diff options
authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+orbitalquark@users.noreply.github.com>2022-02-24 22:05:27 -0500
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+orbitalquark@users.noreply.github.com>2022-02-24 22:05:27 -0500
commit9a4ac2df0e594f64c54e4732025cdc25fdd42afe (patch)
parentee2089956dd1a232cda4ef5604b95a8933e0e12c (diff)
Fourth pass refactoring Makefile.
Allow building Linux, Windows, and macOS binaries concurrently and/or in the same area.
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index b314f854..467bc674 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -4,94 +4,14 @@
CXXFLAGS := -Os -std=c++17
lua_flags := -Ilua/src
-ifeq (win, $(findstring win, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
- # Cross-compile for Win32.
- CROSS := i686-w64-mingw32-
- CC := $(CROSS)gcc
- CXX := $(CROSS)g++
- CFLAGS += -mms-bitfields
- CXXFLAGS += -mms-bitfields
- lua_flags += -DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL -DLUA_LIB
- LDFLAGS := -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -Wl,--retain-symbols-file -Wl,$(shell pwd)/lua.sym
- WINDRES := windres
- gtk_flags := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/win32gtk/lib/pkgconfig \
- pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=win32gtk --cflags gtk+-2.0)
- gtk_libs += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/win32gtk/lib/pkgconfig \
- pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=win32gtk --libs gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0)
- glib_flags := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/win32gtk/lib/pkgconfig \
- pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=win32gtk --cflags glib-2.0)
- curses_flags := -DLIBICONV_STATIC -Iwin32curses/include
-else ifeq (osx, $(findstring osx, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
- # Cross-compile for macOS.
- CROSS := x86_64-apple-darwin17-
- CC := $(CROSS)cc
- CXX := $(CROSS)c++
- CFLAGS += -mdynamic-no-pic
- CXXFLAGS += -mdynamic-no-pic -stdlib=libc++ -Wno-register
- LDLIBS := -liconv
- lua_flags += -DLUA_USE_MACOSX
- gtk_flags := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/gtkosx/lib/pkgconfig \
- pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=gtkosx --cflags gtk+-2.0)
- gtk_libs := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/gtkosx/lib/pkgconfig \
- pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=gtkosx --libs gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0 gtk-mac-integration) \
- -framework Cocoa
- glib_flags := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/gtkosx/lib/pkgconfig \
- pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=gtkosx --cflags glib-2.0)
- # Build for Linux/BSD.
- lua_flags += -DLUA_USE_LINUX
- ifeq (Linux, $(shell uname -s))
- CC := gcc
- CXX := g++
- LDLIBS := -ldl
- MAKE := make
- else
- CC := cc
- CXX := c++
- LDLIBS := -liconv
- MAKE := gmake
- endif
- LDFLAGS := -rdynamic -Wl,--retain-symbols-file -Wl,$(shell pwd)/lua.sym
- PREFIX ?= /usr/local
- bin_dir := $(PREFIX)/bin
- data_dir := $(PREFIX)/share/textadept
- XDG_DATA_DIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/applications
- PIXMAPS_DIR ?= /usr/share/pixmaps
- desktop_files := $(wildcard *.desktop)
- ifndef GTK3
- gtk_flags := $(shell pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0)
- gtk_libs += $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0)
- else
- gtk_flags := $(shell pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0 gmodule-2.0) -Wno-deprecated-declarations
- gtk_libs += $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0 gmodule-2.0)
- endif
- glib_flags := $(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0)
- curses_flags := $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags ncursesw || \
- pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags ncurses || pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags curses)
- curses_libs := $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --libs ncursesw || \
- pkg-config --silence-errors --libs ncurses || pkg-config --silence-errors --libs curses || \
- echo -lncursesw) -lpthread
- ifeq (, $(findstring curses, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
- install_targets := ../textadept
- else
- install_targets := ../textadept-curses
- endif
-version := $(shell grep -m 1 _RELEASE ../core/init.lua | cut -d ' ' -f4- | tr ' ' '_' | tr -d "'")
WGET := wget -O $@
+# Utility functions.
objs = $(addsuffix .o, $(filter-out $(2), $(basename $(notdir $(wildcard $(1))))))
curses-objs = $(addsuffix -curses.o, $(basename $(notdir $(1))))
-# Executables.
