path: root/tensorflow/python/ops/gradients.py
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1 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/python/ops/gradients.py b/tensorflow/python/ops/gradients.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffa7828c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/python/ops/gradients.py
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+"""Implements the graph generation for computation of gradients."""
+import collections
+import warnings
+import tensorflow.python.platform
+import numpy as np
+from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
+from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
+from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util
+from tensorflow.python.framework import types
+# pylint: disable=unused-import
+from tensorflow.python.ops import array_grad
+from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import constant_op
+from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_grad
+from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import logging_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import linalg_grad
+from tensorflow.python.ops import math_grad
+# pylint: enable=unused-import
+from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import linalg_ops
+from tensorflow.python.platform import logging
+# Warn the user if we convert a sparse representation to dense with at
+# least this number of elements.
+def _IndexedSlicesToTensor(value, dtype=None, name=None):
+ """Converts an IndexedSlices object `value` to a Tensor.
+ NOTE(mrry): This function is potentially expensive.
+ Args:
+ value: An ops.IndexedSlices object.
+ dtype: The dtype of the Tensor to be returned.
+ name: Optional name to use for the returned Tensor.
+ Returns:
+ A dense Tensor representing the values in the given IndexedSlices.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If the IndexedSlices does not have the same dtype.
+ """
+ if dtype and not dtype.is_compatible_with(value.dtype):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Tensor conversion requested dtype %s for IndexedSlices with dtype %s"
+ % (dtype.name, value.dtype.name))
+ if value.dense_shape is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Tensor conversion requested for IndexedSlices without dense_shape: %s"
+ % str(value))
+ # TODO(mrry): Consider adding static shape information to
+ # IndexedSlices, to avoid using numpy here.
+ dense_shape_value = tensor_util.ConstantValue(value.dense_shape)
+ if dense_shape_value is not None:
+ num_elements = np.prod(dense_shape_value)
+ if num_elements >= _LARGE_SPARSE_NUM_ELEMENTS:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor with %d elements. "
+ "This may consume a large amount of memory." % num_elements)
+ else:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor of unknown shape. "
+ "This may consume a large amount of memory.")
+ return math_ops.unsorted_segment_sum(
+ value.values, value.indices, value.dense_shape[0], name=name)
+ops.register_tensor_conversion_function(ops.IndexedSlices, _IndexedSlicesToTensor)
+def _MarkReachedOps(from_ops, reached_ops):
+ """Mark all ops reached from "from_ops".
+ Args:
+ from_ops: list of Operations.
+ reached_ops: list of booleans, indexed by operation id.
+ """
+ queue = collections.deque()
+ queue.extend(from_ops)
+ while queue:
+ op = queue.popleft()
+ if not reached_ops[op._id]:
+ reached_ops[op._id] = True
+ for output in op.outputs:
+ queue.extend(output.consumers())
+def _GatherInputs(to_ops, reached_ops):
+ """List all inputs of to_ops that are in reached_ops.
+ Args:
+ to_ops: list of Operations.
+ reached_ops: list of booleans, indexed by operation id.
+ Returns:
+ The list of all inputs of to_ops that are in reached_ops.
+ That list includes all elements of to_ops.
+ """
+ inputs = []
+ queue = collections.deque()
+ queue.extend(to_ops)
+ while queue:
+ op = queue.popleft()
+ # We are interested in this op.
+ if reached_ops[op._id]:
+ inputs.append(op)
+ # Clear the boolean so we won't add the inputs again.
+ reached_ops[op._id] = False
+ for inp in op.inputs:
+ queue.append(inp.op)
+ return inputs
+def _GetGradsDevice(op, colocate_gradients_with_ops):
+ """Gets the device to which to assign gradients of "op".
+ Args:
+ op: an Operation.
+ colocate_gradients_with_ops: If True, try colocating gradients with the
+ corresponding op.
+ Returns:
+ A device string.
+ """
+ if colocate_gradients_with_ops and op.device:
+ return op.device
+ else:
+ return op.graph.get_default_device()
+def _PendingCount(graph, to_ops, from_ops):
+ """Initialize the pending count for ops between two lists of Operations.
