path: root/tensorflow/models/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/models/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py b/tensorflow/models/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c9cfb007f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/models/rnn/translate/seq2seq_model.py
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+"""Sequence-to-sequence model with an attention mechanism."""
+import random
+import numpy as np
+import tensorflow as tf
+from tensorflow.models.rnn import rnn_cell
+from tensorflow.models.rnn import seq2seq
+from tensorflow.models.rnn.translate import data_utils
+class Seq2SeqModel(object):
+ """Sequence-to-sequence model with attention and for multiple buckets.
+ This class implements a multi-layer recurrent neural network as encoder,
+ and an attention-based decoder. This is the same as the model described in
+ this paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.7449 - please look there for details,
+ or into the seq2seq library for complete model implementation.
+ This class also allows to use GRU cells in addition to LSTM cells, and
+ sampled softmax to handle large output vocabulary size. A single-layer
+ version of this model, but with bi-directional encoder, was presented in
+ http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473
+ and sampled softmax is described in Section 3 of the following paper.
+ http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.2007v2.pdf
+ """
+ def __init__(self, source_vocab_size, target_vocab_size, buckets, size,
+ num_layers, max_gradient_norm, batch_size, learning_rate,
+ learning_rate_decay_factor, use_lstm=False,
+ num_samples=512, forward_only=False):
+ """Create the model.
+ Args:
+ source_vocab_size: size of the source vocabulary.
+ target_vocab_size: size of the target vocabulary.
+ buckets: a list of pairs (I, O), where I specifies maximum input length
+ that will be processed in that bucket, and O specifies maximum output
+ length. Training instances that have inputs longer than I or outputs
+ longer than O will be pushed to the next bucket and padded accordingly.
+ We assume that the list is sorted, e.g., [(2, 4), (8, 16)].
+ size: number of units in each layer of the model.
+ num_layers: number of layers in the model.
+ max_gradient_norm: gradients will be clipped to maximally this norm.
+ batch_size: the size of the batches used during training;
+ the model construction is independent of batch_size, so it can be
+ changed after initialization if this is convenient, e.g., for decoding.
+ learning_rate: learning rate to start with.
+ learning_rate_decay_factor: decay learning rate by this much when needed.
+ use_lstm: if true, we use LSTM cells instead of GRU cells.
+ num_samples: number of samples for sampled softmax.
+ forward_only: if set, we do not construct the backward pass in the model.
+ """
+ self.source_vocab_size = source_vocab_size
+ self.target_vocab_size = target_vocab_size
+ self.buckets = buckets
+ self.batch_size = batch_size
+ self.learning_rate = tf.Variable(float(learning_rate), trainable=False)
+ self.learning_rate_decay_op = self.learning_rate.assign(
+ self.learning_rate * learning_rate_decay_factor)
+ self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
+ # If we use sampled softmax, we need an output projection.
+ output_projection = None
+ softmax_loss_function = None
+ # Sampled softmax only makes sense if we sample less than vocabulary size.
+ if num_samples > 0 and num_samples < self.target_vocab_size:
+ with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
+ w = tf.get_variable("proj_w", [size, self.target_vocab_size])
+ w_t = tf.transpose(w)
+ b = tf.get_variable("proj_b", [self.target_vocab_size])
+ output_projection = (w, b)
+ def sampled_loss(inputs, labels):
+ with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
+ labels = tf.reshape(labels, [-1, 1])
+ return tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(w_t, b, inputs, labels, num_samples,
+ self.target_vocab_size)
+ softmax_loss_function = sampled_loss
+ # Create the internal multi-layer cell for our RNN.
+ single_cell = rnn_cell.GRUCell(size)
+ if use_lstm:
+ single_cell = rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(size)
+ cell = single_cell
+ if num_layers > 1:
+ cell = rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([single_cell] * num_layers)
+ # The seq2seq function: we use embedding for the input and attention.
