path: root/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-event-dashboard/tf-chart.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-event-dashboard/tf-chart.ts')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-event-dashboard/tf-chart.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-event-dashboard/tf-chart.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b0103d697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-event-dashboard/tf-chart.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+/// <reference path="../../typings/tsd.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../../bower_components/plottable/plottable.d.ts" />
+module TF {
+ type TFDatum = [number, number, number];
+ type tooltipMap = {[run: string]: string};
+ type TooltipUpdater = (tooltipMap, xValue, closestRun) => void;
+ export class BaseChart {
+ protected dataCoordinator: TF.DataCoordinator;
+ protected tag: string;
+ protected tooltipUpdater: TooltipUpdater;
+ protected xAccessor: Plottable.Accessor<number | Date>;
+ protected xScale: Plottable.QuantitativeScale<number | Date>;
+ protected yScale: Plottable.QuantitativeScale<number>;
+ protected gridlines: Plottable.Components.Gridlines;
+ protected center: Plottable.Components.Group;
+ protected xAxis: Plottable.Axes.Numeric | Plottable.Axes.Time;
+ protected yAxis: Plottable.Axes.Numeric;
+ protected xLabel: Plottable.Components.AxisLabel;
+ protected yLabel: Plottable.Components.AxisLabel;
+ protected outer: Plottable.Components.Table;
+ protected colorScale: Plottable.Scales.Color;
+ protected xTooltipFormatter: (d: number) => string;
+ constructor(
+ tag: string,
+ dataCoordinator: TF.DataCoordinator,
+ tooltipUpdater: TooltipUpdater,
+ xType: string,
+ colorScale: Plottable.Scales.Color
+ ) {
+ this.dataCoordinator = dataCoordinator;
+ this.tag = tag;
+ this.colorScale = colorScale;
+ this.tooltipUpdater = tooltipUpdater;
+ this.buildChart(xType);
+ }
+ public changeRuns(runs: string[]) {
+ throw new Error("Abstract method not implemented");
+ }
+ protected addCrosshairs(plot: Plottable.XYPlot<number | Date, number>, yAccessor): Plottable.Components.Group {
+ var pi = new Plottable.Interactions.Pointer();
+ pi.attachTo(plot);
+ let xGuideLine = new Plottable.Components.GuideLineLayer<void>("vertical");
+ let yGuideLine = new Plottable.Components.GuideLineLayer<void>("horizontal");
+ xGuideLine.addClass("crosshairs");
+ yGuideLine.addClass("crosshairs");
+ var group = new Plottable.Components.Group([plot, xGuideLine, yGuideLine]);
+ let yfmt = multiscaleFormatter(Y_TOOLTIP_FORMATTER_PRECISION);
+ pi.onPointerMove((p: Plottable.Point) => {
+ let run2val: {[run: string]: string} = {};
+ let x: number = this.xScale.invert(p.x).valueOf();
+ let yMin: number = this.yScale.domain()[0];
+ let yMax: number = this.yScale.domain()[1];
+ let closestRun: string = null;
+ let minYDistToRun: number = Infinity;
+ let yValueForCrosshairs: number = p.y;
+ plot.datasets().forEach((dataset) => {
+ let run: string = dataset.metadata().run;
+ let data: TFDatum[] = dataset.data();
+ let xs: number[] = data.map((d, i) => this.xAccessor(d, i, dataset).valueOf());
+ let idx: number = _.sortedIndex(xs, x);
+ if (idx === 0 || idx === data.length) {
+ // Only find a point when the cursor is inside the range of the data
+ // if the cursor is to the left or right of all the data, dont attach.
+ return;
+ }
+ let previous = data[idx - 1];
+ let next = data[idx];
+ let x0: number = this.xAccessor(previous, idx - 1, dataset).valueOf();
+ let x1: number = this.xAccessor(next, idx, dataset).valueOf();
+ let y0: number = yAccessor(previous, idx - 1, dataset).valueOf();
+ let y1: number = yAccessor(next, idx, dataset).valueOf();
+ let slope: number = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0);
+ let y: number = y0 + slope * (x - x0);
+ if (y < yMin || y > yMax || y !== y) {
+ // don't find data that is off the top or bottom of the plot.
