diff options
authorGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2009-02-12 19:31:14 -0500
committerGravatar mitchell <70453897+667e-11@users.noreply.github.com>2009-02-12 19:31:14 -0500
commit282fba45a5782e2dd9103fc95e78067faaa5a4cc (patch)
parentb65a6cfa7c8f5f7add9c35f50a681ee6ddd8b78d (diff)
Removed old Textmate-style snippets; Lua-style ones are the default anyway.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/modules/textadept/snippets.lua b/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b0fad9d3..00000000
--- a/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2009 Mitchell mitchell<att>caladbolg.net. See LICENSE.
-local textadept = _G.textadept
-local locale = _G.locale
--- Provides Textmate-like snippets for the textadept module.
--- There are several option variables used:
--- MARK_SNIPPET: The integer mark used to identify the line that marks the
--- end of a snippet.
--- SCOPES_ENABLED: Flag indicating whether scopes/styles can be used for
--- snippets.
--- MARK_SNIPPET_COLOR: The Scintilla color used for the line that marks the
--- end of the snippet.
-module('_m.textadept.snippets', package.seeall)
--- options
-local MARK_SNIPPET = 4
-local SCOPES_ENABLED = true
-local MARK_SNIPPET_COLOR = 0x4D9999
-local DEBUG = false
-local RUN_TESTS = false
--- end options
--- Global container that holds all snippet definitions.
--- @class table
--- @name snippets
-_G.snippets = {}
--- some default snippets
-_G.snippets.file = "$(buffer.filename)"
-_G.snippets.path = "$((buffer.filename or ''):match('^.+/))"
-_G.snippets.tab = "\${${1:1}:${2:default}}"
-_G.snippets.key = "['${1:}'] = { ${2:func}${3:, ${4:arg}} }"
--- [Local table] The current snippet.
--- @class table
--- @name snippet
-local snippet = {}
--- [Local table] The stack of currently running snippets.
--- @class table
--- @name snippet_stack
-local snippet_stack = {}
--- local functions
-local next_snippet_item
-local snippet_text, match_indention, join_lines, load_scopes
-local escape, unescape, remove_escapes, _DEBUG
--- Begins expansion of a snippet.
--- @param snippet_arg Optional snippet to expand. If none is specified, the
--- snippet is determined from the trigger word to the left of the caret, the
--- lexer, and scope.
-function insert(snippet_arg)
- local buffer = buffer
- local orig_pos, new_pos, s_name
- local sel_text = buffer:get_sel_text()
- if not snippet_arg then
- orig_pos = buffer.current_pos buffer:word_left_extend()
- new_pos = buffer.current_pos
- lexer = buffer:get_lexer_language()
- style = buffer.style_at[orig_pos]
- scope = buffer:get_style_name(style)
- s_name = buffer:get_sel_text()
- else
- if buffer.current_pos > buffer.anchor then
- buffer.current_pos, buffer.anchor = buffer.anchor, buffer.current_pos
- end
- orig_pos, new_pos = buffer.current_pos, buffer.current_pos
- end
- -- Get snippet text by lexer, scope, and/or trigger word.
- local s_text
- if s_name then
- _DEBUG('s_name: '..s_name..', lexer: '..lexer..', scope: '..scope)
- local function try_get_snippet(...)
- local table = _G.snippets
- for _, idx in ipairs(arg) do table = table[idx] end
- if table and type(table) == 'string' then return table end
- end
- local ret
- ret, s_text = pcall(try_get_snippet, lexer, scope, s_name)
- end
- if not ret then ret, s_text = pcall(try_get_snippet, lexer, s_name) end
- if not ret then ret, s_text = pcall(try_get_snippet, s_name) end
- else
- s_text = snippet_arg
- end
- buffer:begin_undo_action()
- if s_text then
- s_text = escape(s_text)
- _DEBUG('s_text escaped:\n'..s_text)
- -- Replace Lua code return.
