path: root/tensorflow/python/training/ftrl.py
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1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/python/training/ftrl.py b/tensorflow/python/training/ftrl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b9471a5ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/python/training/ftrl.py
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+"""FTRL-Proximal for Tensor Flow."""
+from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
+from tensorflow.python.framework import types
+from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import constant_op
+from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import state_ops
+from tensorflow.python.training import optimizer
+def _Solve(a, b, c):
+ """Return solution of a quadratic minimization.
+ The optimization equation is:
+ f(a, b, c) = argmin_w{1/2 * a * w^2 + b * w + c * |w|}
+ we get optimal solution w*:
+ w* = -(b - sign(b)*c)/a if |b| > c else w* = 0
+ REQUIRES: Dimensionality of a and b must be same
+ Args:
+ a: A Tensor
+ b: A Tensor
+ c: A Tensor with one element.
+ Returns:
+ A Tensor w, which is solution for the equation
+ """
+ with ops.name_scope("solve_" + b.op.name):
+ c = ops.convert_to_tensor(c)
+ k = array_ops.fill(array_ops.shape(b), c)
+ zero_t = array_ops.zeros(array_ops.shape(b), dtype=b.dtype)
+ w = (c * math_ops.sign(b) - b) / a
+ w = math_ops.select(math_ops.less(math_ops.abs(b), k), zero_t, w)
+ return w
+def _Compute(accum, linear, base_lr, lr_power, l1, l2):
+ """Compute "variable" given current "accum" and "linear".
+ REQUIRES: Dimensionality of accum and linear must be same.
+ Args:
+ accum: A Tensor which is accumulated gradient square.
+ linear: A Tensor with same size of accum.
+ base_lr: A Tensor which is base learning rate
+ lr_power: A Tensor which is learning rate power
+ l1: A Tensor which is l1_regularization strength
+ l2: A Tensor which is l2_regularization strength
+ Returns:
+ A Tensor which is "variable" after update
+ """
+ with ops.name_scope("compute_" + accum.op.name):
+ one_t = constant_op.constant(1.0, dtype=types.float32)
+ two_t = constant_op.constant(2.0, dtype=types.float32)
+ learning_rate = math_ops.pow(accum, lr_power) * base_lr
+ quadratic = one_t / learning_rate + two_t * l2
+ w = _Solve(quadratic, linear, l1)
+ return w
+def _Update(variable, gradients, accum, linear, base_lr, lr_power, l1, l2):
+ """Update "variable", "accum", "linear" based on "gradients".
+ Some notations here: "variable" as W, "accum" as N, "linear" as Z,
+ "gradients" as G, N(t) means "accum" at t-step.
+ Assuming lr_power = -0.5 which means using adagrad learning rate.
+ "accum" updates as: N = N + G^2
+ "linear" updates as: Z = Z + G - W * (sqrt(N(t)) - sqrt(N(t-1)))/base_lr
+ REQUIRES: Dimensionality of variable, gradients, accum and linear
+ must be same.
+ Args:
+ variable: A Variable.
+ gradients: A Tensor of same shape as 'variable'.
+ accum: A Variable containing the sum of the squares of gradients.
+ linear: A Variable containing approximation info.
+ base_lr: A constant represents base learning rate.
+ lr_power: A constant is used to adjust learning rate.
+ l1: A constant represents l1 regularization strength.
+ l2: A constant represents l2 regularization strength.
+ Returns:
+ A group op including three Assign ops:
+ 1. Assign for "accum"
+ 2. Assign for "linear"
+ 3. Assign for "variable"
+ """
+ dtype = variable.dtype.base_dtype
+ base_lr = ops.convert_to_tensor(base_lr, dtype=dtype)
+ lr_power = ops.convert_to_tensor(lr_power, dtype=dtype)
+ l1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(l1, dtype=dtype)
+ l2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(l2, dtype=dtype)
+ # Compute the new accumulator
+ sqr_grad = math_ops.square(gradients)
+ accum_updated = sqr_grad + accum
+ # Compute the new linear
+ neg_lr_power = math_ops.neg(lr_power)
+ sigma = math_ops.pow(accum_updated, neg_lr_power) - math_ops.pow(
+ accum, neg_lr_power)
+ sigma /= base_lr
+ proximal_adjust = sigma * variable
+ linear_updated = linear + gradients - proximal_adjust
+ # Compute the "variable"
+ variable_updated = _Compute(accum_updated, linear_updated, base_lr,
+ lr_power, l1, l2)
+ with ops.control_dependencies([sigma]):
+ accum_update_op = state_ops.assign(accum, accum_updated)
+ linear_update_op = state_ops.assign(linear, linear_updated)
+ variable_update_op = state_ops.assign(variable, variable_updated)
+ group_op = control_flow_ops.group(linear_update_op, accum_update_op,
+ variable_update_op)
+ return group_op
+# TODO(xbing): Refactor code to make _SparseUpdate and _Update share
+# common routines.
+def _SparseUpdate(variable, gradients, accum, linear, base_lr,
+ lr_power, l1, l2):
+ """Sparse Update "variable", "accum", "linear" based on sparse "gradients".
+ See the description in _Update.
+ Args:
+ variable: A Variable.
+ gradients: A Sparse Tensor
+ accum: A Variable containing the sum of the squares of gradients.
+ linear: A Variable containing approximation info.
+ base_lr: A constant represents base learning rate.
+ lr_power: A constant is used to adjust learning rate.
+ l1: A constant represents l1 regularization strength.
+ l2: A constant represents l2 regularization strength.
