GRADIENTCENTER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_HIDDEN"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_HIDDEN` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_PLAIN"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_PLAIN` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_POINT"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_POINT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_POINTCHARACTER"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_POINTCHARACTER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_ROUNDBOX"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_ROUNDBOX` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_SQUIGGLE"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_SQUIGGLE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_SQUIGGLELOW"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_SQUIGGLELOW` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_SQUIGGLEPIXMAP"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_SQUIGGLEPIXMAP` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_STRIKE"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_STRIKE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_TEXTFORE"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_TEXTFORE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.INDIC_TT"></a>
-#### `view.INDIC_TT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.IV_LOOKBOTH"></a>
-#### `view.IV_LOOKBOTH` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.IV_LOOKFORWARD"></a>
-#### `view.IV_LOOKFORWARD` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.IV_NONE"></a>
-#### `view.IV_NONE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.IV_REAL"></a>
-#### `view.IV_REAL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARGINOPTION_NONE"></a>
-#### `view.MARGINOPTION_NONE` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.MARGINOPTION_SUBLINESELECT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARGIN_BACK"></a>
-#### `view.MARGIN_BACK` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARGIN_COLOR"></a>
-#### `view.MARGIN_COLOR` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARGIN_FORE"></a>
-#### `view.MARGIN_FORE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARGIN_NUMBER"></a>
-#### `view.MARGIN_NUMBER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARGIN_RTEXT"></a>
-#### `view.MARGIN_RTEXT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARGIN_SYMBOL"></a>
-#### `view.MARGIN_SYMBOL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARGIN_TEXT"></a>
-#### `view.MARGIN_TEXT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_ARROW"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_ARROW` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_ARROWDOWN"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_ARROWDOWN` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_ARROWS"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_ARROWS` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_BACKGROUND"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_BACKGROUND` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_BOOKMARK"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_BOOKMARK` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_BOXMINUS"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_BOXMINUS` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_BOXPLUS"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_BOXPLUS` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_CHARACTER"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_CHARACTER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_CIRCLE"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_CIRCLE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_CIRCLEMINUS"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_CIRCLEMINUS` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.MARK_CIRCLEMINUSCONNECTED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_CIRCLEPLUS"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_CIRCLEPLUS` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.MARK_CIRCLEPLUSCONNECTED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_DOTDOTDOT"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_DOTDOTDOT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_EMPTY"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_EMPTY` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_FULLRECT"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_FULLRECT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_LCORNER"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_LCORNER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_LCORNERCURVE"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_LCORNERCURVE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_LEFTRECT"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_LEFTRECT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_MINUS"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_MINUS` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_PIXMAP"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_PIXMAP` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_PLUS"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_PLUS` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_RGBAIMAGE"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_RGBAIMAGE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_ROUNDRECT"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_ROUNDRECT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_SHORTARROW"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_SHORTARROW` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_SMALLRECT"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_SMALLRECT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_TCORNER"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_TCORNER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_TCORNERCURVE"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_TCORNERCURVE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_UNDERLINE"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_UNDERLINE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_VERTICALBOOKMARK"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_VERTICALBOOKMARK` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MARK_VLINE"></a>
-#### `view.MARK_VLINE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MASK_FOLDERS"></a>
-#### `view.MASK_FOLDERS` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MOD_ALT"></a>
-#### `view.MOD_ALT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MOD_CTRL"></a>
-#### `view.MOD_CTRL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MOD_META"></a>
-#### `view.MOD_META` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MOD_SHIFT"></a>
-#### `view.MOD_SHIFT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MOD_SUPER"></a>
-#### `view.MOD_SUPER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MOUSE_DRAG"></a>
-#### `view.MOUSE_DRAG` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MOUSE_PRESS"></a>
-#### `view.MOUSE_PRESS` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.MOUSE_RELEASE"></a>
-#### `view.MOUSE_RELEASE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.STYLE_BRACEBAD"></a>
-#### `view.STYLE_BRACEBAD` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.STYLE_BRACELIGHT"></a>
-#### `view.STYLE_BRACELIGHT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.STYLE_CALLTIP"></a>
-#### `view.STYLE_CALLTIP` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.STYLE_CONTROLCHAR"></a>
-#### `view.STYLE_CONTROLCHAR` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.STYLE_DEFAULT"></a>
-#### `view.STYLE_DEFAULT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.STYLE_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT"></a>
-#### `view.STYLE_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.STYLE_INDENTGUIDE"></a>
-#### `view.STYLE_INDENTGUIDE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.STYLE_LINENUMBER"></a>
-#### `view.STYLE_LINENUMBER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.STYLE_MAX"></a>
-#### `view.STYLE_MAX` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.TD_LONGARROW"></a>
-#### `view.TD_LONGARROW` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.TD_STRIKEOUT"></a>
-#### `view.TD_STRIKEOUT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.TIME_FOREVER"></a>
-#### `view.TIME_FOREVER` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.UPDATE_H_SCROLL"></a>
-#### `view.UPDATE_H_SCROLL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.UPDATE_NONE"></a>
-#### `view.UPDATE_NONE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.UPDATE_V_SCROLL"></a>
-#### `view.UPDATE_V_SCROLL` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.VISIBLE_SLOP"></a>
-#### `view.VISIBLE_SLOP` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.VISIBLE_STRICT"></a>
-#### `view.VISIBLE_STRICT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAPINDENT_DEEPINDENT"></a>
-#### `view.WRAPINDENT_DEEPINDENT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAPINDENT_FIXED"></a>
-#### `view.WRAPINDENT_FIXED` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAPINDENT_INDENT"></a>
-#### `view.WRAPINDENT_INDENT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAPINDENT_SAME"></a>
-#### `view.WRAPINDENT_SAME` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_START_BY_TEXT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_END"></a>
-#### `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_END` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN"></a>
-#### `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE"></a>
-#### `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_START"></a>
-#### `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_START` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAP_CHAR"></a>
-#### `view.WRAP_CHAR` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAP_NONE"></a>
-#### `view.WRAP_NONE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAP_WHITESPACE"></a>
-#### `view.WRAP_WHITESPACE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WRAP_WORD"></a>
-#### `view.WRAP_WORD` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WS_INVISIBLE"></a>
-#### `view.WS_INVISIBLE` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WS_VISIBLEAFTERINDENT"></a>
-#### `view.WS_VISIBLEAFTERINDENT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.WS_VISIBLEALWAYS"></a>
-#### `view.WS_VISIBLEALWAYS` (number, Read-only)
-#### `view.WS_VISIBLEONLYININDENT` (number, Read-only)
-<a id="view.additional_carets_blink"></a>
-#### `view.additional_carets_blink` (bool)
-Allow additional carets to blink.
- The default value is `true`.
-<a id="view.additional_carets_visible"></a>
-#### `view.additional_carets_visible` (bool)
-Display additional carets.
- The default value is `true`.
-<a id="view.all_lines_visible"></a>
-#### `view.all_lines_visible` (bool, Read-only)
-Whether or not all lines are visible.
-<a id="view.annotation_visible"></a>
-#### `view.annotation_visible` (number)
-The annotation visibility mode.
