path: root/CONTRIBUTING.md
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Update Google Python Style Guide link (#20458)Gravatar Mahmoud Aslan2018-07-02
| | | | Updated the link to Google Python Style Guide, it was pointing to the deprecated guide : https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html The new updated guide: https://github.com/google/styleguide/blob/gh-pages/pyguide.md
* Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#19794)Gravatar tucan2018-06-07
| | | Just update clang-tidy to `clang-tidy`.
* Make more like a table of contentsGravatar Filipe Filardi2018-04-24
* Merge PR Template to ContributingGravatar Filipe Filardi2018-04-24
| | | | | - Remove pull request template. - Add check list in contributing as a kind of TL;DR for that file.
* Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#16806)Gravatar Brad Wannow2018-02-08
| | | | | | | | * Update CONTRIBUTING.md Edited a few grammar issues. * Fix
* Fix broken link in CONTRIBUTING.md (#16869)Gravatar Yong Tang2018-02-08
| | | | | | | This fix fixes the broken link in CONTRIBUTING.md. Without `https://`, the markdown will render the link incorrectly to https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/www.docker.com Signed-off-by: Yong Tang <yong.tang.github@outlook.com>
* Fix incorrect links in CONTRIBUTING.md (#16814)Gravatar Yong Tang2018-02-06
| | | | | | | This fix fixes two incorrect links in CONTRIBUTING.md about license examples. The reason for broken links is because tensorboard is in another repo. Signed-off-by: Yong Tang <yong.tang.github@outlook.com>
* Update: HTTP -> HTTPSGravatar Ronald Eddy Jr2017-12-25
| | | | URLs updated to use HTTPS protocol where appropriate to improve security and privacy.
* Update CONTRIBUTING.mdGravatar Yifei Feng2017-12-15
* Add description for new PR workflow.Gravatar Yifei Feng2017-12-14
* Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#14695)Gravatar dmaclach2017-11-30
| | | Add Objective-C Style guide to list.
* CONTRIBUTING.md Docker section newlinesGravatar Andrew Hundt2017-06-13
* CONTRIBUTING.md include basic Docker CI commandGravatar Andrew Hundt2017-06-13
* Patch/170506 misspell (#9725)Gravatar Chris Hoyean Song2017-05-06
| | | | | | | | * Fix misspells. * Fix misspells. * Fix misspells.
* Branch 154885009 (#9604)Gravatar Vijay Vasudevan2017-05-03
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Enable grappler to propagate shapes through queues. Change: 154789133 * Add whitelist support in uid of RunConfig. Change: 154794859 * Fix a bunch of bad links and missing docs in contrib. Change: 154820641 * Don't try to refine the shapes for a node if its inference context wasn't successfully built by the AddNode() method. Change: 154838211 * Fix issue related to empty bazel.rc file. Change: 154840138 * Remove overly precise CHECK when rendering debug output for a function. An `_Arg` node can have more than three attrs, because the runtime may (and does) add system-defined attrs (viz. "_output_shapes") that do not change the meaning of the op. Change: 154850526 * Port makefile build breakage Change: 154855106 * [TF:XLA] Try to incorporate Tensorflow node structure for large HLO GraphDefs. This change assumes that a TF subgraph/op does not cross the boundary of a HLO computation and always put top-level TF subgraphs/ops under HLO computations. Change: 154855884 * Added a unit test to check what happens when 2 shapes with known rank but unknown dimensions are merged Change: 154856675 * [XLA] Refactor constant folding operations into a dedicated module Refactor constant folding operations into a dedicated module, and added a new ReplaceInstruction() API to collapse { computation->ReplaceInstruction(); changed=true}. Change: 154857025 * Java: Docs: Update instructions for Windows. Inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43741775/tensorflow-in-java-running-failed Change: 154859066 * Add more documentation for features and labels. Change: 154859649 * Added link to high-performance models Change: 154860213 * Navigation and index for new performance section documents. Change: 154862215 * Fix shape mismatch between loss and weights. Change: 154862650 * Add examples to TensorShape documentation and ran autoformatter. Change: 154862667 * Move linking of cudnn_plugin, cublas_plugin and cufft_plugin from stream_executor to the ops that need them. Change: 154863520 * Properly track the persistent memory usage of lookup tables. Change: 154866686 * Reset the inputs to ShapeRefiner::RunShapeFn so that it behaves the same every time it's called. To properly handle queues that have populated by several enqueue ops, merge the shapes of the inputs to all the enqueue ops before calling InferenceContext::set_output_handle_shape(). This ensures that we detect incorrect queue setups (where the 2 enqueue ops might generate tensors with incompatible shapes), and that we take all the known shape information instead of that of just one of the enqueue ops. Change: 154866747 * Making sure an error message will be produced by session_manager when a non-tensor object is passed in. Otherwise the 'name' property is missing. Change: 154868022 * Don't needlessly synchronize the CUDA stream in CropAndResize. Make the op Async so we don't block an executor thread while waiting for the result of the box bounds check to be copied back to the host. Change: 154868460 * Add contribution guidelines and standards section to CONTRIBUTING.md Several parts are largely based on the post by @yaroslavvb at: #7443#issuecomment-279182613 Fixes #7443 Change: 154876045 * Final draft Change: 154876563 * Final draft Change: 154876646 * Fix losses documentation. Fix documentation of get_total_loss() to be correct. And add a helpful comment about a common pitfall. Change: 154876822 * [XLA] Second change for HLO interpreter. Extends HloEvaluator to allow evaluation of HLO Computation or single HLO instruction with non-constant operands, by traversing the instruction in post order and keeps track of each instruction along the way as evaluated literals. Change: 154877580 * [tf distributions] Move the remaining whitelisted distributions to core. Change: 154878206 * Add shape to error message. Change: 154880260 * Revert "Fix build issue when `/usr/bin/python` path is not available (#9547)" This reverts commit 95f37ebf0bd46c328266f65bbd16d319c0efab3d.
* Fix link in CONTRIBUTING.md from "contributions welcome" to ↵Gravatar Kankroc2017-02-14
| | | | "stat:contributions welcome" (#7513)
* Change contributing.md for new contribution policy.Gravatar Martin Wicke2015-12-17
| | | | Change: 110504506
* TensorFlow: Upstream changes to git.Gravatar Vijay Vasudevan2015-11-06
| | | | | | | | | | | | Changes: - Update a lot of documentation, installation instructions, requirements, etc. - Add RNN models directory for recurrent neural network examples to go along with the tutorials. Base CL: 107290480
* TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.Gravatar Manjunath Kudlur2015-11-06
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108