-exes := textadept textadept-curses textadept.exe textadept-curses.exe textadept-osx \
- textadept-osx-curses
-.PHONY: all curses win32 osx $(exes)
-all: textadept textadept-curses
-curses: textadept-curses
-win32: textadept.exe textadept-curses.exe
-osx: textadept-osx textadept-osx-curses
+win-objs = $(addprefix win-, $(1))
+osx-objs = $(addprefix osx-, $(1))
+all-objs = $(1) $(call win-objs, $(1)) $(call osx-objs, $(1))
# Scintilla.
@@ -151,32 +71,116 @@ endif
# Target-specific compiler and linker flags.
-$(sci_objs): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags)
-$(sci_lexlib_objs): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags)
-$(sci_lexer_objs): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags) $(lua_flags) -DNO_SCITE -DNO_DLL
-$(sci_lexer_gtk_objs): CXXFLAGS += -DGTK
-$(sci_lexer_curses_objs): CXXFLAGS += -DCURSES $(curses_flags)
-$(sci_gtk_objs): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags) -DGTK $(gtk_flags)
-$(sci_gtk_c_objs): CFLAGS += $(gtk_flags)
-$(sci_curses_objs): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags) -DCURSES $(curses_flags)
-$(textadept_objs): CFLAGS += $(lua_flags) $(ta_flags)
-$(textadept_gtk_objs): CFLAGS += -DGTK $(gtk_flags)
-$(textadept_curses_objs): CFLAGS += -DCURSES -Iscintilla/curses -Itermkey -Icdk $(curses_flags)
-$(lua_objs): CFLAGS += $(lua_flags) -ULUA_LIB
-$(lua_oslib_objs): CFLAGS += -std=c99 -pedantic $(lua_flags) -ULUA_LIB
-$(lua_oslib_gtk_objs): CFLAGS += -DGTK $(glib_flags)
-$(lua_lib_objs): CFLAGS += $(lua_flags)
-$(gtdialog_objs): CFLAGS += -std=c99 -pedantic -DNOHELP -DLIBRARY
-$(gtdialog_gtk_objs): CFLAGS += -DGTK $(gtk_flags)
-$(gtdialog_curses_objs): CFLAGS += -DCURSES -I. -Icdk $(curses_flags)
-$(cdk_objs): CFLAGS += -D_GNU_SOURCE -Itermkey -Icdk $(curses_flags)
-$(termkey_all_objs): CFLAGS += -std=c99 $(curses_flags)
-textadept textadept.exe textadept-osx: LDFLAGS += $(gtk_libs)
+$(call all-objs, $(sci_objs)): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(sci_lexlib_objs)): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(sci_lexer_objs)): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags) $(lua_flags) -DNO_SCITE -DNO_DLL
+$(call all-objs, $(sci_lexer_gtk_objs)): CXXFLAGS += -DGTK
+$(call all-objs, $(sci_lexer_curses_objs)): CXXFLAGS += -DCURSES $(curses_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(sci_gtk_objs)): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags) -DGTK $(gtk_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(sci_gtk_c_objs)): CFLAGS += $(gtk_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(sci_curses_objs)): CXXFLAGS += $(sci_flags) -DCURSES $(curses_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(textadept_objs)): CFLAGS += $(lua_flags) $(ta_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(textadept_gtk_objs)): CFLAGS += -DGTK $(gtk_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(textadept_curses_objs)): CFLAGS += -DCURSES -Iscintilla/curses -Itermkey -Icdk $(curses_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(lua_objs)): CFLAGS += $(lua_flags) -ULUA_LIB
+$(call all-objs, $(lua_oslib_objs)): CFLAGS += -std=c99 -pedantic $(lua_flags) -ULUA_LIB