- Annotations are invisible.
- Draw annotations left-justified with no decoration.
- Indent annotations to match the annotated text and outline them with a box.
- Indent non-decorated annotations to match the annotated text.
- The default value is `view.ANNOTATION_HIDDEN`.
-<a id="view.auto_c_max_height"></a>
-#### `view.auto_c_max_height` (number)
-The maximum number of items per page to show in autocompletion and user lists.
- The default value is `5`.
-<a id="view.auto_c_max_width"></a>
-#### `view.auto_c_max_width` (number)
-The maximum number of characters per item to show in autocompletion and user lists.
- The default value is `0`, which automatically sizes the width to fit the longest item.
-<a id="view.call_tip_fore_hlt"></a>
-#### `view.call_tip_fore_hlt` (number, Write-only)
-A call tip's highlighted text foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format.
-<a id="view.call_tip_pos_start"></a>
-#### `view.call_tip_pos_start` (number, Write-only)
-The position at which backspacing beyond it hides a visible call tip.
-<a id="view.call_tip_position"></a>
-#### `view.call_tip_position` (boolean)
-Display a call tip above the current line instead of below it.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="view.call_tip_use_style"></a>
-#### `view.call_tip_use_style` (number)
-The pixel width of tab characters in call tips.
- When non-zero, also enables the use of style number `view.STYLE_CALLTIP` instead of
- `view.STYLE_DEFAULT` for call tip styles.
- The default value is `0`.
-<a id="view.caret_line_frame"></a>
-#### `view.caret_line_frame` (number)
-The caret line's frame width in pixels.
- When non-zero, the line that contains the caret is framed instead of colored in. The
- `view.caret_line_back` and `view.caret_line_back_alpha` properties apply to the frame.
- The default value is `0`.
-<a id="view.caret_line_highlight_subline"></a>
-#### `view.caret_line_highlight_subline` (boolean)
-Color the background of the subline that contains the caret a different color, rather than
- the whole line.
- The defalt value is `false`.
-<a id="view.caret_line_layer"></a>
-#### `view.caret_line_layer` (number)
-The caret line layer mode.
- * `view.LAYER_BASE`
- Draw the caret line opaquely on the background.
- Draw the caret line translucently under text.
- * `view.LAYER_OVER_TEXT`
- Draw the caret line translucently over text.
- The default value is `view.LAYER_BASE`.
-<a id="view.caret_line_visible"></a>
-#### `view.caret_line_visible` (bool)
-Color the background of the line that contains the caret a different color.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="view.caret_line_visible_always"></a>
-#### `view.caret_line_visible_always` (bool)
-Always show the caret line, even when the view is not in focus.
- The default value is `false`, showing the line only when the view is in focus.
-<a id="view.caret_period"></a>
-#### `view.caret_period` (number)
-The time between caret blinks in milliseconds.
- A value of `0` stops blinking.
- The default value is `500`.
-<a id="view.caret_style"></a>
-#### `view.caret_style` (number)
-The caret's visual style.
- No caret.
- A line caret.
- A block caret.
- Any block setting may be combined with `view.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK_AFTER` via bitwise OR (`|`)
- in order to draw the caret after the end of a selection, as opposed to just inside it.
- The default value is `view.CARETSTYLE_LINE`.
-<a id="view.caret_width"></a>
-#### `view.caret_width` (number)
-The line caret's pixel width in insert mode, between `0` and `20`.
- The default value is `1`.
-<a id="view.cursor"></a>
-#### `view.cursor` (number)
-The display cursor type.
- The text insert cursor.
- * `view.CURSORARROW`
- The arrow cursor.
- * `view.CURSORWAIT`
- The wait cursor.
- The reversed arrow cursor.
- The default value is `view.CURSORNORMAL`.
-<a id="view.edge_color"></a>
-#### `view.edge_color` (number)
-The color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of the single edge or background for long lines according
- to `view.edge_mode`.
-<a id="view.edge_column"></a>
-#### `view.edge_column` (number)
-The column number to mark long lines at.
-<a id="view.edge_mode"></a>
-#### `view.edge_mode` (number)
-The long line mark mode.
- * `view.EDGE_NONE`
- Long lines are not marked.
- * `view.EDGE_LINE`
- Draw a single vertical line whose color is [`view.edge_color`](#view.edge_color) at column
- [`view.edge_column`](#view.edge_column).
- Change the background color of text after column [`view.edge_column`](#view.edge_column) to
- [`view.edge_color`](#view.edge_color).
- Draw vertical lines whose colors and columns are defined by calls to
- [`view:multi_edge_add_line()`](#view.multi_edge_add_line).
-<a id="view.element_allows_translucent"></a>
-#### `view.element_allows_translucent` (table)
-Table of flags for UI element identifiers that indicate whether or not an element supports
- translucent colors.
- See [`view.element_color`](#view.element_color) for element identifiers.
-<a id="view.element_base_color"></a>
-#### `view.element_base_color` (table, read-only)
-Table of default colors on "0xAABBGGRR" format for UI element identifiers.
- If the alpha byte is omitted, it is assumed to be `0xFF` (opaque).
- See [`view.element_color`](#view.element_color) for element identifiers.
-<a id="view.element_color"></a>
-#### `view.element_color` (table)
-Table of colors in "0xAABBGGRR" format for UI element identifiers.
- If the alpha byte is omitted, it is assumed to be `0xFF` (opaque).
- The main selection's text color.
- The main selection's background color.
- The text color of additional selections.
- The background color of additional selections.
- The text color of selections when another window contains the primary selection.
- This is only available on Linux.
- The background color of selections when another window contains the primary selection.
- This is only available on Linux.
- The text color of selections when another window has focus.
- The background color of selections when another window has focus.
- * `view.ELEMENT_CARET`
- The main selection's caret color.
- The caret color of additional selections.
- The background color of the line that contains the caret.
- The color of visible whitespace.
- The background color of visible whitespace.
- The color of fold lines.
- The color of lines shown in place of hidden lines.
-<a id="view.element_is_set"></a>
-#### `view.element_is_set` (table)
-Table of flags for UI element identifiers that indicate whether or not a color has been
- manually set.
- See [`view.element_color`](#view.element_color) for element identifiers.
-<a id="view.end_at_last_line"></a>
-#### `view.end_at_last_line` (bool)
-Disable scrolling past the last line.
- The default value is `true`.
-<a id="view.eol_annotation_visible"></a>
-#### `view.eol_annotation_visible` (number)
-The EOL annotation visibility mode.
- EOL Annotations are invisible.
- Draw EOL annotations no decoration.
- Draw EOL annotations outlined with a box.
- Draw EOL annotations outline with curved ends.
- Draw EOL annotations outline with a flat left end and curved right end.
- Draw EOL annotations outline with an angled left end and curved right end.
- Draw EOL annotations outline with a curved left end and flat right end.
- Draw EOL annotations outline with a flat ends.
- Draw EOL annotations outline with an angled left end and flat right end.
- Draw EOL annotations outline with a curved left end and angled right end.
- Draw EOL annotations outline with a flat left end and angled right end.
- Draw EOL annotations outline with angled ends.
