path: root/tensorflow/python/ops/histogram_ops.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/python/ops/histogram_ops.py b/tensorflow/python/ops/histogram_ops.py
index d46084a41f..b2de2e5015 100644
--- a/tensorflow/python/ops/histogram_ops.py
+++ b/tensorflow/python/ops/histogram_ops.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
Please see @{$python/histogram_ops} guide.
@@ -33,6 +34,70 @@ from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
+def histogram_fixed_width_bins(values,
+ value_range,
+ nbins=100,
+ dtype=dtypes.int32,
+ name=None):
+ """Bins the given values for use in a histogram.
+ Given the tensor `values`, this operation returns a rank 1 `Tensor`
+ representing the indices of a histogram into which each element
+ of `values` would be binned. The bins are equal width and
+ determined by the arguments `value_range` and `nbins`.
+ Args:
+ values: Numeric `Tensor`.
+ value_range: Shape [2] `Tensor` of same `dtype` as `values`.
+ values <= value_range[0] will be mapped to hist[0],
+ values >= value_range[1] will be mapped to hist[-1].
+ nbins: Scalar `int32 Tensor`. Number of histogram bins.
+ dtype: dtype for returned histogram.
+ name: A name for this operation (defaults to 'histogram_fixed_width').
+ Returns:
+ A `Tensor` holding the indices of the binned values whose shape matches
+ `values`.
+ Examples:
+ ```python
+ # Bins will be: (-inf, 1), [1, 2), [2, 3), [3, 4), [4, inf)
+ nbins = 5
+ value_range = [0.0, 5.0]
+ new_values = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.5, 2.0, 5.0, 15]
+ with tf.get_default_session() as sess:
+ indices = tf.histogram_fixed_width_bins(new_values, value_range, nbins=5)
+ variables.global_variables_initializer().run()
+ sess.run(indices) => [0, 0, 1, 2, 4]
+ ```
+ """
+ with ops.name_scope(name, 'histogram_fixed_width_bins',
+ [values, value_range, nbins]) as scope:
+ values = ops.convert_to_tensor(values, name='values')
+ shape = array_ops.shape(values)
+ values = array_ops.reshape(values, [-1])
+ value_range = ops.convert_to_tensor(value_range, name='value_range')
+ nbins = ops.convert_to_tensor(nbins, dtype=dtypes.int32, name='nbins')
+ nbins_float = math_ops.cast(nbins, values.dtype)
+ # Map tensor values that fall within value_range to [0, 1].
+ scaled_values = math_ops.truediv(values - value_range[0],
+ value_range[1] - value_range[0],
+ name='scaled_values')
+ # map tensor values within the open interval value_range to {0,.., nbins-1},
+ # values outside the open interval will be zero or less, or nbins or more.
+ indices = math_ops.floor(nbins_float * scaled_values, name='indices')
+ # Clip edge cases (e.g. value = value_range[1]) or "outliers."
+ indices = math_ops.cast(
+ clip_ops.clip_by_value(indices, 0, nbins_float - 1), dtypes.int32)
+ return array_ops.reshape(indices, shape)
def histogram_fixed_width(values,