+ 'pending_count[op._id]' indicates the number of backprop inputs
+ to this operation.
+ Args:
+ graph: a Graph.
+ to_ops: list of Operations.
+ from_ops: list of Operations.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple containing: (1) a list of integers indexed by operation id,
+ indicating the number of backprop inputs to this operation, and (2)
+ a boolean which is True if any of the ops in between from_ops and to_ops
+ contain control flow loops.
+ """
+ # Mark reachable ops from from_ops.
+ reached_ops = [False] * (graph._last_id + 1)
+ for op in to_ops:
+ reached_ops[op._id] = True
+ _MarkReachedOps(from_ops, reached_ops)
+ # Mark between ops.
+ between_ops = [False] * (graph._last_id + 1)
+ between_op_list = []
+ queue = collections.deque()
+ queue.extend(to_ops)
+ while queue:
+ op = queue.popleft()
+ # We are interested in this op.
+ if reached_ops[op._id]:
+ between_ops[op._id] = True
+ between_op_list.append(op)
+ # Clear the boolean so we won't add the inputs again.
+ reached_ops[op._id] = False
+ for inp in op.inputs:
+ queue.append(inp.op)
+ # Initialize pending count for between ops.
+ pending_count = [0] * (graph._last_id + 1)
+ has_control_flow = False
+ for op in between_op_list:
+ for x in op.inputs:
+ if between_ops[x.op._id]:
+ pending_count[x.op._id] += 1
+ for x in op.control_inputs:
+ if between_ops[x._id]:
+ pending_count[x._id] += 1
+ if op.type == "Exit":
+ has_control_flow = True
+ return pending_count, has_control_flow
+def _AsList(x):
+ return x if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) else [x]
+def _DefaultGradYs(grad_ys, ys, colocate_gradients_with_ops):
+ """Fill in default values for grad_ys.
+ Args:
+ grad_ys: List of gradients, can contain None.
+ ys: List of tensors.
+ colocate_gradients_with_ops: If True, try colocating gradients with
+ the corresponding op.
+ Returns:
+ A list of gradients to use, without None.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If one of the grad_ys is invalid.
+ """
+ if len(grad_ys) != len(ys):
+ raise ValueError("Passed %d grad_ys for %d ys" % (len(grad_ys), len(ys)))
+ grad_ys = ops.convert_n_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices(grad_ys, name="grad_y")
+ for i in xrange(len(grad_ys)):
+ grad_y = grad_ys[i]
+ y = ys[i]
+ if grad_y is None:
+ with ops.device(_GetGradsDevice(y.op, colocate_gradients_with_ops)):
+ grad_ys[i] = array_ops.fill(array_ops.shape(y),
+ constant_op.constant(1, dtype=y.dtype))
+ else:
+ if grad_y.dtype != y.dtype:
+ raise ValueError("Y and ys_grad must be of the same type, "
+ "not y: %s, ys_grad: %s " %
+ (types.as_dtype(y.dtype).name,
+ types.as_dtype(grad_y.dtype).name))
+ return grad_ys
+def _VerifyGeneratedGradients(grads, op):
+ """Verify that gradients are valid in number and type.
+ Args:
+ grads: List of generated gradients.
+ op: Operation for which the gradients where generated.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: if the gradients are invalid.
+ """
+ if len(grads) != len(op.inputs):
+ raise ValueError("Num gradients %d generated for op %s do not match num "
+ "inputs %d" % (len(grads), op.node_def, len(op.inputs)))
+ for i in xrange(len(grads)):
+ grad = grads[i]
+ inp = op.inputs[i]
+ if grad is not None:
+ if not grad.dtype.is_compatible_with(inp.dtype):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Gradient type %s generated for op %s does "
+ "not match input type %s" %
+ (types.as_dtype(grad.dtype).name, op.node_def,
+ types.as_dtype(inp.dtype).name))
+def _StopOps(from_ops, pending_count):
+ """The set of ops that terminate the gradient computation.
