path: root/core/lfs_ext.lua
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authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2018-11-26 16:56:58 -0500
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2018-11-26 16:56:58 -0500
commit24de6b2672d6f653e7d0691482e96bfc43b179ef (patch)
tree5d18ad318437d3209ccb4c5b8d59a6d2ec95e27c /core/lfs_ext.lua
parentcfb7aee3491245e62d81aac8f9d3948ca19af266 (diff)
Changed filter format to be more flat and intuitive.
Filters are now simply lists of inclusive and exclusive patterns. Added temporary compatibility and notice for old-style filters.
Diffstat (limited to 'core/lfs_ext.lua')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/core/lfs_ext.lua b/core/lfs_ext.lua
index a260b8a6..d36753eb 100644
--- a/core/lfs_ext.lua
+++ b/core/lfs_ext.lua
@@ -14,59 +14,30 @@ module('lfs')]]
-- @class table
-- @name default_filter
lfs.default_filter = {
- extensions = {
- 'a', 'bmp', 'bz2', 'class', 'dll', 'exe', 'gif', 'gz', 'jar', 'jpeg', 'jpg',
- 'o', 'pdf', 'png', 'so', 'tar', 'tgz', 'tif', 'tiff', 'xz', 'zip'
- },
- folders = {'%.bzr$', '%.git$', '%.hg$', '%.svn$', 'node_modules'}
+ -- File extensions to exclude.
+ '!.a', '!.bmp', '!.bz2', '!.class', '!.dll', '!.exe', '!.gif', '!.gz',
+ '!.jar', '!.jpeg', '!.jpg', '!.o', '!.pdf', '!.png', '!.so', '!.tar', '!.tgz',
+ '!.tif', '!.tiff', '!.xz', '!.zip',
+ -- Directories to exclude.
+ '!/%.bzr$', '!/%.git$', '!/%.hg$', '!/%.svn$', '!/node_modules$',
+ --[[Temporary backwards-compatibility]]extensions={'a','bmp','bz2','class','dll','exe','gif','gz','jar','jpeg','jpg','o','pdf','png','so','tar','tgz','tif','tiff','xz','zip'},folders={'%.bzr$','%.git$','%.hg$','%.svn$','node_modules'}
-local lfs_symlinkattributes = lfs.symlinkattributes
--- Determines whether or not the given file matches the given filter.
--- @param file The filename.
--- @param filter The filter table.
--- @return boolean `true` or `false`.
-local function exclude(file, filter)
- if not filter then return false end
- local ext = filter.extensions
- if ext and ext[file:match('[^%.]+$')] then return true end
- local include -- track any match from a set of '!...' patterns
- for i = 1, #filter do
- local patt = filter[i]
- if patt:sub(1, 1) ~= '!' then
- if file:find(patt) then return true end
- elseif not include then
- include = file:find(patt:sub(2)) ~= nil
- end
- end
- if type(include) == 'boolean' and not include then return true end
- return filter.symlink and lfs_symlinkattributes(file, 'mode') == 'link'
-- Iterates over all files and sub-directories (up to *n* levels deep) in
-- directory *dir*, calling function *f* with each file found.
--- Files passed to *f* do not match any pattern in string or table *filter*
--- (or `lfs.default_filter` when *filter* is `nil`). A filter table contains:
--- + Lua patterns that match filenames to exclude.
--- + Optional `folders` sub-table that contains patterns matching directories
--- to exclude.
--- + Optional `extensions` sub-table that contains raw file extensions to
--- exclude.
--- + Optional `symlink` flag that when `true`, excludes symlinked files (but
--- not symlinked directories).
--- + Optional `folders.symlink` flag that when `true`, excludes symlinked
--- directories.
--- Any filter patterns starting with '!' include files and directories that
--- match the pattern that follows. This is useful for filtering out all files
--- and directories except a select few.
+-- String or list *filter* determines which files to pass through to *f*, with
+-- the default filter being `lfs.default_filter`. A filter consists of Lua
+-- patterns that match file and directory paths to include or exclude. Exclusive
+-- patterns begin with a '!'. If no inclusive patterns are given, any path is
+-- initially considered. As a convenience, file extensions can be specified
+-- literally instead of as a Lua pattern (e.g. '.lua' vs. '%.lua$'), and '/'
+-- also matches the Windows directory separator ('[/\\]' is not needed).
-- @param dir The directory path to iterate over.
