path: root/tensorflow/g3doc/resources/glossary.md
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+# Glossary
+**Broadcasting operation**
+An operation that uses [numpy-style broadcasting](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html)
+to make the shapes of its tensor arguments compatible.
+A piece of hardware that can run computation and has its own address space,
+like a GPU or CPU.
+A method of `Tensor` that returns the value of the `Tensor`, triggering any
+graph computation required to determine the value. You may only call `eval()`
+on a `Tensor` in a graph that has been launched in a session.
+TensorFlow's mechanism for patching a tensor directly into any node in a graph
+launched in a session. You apply feeds when you trigger the execution of a
+graph, not when you build the graph. A feed temporarily replaces a node with a
+tensor value. You supply feed data as an argument to a run() or eval() call
+that initiates computation. After the run the feed disappears and the original
+node definition remains. You usually designate specific nodes to be "feed"
+nodes by using tf.placeholder() to create them. See
+[Basic Usage](../get_started/basic_usage.md) for more information.
+TensorFlow's mechanism for retrieving tensors from a graph launched in a
+session. You retrieve fetches when you trigger the execution of a graph, not
+when you build the graph. To fetch the tensor value of a node or nodes,
+execute the graph with a run() call on the Session object and pass a list of
+names of nodes to retrieve. See [Basic Usage](../get_started/basic_usage.md)
+for more information.
+Describes a computation as a directed acyclic
+graph. Nodes in the graph represent operations that must be
+performed. Edges in the graph represent either data or control
+dependencies. GraphDef is the proto used to describe a graph to the
+system (it is the API), and consists of a collection of NodeDefs (see
+below). A GraphDef may be converted to a (C++) Graph object which is
+easier to operate on.
+In the Python API, TensorFlow's representation of a tensor that is sparse
+along only its first dimension. If the tensor is k-dimensional, an
+IndexedSlices instance logically represents a collection of (k-1)-dimensional
+slices along the tensor's first dimension. The indices of the slices are
+stored concatenated into a single 1-dimensional vector, and the corresponding
+slices are concatenated to form a single k-dimensional tensor. Use
+SparseTensor if the sparsity is not restricted to the first dimension.
+An element of a graph.
+Describes how to invoke a specific Op as one node in a specific computation
+Graph, including the values for any attrs needed to configure the Op. For Ops
+that are polymorphic, the attrs include sufficient information to completely
+determine the signature of the Node. See graph.proto for details.
+**Op (operation)**
+In the TensorFlow runtime: A type of computation such as 'add' or 'matmul' or
+'concat'. You can add new ops to the runtime as described [how to add an
+In the Python API: A node in the graph. Ops are represented by instances of
+the class [tf.Operation](../api_docs/python/framework.md#Operation). The
+`type` property of an `Operation` indicates the run operation for the node,
+such as 'add' or 'matmul'.
+A reduction of numerical precision. Quantization maps floating-point values
+onto a smaller set of values, and is particular useful for improving the
+efficiency of neural networks. See TensorFlow's [neural network
+operations](../api_docs/python/nn.md?cl=head#quantized_avg_pool) for more
+information about TensorFlow's quantization support.
+The action of executing ops in a launched graph. Requires that the graph be launched
+in a Session.
+In the Python API: A method of the Session class:
+[tf.Session.run](../api_docs/python/client.md#Session). You can pass tensors
+to feed and fetch to the `run()` call.
+In the C++ API: A method of the [tensorflow::Session](../api_docs/cc/ClassSession.md).
+A runtime object representing a launched graph. Provides methods to execute
+ops in the graph.
+In the Python API: [tf.Session](../api_docs/python/client.md#Session)
+In the C++ API: class used to launch a graph and run operations
+The number of dimensions of a tensor and their sizes.
+In a launched graph: Property of the tensors that flow between nodes. Some ops
+have strong requirements on the shape of their inputs and report errors at
+runtime if these are not met.
+In the Python API: Attribute of a Python Tensor in the graph construction
+API. During constructions the shape of tensors can be only partially known, or
+even unknown. See
+In the C++ API: class used to represent the shape of tensors
+In the Python API, TensorFlow's representation of a tensor that is sparse in
+arbitrary positions. A SparseTensor stores only the non-empty values along
+with their indices, using a dictionary-of-keys format. In other words, if
+there are m non-empty values, it maintains a length-m vector of values and
+a matrix with m rows of indices. For efficiency, SparseTensor requires the
+indices to be sorted along increasing dimension number, i.e. in row-major
+order. Use IndexedSlices if the sparsity is only along the first dimension.
+A `Tensor` is a typed multi-dimensional array. For example, a 4-D
+array of floating point numbers representing a mini-batch of images with
+dimensions `[batch, height, width, channel]`.
+In a launched graph: Type of the data that flow between nodes.
+In the Python API: class used to represent the output and inputs of Ops added
+to the graph [tf.Tensor](../api_docs/python/framework.md#Tensor). Instances of
+this class do not hold data.
+In the C++ API: class used to represent tensors returned from a
+[Session::Run()](../api_docs/cc/ClassSession.md) call
+Instances of this class hold data.