path: root/tensorflow/python/client/tf_session_helper.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/python/client/tf_session_helper.cc')
1 files changed, 518 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/python/client/tf_session_helper.cc b/tensorflow/python/client/tf_session_helper.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06483da87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/python/client/tf_session_helper.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+#include "tensorflow/python/client/tf_session_helper.h"
+#include <cstring>
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/coding.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/allocator.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/port.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace {
+// Container types for the various temporary values used internally in
+// the wrapper.
+// A TF_TensorVector is a vector of borrowed pointers to TF_Tensors.
+typedef gtl::InlinedVector<TF_Tensor*, 8> TF_TensorVector;
+// Safe containers for (an) owned TF_Tensor(s). On destruction, the
+// tensor will be deleted by TF_DeleteTensor.
+typedef std::unique_ptr<TF_Tensor, decltype(&TF_DeleteTensor)>
+ Safe_TF_TensorPtr;
+typedef std::vector<Safe_TF_TensorPtr> Safe_TF_TensorVector;
+Safe_TF_TensorPtr make_safe(TF_Tensor* tensor) {
+ return Safe_TF_TensorPtr(tensor, TF_DeleteTensor);
+// Safe container for an owned TF_Status. On destruction, the status
+// will be deleted by TF_DeleteStatus.
+typedef std::unique_ptr<TF_Status, decltype(&TF_DeleteStatus)>
+ Safe_TF_StatusPtr;
+Safe_TF_StatusPtr make_safe(TF_Status* status) {
+ return Safe_TF_StatusPtr(status, TF_DeleteStatus);
+Status PyArrayDescr_to_TF_DataType(PyArray_Descr* descr,
+ TF_DataType* out_tf_datatype) {
+ PyObject* key;
+ PyObject* value;
+ Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
+ if (PyDict_Next(descr->fields, &pos, &key, &value)) {
+ const char* key_string = PyString_AsString(key);
+ if (!key_string) {
+ return errors::Internal("Corrupt numpy type descriptor");
+ }
+ tensorflow::string key = key_string;
+ // The typenames here should match the field names in the custom struct
+ // types constructed in test_util.py.
+ // TODO(mrry,keveman): Investigate Numpy type registration to replace this
+ // hard-coding of names.
+ if (key == "quint8") {
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_QUINT8;
+ } else if (key == "qint8") {
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_QINT8;
+ } else if (key == "qint32") {
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_QINT32;
+ } else {
+ return errors::Internal("Unsupported numpy data type");
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ return errors::Internal("Unsupported numpy data type");
+Status PyArray_TYPE_to_TF_DataType(PyArrayObject* array,
+ TF_DataType* out_tf_datatype) {
+ int pyarray_type = PyArray_TYPE(array);
+ PyArray_Descr* descr = array->descr;
+ switch (pyarray_type) {
+ case NPY_FLOAT32:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_FLOAT;
+ break;
+ case NPY_FLOAT64:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_DOUBLE;
+ break;
+ case NPY_INT32:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_INT32;
+ break;
+ case NPY_UINT8:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_UINT8;
+ break;
+ case NPY_INT16:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_INT16;
+ break;
+ case NPY_INT8:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_INT8;
+ break;
+ case NPY_INT64:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_INT64;
+ break;
+ case NPY_BOOL:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_BOOL;
+ break;
+ case NPY_COMPLEX64:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_COMPLEX;
+ break;
+ case NPY_OBJECT:
+ *out_tf_datatype = TF_STRING;
+ break;
+ case NPY_VOID:
+ // Quantized types are currently represented as custom struct types.
+ // PyArray_TYPE returns NPY_VOID for structs, and we should look into
+ // descr to derive the actual type.
+ return PyArrayDescr_to_TF_DataType(descr, out_tf_datatype);
+ default:
+ // TODO(mrry): Support these.
+ return errors::Internal("Unsupported feed type");
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+Status TF_DataType_to_PyArray_TYPE(TF_DataType tf_datatype,
+ int* out_pyarray_type) {
+ switch (tf_datatype) {
+ case TF_FLOAT:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_FLOAT32;
+ break;
+ case TF_DOUBLE:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_FLOAT64;
+ break;
+ case TF_INT32:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_INT32;
+ break;
+ case TF_UINT8:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_UINT8;
+ break;
+ case TF_INT16:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_INT16;
+ break;
+ case TF_INT8:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_INT8;
+ break;
+ case TF_INT64:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_INT64;
+ break;
+ case TF_BOOL:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_BOOL;
+ break;
+ case TF_COMPLEX:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_COMPLEX64;
+ break;
+ case TF_STRING:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_OBJECT;
+ break;
+ // TODO(keveman): These should be changed to NPY_VOID, and the type used for
+ // the resulting numpy array should be the custom struct types that we
+ // expect for quantized types.
