path: root/tensorflow
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Add test for validating argparse works with tf.flags.Gravatar Vijay Vasudevan2016-09-26
* allocator.h: Don't include what you don't use.Gravatar Derek Murray2016-09-26
* TensorBoard: Display all categories and tags regardless of runs selectedGravatar Dan Mané2016-09-26
* Upgraded to the latest version of Eigen that made the initialization of cudaGravatar Benoit Steiner2016-09-26
* Add support for loading SavedModel with proto in .pbtxt format.Gravatar Sukriti Ramesh2016-09-26
* Detele unnecessary normalizations in vertex shader. cross(v, w) is close enoughGravatar Charles Nicholson2016-09-26
* Skip stats collection for ops in untaken branch of cond.Gravatar Yuan Yu2016-09-26
* Add tensorflow/contrib/android/java to Android example Gradle build's src dirs.Gravatar Andrew Harp2016-09-26
* Make the highlight color grey instead of black, so the point being selected isGravatar Charles Nicholson2016-09-26
* Update ops-related pbtxt files.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-26
* TensorBoard: Add button per run that selects only that run.Gravatar Dan Mané2016-09-26
* TF Checkpoint V2: switch tf.train.Saver's restore op to RestoreV2.Gravatar Zongheng Yang2016-09-26
* Disable io_ops_test as it is flakily timing out in opensource mac tests.Gravatar Gunhan Gulsoy2016-09-26
* Update ops-related pbtxt files.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-26
* Move usage of dlfcn.h into the platform/posix subdirectory.Gravatar Derek Murray2016-09-26
* Facilitate using a custom CheckpointSaverHook by not adding the default hookGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-26
* Add support for toggling 3D labels on and off. 3D label selection + kNN highl...Gravatar Charles Nicholson2016-09-26
* Allow tf.py_func to have no return values.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-26
* Don't treat multiple selected points differently than a single selected point.Gravatar Nikhil Thorat2016-09-26
* Simplifies `testBatch` to eliminate testing timeouts.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-26
* Automated rollback of change 133191013Gravatar Shanqing Cai2016-09-26
* Add #include <errno.h> to LimitingFileInputStream to prevent build errors wit...Gravatar Andrew Harp2016-09-26
* Allows calling a function w/ python literals and tf variables.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-26
* Add pre-release documentation for the experimental XLA compilation framework.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-26
* tfdbg: CLI common library: tab completion and command historyGravatar Shanqing Cai2016-09-26
* Converts the default schedule for local runs to train_and_evaluate.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-26
* Speed-up T-SNE by ~8% byGravatar Dan Smilkov2016-09-26
* Let log_every_steps <=0 disable logging hook.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-26
* Turn off weblas (matrix multiplication in GPU) for Firefox.Gravatar Dan Smilkov2016-09-26
* Disable tensorflow_dataframe_test from opensource tests.Gravatar Gunhan Gulsoy2016-09-25
* Handles an op within a function without return values.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-25
* Update generated Python Op docs.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-24
* Have RunConfig default num_cores to 0, which means using a system specific va...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-24
* Enable complex addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division GPU support.Gravatar RJ Ryan2016-09-24
* Add tell() to FileIO interface with tests.Gravatar Vijay Vasudevan2016-09-24
* Fix mnist_softmax tutorial to define the InteractiveSession andGravatar Vijay Vasudevan2016-09-24
* Created a schedule that interleaves training and eval.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-24
* Prevent the bfc_allocator from attempting to increase its pool above the conf...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-24
* Add the notion of `run` in the embedding projector to align with TensorBoard'...Gravatar Dan Smilkov2016-09-24
* Capitalized the Auxiliary Nodes label so that it is consistent with Main Graph.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-23
* Fix file_io.get_matching_files() for GcsFileSystem.Gravatar Alexey Surkov2016-09-23
* Positioned the Auxiliary Nodes title of the graph explorer rightwards enough ...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-23
* Parallelize inner matrix multiplications of BatchMatMul on CPU when appropriate.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-23
* Fix notebooksGravatar Martin Wicke2016-09-23
* Add a CI build for tests that require a Hadoop installation.Gravatar Jonathan Hseu2016-09-23
* Update ops-related pbtxt files.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-23
* Update TF Linear Model and Wide & Deep Tutorials.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-23
* Automated rollback of change 133885298Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-23
* TF Checkpoint V2: SaveV2, RestoreV2, MergeV2Checkpoints ops.Gravatar Zongheng Yang2016-09-23
* Update ops-related pbtxt files.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2016-09-23