+$(call all-objs, $(lua_oslib_gtk_objs)): CFLAGS += -DGTK $(glib_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(lua_lib_objs)): CFLAGS += $(lua_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(gtdialog_objs)): CFLAGS += -std=c99 -pedantic -DNOHELP -DLIBRARY
+$(call all-objs, $(gtdialog_gtk_objs)): CFLAGS += -DGTK $(gtk_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(gtdialog_curses_objs)): CFLAGS += -DCURSES -I. -Icdk $(curses_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(cdk_objs)): CFLAGS += -D_GNU_SOURCE -Itermkey -Icdk $(curses_flags)
+$(call all-objs, $(termkey_all_objs)): CFLAGS += -std=c99 $(curses_flags)
+common_objs := $(sci_objs) $(sci_lexlib_objs) $(lua_objs) $(lua_lib_objs)
+gui_objs := $(sci_lexer_gtk_objs) $(sci_gtk_objs) $(sci_gtk_c_objs) $(textadept_gtk_objs) \
+ $(lua_oslib_gtk_objs) $(gtdialog_gtk_objs)
+curses_objs := $(sci_lexer_curses_objs) $(sci_curses_objs) $(textadept_curses_objs) \
+ $(lua_oslib_curses_objs) $(gtdialog_curses_objs) $(termkey_objs) $(cdk_objs)
+linux_objs := $(common_objs) $(gui_objs) $(curses_objs) $(termkey_unix_objs)
+win_objs := $(call win-objs, $(common_objs) $(gui_objs) $(curses_objs)) $(termkey_win_objs) $(textadept_rc_objs)
+osx_objs := $(call osx-objs, $(common_objs) $(gui_objs) $(curses_objs) $(termkey_unix_objs))
+# Compile natively for Linux.
+ifeq (Linux, $(shell uname -s))
+$(linux_objs): CC := gcc
+$(linux_objs): CXX := g++
+$(linux_objs): CC := cc
+$(linux_objs): CXX := c++
+$(linux_objs): lua_flags += -DLUA_USE_LINUX
+# Define flags once for speed.
+ifndef GTK3
+ gtk_flags_linux := $(shell pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0)
+ gtk_flags_linux := $(shell pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0 gmodule-2.0) -Wno-deprecated-declarations
+glib_flags_linux := $(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0)
+curses_flags_linux := $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags ncursesw || \
+ pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags ncurses || pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags curses)
+$(linux_objs): gtk_flags := $(gtk_flags_linux)
+$(linux_objs): glib_flags := $(glib_flags_linux)
+$(linux_objs): curses_flags := $(curses_flags_linux)
+textadept textadept-curses: LDFLAGS := -rdynamic -Wl,--retain-symbols-file -Wl,$(shell pwd)/lua.sym
+ifeq (Linux, $(shell uname -s))
+textadept textadept-curses: LDLIBS := -ldl
+textadept textadept-curses: LDLIBS := -liconv
+ifndef GTK3
+textadept: LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0)
+textadept: LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0 gmodule-2.0)
+textadept-curses: LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --libs ncursesw || \
+ pkg-config --silence-errors --libs ncurses || pkg-config --silence-errors --libs curses || \
+ echo -lncursesw) -lpthread
+# Cross-compile for Win32.
+$(win_objs): CROSS := i686-w64-mingw32-
+$(win_objs): CC := $(CROSS)gcc
+$(win_objs): CXX := $(CROSS)g++
+$(win_objs): CFLAGS += -mms-bitfields
+$(win_objs): CXXFLAGS += -mms-bitfields
+$(win_objs): lua_flags += -DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL -DLUA_LIB
+$(win_objs): WINDRES := $(CROSS)windres
+# Define flags once for speed.