+ case TF_QINT8:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_INT8;
+ break;
+ case TF_QUINT8:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_UINT8;
+ break;
+ case TF_QINT32:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_INT32;
+ break;
+ case TF_BFLOAT16:
+ *out_pyarray_type = NPY_UINT16;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return errors::Internal("Unsupported fetch type");
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+// Iterate over the string array 'array', extract the ptr and len of each string
+// element and call f(ptr, len).
+template <typename F>
+Status PyStringArrayMap(PyArrayObject* array, F f) {
+ Safe_PyObjectPtr iter = tensorflow::make_safe(
+ PyArray_IterNew(reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(array)));
+ while (PyArray_ITER_NOTDONE(iter.get())) {
+ auto item = tensorflow::make_safe(
+ PyArray_GETITEM(array, PyArray_ITER_DATA(iter.get())));
+ if (!item.get()) {
+ return errors::Internal("Unable to get element from the feed.");
+ }
+ char* ptr;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ int success = PyString_AsStringAndSize(item.get(), &ptr, &len);
+ if (success != 0) {
+ return errors::Internal("Unable to get element from the feed.");
+ }
+ f(ptr, len);
+ PyArray_ITER_NEXT(iter.get());
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+// Encode the strings in 'array' into a contiguous buffer and return the base of
+// the buffer. The caller takes ownership of the buffer.
+Status EncodePyStringArray(PyArrayObject* array, tensorflow::int64 nelems,
+ size_t* size, void** buffer) {
+ // Compute bytes needed for encoding.
+ *size = 0;
+ PyStringArrayMap(array, [&size](char* ptr, Py_ssize_t len) {
+ *size += sizeof(tensorflow::uint64) +
+ tensorflow::core::VarintLength(len) + len;
+ }));
+ // Encode all strings.
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> base_ptr(new char[*size]);
+ char* base = base_ptr.get();
+ char* data_start = base + sizeof(tensorflow::uint64) * nelems;
+ char* dst = data_start; // Where next string is encoded.
+ tensorflow::uint64* offsets = reinterpret_cast<tensorflow::uint64*>(base);
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(PyStringArrayMap(
+ array, [&base, &data_start, &dst, &offsets](char* ptr, Py_ssize_t len) {
+ *offsets = (dst - data_start);
+ offsets++;
+ dst = tensorflow::core::EncodeVarint64(dst, len);
+ memcpy(dst, ptr, len);
+ dst += len;
+ }));
+ CHECK_EQ(dst, base + *size);
+ *buffer = base_ptr.release();
+ return Status::OK();
+// Determine the pointer and offset of the string at offset 'i' in the string
+// tensor 'src', whose total length is 'num_elements'.
+static Status TF_StringTensor_GetPtrAndLen(const TF_Tensor* src,
+ tensorflow::int64 num_elements,
+ tensorflow::int64 i,
+ const char** ptr,
+ tensorflow::uint64* len) {
+ const char* input = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(TF_TensorData(src));
+ const size_t src_size = TF_TensorByteSize(src);
+ const char* data_start = input + sizeof(tensorflow::uint64) * num_elements;
+ const char* limit = input + src_size;
+ tensorflow::uint64 offset =
+ reinterpret_cast<const tensorflow::uint64*>(input)[i];
+ const char* p =
+ tensorflow::core::GetVarint64Ptr(data_start + offset, limit, len);
+ if (offset >= (limit - data_start) || !p || (*len > (limit - p))) {
+ return errors::InvalidArgument("Malformed TF_STRING tensor; element ", i,
+ " out of range");
+ }
+ *ptr = p;
+ return Status::OK();
+// Copy the string at offset 'i' in the (linearized) string tensor 'tensor' into
+// 'pyarray' at offset pointed by the 'i_ptr' iterator.
+static Status CopyStringToPyArrayElement(PyArrayObject* pyarray, void* i_ptr,
+ TF_Tensor* tensor,
+ tensorflow::int64 num_elements,
+ tensorflow::int64 i) {
+ const char* ptr;
+ tensorflow::uint64 len;
+ TF_StringTensor_GetPtrAndLen(tensor, num_elements, i, &ptr, &len));
+ auto py_string = tensorflow::make_safe(PyString_FromStringAndSize(ptr, len));
+ int success =
+ PyArray_SETITEM(pyarray, PyArray_ITER_DATA(i_ptr), py_string.get());
+ if (success != 0) {
+ return errors::Internal("Error setting element ", i);
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+// Converts the given TF_Tensor to a Numpy array.
