path: root/tensorflow/python/keras/layers/convolutional.py
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Part 2/3 of the update of tf.keras to the Keras 2.2.4 API.Gravatar Francois Chollet2018-10-09
* Part 1/3 of the feature sync to the Keras 2.2.4 API.Gravatar Francois Chollet2018-10-08
* Adds back 'causal' support to Keras Conv1D and SeparableConv1DGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-09-11
* Remove hourglass imports for python/keras/engine/...Gravatar Allen Lavoie2018-06-22
* Fix bug with SeparableConv where bias_initializer was ignored.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-06-21
* Fix: DepthwiseConv2D fails when bias is enabledGravatar Pavithra Vijay2018-06-15
* Minor fixes in tf.keras codebase in preparation for Keras 2.2.0 API support.Gravatar Francois Chollet2018-06-12
* Replace add_variable() with add_weight() in official keras layers.Gravatar James Qin2018-06-07
* Move Keras code out of _impl folder and remove API files.Gravatar Pavithra Vijay2018-05-17