path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_module_group_metadata.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Use absl::Span for HloModuleGroupMetadataGravatar HyoukJoong Lee2018-10-05
* [XLA] Migrate from gtl::FlatMap to absl::flat_hash_mapGravatar Benjamin Kramer2018-10-01
* Remove non-determinism in model-parallel compilationGravatar HyoukJoong Lee2018-09-19
* [TF:XLA] Run the points-to analysis for a module group.Gravatar Dimitris Vardoulakis2018-08-27
* [XLA] gtl::optional->absl::optionalGravatar Yunxing Dai2018-08-21
* In HostCompute op, use SendToHost/RecvFromHost instead of Send/Recv.Gravatar Tong Shen2018-08-21
* [XLA] The a cross-module all-reduce is a global predecessor of an hlo,Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-08-15
* Add single-sided host send and receive operations.Gravatar Mark Heffernan2018-07-17
* [XLA] Enable the semantic for cross-modeul AllReduce.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-07-15
* Add more logging to report module group metadata statistics.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-06-05
* Automated g4 rollback of changelist 195379693Gravatar HyoukJoong Lee2018-05-30
* Introduced kDomain HLO instruction set isolation to bound connected sets of i...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-05-29
* Check that the module group metadata builder correctly detects whether there ...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-05-12
* Allow communicating instructions within a kCall computation.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-05-11
* Automated g4 rollback of changelist 194829761Gravatar HyoukJoong Lee2018-05-04
* Fix device assignment in xla/service/service.cc to build the assignment based onGravatar HyoukJoong Lee2018-04-30
* Add interface in HloModuleGroupMetadata to return all channelsGravatar HyoukJoong Lee2018-03-14
* Add HloModuleGroupMetadata and HloModuleGroupUtilGravatar HyoukJoong Lee2018-03-06