+ // also don't find data if it is NaN
+ return;
+ }
+ let dist = Math.abs(this.yScale.scale(y) - p.y);
+ if (dist < minYDistToRun) {
+ minYDistToRun = dist;
+ closestRun = run;
+ yValueForCrosshairs = this.yScale.scale(y);
+ }
+ // Note this tooltip will display linearly interpolated values
+ // e.g. will display a y=0 value halfway between [y=-1, y=1], even
+ // though there is not actually any 0 datapoint. This could be misleading
+ run2val[run] = yfmt(y);
+ });
+ xGuideLine.pixelPosition(p.x);
+ yGuideLine.pixelPosition(yValueForCrosshairs);
+ this.tooltipUpdater(run2val, this.xTooltipFormatter(x), closestRun);
+ });
+ pi.onPointerExit(() => {
+ this.tooltipUpdater(null, null, null);
+ xGuideLine.pixelPosition(-1);
+ yGuideLine.pixelPosition(-1);
+ });
+ return group;
+ }
+ protected buildChart(xType: string) {
+ if (this.outer) {
+ this.outer.destroy();
+ }
+ var xComponents = getXComponents(xType);
+ this.xAccessor = xComponents.accessor;
+ this.xScale = xComponents.scale;
+ this.xAxis = xComponents.axis;
+ this.xAxis.margin(0).tickLabelPadding(3);
+ this.xTooltipFormatter = xComponents.tooltipFormatter;
+ this.yScale = new Plottable.Scales.Linear();
+ this.yAxis = new Plottable.Axes.Numeric(this.yScale, "left");
+ let yFormatter = multiscaleFormatter(Y_AXIS_FORMATTER_PRECISION);
+ this.yAxis.margin(0).tickLabelPadding(5).formatter(yFormatter);
+ this.yAxis.usesTextWidthApproximation(true);
+ var center = this.buildPlot(this.xAccessor, this.xScale, this.yScale);
+ this.gridlines = new Plottable.Components.Gridlines(this.xScale, this.yScale);
+ var dzl = new Plottable.DragZoomLayer(this.xScale, this.yScale);
+ this.center = new Plottable.Components.Group([center, this.gridlines, dzl]);
+ this.outer = new Plottable.Components.Table([
+ [this.yAxis, this.center],
+ [null, this.xAxis]
+ ]);
+ }
+ protected buildPlot(xAccessor, xScale, yScale): Plottable.Component {
+ throw new Error("Abstract method not implemented.");
+ }
+ public renderTo(target: d3.Selection<any>) {
+ this.outer.renderTo(target);
+ }
+ public redraw() {
+ this.outer.redraw();
+ }
+ protected destroy() {
+ this.outer.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ export class LineChart extends BaseChart {
+ private plot: Plottable.Plots.Line<number | Date>;
+ protected buildPlot(xAccessor, xScale, yScale): Plottable.Component {
+ var yAccessor = accessorize("2");
+ var plot = new Plottable.Plots.Line<number | Date>();
+ plot.x(xAccessor, xScale);
+ plot.y(yAccessor, yScale);
+ plot.attr("stroke", (d: any, i: number, m: any) => m.run, this.colorScale);
+ this.plot = plot;
+ var group = this.addCrosshairs(plot, yAccessor);
+ return group;
+ }
+ public changeRuns(runs: string[]) {
+ var datasets = this.dataCoordinator.getDatasets(this.tag, runs);
+ this.plot.datasets(datasets);
+ }
+ }
+ export class HistogramChart extends BaseChart {
+ private plots: Plottable.XYPlot<number | Date, number>[];
+ public changeRuns(runs: string[]) {
+ var datasets = this.dataCoordinator.getDatasets(this.tag, runs);
+ this.plots.forEach((p) => p.datasets(datasets));
+ }
+ protected buildPlot(xAccessor, xScale, yScale): Plottable.Component {
+ var percents = [0, 228, 1587, 3085, 5000, 6915, 8413, 9772, 10000];
+ var opacities = _.range(percents.length - 1).map((i) => (percents[i + 1] - percents[i]) / 2500);
+ var accessors = percents.map((p, i) => (datum) => datum[2][i][1]);
+ var median = 4;
+ var medianAccessor = accessors[median];
+ var plots = _.range(accessors.length - 1).map((i) => {
+ var p = new Plottable.Plots.Area<number | Date>();
+ p.x(xAccessor, xScale);
+ var y0 = i > median ? accessors[i] : accessors[i + 1];
+ var y = i > median ? accessors[i + 1] : accessors[i];
+ p.y(y, yScale);
+ p.y0(y0);
+ p.attr("fill", (d: any, i: number, m: any) => m.run, this.colorScale);
+ p.attr("stroke", (d: any, i: number, m: any) => m.run, this.colorScale);
+ p.attr("stroke-weight", (d: any, i: number, m: any) => "0.5px");
+ p.attr("stroke-opacity", () => opacities[i]);
+ p.attr("fill-opacity", () => opacities[i]);
+ return p;
+ });
+ var medianPlot = new Plottable.Plots.Line<number | Date>();
+ medianPlot.x(xAccessor, xScale);
+ medianPlot.y(medianAccessor, yScale);
+ medianPlot.attr("stroke", (d: any, i: number, m: any) => m.run, this.colorScale);
+ this.plots = plots;
+ var group = this.addCrosshairs(medianPlot, medianAccessor);
+ return new Plottable.Components.Group([new Plottable.Components.Group(plots), group]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Create a formatter function that will switch between exponential and
+ * regular display depending on the scale of the number being formatted,
+ * and show `digits` significant digits.
