path: root/tensorflow/tensorboard/web.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/tensorboard/web.bzl')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/web.bzl b/tensorflow/tensorboard/web.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b2ed66a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/web.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Same as web_library but supports TypeScript."""
+ "collect_runfiles",
+ "convert_path_to_es6_module_name",
+ "create_argfile",
+ "difference",
+ "long_path",
+ "unfurl")
+def _ts_web_library(ctx):
+ if not ctx.attr.srcs:
+ if ctx.attr.deps:
+ fail("deps can not be set when srcs is not")
+ if not ctx.attr.exports:
+ fail("exports must be set if srcs is not")
+ if ctx.attr.path:
+ if not ctx.attr.path.startswith("/"):
+ fail("webpath must start with /")
+ if ctx.attr.path != "/" and ctx.attr.path.endswith("/"):
+ fail("webpath must not end with / unless it is /")
+ if "//" in ctx.attr.path:
+ fail("webpath must not have //")
+ elif ctx.attr.srcs:
+ fail("path must be set when srcs is set")
+ if "*" in ctx.attr.suppress and len(ctx.attr.suppress) != 1:
+ fail("when \"*\" is suppressed no other items should be present")
+ # process what came before
+ deps = unfurl(ctx.attr.deps, provider="webfiles")
+ webpaths = depset()
+ manifests = depset(order="topological")
+ jslibs = depset(order="postorder")
+ ts_typings = depset(ctx.files._es6dts)
+ ts_typings_paths = depset()
+ ts_typings_execroots = depset()
+ for dep in deps:
+ webpaths += dep.webfiles.webpaths
+ manifests += dep.webfiles.manifests
+ if hasattr(dep.webfiles, "ts_typings"):
+ ts_typings += dep.webfiles.ts_typings
+ if hasattr(dep.webfiles, "ts_typings_paths"):
+ ts_typings_paths += dep.webfiles.ts_typings_paths
+ if hasattr(dep.webfiles, "ts_typings_execroots"):
+ ts_typings_execroots += dep.webfiles.ts_typings_execroots
+ if hasattr(dep.webfiles, "jslibs"):
+ jslibs += dep.webfiles.jslibs
+ if hasattr(dep, "closure_js_library"):
+ jslibs += getattr(dep.closure_js_library, "srcs", [])
+ # process what comes now
+ manifest_srcs = []
+ new_webpaths = []
+ ts_inputs = depset()
+ ts_outputs = []
+ ts_files = ["lib.es6.d.ts"] + list(ts_typings_paths)
+ new_typings = []
+ new_typings_paths = []
+ new_typings_execroot = struct(inputs=[])
+ execroot = struct(
+ inputs=[("lib.es6.d.ts", ctx.files._es6dts[0].path)],
+ outputs=[],
+ program=[ctx.executable._tsc.path, "-p"])
+ web_srcs = []
+ path = ctx.attr.path
+ strip = _get_strip(ctx)
+ for src in ctx.files.srcs:
+ suffix = _get_path_relative_to_package(src)
+ if strip:
+ if not suffix.startswith(strip):
+ fail("Relative src path not start with '%s': %s" % (strip, suffix))
+ suffix = suffix[len(strip):]
+ webpath = "%s/%s" % ("" if path == "/" else path, suffix)
+ _add_webpath(ctx, src, webpath, webpaths, new_webpaths, manifest_srcs)
+ if suffix.endswith(".d.ts"):
+ web_srcs.append(src)
+ entry = (webpath[1:], src.path)
+ new_typings.append(src)
+ new_typings_paths.append(entry[0])
+ new_typings_execroot.inputs.append(entry)
+ ts_inputs += [src]
+ ts_files.append(entry[0])