- All annotations are drawn with the same shape. The default value is
-<a id="view.extra_ascent"></a>
-#### `view.extra_ascent` (number)
-The amount of pixel padding above lines.
- The default value is `0`.
-<a id="view.extra_descent"></a>
-#### `view.extra_descent` (number)
-The amount of pixel padding below lines.
- The default is `0`.
-<a id="view.first_visible_line"></a>
-#### `view.first_visible_line` (number)
-The line number of the line at the top of the view.
-<a id="view.fold_display_text_style"></a>
-#### `view.fold_display_text_style` (number)
-The fold display text mode.
- Fold display text is not shown.
- Fold display text is shown with no decoration.
- Fold display text is shown outlined with a box.
- The default value is `view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_HIDDEN`.
-<a id="view.fold_expanded"></a>
-#### `view.fold_expanded` (table)
-Table of flags per line number that indicate whether or not fold points are expanded for
- those line numbers.
- Setting expanded fold states does not toggle folds; it only updates fold margin markers. Use
- [`view.toggle_fold()`](#view.toggle_fold) instead.
-<a id="view.fold_flags"></a>
-#### `view.fold_flags` (number, Read-only)
-Bit-mask of folding lines to draw in the buffer.
- * `view.FOLDFLAG_NONE`
- Do not draw folding lines.
- Draw lines above expanded folds.
- Draw lines above collapsed folds.
- Draw lines below expanded folds.
- Draw lines below collapsed folds.
- Show hexadecimal fold levels in line margins.
- This option cannot be combined with `FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE`.
- Show line state in line margins.
- This option cannot be combined with `FOLDFLAG_LEVELNUMBERS`.
- The default value is `view.FOLDFLAG_NONE`.
-<a id="view.h_scroll_bar"></a>
-#### `view.h_scroll_bar` (bool)
-Display the horizontal scroll bar.
- The default value is `true`.
-<a id="view.highlight_guide"></a>
-#### `view.highlight_guide` (number)
-The indentation guide column number to also highlight when highlighting matching braces,
- or `0` to stop indentation guide highlighting.
-<a id="view.idle_styling"></a>
-#### `view.idle_styling` (number)
-The idle styling mode.
- This mode has no effect when `view.wrap_mode` is on.
- Style all the currently visible text before displaying it.
- Style some text before displaying it and then style the rest incrementally in the
- background as an idle-time task.
- Style text after the currently visible portion in the background.
- Style text both before and after the visible text in the background.
- The default value is `view.IDLESTYLING_NONE`.
-<a id="view.indentation_guides"></a>
-#### `view.indentation_guides` (number)
-The indentation guide drawing mode.
- Indentation guides are dotted vertical lines that appear within indentation whitespace at
- each level of indentation.
- * `view.IV_NONE`
- Does not draw any guides.
- * `view.IV_REAL`
- Draw guides only within indentation whitespace.
- Draw guides beyond the current line up to the next non-empty line's indentation level,
- but with an additional level if the previous non-empty line is a fold point.
- * `view.IV_LOOKBOTH`
- Draw guides beyond the current line up to either the indentation level of the previous
- or next non-empty line, whichever is greater.
- The default value is `view.IV_NONE`.
-<a id="view.indic_alpha"></a>
-#### `view.indic_alpha` (table)
-Table of fill color alpha values, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque),
- for indicator numbers from `1` to `32` whose styles are either `INDIC_ROUNDBOX`,
- The default values are `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha.
-<a id="view.indic_fore"></a>
-#### `view.indic_fore` (table)
-Table of foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for indicator numbers from `1` to `32`.
- Changing an indicator's foreground color resets that indicator's hover foreground color.
-<a id="view.indic_hover_fore"></a>
-#### `view.indic_hover_fore` (table)
-Table of hover foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for indicator numbers from `1` to
- `32`.
- The default values are the respective indicator foreground colors.
-<a id="view.indic_hover_style"></a>
-#### `view.indic_hover_style` (table)
-Table of hover styles for indicators numbers from `1` to `32`.
- An indicator's hover style drawn when either the cursor hovers over that indicator or the
- caret is within that indicator.
- The default values are the respective indicator styles.
-<a id="view.indic_outline_alpha"></a>
-#### `view.indic_outline_alpha` (table)
-Table of outline color alpha values, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque),
- for indicator numbers from `1` to `32` whose styles are either `INDIC_ROUNDBOX`,
- The default values are `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha.
-<a id="view.indic_stroke_width"></a>
-#### `view.indic_stroke_width` (table)
-Table of stroke widths in hundredths of a pixel for indicator numbers from `1` to `32`
- whose styles are either `INDIC_PLAIN`, `INDIC_SQUIGGLE`, `INDIC_TT`, `INDIC_DIAGONAL`,
- The default values are `100`, or 1 pixel.
-<a id="view.indic_style"></a>
-#### `view.indic_style` (table)
-Table of styles for indicator numbers from `1` to `32`.
- * `view.INDIC_PLAIN`
- An underline.
- A squiggly underline 3 pixels in height.
- * `view.INDIC_TT`
- An underline of small 'T' shapes.
- An underline of diagonal hatches.
- * `view.INDIC_STRIKE`
- Strike out.
- * `view.INDIC_HIDDEN`
- Invisible.
- * `view.INDIC_BOX`
- A bounding box.
- A translucent box with rounded corners around the text. Use [`view.indic_alpha`](#view.indic_alpha) and
- [`view.indic_outline_alpha`](#view.indic_outline_alpha) to set the fill and outline transparency, respectively.
- Their default values are `30` and `50`.
- Similar to `INDIC_ROUNDBOX` but with sharp corners.
- * `view.INDIC_DASH`
- A dashed underline.
- * `view.INDIC_DOTS`
- A dotted underline.
- A squiggly underline 2 pixels in height.
- * `view.INDIC_DOTBOX`
- Similar to `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` but with a dotted outline.
- Translucency alternates between [`view.indic_alpha`](#view.indic_alpha) and [`view.indic_outline_alpha`](#view.indic_outline_alpha)
- starting with the top-left pixel.
- Identical to `INDIC_SQUIGGLE` but draws faster by using a pixmap instead of multiple
- line segments.
- A 2-pixel thick underline at the bottom of the line inset by 1 pixel on on either
- side. Similar in appearance to the target in Asian language input composition.
- A 1-pixel thick underline just before the bottom of the line inset by 1 pixel on either
- side. Similar in appearance to the non-target ranges in Asian language input composition.
- * `view.INDIC_FULLBOX`
- Similar to `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` but extends to the top of its line, potentially touching
- any similar indicators on the line above.
- Changes the color of text to an indicator's foreground color.
- * `view.INDIC_POINT`
- A triangle below the start of the indicator range.
- A triangle below the center of the first character of the indicator
- range.
- A box with a vertical gradient from solid on top to transparent on bottom.
- A box with a centered gradient from solid in the middle to transparent on the top
- and bottom.
- Use [`_SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()`](#_SCINTILLA.next_indic_number) for custom indicators.
- Changing an indicator's style resets that indicator's hover style.