+ def seq2seq_f(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, do_decode):
+ return seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq(
+ encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, cell, source_vocab_size,
+ target_vocab_size, output_projection=output_projection,
+ feed_previous=do_decode)
+ # Feeds for inputs.
+ self.encoder_inputs = []
+ self.decoder_inputs = []
+ self.target_weights = []
+ for i in xrange(buckets[-1][0]): # Last bucket is the biggest one.
+ self.encoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None],
+ name="encoder{0}".format(i)))
+ for i in xrange(buckets[-1][1] + 1):
+ self.decoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None],
+ name="decoder{0}".format(i)))
+ self.target_weights.append(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None],
+ name="weight{0}".format(i)))
+ # Our targets are decoder inputs shifted by one.
+ targets = [self.decoder_inputs[i + 1]
+ for i in xrange(len(self.decoder_inputs) - 1)]
+ # Training outputs and losses.
+ if forward_only:
+ self.outputs, self.losses = seq2seq.model_with_buckets(
+ self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, targets,
+ self.target_weights, buckets, self.target_vocab_size,
+ lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, True),
+ softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function)
+ # If we use output projection, we need to project outputs for decoding.
+ if output_projection is not None:
+ for b in xrange(len(buckets)):
+ self.outputs[b] = [tf.nn.xw_plus_b(output, output_projection[0],
+ output_projection[1])
+ for output in self.outputs[b]]
+ else:
+ self.outputs, self.losses = seq2seq.model_with_buckets(
+ self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, targets,
+ self.target_weights, buckets, self.target_vocab_size,
+ lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, False),
+ softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function)
+ # Gradients and SGD update operation for training the model.
+ params = tf.trainable_variables()
+ if not forward_only:
+ self.gradient_norms = []
+ self.updates = []
+ opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.learning_rate)
+ for b in xrange(len(buckets)):
+ gradients = tf.gradients(self.losses[b], params)
+ clipped_gradients, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients,
+ max_gradient_norm)
+ self.gradient_norms.append(norm)
+ self.updates.append(opt.apply_gradients(
+ zip(clipped_gradients, params), global_step=self.global_step))
+ self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables())
+ def step(self, session, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights,
+ bucket_id, forward_only):
+ """Run a step of the model feeding the given inputs.
+ Args:
+ session: tensorflow session to use.
+ encoder_inputs: list of numpy int vectors to feed as encoder inputs.
+ decoder_inputs: list of numpy int vectors to feed as decoder inputs.
+ target_weights: list of numpy float vectors to feed as target weights.
+ bucket_id: which bucket of the model to use.
+ forward_only: whether to do the backward step or only forward.
+ Returns:
+ A triple consisting of gradient norm (or None if we did not do backward),
+ average perplexity, and the outputs.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: if length of enconder_inputs, decoder_inputs, or
+ target_weights disagrees with bucket size for the specified bucket_id.
+ """
+ # Check if the sizes match.
+ encoder_size, decoder_size = self.buckets[bucket_id]
+ if len(encoder_inputs) != encoder_size:
+ raise ValueError("Encoder length must be equal to the one in bucket,"
+ " %d != %d." % (len(encoder_inputs), encoder_size))
+ if len(decoder_inputs) != decoder_size:
+ raise ValueError("Decoder length must be equal to the one in bucket,"
+ " %d != %d." % (len(decoder_inputs), decoder_size))
+ if len(target_weights) != decoder_size:
+ raise ValueError("Weights length must be equal to the one in bucket,"
+ " %d != %d." % (len(target_weights), decoder_size))
+ # Input feed: encoder inputs, decoder inputs, target_weights, as provided.
+ input_feed = {}
+ for l in xrange(encoder_size):
+ input_feed[self.encoder_inputs[l].name] = encoder_inputs[l]
+ for l in xrange(decoder_size):
+ input_feed[self.decoder_inputs[l].name] = decoder_inputs[l]
+ input_feed[self.target_weights[l].name] = target_weights[l]
+ # Since our targets are decoder inputs shifted by one, we need one more.
