diff options
authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2011-06-23 22:35:20 -0400
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2011-06-23 22:35:20 -0400
commite22d2bf663a4cc4fbeed5730c8f0ec7a446e43c8 (patch)
parent79a37f07e3f57694a436db9a25e296c8d177041a (diff)
Use string constants for event names.
21 files changed, 249 insertions, 286 deletions
diff --git a/core/.command_entry.luadoc b/core/.command_entry.luadoc
index 0eb996c0..03c52eb0 100644
--- a/core/.command_entry.luadoc
+++ b/core/.command_entry.luadoc
@@ -10,23 +10,6 @@ module('gui.command_entry')
-- ## Fields
-- * `entry_text` [string]: The text in the entry.
--- ## Events
--- The following is a list of all command entry events generated in
--- `event_name(arguments)` format:
--- * **command\_entry\_command** (command)<br />
--- Called when a command is entered into the Command Entry.
--- - command: the string command.
--- * **command\_entry\_keypress** (code, shift, control, alt)<br />
--- Called when a key is pressed in the Command Entry.
--- - code: the key code (according to `<gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>`).
--- - shift: flag indicating whether or not the Shift key is pressed.
--- - control: flag indicating whether or not the Control key is pressed.
--- - alt: flag indicating whether or not the Alt/Apple key is pressed.
--- <br />
--- Note: The Alt-Option key in Mac OSX is not available.
--- Focuses the command entry.
function focus() end
diff --git a/core/.find.luadoc b/core/.find.luadoc
index 3b68e7af..b5e3dd99 100644
--- a/core/.find.luadoc
+++ b/core/.find.luadoc
@@ -15,23 +15,6 @@ module('gui.find')
-- * `whole_word` [bool]: Only whole-word matches are allowed in searches.
-- * `lua` [bool]: The search text is interpreted as a Lua pattern.
-- * `in_files` [bool]: Search for the text in a list of files.
--- ## Events
--- The following is a list of all find events generated in
--- `event_name(arguments)` format:
--- * **find** (text, next)<br />
--- Called when attempting to finding text via the Find dialog box.
--- - text: the text to search for.
--- - next: flat indicating whether or not the search direction is forward.
--- * **replace** (text)<br />
--- Called when the found text is selected and asked to be replaced.
--- - text: the text to replace the selected text with.
--- * **replace\_all** (find\_text, repl\_text)<br />
--- Called when all occurances of found text are to be replaced.
--- - find\_text: the text to search for.
--- - repl\_text: the text to replace found text with.
-- Displays and focuses the find/replace dialog.
diff --git a/core/args.lua b/core/args.lua
index d9f959e1..06fc6137 100644
--- a/core/args.lua
+++ b/core/args.lua
@@ -4,13 +4,10 @@
module('args', package.seeall)
-- Markdown:
--- ## Events
+-- ## Arg Events
--- The following is a list of all arg events generated in
--- `event_name(arguments)` format:
--- * **arg\_none** ()<br />
--- Called when no command line args have been passed to Textadept on init.
+-- * `'arg_none'`: Called when no command line arguments are passed to Textadept
+-- on init.
local arg = arg
diff --git a/core/events.lua b/core/events.lua
index e5a73c8e..022ccad1 100644
--- a/core/events.lua
+++ b/core/events.lua
@@ -29,121 +29,128 @@ module('events', package.seeall)
-- ## Textadept Events
--- The following is a list of all Scintilla events generated by Textadept in
--- `event_name(arguments)` format:
+-- This is the set of default events that Textadept emits with the arguments
+-- they pass. Events that modules emit are listed on their respective LuaDoc
+-- pages.
--- * **char\_added** (ch)<br />
--- Called when an ordinary text character is added to the buffer.
--- - ch: the ASCII representation of the character.
--- * **save\_point\_reached** ()<br />
--- Called when a save point is entered.
--- * **save\_point\_left** ()<br />
--- Called when a save point is left.
--- * **double\_click** (modifiers, position, line)<br />
--- Called when the mouse button is double-clicked.
--- - modifiers: the appropriate combination of `SCI_SHIFT`, `SCI_CTRL`,
--- and `SCI_ALT` to indicate the keys that were held down at the time of
--- the double click.
--- - position: the text position the click occured at.
--- - line: the line number the click occured at.
--- * **update\_ui** ()<br />
--- Called when the text or styling of the buffer has changed or the selection
--- range has changed.
--- * **margin\_click** (margin, modifiers, position)<br />
--- Called when the mouse is clicked inside a margin.
--- - margin: the margin number that was clicked.
--- - modifiers: the appropriate combination of `SCI_SHIFT`, `SCI_CTRL`,
--- and `SCI_ALT` to indicate the keys that were held down at the time of
--- the margin click.
--- - position: The position of the start of the line in the buffer that
+-- * `APPLEEVENT_ODOC`: Called when Mac OSX tells Textadept to open a document.
+-- <br />
+-- * `uri`: The URI to open.
+-- * `AUTO_C_CHAR_DELETED`: Called when the user deleted a character while the
+-- autocompletion list was active.
+-- * `AUTO_C_RELEASE`: Called when the user has cancelled the autocompletion
+-- list.
+-- * `AUTO_C_SELECTION`: Called when the user has selected an item in an
+-- autocompletion list and before the selection is inserted. Automatic
+-- insertion can be cancelled by calling `buffer:auto_c_cancel()` before
+-- returning from the event handler.<br />
+-- * `text`: The text of the selection.