-<a id="view.indic_under"></a>
-#### `view.indic_under` (table)
-Table of flags that indicate whether or not to draw indicators behind text instead of over
- the top of it for indicator numbers from `1` to `32`.
- The default values are `false`.
-<a id="view.line_visible"></a>
-#### `view.line_visible` (table, Read-only)
-Table of flags per line number that indicate whether or not lines are visible for those
- line numbers.
-<a id="view.lines_on_screen"></a>
-#### `view.lines_on_screen` (number, Read-only)
-The number of completely visible lines in the view.
- It is possible to have a partial line visible at the bottom of the view.
-<a id="view.margin_back_n"></a>
-#### `view.margin_back_n` (table)
-Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of margin numbers from `1` to `view.margins`
- (`5` by default).
- Only affects margins of type `view.MARGIN_COLOR`.
-<a id="view.margin_cursor_n"></a>
-#### `view.margin_cursor_n` (table)
-Table of cursor types shown over margin numbers from `1` to `view.margins` (`5` by default).
- * `view.CURSORARROW`
- Normal arrow cursor.
- Reversed arrow cursor.
- The default values are `view.CURSORREVERSEARROW`.
-<a id="view.margin_left"></a>
-#### `view.margin_left` (number)
-The pixel size of the left margin of the buffer text.
- The default value is `1`.
-<a id="view.margin_mask_n"></a>
-#### `view.margin_mask_n` (table)
-Table of bit-masks of markers whose symbols marker symbol margins can display for margin
- numbers from `1` to `view.margins` (`5` by default).
- Bit-masks are 32-bit values whose bits correspond to the 32 available markers.
- The default values are `0`, `view.MASK_FOLDERS`, `0`, `0`, and `0`, for a line margin and
- logical marker margin.
-<a id="view.margin_options"></a>
-#### `view.margin_options` (number)
-A bit-mask of margin option settings.
- None.
- Select only a wrapped line's sub-line (rather than the entire line) when the line number
- margin is clicked.
- The default value is `view.MARGINOPTION_NONE`.
-<a id="view.margin_right"></a>
-#### `view.margin_right` (number)
-The pixel size of the right margin of the buffer text.
- The default value is `1`.
-<a id="view.margin_sensitive_n"></a>
-#### `view.margin_sensitive_n` (table)
-Table of flags that indicate whether or not mouse clicks in margins emit `MARGIN_CLICK`
- events for margin numbers from `1` to `view.margins` (`5` by default).
- The default values are `false`.
-<a id="view.margin_type_n"></a>
-#### `view.margin_type_n` (table)
-Table of margin types for margin numbers from `1` to `view.margins` (`5` by default).
- * `view.MARGIN_SYMBOL`
- A marker symbol margin.
- * `view.MARGIN_NUMBER`
- A line number margin.
- * `view.MARGIN_BACK`
- A marker symbol margin whose background color matches the default text background color.
- * `view.MARGIN_FORE`
- A marker symbol margin whose background color matches the default text foreground color.
- * `view.MARGIN_TEXT`
- A text margin.
- * `view.MARGIN_RTEXT`
- A right-justified text margin.
- * `view.MARGIN_COLOR`
- A marker symbol margin whose background color is configurable.
- The default value for the first margin is `view.MARGIN_NUMBER`, followed by
- `view.MARGIN_SYMBOL` for the rest.
-<a id="view.margin_width_n"></a>
-#### `view.margin_width_n` (table)
-Table of pixel margin widths for margin numbers from `1` to `view.margins` (`5` by default).
-<a id="view.margins"></a>
-#### `view.margins` (number)
-The number of margins.
- The default value is `5`.
-<a id="view.marker_alpha"></a>
-#### `view.marker_alpha` (table, Write-only)
-Table of alpha values, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque), of markers drawn
- in the text area (not the margin) for markers numbers from `1` to `32`.
- The default values are `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha.
-<a id="view.marker_back"></a>
-#### `view.marker_back` (table, Write-only)
-Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of marker numbers from `1` to `32`.
-<a id="view.marker_back_selected"></a>
-#### `view.marker_back_selected` (table, Write-only)
-Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of markers whose folding blocks are
- selected for marker numbers from `1` to `32`.
-<a id="view.marker_back_selected_translucent"></a>
-#### `view.marker_back_selected_translucent` (table, Write-only)
-Table of background colors, in "0xAABBGGRR" format, of markers whose folding blocks are
- selected for marker numbers from `1` to `32`.
-<a id="view.marker_back_translucent"></a>
-#### `view.marker_back_translucent` (table, Write-only)
-Table of background colors, in "0xAABBGGRR" format, of marker numbers from `1` to `32`.
-<a id="view.marker_fore"></a>
-#### `view.marker_fore` (table, Write-only)
-Table of foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of marker numbers from `1` to `32`.
-<a id="view.marker_fore_translucent"></a>
-#### `view.marker_fore_translucent` (table, Write-only)
-Table of foreground colors, in "0xAABBGGRR" format, of marker numbers from `1` to `32`.
-<a id="view.marker_layer"></a>
-#### `view.marker_layer` (table)
-Table of layer modes for drawing markers in the text area (not the margin) for marker
- numbers from `1` to `32`.
- * `view.LAYER_BASE`
- Draw markers opaquely on the background.
- Draw markers translucently under text.
- * `view.LAYER_OVER_TEXT`
- Draw markers translucently over text.
- The default values are `view.LAYER_BASE`.
-<a id="view.marker_stroke_width"></a>
-#### `view.marker_stroke_width` (table, Write-only)
-Table of stroke widths in hundredths of a pixel for marker numbers from `1` to `32`.
- The default values are `100`, or 1 pixel.
-<a id="view.mouse_dwell_time"></a>
-#### `view.mouse_dwell_time` (number)
-The number of milliseconds the mouse must idle before generating a `DWELL_START` event. A
- time of `view.TIME_FOREVER` will never generate one.
-<a id="view.mouse_selection_rectangular_switch"></a>
-#### `view.mouse_selection_rectangular_switch` (bool)
-Whether or not pressing [`view.rectangular_selection_modifier`](#view.rectangular_selection_modifier) when selecting text
- normally with the mouse turns on rectangular selection.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="view.multi_edge_column"></a>
-#### `view.multi_edge_column` (table, Read-only)
-Table of edge column positions per edge column number.
- A position of `-1` means no edge column was found.
-<a id="view.property"></a>
-#### `view.property` (table)
-Map of key-value string pairs used by lexers.
-<a id="view.property_int"></a>
-#### `view.property_int` (table, Read-only)
-Map of key-value pairs used by lexers with values interpreted as numbers, or `0` if not found.
-<a id="view.rectangular_selection_modifier"></a>
-#### `view.rectangular_selection_modifier` (number)
-The modifier key used in combination with a mouse drag in order to create a rectangular
- selection.
- * `view.MOD_CTRL`
- The "Control" modifier key.
- * `view.MOD_ALT`
- The "Alt" modifier key.
- * `view.MOD_SUPER`
- The "Super" modifier key, usually defined as the left "Windows" or
- "Command" key.
- The default value is `view.MOD_CTRL`.