+ Returns:
+ A group op including three ScatterUpdate ops:
+ 1. ScatterUpdate for "accum"
+ 2. ScatterUpdate for "linear"
+ 3. ScatterUpdate for "variable"
+ """
+ assert isinstance(gradients, ops.IndexedSlices)
+ with ops.name_scope("sparse_update_" + variable.op.name) as scope:
+ dtype = variable.dtype.base_dtype
+ base_lr = ops.convert_to_tensor(base_lr, dtype=dtype)
+ lr_power = ops.convert_to_tensor(lr_power, dtype=dtype)
+ l1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(l1, dtype=dtype)
+ l2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(l2, dtype=dtype)
+ # Compute the new value for the accumulator
+ previous_accum = array_ops.gather(accum, gradients.indices)
+ sqr_grad = gradients.values * gradients.values
+ accum_updated = sqr_grad + previous_accum
+ # Compute the new linear
+ neg_lr_power = math_ops.neg(lr_power)
+ sigma = math_ops.pow(accum_updated, neg_lr_power) - math_ops.pow(
+ previous_accum, neg_lr_power)
+ sigma /= base_lr
+ variable_slice = array_ops.gather(variable, gradients.indices)
+ proximal_adjust = sigma * variable_slice
+ linear_slice = array_ops.gather(linear, gradients.indices)
+ linear_updated = linear_slice + gradients.values - proximal_adjust
+ # Compute the new "variable"
+ variable_updated = _Compute(accum_updated, linear_updated, base_lr,
+ lr_power, l1, l2)
+ with ops.control_dependencies([sigma]):
+ accum_update_op = state_ops.scatter_update(accum, gradients.indices,
+ accum_updated)
+ linear_update_op = state_ops.scatter_update(linear, gradients.indices,
+ linear_updated)
+ variable_update_op = state_ops.scatter_update(variable, gradients.indices,
+ variable_updated)
+ group_op = control_flow_ops.group(linear_update_op, accum_update_op,
+ variable_update_op, name=scope)
+ return group_op
+class FtrlOptimizer(optimizer.Optimizer):
+ """Optimizer that implements the FTRL algorithm.
+ @@__init__
+ """
+ def __init__(self, learning_rate,
+ learning_rate_power=-0.5,
+ initial_accumulator_value=0.1,
+ l1_regularization_strength=0.0,
+ l2_regularization_strength=0.0,
+ use_locking=False, name="Ftrl"):
+ """Construct a new FTRL optimizer.
+ The Ftrl-proximal algorithm, abbreviated for Follow-the-regularized-leader,
+ is described in the paper [Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches](
+ https://www.eecs.tufts.edu/~dsculley/papers/ad-click-prediction.pdf).
+ It can give a good performance vs. sparsity tradeoff.
+ Ftrl-proximal uses its own global base learning rate and can behave like
+ Adagrad with `learning_rate_power=-0.5`, or like gradient descent with
+ `learning_rate_power=0.0`.
+ The effective learning rate is adjusted per parameter, relative to this
+ base learning rate as:
+ ```
+ effective_learning_rate_i = (learning_rate /
+ pow(k + summed_squared_gradients_for_i, learning_rate_power));
+ ```
+ where k is the small constant `initial_accumulator_value`.
+ Note that the real regularization coefficient of `|w|^2` for objective
+ function is `1 / lambda_2` if specifying `l2 = lambda_2` as argument when
+ using this function.
+ Args:
+ learning_rate: A float value or a constant float `Tensor`.
+ learning_rate_power: A float value, must be less or equal to zero.
+ initial_accumulator_value: The starting value for accumulators.
+ Only positive values are allowed.
+ l1_regularization_strength: A float value, must be greater than or
+ equal to zero.
+ l2_regularization_strength: A float value, must be greater than or
+ equal to zero.
+ use_locking: If `True` use locks for update operations.
+ name: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying
+ gradients. Defaults to "Ftrl".
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: if one of the arguments is invalid.
+ """
+ super(FtrlOptimizer, self).__init__(use_locking, name)
+ if initial_accumulator_value <= 0.0:
+ raise ValueError("initial_accumulator_value %f needs to be positive" %
+ initial_accumulator_value)
+ if learning_rate_power > 0.0:
+ raise ValueError("learning_rate_power %f needs to be negative or zero" %
+ learning_rate_power)
+ if l1_regularization_strength < 0.0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "l1_regularization_strength %f needs to be positive or zero" %
+ l1_regularization_strength)
+ if l2_regularization_strength < 0.0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "l2_regularization_strength %f needs to be positive or zero" %
+ l2_regularization_strength)
+ self._learning_rate = learning_rate
+ self._learning_rate_power = learning_rate_power
+ self._initial_accumulator_value = initial_accumulator_value
+ self._l1_regularization_strength = l1_regularization_strength
+ self._l2_regularization_strength = l2_regularization_strength
+ def _create_slots(self, var_list):
+ # Create the "accum" and "linear" slots.
+ for v in var_list:
+ self._get_or_make_slot(
+ v,
+ constant_op.constant(self._initial_accumulator_value,
+ dtype=v.dtype, shape=v.get_shape()),
+ "accum",
+ self._name)
+ self._zeros_slot(v, "linear", self._name)
+ def _apply_dense(self, grad, var):
+ accum = self.get_slot(var, "accum")
+ linear = self.get_slot(var, "linear")
+ return _Update(var, grad, accum, linear,
+ self._learning_rate, self._learning_rate_power,
+ self._l1_regularization_strength,
+ self._l2_regularization_strength)
+ def _apply_sparse(self, grad, var):
+ accum = self.get_slot(var, "accum")
+ linear = self.get_slot(var, "linear")
+ return _SparseUpdate(var, grad, accum, linear,
+ self._learning_rate, self._learning_rate_power,
+ self._l1_regularization_strength,
+ self._l2_regularization_strength)