path: root/tensorflow/core/grappler/costs/op_level_cost_estimator.cc
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Add support for modeling fast memory close to the processor/gpuGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-10-09
* Consolidate device parameter arguments into a shared DeviceInfo structGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-10-08
* Directly import tensor.proto.h (the transitive import will be removed from te...Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2018-08-23
* Small fix to MaybeGetMinimumShape() in op_level_cost_estimator.Gravatar Doe Hyun Yoon2018-08-15
* Add two counters in Costs Struct for number of ops processed/predicted in tot...Gravatar Peter Ma2018-08-10
* Added QuantizedMatMul to OpLevelCostEstimator.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-07-24
* Support filter format for FusedConv2DBiasActivation.Gravatar Yao Zhang2018-06-20
* Estimate Squeeze cost in the same way as Reshape.Gravatar Max Galkin2018-06-06
* Expose MaybeGetMinimumShape for use in cost estimators other than OpLevelCost...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-05-11
* Fix a dropped line in the DepthwiseConv2dNative modelGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-05-09
* Add cost model of depthwiseConv2dNative. Tensorflow computes depthwise separa...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-05-08
* GuaranteeConst is a NoOp for the op_level_cost_estiamtor.Gravatar Max Galkin2018-05-05
* Estimate IdentityN as Identity.Gravatar Max Galkin2018-04-17
* Add analytical cost model for FusedConv2DBiasActivation.Gravatar Rob Sloan2018-04-06
* TPU Cost Estimator has been modified to also account for the memory cost in t...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-04-06
* Re-enable Gather and Slice estimators with output size check.Gravatar Max Galkin2018-04-02
* Fix a bug in AvgPoolGrad op cost in extracting input x's shape. AvgPoolGradGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-04-02
* Add op cost model for MaxPool, AvgPool, FusedBatchNorm, their grad ops, andGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-03-28
* Disable new Gather/Slice estimators for now to fix the crashes during some TF...Gravatar Max Galkin2018-03-27
* Shorter definitions for elementwise_ops in op_level_cost_estimator.Gravatar Max Galkin2018-03-21
* Further improve accuracy of op_level_cost_estimator (Gather, GatherV2, Slice).Gravatar Max Galkin2018-03-21
* Improved accuracy of op_level_cost_estimator (QuantizeV2, Dequantize, Gather).Gravatar Max Galkin2018-03-20
* Add cost estimator tests for the BiasAdd, ReLU, and Conv2D operations.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-02-22
* Implement the logic to parse TensorProto (the tensor value for input or filte...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-02-22
* Extract the filter and input shape for Conv2DBackpropFilter/Conv2DBackpropInputGravatar Benoit Steiner2018-02-13
* Add more vlogging to op level estimator.Gravatar Yao Zhang2018-02-08
* Add logging to diagnose device properties parsing problem in Grappler.Gravatar Max Galkin2018-02-05
* Fixed the description of the fake GPU device to avoid a division by 0Gravatar Benoit Steiner2018-02-01
* Add op level memory usage estimation to the op_level_cost_estimatorGravatar Benoit Steiner2018-01-26
* Estimate Placeholder as a no-op.Gravatar Max Galkin2017-12-05
* Prefix inaccurate costs with "~" in VirtualScheduler verbose log.Gravatar Max Galkin2017-12-01
* Some extra checks and warnings in grappler to provide more helpful error mess...Gravatar Max Galkin2017-11-23
* Pass VirtualCluster to tf_optimizer to enable cross-optimization of models.Gravatar Yao Zhang2017-11-21
* Improved encoding on shapes in grappler.Gravatar Benoit Steiner2017-11-06
* Register a dummy estimation function for _Send ops. This ensures that we don'...Gravatar Benoit Steiner2017-10-12
* Minor code cleanup in grappler cost estimation.Gravatar Max Galkin2017-10-10
* Define OpContext and use it for OpLevelCostEstimator.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-09-26
* Merge changes from github.Gravatar Shanqing Cai2017-09-25
* Remove extra checks from Grappler MatMul estimator.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-04
* Add option to use compute_memory_overlap; if true, use max of memory_cost and...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-07-21
* Set the op cost of RefIdentity, StopGradient, and PreventGradient to zero in ...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-07-21
* Improve the accuracy of the cost estimates for the size, shape, and rank ops.Gravatar Benoit Steiner2017-06-29
* Prepare to remove a bunch of proto.h includes from tensorflow/core headersGravatar Geoffrey Irving2017-06-29
* Add a standalone cost analysis tool. Improved logging.Gravatar Yao Zhang2017-06-13
* Simplified the virtual placer codeGravatar Benoit Steiner2017-06-13
* Don't mark costs estimates of scalar tensors as potentially inaccurate.Gravatar Benoit Steiner2017-06-12
* Initialize found_unknown_shapes variable.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-06-12
* Set inaccurate field when it should be false.Gravatar Yao Zhang2017-06-09
* Estimate cost for element wise ops and a minimum compute cost for dummy execu...Gravatar Yao Zhang2017-06-09
* Profile memory usage in VirtualScheduler and report peak memory usage.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-06-06