+// If the returned status is OK, the caller becomes the owner of *out_array.
+Status TF_Tensor_to_PyObject(TF_Tensor* tensor, PyObject** out_array) {
+ // A fetched operation will correspond to a null tensor, and a None
+ // in Python.
+ if (tensor == nullptr) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ *out_array = Py_None;
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ const int ndims = TF_NumDims(tensor);
+ gtl::InlinedVector<npy_intp, 4> dims(ndims);
+ tensorflow::int64 nelems = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ndims; ++i) {
+ dims[i] = TF_Dim(tensor, i);
+ nelems *= dims[i];
+ }
+ // Convert TensorFlow dtype to numpy type descriptor.
+ int type_num;
+ TF_DataType_to_PyArray_TYPE(TF_TensorType(tensor), &type_num));
+ PyArray_Descr* descr = PyArray_DescrFromType(type_num);
+ // Copy the TF_TensorData into a newly-created ndarray and return it.
+ // TODO(mrry): Perhaps investigate zero-copy approaches. This would involve
+ // creating an ndarray-like object that wraps the TF_Tensor buffer, and
+ // maps its destructor to TF_DeleteTensor.
+ Safe_PyObjectPtr safe_out_array =
+ tensorflow::make_safe(PyArray_Empty(ndims, dims.data(), descr, 0));
+ if (!safe_out_array) {
+ return errors::Internal("Could not allocate ndarray");
+ }
+ PyArrayObject* py_array =
+ reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject*>(safe_out_array.get());
+ if (PyArray_NBYTES(py_array) != TF_TensorByteSize(tensor)) {
+ if (TF_TensorType(tensor) == TF_STRING) {
+ // Copy element by element.
+ auto iter = tensorflow::make_safe(PyArray_IterNew(safe_out_array.get()));
+ for (tensorflow::int64 i = 0; i < nelems; ++i) {
+ auto s =
+ CopyStringToPyArrayElement(py_array, iter.get(), tensor, nelems, i);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ PyArray_ITER_NEXT(iter.get());
+ }
+ } else {
+ return errors::Internal("ndarray was ", PyArray_NBYTES(py_array),
+ " bytes but TF_Tensor was ",
+ TF_TensorByteSize(tensor), " bytes");
+ }
+ } else {
+ memcpy(py_array->data, TF_TensorData(tensor), PyArray_NBYTES(py_array));
+ }
+ // PyArray_Return turns rank 0 arrays into numpy scalars
+ *out_array = PyArray_Return(
+ reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject*>(safe_out_array.release()));
+ return Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status TF_Status_to_Status(TF_Status* tf_status) {
+ TF_Code code = TF_GetCode(tf_status);
+ const string message(TF_Message(tf_status));
+ switch (code) {
+ case TF_OK:
+ return Status::OK();
+ return errors::Cancelled(message);
+ case TF_UNKNOWN:
+ return errors::Unknown(message);
+ return errors::InvalidArgument(message);
+ return errors::DeadlineExceeded(message);
+ case TF_NOT_FOUND:
+ return errors::NotFound(message);
+ return errors::AlreadyExists(message);
+ return errors::PermissionDenied(message);
+ return errors::Unauthenticated(message);
+ return errors::ResourceExhausted(message);
+ return errors::FailedPrecondition(message);
+ case TF_ABORTED:
+ return errors::Aborted(message);
+ return errors::OutOfRange(message);
+ return errors::Unimplemented(message);
+ return errors::Internal(message);
+ return errors::Unavailable(message);
+ case TF_DATA_LOSS:
+ return errors::DataLoss(message);
+ default:
+ return errors::Internal("Got error with unknown code: ", code, " ",
+ message);
+ }
+static bool numpy_imported = false;
+} // namespace
+Safe_PyObjectPtr make_safe(PyObject* o) {
+ return Safe_PyObjectPtr(o, Py_DECREF_wrapper);
+// Wrapper for TF_Run that converts the arguments to appropriate types.
+// If *out_status is OK, the caller becomes the owner of the PyObjects
+// in *out_values.
+void TF_Run_wrapper(TF_Session* session, const FeedVector& inputs,
+ const NameVector& output_names,
+ const NameVector& target_nodes, Status* out_status,
+ PyObjectVector* out_values) {
+ // 0. Ensure that numpy has been imported.
+ if (!numpy_imported) {
+ import_array();
+ numpy_imported = true;
+ }
+ // 1. Convert the feed inputs to the appropriate form for TF_Run.
+ NameVector input_names;
+ Safe_PyObjectVector
+ py_inputs_safe; // Used to decref the input arrays on failure.
+ Safe_TF_TensorVector inputs_safe; // Used to delete tensors on failure.