+ execroot.inputs.append(entry)
+ elif suffix.endswith(".ts"):
+ noext = suffix[:-3]
+ js = ctx.new_file(ctx.bin_dir, "%s.js" % noext)
+ dts = ctx.new_file(ctx.bin_dir, "%s.d.ts" % noext)
+ webpath_js = webpath[:-3] + ".js"
+ webpath_dts = webpath[:-3] + ".d.ts"
+ _add_webpath(ctx, js, webpath_js, webpaths, new_webpaths, manifest_srcs)
+ _add_webpath(ctx, dts, webpath_dts, webpaths, new_webpaths, manifest_srcs)
+ ts_inputs += [src]
+ ts_outputs.append(js)
+ ts_outputs.append(dts)
+ web_srcs.append(dts)
+ web_srcs.append(js)
+ ts_files.append(webpath[1:])
+ execroot.inputs.append((webpath[1:], src.path))
+ execroot.outputs.append((webpath_js[1:], js.path))
+ execroot.outputs.append((webpath_dts[1:], dts.path))
+ new_typings.append(dts)
+ new_typings_paths.append(webpath_dts[1:])
+ new_typings_execroot.inputs.append((webpath_dts[1:], dts.path))
+ else:
+ web_srcs.append(src)
+ # create webfiles manifest
+ manifest = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir,
+ "%s.pbtxt" % ctx.label.name)
+ ctx.file_action(
+ output=manifest,
+ content=struct(
+ label=str(ctx.label),
+ src=manifest_srcs).to_proto())
+ manifests += [manifest]
+ webpaths += new_webpaths
+ # compile typescript
+ workspace = ""
+ if ctx.label.workspace_root:
+ workspace = "/" + ctx.label.workspace_root
+ if execroot.outputs:
+ ts_config = ctx.new_file(ctx.bin_dir, "%s-tsc.json" % ctx.label.name)
+ execroot.inputs.append(("tsconfig.json", ts_config.path))
+ ctx.file_action(
+ output=ts_config,
+ content=struct(
+ compilerOptions=struct(
+ baseUrl=".",
+ declaration=True,
+ inlineSourceMap=True,
+ inlineSources=True,
+ module="es6",
+ moduleResolution="node",
+ noResolve=True,
+ target="es5",
+ ),
+ files=list(ts_files),
+ ).to_json())
+ er_config = ctx.new_file(ctx.bin_dir,
+ "%s-tsc-execroot.json" % ctx.label.name)
+ ctx.file_action(output=er_config, content=execroot.to_json())
+ ts_inputs += collect_runfiles([ctx.attr._tsc])
+ ts_inputs += ctx.files._tsc
+ ts_inputs += ts_typings
+ ts_inputs += ts_typings_execroots
+ ts_inputs += [ts_config, er_config]
+ ctx.action(
+ inputs=list(ts_inputs),
+ outputs=ts_outputs,
+ executable=ctx.executable._execrooter,
+ arguments=[er_config.path] + [f.path for f in ts_typings_execroots],
+ progress_message="Compiling %d TypeScript files" % len(ts_files))
+ # perform strict dependency checking
+ inputs = [manifest]
+ direct_manifests = depset([manifest])
+ args = ["WebfilesValidator",
+ "--dummy", ctx.outputs.dummy.path,
+ "--target", manifest.path]
+ for category in ctx.attr.suppress:
+ args.append("--suppress")
+ args.append(category)
+ inputs.extend(web_srcs)
+ for dep in deps:
+ inputs.append(dep.webfiles.dummy)
+ for f in dep.files:
+ inputs.append(f)
+ direct_manifests += [dep.webfiles.manifest]
+ inputs.append(dep.webfiles.manifest)
+ args.append("--direct_dep")
+ args.append(dep.webfiles.manifest.path)
+ for man in difference(manifests, direct_manifests):
+ inputs.append(man)
+ args.append("--transitive_dep")
+ args.append(man.path)
+ argfile = create_argfile(ctx, args)
+ inputs.append(argfile)
+ ctx.action(
+ inputs=inputs,
+ outputs=[ctx.outputs.dummy],
