path: root/tensorflow/tensorboard/DEVELOPMENT.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/tensorboard/DEVELOPMENT.md')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/DEVELOPMENT.md b/tensorflow/tensorboard/DEVELOPMENT.md
index 3ff2c87dab..8e86bf04db 100644
--- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/DEVELOPMENT.md
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/DEVELOPMENT.md
@@ -2,125 +2,24 @@
## Launching a Development Instance
-The first step is getting a TensorBoard development environment set up. You
-should start by making sure you have [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/) and
-[npm](https://www.npmjs.com/). On Ubuntu, `sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
-nodejs-legacy npm`. Ensure your npm version is >=3.0 by running
-'npm --version'. If the version is <3.0, run 'sudo npm install npm -g' to
-update to the latest version. You may need to open a new terminal window after
-updating in order to make use of the newly-installed version.
+Run the following to launch a demo of TensorBoard in raw sources mode:
-Next, you'll want to install [gulp](http://gulpjs.com/) and
-[bower](http://bower.io/), which are used for build tooling and dependency
-management respectively. Both must be installed globally: `sudo npm install -g
-gulp bower` will do that.
+bazel run third_party/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf_tensorboard_d3v4:demo
-Then, cd into the TensorBoard directory:
-`cd tensorflow/tensorboard`
-and install dependencies:
-`npm run prep`
-Then, run gulp: `gulp`
-(Don't worry if there are some linter errors.)
-Now you can navigate to
-and play with the demo TensorBoard instance. If you make changes to the source
-code, `gulp` should detect it, recompile (if Typescript), and reload your
+Now you can navigate to <http://localhost:6006/demo/index.html> and play with
+the demo TensorBoard instance. This will have live source reloading.
This demo TensorBoard will have a small amount of demo data generated by
You can use [serialize_tensorboard.py](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/tensorboard/scripts/serialize_tensorboard.py)
to create a realistic demo directory from your own data files.
-## Launching TensorBoard with modified source
-If you are developing in open source, and have made some changes to TensorBoard
-that you'd like to try out on real data, then you need to regenerate
-Run `gulp regenerate`. That will recompile all of the TensorBoard assets, and
-produce a new tf-tensorboard.html with your changes.
-Now, you can use `bazel` to launch TensorBoard:
-`bazel run //tensorflow/tensorboard:tensorboard -- --logdir=/path/to/logs`.
-## Updating the vulcanized HTML file (for linux)
-The vulcanized HTML file `dist/tf-tensorboard.html.OPENSOURCE` is the version of
-Tensorboard started up by users who install TensorFlow via pip. Today, updating
-that file involves using gulp. Future efforts will streamline this process.
-First, `cd` into the `tensorflow/tensorboard` directory within a git repository
-(a piper client will not work). Run `npm run prepare`.
-Next, we build some third party JS dependencies via webfiles targets. Run
- bazel build \
- tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf_imports:d3 \
- tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf_imports:lodash \
- tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf_imports:graphlib \
- tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf_imports:dagre \
- tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf_imports:plottable
-Users internal to Google should use the internal build tool instead. Move the
-output JS binaries into the tf_imports directory.
-Run `gulp vulcanize`. If compilation errors arise (such as those related to
-TypeScript), fix them and re-run. This step should update the contents of
-Next, we perform some manual find-and-replaces on script `src` paths within
-`dist/tf-tensorboard.html.OPENSOURCE`. Manually replace:
-* `<script src="../tf-imports/d3.js"></script>` with `<script src="../d3/d3.js"></script>`
-* `<script src="../tf-imports/dagre.js"></script>` with `<script src="../dagre/dist/dagre.core.js"></script>`
-* `<script src="../tf-imports/graphlib.js"></script>` with `<script src="../graphlib/dist/graphlib.core.js"></script>`
-* `<script src="../tf-imports/lodash.js"></script>` with `<script src="../lodash/lodash.min.js"></script>`
-* `<script src="../tf-imports/plottable.js"></script>` with `<script src="../plottable/plottable.js"></script>`
-Also, remove duplicate instances of script includes. Each of those scripts
-should only be included once (the first time) within the vulcanized output.
-### Try out the vulcanized Tensorboard HTML output
-To test the vulcanized output, prepare a pip package within a virtualized
-environment, and run `tensorboard` after activating the environment.
-To do that, we first create and activate a virtual environment called say
-`tf_foo` (Pick your own name.).
- virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/tf_foo
- source ~/tf_foo/bin/activate
-Make sure that you have installed `pip` and `virtualenv` beforehand. If not, run
- sudo easy_install pip
- sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
-Next, we run this command from the `tensorflow directory`.
- tools/google/make_tree.sh --pip_dir=/tmp/pip_dir
-to create a pip package. If you are running within Google, also provide the
-`--pending_cl` flag. That script will generate a wheel file (.whl) within
-`/tmp/pip_dir`. Lets say that it is
- pip install --upgrade /tmp/pip_dir/tensorflow-1.0.0rc2-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
+## Launching TensorBoard Proper
-to update the pip installation of TensorFlow within the virtual environment.
-Verify that the `tensorboard` command defers to the tensorboard instance
-installed within your virtual environment (`tf_foo`) by running
-`which tensorboard`. To run tensorboard, start it up as usual within the virtual
+Running TensorBoard automatically asks Bazel to create a vulcanized HTML binary:
- tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/my/logdir
+bazel run //tensorflow/tensorboard:tensorboard -- --logdir=/path/to/logs