- local env = setmetatable({ selected_text = sel_text }, { __index = _G })
- s_text = s_text:gsub('$(%b())',
- function(s)
- local f = loadstring('return '..s:sub(2, -2))
- setfenv(f, env)
- local ret, val = pcall(f)
- if ret then return val or '' end
- buffer:goto_pos(orig_pos)
- error(val)
- end)
- -- Execute any shell code.
- s_text = s_text:gsub('`(.-)`',
- function(code)
- local p = io.popen(code)
- local out = p:read('*all')
- p:close()
- if out:sub(-1) == '\n' then return out:sub(1, -2) end
- end)
- -- If another snippet is running, push it onto the stack.
- if snippet.index then snippet_stack[#snippet_stack + 1] = snippet end
- snippet = {}
- snippet.index = 0
- snippet.start_pos = buffer.current_pos
- snippet.cursor = nil
- snippet.sel_text = sel_text
- -- Make a table of placeholders and tab stops.
- local patt, patt2 = '($%b{})', '^%${(%d+):.*}$'
- local s, _, item = s_text:find(patt)
- while item do
- local num = item:match(patt2)
- if num then snippet[tonumber(num)] = unescape(item) end
- local i = s + 1
- s, _, item = s_text:find(patt, i)
- end
- s_text = unescape(s_text)
- _DEBUG('s_text unescaped:\n'..s_text)
- -- Insert the snippet and set a mark defining the end of it.
- buffer:replace_sel(s_text)
- buffer:new_line()
- local line = buffer:line_from_position(buffer.current_pos)
- snippet.end_marker = buffer:marker_add(line, MARK_SNIPPET)
- buffer:marker_set_back(MARK_SNIPPET, MARK_SNIPPET_COLOR)
- _DEBUG('snippet:')
- if DEBUG then table.foreach(snippet, print) end
- -- Indent all lines inserted.
- buffer.current_pos = new_pos
- local count, i = -1, -1
- repeat
- count = count + 1
- i = s_text:find('\n', i + 1)
- until i == nil
- match_indention(buffer:line_from_position(orig_pos), count)
- else
- buffer:goto_pos(orig_pos)
- end
- buffer:end_undo_action()
- next_snippet_item()
--- [Local function] Mirrors or transforms the most recently modified field in
--- the current snippet and moves on to the next field.
-next_snippet_item = function()
- if not snippet.index then return end
- local buffer = buffer
- local s_start, s_end, s_text = snippet_text()
- -- If something went wrong and the snippet has been 'messed' up
- -- (e.g. by undo/redo commands).
- if not s_text then cancel_current() return end
- -- Mirror and transform.
- buffer:begin_undo_action()
- if snippet.index > 0 then
- if snippet.cursor then
- buffer:set_sel(snippet.cursor, buffer.current_pos)
- else
- buffer:word_left_extend()
- end
- local last_item = buffer:get_sel_text()
- _DEBUG('last_item:\n'..last_item)
- buffer:set_sel(s_start, s_end)
- s_text = escape(s_text)
- _DEBUG('s_text escaped:\n'..s_text)
- -- Regex mirror.
- patt = '%${'..snippet.index..'/(.-)/(.-)/([iomxneus]*)}'
- s_text =
- s_text:gsub(patt,
- function(pattern, replacement, options)
- local script = [[
- li = %q(last_item)
- rep = %q(replacement)
- li =~ /pattern/options
- if data = $~
- rep.gsub!(/\#\{(.+?)\}/) do
- expr = $1.gsub(/\$(\d\d?)/, 'data[\1]')
- eval expr
- end
- puts rep.gsub(/\$(\d\d?)/) { data[$1.to_i] }
- end
- ]]
- pattern = unescape(pattern)
- replacement = unescape(replacement)
- script = script:gsub('last_item', last_item)
- script = script:gsub('pattern', pattern)
- script = script:gsub('options', options)
- script = script:gsub('replacement', replacement)
- _DEBUG('script:\n'..script)
- local p = io.popen("ruby 2>&1 <<'_EOF'\n"..script..'\n_EOF')
- local out = p:read('*all')
- p:close()
- _DEBUG('regex out:\n'..out)
- if out:sub(-1) == '\n' then out = out:sub(1, -2) end -- chomp
- return out
- end)
- _DEBUG('patterns replaced:\n'..s_text)
- -- Plain text mirror.
