path: root/core/ui.lua
diff options
authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2020-03-10 11:19:00 -0400
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2020-03-10 11:19:00 -0400
commitff6fbbc3227b49fc5407ddbcc7a3f7dac6993482 (patch)
treecd83d4e5b9919c4987272397a70146e182148a87 /core/ui.lua
parent610bfcc47679ec6b9abb15b6a1cf6087be904369 (diff)
Core code cleanup, reformat, refactoring, and bugfixes.
`events.FILE_CHANGED` was not emitting a filename. Added tests for key commands, keychains, and key modes.
Diffstat (limited to 'core/ui.lua')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/core/ui.lua b/core/ui.lua
index 65b1fb4d..a90bd9b6 100644
--- a/core/ui.lua
+++ b/core/ui.lua
@@ -101,42 +101,38 @@ ui.dialogs = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_, k)
-- @param options Table of key-value command line options for gtdialog.
-- @return Lua objects depending on the dialog kind
return function(options)
- -- Set up dialog defaults and convert any 1-based indices to 0-based ones.
if not options.button1 then options.button1 = _L['OK'] end
- local select = options.select
- if type(select) == 'number' then
- options.select = select - 1
- elseif type(select) == 'table' then
- for i = 1, #select do select[i] = select[i] - 1 end
- end
-- Transform key-value pairs into command line arguments.
local args = {}
for option, value in pairs(options) do
assert_type(value, 'string/number/table/boolean', option)
if value then
- args[#args + 1] = '--'..option:gsub('_', '-')
- if type(value) == 'boolean' then goto continue end
+ args[#args + 1] = '--' .. option:gsub('_', '-')
if type(value) == 'table' then
for i, val in ipairs(value) do
- assert_type(val, 'string/number', option..'['..i..']')
+ local narg = string.format('%s[%d]', option, i)
+ assert_type(val, 'string/number', narg)
if option == 'palette' and type(val) == 'number' then
value[i] = torgb(val) -- nil return is okay
+ elseif option == 'select' and assert_type(val, 'number', narg) then
+ value[i] = val - 1 -- convert from 1-based index to 0-based index
elseif option == 'color' and type(value) == 'number' then
value = torgb(value)
+ elseif option == 'select' and assert_type(value, 'number', option) then
+ value = value - 1 -- convert from 1-based index to 0-based index
- args[#args + 1] = value
+ if type(value) ~= 'boolean' then args[#args + 1] = value end
- ::continue::
-- Call gtdialog, stripping any trailing newline in the standard output.
- local result = ui.dialog(k:gsub('_', '-'), table.unpack(args))
- result = result:match('^(.-)\n?$')
+ local result = ui.dialog(
+ k:gsub('_', '-'), table.unpack(args)):match('^(.-)\n?$')
-- Depending on the dialog type, transform the result into Lua objects.
if k == 'fileselect' or k == 'filesave' then
if result == '' then return nil end
- if not CURSES and WIN32 then result = result:iconv(_CHARSET, 'UTF-8') end
+ if WIN32 and not CURSES then result = result:iconv(_CHARSET, 'UTF-8') end
if k == 'filesave' or not options.select_multiple then return result end
local filenames = {}
for filename in result:gmatch('[^\n]+') do
@@ -153,7 +149,7 @@ ui.dialogs = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_, k)
options.string_output, options.select_multiple = true, true
local items, patt = {}, not k:find('input') and '[^\n]+' or '([^\n]*)\n'
- for item in (value..'\n'):gmatch(patt) do
+ for item in (value .. '\n'):gmatch(patt) do
items[#items + 1] = options.string_output and item or tonumber(item) + 1
return button, options.select_multiple and items or items[1]
@@ -180,8 +176,7 @@ local buffers_zorder = {}
-- Adds new buffers to the z-order list.
events.connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, function()
- if buffer == ui.command_entry then return end -- ignore this buffer
- table.insert(buffers_zorder, 1, buffer)
+ if buffer ~= ui.command_entry then table.insert(buffers_zorder, 1, buffer) end
-- Updates the z-order list.
@@ -200,10 +195,10 @@ events.connect(events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH, update_zorder)
events.connect(events.VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH, update_zorder)
-- Saves and restores buffer zorder data during a reset.
- function(persist) persist.buffers_zorder = buffers_zorder end)
- function(persist) buffers_zorder = persist.buffers_zorder end)
+ events.RESET_BEFORE, function(persist) persist.ui_zorder = buffers_zorder end)
+ events.RESET_AFTER, function(persist) buffers_zorder = persist.ui_zorder end)
-- Prompts the user to select a buffer to switch to.
