path: root/tensorflow/python/summary/event_accumulator.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/python/summary/event_accumulator.py b/tensorflow/python/summary/event_accumulator.py
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index 0000000000..ae067d94fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/python/summary/event_accumulator.py
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+"""Takes a generator of values, and accumulates them for a frontend."""
+import collections
+import threading
+from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile
+from tensorflow.python.platform import logging
+from tensorflow.python.summary.impl import directory_watcher
+from tensorflow.python.summary.impl import event_file_loader
+from tensorflow.python.summary.impl import reservoir
+namedtuple = collections.namedtuple
+ScalarEvent = namedtuple('ScalarEvent',
+ ['wall_time', 'step', 'value'])
+CompressedHistogramEvent = namedtuple('CompressedHistogramEvent',
+ ['wall_time', 'step',
+ 'compressed_histogram_values'])
+CompressedHistogramValue = namedtuple('CompressedHistogramValue',
+ ['basis_point', 'value'])
+HistogramEvent = namedtuple('HistogramEvent',
+ ['wall_time', 'step', 'histogram_value'])
+HistogramValue = namedtuple('HistogramValue',
+ ['min', 'max', 'num', 'sum', 'sum_squares',
+ 'bucket_limit', 'bucket'])
+ImageEvent = namedtuple('ImageEvent',
+ ['wall_time', 'step', 'encoded_image_string',
+ 'width', 'height'])
+## The tagTypes below are just arbitrary strings chosen to pass the type
+## information of the tag from the backend to the frontend
+COMPRESSED_HISTOGRAMS = 'compressedHistograms'
+HISTOGRAMS = 'histograms'
+IMAGES = 'images'
+SCALARS = 'scalars'
+GRAPH = 'graph'
+## normal CDF for std_devs: (-Inf, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, Inf)
+## naturally gives bands around median of width 1 std dev, 2 std dev, 3 std dev,
+## and then the long tail.
+NORMAL_HISTOGRAM_BPS = (0, 668, 1587, 3085, 5000, 6915, 8413, 9332, 10000)
+ IMAGES: 4,
+ SCALARS: 10000,
+ IMAGES: 0,
+def IsTensorFlowEventsFile(path):
+ """Check the path name to see if it is probably a TF Events file."""
+ return 'tfevents' in path
+class EventAccumulator(object):
+ """An `EventAccumulator` takes an event generator, and accumulates the values.
+ The `EventAccumulator` is intended to provide a convenient Python interface
+ for loading Event data written during a TensorFlow run. TensorFlow writes out
+ `Event` protobuf objects, which have a timestamp and step number, and often
+ contain a `Summary`. Summaries can have different kinds of data like an image,
+ a scalar value, or a histogram. The Summaries also have a tag, which we use to
+ organize logically related data. The `EventAccumulator` supports retrieving
+ the `Event` and `Summary` data by its tag.
+ Calling `Tags()` gets a map from `tagType` (e.g. `'images'`,
+ `'compressedHistograms'`, `'scalars'`, etc) to the associated tags for those
+ data types. Then, various functional endpoints (eg
+ `Accumulator.Scalars(tag)`) allow for the retrieval of all data
+ associated with that tag.
+ Before usage, the `EventAccumulator` must be activated via `Reload()` or
+ `AutoUpdate(interval)`.
+ If activated via `Reload()`, it loads synchronously, so calls to `Values` or
+ `Tags` will block until all outstanding events are processed. Afterwards,
+ `Reload()` may be called again to load any new data.
+ If activated via `AutoUpdate(interval)`, it loads asynchronously, so calls to
+ `Values` or `Tags` will immediately return a valid subset of the outstanding
+ event data. It reloads new data every `interval` seconds.
+ Histograms and images are very large, so storing all of them is not
+ recommended.
+ @@Reload
+ @@AutoUpdate
+ @@Tags
+ @@Scalars
+ @@Graph
+ @@Histograms
+ @@CompressedHistograms
+ @@Images
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path, size_guidance=DEFAULT_SIZE_GUIDANCE,
+ compression_bps=NORMAL_HISTOGRAM_BPS):
+ """Construct the `EventAccumulator`.
+ Args:
+ path: A file path to a directory containing tf events files, or a single
+ tf events file. The accumulator will load events from this path.
+ size_guidance: Information on how much data the EventAccumulator should
+ store in memory. The DEFAULT_SIZE_GUIDANCE tries not to store too much
+ so as to avoid OOMing the client. The size_guidance should be a map
+ from a `tagType` string to an integer representing the number of
+ items to keep per tag for items of that `tagType`. If the size is 0,
+ all events are stored.
+ compression_bps: Information on how the `EventAccumulator` should compress
+ histogram data for the `CompressedHistograms` tag (for details see
+ `ProcessCompressedHistogram`).