+gtk_flags_win := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/win32gtk/lib/pkgconfig \
+ pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=win32gtk --cflags gtk+-2.0)
+glib_flags_win := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/win32gtk/lib/pkgconfig \
+ pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=win32gtk --cflags glib-2.0)
+$(win_objs): gtk_flags := $(gtk_flags_win)
+$(win_objs): glib_flags := $(glib_flags_win)
+$(win_objs): curses_flags := -DLIBICONV_STATIC -Iwin32curses/include
textadept.exe: CXXFLAGS += -mwindows
-textadept.exe: LDLIBS = -liconv
-textadept-curses: LDFLAGS += $(curses_libs)
-textadept-curses.exe: LDLIBS = win32curses/lib/pdcurses.a win32curses/lib/libiconv.a
+textadept.exe: LDFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/win32gtk/lib/pkgconfig \
+ pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=win32gtk --libs gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0)
+textadept.exe: LDLIBS := -liconv
+textadept-curses.exe: LDLIBS := win32curses/lib/pdcurses.a win32curses/lib/libiconv.a
+textadept.exe textadept-curses.exe: LDFLAGS := -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -Wl,--retain-symbols-file -Wl,$(shell pwd)/lua.sym
+# Cross-compile for macOS.
+$(osx_objs): CROSS := x86_64-apple-darwin17-
+$(osx_objs): CC := $(CROSS)cc
+$(osx_objs): CXX := $(CROSS)c++
+$(osx_objs): CFLAGS += -mdynamic-no-pic
+$(osx_objs): CXXFLAGS += -mdynamic-no-pic -stdlib=libc++ -Wno-register
+$(osx_objs): lua_flags += -DLUA_USE_MACOSX
+# Define flags once for speed.
+gtk_flags_osx := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/gtkosx/lib/pkgconfig \
+ pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=gtkosx --cflags gtk+-2.0)
+glib_flags_osx := $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/gtkosx/lib/pkgconfig \
+ pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=gtkosx --cflags glib-2.0)
+$(osx_objs): gtk_flags := $(gtk_flags_osx)
+$(osx_objs): glib_flags := $(glib_flags_osx)
+textadept-osx: LDFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/gtkosx/lib/pkgconfig \
+ pkg-config --define-variable=prefix=gtkosx --libs gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0 gtk-mac-integration) \
+ -framework Cocoa
+textadept-osx textadept-osx-curses: LDLIBS := -liconv
textadept-osx-curses: LDLIBS += -lncurses
# Build.
@@ -192,35 +196,72 @@ define build-exe =
$(sci_objs): %.o: scintilla/src/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
+$(call win-objs, $(sci_objs)): win-%.o: scintilla/src/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
+$(call osx-objs, $(sci_objs)): osx-%.o: scintilla/src/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
$(sci_lexlib_objs): %.o: lexilla/lexlib/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
-$(sci_lexer_objs): LexLPeg.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
+$(call win-objs, $(sci_lexlib_objs)): win-%.o: lexilla/lexlib/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
+$(call osx-objs, $(sci_lexlib_objs)): osx-%.o: lexilla/lexlib/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
+$(call all-objs, $(sci_lexer_objs)): LexLPeg.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
$(sci_gtk_objs): %.o: scintilla/gtk/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
+$(call win-objs, $(sci_gtk_objs)): win-%.o: scintilla/gtk/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
+$(call osx-objs, $(sci_gtk_objs)): osx-%.o: scintilla/gtk/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
$(sci_gtk_c_objs): %.o: scintilla/gtk/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call win-objs, $(sci_gtk_c_objs)): win-%.o: scintilla/gtk/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call osx-objs, $(sci_gtk_c_objs)): osx-%.o: scintilla/gtk/%.c ; $(build-cc)
$(sci_curses_objs): %.o: scintilla/curses/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
-$(textadept_objs): textadept.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call win-objs, $(sci_curses_objs)): win-%.o: scintilla/curses/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