+ */
+ function multiscaleFormatter(digits: number): ((v: number) => string) {
+ return (v: number) => {
+ var absv = Math.abs(v);
+ if (absv < 1E-15) {
+ // Sometimes zero-like values get an annoying representation
+ absv = 0;
+ }
+ var f: (x: number) => string;
+ if (absv >= 1E4) {
+ f = d3.format("." + digits + "e");
+ } else if (absv > 0 && absv < 0.01) {
+ f = d3.format("." + digits + "e");
+ } else {
+ f = d3.format("." + digits + "g");
+ }
+ return f(v);
+ };
+ }
+ function accessorize(key: string): Plottable.Accessor<number> {
+ return (d: any, index: number, dataset: Plottable.Dataset) => d[key];
+ }
+ interface XComponents {
+ /* tslint:disable */
+ scale: Plottable.Scales.Linear | Plottable.Scales.Time,
+ axis: Plottable.Axes.Numeric | Plottable.Axes.Time,
+ accessor: Plottable.Accessor<number | Date>,
+ tooltipFormatter: (d: number) => string;
+ /* tslint:enable */
+ }
+ function stepX(): XComponents {
+ var scale = new Plottable.Scales.Linear();
+ var axis = new Plottable.Axes.Numeric(scale, "bottom");
+ var formatter = Plottable.Formatters.siSuffix(STEP_AXIS_FORMATTER_PRECISION);
+ axis.formatter(formatter);
+ return {
+ scale: scale,
+ axis: axis,
+ accessor: accessorize("1"),
+ tooltipFormatter: formatter,
+ };
+ }
+ function wallX(): XComponents {
+ var scale = new Plottable.Scales.Time();
+ var formatter = Plottable.Formatters.time("%a %b %e, %H:%M:%S");
+ return {
+ scale: scale,
+ axis: new Plottable.Axes.Time(scale, "bottom"),
+ accessor: (d: any, index: number, dataset: Plottable.Dataset) => {
+ return d[0] * 1000; // convert seconds to ms
+ },
+ tooltipFormatter: (d: number) => formatter(new Date(d)),
+ };
+ }
+ function relativeX(): XComponents {
+ var scale = new Plottable.Scales.Linear();
+ var formatter = (n: number) => {
+ var days = Math.floor(n / 24);
+ n -= (days * 24);
+ var hours = Math.floor(n);
+ n -= hours;
+ n *= 60;
+ var minutes = Math.floor(n);
+ n -= minutes;
+ n *= 60;
+ var seconds = Math.floor(n);
+ return days + "d " + hours + "h " + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s";
+ };
+ return {
+ scale: scale,
+ axis: new Plottable.Axes.Numeric(scale, "bottom"),
+ accessor: (d: any, index: number, dataset: Plottable.Dataset) => {
+ var data = dataset && dataset.data();
+ // I can't imagine how this function would be called when the data is empty
+ // (after all, it iterates over the data), but lets guard just to be safe.
+ var first = data.length > 0 ? data[0][0] : 0;
+ return (d[0] - first) / (60 * 60); // convert seconds to hours
+ },
+ tooltipFormatter: formatter,
+ };
+ }
+ function getXComponents(xType: string): XComponents {
+ switch (xType) {
+ case "step":
+ return stepX();
+ case "wall_time":
+ return wallX();
+ case "relative":
+ return relativeX();
+ default:
+ throw new Error("invalid xType: " + xType);
+ }
+ }