path: root/tensorflow/python/autograph/converters/control_flow.py
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1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/python/autograph/converters/control_flow.py b/tensorflow/python/autograph/converters/control_flow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..416a60d2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/python/autograph/converters/control_flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ==============================================================================
+"""Handles control flow statements: while, for, if."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import gast
+from tensorflow.python.autograph.core import converter
+from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import anno
+from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import ast_util
+from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import parser
+from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import templates
+from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct.static_analysis import annos
+class SymbolNamer(object):
+ """Describes the interface for ControlFlowTransformer's namer."""
+ def new_symbol(self, name_root, reserved_locals):
+ """Generate a new unique symbol.
+ Args:
+ name_root: String, used as stem in the new name.
+ reserved_locals: Set(string), additional local symbols that are reserved
+ and which should not be used.
+ Returns:
+ String.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class ControlFlowTransformer(converter.Base):
+ """Transforms control flow structures like loops an conditionals."""
+ def _create_cond_branch(self, body_name, aliased_orig_names,
+ aliased_new_names, body, returns):
+ if aliased_orig_names:
+ template = """
+ def body_name():
+ aliased_new_names, = aliased_orig_names,
+ body
+ return (returns,)
+ """
+ return templates.replace(
+ template,
+ body_name=body_name,
+ body=body,
+ aliased_orig_names=aliased_orig_names,
+ aliased_new_names=aliased_new_names,
+ returns=returns)
+ else:
+ template = """
+ def body_name():
+ body
+ return (returns,)
+ """
+ return templates.replace(
+ template, body_name=body_name, body=body, returns=returns)
+ def _create_cond_expr(self, results, test, body_name, orelse_name):
+ if results is not None:
+ template = """
+ results = ag__.utils.run_cond(test, body_name, orelse_name)
+ """
+ return templates.replace(
+ template,
+ test=test,
+ results=results,
+ body_name=body_name,
+ orelse_name=orelse_name)
+ else:
+ template = """
+ ag__.utils.run_cond(test, body_name, orelse_name)
+ """
+ return templates.replace(
+ template, test=test, body_name=body_name, orelse_name=orelse_name)
+ def _fmt_symbol_list(self, symbol_set):
+ if not symbol_set:
+ return 'no variables'
+ return ', '.join(map(str, symbol_set))
+ def _validate_no_live_vars_created(self, node):
+ body_scope = anno.getanno(node, annos.NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE)
+ live_vars_out = anno.getanno(node, anno.Static.LIVE_VARS_OUT)
+ live_vars_created_in_body = live_vars_out & body_scope.created
+ if live_vars_created_in_body:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'The following variables are created inside the loop and used later:'
+ '\n%s\n'
+ 'Variables must be declared outside loops because loops may not'
+ ' necessarily execute.' % self._fmt_symbol_list(
+ live_vars_created_in_body))
+ def visit_If(self, node):
+ node = self.generic_visit(node)
+ body_scope = anno.getanno(node, annos.NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE)
+ orelse_scope = anno.getanno(node, annos.NodeAnno.ORELSE_SCOPE)
+ defined_in = anno.getanno(node, anno.Static.DEFINED_VARS_IN)
+ live_out = anno.getanno(node, anno.Static.LIVE_VARS_OUT)
+ modified_in_cond = body_scope.modified | orelse_scope.modified
+ returned_from_cond = set()
+ for s in modified_in_cond:
+ if s in live_out:
+ returned_from_cond.add(s)
+ elif s.is_composite():
+ # Special treatment for compound objects: if any of their owner entities
+ # are live, then they are outputs as well.
+ if any(owner in live_out for owner in s.owner_set):
+ returned_from_cond.add(s)
+ need_alias_in_body = body_scope.modified & defined_in
+ need_alias_in_orelse = orelse_scope.modified & defined_in
+ created_in_body = body_scope.modified & returned_from_cond - defined_in
+ created_in_orelse = orelse_scope.modified & returned_from_cond - defined_in
+ if created_in_body != created_in_orelse:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'if statement may not initialize all variables: the true branch'
+ ' creates %s, while the false branch creates %s. Make sure all'
+ ' these variables are initialized either in both'
+ ' branches or before the if statement.' %
+ (self._fmt_symbol_list(created_in_body),
+ self._fmt_symbol_list(created_in_orelse)))
+ # Alias the closure variables inside the conditional functions, to allow
+ # the functions access to the respective variables.
+ # We will alias variables independently for body and orelse scope,
+ # because different branches might write different variables.
+ aliased_body_orig_names = tuple(need_alias_in_body)
+ aliased_orelse_orig_names = tuple(need_alias_in_orelse)
+ aliased_body_new_names = tuple(
+ self.ctx.namer.new_symbol(s.ssf(), body_scope.referenced)
+ for s in aliased_body_orig_names)
+ aliased_orelse_new_names = tuple(
+ self.ctx.namer.new_symbol(s.ssf(), orelse_scope.referenced)
+ for s in aliased_orelse_orig_names)
+ alias_body_map = dict(zip(aliased_body_orig_names, aliased_body_new_names))
+ alias_orelse_map = dict(
+ zip(aliased_orelse_orig_names, aliased_orelse_new_names))
+ node_body = ast_util.rename_symbols(node.body, alias_body_map)
+ node_orelse = ast_util.rename_symbols(node.orelse, alias_orelse_map)
+ returned_from_cond = tuple(returned_from_cond)
+ if returned_from_cond:
+ if len(returned_from_cond) == 1:
+ # TODO(mdan): Move this quirk into the operator implementation.
