path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_memory_scheduler.cc
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* [TF:XLA] Improve the accounting for subcomputations in the List scheduler to ...Gravatar Dimitris Vardoulakis2018-10-04
* Improve the performance of the ListMemorySchedulerGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-10-04
* [XLA] Migrate from gtl::FlatSet to absl::flat_hash_setGravatar Benjamin Kramer2018-10-01
* [XLA] Migrate from gtl::FlatMap to absl::flat_hash_mapGravatar Benjamin Kramer2018-10-01
* [XLA] Don't use NumUniqueInstructionIds() as a proxy for instruction_count()Gravatar Michael Kuperstein2018-09-26
* Make scheduling and rematerialization HLO passes.Gravatar Mark Heffernan2018-09-08