path: root/tensorflow/python/ops/parsing_ops.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/python/ops/parsing_ops.py b/tensorflow/python/ops/parsing_ops.py
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+++ b/tensorflow/python/ops/parsing_ops.py
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+"""Parsing Ops."""
+from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
+from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
+from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util
+from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import common_shapes
+from tensorflow.python.ops import constant_op
+from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_parsing_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import logging_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
+# pylint: disable=wildcard-import,undefined-variable
+from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_parsing_ops import *
+# pylint: disable=protected-access
+def parse_example(serialized,
+ names=None,
+ sparse_keys=None,
+ sparse_types=None,
+ dense_keys=None,
+ dense_types=None,
+ dense_defaults=None,
+ dense_shapes=None,
+ name="ParseExample"):
+ """Parse Example protos.
+ Args:
+ serialized: string vector, a batch of binary serialized Example protos.
+ names: A string vector, the names of the serialized protos.
+ "names" may contain, e.g., table key (descriptive) names for the
+ corresponding serialized protos. These are purely useful for debugging
+ purposes, and the presence of values here has no effect on the output.
+ "names" may be an empty vector, if no names are available.
+ If non-empty, this vector must be the same length as "serialized".
+ sparse_keys: A string list of keys in the Examples' features.
+ These keys are associated with sparse values.
+ sparse_types: A list of DTypes.
+ This list's length must match that of sparse_keys. Currently
+ parse_example supports tf.float32 (FloatList), tf.int64 (Int64List),
+ and tf.string (BytesList).
+ dense_keys: A string list of keys in the Examples' features.
+ These keys are associated with dense values.
+ dense_types: A list of DTypes.
+ This list's length must match that of dense_keys. Currently
+ parse_example supports tf.float32 (FloatList), tf.int64 (Int64List),
+ and tf.string (BytesList).
+ dense_defaults: A dict of {key:Tensor} (some may be missing).
+ The keys of the dict must match the dense_keys of the feature.
+ If a key is not present in this dictionary, the corresponding dense
+ Feature is required in all elements of serialized.
+ dense_shapes: A list of tuples.
+ Entries provide the shape of data in each dense Feature in features.
+ The length of dense_shapes must be the same as the length of dense_keys.
+ The number of elements in the Feature corresponding to dense_key[j]
+ must always have np.prod(dense_shapes[j]) entries.
+ If dense_shapes[j] == (D0, D1, ..., DN) then the the shape of output
+ Tensor dense_values[j] will be (|serialized|, D0, D1, ..., DN):
+ The dense outputs are just the inputs row-stacked by batch.
+ name: (Optional) Name of Op in the graph.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary mapping keys to Tensors and SparseTensors.
+ The key dense_keys[j] is mapped to a tensor of type dense_types[j] and
+ of shape (serialized.size(),) + dense_shapes[j] (i.e., the dense outputs are
+ inputs, reshaped in row-major format and then row-stacked by batch).
+ The key sparse_keys[j] is mapped to a SparseTensor of type sparse_types[j].
+ The SparseTensor represents a ragged matrix. Its indices are [batch, index]
+ where "batch" is is the batch entry the value is from, and "index" is the
+ value's index in the list of values associated with that feature
+ and example. For example, if one expects a tf.float32 sparse feature "ft"
+ and three serialized examples are provided:
+ serialized = [
+ features:
+ { feature: [ key: { "ft" value: float_list: { value: [1.0, 2.0] } } ] },
+ features:
+ { feature: [] },
+ features:
+ { feature: [ key: { "ft" value: float_list: { value: [3.0] } } ] }
+ ]
+ then the output will look like:
+ {"ft": SparseTensor(indices=[[0, 0], [0, 1], [2, 0]],
+ values=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
+ shape=(3, 2)) }
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If sparse and dense keys intersect, or input lengths do not
+ match up for sparse_* (similarly for dense_*).
+ TypeError: If an input is malformed.