+ cond_results = returned_from_cond[0]
+ else:
+ cond_results = gast.Tuple([s.ast() for s in returned_from_cond], None)
+ returned_from_body = tuple(
+ alias_body_map[s] if s in need_alias_in_body else s
+ for s in returned_from_cond)
+ returned_from_orelse = tuple(
+ alias_orelse_map[s] if s in need_alias_in_orelse else s
+ for s in returned_from_cond)
+ else:
+ # When the cond would return no value, we leave the cond called without
+ # results. That in turn should trigger the side effect guards. The
+ # branch functions will return a dummy value that ensures cond
+ # actually has some return value as well.
+ cond_results = None
+ # TODO(mdan): This doesn't belong here; it's specific to the operator.
+ returned_from_body = templates.replace_as_expression('tf.constant(1)')
+ returned_from_orelse = templates.replace_as_expression('tf.constant(1)')
+ body_name = self.ctx.namer.new_symbol('if_true', body_scope.referenced)
+ orelse_name = self.ctx.namer.new_symbol('if_false', orelse_scope.referenced)
+ body_def = self._create_cond_branch(
+ body_name,
+ aliased_orig_names=aliased_body_orig_names,
+ aliased_new_names=aliased_body_new_names,
+ body=node_body,
+ returns=returned_from_body)
+ orelse_def = self._create_cond_branch(
+ orelse_name,
+ aliased_orig_names=aliased_orelse_orig_names,
+ aliased_new_names=aliased_orelse_new_names,
+ body=node_orelse,
+ returns=returned_from_orelse)
+ cond_expr = self._create_cond_expr(cond_results, node.test, body_name,
+ orelse_name)
+ return body_def + orelse_def + cond_expr
+ def visit_While(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._validate_no_live_vars_created(node)
+ body_scope = anno.getanno(node, annos.NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE)
+ body_closure = body_scope.modified - body_scope.created
+ all_referenced = body_scope.referenced
+ cond_scope = anno.getanno(node, annos.NodeAnno.COND_SCOPE)
+ cond_closure = set()
+ for s in cond_scope.used:
+ for root in s.support_set:
+ if root not in body_scope.created:
+ cond_closure.add(root)
+ state = list(body_closure)
+ if not state:
+ # TODO(mdan): Implement this properly.
+ # To complete this statement, we need to check whether any variable
+ # created inside the body scope is used before being modified outside the
+ # scope. This should be done during activity analysis, and in general
+ # should cover the case where variables may not be initialized.
+ raise ValueError('cannot convert while loop: no outputs')
+ state_ssf = [
+ self.ctx.namer.new_symbol(s.ssf(), all_referenced) for s in state
+ ]
+ ssf_map = {
+ name: ssf
+ for name, ssf in zip(state, state_ssf)
+ if str(name) != ssf
+ }
+ if len(state) == 1:
+ state = state[0]
+ state_ssf = state_ssf[0]
+ state_ast_tuple = state
+ else:
+ state_ast_tuple = gast.Tuple([n.ast() for n in state], None)
+ node_body = ast_util.rename_symbols(node.body, ssf_map)
+ test = ast_util.rename_symbols(node.test, ssf_map)
+ # TODO(b/113118541) investigate the need-for and correctness-of extra_deps
+ template = """
+ def test_name(state_ssf):
+ return test
+ def body_name(state_ssf):
+ body
+ return state_ssf,
+ state_ast_tuple = ag__.while_stmt(
+ test_name, body_name, (state,), (extra_deps,))
+ """
+ node = templates.replace(
+ template,
+ state=state,
+ state_ssf=state_ssf,
+ state_ast_tuple=state_ast_tuple,
+ test_name=self.ctx.namer.new_symbol('loop_test', body_scope.referenced),
+ test=test,
+ body_name=self.ctx.namer.new_symbol('loop_body', body_scope.referenced),
+ body=node_body,
+ extra_deps=tuple(s.ast() for s in cond_closure),
+ )
+ return node
+ def visit_For(self, node):
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ self._validate_no_live_vars_created(node)
+ body_scope = anno.getanno(node, annos.NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE)
+ body_closure = body_scope.modified - body_scope.created
+ all_referenced = body_scope.referenced
+ state = list(body_closure)
+ state_ssf = [
+ self.ctx.namer.new_symbol(s.ssf(), all_referenced) for s in state
+ ]
+ ssf_map = {
+ name: ssf
+ for name, ssf in zip(state, state_ssf)
+ if str(name) != ssf
+ }
+ if len(state) == 1:
+ state = state[0]
+ state_ssf = state_ssf[0]
+ state_ast_tuple = state
+ else:
+ state_ast_tuple = gast.Tuple([n.ast() for n in state], None)
+ node_body = ast_util.rename_symbols(node.body, ssf_map)
+ if anno.hasanno(node, 'extra_test'):
+ extra_test = anno.getanno(node, 'extra_test')
+ extra_test = ast_util.rename_symbols(extra_test, ssf_map)
+ else:
+ extra_test = parser.parse_expression('True')
+ template = """
+ def extra_test_name(state_ssf):
+ return extra_test_expr
+ def body_name(loop_vars, state_ssf):
+ # Workaround for PEP-3113
+ iterate = loop_vars
+ body
+ return state_ssf,
+ state_ast_tuple = ag__.for_stmt(
+ iter_, extra_test_name, body_name, (state,))
+ """
+ node = templates.replace(
+ template,
+ state=state,
+ state_ssf=state_ssf,
+ state_ast_tuple=state_ast_tuple,
+ iter_=node.iter,
+ iterate=node.target,
+ extra_test_name=self.ctx.namer.new_symbol('extra_test', all_referenced),
+ extra_test_expr=extra_test,
+ body_name=self.ctx.namer.new_symbol('loop_body', all_referenced),
+ body=node_body)
+ return node
+def transform(node, ctx):
+ node = ControlFlowTransformer(ctx).visit(node)
+ return node