path: root/core/lfs_ext.lua
diff options
authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+orbitalquark@users.noreply.github.com>2020-10-20 15:29:03 -0400
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+orbitalquark@users.noreply.github.com>2020-10-20 15:29:03 -0400
commit03c4016d07477781aa3adcc9edf340c0bec9c6c8 (patch)
treed3be089e9020807326a4e56562876ecb7bcf7892 /core/lfs_ext.lua
parentb682fbd4a6e53185e2556686079532ad0e42be94 (diff)
Code cleanup.
Of note: * io.save_all_files() does not visit each buffer to save anymore. An unintended side-effect was checking for outside modification (but only if the file itself was modified), so outside changes will always be saved over now. * The menu clicked handler uses assert_type(), so the 'Unknown command' localization is no longer needed. * When printing to a new buffer type would split the view, use an existing split view when possible. * Prefer 'goto continue' construct in loops over nested 'if's. * Fixed clearing of ui.find.replace_entry_text on reset in the GUI version. * Fixed lack of statusbar updating when setting options like buffer EOL mode, indentation, and encoding. * Renamed internal new_snippet() to new() and put it in the snippet metatable.
Diffstat (limited to 'core/lfs_ext.lua')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/core/lfs_ext.lua b/core/lfs_ext.lua
index 86a0cada..c24ee2e9 100644
--- a/core/lfs_ext.lua
+++ b/core/lfs_ext.lua
@@ -22,33 +22,6 @@ lfs.default_filter = {--[[Extensions]]'!.a','!.bmp','!.bz2','!.class','!.dll','!
-- @param level Utility value indicating the directory level this function is
-- at.
local function walk(dir, filter, n, include_dirs, level)
- if not level then
- -- Convert filter to a table from nil or string arguments.
- if not filter then filter = lfs.default_filter end
- if type(filter) == 'string' then filter = {filter} end
- -- Process the given filter into something that can match files more easily
- -- and/or quickly. For example, convert '.ext' shorthand to '%.ext$',
- -- substitute '/' with '[/\\]', and enable hash lookup for file extensions
- -- to include or exclude.
- local processed_filter = {
- consider_any = true,
- exts = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return true end})
- }
- for _, patt in ipairs(filter) do
- patt = patt:gsub('^(!?)%%?%.([^.]+)$', '%1%%.%2$') -- '.lua' to '%.lua$'
- patt = patt:gsub('/([^\\])', '[/\\]%1') -- '/' to '[/\\]'
- local include = not patt:find('^!')
- local ext = patt:match('^!?%%.([^.]+)%$$')
- if ext then
- processed_filter.exts[ext] = include
- if include then setmetatable(processed_filter.exts, nil) end
- else
- if include then processed_filter.consider_any = false end
- processed_filter[#processed_filter + 1] = patt
- end
- end
- filter = processed_filter
- end
for basename in lfs.dir(dir) do
if basename:find('^%.%.?$') then goto continue end -- ignore . and ..
local filename = dir .. (dir ~= '/' and '/' or '') .. basename
@@ -68,14 +41,15 @@ local function walk(dir, filter, n, include_dirs, level)
-- Treat inclusive patterns as logical OR.
include = include or (not patt:find('^!') and filename:find(patt))
+ if not include then goto continue end
local sep = not WIN32 and '/' or '\\'
local os_filename = not WIN32 and filename or filename:gsub('/', sep)
- if include and mode == 'directory' then
+ if mode == 'file' then
+ coroutine.yield(os_filename)
+ elseif mode == 'directory' then
if include_dirs then coroutine.yield(os_filename .. sep) end
if n and (level or 0) >= n then goto continue end
walk(filename, filter, n, include_dirs, (level or 0) + 1)
- elseif include and mode == 'file' then
- coroutine.yield(os_filename)
@@ -104,9 +78,33 @@ end
-- @name walk
function lfs.walk(dir, filter, n, include_dirs)
assert_type(dir, 'string', 1)
- assert_type(filter, 'string/table/nil', 2)
+ if not assert_type(filter, 'string/table/nil', 2) then
+ filter = lfs.default_filter
+ end
assert_type(n, 'number/nil', 3)
- local co = coroutine.create(function() walk(dir, filter, n, include_dirs) end)
+ -- Process the given filter into something that can match files more easily
+ -- and/or quickly. For example, convert '.ext' shorthand to '%.ext$',
+ -- substitute '/' with '[/\\]', and enable hash lookup for file extensions
+ -- to include or exclude.
+ local processed_filter = {
+ consider_any = true,
+ exts = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return true end})
+ }
+ for _, patt in ipairs(type(filter) == 'table' and filter or {filter}) do
+ patt = patt:gsub('^(!?)%%?%.([^.]+)$', '%1%%.%2$') -- '.lua' to '%.lua$'
+ patt = patt:gsub('/([^\\])', '[/\\]%1') -- '/' to '[/\\]'
+ local include = not patt:find('^!')
+ local ext = patt:match('^!?%%.([^.]+)%$$')
+ if ext then
+ processed_filter.exts[ext] = include
+ if include then setmetatable(processed_filter.exts, nil) end
+ else
+ if include then processed_filter.consider_any = false end
+ processed_filter[#processed_filter + 1] = patt
+ end
+ end
+ local co = coroutine.create(
+ function() walk(dir, processed_filter, n, include_dirs) end)
return function() return select(2, coroutine.resume(co)) end