+ """
+ sizes = {}
+ if key in size_guidance:
+ sizes[key] = size_guidance[key]
+ else:
+ sizes[key] = DEFAULT_SIZE_GUIDANCE[key]
+ self._scalars = reservoir.Reservoir(size=sizes[SCALARS])
+ self._graph = None
+ self._histograms = reservoir.Reservoir(size=sizes[HISTOGRAMS])
+ self._compressed_histograms = reservoir.Reservoir(
+ self._images = reservoir.Reservoir(size=sizes[IMAGES])
+ self._generator_mutex = threading.Lock()
+ self._generator = _GeneratorFromPath(path)
+ self._is_autoupdating = False
+ self._activated = False
+ self._compression_bps = compression_bps
+ def Reload(self):
+ """Loads all events added since the last call to `Reload`.
+ If `Reload` was never called, loads all events in the file.
+ Calling `Reload` activates the `EventAccumulator`.
+ Returns:
+ The `EventAccumulator`.
+ """
+ self._activated = True
+ with self._generator_mutex:
+ for event in self._generator.Load():
+ if event.HasField('graph_def'):
+ if self._graph is not None:
+ logging.warn(('Found more than one graph event per run.'
+ 'Overwritting the graph with the newest event'))
+ self._graph = event.graph_def
+ elif event.HasField('summary'):
+ for value in event.summary.value:
+ if value.HasField('simple_value'):
+ self._ProcessScalar(value.tag, event.wall_time, event.step,
+ value.simple_value)
+ elif value.HasField('histo'):
+ self._ProcessHistogram(value.tag, event.wall_time, event.step,
+ value.histo)
+ self._ProcessCompressedHistogram(value.tag, event.wall_time,
+ event.step, value.histo)
+ elif value.HasField('image'):
+ self._ProcessImage(value.tag, event.wall_time, event.step,
+ value.image)
+ return self
+ def AutoUpdate(self, interval=60):
+ """Asynchronously load all events, and periodically reload.
+ Calling this function is not thread safe.
+ Calling this function activates the `EventAccumulator`.
+ Args:
+ interval: how many seconds after each successful reload to load new events
+ (default 60)
+ Returns:
+ The `EventAccumulator`.
+ """
+ if self._is_autoupdating:
+ return
+ self._is_autoupdating = True
+ self._activated = True
+ def Update():
+ self.Reload()
+ logging.info('EventAccumulator update triggered')
+ t = threading.Timer(interval, Update)
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ # Asynchronously start the update process, so that the accumulator can
+ # immediately serve data, even if there is a very large event file to parse
+ t = threading.Timer(0, Update)
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ return self
+ def Tags(self):
+ """Return all tags found in the value stream.
+ Raises:
+ RuntimeError: If the `EventAccumulator` has not been activated.
+ Returns:
+ A `{tagType: ['list', 'of', 'tags']}` dictionary.
+ """
+ self._VerifyActivated()
+ return {IMAGES: self._images.Keys(),
+ HISTOGRAMS: self._histograms.Keys(),
+ SCALARS: self._scalars.Keys(),
+ COMPRESSED_HISTOGRAMS: self._compressed_histograms.Keys(),
+ GRAPH: self._graph is not None}
+ def Scalars(self, tag):
+ """Given a summary tag, return all associated `ScalarEvent`s.
+ Args:
+ tag: A string tag associated with the events.
+ Raises:
+ KeyError: If the tag is not found.
+ RuntimeError: If the `EventAccumulator` has not been activated.
+ Returns:
+ An array of `ScalarEvent`s.
+ """
+ self._VerifyActivated()
+ return self._scalars.Items(tag)
+ def Graph(self):
+ """Return the graph definition, if there is one.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If there is no graph for this run.
+ RuntimeError: If the `EventAccumulator` has not been activated.
+ Returns:
+ The `graph_def` proto.
+ """
+ self._VerifyActivated()
+ if self._graph is None:
+ raise ValueError('There is no graph in this EventAccumulator')
+ return self._graph
+ def Histograms(self, tag):
+ """Given a summary tag, return all associated histograms.
+ Args:
+ tag: A string tag associated with the events.
+ Raises:
+ KeyError: If the tag is not found.
+ RuntimeError: If the `EventAccumulator` has not been activated.
+ Returns:
+ An array of `HistogramEvent`s.
+ """
+ self._VerifyActivated()
+ return self._histograms.Items(tag)
+ def CompressedHistograms(self, tag):
+ """Given a summary tag, return all associated compressed histograms.
+ Args:
+ tag: A string tag associated with the events.
+ Raises:
+ KeyError: If the tag is not found.
+ RuntimeError: If the `EventAccumulator` has not been activated.
+ Returns:
+ An array of `CompressedHistogramEvent`s.
+ """
+ self._VerifyActivated()
+ return self._compressed_histograms.Items(tag)
+ def Images(self, tag):
+ """Given a summary tag, return all associated images.
+ Args:
+ tag: A string tag associated with the events.
+ Raises:
+ KeyError: If the tag is not found.
+ RuntimeError: If the `EventAccumulator` has not been activated.
+ Returns:
+ An array of `ImageEvent`s.
+ """
+ self._VerifyActivated()
+ return self._images.Items(tag)
+ def _VerifyActivated(self):
+ if not self._activated:
+ raise RuntimeError('Accumulator must be activated before it may be used.')