- local mirror = '%${'..snippet.index..'}'
- s_text = s_text:gsub(mirror, last_item)
- _DEBUG('mirrors replaced:\n'..s_text)
- else
- s_text = escape(s_text)
- _DEBUG('s_text escaped:\n'..s_text)
- end
- buffer:end_undo_action()
- buffer:set_sel(s_start, s_end)
- -- Find next snippet item or finish.
- buffer:begin_undo_action()
- snippet.index = snippet.index + 1
- if snippet[snippet.index] then
- _DEBUG('next index: '..snippet.index)
- local s = s_text:find('${'..snippet.index..':')
- local next_item = s_text:match('($%b{})', s)
- s_text = unescape(s_text)
- _DEBUG('s_text unescaped:\n'..s_text)
- buffer:replace_sel(s_text)
- if s and next_item then
- next_item = unescape(next_item)
- _DEBUG('next_item:\n'..next_item)
- local s, e
- buffer.target_start, buffer.target_end = s_start, buffer.length
- buffer.search_flags = 0
- if buffer:search_in_target(next_item) ~= -1 then
- s, e = buffer.target_start, buffer.target_end
- end
- if s and e then
- buffer:set_sel(s, e)
- snippet.cursor = s
- local patt = '^%${'..snippet.index..':(.*)}$'
- local default = next_item:match(patt)
- buffer:replace_sel(default)
- buffer:set_sel(s, s + #default)
- else
- _DEBUG('search failed:\n'..next_item)
- next_snippet_item()
- end
- else
- _DEBUG('no item for '..snippet.index)
- next_snippet_item()
- end
- else -- finished
- _DEBUG('snippet finishing...')
- s_text = s_text:gsub('${0}', '$CURSOR', 1)
- s_text = unescape(s_text)
- _DEBUG('s_text unescaped:\n'..s_text)
- s_text = remove_escapes(s_text)
- _DEBUG('s_text escapes removed:\n'..s_text)
- buffer:replace_sel(s_text)
- local _, s_end = snippet_text()
- if s_end then
- -- Compensate for extra char in CR+LF line endings.
- if buffer.eol_mode == 0 then s_end = s_end - 1 end
- buffer:goto_pos(s_end)
- join_lines()
- end
- local s, e
- buffer.target_start, buffer.target_end = s_start, buffer.length
- buffer.search_flags = 4
- if buffer:search_in_target('$CURSOR') ~= -1 then
- s, e = buffer.target_start, buffer.target_end
- end
- if s and e then
- buffer:set_sel(s, e)
- buffer:replace_sel('')
- else
- buffer:goto_pos(s_end) -- at snippet end marker
- end
- buffer:marker_delete_handle(snippet.end_marker)
- snippet = {}
- -- Restore previous running snippet (if any).
- if #snippet_stack > 0 then snippet = table.remove(snippet_stack) end
- end
- buffer:end_undo_action()
--- Cancels active snippet, reverting to the state before the snippet was
--- activated.
-function cancel_current()
- if not snippet.index then return end
- local buffer = buffer
- local s_start, s_end = snippet_text()
- if s_start and s_end then
- buffer:set_sel(s_start, s_end)
- buffer:replace_sel('')
- join_lines()
- end
- if snippet.sel_text then
- buffer:add_text(snippet.sel_text)
- buffer.anchor = buffer.anchor - #snippet.sel_text
- end
- buffer:marker_delete_handle(snippet.end_marker)
- snippet = {}
- -- Restore previous running snippet (if any).