+ This computes the frontier of the forward graph *before* which backprop
+ should stop. Operations in the returned set will not be differentiated.
+ This set is defined as the subset of `from_ops` containing ops that have
+ no predecessor in `from_ops`. `pending_count` is the result of
+ `_PendingCount(g, xs, from_ops)`. An 'op' has predecessors in `from_ops`
+ iff pending_count[op._id] > 0.
+ Args:
+ from_ops: list of Operations.
+ pending_count: List of integers, indexed by operation id.
+ Returns:
+ The set of operations.
+ """
+ stop_ops = set()
+ for op in from_ops:
+ is_stop_op = True
+ for inp in op.inputs:
+ if pending_count[inp.op._id] > 0:
+ is_stop_op = False
+ break
+ if is_stop_op:
+ stop_ops.add(op._id)
+ return stop_ops
+def gradients(ys, xs, grad_ys=None, name="gradients",
+ colocate_gradients_with_ops=False,
+ gate_gradients=False,
+ aggregation_method=None):
+ """Constructs symbolic partial derivatives of `ys` w.r.t. x in `xs`.
+ `ys` and `xs` are each a `Tensor` or a list of tensors. `grad_ys`
+ is a list of `Tensor`, holding the gradients received by the
+ `ys`. The list must be the same length as `ys`.
+ `gradients()` adds ops to the graph to output the partial
+ derivatives of `ys` with respect to `xs`. It returns a list of
+ `Tensor` of length `len(xs)` where each tensor is the `sum(dy/dx)`
+ for y in `ys`.
+ `grad_ys` is a list of tensors of the same length as `ys` that holds
+ the initial gradients for each y in `ys`. When `grad_ys` is None,
+ we fill in a tensor of '1's of the shape of y for each y in `ys`. A
+ user can provide their own initial 'grad_ys` to compute the
+ derivatives using a different initial gradient for each y (e.g., if
+ one wanted to weight the gradient differently for each value in
+ each y).
+ Args:
+ ys: A `Tensor` or list of tensors to be differentiated.
+ xs: A `Tensor` or list of tensors to be used for differentiation.
+ grad_ys: Optional. A `Tensor` or list of tensors the same size as
+ `ys` and holding the gradients computed for each y in `ys`.
+ name: Optional name to use for grouping all the gradient ops together.
+ defaults to 'gradients'.
+ colocate_gradients_with_ops: If True, try colocating gradients with
+ the corresponding op.
+ gate_gradients: If True, add a tuple around the gradients returned
+ for an operations. This avoids some race conditions.
+ aggregation_method: Specifies the method used to combine gradient terms.
+ Accepted values are constants defined in the class `AggregationMethod`.
+ Returns:
+ A list of `sum(dy/dx)` for each x in `xs`.
+ Raises:
+ LookupError: if one of the operations between `x` and `y` does not
+ have a registered gradient function.
+ ValueError: if the arguments are invalid.
+ """
+ ys = _AsList(ys)
+ xs = _AsList(xs)
+ if grad_ys is None:
+ grad_ys = [None] * len(ys)
+ else:
+ grad_ys = _AsList(grad_ys)
+ with ops.op_scope(ys + xs + grad_ys, name, "gradients"):
+ ys = ops.convert_n_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices(ys, name="y")
+ xs = ops.convert_n_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices(xs, name="x")
+ grad_ys = _DefaultGradYs(grad_ys, ys, colocate_gradients_with_ops)
+ # The approach we take here is as follows: Create a list of all ops in the
+ # subgraph between the ys and xs. Visit these ops in reverse order of ids
+ # to ensure that when we visit an op the gradients w.r.t its outputs have
+ # been collected. Then aggregate these gradients if needed, call the op's
+ # gradient function, and add the generated gradients to the gradients for
+ # its input.
+ # Initialize the pending count for ops in the connected subgraph from ys
+ # to the xs.
+ to_ops = [t.op for t in ys]
+ from_ops = [t.op for t in xs]
+ pending_count, has_control_flow = _PendingCount(
+ ops.get_default_graph(), to_ops, from_ops)
+ # Iterate over the collected ops.