-<a id="view.representation"></a>
-#### `view.representation` (table)
-The alternative string representations of characters.
- Representations are displayed in the same way control characters are. Use the empty
- string for the '\0' character when assigning its representation. Characters are strings,
- not numeric codes, and can be multi-byte characters.
- Call [`view.clear_representation()`](#view.clear_representation) to remove a representation.
-<a id="view.representation_appearance"></a>
-#### `view.representation_appearance` (table)
-Map of characters to their string representation's appearance.
- Draw the representation with no decoration.
- Draw the representation within a rounded rectangle and an inverted color.
- Draw the representation using the color set in [`view.representation_color`](#view.representation_color).
- The default values are `view.REPRESENTATION_BLOB`.
-<a id="view.representation_color"></a>
-#### `view.representation_color` (table)
-Map of characters to their string representation's color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
-<a id="view.rgba_image_height"></a>
-#### `view.rgba_image_height` (number)
-The height of the RGBA image to be defined using [`view.marker_define_rgba_image()`](#view.marker_define_rgba_image).
-<a id="view.rgba_image_scale"></a>
-#### `view.rgba_image_scale` (number)
-The scale factor in percent of the RGBA image to be defined using
- [`view.marker_define_rgba_image()`](#view.marker_define_rgba_image).
- This is useful on macOS with a retina display where each display unit is 2 pixels: use a
- factor of `200` so that each image pixel is displayed using a screen pixel.
- The default scale, `100`, will stretch each image pixel to cover 4 screen pixels on a
- retina display.
-<a id="view.rgba_image_width"></a>
-#### `view.rgba_image_width` (number)
-The width of the RGBA image to be defined using [`view.marker_define_rgba_image()`](#view.marker_define_rgba_image) and
- [`view.register_rgba_image()`](#view.register_rgba_image).
-<a id="view.scroll_width"></a>
-#### `view.scroll_width` (number)
-The horizontal scrolling pixel width.
- For performance, the view does not measure the display width of the buffer to determine
- the properties of the horizontal scroll bar, but uses an assumed width instead. To ensure
- the width of the currently visible lines can be scrolled use [`view.scroll_width_tracking`](#view.scroll_width_tracking).
- The default value is `2000`.
-<a id="view.scroll_width_tracking"></a>
-#### `view.scroll_width_tracking` (bool)
-Continuously update the horizontal scrolling width to match the maximum width of a displayed
- line beyond [`view.scroll_width`](#view.scroll_width).
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="view.sel_alpha"></a>
-#### `view.sel_alpha` (number)
-The selection's alpha value, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque).
- The default value is `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha.
-<a id="view.sel_eol_filled"></a>
-#### `view.sel_eol_filled` (bool)
-Extend the selection to the view's right margin.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="view.selection_layer"></a>
-#### `view.selection_layer` (number)
-The layer mode for drawing selections.
- * `view.LAYER_BASE`
- Draw selections opaquely on the background.
- Draw selections translucently under text.
- * `view.LAYER_OVER_TEXT`
- Draw selections translucently over text.
- The default value is `view.LAYER_BASE`.
-<a id="view.size"></a>
-#### `view.size` (number)
-The split resizer's pixel position if the view is a split one.
-<a id="view.style_back"></a>
-#### `view.style_back` (table)
-Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of text for style numbers from `1` to `256`.
-<a id="view.style_bold"></a>
-#### `view.style_bold` (table)
-Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is bold for style numbers from `1` to `256`.
- The default values are `false`.
-<a id="view.style_case"></a>
-#### `view.style_case` (table)
-Table of letter case modes of text for style numbers from `1` to `256`.
- * `view.CASE_MIXED`
- Display text in normally.
- * `view.CASE_UPPER`
- Display text in upper case.
- * `view.CASE_LOWER`
- Display text in lower case.
- * `view.CASE_CAMEL`
- Display text in camel case.
- The default values are `view.CASE_MIXED`.
-<a id="view.style_changeable"></a>
-#### `view.style_changeable` (table)
-Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is changeable for style numbers from `1`
- to `256`.
- The default values are `true`.
- Read-only styles do not allow the caret into the range of text.
-<a id="view.style_eol_filled"></a>
-#### `view.style_eol_filled` (table)
-Table of flags that indicate whether or not the background colors of styles whose characters
- occur last on lines extend all the way to the view's right margin for style numbers from
- `1` to `256`.
- The default values are `false`.
-<a id="view.style_font"></a>
-#### `view.style_font` (table)
-Table of string font names of text for style numbers from `1` to `256`.
-<a id="view.style_fore"></a>
-#### `view.style_fore` (table)
-Table of foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of text for style numbers from `1` to `256`.
-<a id="view.style_italic"></a>
-#### `view.style_italic` (table)
-Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is italic for style numbers from `1` to
- `256`.
- The default values are `false`.
-<a id="view.style_size"></a>
-#### `view.style_size` (table)
-Table of font sizes of text for style numbers from `1` to `256`.
-<a id="view.style_underline"></a>
-#### `view.style_underline` (table)
-Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is underlined for style numbers from `1`
- to `256`.
- The default values are `false`.
-<a id="view.style_visible"></a>
-#### `view.style_visible` (table)
-Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is visible for style numbers from `1` to
- `256`.
- The default values are `true`.
-<a id="view.tab_draw_mode"></a>
-#### `view.tab_draw_mode` (number)
-The draw mode of visible tabs.
- * `view.TD_LONGARROW`
- An arrow that stretches until the tabstop.
- * `view.TD_STRIKEOUT`
- A horizontal line that stretches until the tabstop.
- The default value is `view.TD_LONGARROW`.
-<a id="view.v_scroll_bar"></a>
-#### `view.v_scroll_bar` (bool)
-Display the vertical scroll bar.
- The default value is `true`.
-<a id="view.view_eol"></a>
-#### `view.view_eol` (bool)
-Display end of line characters.
- The default value is `false`.
-<a id="view.view_ws"></a>
-#### `view.view_ws` (number)
-The whitespace visibility mode.
- * `view.WS_INVISIBLE`
- Whitespace is invisible.
- Display all space characters as dots and tab characters as arrows.
- Display only non-indentation spaces and tabs as dots and arrows.
- Display only indentation spaces and tabs as dots and arrows.
- The default value is `view.WS_INVISIBLE`.
-<a id="view.whitespace_size"></a>
-#### `view.whitespace_size` (number)
-The pixel size of the dots that represent space characters when whitespace is visible.
- The default value is `1`.
-<a id="view.wrap_indent_mode"></a>
-#### `view.wrap_indent_mode` (number)
-The wrapped line indent mode.
- Indent wrapped lines by [`view.wrap_start_indent`](#view.wrap_start_indent).
- Indent wrapped lines the same amount as the first line.
- Indent wrapped lines one more level than the level of the first line.
- Indent wrapped lines two more levels than the level of the first line.
- The default value is `view.WRAPINDENT_FIXED`.
-<a id="view.wrap_mode"></a>
-#### `view.wrap_mode` (number)
-Long line wrap mode.
- * `view.WRAP_NONE`
- Long lines are not wrapped.