- if #snippet_stack > 0 then snippet = table.remove(snippet_stack) end
--- Lists available snippet triggers as an autocompletion list.
--- Global snippets and snippets in the current lexer and scope are used.
-function list()
- local buffer = buffer
- local list = {}
- local function add_snippets(snippets)
- for s_name in pairs(snippets) do table.insert(list, s_name) end
- end
- local snippets = _G.snippets
- add_snippets(snippets)
- local lexer = buffer:get_lexer_language()
- local style = buffer.style_at[buffer.current_pos]
- local scope = buffer:get_style_name(style)
- if snippets[lexer] and type(snippets[lexer]) == 'table' then
- add_snippets(snippets[lexer])
- if snippets[lexer][scope] then add_snippets(snippets[lexer][scope]) end
- end
- end
- table.sort(list)
- buffer:auto_c_show(0,
- table.concat(list, string.char(buffer.auto_c_separator)))
--- Shows the scope/style at the current caret position as a call tip.
-function show_scope()
- if not SCOPES_ENABLED then print('Scopes disabled') return end
- local buffer = buffer
- local lexer = buffer:get_lexer_language()
- local scope = buffer.style_at[buffer.current_pos]
- local text =
- string.format(locale.M_TEXTADEPT_SNIPPETS_SHOW_STYLE, lexer, style,
- style_num)
- buffer:call_tip_show(buffer.current_pos, text)
--- [Local function] Gets the text of the snippet.
--- This is the text bounded by the start of the trigger word to the end snippet
--- marker on the line after the snippet's end.
-snippet_text = function()
- local buffer = buffer
- local s = snippet.start_pos
- local e =
- buffer:position_from_line(
- buffer:marker_line_from_handle(snippet.end_marker) ) - 1
- if e >= s then return s, e, buffer:text_range(s, e) end
--- [Local function] Replaces escaped snippet characters with their octal
--- equivalents.
-escape = function(text)
- return text:gsub('\\([$/}`])',
- function(char)
- return ("\\%03d"):format(char:byte())
- end)
--- [Local function] Replaces octal snippet characters with their escaped
--- equivalents.
-unescape = function(text)
- return text:gsub('\\(%d%d%d)',
- function(value)
- return '\\'..string.char(value)
- end)
--- [Local function] Removes escaping forward-slashes from escaped snippet
--- characters.
--- At this point, they are no longer necessary.
-remove_escapes = function(text) return text:gsub('\\([$/}`])', '%1') end
--- [Local function] When snippets are inserted, matches their indentation level
--- with their surroundings.
-match_indention = function(ref_line, num_lines)
- if num_lines == 0 then return end
- local buffer = buffer
- local isize = buffer.indent
- local ibase = buffer.line_indentation[ref_line]
- local inum = ibase / isize -- num of indents needed to match
- local line = ref_line + 1
- for i = 0, num_lines - 1 do
- local linei = buffer.line_indentation[line + i]
- buffer.line_indentation[line + i] = linei + isize * inum
- end
--- [Local function] Joins current line with the line below it, eliminating
--- whitespace.
--- This is used to remove the empty line containing the end of snippet marker.
-join_lines = function()
- local buffer = buffer
- buffer:line_down()
- buffer:vc_home()
- if buffer.column[buffer.current_pos] == 0 then buffer:vc_home() end
- buffer:home_extend()
- if #buffer:get_sel_text() > 0 then buffer:delete_back() end
- buffer:delete_back()
--- [Local function] Prints debug text if the DEBUG flag is set.
--- @param text Debug text to print.
-_DEBUG = function(text) if DEBUG then print('---\n'..text) end end
--- run tests
-if RUN_TESTS then
- function next_item() next_snippet_item() end
- if not package.path:find(_HOME) then
- package.path = package.path..';'.._HOME..'/scripts/'
- end
- require 'utils/test_snippets'