@@ -221,7 +216,7 @@ function ui.switch_buffer(zorder)
local filename = buffer.filename or buffer._type or _L['Untitled']
if buffer.filename then filename = filename:iconv('UTF-8', _CHARSET) end
local basename = buffer.filename and filename:match('[^/\\]+$') or filename
- utf8_list[#utf8_list + 1] = (buffer.modify and '*' or '')..basename
+ utf8_list[#utf8_list + 1] = (buffer.modify and '*' or '') .. basename
utf8_list[#utf8_list + 1] = filename
local button, i = ui.dialogs.filteredlist{
@@ -255,8 +250,9 @@ end
-- @name goto_file
function ui.goto_file(filename, split, preferred_view, sloppy)
assert_type(filename, 'string', 1)
- local patt = not sloppy and '^'..filename..'$' or
- filename:match('[^/\\]+$')..'$' -- TODO: escape filename properly
+ local patt = string.format( -- TODO: escape filename properly
+ '%s%s$', not sloppy and '^' or '',
+ not sloppy and filename or filename:match('[^/\\]+$'))
if WIN32 then
patt = patt:gsub('%a', function(letter)
return string.format('[%s%s]', letter:upper(), letter:lower())
@@ -285,8 +281,8 @@ local events, events_connect = events, events.connect
events_connect(events.VIEW_NEW, function() events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI) end)
-- Switches between buffers when a tab is clicked.
- function(index, button) view:goto_buffer(_BUFFERS[index]) end)
+ events.TAB_CLICKED, function(index) view:goto_buffer(_BUFFERS[index]) end)
-- Sets the title of the Textadept window to the buffer's filename.
local function set_title()
@@ -295,9 +291,9 @@ local function set_title()
filename = select(2, pcall(string.iconv, filename, 'UTF-8', _CHARSET))
local basename = buffer.filename and filename:match('[^/\\]+$') or filename
- ui.title = string.format('%s %s Textadept (%s)', basename,
- buffer.modify and '*' or '-', filename)
- buffer.tab_label = basename..(buffer.modify and '*' or '')
+ ui.title = string.format(
+ '%s %s Textadept (%s)', basename, buffer.modify and '*' or '-', filename)
+ buffer.tab_label = basename .. (buffer.modify and '*' or '')
-- Changes Textadept title to show the buffer as being "clean" or "dirty".
@@ -306,40 +302,37 @@ events_connect(events.SAVE_POINT_LEFT, set_title)
-- Open uri(s).
events_connect(events.URI_DROPPED, function(utf8_uris)
- for utf8_uri in utf8_uris:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
- if utf8_uri:find('^file://') then
- local path = utf8_uri:match('^file://([^\r\n]+)')
- path = path:gsub('%%(%x%x)', function(hex)
- return string.char(tonumber(hex, 16))
- end):iconv(_CHARSET, 'UTF-8')
- -- In WIN32, ignore a leading '/', but not '//' (network path).
- if WIN32 and not path:match('^//') then path = path:sub(2, -1) end
- local mode = lfs.attributes(path, 'mode')
- if mode and mode ~= 'directory' then io.open_file(path) end
- end
+ for utf8_path in utf8_uris:gmatch('file://([^\r\n]+)') do
+ local path = utf8_path:gsub('%%(%x%x)', function(hex)
+ return string.char(tonumber(hex, 16))
+ end):iconv(_CHARSET, 'UTF-8')
+ -- In WIN32, ignore a leading '/', but not '//' (network path).
+ if WIN32 and not path:match('^//') then path = path:sub(2, -1) end
+ local mode = lfs.attributes(path, 'mode')
+ if mode and mode ~= 'directory' then io.open_file(path) end
ui.goto_view(view) -- work around any view focus synchronization issues
events_connect(events.APPLEEVENT_ODOC, function(uri)
- return events.emit(events.URI_DROPPED, 'file://'..uri)
+ return events.emit(events.URI_DROPPED, 'file://' .. uri)
-local GETLEXERLANGUAGE = _SCINTILLA.properties.lexer_language[1]
-- Sets buffer statusbar text.
events_connect(events.UPDATE_UI, function(updated)
if updated and updated & 3 == 0 then return end -- ignore scrolling
+ local text =
+ not CURSES and '%s %d/%d %s %d %s %s %s %s' or
+ '%s %d/%d %s %d %s %s %s %s'
local pos = buffer.selection_n_caret[buffer.main_selection]
local line, max = buffer:line_from_position(pos) + 1, buffer.line_count
local col = buffer.column[pos] + 1
- local lexer = buffer:private_lexer_call(GETLEXERLANGUAGE):match('^[^/]+')
+ local lexer = buffer:get_lexer()
local eol = buffer.eol_mode == buffer.EOL_CRLF and _L['CRLF'] or _L['LF']
- local tabs = string.format('%s %d', buffer.use_tabs and _L['Tabs:'] or
- _L['Spaces:'], buffer.tab_width)
+ local tabs = string.format(
+ '%s %d', buffer.use_tabs and _L['Tabs:'] or _L['Spaces:'], buffer.tab_width)
local enc = buffer.encoding or ''
- local text = not CURSES and '%s %d/%d %s %d %s %s %s %s' or
- '%s %d/%d %s %d %s %s %s %s'
- ui.bufstatusbar_text = string.format(text, _L['Line:'], line, max, _L['Col:'],
- col, lexer, eol, tabs, enc)
+ ui.bufstatusbar_text = string.format(
+ text, _L['Line:'], line, max, _L['Col:'], col, lexer, eol, tabs, enc)
-- Save buffer properties.