- * `view.WRAP_WORD`
- Wrap long lines at word (and style) boundaries.
- * `view.WRAP_CHAR`
- Wrap long lines at character boundaries.
- Wrap long lines at word boundaries (ignoring style boundaries).
- The default value is `view.WRAP_NONE`.
-<a id="view.wrap_start_indent"></a>
-#### `view.wrap_start_indent` (number)
-The number of spaces of indentation to display wrapped lines with if
- [`view.wrap_indent_mode`](#view.wrap_indent_mode) is `view.WRAPINDENT_FIXED`.
- The default value is `0`.
-<a id="view.wrap_visual_flags"></a>
-#### `view.wrap_visual_flags` (number)
-The wrapped line visual flag display mode.
- No visual flags.
- Show a visual flag at the end of a wrapped line.
- Show a visual flag at the beginning of a sub-line.
- Show a visual flag in the sub-line's line number margin.
- The default value is `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE`.
-<a id="view.wrap_visual_flags_location"></a>
-#### `view.wrap_visual_flags_location` (number)
-The wrapped line visual flag location.
- Draw a visual flag near the view's right margin.
- Draw a visual flag near text at the end of a wrapped line.
- Draw a visual flag near text at the beginning of a subline.
- The default value is `view.WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT`.
-<a id="view.x_offset"></a>
-#### `view.x_offset` (number)
-The horizontal scroll pixel position.
- A value of `0` is the normal position with the first text column visible at the left of
- the view.
-<a id="view.zoom"></a>
-#### `view.zoom` (number)
-The number of points to add to the size of all fonts.
- Negative values are allowed, down to `-10`.
- The default value is `0`.
-### Functions defined by `view`
-<a id="view.brace_bad_light"></a>
-#### `view.brace_bad_light`(*view, pos*)
-Highlights the character at position *pos* as an unmatched brace character using the
-`'style.bracebad'` style.
-Removes highlighting when *pos* is `-1`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *view*'s buffer to highlight, or `-1` to remove the highlight.
-<a id="view.brace_bad_light_indicator"></a>
-#### `view.brace_bad_light_indicator`(*view, use\_indicator, indicator*)
-Highlights unmatched brace characters with indicator number *indicator*, in the range of
-`1` to `32`, instead of the `view.STYLE_BRACEBAD` style if *use_indicator* is `true`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`use_indicator`*: Whether or not to use an indicator.
-* *`indicator`*: The indicator number to use.
-<a id="view.brace_highlight"></a>
-#### `view.brace_highlight`(*view, pos1, pos2*)
-Highlights the characters at positions *pos1* and *pos2* as matching braces using the
-`'style.bracelight'` style.
-If indent guides are enabled, locates the column with `buffer.column` and sets
-`view.highlight_guide` in order to highlight the indent guide.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`pos1`*: The first position in *view*'s buffer to highlight.
-* *`pos2`*: The second position in *view*'s buffer to highlight.
-<a id="view.brace_highlight_indicator"></a>
-#### `view.brace_highlight_indicator`(*view, use\_indicator, indicator*)
-Highlights matching brace characters with indicator number *indicator*, in the range of `1`
-to `32`, instead of the `view.STYLE_BRACELIGHT` style if *use_indicator* is `true`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`use_indicator`*: Whether or not to use an indicator.
-* *`indicator`*: The indicator number to use.
-<a id="view.call_tip_active"></a>
-#### `view.call_tip_active`(*view*)
-Returns whether or not a call tip is visible.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* bool
-<a id="view.call_tip_cancel"></a>
-#### `view.call_tip_cancel`(*view*)
-Removes the displayed call tip from view.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.call_tip_pos_start"></a>
-#### `view.call_tip_pos_start`(*view*)
-Returns a call tip's display position.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* number
-<a id="view.call_tip_set_hlt"></a>
-#### `view.call_tip_set_hlt`(*view, start\_pos, end\_pos*)
-Highlights a call tip's text between positions *start_pos* to *end_pos* with the color
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`start_pos`*: The start position in a call tip text to highlight.
-* *`end_pos`*: The end position in a call tip text to highlight.
-<a id="view.call_tip_show"></a>
-#### `view.call_tip_show`(*view, pos, text*)
-Displays a call tip at position *pos* with string *text* as the call tip's contents.
-Any "\001" or "\002" bytes in *text* are replaced by clickable up or down arrow visuals,
-respectively. These may be used to indicate that a symbol has more than one call tip,
-for example.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`pos`*: The position in *view*'s buffer to show a call tip at.
-* *`text`*: The call tip text to show.
-<a id="view.clear_all_representations"></a>
-#### `view.clear_all_representations`(*view*)
-Removes all alternate string representations of characters.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.clear_registered_images"></a>
-#### `view.clear_registered_images`(*view*)
-Clears all images registered using `view.register_image()` and `view.register_rgba_image()`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.clear_representation"></a>
-#### `view.clear_representation`(*view, char*)
-Removes the alternate string representation for character *char* (which may be a multi-byte
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`char`*: The string character in `buffer.representations` to remove the alternate string
- representation for.
-<a id="view.contracted_fold_next"></a>
-#### `view.contracted_fold_next`(*view, line*)
-Returns the line number of the next contracted fold point starting from line number *line*,
-or `-1` if none exists.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to start at.
-* number
-<a id="view.doc_line_from_visible"></a>
-#### `view.doc_line_from_visible`(*view, display\_line*)
-Returns the actual line number of displayed line number *display_line*, taking wrapped,
-annotated, and hidden lines into account.
-If *display_line* is less than or equal to `1`, returns `1`. If *display_line* is greater
-than the number of displayed lines, returns `buffer.line_count`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`display_line`*: The display line number to use.
-* number
-<a id="view.ensure_visible"></a>
-#### `view.ensure_visible`(*view, line*)
-Ensures line number *line* is visible by expanding any fold points hiding it.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to ensure visible.
-<a id="view.ensure_visible_enforce_policy"></a>
-#### `view.ensure_visible_enforce_policy`(*view, line*)
-Ensures line number *line* is visible by expanding any fold points hiding it based on the
-vertical caret policy previously defined in `view.set_visible_policy()`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to ensure visible.
-<a id="view.fold_all"></a>
-#### `view.fold_all`(*view, action*)
-Contracts, expands, or toggles all fold points, depending on *action*.
-When toggling, the state of the first fold point determines whether to expand or contract.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`action`*: The fold action to perform. Valid values are:
-<a id="view.fold_children"></a>
-#### `view.fold_children`(*view, line, action*)
-Contracts, expands, or toggles the fold point on line number *line*, as well as all of its
-children, depending on *action*.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to set the fold states for.
-* *`action`*: The fold action to perform. Valid values are:
-<a id="view.fold_line"></a>
-#### `view.fold_line`(*view, line, action*)
-Contracts, expands, or toggles the fold point on line number *line*, depending on *action*.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to set the fold state for.
-* *`action`*: The fold action to perform. Valid values are:
-<a id="view.get_default_fold_display_text"></a>
-#### `view.get_default_fold_display_text`(*view*)
-Returns the default fold display text.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.goto_buffer"></a>
-#### `view.goto_buffer`(*view, buffer*)
-Switches to buffer *buffer* or the buffer *buffer* number of buffers relative to the
-current one.