+-- * `position`: The start position of the word being completed.
+-- * `BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH`: Called right after a buffer is switched to.
+-- * `BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH`: Called right before another buffer is switched to.
+-- * `BUFFER_DELETED`: Called after a buffer was deleted.
+-- * `BUFFER_NEW`: Called when a new buffer is created.
+-- * `CALL_TIP_CLICK`: Called when the user clicks on a calltip.
+-- <br />
+-- * `position`: Set to 1 if the click is in an up arrow, 2 if in a down
+-- arrow, and 0 if elsewhere.
+-- * `CHAR_ADDED`: Called when an ordinary text character is added to the
+-- buffer.<br />
+-- * `ch`: The text character byte.
+-- * `COMMAND_ENTRY_COMMAND`: Called when a command is entered into the Command
+-- Entry.<br />
+-- * `command`: The command text.
+-- * `COMMAND_ENTRY_KEYPRESS`: Called when a key is pressed in the Command
+-- Entry.<br />
+-- * `code`: The key code.
+-- * `shift`: The Shift key is held down.
+-- * `ctrl`: The Control key is held down.
+-- * `alt`: The Alt/Apple key is held down.
+-- * `DOUBLE_CLICK`: Called when the mouse button is double-clicked.<br />
+-- * `position`: The text position of the double click.
+-- * `line`: The line of the double click.
+-- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero
+-- or more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`,
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`.
+-- * `ERROR`: Called when an error occurs.<br />
+-- * `text`: The error text.
+-- * `FIND`: Called when finding text via the Find dialog box.<br />
+-- * `text`: The text to search for.
+-- * `next`: Search forward.
+-- * `HOTSPOT_CLICK`: Called when the user clicks on text that is in a style
+-- with the hotspot attribute set.<br />
+-- * `position`: The text position of the click.
+-- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero
+-- or more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`,
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`.
+-- * `HOTSPOT_DOUBLE_CLICK`: Called when the user double clicks on text that is
+-- in a style with the hotspot attribute set.<br />
+-- * `position`: The text position of the double click.
+-- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero
+-- or more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`,
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`.
+-- * `HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK`: Called when the user releases the mouse on text
+-- that is in a style with the hotspot attribute set.<br />
+-- * `position`: The text position of the release.
+-- * `INDICATOR_CLICK`: Called when the user clicks the mouse on text that has
+-- an indicator.<br />
+-- * `position`: The text position of the click.
+-- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero
+-- or more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`,
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`.
+-- * `INDICATOR_RELEASE`: Called when the user releases the mouse on text that
+-- has an indicator.<br />
+-- * `position`: The text position of the release.
+-- * `KEYPRESS`: Called when a key is pressed.<br />
+-- * `code`: The key code.
+-- * `shift`: The Shift key is held down.
+-- * `ctrl`: The Control key is held down.
+-- * `alt`: The Alt/Apple key is held down.
+-- * `MARGIN_CLICK`: Called when the mouse is clicked inside a margin.<br />
+-- * `margin`: The margin number that was clicked.
+-- * `position`: The position of the start of the line in the buffer that
-- corresponds to the margin click.
--- * **user\_list\_selection** (wParam, text, position)<br />
--- Called when the user has selected an item in a user list.
--- - wParam: the list_type parameter from
--- [`buffer:user_list_show()`][buffer_user_list_show].
--- - text: the text of the selection.
--- - position: the position the list was displayed at.
--- * **uri\_dropped** (text)<br />
--- Called when the user has dragged a URI such as a file name or web address
--- into Textadept.
--- - text: URI text.
--- * **hotspot\_click** (position, modifiers)<br />
--- Called when the user clicks on a hotspot.
--- - position: the position in the buffer that the user clicked
--- - modifiers: the appropriate combination of `SCI_SHIFT`, `SCI_CTRL`,
--- and `SCI_ALT` to indicate the keys that were held down at the time of
--- the hotspot click.
--- * **hotspot\_double\_click** (position, modifiers)<br />
--- Called when the user double-clicks on a hotspot.
--- - position: the position in the buffer that the user double-clicked
--- - modifiers: the appropriate combination of `SCI_SHIFT`, `SCI_CTRL`,
--- and `SCI_ALT` to indicate the keys that were held down at the time of
--- the hotspot double-click.
--- * **call\_tip\_click** (position)<br />
--- Called when the user clicks on a calltip.
--- - position: 1 if the click is in an up arrow, 2 if in a down arrow, and
--- 0 if elsewhere.
--- * **auto\_c\_selection** (text, position)<br />
--- Called when the user has selected an item in an autocompletion list.
--- - text: the text of the selection.
--- - position: the start position of the word being completed.
--- * **indicator\_click** (position, modifiers)<br />
--- Called when the user clicks on an indicator.
--- - position: the position in the buffer that the user clicked.
--- - modifiers: the appropriate combination of `SCI_SHIFT`, `SCI_CTRL`,
--- and `SCI_ALT` to indicate the keys that were held down at the time of
--- the indicator click.
--- * **indicator\_release** (position)<br />
--- Called when the user releases the mouse button after clicking on an
--- indicator.
--- - position: the position in the buffer that the user clicked.
--- * **auto\_c\_cancelled** ()<br />
--- Called when the user has cancelled the autocompletion list.