+ executable=ctx.executable._ClosureWorker,
+ arguments=["@@" + argfile.path],
+ mnemonic="Closure",
+ execution_requirements={"supports-workers": "1"},
+ progress_message="Checking webfiles in %s" % ctx.label)
+ web_srcs.append(ctx.outputs.dummy)
+ # define development web server that only applies to this transitive closure
+ params = struct(
+ label=str(ctx.label),
+ bind="[::]:6006",
+ manifest=[long_path(ctx, man) for man in manifests],
+ external_asset=[struct(webpath=k, path=v)
+ for k, v in ctx.attr.external_assets.items()])
+ params_file = ctx.new_file(ctx.bin_dir, "%s_params.pbtxt" % ctx.label.name)
+ ctx.file_action(output=params_file, content=params.to_proto())
+ ctx.file_action(
+ executable=True,
+ output=ctx.outputs.executable,
+ content="#!/bin/sh\nexec %s %s" % (
+ ctx.executable._WebfilesServer.short_path,
+ long_path(ctx, params_file)))
+ if new_typings:
+ er_config = ctx.new_file(ctx.bin_dir,
+ "%s-typings-execroot.json" % ctx.label.name)
+ ctx.file_action(output=er_config, content=new_typings_execroot.to_json())
+ ts_typings += new_typings
+ ts_typings_paths += new_typings_paths
+ ts_typings_execroots += [er_config]
+ else:
+ ts_typings = depset()
+ ts_typings_paths = depset()
+ ts_typings_execroots = depset()
+ # export data to parent rules
+ return struct(
+ files=depset(web_srcs),
+ exports=unfurl(ctx.attr.exports),
+ webfiles=struct(
+ manifest=manifest,
+ manifests=manifests,
+ webpaths=webpaths,
+ dummy=ctx.outputs.dummy,
+ jslibs=jslibs,
+ ts_typings=ts_typings,
+ ts_typings_paths=ts_typings_paths,
+ ts_typings_execroots=ts_typings_execroots),
+ runfiles=ctx.runfiles(
+ files=ctx.files.srcs + ctx.files.data + ts_outputs + [
+ manifest,
+ params_file,
+ ctx.outputs.executable,
+ ctx.outputs.dummy],
+ transitive_files=(collect_runfiles([ctx.attr._WebfilesServer]) |
+ collect_runfiles(deps) |
+ collect_runfiles(ctx.attr.data))))
+def _web_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
+ if ctx.rule.kind in ("js_library", "pinto_library"):
+ return _web_aspect_js_library(target, ctx, [], depset())
+ if hasattr(target, "js"):
+ return _web_aspect_js_library(
+ target,
+ ctx,
+ target.files,
+ target.js.full_tc(True))
+ return struct()
+def _web_aspect_js_library(target, ctx, extra_srcs, extra_transitive):
+ deps = unfurl((ctx.rule.attr.deps +
+ getattr(ctx.rule.attr, 'sticky_deps', [])),
+ provider="webfiles")
+ # process what came before
+ webpaths = depset()
+ manifests = depset(order="topological")
+ jslibs = depset(order="postorder")
+ for dep in deps:
+ webpaths += dep.webfiles.webpaths
+ manifests += dep.webfiles.manifests
+ if hasattr(dep.webfiles, "jslibs"):
+ jslibs += dep.webfiles.jslibs
+ # process what comes now
+ srcs = ctx.rule.files.srcs + extra_srcs
+ jslibs += [src for src in srcs if src.path.endswith(".js")]
+ manifest_srcs = []
+ new_webpaths = []
+ web_srcs = []
+ for src in srcs:
+ webpath = "/" + long_path(ctx, src)
+ _add_webpath(ctx, src, webpath, webpaths, new_webpaths, manifest_srcs)
+ web_srcs.append(src)
+ # create webfiles manifest
+ manifest = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir,
