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authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2012-12-30 15:14:26 -0500
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2012-12-30 15:14:26 -0500
commitb639b209cf152c228edbb5a6e7d1573784a6602f (patch)
parent6c5be8756b02d0d3f9dbb7366aca545dfb9cf477 (diff)
Updated Lua Adeptsense.
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/modules/lua/api b/modules/lua/api
index 7c6b2d25..49804274 100644
--- a/modules/lua/api
+++ b/modules/lua/api
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ FILE_AFTER_SAVE io._G.events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE (string)\nCalled right after saving
FILE_BEFORE_SAVE io._G.events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE (string)\nCalled right before saving a file to disk.\nEmitted by `buffer:save()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
FILE_OPENED io._G.events.FILE_OPENED (string)\nCalled when opening a file in a new buffer.\nEmitted by `open_file()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
FILE_SAVED_AS io._G.events.FILE_SAVED_AS (string)\nCalled after saving a file under a different filename.\nEmitted by `buffer:save_as()`.\nArguments:\n\n* _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
-FILTER _M.textadept.snapopen.FILTER (table)\nDefault file and directory filters.\nContains common binary file extensions and version control folders.
+FILTER _M.textadept.snapopen.FILTER (table)\nThe default filter table containing common binary file extensions and version\ncontrol folders to exclude from snapopen file lists.
FIND events.FIND (string)\nCalled to find text via the Find dialog box.\nArguments:\n\n* _`text`_: The text to search for.\n* _`next`_: Whether or not to search forward.
FIND_WRAPPED gui.find._G.events.FIND_WRAPPED (string)\nCalled when a search for text wraps, either from bottom to top when\nsearching for a next occurrence, or from top to bottom when searching for a\nprevious occurrence.\nThis is useful for implementing a more visual or audible notice when a\nsearch wraps in addition to the statusbar message.
FUNCTION _M.textadept.adeptsense.FUNCTION (string)\nCtags kind for Adeptsense functions.
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ NUMBER lexer.NUMBER (string)\nThe token name for number tokens.
OPERATOR lexer.OPERATOR (string)\nThe token name for operator tokens.
OSX _G.OSX (bool)\nIf Textadept is running on Mac OSX, this flag is `true`.
P lpeg.P(value)\nConverts the given value into a proper pattern, according to the following\nrules:\n * If the argument is a pattern, it is returned unmodified.\n * If the argument is a string, it is translated to a pattern that matches\n literally the string.\n * If the argument is a non-negative number n, the result is a pattern that\n matches exactly n characters.\n * If the argument is a negative number -n, the result is a pattern that\n succeeds only if the input string does not have n characters: lpeg.P(-n)\n is equivalent to -lpeg.P(n) (see the unary minus operation).\n * If the argument is a boolean, the result is a pattern that always\n succeeds or always fails (according to the boolean value), without\n consuming any input.\n * If the argument is a table, it is interpreted as a grammar (see\n Grammars).\n * If the argument is a function, returns a pattern equivalent to a\n match-time capture over the empty string.
-PATHS _M.textadept.snapopen.PATHS (table)\nTable of default UTF-8 paths to search.
PREPROCESSOR lexer.PREPROCESSOR (string)\nThe token name for preprocessor tokens.
QUIT events.QUIT (string)\nCalled when quitting Textadept.\nWhen connecting to this event, connect with an index of 1 or the handler\nwill be ignored.\nEmitted by `quit()`.
R lpeg.R({range})\nReturns a pattern that matches any single character belonging to one of the\ngiven ranges. Each range is a string xy of length 2, representing all\ncharacters with code between the codes of x and y (both inclusive).\n\nAs an example, the pattern lpeg.R("09") matches any digit, and lpeg.R("az",\n"AZ") matches any ASCII letter.
@@ -1287,7 +1286,7 @@ next_user_list_type _SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type()\nReturns a unique user list
nonnewline lexer.nonnewline (pattern)\nA pattern matching any non-newline character.
nonnewline_esc lexer.nonnewline_esc (pattern)\nA pattern matching any non-newline character excluding newlines escaped\nwith '\'.
oct_num lexer.oct_num (pattern)\nA pattern matching an octal number.