--- * **auto\_c\_char\_deleted** ()<br />
--- Called when the user deleted a character while the autocompletion list was
--- active.
--- * **hotspot\_release\_click** (position)<br />
--- Called when the user releases the mouse button after clicking on a hotspot.
--- - position: the position in the buffer that the user clicked.
--- [buffer_user_list_show]: ../modules/buffer.html#buffer:user_list_show
--- The following is a list of gui events generated in
--- `event_name(arguments)` format:
--- * **buffer\_new** ()<br />
--- Called when a new [buffer][buffer] is created.
--- * **buffer\_deleted** ()<br />
--- Called when a [buffer][buffer] has been deleted.
--- * **buffer\_before\_switch** ()<br />
--- Called right before another [buffer][buffer] is switched to.
--- * **buffer\_after\_switch** ()<br />
--- Called right after a [buffer][buffer] was switched to.
--- * **view\_new** ()<br />
--- Called when a new [view][view] is created.
--- * **view\_before\_switch** ()<br />
--- Called right before another [view][view] is switched to.
--- * **view\_after\_switch** ()<br />
--- Called right after [view][view] was switched to.
--- * **reset\_before** ()<br />
--- Called before resetting the Lua state during a call to [`reset()`][reset].
--- * **reset\_after** ()<br />
--- Called after resetting the Lua state during a call to [`reset()`][reset].
--- * **quit** ()<br />
--- Called when quitting Textadept.<br />
--- Note: Any quit handlers added must be inserted at index 1 because the
--- default quit handler in `core/events.lua` returns `true`, which ignores all
--- subsequent handlers.
--- * **error** (text)<br />
--- Called when an error occurs in the C code.
--- - text: The error text.
--- * **appleevent\_odoc** (uri)<br />
--- Called when Mac OSX instructs Textadept to open a document.
--- - uri: The URI to open.
--- [buffer]: ../modules/buffer.html
--- [view]: ../modules/view.html
--- [reset]: ../modules/_G.html#reset
+-- * `modifiers`: The appropriate combination of
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_SHIFT`, `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_CTRL`,
+-- and `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_ALT` to indicate the keys that were
+-- held down at the time of the margin click.
+-- * `MENU_CLICKED`: Called when a menu item is selected.<br />
+-- * `menu_id`: The numeric ID of the menu item set in `gui.gtkmenu()`.
+-- * `QUIT`: Called when quitting Textadept. When connecting to this event,
+-- connect with an index of 1 or the handler will be ignored.
+-- * `REPLACE`: Called to replace selected (found) text.<br />
+-- * `text`: The text to replace selected text with.
+-- * `REPLACE_ALL`: Called to replace all occurances of found text.<br />
+-- * `find_text`: The text to search for.
+-- * `repl_text`: The text to replace found text with.
+-- * `RESET_AFTER`: Called after resetting the Lua state. This is triggered by
+-- `_G.reset()`.
+-- * `RESET_BEFORE`: Called before resetting the Lua state. This is triggered by
+-- `_G.reset()`.
+-- * `SAVE_POINT_LEFT`: Called when a save point is left.
+-- * `SAVE_POINT_REACHED`: Called when a save point is entered.
+-- * `UPDATE_UI`: Called when either the text or styling of the buffer has
+-- changed or the selection range has changed.
+-- * `URI_DROPPED`: Called when the user has dragged a URI such as a file name
+-- onto the view.<br />
+-- * `text`: The URI text.
+-- * `USER_LIST_SELECTION`: Called when the user has selected an item in a user
+-- list.<br />
+-- * `list_type`: This is set to the list_type parameter from the
+-- `buffer:user_list_show()` call that initiated the list.
+-- * `text`: The text of the selection.
+-- * `position`: The position the list was displayed at.
+-- * `VIEW_NEW`: Called when a new view is created.
+-- * `VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH`: Called right before another view is switched to.
+-- * `VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH`: Called right after another view is switched to.
-- ## Example
@@ -154,7 +161,7 @@ module('events', package.seeall)
-- end
-- events.connect('my_event', my_event_handler)
--- events.emit('my_event', 'my message')
+-- events.emit('my_event', 'my message') -- prints 'my message' to a view
-- A table of event names and a table of functions connected to them.
@@ -173,6 +180,7 @@ local handlers = handlers
-- @return Index of handler.
-- @see disconnect
function connect(event, f, index)
+ if not event then error(L('Undefined event name')) end
if not handlers[event] then handlers[event] = {} end
local h = handlers[event]
if index then table.insert(h, index, f) else h[#h + 1] = f end
@@ -200,6 +208,7 @@ local error_emitted = false
-- @param ... Arguments passed to the handler.
-- @return true or false if any handler explicitly returned such; nil otherwise.
function emit(event, ...)