+ last_target = self.decoder_inputs[decoder_size].name
+ input_feed[last_target] = np.zeros([self.batch_size], dtype=np.int32)
+ # Output feed: depends on whether we do a backward step or not.
+ if not forward_only:
+ output_feed = [self.updates[bucket_id], # Update Op that does SGD.
+ self.gradient_norms[bucket_id], # Gradient norm.
+ self.losses[bucket_id]] # Loss for this batch.
+ else:
+ output_feed = [self.losses[bucket_id]] # Loss for this batch.
+ for l in xrange(decoder_size): # Output logits.
+ output_feed.append(self.outputs[bucket_id][l])
+ outputs = session.run(output_feed, input_feed)
+ if not forward_only:
+ return outputs[1], outputs[2], None # Gradient norm, loss, no outputs.
+ else:
+ return None, outputs[0], outputs[1:] # No gradient norm, loss, outputs.
+ def get_batch(self, data, bucket_id):
+ """Get a random batch of data from the specified bucket, prepare for step.
+ To feed data in step(..) it must be a list of batch-major vectors, while
+ data here contains single length-major cases. So the main logic of this
+ function is to re-index data cases to be in the proper format for feeding.
+ Args:
+ data: a tuple of size len(self.buckets) in which each element contains
+ lists of pairs of input and output data that we use to create a batch.
+ bucket_id: integer, which bucket to get the batch for.
+ Returns:
+ The triple (encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights) for
+ the constructed batch that has the proper format to call step(...) later.
+ """
+ encoder_size, decoder_size = self.buckets[bucket_id]
+ encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs = [], []
+ # Get a random batch of encoder and decoder inputs from data,
+ # pad them if needed, reverse encoder inputs and add GO to decoder.
+ for _ in xrange(self.batch_size):
+ encoder_input, decoder_input = random.choice(data[bucket_id])
+ # Encoder inputs are padded and then reversed.
+ encoder_pad = [data_utils.PAD_ID] * (encoder_size - len(encoder_input))
+ encoder_inputs.append(list(reversed(encoder_input + encoder_pad)))
+ # Decoder inputs get an extra "GO" symbol, and are padded then.
+ decoder_pad_size = decoder_size - len(decoder_input) - 1
+ decoder_inputs.append([data_utils.GO_ID] + decoder_input +
+ [data_utils.PAD_ID] * decoder_pad_size)
+ # Now we create batch-major vectors from the data selected above.
+ batch_encoder_inputs, batch_decoder_inputs, batch_weights = [], [], []
+ # Batch encoder inputs are just re-indexed encoder_inputs.
+ for length_idx in xrange(encoder_size):
+ batch_encoder_inputs.append(
+ np.array([encoder_inputs[batch_idx][length_idx]
+ for batch_idx in xrange(self.batch_size)], dtype=np.int32))
+ # Batch decoder inputs are re-indexed decoder_inputs, we create weights.
+ for length_idx in xrange(decoder_size):
+ batch_decoder_inputs.append(
+ np.array([decoder_inputs[batch_idx][length_idx]
+ for batch_idx in xrange(self.batch_size)], dtype=np.int32))
+ # Create target_weights to be 0 for targets that are padding.
+ batch_weight = np.ones(self.batch_size, dtype=np.float32)
+ for batch_idx in xrange(self.batch_size):
+ # We set weight to 0 if the corresponding target is a PAD symbol.
+ # The corresponding target is decoder_input shifted by 1 forward.
+ if length_idx < decoder_size - 1:
+ target = decoder_inputs[batch_idx][length_idx + 1]
+ if length_idx == decoder_size - 1 or target == data_utils.PAD_ID:
+ batch_weight[batch_idx] = 0.0
+ batch_weights.append(batch_weight)
+ return batch_encoder_inputs, batch_decoder_inputs, batch_weights