@@ -353,11 +346,11 @@ events_connect(events.BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH, function()
buffer._top_line = buffer:doc_line_from_visible(buffer.first_visible_line)
buffer._x_offset = buffer.x_offset
-- Save fold state.
- buffer._folds = {}
- local folds, i = buffer._folds, buffer:contracted_fold_next(0)
- while i >= 0 do
+ local folds, i = {}, buffer:contracted_fold_next(0)
+ while i ~= -1 do
folds[#folds + 1], i = i, buffer:contracted_fold_next(i + 1)
+ buffer._folds = folds
-- Restore buffer properties.
@@ -368,20 +361,17 @@ events_connect(events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH, function()
for i = 1, #buffer._folds do buffer:toggle_fold(buffer._folds[i]) end
-- Restore view state.
buffer:set_sel(buffer._anchor, buffer._current_pos)
- local n = buffer.main_selection
- buffer.selection_n_anchor_virtual_space[n] = buffer._anchor_virtual_space
- buffer.selection_n_caret_virtual_space[n] = buffer._caret_virtual_space
+ buffer.selection_n_anchor_virtual_space[0] = buffer._anchor_virtual_space
+ buffer.selection_n_caret_virtual_space[0] = buffer._caret_virtual_space
- buffer:line_scroll(0, buffer:visible_from_doc_line(buffer._top_line) -
- buffer.first_visible_line)
+ local _top_line, top_line = buffer._top_line, buffer.first_visible_line
+ buffer:line_scroll(0, buffer:visible_from_doc_line(_top_line) - top_line)
buffer.x_offset = buffer._x_offset or 0
-- Updates titlebar and statusbar.
local function update_bars()
- local SETDIRECTPOINTER = _SCINTILLA.properties.doc_pointer[2]
- buffer:private_lexer_call(SETDIRECTPOINTER, buffer.direct_pointer)
events_connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, update_bars)
@@ -416,8 +406,8 @@ end
events_connect(events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH, restore_view_state)
events_connect(events.VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH, restore_view_state)
- function() ui.statusbar_text = _L['Lua reset'] end)
+ events.RESET_AFTER, function() ui.statusbar_text = _L['Lua reset'] end)
-- Prompts for confirmation if any buffers are modified.
events_connect(events.QUIT, function()
@@ -429,19 +419,20 @@ events_connect(events.QUIT, function()
utf8_list[#utf8_list + 1] = filename
- local cancel = #utf8_list > 0 and ui.dialogs.msgbox{
+ if #utf8_list == 0 then return end
+ local button = ui.dialogs.msgbox{
title = _L['Quit without saving?'],
text = _L['The following buffers are unsaved:'],
informative_text = table.concat(utf8_list, '\n'),
icon = 'gtk-dialog-question', button1 = _L['Cancel'],
button2 = _L['Quit without saving']
- } ~= 2
- if cancel then return true end -- prevent quit
+ }
+ if button ~= 2 then return true end -- prevent quit
-- Keeps track of and switches back to the previous buffer after buffer close.
- function() view._prev_buffer = buffer end)
+ events.BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH, function() view._prev_buffer = buffer end)
events_connect(events.BUFFER_DELETED, function()
if _BUFFERS[view._prev_buffer] and buffer ~= view._prev_buffer then
@@ -451,11 +442,11 @@ end)
-- Properly handle clipboard text between views in curses, enables and disables
-- mouse mode, and focuses and resizes views based on mouse events.
if CURSES then
- local clipboard_text
- events.connect(events.VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH,
- function() clipboard_text = ui.clipboard_text end)
- events.connect(events.VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH,
- function() ui.clipboard_text = clipboard_text end)
+ local clip_text
+ events.connect(
+ events.VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH, function() clip_text = ui.clipboard_text end)
+ events.connect(
+ events.VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH, function() ui.clipboard_text = clip_text end)
if not WIN32 then
local function enable_mouse() io.stdout:write("\x1b[?1002h"):flush() end
@@ -477,8 +468,8 @@ if CURSES then
return get_view(view[1], y, x)
elseif vertical and x > size or not vertical and y > size then
-- Zero y or x relative to the other view based on split orientation.
- return get_view(view[2], vertical and y or y - size - 1,
- vertical and x - size - 1 or x)
+ return get_view(
+ view[2], vertical and y or y - size - 1, vertical and x - size - 1 or x)
return view -- in-between views; return the split itself