+ TF_TensorVector inputs_unsafe; // Used to contain the arg to TF_Run.
+ for (const auto& name_and_array : inputs) {
+ py_inputs_safe.emplace_back(
+ make_safe(reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(name_and_array.second)));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
+ input_names.push_back(inputs[i].first);
+ PyArrayObject* array = inputs[i].second;
+ // Convert numpy dtype to TensorFlow dtype.
+ TF_DataType dtype;
+ *out_status = PyArray_TYPE_to_TF_DataType(array, &dtype);
+ if (!out_status->ok()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tensorflow::int64 nelems = 1;
+ gtl::InlinedVector<tensorflow::int64, 4> dims;
+ for (int i = 0; i < PyArray_NDIM(array); ++i) {
+ dims.push_back(PyArray_SHAPE(array)[i]);
+ nelems *= dims[i];
+ }
+ // Create a TF_Tensor based on the fed data. In the case of non-string data
+ // type, this steals a reference to array, which will be relinquished when
+ // the underlying buffer is deallocated. For string, a new temporary buffer
+ // is allocated into which the strings are encoded.
+ if (dtype != TF_STRING) {
+ // NOTE(mrry): We currently copy the numpy array into a new
+ // buffer to avoid possible issues on deallocation (such as
+ // having to acquire the Python Global Interpreter Lock).
+ // TODO(mrry): Investigate in what cases we can safely acquire
+ size_t size = PyArray_NBYTES(array);
+ // NOTE(mrry): 32 is the upper bound on current alignment
+ // requirements for tensorflow::Tensor. We hard code this here to
+ // avoid taking a dependency on Eigen in the client code.
+ void* data = tensorflow::cpu_allocator()->AllocateRaw(32, size);
+ std::memcpy(data, array->data, size);
+ inputs_safe.emplace_back(make_safe(
+ TF_NewTensor(dtype, dims.data(), dims.size(), data, size,
+ [](void* data, size_t len, void* arg) {
+ tensorflow::cpu_allocator()->DeallocateRaw(data);
+ },
+ nullptr)));
+ // The destruction of the numpy array will now be handled by the
+ // inputs_safe destructor.
+ py_inputs_safe[i].reset();
+ } else {
+ size_t size;
+ void* encoded;
+ Status s = EncodePyStringArray(array, nelems, &size, &encoded);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ *out_status = s;
+ return;
+ }
+ inputs_safe.emplace_back(
+ make_safe(TF_NewTensor(dtype, dims.data(), dims.size(), encoded, size,
+ [](void* data, size_t len, void* arg) {
+ delete[] reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
+ },
+ array)));
+ // The destruction of the numpy array will now be handled by the
+ // inputs_safe destructor.
+ py_inputs_safe[i].reset();
+ }
+ inputs_unsafe.push_back(inputs_safe.back().get());
+ }
+ // 2. Allocate a container for the output data.
+ TF_TensorVector outputs(output_names.size());
+ Safe_TF_StatusPtr status = make_safe(TF_NewStatus());
+ // 3. Actually call TF_Run().
+ TF_Run(session, input_names.data(), inputs_unsafe.data(), input_names.size(),
+ const_cast<const char**>(output_names.data()), outputs.data(),
+ output_names.size(), const_cast<const char**>(target_nodes.data()),
+ target_nodes.size(), status.get());
+ // 4. The TensorFlow runtime has taken ownership of the fed tensors,
+ // so we release the safe pointers to them.
+ for (auto& input : inputs_safe) {
+ input.release();
+ }
+ if (TF_GetCode(status.get()) != TF_OK) {
+ *out_status = TF_Status_to_Status(status.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ // 5. We now own the fetched tensors, so set up a safe container to
+ // delete them when we exit this scope.
+ Safe_TF_TensorVector tf_outputs_safe;
+ for (const auto& output : outputs) {
+ tf_outputs_safe.emplace_back(make_safe(output));
+ }
+ // 6. Convert the fetched tensors into numpy ndarrays. Store them in a safe
+ // container so that we do not leak
+ Safe_PyObjectVector py_outputs_safe;
+ for (int i = 0; i < output_names.size(); ++i) {
+ PyObject* py_array;
+ *out_status = TF_Tensor_to_PyObject(outputs[i], &py_array);
+ if (!out_status->ok()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ py_outputs_safe.emplace_back(make_safe(py_array));
+ }
+ // 7. If we reach this point, we have successfully built a list of objects
+ // so we can release them from the safe container.
+ for (auto& output : py_outputs_safe) {
+ out_values->push_back(output.release());
+ }
+ *out_status = Status::OK();
+} // namespace tensorflow