path: root/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard5/tf.QueueBase.md
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diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard5/tf.QueueBase.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard5/tf.QueueBase.md
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+Base class for queue implementations.
+A queue is a TensorFlow data structure that stores tensors across
+multiple steps, and exposes operations that enqueue and dequeue
+Each queue element is a tuple of one or more tensors, where each
+tuple component has a static dtype, and may have a static shape. The
+queue implementations support versions of enqueue and dequeue that
+handle single elements, versions that support enqueuing and
+dequeuing a batch of elements at once.
+See [`tf.FIFOQueue`](#FIFOQueue) and
+[`tf.RandomShuffleQueue`](#RandomShuffleQueue) for concrete
+implementations of this class, and instructions on how to create
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.enqueue(vals, name=None)` {#QueueBase.enqueue}
+Enqueues one element to this queue.
+If the queue is full when this operation executes, it will block
+until the element has been enqueued.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`vals`</b>: A tensor, a list or tuple of tensors, or a dictionary containing
+ the values to enqueue.
+* <b>`name`</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The operation that enqueues a new tuple of tensors to the queue.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.enqueue_many(vals, name=None)` {#QueueBase.enqueue_many}
+Enqueues zero or more elements to this queue.
+This operation slices each component tensor along the 0th dimension to
+make multiple queue elements. All of the tensors in `vals` must have the
+same size in the 0th dimension.
+If the queue is full when this operation executes, it will block
+until all of the elements have been enqueued.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`vals`</b>: A tensor, a list or tuple of tensors, or a dictionary
+ from which the queue elements are taken.
+* <b>`name`</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The operation that enqueues a batch of tuples of tensors to the queue.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.dequeue(name=None)` {#QueueBase.dequeue}
+Dequeues one element from this queue.
+If the queue is empty when this operation executes, it will block
+until there is an element to dequeue.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`name`</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The tuple of tensors that was dequeued.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.dequeue_many(n, name=None)` {#QueueBase.dequeue_many}
+Dequeues and concatenates `n` elements from this queue.
+This operation concatenates queue-element component tensors along
+the 0th dimension to make a single component tensor. All of the
+components in the dequeued tuple will have size `n` in the 0th dimension.
+If the queue is closed and there are less than `n` elements left, then an
+`OutOfRange` exception is raised.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`n`</b>: A scalar `Tensor` containing the number of elements to dequeue.
+* <b>`name`</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The tuple of concatenated tensors that was dequeued.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.size(name=None)` {#QueueBase.size}
+Compute the number of elements in this queue.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`name`</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A scalar tensor containing the number of elements in this queue.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.close(cancel_pending_enqueues=False, name=None)` {#QueueBase.close}
+Closes this queue.
+This operation signals that no more elements will be enqueued in
+the given queue. Subsequent `enqueue` and `enqueue_many`
+operations will fail. Subsequent `dequeue` and `dequeue_many`
+operations will continue to succeed if sufficient elements remain
+in the queue. Subsequent `dequeue` and `dequeue_many` operations
+that would block will fail immediately.
+If `cancel_pending_enqueues` is `True`, all pending requests will also
+be cancelled.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`cancel_pending_enqueues`</b>: (Optional.) A boolean, defaulting to
+ `False` (described above).
+* <b>`name`</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The operation that closes the queue.
+#### Other Methods
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.__init__(dtypes, shapes, names, queue_ref)` {#QueueBase.__init__}
+Constructs a queue object from a queue reference.
+The two optional lists, `shapes` and `names`, must be of the same length
+as `dtypes` if provided. The values at a given index `i` indicate the
+shape and name to use for the corresponding queue component in `dtypes`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`dtypes`</b>: A list of types. The length of dtypes must equal the number
+ of tensors in each element.
+* <b>`shapes`</b>: Constraints on the shapes of tensors in an element:
+ A list of shape tuples or None. This list is the same length
+ as dtypes. If the shape of any tensors in the element are constrained,
+ all must be; shapes can be None if the shapes should not be constrained.
+* <b>`names`</b>: Optional list of names. If provided, the `enqueue()` and
+ `dequeue()` methods will use dictionaries with these names as keys.
+ Must be None or a list or tuple of the same length as `dtypes`.
+* <b>`queue_ref`</b>: The queue reference, i.e. the output of the queue op.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`ValueError`</b>: If one of the arguments is invalid.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.dequeue_up_to(n, name=None)` {#QueueBase.dequeue_up_to}
+Dequeues and concatenates `n` elements from this queue.
+**Note** This operation is not supported by all queues. If a queue does not
+support DequeueUpTo, then an Unimplemented exception is raised.
+This operation concatenates queue-element component tensors along the
+0th dimension to make a single component tensor. All of the components
+in the dequeued tuple will have size `n` in the 0th dimension.
+If the queue is closed and there are more than `0` but less than `n`
+elements remaining, then instead of raising an `OutOfRange` exception like
+`dequeue_many`, the remaining elements are returned immediately.
+If the queue is closed and there are `0` elements left in the queue, then
+an `OutOfRange` exception is raised just like in `dequeue_many`.
+Otherwise the behavior is identical to `dequeue_many`:
+##### Args:
+* <b>`n`</b>: A scalar `Tensor` containing the number of elements to dequeue.
+* <b>`name`</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The tuple of concatenated tensors that was dequeued.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.dtypes` {#QueueBase.dtypes}
+The list of dtypes for each component of a queue element.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.from_list(index, queues)` {#QueueBase.from_list}
+Create a queue using the queue reference from `queues[index]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`index`</b>: An integer scalar tensor that determines the input that gets
+ selected.
+* <b>`queues`</b>: A list of `QueueBase` objects.
+##### Returns:
+ A `QueueBase` object.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`TypeError`</b>: When `queues` is not a list of `QueueBase` objects,
+ or when the data types of `queues` are not all the same.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.name` {#QueueBase.name}
+The name of the underlying queue.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.names` {#QueueBase.names}
+The list of names for each component of a queue element.
+- - -
+#### `tf.QueueBase.queue_ref` {#QueueBase.queue_ref}
+The underlying queue reference.