-open _M.textadept.snapopen.open(utf8_paths, filter, exclude_PATHS, exclude_FILTER, depth)\nQuickly open files in set of directories using a filtered list dialog.\nThe number of files in the list is capped at `MAX`.\n@param utf8_paths A UTF-8 string directory path or table of UTF-8 directory\n paths to search.\n@param filter A filter for files and folders to exclude. The filter may be\n a string or table. Each filter is a Lua pattern. Any files matching a\n filter are excluded. Prefix a pattern with '!' to exclude any files that\n do not match a filter. File extensions can be more efficiently excluded by\n adding the extension text to a table assigned to an `extensions` key in the\n filter table instead of using individual filters. Directories can be\n excluded by adding filters to a table assigned to a `folders` key in the\n filter table. All strings should be UTF-8 encoded.\n@param exclude_PATHS Flag indicating whether or not to exclude `PATHS` in the\n search. The default value is `false`.\n@param exclude_FILTER Flag indicating whether or not to exclude `FILTER` from\n `filter` in the search. If false, adds `FILTER` to the given `filter`.\n The default value is `false`.\n@param depth Number of directories to recurse into for finding files.\n The default value is `DEFAULT_DEPTH`.\n@usage _M.textadept.snapopen.open() -- list all files in PATHS\n@usage _M.textadept.snapopen.open(buffer.filename:match('^.+/'), nil, true)\n -- list all files in the current file's directory\n@usage _M.textadept.snapopen.open(nil, '!%.lua$') -- list all Lua files in\n PATHS\n@usage _M.textadept.snapopen.open('/project', {folders = {'secret'}},\n true) -- list all project files except those in a secret folder\n@see PATHS\n@see FILTER\n@see DEFAULT_DEPTH\n@see MAX
+open _M.textadept.snapopen.open(utf8_paths, filter, exclude_FILTER, depth)\nQuickly open files from the set of directories *utf8_paths* using a filtered\nlist dialog.\nFiles shown in the dialog do not match any pattern in string or table\n*filter*, and, unless *exclude_FILTER* is `true`, `FILTER` as well. A filter\ntable contains Lua patterns that match filenames to exclude. Patterns\nstarting with '!' exclude files that do not match the pattern that follows.\nThe filter may also contain an `extensions` key whose value is a table of\nfile extensions to exclude. Additionally, it may contain a `folders` key\nwhose value is a table of folder names to exclude. Extensions and folder\nnames must be encoded in UTF-8. The number of files in the list is capped at\n`MAX`.\n@param utf8_paths A UTF-8 string directory path or table of UTF-8 directory\n paths to search.\n@param filter Optional filter for files and folders to exclude.\n@param exclude_FILTER Optional flag indicating whether or not to exclude the\n default filter `FILTER` in the search. If `false`, adds `FILTER` to\n *filter*.\n The default value is `false` to include the default filter.\n@param depth Number of directories to recurse into for finding files.\n The default value is `DEFAULT_DEPTH`.\n@usage _M.textadept.snapopen.open(buffer.filename:match('^.+/')) -- list all\n files in the current file's directory, subject to the default filter\n@usage _M.textadept.snapopen.open('/project', '!%.lua$') -- list all Lua\n files in a project directory\n@usage _M.textadept.snapopen.open('/project', {folders = {'build'}}) -- list\n all source files in a project directory\n@see FILTER\n@see DEFAULT_DEPTH\n@see MAX
open io.open(filename [, mode])\nThis function opens a file, in the mode specified in the string `mode`. It\nreturns a new file handle, or, in case of errors, nil plus an error message.\n\nThe `mode` string can be any of the following:\n "r": read mode (the default);\n "w": write mode;\n "a": append mode;\n "r+": update mode, all previous data is preserved;\n "w+": update mode, all previous data is erased;\n "a+": append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only\n allowed at the end of file.\n\nThe `mode` string can also have a '`b`' at the end, which is needed in\nsome systems to open the file in binary mode.
open_file io.open_file(utf8_filenames)\nOpens *utf8_filenames*, a "\n" delimited string of UTF-8-encoded filenames,\nor user-selected files.\nEmits a `FILE_OPENED` event.\n@param utf8_filenames Optional list of UTF-8-encoded filenames to open. If\n `nil`, the user is prompted with a fileselect dialog.\n@see _G.events
open_recent_file io.open_recent_file()\nPrompts the user to open a recently opened file.\n@see recent_files
diff --git a/modules/lua/tags b/modules/lua/tags
index e49c1021..21b65388 100644
--- a/modules/lua/tags
+++ b/modules/lua/tags
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ NUMBER _ 0;" F class:lexer
OPERATOR _ 0;" F class:lexer
OSX _ 0;" F
P _ 0;" f class:lpeg
-PATHS _ 0;" t class:_M.textadept.snapopen
PREPROCESSOR _ 0;" F class:lexer
QUIT _ 0;" F class:events
R _ 0;" f class:lpeg