+ Example input, format, and output: Just Sparse Inputs
+ ================================================
+ Given two brain.Example input protos:
+ serialized: // serialized versions of the protos below
+ [features: {
+ feature: { key: "kw" value: { bytes_list: { value: [ "knit", "big" ] } } }
+ feature: { key: "gps" value: { float_list: { value: [] } } }
+ },
+ features: {
+ feature: { key: "kw" value: { bytes_list: { value: [ "emmy" ] } } }
+ feature: { key: "dank" value: { int64_list: { value: [ 42 ] } } }
+ feature: { key: "gps" value: { } }
+ }]
+ names: ["input0", "input1"],
+ sparse_keys: ["kw", "dank", "gps"]
+ sparse_types: [DT_STRING, DT_INT64, DT_FLOAT]
+ Then the expected output is a dictionary:
+ {
+ "kw": SparseTensor(
+ indices=[[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]],
+ values=["knit", "big", "emmy"]
+ shape=[2, 2]),
+ "dank": SparseTensor(
+ indices=[[1, 0]],
+ values=[42],
+ shape=[2, 1]),
+ "gps": SparseTensor(
+ indices=[],
+ values=[],
+ shape=[2, 0]),
+ }
+ Example input, format, and output: Dense Inputs (without defaults)
+ ==================================================================
+ Given two brain.Example input protos:
+ serialized: // serialized versions of the protos below
+ [features: {
+ feature: { key: "age" value: { int64_list: { value: [ 0 ] } } }
+ feature: { key: "gender" value: { bytes_list: { value: [ "f" ] } } }
+ },
+ features: {
+ feature: { key: "age" value: { int64_list: { value: [] } } }
+ feature: { key: "gender" value: { bytes_list: { value: [ "f" ] } } }
+ }]
+ names: ["input0", "input1"],
+ dense_keys: np.array(["age", "gender"])
+ dense_types: [tf.int64, tf.string]
+ dense_defaults: {
+ "age": -1 # defaults to -1 if missing
+ # "gender" has no specified default so it's required
+ }
+ dense_shapes: [(1,), (1,)] # age, gender, label, weight
+ Then the expected output is a dictionary:
+ {
+ "age": [[0], [-1]],
+ "gender": [["f"], ["f"]],
+ }
+ Example input, format, and output: Dense Inputs (with defaults)
+ ===============================================================
+ Given two brain.Example input protos:
+ serialized: // serialized versions of the protos below
+ [features: {
+ feature: { key: "weight" value: { float_list: { value: [ 1.0 ] } } }
+ },
+ features: {
+ feature: { key: "label" value: { float_list: { value: [ -1.0, 0.0 ] } } }
+ }]
+ names: ["input0", "input1"],
+ dense_keys: np.array(["label", "weight"])
+ dense_defaults: {
+ "label": [1.0, 2.0], # float (default: vector)
+ "weight": 5.0 # float (default: scalar, 5.0)
+ }
+ dense_shapes: [(2,), (1,)] # age, gender, label, weight
+ Then the expected output is a dictionary:
+ {
+ "label": [[1.0, 2.0], [-1.0, 0.0]],
+ "weight": [[1.0], [5.0]],
+ }
+ """
+ names = [] if names is None else names
+ dense_defaults = {} if dense_defaults is None else dense_defaults
+ sparse_keys = [] if sparse_keys is None else sparse_keys
+ sparse_types = [] if sparse_types is None else sparse_types
+ dense_keys = [] if dense_keys is None else dense_keys
+ dense_types = [] if dense_types is None else dense_types
+ dense_shapes = [
+ []] * len(dense_keys) if dense_shapes is None else dense_shapes
+ num_dense = len(dense_keys)
+ num_sparse = len(sparse_keys)
+ if len(dense_shapes) != num_dense:
+ raise ValueError("len(dense_shapes) != len(dense_keys): %d vs. %d"
+ % (len(dense_shapes), num_dense))
+ if len(dense_types) != num_dense:
+ raise ValueError("len(dense_types) != len(num_dense): %d vs. %d"
+ % (len(dense_types), num_dense))
+ if len(sparse_types) != num_sparse:
+ raise ValueError("len(sparse_types) != len(sparse_keys): %d vs. %d"
+ % (len(sparse_types), num_sparse))
+ if num_dense + num_sparse == 0:
+ raise ValueError("Must provide at least one sparse key or dense key")
+ if not set(dense_keys).isdisjoint(set(sparse_keys)):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Dense and sparse keys must not intersect; intersection: %s" %
+ set(dense_keys).intersection(set(sparse_keys)))
+ dense_defaults_vec = []
+ for i, key in enumerate(dense_keys):
+ default_value = dense_defaults.get(key)
+ if default_value is None:
+ default_value = constant_op.constant([], dtype=dense_types[i])
+ elif not isinstance(default_value, ops.Tensor):
+ default_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(
+ default_value, dtype=dense_types[i], name=key)
+ default_value = array_ops.reshape(default_value, dense_shapes[i])
+ dense_defaults_vec.append(default_value)
+ dense_shapes = [tensor_util.MakeTensorShapeProto(shape)
+ if isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)) else shape
+ for shape in dense_shapes]
+ outputs = gen_parsing_ops._parse_example(
+ serialized=serialized,
+ names=names,
+ dense_defaults=dense_defaults_vec,
+ sparse_keys=sparse_keys,
+ sparse_types=sparse_types,
+ dense_keys=dense_keys,
+ dense_shapes=dense_shapes,
+ name=name)
+ (sparse_indices, sparse_values, sparse_shapes, dense_values) = outputs
+ sparse_tensors = [ops.SparseTensor(ix, val, shape) for (ix, val, shape)
+ in zip(sparse_indices, sparse_values, sparse_shapes)]
+ return dict(
+ zip(sparse_keys + dense_keys, sparse_tensors + dense_values))
+def parse_single_example(serialized, # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ names=None,
+ sparse_keys=None,
+ sparse_types=None,
+ dense_keys=None,
+ dense_types=None,
+ dense_defaults=None,
+ dense_shapes=None,
+ name="ParseSingleExample"):
+ """Identical to parse_example but for scalar serialized and names.
