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authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2009-02-15 15:43:30 -0500
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2009-02-15 15:43:30 -0500
commit4b55845165e27528b28c3c704884ae21b0d18469 (patch)
parent950467275af67f71afd120ae6f38f9fb96af8946 (diff)
Rewrote modules/textadept/run.lua.
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/modules/textadept/run.lua b/modules/textadept/run.lua
index 8923eeb6..b8076ccf 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/run.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/run.lua
@@ -8,83 +8,40 @@ local locale = _G.locale
module('_m.textadept.run', package.seeall)
--- [Local function] Prints a command and its output to Textadept.
--- @param cmd The OS command executed.
--- @param output The output from that OS command.
-local function print_command(cmd, output)
- textadept.print('> '..cmd..'\n'..output)
- buffer:goto_pos(buffer.length)
--- Passes the current file to a specified compiler to run with the given flags
--- and prints the output to Textadept.
--- @param compiler The system's compiler for the file.
--- @param cflags A string of flags to pass to the interpreter.
--- @param args Table of arguments key keys as follows:
--- * filename_noext_with_flag The value of this flag passed to the compiler
--- is the filename without its extension.
-function compiler(compiler, cflags, args)
- if type(cflags) ~= 'string' then cflags = '' end
- if not args then args = {} end
- local file = buffer.filename
- if args.filename_noext_with_flag then
- local filename_noext = file:match('^(.+)%.')
- local flag = args.filename_noext_with_flag
- cflags = string.format('%s %s"%s"', cflags, flag, filename_noext)
- end
- local command = string.format('%s %s "%s" 2>&1', compiler, cflags, file)
- local p = io.popen(command)
+-- Executes the command line parameter and prints the output to Textadept.
+-- @param command The command line string.
+-- It can have the following macros:
+-- * %(filepath) The full path of the current file.
+-- * %(filedir) The current file's directory path.
+-- * %(filename) The name of the file including extension.
+-- * %(filename_noext) The name of the file excluding extension.
+function execute(command)
+ local filepath = buffer.filename
+ local filedir, filename = filepath:match('^(.+[/\\])([^/\\]+)$')
+ local filename_noext = filename:match('^(.+)%.')
+ command = command:gsub('%%%b()', {
+ ['%(filepath)'] = filepath,
+ ['%(filedir)'] = filedir,
+ ['%(filename)'] = filename,
+ ['%(filename_noext)'] = filename_noext,
+ })
+ local chdir = string.format('cd "%s";\n', filedir)
+ local p = io.popen(chdir..command..' 2>&1')
local out = p:read('*all')
- print_command(command, out)
--- Passes the current file to a specified interpreter to run with the given
--- flags and prints the output to Textadept.
--- @param interpreter The system's interpreter for the file.
--- @param flags A string of flags to pass to the interpreter.
--- @param args Table of arguments with keys as follows:
--- * noext Do not include the filename's extension when passing to the
--- interpreter.
--- * nopath Do not include the full filepath, only the file's name.
--- * nopath_path_with_flag Same as nopath, but use the path as the value of
--- a flag passed to the interpreter.
-function interpreter(interpreter, flags, args)
- if type(flags) ~= 'string' then flags = '' end
- if not args then args = {} end
- local file = buffer.filename
- if args.noext then file = file:match('^(.+)%.') end
- if args.nopath then file = file:match('[^/\\]+$') end
- if args.nopath_path_with_flag then
- local path = file:match('^.+/')
- local flag = args.nopath_path_with_flag
- flags = string.format('%s %s"%s"', flags, flag, path)
- file = file:match('[^/\\]+$')
- end
- local command = string.format('%s %s "%s" 2>&1', interpreter, flags, file)
- local p = io.popen(command)
- local out = p:read('*all')
- p:close()
- print_command(command, out)
+ textadept.print('> '..command..'\n'..out)
+ buffer:goto_pos(buffer.length)
--- TODO: makefile
--- TODO: etc.
-- [Local table] File extensions and their associated 'compile' actions.
--- Each key is a file extension whose value is a table with the compile function
--- and parameters given as an ordered list.
+-- Each key is a file extension whose value is a command line string to execute.
-- @class table
-- @name compile_for_ext
local compile_for_ext = {
- c = { compiler, 'gcc', '-pedantic -Os',
- { filename_noext_with_flag = '-o ' } },
- cpp = { compiler, 'g++', '-pedantic -Os',
- { filename_noext_with_flag = '-o ' } },
- java = { compiler, 'javac' },
+ c = 'gcc -pedantic -Os -o "%(filename_noext)" %(filename)',
+ cpp = 'g++ -pedantic -Os -o "%(filename_noext)" %(filename)',
+ java = 'javac "%(filename)"'
@@ -92,30 +49,24 @@ local compile_for_ext = {
-- @see compile_for_ext
function compile()
if not buffer.filename then return end
- local ext = buffer.filename:match('[^.]+$')
- local action = compile_for_ext[ext]
- if not action then return end
- local f, args = action[1], { unpack(action) }
- table.remove(args, 1) -- function
- f(unpack(args))
+ local action = compile_for_ext[buffer.filename:match('[^.]+$')]
+ if action then execute(action) end
-- [Local table] File extensions and their associated 'go' actions.
--- Each key is a file extension whose value is a table with the run function
--- and parameters given as an ordered list.
+-- Each key is a file extension whose value is a command line string to execute.
-- @class table
-- @name go_for_ext
local go_for_ext = {
- c = { interpreter, '', '', { noext = true } },
- cpp = { interpreter, '', '', { noext = true } },
- java = { interpreter, 'java', '',
- { noext = true, nopath_path_with_flag = '-cp ' } },
- lua = { interpreter, 'lua' },
- pl = { interpreter, 'perl' },
- php = { interpreter, 'php', '-f' },
- py = { interpreter, 'python' },
- rb = { interpreter, 'ruby' },
+ c = '%(filedir)%(filename_noext)',
+ cpp = '%(filedir)%(filename_noext)',
+ java = 'java %(filename_noext)',
+ lua = 'lua %(filename)',
+ pl = 'perl %(filename)',
+ php = 'php -f %(filename)',
+ py = 'python %(filename)',
+ rb = 'ruby %(filename)',
@@ -123,12 +74,8 @@ local go_for_ext = {
-- @see go_for_ext
function go()
if not buffer.filename then return end
- local ext = buffer.filename:match('[^.]+$')
- local action = go_for_ext[ext]
- if not action then return end
- local f, args = action[1], { unpack(action) }
- table.remove(args, 1) -- function
- f(unpack(args))
+ local action = go_for_ext[buffer.filename:match('[^.]+$')]
+ if action then execute(action) end