+ if not event then error(L('Undefined event name')) end
local h = handlers[event]
if not h then return end
local pcall, unpack, type = _G.pcall, _G.unpack, _G.type
@@ -208,7 +217,7 @@ function emit(event, ...)
if not ok then
if not error_emitted then
error_emitted = true
- emit('error', result)
+ emit(events.ERROR, result)
error_emitted = false
@@ -224,9 +233,9 @@ local scnnotifications = {
[c.SCN_CHARADDED] = { 'char_added', 'ch' },
[c.SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED] = { 'save_point_reached' },
[c.SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT] = { 'save_point_left' },
- [c.SCN_DOUBLECLICK] = { 'double_click', 'modifiers', 'position', 'line' },
+ [c.SCN_DOUBLECLICK] = { 'double_click', 'position', 'line', 'modifiers' },
[c.SCN_UPDATEUI] = { 'update_ui' },
- [c.SCN_MARGINCLICK] = { 'margin_click', 'margin', 'modifiers', 'position' },
+ [c.SCN_MARGINCLICK] = { 'margin_click', 'margin', 'position', 'modifiers' },
'user_list_selection', 'wParam', 'text', 'position'
@@ -255,3 +264,14 @@ function notification(n)
for i = 2, #f do args[i - 1] = n[f[i]] end
return emit(f[1], unpack(args))
+-- Set event constants.
+for _, n in pairs(scnnotifications) do _M[n[1]:upper()] = n[1] end
+local ta_events = {
+ 'appleevent_odoc', 'buffer_after_switch', 'buffer_before_switch',
+ 'buffer_deleted', 'buffer_new', 'command_entry_command',
+ 'command_entry_keypress', 'error', 'find', 'keypress', 'menu_clicked', 'quit',
+ 'replace', 'replace_all', 'reset_after', 'reset_before', 'view_after_switch',
+ 'view_before_switch', 'view_new'
+for _, e in pairs(ta_events) do _M[e:upper()] = e end
diff --git a/core/file_io.lua b/core/file_io.lua
index c583e365..016b66da 100644
--- a/core/file_io.lua
+++ b/core/file_io.lua
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module('io', package.seeall)
-- Example:
--- events.connect('file_opened',
+-- events.connect(events.FILE_OPENED,
-- function(utf8_filename)
-- local filename = utf8_filename:iconv(_CHARSET, 'UTF-8')
-- local f = io.open(filename, 'rb')
@@ -28,23 +28,26 @@ module('io', package.seeall)
-- [string_iconv]: ../modules/string.html#iconv
--- ## Events
+-- ## File Events
--- The following is a list of all file I/O events generated in
--- `event_name(arguments)` format:
--- * **file\_opened** (filename) <br />
--- Called when a file has been opened in a new buffer.
--- - filename: the filename encoded in UTF-8.
--- * **file\_before\_save** (filename) <br />
--- Called right before a file is saved to disk.
--- - filename: the filename encoded in UTF-8.
--- * **file\_after\_save** (filename) <br />
--- Called right after a file is saved to disk.
--- - filename: the filename encoded in UTF-8.
--- * **file\_saved_as** (filename) <br />
--- Called when a file is saved under another filename.
--- - filename: the other filename encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * `_G.events.FILE_OPENED`: Called when a file is opened in a new buffer.
+-- Arguments:<br />
+-- * `filename`: The filename encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * `_G.events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE`: Called right before a file is saved to disk.
+-- Arguments:<br />
+-- * `filename`: The filename encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * `_G.events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE`: Called right after a file is saved to disk.
+-- Arguments:<br />
+-- * `filename`: The filename encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * `_G.events.FILE_SAVED_AS`: Called when a file is saved under a different
+-- filename. Arguments:<br />
+-- * `filename`: The filename encoded in UTF-8.
+-- Events.
+events.FILE_OPENED = 'file_opened'
+events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE = 'file_before_save'
+events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE = 'file_after_save'
+events.FILE_SAVED_AS = 'file_saved_as'
-- List of recently opened files.
@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ local function open_helper(utf8_filename)
buffer.modification_time = lfs.attributes(filename).modification
buffer.filename = utf8_filename
- events.emit('file_opened', utf8_filename)
+ events.emit(events.FILE_OPENED, utf8_filename)
-- Add file to recent files list, eliminating duplicates.
for i, file in ipairs(recent_files) do
@@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ end
local function save(buffer)
if not buffer.filename then return buffer:save_as() end
- events.emit('file_before_save', buffer.filename)
+ events.emit(events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE, buffer.filename)
local text = buffer:get_text(buffer.length)
if buffer.encoding then
local bom = buffer.encoding_bom or ''
@@ -236,7 +239,7 @@ local function save(buffer)
buffer.modification_time = lfs.attributes(filename).modification
if buffer._type then buffer._type = nil end
- events.emit('file_after_save', buffer.filename)
+ events.emit(events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE, buffer.filename)
-- LuaDoc is in core/.buffer.luadoc.
@@ -254,7 +257,7 @@ local function save_as(buffer, utf8_filename)
if #utf8_filename > 0 then
buffer.filename = utf8_filename
- events.emit('file_saved_as', utf8_filename)
+ events.emit(events.FILE_SAVED_AS, utf8_filename)
@@ -327,11 +330,11 @@ local function update_modified_file()
-events.connect('buffer_after_switch', update_modified_file)
-events.connect('view_after_switch', update_modified_file)
+events.connect(events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH, update_modified_file)
+events.connect(events.VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH, update_modified_file)
-- Set additional buffer functions.
-events.connect('buffer_new', function()
+events.connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, function()
local buffer = buffer
buffer.reload = reload
buffer.set_encoding = set_encoding
@@ -342,7 +345,7 @@ events.connect('buffer_new', function()
-- Close initial 'Untitled' buffer.