+ "%s-webfiles.pbtxt" % ctx.label.name)
+ ctx.file_action(
+ output=manifest,
+ content=struct(
+ label=str(ctx.label),
+ src=manifest_srcs).to_proto())
+ manifests += [manifest]
+ webpaths += new_webpaths
+ return struct(
+ exports=[] if srcs else deps,
+ webfiles=struct(
+ manifest=manifest,
+ manifests=manifests,
+ webpaths=webpaths,
+ dummy=manifest,
+ jslibs=jslibs),
+ closure_legacy_js_runfiles=(depset(srcs + ctx.rule.files.data) |
+ extra_transitive |
+ collect_runfiles(deps) |
+ collect_runfiles(ctx.rule.files.data)))
+def _add_webpath(ctx, src, webpath, webpaths, new_webpaths, manifest_srcs):
+ if webpath in new_webpaths:
+ _fail(ctx, "multiple srcs within %s define the webpath %s " % (
+ ctx.label, webpath))
+ if webpath in webpaths:
+ _fail(ctx, "webpath %s was defined by %s when already defined by deps" % (
+ webpath, ctx.label))
+ new_webpaths.append(webpath)
+ manifest_srcs.append(struct(
+ path=src.path,
+ longpath=long_path(ctx, src),
+ webpath=webpath))
+def _fail(ctx, message):
+ if ctx.attr.suppress == ["*"]:
+ print(message)
+ else:
+ fail(message)
+def _get_path_relative_to_package(artifact):
+ """Returns file path relative to the package that declared it."""
+ path = artifact.path
+ for prefix in (artifact.root.path,
+ artifact.owner.workspace_root if artifact.owner else '',
+ artifact.owner.package if artifact.owner else ''):
+ if prefix:
+ prefix = prefix + "/"
+ if not path.startswith(prefix):
+ fail("Path %s doesn't start with %s" % (path, prefix))
+ path = path[len(prefix):]
+ return path
+def _get_strip(ctx):
+ strip = ctx.attr.strip_prefix
+ if strip:
+ if strip.startswith("/"):
+ _fail(ctx, "strip_prefix should not end with /")
+ strip = strip[1:]
+ if strip.endswith("/"):
+ _fail(ctx, "strip_prefix should not end with /")
+ else:
+ strip += "/"
+ return strip
+web_aspect = aspect(
+ implementation=_web_aspect_impl,
+ attr_aspects=["deps"])
+ts_web_library = rule(
+ implementation=_ts_web_library,
+ executable=True,
+ attrs={
+ "path": attr.string(),
+ "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(aspects=[web_aspect], providers=["webfiles"]),
+ "exports": attr.label_list(),
+ "data": attr.label_list(cfg="data", allow_files=True),
+ "suppress": attr.string_list(),
+ "strip_prefix": attr.string(),
+ "external_assets": attr.string_dict(default={"/_/runfiles": "."}),
+ "_execrooter": attr.label(
+ default=Label(
+ "//tensorflow/tensorboard/scripts:execrooter"),
+ executable=True,
+ cfg="host"),
+ "_tsc": attr.label(
+ default=Label(
+ "@com_microsoft_typescript//:tsc"),
+ allow_files=True,
+ executable=True,
+ cfg="host"),
+ "_es6dts": attr.label(
+ default=Label(
+ "@com_microsoft_typescript//:lib.es6.d.ts"),
+ allow_files=True),
+ "_ClosureWorker": attr.label(
+ default=Label("@io_bazel_rules_closure//java/io/bazel/rules/closure:ClosureWorker"),
+ executable=True,
+ cfg="host"),
+ "_WebfilesServer": attr.label(
+ default=Label(
+ "@io_bazel_rules_closure//java/io/bazel/rules/closure/webfiles/server:WebfilesServer"),
+ executable=True,
+ cfg="host"),
+ },
+ outputs={
+ "dummy": "%{name}.ignoreme",
+ })