-* *`view`*: The view to switch buffers in.
-* *`buffer`*: A buffer or relative buffer number (typically 1 or -1).
-See also:
-<a id="view.hide_lines"></a>
-#### `view.hide_lines`(*view, start\_line, end\_line*)
-Hides the range of lines between line numbers *start_line* to *end_line*.
-This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`start_line`*: The start line of the range of lines in *view* to hide.
-* *`end_line`*: The end line of the range of lines in *view* to hide.
-<a id="view.line_scroll"></a>
-#### `view.line_scroll`(*view, columns, lines*)
-Scrolls the buffer right *columns* columns and down *lines* lines.
-Negative values are allowed.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`columns`*: The number of columns to scroll horizontally.
-* *`lines`*: The number of lines to scroll vertically.
-<a id="view.line_scroll_down"></a>
-#### `view.line_scroll_down`(*view*)
-Scrolls the buffer down one line, keeping the caret visible.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.line_scroll_up"></a>
-#### `view.line_scroll_up`(*view*)
-Scrolls the buffer up one line, keeping the caret visible.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.marker_define"></a>
-#### `view.marker_define`(*view, marker, symbol*)
-Assigns marker symbol *symbol* to marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to `32`.
-*symbol* is shown in marker symbol margins next to lines marked with *marker*.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`marker`*: The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to set *symbol* for.
-* *`symbol`*: The marker symbol: `buffer.MARK_*`.
-See also:
-* [`_SCINTILLA.next_marker_number`](#_SCINTILLA.next_marker_number)
-<a id="view.marker_define_pixmap"></a>
-#### `view.marker_define_pixmap`(*view, marker, pixmap*)
-Associates marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to `32`, with XPM image *pixmap*.
-The `view.MARK_PIXMAP` marker symbol must be assigned to *marker*. *pixmap* is shown in
-marker symbol margins next to lines marked with *marker*.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`marker`*: The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to define pixmap *pixmap* for.
-* *`pixmap`*: The string pixmap data.
-<a id="view.marker_define_rgba_image"></a>
-#### `view.marker_define_rgba_image`(*view, marker, pixels*)
-Associates marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to `32`, with RGBA image *pixels*.
-The dimensions for *pixels* (`view.rgba_image_width` and `view.rgba_image_height`) must
-have already been defined. *pixels* is a sequence of 4 byte pixel values (red, blue, green,
-and alpha) defining the image line by line starting at the top-left pixel.
-The `view.MARK_RGBAIMAGE` marker symbol must be assigned to *marker*. *pixels* is shown in
-symbol margins next to lines marked with *marker*.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`marker`*: The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to define RGBA data *pixels* for.
-* *`pixels`*: The string sequence of 4 byte pixel values starting with the pixels for the
- top line, with the leftmost pixel first, then continuing with the pixels for subsequent
- lines. There is no gap between lines for alignment reasons. Each pixel consists of, in
- order, a red byte, a green byte, a blue byte and an alpha byte. The color bytes are not
- premultiplied by the alpha value. That is, a fully red pixel that is 25% opaque will be
- `[FF, 00, 00, 3F]`.
-<a id="view.marker_enable_highlight"></a>
-#### `view.marker_enable_highlight`(*view, enabled*)
-Highlights the margin fold markers for the current fold block if *enabled* is `true`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`enabled`*: Whether or not to enable highlight.
-<a id="view.marker_symbol_defined"></a>
-#### `view.marker_symbol_defined`(*view, marker*)
-Returns the symbol assigned to marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to `32`, used in
-`view.marker_define_pixmap()`, or `view.marker_define_rgba_image()`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`marker`*: The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to get the symbol of.
-* number
-<a id="view.multi_edge_add_line"></a>
-#### `view.multi_edge_add_line`(*view, column, color*)
-Adds a new vertical line at column number *column* with color *color*, in "0xBBGGRR" format.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`column`*: The column number to add a vertical line at.
-* *`color`*: The color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
-<a id="view.multi_edge_clear_all"></a>
-#### `view.multi_edge_clear_all`(*view*)
-Clears all vertical lines created by `view:multi_edge_add_line()`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.register_image"></a>
-#### `view.register_image`(*view, type, xpm\_data*)
-Registers XPM image *xpm_data* to type number *type* for use in autocompletion and user lists.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`type`*: Integer type to register the image with.
-* *`xpm_data`*: The XPM data as described in `view.marker_define_pixmap()`.
-<a id="view.register_rgba_image"></a>
-#### `view.register_rgba_image`(*view, type, pixels*)
-Registers RGBA image *pixels* to type number *type* for use in autocompletion and user lists.
-The dimensions for *pixels* (`view.rgba_image_width` and `view.rgba_image_height`) must
-have already been defined. *pixels* is a sequence of 4 byte pixel values (red, blue, green,
-and alpha) defining the image line by line starting at the top-left pixel.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`type`*: Integer type to register the image with.
-* *`pixels`*: The RGBA data as described in `view.marker_define_rgba_image()`.
-<a id="view.reset_element_color"></a>
-#### `view.reset_element_color`(*view, element*)
-Resets the color of UI element *element* to its default color.
-* *`view`*:
-* *`element`*: One of the UI elements specified in [`view.element_color`]().
-See also:
-* [`view.element_color`](#view.element_color)
-<a id="view.scroll_caret"></a>
-#### `view.scroll_caret`(*view*)
-Scrolls the caret into view based on the policies previously defined in
-`view.set_x_caret_policy()` and `view.set_y_caret_policy()`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-See also:
-* [`view.set_x_caret_policy`](#view.set_x_caret_policy)
-* [`view.set_y_caret_policy`](#view.set_y_caret_policy)
-<a id="view.scroll_range"></a>
-#### `view.scroll_range`(*view, secondary\_pos, primary\_pos*)
-Scrolls into view the range of text between positions *primary_pos* and *secondary_pos*,
-with priority given to *primary_pos*.
-Similar to `view.scroll_caret()`, but with *primary_pos* instead of `buffer.current_pos`.
-This is useful for scrolling search results into view.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`secondary_pos`*: The secondary range position to scroll into view.
-* *`primary_pos`*: The primary range position to scroll into view.
-<a id="view.scroll_to_end"></a>
-#### `view.scroll_to_end`(*view*)
-Scrolls to the end of the buffer without moving the caret.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.scroll_to_start"></a>
-#### `view.scroll_to_start`(*view*)
-Scrolls to the beginning of the buffer without moving the caret.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.set_default_fold_display_text"></a>
-#### `view.set_default_fold_display_text`(*view, text*)
-Sets the default fold display text to string *text*.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`text`*: The text to display by default next to folded lines.
-See also:
-* [`view.toggle_fold_show_text`](#view.toggle_fold_show_text)
-<a id="view.set_fold_margin_color"></a>
-#### `view.set_fold_margin_color`(*view, use\_setting, color*)
-Overrides the fold margin's default color with color *color*, in "0xBBGGRR" format, if
-*use_setting* is `true`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`use_setting`*: Whether or not to use *color*.