-events.connect('file_opened', function(utf8_filename)
+events.connect(events.FILE_OPENED, function(utf8_filename)
local b = _BUFFERS[1]
if #_BUFFERS == 2 and not (b.filename or b._type or b.dirty) then
view:goto_buffer(1, true)
diff --git a/core/gui.lua b/core/gui.lua
index 3cb97dfe..36c25165 100644
--- a/core/gui.lua
+++ b/core/gui.lua
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function gui._print(buffer_type, ...)
if not message_buffer then
message_buffer = new_buffer()
message_buffer._type = buffer_type
- events.emit('file_opened')
+ events.emit(events.FILE_OPENED)
message_view:goto_buffer(message_buffer_index, true)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ end
local connect = _G.events.connect
-- Sets default properties for a Scintilla window.
-connect('view_new', function()
+connect(events.VIEW_NEW, function()
local buffer = buffer
local c = _SCINTILLA.constants
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ connect('view_new', function()
if not ok then io.stderr:write(err) end
-connect('view_new', function() events.emit('update_ui') end)
+connect(events.VIEW_NEW, function() events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI) end)
local SETDIRECTFUNCTION = _SCINTILLA.properties.direct_function[1]
local SETDIRECTPOINTER = _SCINTILLA.properties.doc_pointer[2]
local SETLEXERLANGUAGE = _SCINTILLA.functions.set_lexer_language[1]
-- Sets default properties for a Scintilla document.
-connect('buffer_new', function()
+connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, function()
local function run()
local buffer = buffer
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ connect('buffer_new', function()
local ok, err = pcall(run)
if not ok then io.stderr:write(err) end
-connect('buffer_new', function() events.emit('update_ui') end)
+connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, function() events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI) end)
-- Sets the title of the Textadept window to the buffer's filename.
-- @param buffer The currently focused buffer.
@@ -162,19 +162,19 @@ local function set_title(buffer)
-- Changes Textadept title to show 'clean' buffer.
-connect('save_point_reached', function()
+connect(events.SAVE_POINT_REACHED, function()
buffer.dirty = false
-- Changes Textadept title to show 'dirty' buffer.
-connect('save_point_left', function()
+connect(events.SAVE_POINT_LEFT, function()
buffer.dirty = true
-- Open uri(s).
-connect('uri_dropped', function(utf8_uris)
+connect(events.URI_DROPPED, function(utf8_uris)
for utf8_uri in utf8_uris:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
if utf8_uri:find('^file://') then
utf8_uri = utf8_uri:match('^file://([^\r\n]+)')
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ connect('uri_dropped', function(utf8_uris)
- function(uri) return events.emit('uri_dropped', 'file://'..uri) end)
+ function(uri) return events.emit(events.URI_DROPPED, 'file://'..uri) end)
local string_format = string.format
local EOLs = { L('CRLF'), L('CR'), L('LF') }
local GETLEXERLANGUAGE = _SCINTILLA.functions.get_lexer_language[1]
-- Sets docstatusbar text.
-connect('update_ui', function()
+connect(events.UPDATE_UI, function()
local buffer = buffer
local pos = buffer.current_pos
local line, max = buffer:line_from_position(pos) + 1, buffer.line_count
@@ -210,14 +210,14 @@ connect('update_ui', function()
-- Toggles folding.
-connect('margin_click', function(margin, modifiers, position)
+connect(events.MARGIN_CLICK, function(margin, position, modifiers)
-connect('buffer_new', function() set_title(buffer) end)
+connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, function() set_title(buffer) end)
-- Save buffer properties.
-connect('buffer_before_switch', function()
+connect(events.BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH, function()
local buffer = buffer
-- Save view state.
buffer._anchor = buffer.anchor
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ connect('buffer_before_switch', function()
-- Restore buffer properties.
-connect('buffer_after_switch', function()
+connect(events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH, function()
local buffer = buffer
if not buffer._folds then return end
-- Restore fold state.
@@ -247,21 +247,21 @@ connect('buffer_after_switch', function()
-- Updates titlebar and statusbar.
-connect('buffer_after_switch', function()
+connect(events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH, function()
- events.emit('update_ui')
+ events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI)
-- Updates titlebar and statusbar.
-connect('view_after_switch', function()
+connect(events.VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH, function()
- events.emit('update_ui')
+ events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI)
-connect('reset_after', function() gui.statusbar_text = 'Lua reset' end)
+connect(events.RESET_AFTER, function() gui.statusbar_text = 'Lua reset' end)
-- Prompts for confirmation if any buffers are dirty.
-connect('quit', function()
+connect(events.QUIT, function()
local list = {}
for _, buffer in ipairs(_BUFFERS) do
if buffer.dirty then
@@ -282,4 +282,4 @@ connect('quit', function()
return true
-connect('error', function(...) gui._print(L('[Error Buffer]'), ...) end)
+connect(events.ERROR, function(...) gui._print(L('[Error Buffer]'), ...) end)
diff --git a/core/keys.lua b/core/keys.lua
index e3170793..bdd146ad 100644
--- a/core/keys.lua
+++ b/core/keys.lua
@@ -83,20 +83,6 @@ module('keys', package.seeall)
-- All Lua functions must be defined BEFORE they are reference in key commands.
-- Therefore, any module containing key commands should be loaded after all
-- other modules, whose functions are being referenced, have been loaded.
--- ## Events
--- The following is a list of all key events generated in
--- `event_name(arguments)` format:
--- * **keypress** (code, shift, control, alt)<br />
--- Called when a key is pressed.
--- - code: the key code (according to `<gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>`).
--- - shift: flag indicating whether or not the Shift key is pressed.