+$(call osx-objs, $(sci_curses_objs)): osx-%.o: scintilla/curses/%.cxx ; $(build-cxx)
+$(call all-objs, $(textadept_objs)): textadept.c ; $(build-cc)
$(lua_objs): %.o: lua/src/%.c ; $(build-cc)
-$(lua_oslib_objs): lua/src/loslib.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call win-objs, $(lua_objs)): win-%.o: lua/src/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call osx-objs, $(lua_objs)): osx-%.o: lua/src/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call all-objs, $(lua_oslib_objs)): lua/src/loslib.c ; $(build-cc)
$(lua_lib_objs): %.o: lua/src/lib/%.c ; $(build-cc)
-$(gtdialog_objs): gtdialog/gtdialog.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call win-objs, $(lua_lib_objs)): win-%.o: lua/src/lib/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call osx-objs, $(lua_lib_objs)): osx-%.o: lua/src/lib/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call all-objs, $(gtdialog_objs)): gtdialog/gtdialog.c ; $(build-cc)
$(cdk_objs): cdk-%.o: cdk/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call win-objs, $(cdk_objs)): win-cdk-%.o: cdk/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call osx-objs, $(cdk_objs)): osx-cdk-%.o: cdk/%.c ; $(build-cc)
$(termkey_all_objs): %.o: termkey/%.c ; $(build-cc)
-$(textadept_rc_objs): textadept.rc ; $(CROSS)$(WINDRES) $< $@
+$(call win-objs, $(termkey_all_objs)): win-%.o: termkey/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(call osx-objs, $(termkey_all_objs)): osx-%.o: termkey/%.c ; $(build-cc)
+$(textadept_rc_objs): textadept.rc ; $(WINDRES) $< $@
-common_objs := $(sci_objs) $(sci_lexlib_objs) $(lua_objs) $(lua_lib_objs)
-gui_objs := $(sci_lexer_gtk_objs) $(sci_gtk_objs) $(sci_gtk_c_objs) $(textadept_gtk_objs) \
- $(lua_oslib_gtk_objs) $(gtdialog_gtk_objs)
-curses_objs := $(sci_lexer_curses_objs) $(sci_curses_objs) $(textadept_curses_objs) \
- $(lua_oslib_curses_objs) $(gtdialog_curses_objs) $(termkey_objs) $(cdk_objs)
+exes := textadept textadept-curses textadept.exe textadept-curses.exe textadept-osx \
+ textadept-osx-curses
-$(exes): $(common_objs) ; $(build-exe)
-textadept textadept.exe textadept-osx: $(gui_objs)
-textadept.exe: $(textadept_rc_objs)
-textadept-curses textadept-curses.exe textadept-osx-curses: $(curses_objs)
-textadept-curses textadept-osx-curses: $(termkey_unix_objs)
-textadept-curses.exe: $(termkey_win_objs) $(textadept_rc_objs)
+.PHONY: all curses win32 osx $(exes)
+all: textadept textadept-curses
+curses: textadept-curses
+win32: textadept.exe textadept-curses.exe
+osx: textadept-osx textadept-osx-curses
+$(exes): ; $(build-exe)
+textadept textadept-curses: $(common_objs)
+textadept: $(gui_objs)
+textadept-curses: $(curses_objs) $(termkey_unix_objs)
+textadept.exe textadept-curses.exe: $(call win-objs, $(common_objs)) $(textadept_rc_objs)
+textadept.exe: $(call win-objs, $(gui_objs))
+textadept-curses.exe: $(call win-objs, $(curses_objs)) $(termkey_win_objs)
+textadept-osx textadept-osx-curses: $(call osx-objs, $(common_objs))
+textadept-osx: $(call osx-objs, $(gui_objs))
+textadept-osx-curses: $(call osx-objs, $(curses_objs) $(termkey_unix_objs))
# Install/uninstall.
+PREFIX ?= /usr/local
+bin_dir := $(PREFIX)/bin
+data_dir := $(PREFIX)/share/textadept
+XDG_DATA_DIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/applications
+PIXMAPS_DIR ?= /usr/share/pixmaps
+desktop_files := $(wildcard *.desktop)
+ifeq (, $(findstring curses, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
+ install_targets := ../textadept
+ install_targets := ../textadept-curses
.PHONY: install uninstall
install: $(install_targets) | ../core ../docs ../init.lua ../lexers ../LICENSE ../modules ../themes
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(bin_dir) $(DESTDIR)$(data_dir)
@@ -248,6 +289,8 @@ clean: ; rm -f *.o ../textadept*
# Documentation.
+version := $(shell grep -m 1 _RELEASE ../core/init.lua | cut -d ' ' -f4- | tr ' ' '_' | tr -d "'")
modules := $(addprefix ../modules/, ansi_c lua textadept)