path: root/tensorflow
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Android demo app for speech recognitionGravatar Pete Warden2017-08-18
* Deletes convert_n_to_eager_tensor. Moves convert_to_eager_tensor to constant_op.Gravatar Alexandre Passos2017-08-18
* BUILD cleanup in tensorflow/core/kernelsGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-18
* `Dataset.from_generator()` constructs a dataset from a Python generator.Gravatar Derek Murray2017-08-17
* New landing page and leftnav for Programmer's Guide.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Implement Batchnorm Inference by expanding them into smaller ops.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* [Rematerialization] Reconsider to remat operations with control dependenciesGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* [XLA] Propagate error code in computation replay tool.Gravatar Chris Leary2017-08-17
* Fixed BuildOpInfoWithoutDeviceGravatar Benoit Steiner2017-08-17
* Fix linear algebra benchmarks.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Fix the shape information propagation for Enter op.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Update ops-related pbtxt files.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* TPUEstimator: Fix the outfeed thread join.Gravatar Jonathan Hseu2017-08-17
* Allowing functions to run across devices. This change expands the ProcessFunc...Gravatar Rohan Jain2017-08-17
* Add a test for negative and zero pow() input.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Fixed input shape for freezing audio graphsGravatar Pete Warden2017-08-17
* Add a call_logit_fn utility for logit_fn's, similar to Estimator's _call_mode...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Automated g4 rollback of changelist 165630063Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Adding a head name that will prefix metrics and loss summaries.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Adds AUTO_REUSE as a reuse mode to variable scopes. This mode modifies the be...Gravatar Ali Yahya2017-08-17
* Fix a typo in the Saver's doc.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Speed up the graph to graphdef conversionGravatar Benoit Steiner2017-08-17
* Updating hyperlinks.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Allow more kinds of ops to be fused into loops:Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Updates the eval step counter for TPUEstimator.evaluate.Gravatar Jianwei Xie2017-08-17
* Make tensorflow::mutex implement a shared (reader/writer) lock, usingGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Moves tensor_id() from tape.py to framework/ops.py; breaks dependency cycle i...Gravatar Ali Yahya2017-08-17
* Correct docstring for tf.contrib.framework.with_same_shape().Gravatar Thomas Schumm2017-08-17
* Make Context handle initialization lazy. Keep a singleton Context instead of aGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* tfdbg: make BaseDebugWrapperSession subtypes work on MonitoredSessionGravatar Shanqing Cai2017-08-17
* Extend Grappler API to accept feed and fetch node lists.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* CPU runtime: Improve the performance of matrix-vector andGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Use a higher deadline for starting cluster inGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Further optimize the encoding of the constants generated by GrapplerGravatar Benoit Steiner2017-08-17
* Move shard_dimensions from tpu_config to TPUEstimator constructor.Gravatar Jianwei Xie2017-08-17
* Add a tag to grpc_session_testGravatar Gunhan Gulsoy2017-08-17
* Add train loss summary for TPUEstimatorGravatar Jianwei Xie2017-08-17
* ignore_existing should not be mandatory for eager colocate-withGravatar Alexandre Passos2017-08-17
* First careful steps cleaning up contrib/learn: remove contrib/learn/dataframe.Gravatar Martin Wicke2017-08-17
* This adds spatial_softmax, a layer for computing the spatial softmax attentionGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* Fix dequantize_op benchmark. The requirement is that the ranges come in asGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* TFE: pip cleanup + fix BUILD dependency of benchmarks_testGravatar Shanqing Cai2017-08-17
* Automated g4 rollback of changelist 165521057Gravatar Rohan Jain2017-08-17
* Java: Release 1.3.0Gravatar Asim Shankar2017-08-17
* [XLA] Some judicious inlining to speed up large compiles by a second or so.Gravatar Chris Leary2017-08-17
* Add GPU implementation of tf.matrix_solve.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-17
* tfdbg core: fix data raceGravatar Shanqing Cai2017-08-17
* Optimize the encoding of the constants generated by GrapplerGravatar Benoit Steiner2017-08-17
* Avoid depending on DeviceAttribute proto in bias_op.Gravatar Gunhan Gulsoy2017-08-17
* Avoid generating the _output_shape attribute in constant folding since the canGravatar Benoit Steiner2017-08-17