+ #
+ # grads: op => list of gradients received on each output endpoint of the
+ # op. The gradients for each endpoint are initially collected as a list.
+ # When it is time to call the op's gradient function, for each endpoint we
+ # aggregate the list of received gradients into a Add() Operation if there
+ # is more than one.
+ grads = {}
+ # Add the initial gradients for the ys.
+ for y, grad_y in zip(ys, grad_ys):
+ _SetGrad(grads, y, grad_y)
+ # Initialize queue with to_ops.
+ queue = collections.deque()
+ # Add the ops in 'to_ops' into the queue.
+ to_ops_set = set()
+ for op in to_ops:
+ if op._id not in to_ops_set:
+ to_ops_set.add(op._id)
+ queue.append(op)
+ # The set of 'from_ops'.
+ stop_ops = _StopOps(from_ops, pending_count)
+ while queue:
+ # generate gradient subgraph for op.
+ op = queue.popleft()
+ with ops.device(_GetGradsDevice(op, colocate_gradients_with_ops)):
+ if has_control_flow:
+ control_flow_ops.EnterGradWhileContext(op)
+ out_grads = _AggregatedGrads(grads, op, has_control_flow,
+ aggregation_method)
+ grad_fn = None
+ if any(out_grads) and op._id not in stop_ops:
+ # A grad_fn must be defined, either as a function or as None
+ # for ops that do not have gradients.
+ try:
+ grad_fn = ops.get_gradient_function(op)
+ except LookupError:
+ raise LookupError(
+ "No gradient defined for operation '%s' (op type: %s)" %
+ (op.name, op.type))
+ if grad_fn and any(out_grads):
+ # NOTE: If _AggregatedGrads didn't compute a value for the i'th
+ # output, it means that the cost does not depend on output[i],
+ # therefore dC/doutput[i] is 0.
+ for i, out_grad in enumerate(out_grads):
+ if (not out_grad
+ and types.as_dtype(op.outputs[i].dtype).base_dtype in (
+ types.float32, types.float64)):
+ # Only floating-point outputs get a zero gradient. Gradient
+ # functions should ignore the gradient for other outputs.
+ out_grads[i] = array_ops.zeros_like(op.outputs[i])
+ with ops.name_scope(op.name + "_grad"):
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ with ops.get_default_graph()._original_op(op):
+ # pylint: enable=protected-access
+ op_wrapper = op
+ if has_control_flow:
+ op_wrapper = control_flow_ops.MakeWrapper(op)
+ in_grads = _AsList(grad_fn(op_wrapper, *out_grads))
+ _VerifyGeneratedGradients(in_grads, op)
+ if gate_gradients and len(in_grads) > 1:
+ in_grads = control_flow_ops.tuple(in_grads)
+ logging.vlog(1, "Gradient for '" + op.name + "'")
+ logging.vlog(1, " in --> %s",
+ ", ".join([x.name for x in out_grads if x]))
+ logging.vlog(1, " out --> %s",
+ ", ".join([x.name for x in in_grads if x]))
+ else:
+ # If no grad_fn is defined or none of out_grads is available,
+ # just propagates a list of None backwards.
+ in_grads = [None] * len(op.inputs)
+ for t_in, in_grad in zip(op.inputs, in_grads):
+ if in_grad:
+ _SetGrad(grads, t_in, in_grad)
+ if has_control_flow:
+ control_flow_ops.ExitGradWhileContext(op)
+ # update pending count for the inputs of op.
+ for x in op.inputs:
+ pending_count[x.op._id] -= 1
+ ready = (pending_count[x.op._id] == 0)
+ if has_control_flow and not ready:
+ ready = (pending_count[x.op._id] > 0 and
+ control_flow_ops.IsLoopSwitch(x.op))
+ if ready:
+ queue.append(x.op)
+ for x in op.control_inputs:
+ pending_count[x._id] -= 1
+ if pending_count[x._id] is 0:
+ queue.append(x)
+ return [_GetGrad(grads, x) for x in xs]
+def _SetGrad(grads, t, grad):
+ """Sets gradient "grad" in "grads" for tensor "t"."""
