path: root/third_party/gpus/cuda/BUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/gpus/cuda/BUILD')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/gpus/cuda/BUILD b/third_party/gpus/cuda/BUILD
index 79c6227687..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/third_party/gpus/cuda/BUILD
+++ b/third_party/gpus/cuda/BUILD
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-licenses(["restricted"]) # MPL2, portions GPL v3, LGPL v3, BSD-like
-load("//third_party/gpus/cuda:build_defs.bzl", "if_cuda")
-load("platform", "cuda_library_path")
-load("platform", "cuda_static_library_path")
-load("platform", "cudnn_library_path")
-load("platform", "cupti_library_path")
-load("platform", "readlink_command")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
- name = "using_gcudacc",
- values = {
- "define": "using_cuda_gcudacc=true",
- },
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- name = "using_nvcc",
- values = {
- "define": "using_cuda_nvcc=true",
- },
- name = "using_clang",
- values = {
- "define": "using_cuda_clang=true",
- },
-# Equivalent to using_clang && -c opt.
- name = "using_clang_opt",
- values = {
- "define": "using_cuda_clang=true",
- "compilation_mode": "opt",
- },
- name = "darwin",
- values = {"cpu": "darwin"},
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- name = "cuda_headers",
- hdrs = glob([
- "**/*.h",
- ]),
- includes = [
- ".",
- "include",
- ],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- name = "cudart_static",
- srcs = [
- cuda_static_library_path("cudart"),
- ],
- includes = ["include/"],
- linkopts = [
- "-ldl",
- "-lpthread",
- ] + select({
- "//tensorflow:darwin": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["-lrt"],
- }),
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- name = "cudart",
- srcs = [
- cuda_library_path("cudart"),
- ],
- data = [
- cuda_library_path("cudart"),
- ],
- includes = ["include/"],
- linkstatic = 1,
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- name = "cublas",
- srcs = [
- cuda_library_path("cublas"),
- ],
- data = [
- cuda_library_path("cublas"),
- ],
- includes = ["include/"],
- linkstatic = 1,
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- name = "cudnn",
- srcs = [
- cudnn_library_path(),
- ],
- data = [
- cudnn_library_path(),
- ],
- includes = ["include/"],
- linkstatic = 1,
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- name = "cufft",
- srcs = [
- cuda_library_path("cufft"),
- ],
- data = [
- cuda_library_path("cufft"),
- ],
- includes = ["include/"],
- linkstatic = 1,
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- name = "cuda",
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- deps = [
- ":cublas",
- ":cuda_headers",
- ":cudart",
- ":cudnn",
- ":cufft",
- ],
- name = "cupti_headers",
- hdrs = glob([
- "**/*.h",
- ]),
- includes = [
- ".",
- "extras/CUPTI/include/",
- ],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- name = "cupti_dsos",
- data = [
- cupti_library_path(),
- ],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-# TODO(opensource): for now, we have to invoke the cuda_config.sh manually in the source tree.
-# This rule checks if Cuda libraries in the source tree has been properly configured.
-# The output list makes bazel runs this rule first if the Cuda files are missing.
-# This gives us an opportunity to check and print a meaningful error message.
-# But we will need to create the output file list to make bazel happy in a successful run.
- name = "cuda_check",
- srcs = [
- "cuda.config",
- "cuda_config.sh",
- ],
- outs = [
- "include/cuda.h",
- "include/cublas.h",
- "include/cudnn.h",
- "extras/CUPTI/include/cupti.h",
- cuda_static_library_path("cudart"),
- cuda_library_path("cublas"),
- cudnn_library_path(),
- cuda_library_path("cudart"),
- cuda_library_path("cufft"),
- cupti_library_path(),
- ],
- cmd = if_cuda(
- # Under cuda config, create all the symbolic links to the actual cuda files
- "OUTPUTDIR=`{} -f $(@D)/../../..`; cd `dirname $(location :cuda_config.sh)`; OUTPUTDIR=$$OUTPUTDIR ./cuda_config.sh --check;".format(readlink_command()),
- # Under non-cuda config, create all dummy files to make the build go through
- ";".join([
- "mkdir -p $(@D)/include",
- "mkdir -p $(@D)/lib64",
- "mkdir -p $(@D)/extras/CUPTI/include",
- "mkdir -p $(@D)/extras/CUPTI/lib64",
- "touch $(@D)/include/cuda.h",
- "touch $(@D)/include/cublas.h",
- "touch $(@D)/include/cudnn.h",
- "touch $(@D)/extras/CUPTI/include/cupti.h",
- "touch $(@D)/{}".format(cuda_static_library_path("cudart")),
- "touch $(@D)/{}".format(cuda_library_path("cublas")),
- "touch $(@D)/{}".format(cudnn_library_path()),
- "touch $(@D)/{}".format(cuda_library_path("cudart")),
- "touch $(@D)/{}".format(cuda_library_path("cufft")),
- "touch $(@D)/{}".format(cupti_library_path()),
- ]),
- ),
- local = 1,
- name = "cuda_config_check",
- outs = [
- "cuda.config",
- ],
- cmd = if_cuda(
- # Under cuda config, create the symbolic link to the actual cuda.config
- "configfile=$(location :cuda.config); ln -sf `{} -f $${{configfile#*/*/*/}}` $(@D)/;".format(readlink_command()),
- # Under non-cuda config, create the dummy file
- ";".join([
- "touch $(@D)/cuda.config",
- ]),
- ),
- local = 1,