-- @param f Function to call with each full file path found. If *f* returns
-- `false` explicitly, iteration ceases.
--- @param filter Optional filter for files and directories to exclude. The
--- default value is `lfs.default_filter`.
+-- @param filter Optional filter for files and directories to include and
+-- exclude. The default value is `lfs.default_filter`.
-- @param n Optional maximum number of directory levels to descend into.
-- The default value is `nil`, which indicates no limit.
-- @param include_dirs Optional flag indicating whether or not to call *f* with
@@ -78,30 +49,62 @@ end
-- @see filter
-- @name dir_foreach
function lfs.dir_foreach(dir, f, filter, n, include_dirs, level)
- if not level then level = 0 end
- if level == 0 then
+ if not level then
-- Convert filter to a table from nil or string arguments.
if not filter then filter = lfs.default_filter end
if type(filter) == 'string' then filter = {filter} end
- -- Create file extension filter hash table for quick lookups.
- local ext = filter.extensions
- if ext then for i = 1, #ext do ext[ext[i]] = true end end
+ --[[Temporary backwards-compatibility.]]if filter.extensions and filter~=lfs.default_filter then;local compat_filter={};ui.dialogs.textbox{title='Compatibility Notice',informative_text='Warning: use of deprecated filter format; please update your scripts',text=debug.traceback()};for i=1,#filter do if filter[i]:find('^!')then compat_filter[i]=filter[i]:sub(2)else compat_filter[i]='!'..filter[i]end end;for i=1,#filter.extensions do compat_filter[#compat_filter+1]='!.'..filter.extensions[i]end;if filter.folders then for i=1,#filter.folders do; compat_filter[#compat_filter+1]='!'..filter.folders[i]:gsub('^%%.[^.]+%$$','[/\\]%0')end end;filter = compat_filter;end
+ -- Process the given filter into something that can match files more easily
+ -- and/or quickly. For example, convert '.ext' shorthand to '%.ext$',
+ -- substitute '/' with '[/\\]', and enable hash lookup for file extensions
+ -- to include or exclude.
+ local processed_filter = {consider_any = true, exts = {}}
+ for i = 1, #filter do
+ local patt = filter[i]
+ patt = patt:gsub('^(!?)%%?%.([^.]+)$', '%1%%.%2$') -- '.lua' to '%.lua$'
+ patt = patt:gsub('/([^\\])', '[/\\]%1') -- '/' to '[/\\]'
+ if not patt:find('^!') then processed_filter.consider_any = false end
+ local ext = patt:match('^!?%%.([^.]+)%$$')
+ if ext then
+ processed_filter.exts[ext] = patt:find('^!') and 'exclude' or 'include'
+ else
+ processed_filter[#processed_filter + 1] = patt
+ end
+ end
+ filter = processed_filter
local dir_sep, lfs_attributes = not WIN32 and '/' or '\\', lfs.attributes
for basename in lfs.dir(dir) do
if not basename:find('^%.%.?$') then -- ignore . and ..
local filename = dir..(dir ~= '/' and dir_sep or '')..basename
local mode = lfs_attributes(filename, 'mode')
- if mode == 'directory' and not exclude(filename, filter.folders) then
+ if mode ~= 'directory' and mode ~= 'file' then goto skip end
+ local include
+ if mode == 'file' then
+ local ext = filename:match('[^.]+$')
+ if ext and filter.exts[ext] == 'exclude' then goto skip end
+ include = filter.consider_any or ext and filter.exts[ext] == 'include'
+ elseif mode == 'directory' then
+ include = filter.consider_any or #filter == 0
+ end
+ for i = 1, #filter do
+ local patt = filter[i]
+ -- Treat exclusive patterns as logical AND.
+ if patt:find('^!') and filename:find(patt:sub(2)) then goto skip end
+ -- Treat inclusive patterns as logical OR.
+ include = include or (not patt:find('^!') and filename:find(patt))
+ end
+ if include and mode == 'directory' then
if include_dirs and f(filename..dir_sep) == false then return end
- if not n or level < n then
+ if not n or (level or 0) < n then
local halt = lfs.dir_foreach(filename, f, filter, n, include_dirs,
- level + 1) == false
+ (level or 0) + 1) == false
if halt then return false end
- elseif mode == 'file' and not exclude(filename, filter) then
+ elseif include and mode == 'file' then
if f(filename) == false then return false end
+ ::skip::