+ def _ProcessScalar(self, tag, wall_time, step, scalar):
+ """Processes a simple value by adding it to accumulated state."""
+ sv = ScalarEvent(wall_time=wall_time, step=step, value=scalar)
+ self._scalars.AddItem(tag, sv)
+ def _ProcessHistogram(self, tag, wall_time, step, histo):
+ """Processes a histogram by adding it to accumulated state."""
+ histogram_value = HistogramValue(
+ min=histo.min,
+ max=histo.max,
+ num=histo.num,
+ sum=histo.sum,
+ sum_squares=histo.sum_squares,
+ # convert from proto repeated to list
+ bucket_limit=list(histo.bucket_limit),
+ bucket=list(histo.bucket),
+ )
+ histogram_event = HistogramEvent(
+ wall_time=wall_time,
+ step=step,
+ histogram_value=histogram_value,
+ )
+ self._histograms.AddItem(tag, histogram_event)
+ def _Remap(self, x, x0, x1, y0, y1):
+ """Linearly map from [x0, x1] unto [y0, y1]."""
+ return y0 + (x - x0) * float(y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)
+ def _Percentile(self, compression_bps, bucket_limit, cumsum_weights,
+ histo_min, histo_max, histo_num):
+ """Linearly interpolates a histogram weight for a particular basis point.
+ Uses clamping methods on `histo_min` and `histo_max` to produce tight
+ linear estimates of the histogram weight at a particular basis point.
+ Args:
+ compression_bps: The desired basis point at which to estimate the weight
+ bucket_limit: An array of the RHS histogram bucket limits
+ cumsum_weights: A cumulative sum of the fraction of weights in each
+ histogram bucket, represented in basis points.
+ histo_min: The minimum weight observed in the weight histogram
+ histo_max: The maximum weight observed in the weight histogram
+ histo_num: The number of items in the weight histogram
+ Returns:
+ A linearly interpolated value of the histogram weight estimate.
+ """
+ if histo_num == 0: return 0
+ for i, cumsum in enumerate(cumsum_weights):
+ if cumsum >= compression_bps:
+ cumsum_prev = cumsum_weights[i-1] if i > 0 else 0
+ # Prevent cumsum = 0, cumsum_prev = 0, lerp divide by zero.
+ if cumsum == cumsum_prev: continue
+ # Calculate the lower bound of interpolation
+ lhs = bucket_limit[i-1] if (i > 0 and cumsum_prev > 0) else histo_min
+ lhs = max(lhs, histo_min)
+ # Calculate the upper bound of interpolation
+ rhs = bucket_limit[i]
+ rhs = min(rhs, histo_max)
+ weight = self._Remap(compression_bps, cumsum_prev, cumsum, lhs, rhs)
+ return weight
+ ## We have not exceeded cumsum, so return the max observed.
+ return histo_max
+ def _ProcessCompressedHistogram(self, tag, wall_time, step, histo):
+ """Processes a histogram by adding a compression to accumulated state.
+ Adds a compressed histogram by linearly interpolating histogram buckets to
+ represent the histogram weight at multiple compression points. Uses
+ self._compression_bps (passed to EventAccumulator constructor) as the
+ compression points (represented in basis points, 1/100ths of a precent).
+ Args:
+ tag: A string name of the tag for which histograms are retrieved.
+ wall_time: Time in seconds since epoch
+ step: Number of steps that have passed
+ histo: proto2 histogram Object
+ """
+ def _CumulativeSum(arr):
+ return [sum(arr[:i+1]) for i in range(len(arr))]
+ # Convert from proto repeated field into a Python list.
+ bucket = list(histo.bucket)
+ bucket_limit = list(histo.bucket_limit)
+ bucket_total = sum(bucket)
+ fraction_weights = [float(10000*x)/bucket_total for x in bucket]
+ cumsum_weights = _CumulativeSum(fraction_weights)
+ percentiles = [
+ self._Percentile(bps, bucket_limit, cumsum_weights, histo.min,
+ histo.max, histo.num) for bps in self._compression_bps
+ ]
+ compressed_histogram_values = [CompressedHistogramValue(
+ basis_point=bps,
+ value=value) for bps, value in zip(self._compression_bps, percentiles)]
+ histogram_event = CompressedHistogramEvent(
+ wall_time=wall_time,
+ step=step,
+ compressed_histogram_values=compressed_histogram_values)
+ self._compressed_histograms.AddItem(tag, histogram_event)
+ def _ProcessImage(self, tag, wall_time, step, image):
+ """Processes an image by adding it to accumulated state."""
+ event = ImageEvent(
+ wall_time=wall_time,
+ step=step,
+ encoded_image_string=image.encoded_image_string,
+ width=image.width,
+ height=image.height
+ )
+ self._images.AddItem(tag, event)
+def _GeneratorFromPath(path):
+ """Create an event generator for file or directory at given path string."""
+ loader_factory = event_file_loader.EventFileLoader
+ if gfile.IsDirectory(path):
+ return directory_watcher.DirectoryWatcher(path, loader_factory,
+ IsTensorFlowEventsFile)
+ else:
+ return loader_factory(path)