--- - control: flag indicating whether or not the Control key is pressed.
--- - alt: flag indicating whether or not the Alt/Apple key is pressed.
--- <br />
--- Note: The Alt-Option key in Mac OSX is not available.
-- settings
local ADD = ''
@@ -114,7 +100,7 @@ local type = _G.type
local unpack = _G.unpack
local no_args = {}
local getmetatable = getmetatable
-local error = function(e) events.emit('error', e) end
+local error = function(e) events.emit(events.ERROR, e) end
-- Lookup table for key values higher than 255.
@@ -248,4 +234,4 @@ local function keypress(code, shift, control, alt)
-- PROPAGATE otherwise.
-events.connect('keypress', keypress, 1)
+events.connect(events.KEYPRESS, keypress, 1)
diff --git a/core/locale.conf b/core/locale.conf
index 741df6f4..f76aee58 100644
--- a/core/locale.conf
+++ b/core/locale.conf
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Quit without saving? = Quit without saving?
The following buffers are unsaved: = The following buffers are unsaved:
Quit _without saving = Quit _without saving
[Error Buffer] = [Error Buffer]
+Undefined event name = Undefined event name
% core/file_io.lua
Encoding conversion failed. = Encoding conversion failed.
diff --git a/modules/lua/init.lua b/modules/lua/init.lua
index cca7e3cb..1e88e8c6 100644
--- a/modules/lua/init.lua
+++ b/modules/lua/init.lua
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ function goto_required()
function() -- show syntax errors as annotations
if buffer:get_lexer() == 'lua' then
local buffer = buffer
diff --git a/modules/textadept/adeptsense.lua b/modules/textadept/adeptsense.lua
index 82ea7bea..f7166660 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/adeptsense.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/adeptsense.lua
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ end
function add_trigger(sense, c, only_fields, only_functions)
if #c > 2 then return end -- TODO: warn
local c1, c2 = c:match('.$'):byte(), #c > 1 and c:sub(1, 1):byte()
- local i = events.connect('char_added', function(char)
+ local i = events.connect(events.CHAR_ADDED, function(char)
if char == c1 and buffer:get_lexer(true) == sense.lexer then
if c2 and buffer.char_at[buffer.current_pos - 2] ~= c2 then return end
sense:complete(only_fields, only_functions)
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ function show_apidoc(sense)
buffer:call_tip_show(buffer.current_pos, apidocs[apidocs.pos or 1])
-- Cycle through calltips.
- local event_id = events.connect('call_tip_click', function(position)
+ local event_id = events.connect(events.CALL_TIP_CLICK, function(position)
apidocs.pos = apidocs.pos + (position == 1 and -1 or 1)
if apidocs.pos > #apidocs then apidocs.pos = 1 end
if apidocs.pos < 1 then apidocs.pos = #apidocs end
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ function show_apidoc(sense)
_G.timeout(1, function()
if pcall(buffer.call_tip_active, buffer) then return true end
- events.disconnect('call_tip_click', event_id)
+ events.disconnect(events.CALL_TIP_CLICK, event_id)
return true
@@ -776,7 +776,9 @@ function new(lang)
if sense then
sense.ctags_kinds = {}
sense.api_files = {}
- for _, i in ipairs(sense.events) do events.disconnect('char_added', i) end
+ for _, i in ipairs(sense.events) do
+ events.disconnect(events.CHAR_ADDED, i)
+ end
sense.events = {}
diff --git a/modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua b/modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua
index 7db46b65..d4f01cf0 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua
@@ -86,5 +86,5 @@ function goto()
if buffer then buffer:marker_set_back(MARK_BOOKMARK, MARK_BOOKMARK_COLOR) end
function() buffer:marker_set_back(MARK_BOOKMARK, MARK_BOOKMARK_COLOR) end)
diff --git a/modules/textadept/command_entry.lua b/modules/textadept/command_entry.lua
index eac4c99e..6eaf8daa 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/command_entry.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/command_entry.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
-- Modified by Jay Gould.
local L = _G.locale.localize
+local events = _G.events
-- Environment for abbreviated commands.
-- @class table
@@ -28,16 +29,16 @@ local env = setmetatable({}, {
-- Execute a Lua command.
-events.connect('command_entry_command', function(command)
+events.connect(events.COMMAND_ENTRY_COMMAND, function(command)
local f, err = loadstring(command)
if err then error(err) end
gui.command_entry.focus() -- toggle focus to hide
setfenv(f, env)
- events.emit('update_ui')
+ events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI)
-events.connect('command_entry_keypress', function(code)
+events.connect(events.COMMAND_ENTRY_KEYPRESS, function(code)
local ce = gui.command_entry
local KEYSYMS = keys.KEYSYMS
if KEYSYMS[code] == 'esc' then
diff --git a/modules/textadept/editing.lua b/modules/textadept/editing.lua
index 557f3be4..cf61af71 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/editing.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/editing.lua
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ braces = { -- () [] {}
local current_call_tip = {}
-- Matches characters specified in char_matches.
-events.connect('char_added', function(c)
+events.connect(events.CHAR_ADDED, function(c)
if not AUTOPAIR then return end
local buffer = buffer
local match = (char_matches[buffer:get_lexer()] or char_matches)[c]
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ events.connect('char_added', function(c)
-- Removes matched chars on backspace.