+ op = t.op
+ op_grads = grads.get(op)
+ if not op_grads:
+ op_grads = [[] for _ in xrange(len(op.outputs))]
+ grads[op] = op_grads
+ t_grads = op_grads[t.value_index]
+ if isinstance(t_grads, list):
+ t_grads.append(grad)
+ else:
+ assert op.type == "Switch"
+ op_grads[t.value_index] = grad
+def _GetGrad(grads, t):
+ """Gets gradient for tensor "t"."""
+ op = t.op
+ op_grads = grads.get(op)
+ if not op_grads: return None
+ t_grad = op_grads[t.value_index]
+ assert not isinstance(t_grad, list), (
+ "gradients list should have been aggregated by now.")
+ return t_grad
+def _GetGrads(grads, op):
+ """Gets all gradients for op."""
+ if op in grads:
+ return grads[op]
+ else:
+ return [[] for _ in xrange(len(op.outputs))]
+def _HandleNestedIndexedSlices(grad):
+ assert isinstance(grad, ops.IndexedSlices)
+ if isinstance(grad.values, ops.Tensor):
+ return grad
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(grad.values, ops.IndexedSlices)
+ g = _HandleNestedIndexedSlices(grad.values)
+ return ops.IndexedSlices(
+ g.values, array_ops.gather(grad.indices, g.indices), g.dense_shape)
+def _AccumulatorShape(inputs):
+ shape = tensor_shape.unknown_shape()
+ for i in inputs:
+ if isinstance(i, ops.Tensor):
+ shape = shape.merge_with(i.get_shape())
+ return shape
+class AggregationMethod(object):
+ """A class listing aggregation methods used to combine gradients.
+ Computing partial derivatives can require aggregating gradient
+ contributions. This class lists the various methods that can
+ be used to combine gradients in the graph:
+ * `ADD_N`: All of the gradient terms are summed as part of one
+ operation using the "AddN" op. It has the property that all
+ gradients must be ready before any aggregation is performed.
+ * `DEFAULT`: The system-chosen default aggregation method.
+ """
+ ADD_N = 0
+ # The following are experimental and may not be supported in future releases.
+def _AggregatedGrads(grads, op, has_control_flow, aggregation_method=None):
+ """Get the aggregated gradients for op.
+ Args:
+ grads: The map of memoized gradients.
+ op: The op to get gradients for.
+ has_control_flow: True iff the graph contains control flow ops.
+ aggregation_method: Specifies the method used to combine gradient terms.
+ Accepted values are constants defined in the class `AggregationMethod`.
+ Returns:
+ A list of gradients, one per each output of `op`. If the gradients
+ for a particular output is a list, this function aggregates it
+ before returning.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: if the incoming grads are not Tensors or IndexedSlices.
+ ValueError: if the arguments are invalid.
+ """
+ if aggregation_method is None:
+ aggregation_method = AggregationMethod.DEFAULT
+ if aggregation_method not in [AggregationMethod.ADD_N,
+ AggregationMethod.EXPERIMENTAL_TREE,
+ raise ValueError("Invalid aggregation_method specified.")
+ out_grads = _GetGrads(grads, op)
+ for i, out_grad in enumerate(out_grads):
+ if has_control_flow:
+ if isinstance(out_grad, (ops.Tensor, ops.IndexedSlices)):
+ assert op.type == "Switch"
+ continue
+ # Grads have to be Tensors or IndexedSlices
+ if not all([isinstance(g, (ops.Tensor, ops.IndexedSlices))
+ for g in out_grad if g]):
+ raise TypeError("gradients have to be either all Tensors "
+ "or all IndexedSlices")
+ # Aggregate multiple gradients, and convert [] to None.
