path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_matchers.cc
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* [XLA] Stop including str_util.h.Gravatar Justin Lebar2018-08-23
* [XLA] Switch from tensorflow::str_util::Join to absl::StrJoin.Gravatar Justin Lebar2018-08-23
* Rename HloDotWithContractDimsMatcher to HloDotWithContractingDimsMatcherGravatar Sanjoy Das2018-05-07
* Remove uses of the kTransposeDot fusionGravatar Sanjoy Das2018-05-07
* Introduce a new HLO shape and sharding matcher.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-04-24
* [XLA] (Re-land) Add HLO matcher for CustomCall that accepts a call target.Gravatar Justin Lebar2018-01-26
* Automated g4 rollback of changelist 183296506Gravatar Justin Lebar2018-01-25
* [XLA] Add HLO matcher for CustomCall that accepts a call target.Gravatar Justin Lebar2018-01-25
* [XLA] Add HLO matchers that check parameter numbers and GTE indices.Gravatar Justin Lebar2017-10-31
* [XLA] Move definition of xla::PrintTo out of line to fix duplicate definition...Gravatar Peter Hawkins2017-09-28
* Added and using GMock matcher for HloInstructionGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-04-14