-events.connect('keypress', function(code, shift, control, alt)
+events.connect(events.KEYPRESS, function(code, shift, control, alt)
if not AUTOPAIR or K[code] ~= '\b' or buffer.selections ~= 1 then return end
local buffer = buffer
local pos = buffer.current_pos
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ events.connect('keypress', function(code, shift, control, alt)
-- Highlights matching braces.
-events.connect('update_ui', function()
+events.connect(events.UPDATE_UI, function()
if not HIGHLIGHT_BRACES then return end
local buffer = buffer
local current_pos = buffer.current_pos
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ events.connect('update_ui', function()
-- Auto-indent on return.
-events.connect('char_added', function(char)
+events.connect(events.CHAR_ADDED, function(char)
if not AUTOINDENT or char ~= 10 then return end
local buffer = buffer
local anchor, caret = buffer.anchor, buffer.current_pos
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ function prepare_for_save()
-events.connect('file_before_save', prepare_for_save)
+events.connect(events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE, prepare_for_save)
-- Selects the current word under the caret and if action indicates, deletes it.
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ local function clear_highlighted_words()
buffer.indicator_current = INDIC_HIGHLIGHT
buffer:indicator_clear_range(0, buffer.length)
function(c) if K[c] == 'esc' then clear_highlighted_words() end end)
@@ -484,4 +484,4 @@ local function set_highlight_properties()
if buffer then set_highlight_properties() end
-events.connect('view_new', set_highlight_properties)
+events.connect(events.VIEW_NEW, set_highlight_properties)
diff --git a/modules/textadept/filter_through.lua b/modules/textadept/filter_through.lua
index 6861166f..8f6b70db 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/filter_through.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/filter_through.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- Copyright 2007-2011 Mitchell mitchell<att>caladbolg.net. See LICENSE.
local L = _G.locale.localize
+local events = _G.events
-- Filter-Through for the textadept module.
@@ -26,14 +27,14 @@ function filter_through()
-events.connect('command_entry_keypress', function(code)
+events.connect(events.COMMAND_ENTRY_KEYPRESS, function(code)
if filter_through_active and code == 0xff1b then -- escape
filter_through_active = false
end, 1) -- place before command_entry.lua's handler (if necessary)
-- Filter through.
-events.connect('command_entry_command', function(text)
+events.connect(events.COMMAND_ENTRY_COMMAND, function(text)
if filter_through_active then
local buffer = buffer
local s, e = buffer.selection_start, buffer.selection_end
diff --git a/modules/textadept/find.lua b/modules/textadept/find.lua
index f770e2dd..4010a5d6 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/find.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/find.lua
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ local function find_(text, next, flags, nowrap, wrapped)
return result
-events.connect('find', find_)
+events.connect(events.FIND, find_)
-- Finds and selects text incrementally in the current buffer from a start
-- point.
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ function find.find_incremental()
-events.connect('command_entry_keypress', function(code)
+events.connect(events.COMMAND_ENTRY_KEYPRESS, function(code)
local K = _G.keys.KEYSYMS
if find.incremental then
if K[code] == 'esc' then
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ events.connect('command_entry_keypress', function(code)
end, 1) -- place before command_entry.lua's handler (if necessary)
-- 'Find next' for incremental search.
-events.connect('command_entry_command', function(text)
+events.connect(events.COMMAND_ENTRY_COMMAND, function(text)
if find.incremental then
find.incremental_start = buffer.current_pos + 1
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ local function replace(rtext)
-events.connect('replace', replace)
+events.connect(events.REPLACE, replace)
-- Replaces all found text.
-- If any text is selected, all found text in that selection is replaced.
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ local function replace_all(ftext, rtext, flags)
gui.statusbar_text = ("%d %s"):format(count, L('replacement(s) made'))
-events.connect('replace_all', replace_all)
+events.connect(events.REPLACE_ALL, replace_all)
-- When the user double-clicks a found file, go to the line in the file the text
-- was found at.
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ local function goto_file(pos, line_num)
-events.connect('double_click', goto_file)
+events.connect(events.DOUBLE_CLICK, goto_file)
-- LuaDoc is in core/.find.luadoc.
function find.goto_file_in_list(next)
@@ -358,5 +358,5 @@ function find.goto_file_in_list(next)
if buffer then buffer:marker_set_back(MARK_FIND, MARK_FIND_COLOR) end
function() buffer:marker_set_back(MARK_FIND, MARK_FIND_COLOR) end)
diff --git a/modules/textadept/keys.lua b/modules/textadept/keys.lua
index ddd237af..b4da1271 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/keys.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/keys.lua
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ local function toggle_setting(setting, i)
elseif type(state) == 'number' then
buffer[setting] = buffer[setting] == 0 and (i or 1) or 0
- events.emit('update_ui') -- for updating statusbar
+ events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI) -- for updating statusbar
local RECENT_FILES = _SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type()
function(type, text) if type == RECENT_FILES then io.open_file(text) end end)
local function show_recent_file_list()
local buffer = buffer
diff --git a/modules/textadept/menu.lua b/modules/textadept/menu.lua
index 2051820e..9343efaa 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/menu.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/menu.lua
@@ -10,26 +10,13 @@ local gui = _G.gui
-- This module, like _m.textadept.keys, should be 'require'ed last.
module('_m.textadept.menu', package.seeall)
--- Markdown:
--- ## Events
--- The following is a list of all menu events generated in
--- `event_name(arguments)` format:
--- * **menu\_clicked** (menu\_id)<br />
--- Called when a menu item is selected.