+ if out_grad:
+ if all([isinstance(g, ops.Tensor) for g in out_grad if g]):
+ tensor_shape = _AccumulatorShape(out_grad)
+ if len(out_grad) < 2:
+ used = "nop"
+ out_grads[i] = out_grad[0]
+ elif (aggregation_method == AggregationMethod.EXPERIMENTAL_ACCUMULATE_N
+ and len(out_grad) > 2 and tensor_shape.is_fully_defined()):
+ # The benefit of using AccumulateN is that its inputs can be combined
+ # in any order and this can allow the expression to be evaluated with
+ # a smaller memory footprint. When used with gpu_allocator_retry,
+ # it is possible to compute a sum of terms which are much larger than
+ # total GPU memory.
+ # AccumulateN can currently only be used if we know the shape for
+ # an accumulator variable. If this is not known, or if we only have
+ # 2 grads then we fall through to the "tree" case below.
+ used = "accumulate_n"
+ out_grads[i] = math_ops.accumulate_n(out_grad)
+ elif aggregation_method in [AggregationMethod.EXPERIMENTAL_TREE,
+ ]:
+ # Aggregate all gradients by doing pairwise sums: this may
+ # reduce performance, but it can improve memory because the
+ # gradients can be released earlier.
+ #
+ # TODO(vrv): Consider replacing this with a version of
+ # tf.AddN() that eagerly frees its inputs as soon as they are
+ # ready, so the order of this tree does not become a problem.
+ used = "tree"
+ with ops.name_scope(op.name + "_gradient_sum"):
+ running_sum = out_grad[0]
+ for grad in out_grad[1:]:
+ running_sum = math_ops.add_n([running_sum, grad])
+ out_grads[i] = running_sum
+ else:
+ used = "add_n"
+ out_grads[i] = math_ops.add_n(out_grad)
+ logging.vlog(2, " _AggregatedGrads %d x %s using %s", len(out_grad),
+ tensor_shape, used)
+ else:
+ out_grad = math_ops._as_indexed_slices_list([g for g in out_grad if g])
+ out_grad = [_HandleNestedIndexedSlices(x) for x in out_grad]
+ # Form IndexedSlices out of the concatenated values and
+ # indices.
+ out_grads[i] = ops.IndexedSlices(
+ array_ops.concat(0, [x.values for x in out_grad]),
+ array_ops.concat(0, [x.indices for x in out_grad]),
+ out_grad[0].dense_shape)
+ else:
+ out_grads[i] = []
+ return out_grads
+# TODO(vrv): Make this available when we want to make it public.
+def _hessian_vector_product(ys, xs, v):
+ """Multiply the Hessian of `ys` wrt `xs` by `v`.
+ This is an efficient construction that uses a backprop-like approach
+ to compute the product between the Hessian and another vector. The
+ Hessian is usually too large to be explicitly computed or even
+ represented, but this method allows us to at least multiply by it
+ for the same big-O cost as backprop.
+ Implicit Hessian-vector products are the main practical, scalable way
+ of using second derivatives with neural networks. They allow us to
+ do things like construct Krylov subspaces and approximate conjugate
+ gradient descent.
+ Example: if `y` = 1/2 `x`^T A `x`, then `hessian_vector_product(y,
+ x, v)` will return an expression that evaluates to the same values
+ as (A + A.T) `v`.
+ Args:
+ ys: A scalar value, or a tensor or list of tensors to be summed to
+ yield a scalar.
+ xs: A list of tensors that we should construct the Hessian over.
+ v: A list of tensors, with the same shapes as xs, that we want to
+ multiply by the Hessian.
+ Returns:
+ A list of tensors (or if the list would be length 1, a single tensor)
+ containing the product between the Hessian and `v`.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: `xs` and `v` have different length.
+ """
+ # Validate the input
+ length = len(xs)
+ if len(v) != length:
+ raise ValueError("xs and v must have the same length.")
+ # First backprop
+ grads = gradients(ys, xs)
+ assert len(grads) == length
+ elemwise_products = [math_ops.mul(grad_elem, array_ops.stop_gradient(v_elem))
+ for grad_elem, v_elem in zip(grads, v)
+ if grad_elem is not None]
+ # Second backprop
+ return gradients(elemwise_products, xs)