path: root/third_party/llvm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/llvm')
2 files changed, 150 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/llvm/llvm.autogenerated.BUILD b/third_party/llvm/llvm.autogenerated.BUILD
index c3b9ec4c25..0ac27e26a4 100644
--- a/third_party/llvm/llvm.autogenerated.BUILD
+++ b/third_party/llvm/llvm.autogenerated.BUILD
@@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@ cc_library(
- ] + llvm_support_platform_specific_srcs_glob),
+ ]) + llvm_support_platform_specific_srcs_glob(),
hdrs = glob([
diff --git a/third_party/llvm/llvm.bzl b/third_party/llvm/llvm.bzl
index dfdacafceb..d493a3c476 100644
--- a/third_party/llvm/llvm.bzl
+++ b/third_party/llvm/llvm.bzl
@@ -7,103 +7,143 @@ TODO(chandlerc): Currently this expresses include-based dependencies as
correctly understood by the build system.
+def _dict_add(*dictionaries):
+ """Returns a new `dict` that has all the entries of the given dictionaries.
+ If the same key is present in more than one of the input dictionaries, the
+ last of them in the argument list overrides any earlier ones.
+ This function is designed to take zero or one arguments as well as multiple
+ dictionaries, so that it follows arithmetic identities and callers can avoid
+ special cases for their inputs: the sum of zero dictionaries is the empty
+ dictionary, and the sum of a single dictionary is a copy of itself.
+ Re-implemented here to avoid adding a dependency on skylib.
+ Args:
+ *dictionaries: Zero or more dictionaries to be added.
+ Returns:
+ A new `dict` that has all the entries of the given dictionaries.
+ """
+ result = {}
+ for d in dictionaries:
+ result.update(d)
+ return result
def gentbl(name, tblgen, td_file, td_srcs, tbl_outs, library = True, **kwargs):
- """gentbl() generates tabular code from a table definition file.
- Args:
- name: The name of the build rule for use in dependencies.
- tblgen: The binary used to produce the output.
- td_file: The primary table definitions file.
- td_srcs: A list of table definition files included transitively.
- tbl_outs: A list of tuples (opts, out), where each opts is a string of
- options passed to tblgen, and the out is the corresponding output file
- produced.
- library: Whether to bundle the generated files into a library.
- **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to subsidiary cc_library() rule.
- """
- if td_file not in td_srcs:
- td_srcs += [td_file]
- includes = []
- for (opts, out) in tbl_outs:
- outdir = out[:out.rindex("/")]
- if outdir not in includes:
- includes.append(outdir)
- rule_suffix = "_".join(opts.replace("-", "_").replace("=", "_").split(" "))
- native.genrule(
- name="%s_%s_genrule" % (name, rule_suffix),
- srcs=td_srcs,
- outs=[out],
- tools=[tblgen],
- message="Generating code from table: %s" % td_file,
- cmd=(("$(location %s) " + "-I external/llvm/include " +
- "-I external/llvm/tools/clang/include " +
- "-I $$(dirname $(location %s)) " + "%s $(location %s) -o $@") % (
- tblgen, td_file, opts, td_file)))
- # For now, all generated files can be assumed to comprise public interfaces.
- # If this is not true, you should specify library = False
- # and list the generated '.inc' files in "srcs".
- if library:
- native.cc_library(name=name, textual_hdrs=[f for (_, f) in tbl_outs],
- includes=includes, **kwargs)
+ """gentbl() generates tabular code from a table definition file.
+ Args:
+ name: The name of the build rule for use in dependencies.
+ tblgen: The binary used to produce the output.
+ td_file: The primary table definitions file.
+ td_srcs: A list of table definition files included transitively.
+ tbl_outs: A list of tuples (opts, out), where each opts is a string of
+ options passed to tblgen, and the out is the corresponding output file
+ produced.
+ library: Whether to bundle the generated files into a library.
+ **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to subsidiary cc_library() rule.
+ """
+ if td_file not in td_srcs:
+ td_srcs += [td_file]
+ includes = []
+ for (opts, out) in tbl_outs:
+ outdir = out[:out.rindex("/")]
+ if outdir not in includes:
+ includes.append(outdir)
+ rule_suffix = "_".join(opts.replace("-", "_").replace("=", "_").split(" "))
+ native.genrule(
+ name = "%s_%s_genrule" % (name, rule_suffix),
+ srcs = td_srcs,
+ outs = [out],
+ tools = [tblgen],
+ message = "Generating code from table: %s" % td_file,
+ cmd = (("$(location %s) " + "-I external/llvm/include " +
+ "-I external/llvm/tools/clang/include " +
+ "-I $$(dirname $(location %s)) " + "%s $(location %s) -o $@") % (
+ tblgen,
+ td_file,
+ opts,
+ td_file,
+ )),
+ )
+ # For now, all generated files can be assumed to comprise public interfaces.
+ # If this is not true, you should specify library = False
+ # and list the generated '.inc' files in "srcs".
+ if library:
+ native.cc_library(
+ name = name,
+ textual_hdrs = [f for (_, f) in tbl_outs],
+ includes = includes,
+ **kwargs
+ )
def llvm_target_cmake_vars(native_arch, target_triple):
- return {
- "LLVM_HOST_TRIPLE": target_triple,
- "LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE": target_triple,
- "LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH": native_arch,
- }
+ return {
+ "LLVM_HOST_TRIPLE": target_triple,
+ "LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE": target_triple,
+ "LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH": native_arch,
+ }
def _quote(s):
- """Quotes the given string for use in a shell command.