-* *`color`*: The color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
-<a id="view.set_fold_margin_hi_color"></a>
-#### `view.set_fold_margin_hi_color`(*view, use\_setting, color*)
-Overrides the fold margin's default highlight color with color *color*, in "0xBBGGRR" format,
-if *use_setting* is `true`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`use_setting`*: Whether or not to use *color*.
-* *`color`*: The color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
-<a id="view.set_theme"></a>
-#### `view.set_theme`(*view, name, env*)
-Sets the view's color theme to be string *name*, with the contents of table *env* available
-as global variables.
-User themes override Textadept's default themes when they have the same name. If *name*
-contains slashes, it is assumed to be an absolute path to a theme instead of a theme name.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`name`*: The name or absolute path of a theme to set.
-* *`env`*: Optional table of global variables themes can utilize to override default settings
- such as font and size.
-* `view:set_theme('light', {font = 'Monospace', size = 12})`
-See also:
-* [`lexer.colors`](#lexer.colors)
-* [`lexer.styles`](#lexer.styles)
-<a id="view.set_visible_policy"></a>
-#### `view.set_visible_policy`(*view, policy, y*)
-Defines scrolling policy bit-mask *policy* as the policy for keeping the caret *y* number
-of lines away from the vertical margins as `view.ensure_visible_enforce_policy()` redisplays
-hidden or folded lines.
-It is similar in operation to `view.set_y_caret_policy()`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`policy`*: The combination of `view.VISIBLE_SLOP` and `view.VISIBLE_STRICT` policy flags
- to set.
-* *`y`*: The number of lines from the vertical margins to keep the caret.
-<a id="view.set_whitespace_back"></a>
-#### `view.set_whitespace_back`(*view, use\_setting, color*)
-Overrides the background color of whitespace with color *color*, in "0xBBGGRR" format,
-if *use_setting* is `true`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`use_setting`*: Whether or not to use *color*.
-* *`color`*: The color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
-<a id="view.set_whitespace_fore"></a>
-#### `view.set_whitespace_fore`(*view, use\_setting, color*)
-Overrides the foreground color of whitespace with color *color*, in "0xBBGGRR" format,
-if *use_setting* is `true`.
-* *`view`*:
-* *`use_setting`*: Whether or not to use *color*.
-* *`color`*: The color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
-<a id="view.set_x_caret_policy"></a>
-#### `view.set_x_caret_policy`(*view, policy, x*)
-Defines scrolling policy bit-mask *policy* as the policy for keeping the caret *x* number
-of pixels away from the horizontal margins.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`policy`*: The combination of `view.CARET_SLOP`, `view.CARET_STRICT`, `view.CARET_EVEN`,
- and `view.CARET_JUMPS` policy flags to set.
-* *`x`*: The number of pixels from the horizontal margins to keep the caret.
-<a id="view.set_y_caret_policy"></a>
-#### `view.set_y_caret_policy`(*view, policy, y*)
-Defines scrolling policy bit-mask *policy* as the policy for keeping the caret *y* number
-of lines away from the vertical margins.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`policy`*: The combination of `view.CARET_SLOP`, `view.CARET_STRICT`, `view.CARET_EVEN`,
- and `view.CARET_JUMPS` policy flags to set.
-* *`y`*: The number of lines from the vertical margins to keep the caret.
-<a id="view.show_lines"></a>
-#### `view.show_lines`(*view, start\_line, end\_line*)
-Shows the range of lines between line numbers *start_line* to *end_line*.
-This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags and the first line cannot be hidden.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`start_line`*: The start line of the range of lines in *view* to show.
-* *`end_line`*: The end line of the range of lines in *view* to show.
-<a id="view.split"></a>
-#### `view.split`(*view, vertical*)
-Splits the view into top and bottom views (unless *vertical* is `true`), focuses the new view,
-and returns both the old and new views.
-If *vertical* is `false`, splits the view vertically into left and right views.
-Emits a `VIEW_NEW` event.
-* *`view`*: The view to split.
-* *`vertical`*: Optional flag indicating whether or not to split the view vertically. The
- default value is `false`, for horizontal.
-* old view and new view.
-See also:
-* [`events.VIEW_NEW`](#events.VIEW_NEW)
-<a id="view.style_clear_all"></a>
-#### `view.style_clear_all`(*view*)
-Reverts all styles to having the same properties as `view.STYLE_DEFAULT`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.style_reset_default"></a>
-#### `view.style_reset_default`(*view*)
-Resets `view.STYLE_DEFAULT` to its initial state.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.text_height"></a>
-#### `view.text_height`(*view, line*)
-Returns the pixel height of line number *line*.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to get the pixel height of.
-* number
-<a id="view.text_width"></a>
-#### `view.text_width`(*view, style\_num, text*)
-Returns the pixel width string *text* would have when styled with style number *style_num*,
-in the range of `1` to `256`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`style_num`*: The style number between `1` and `256` to use.
-* *`text`*: The text to measure the width of.
-* number
-<a id="view.toggle_fold"></a>
-#### `view.toggle_fold`(*view, line*)
-Toggles the fold point on line number *line* between expanded (where all of its child lines
-are displayed) and contracted (where all of its child lines are hidden).
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to toggle the fold on.
-See also:
-* [`view.set_default_fold_display_text`](#view.set_default_fold_display_text)
-<a id="view.toggle_fold_show_text"></a>
-#### `view.toggle_fold_show_text`(*view, line, text*)
-Toggles a fold point on line number *line* between expanded (where all of its child lines are
-displayed) and contracted (where all of its child lines are hidden), and shows string *text*
-next to that line.
-*text* is drawn with style number `view.STYLE_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT`.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to toggle the fold on and display *text* after.
-* *`text`*: The text to display after the line.
-<a id="view.unsplit"></a>
-#### `view.unsplit`(*view*)
-Unsplits the view if possible, returning `true` on success.
-* *`view`*: The view to unsplit.
-* boolean if the view was unsplit or not.
-<a id="view.vertical_center_caret"></a>
-#### `view.vertical_center_caret`(*view*)
-Centers current line in the view.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.visible_from_doc_line"></a>
-#### `view.visible_from_doc_line`(*view, line*)
-Returns the displayed line number of actual line number *line*, taking wrapped, annotated,
-and hidden lines into account, or `-1` if *line* is outside the range of lines in the buffer.
-Lines can occupy more than one display line if they wrap.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to use.
-* number
-<a id="view.wrap_count"></a>
-#### `view.wrap_count`(*view, line*)
-Returns the number of wrapped lines needed to fully display line number *line*.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-* *`line`*: The line number in *view* to use.
-* number
-<a id="view.zoom_in"></a>
-#### `view.zoom_in`(*view*)
-Increases the size of all fonts by one point, up to 20.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-<a id="view.zoom_out"></a>
-#### `view.zoom_out`(*view*)
-Decreases the size of all fonts by one point, down to -10.
-* *`view`*: A view.
-### Tables defined by `view`
-<a id="view.buffer"></a>
-#### `view.buffer`
-The [buffer](#buffer) the view currently contains. (Read-only)