--- - menu\_id: the numeric ID of the menu item set in
--- [`gui.gtkmenu()`][gui_gtkmenu].
--- [gui_gtkmenu]: ../modules/gui.html#gtkmenu
local _buffer, _view = buffer, view
local m_textadept, m_editing = _m.textadept, _m.textadept.editing
local SEPARATOR = { 'separator' }
local function set_encoding(encoding)
- events.emit('update_ui') -- for updating statusbar
+ events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI) -- for updating statusbar
local function toggle_setting(setting, i)
local state = buffer[setting]
@@ -38,21 +25,21 @@ local function toggle_setting(setting, i)
elseif type(state) == 'number' then
buffer[setting] = buffer[setting] == 0 and (i or 1) or 0
- events.emit('update_ui') -- for updating statusbar
+ events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI) -- for updating statusbar
local function set_indentation(i)
buffer.indent, buffer.tab_width = i, i
- events.emit('update_ui') -- for updating statusbar
+ events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI) -- for updating statusbar
local function set_eol_mode(mode)
buffer.eol_mode = mode
- events.emit('update_ui') -- for updating statusbar
+ events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI) -- for updating statusbar
local function set_lexer(lexer)
buffer:colourise(0, -1)
- events.emit('update_ui') -- for updating statusbar
+ events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI) -- for updating statusbar
local function open_webpage(url)
local cmd
@@ -361,7 +348,7 @@ set_contextmenu(context_menu)
-- Most of this handling code comes from keys.lua.
local no_args = {}
-events.connect('menu_clicked', function(menu_id)
+events.connect(events.MENU_CLICKED, function(menu_id)
local action, action_type
if menu_id > 1000 then
action = context_actions[menu_id - 1000]
diff --git a/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua b/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua
index 6d81455d..dcc7f404 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua
@@ -22,16 +22,15 @@ module('_m.textadept.mime_types', package.seeall)
-- [buffer_set_lexer_language]: buffer.html#buffer:set_lexer_language
--- ## Events
+-- ## Mime-type Events
--- The following is a list of all mime-type events generated in
--- `event_name(arguments)` format:
--- * **language\_module\_loaded** (lang)<br />
--- Called when a language-specific module is loaded. This is useful for
--- overriding its key commands since they are not available when Textadept
--- starts.
--- - lang: The language lexer name.
+-- * `_G.events.LANGUAGE_MODULE_LOADED`: Called when loading a language-specific
+-- module. This is useful for overriding its key commands since they are not
+-- available when Textadept starts. Arguments:<br />
+-- * `lang`: The language lexer name.
+-- Events.
+events.LANGUAGE_MODULE_LOADED = 'language_module_loaded'
-- File extensions with their associated lexers.
@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ local function set_lexer(buffer, lang)
if ret then
ret, err = pcall(require, lang..'.post_init')
- events.emit('language_module_loaded', lang)
+ events.emit(events.LANGUAGE_MODULE_LOADED, lang)
local module_not_found = "^module '"..lang.."[^\']*' not found:"
if not ret and not err:find(module_not_found) then error(err) end
@@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ local function get_lexer(buffer, current)
return get_style_name(buffer, style_at[i]):match('^(.+)_whitespace$') or lexer
-events.connect('buffer_new', function()
+events.connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, function()
buffer.set_lexer, buffer.get_lexer = set_lexer, get_lexer
buffer.get_style_name = get_style_name
end, 1)
@@ -213,11 +212,11 @@ local function restore_lexer()
local connect = events.connect
-connect('file_opened', handle_new)
-connect('file_saved_as', handle_new)
-connect('buffer_after_switch', restore_lexer)
-connect('view_new', restore_lexer, 1)
+connect(events.FILE_OPENED, handle_new)
+connect(events.FILE_SAVED_AS, handle_new)
+connect(events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH, restore_lexer)
+connect(events.VIEW_NEW, restore_lexer, 1)
function() buffer:set_lexer(buffer._lexer or 'container') end)
diff --git a/modules/textadept/run.lua b/modules/textadept/run.lua
index 65526386..684bf0ab 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/run.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/run.lua
@@ -123,4 +123,4 @@ function goto_error(pos, line_num)
-events.connect('double_click', goto_error)
+events.connect(events.DOUBLE_CLICK, goto_error)
diff --git a/modules/textadept/session.lua b/modules/textadept/session.lua
index fbda6ae9..a92ceb3e 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/session.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/session.lua
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function load(filename)
buffer._type = filename
- events.emit('file_opened', filename)
+ events.emit(events.FILE_OPENED, filename)
-- Restore saved buffer selection and view.
local anchor = tonumber(anchor) or 0
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ function save(filename)
-events.connect('quit', function() if SAVE_ON_QUIT then save() end end, 1)
+events.connect(events.QUIT, function() if SAVE_ON_QUIT then save() end end, 1)
local function no_session() SAVE_ON_QUIT = false end
args.register('-n', '--nosession', 0, no_session, 'No session functionality')
diff --git a/modules/textadept/snippets.lua b/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
index 0f4369b3..a3cfa313 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ _snippet_mt = {
if buffer then buffer.indic_style[INDIC_SNIPPET] = INDIC_HIDDEN end
function() buffer.indic_style[INDIC_SNIPPET] = INDIC_HIDDEN end)