- This function double-quotes the given string (in case it contains spaces or
- other special characters) and escapes any special characters (dollar signs,
- double-quotes, and backslashes) that may be present.
- Args:
- s: The string to quote.
- Returns:
- An escaped and quoted version of the string that can be passed to a shell
- command.
- """
- return ('"' +
- s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("$", "\\$").replace('"', '\\"') +
- '"')
+ """Quotes the given string for use in a shell command.
+ This function double-quotes the given string (in case it contains spaces or
+ other special characters) and escapes any special characters (dollar signs,
+ double-quotes, and backslashes) that may be present.
+ Args:
+ s: The string to quote.
+ Returns:
+ An escaped and quoted version of the string that can be passed to a shell
+ command.
+ """
+ return ('"' +
+ s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("$", "\\$").replace('"', '\\"') +
+ '"')
def cmake_var_string(cmake_vars):
- """Converts a dictionary to an input suitable for expand_cmake_vars.
+ """Converts a dictionary to an input suitable for expand_cmake_vars.
+ Ideally we would jist stringify in the expand_cmake_vars() rule, but select()
+ interacts badly with genrules.
- Ideally we would jist stringify in the expand_cmake_vars() rule, but select()
- interacts badly with genrules.
+ TODO(phawkins): replace the genrule() with native rule and delete this rule.
- TODO(phawkins): replace the genrule() with native rule and delete this rule.
+ Args:
+ cmake_vars: a dictionary with string keys and values that are convertable to
+ strings.
- Args:
- cmake_vars: a dictionary with string keys and values that are convertable to
- strings.
- """
- return " ".join([_quote("{}={}".format(k, str(v)))
- for (k, v) in cmake_vars.items()])
+ Returns:
+ cmake_vars in a form suitable for passing to expand_cmake_vars.
+ """
+ return " ".join([
+ _quote("{}={}".format(k, str(v)))
+ for (k, v) in cmake_vars.items()
+ ])
def expand_cmake_vars(name, src, dst, cmake_vars):
- """Expands #cmakedefine, #cmakedefine01, and CMake variables in a text file.
- Args:
- name: the name of the rule
- src: the input of the rule
- dst: the output of the rule
- cmake_vars: a string containing the CMake variables, as generated by
- cmake_var_string.
- """
- expand_cmake_vars_tool = Label("@org_tensorflow//third_party/llvm:expand_cmake_vars")
- native.genrule(
- name = name,
- srcs = [src],
- tools = [expand_cmake_vars_tool],
- outs = [dst],
- cmd = ("$(location {}) ".format(expand_cmake_vars_tool) + cmake_vars +
- "< $< > $@")
- )
+ """Expands #cmakedefine, #cmakedefine01, and CMake variables in a text file.
+ Args:
+ name: the name of the rule
+ src: the input of the rule
+ dst: the output of the rule
+ cmake_vars: a string containing the CMake variables, as generated by
+ cmake_var_string.
+ """
+ expand_cmake_vars_tool = Label("@org_tensorflow//third_party/llvm:expand_cmake_vars")
+ native.genrule(
+ name = name,
+ srcs = [src],
+ tools = [expand_cmake_vars_tool],
+ outs = [dst],
+ cmd = ("$(location {}) ".format(expand_cmake_vars_tool) + cmake_vars +
+ "< $< > $@"),
+ )
# TODO(phawkins): the set of CMake variables was hardcoded for expediency.
# However, we should really detect many of these via configure-time tests.
@@ -212,18 +252,26 @@ darwin_cmake_vars = {
# than hardcoding x86_64.
llvm_all_cmake_vars = select({
"@org_tensorflow//tensorflow:darwin": cmake_var_string(
- cmake_vars + llvm_target_cmake_vars("X86", "x86_64-apple-darwin") +
- darwin_cmake_vars),
+ _dict_add(
+ cmake_vars,
+ llvm_target_cmake_vars("X86", "x86_64-apple-darwin"),
+ darwin_cmake_vars,
+ ),
+ ),
"@org_tensorflow//tensorflow:linux_ppc64le": cmake_var_string(
- cmake_vars +
- llvm_target_cmake_vars("PowerPC", "powerpc64le-unknown-linux_gnu") +
- linux_cmake_vars,
+ _dict_add(
+ cmake_vars,
+ llvm_target_cmake_vars("PowerPC", "powerpc64le-unknown-linux_gnu"),
+ linux_cmake_vars,
+ ),
"//conditions:default": cmake_var_string(
- cmake_vars +
- llvm_target_cmake_vars("X86", "x86_64-unknown-linux_gnu") +
- linux_cmake_vars),
+ _dict_add(
+ cmake_vars,
+ llvm_target_cmake_vars("X86", "x86_64-unknown-linux_gnu"),
+ linux_cmake_vars,
+ ),
+ ),
llvm_linkopts = ["-ldl", "-lm", "-lpthread"]
@@ -241,7 +289,10 @@ llvm_copts = []
# Platform specific sources for libSupport.
-llvm_support_platform_specific_srcs_glob = [
- "lib/Support/Unix/*.inc",
- "lib/Support/Unix/*.h",
+def llvm_support_platform_specific_srcs_glob():
+ return select({
+ "//conditions:default": native.glob([
+ "lib/Support/Unix/*.inc",
+ "lib/Support/Unix/*.h",
+ ]),
+ })