+ Args:
+ serialized: A scalar string, a single serialized Example.
+ See parse_example documentation for more details.
+ names: (Optional) A scalar string, the associated name.
+ See parse_example documentation for more details.
+ sparse_keys: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+ sparse_types: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+ dense_keys: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+ dense_types: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+ dense_defaults: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+ dense_shapes: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+ name: Optional op name.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary mapping keys to Tensors and SparseTensors.
+ For dense tensors, the Tensor is identical to the output of parse_example,
+ except it is one less dimension (the first, batch, dimension is removed).
+ For SparseTensors:
+ The first (batch) column of the indices matrix is removed
+ (it is now a column vector).
+ The values vector is unchanged.
+ The first (batch_size) entry of the shape vector is removed
+ (it is now a single element vector).
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: if "scalar" or "names" have known shapes, and are not scalars.
+ """
+ with ops.op_scope([serialized], name, "parse_single_example"):
+ serialized = ops.convert_to_tensor(serialized)
+ serialized_shape = serialized.get_shape()
+ if serialized_shape.ndims is not None:
+ if serialized_shape.ndims != 0:
+ raise ValueError("Input serialized must be a scalar")
+ else:
+ serialized = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
+ [logging_ops.Assert(
+ math_ops.equal(array_ops.rank(serialized), 0),
+ ["Input serialized must be a scalar"],
+ name="SerializedIsScalar")],
+ serialized,
+ name="SerializedDependencies")
+ serialized = array_ops.expand_dims(serialized, 0)
+ if names is not None:
+ names = ops.convert_to_tensor(names)
+ names_shape = names.get_shape()
+ if names_shape.ndims is not None:
+ if names_shape.ndims != 0:
+ raise ValueError("Input names must be a scalar")
+ else:
+ names = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
+ [logging_ops.Assert(
+ math_ops.equal(array_ops.rank(names), 0),
+ ["Input names must be a scalar"],
+ name="NamesIsScalar")],
+ names,
+ name="NamesDependencies")
+ names = array_ops.expand_dims(names, 0)
+ outputs = parse_example(serialized,
+ names=names,
+ sparse_keys=sparse_keys,
+ sparse_types=sparse_types,
+ dense_keys=dense_keys,
+ dense_types=dense_types,
+ dense_defaults=dense_defaults,
+ dense_shapes=dense_shapes,
+ name=name)
+ if dense_keys is not None:
+ for d in dense_keys:
+ outputs[d] = array_ops.squeeze(outputs[d], [0], name="Squeeze_%s" % d)
+ if sparse_keys is not None:
+ for s in sparse_keys:
+ outputs[s] = ops.SparseTensor(
+ array_ops.slice(outputs[s].indices,
+ [0, 1], [-1, -1], name="Slice_Indices_%s" % s),
+ outputs[s].values,
+ array_ops.slice(outputs[s].shape,
+ [1], [-1], name="Squeeze_Shape_%s" % s))
+ return outputs
+def _ParseExampleShape(op):
+ """Shape function for the ParseExample op."""
+ input_shape = op.inputs[0].get_shape().with_rank(1)
+ num_sparse = op.get_attr("Nsparse")
+ num_dense = op.get_attr("Ndense")
+ dense_shapes = op.get_attr("dense_shapes")
+ sparse_index_shapes = [
+ tensor_shape.matrix(None, 2) for _ in range(num_sparse)]
+ sparse_value_shapes = [tensor_shape.vector(None) for _ in range(num_sparse)]
+ sparse_shape_shapes = [tensor_shape.vector(2) for _ in range(num_sparse)]
+ assert num_dense == len(dense_shapes)
+ dense_shapes = [
+ input_shape.concatenate((d.size for d in dense_shape.dim))
+ for dense_shape in dense_shapes]
+ return (sparse_index_shapes + sparse_value_shapes + sparse_shape_shapes +
+ dense_shapes)
+ common_shapes.unchanged_shape)
+def _DecodeRawShape(op):
+ """Shape function for the DecodeRaw op."""
+ # NOTE(mrry): Last dimension is data-dependent.
+ return [op.inputs[0].get_shape().concatenate([None])]
+def _DecodeCSVShape(op):
+ """Shape function for the DecodeCSV op."""
+ input_shape = op.inputs[0].get_shape()
+ # Optionally check that all of other inputs are scalar or empty.
+ for default_input in op.inputs[1:]:
+ default_input_shape = default_input.get_shape().with_rank(1)
+ if default_input_shape[0] > 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Shape of a default must be a length-0 or length-1 vector.")
+ return [input_shape] * len(op.outputs)