path: root/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard1/tf.train.SummaryWriter.md
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diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard1/tf.train.SummaryWriter.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard1/tf.train.SummaryWriter.md
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+Writes `Summary` protocol buffers to event files.
+The `SummaryWriter` class provides a mechanism to create an event file in a
+given directory and add summaries and events to it. The class updates the
+file contents asynchronously. This allows a training program to call methods
+to add data to the file directly from the training loop, without slowing down
+- - -
+#### `tf.train.SummaryWriter.__init__(logdir, graph=None, max_queue=10, flush_secs=120, graph_def=None)` {#SummaryWriter.__init__}
+Creates a `SummaryWriter` and an event file.
+On construction the summary writer creates a new event file in `logdir`.
+This event file will contain `Event` protocol buffers constructed when you
+call one of the following functions: `add_summary()`, `add_session_log()`,
+`add_event()`, or `add_graph()`.
+If you pass a `Graph` to the constructor it is added to
+the event file. (This is equivalent to calling `add_graph()` later).
+TensorBoard will pick the graph from the file and display it graphically so
+you can interactively explore the graph you built. You will usually pass
+the graph from the session in which you launched it:
+...create a graph...
+# Launch the graph in a session.
+sess = tf.Session()
+# Create a summary writer, add the 'graph' to the event file.
+writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(<some-directory>, sess.graph)
+The other arguments to the constructor control the asynchronous writes to
+the event file:
+* `flush_secs`: How often, in seconds, to flush the added summaries
+ and events to disk.
+* `max_queue`: Maximum number of summaries or events pending to be
+ written to disk before one of the 'add' calls block.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`logdir`</b>: A string. Directory where event file will be written.
+* <b>`graph`</b>: A `Graph` object, such as `sess.graph`.
+* <b>`max_queue`</b>: Integer. Size of the queue for pending events and summaries.
+* <b>`flush_secs`</b>: Number. How often, in seconds, to flush the
+ pending events and summaries to disk.
+* <b>`graph_def`</b>: DEPRECATED: Use the `graph` argument instead.
+- - -
+#### `tf.train.SummaryWriter.add_summary(summary, global_step=None)` {#SummaryWriter.add_summary}
+Adds a `Summary` protocol buffer to the event file.
+This method wraps the provided summary in an `Event` protocol buffer
+and adds it to the event file.
+You can pass the result of evaluating any summary op, using
+[`Session.run()`](client.md#Session.run) or
+[`Tensor.eval()`](framework.md#Tensor.eval), to this
+function. Alternatively, you can pass a `tf.Summary` protocol
+buffer that you populate with your own data. The latter is
+commonly done to report evaluation results in event files.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`summary`</b>: A `Summary` protocol buffer, optionally serialized as a string.
+* <b>`global_step`</b>: Number. Optional global step value to record with the
+ summary.
+- - -
+#### `tf.train.SummaryWriter.add_session_log(session_log, global_step=None)` {#SummaryWriter.add_session_log}
+Adds a `SessionLog` protocol buffer to the event file.
+This method wraps the provided session in an `Event` procotol buffer
+and adds it to the event file.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`session_log`</b>: A `SessionLog` protocol buffer.
+* <b>`global_step`</b>: Number. Optional global step value to record with the
+ summary.
+- - -
+#### `tf.train.SummaryWriter.add_event(event)` {#SummaryWriter.add_event}
+Adds an event to the event file.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`event`</b>: An `Event` protocol buffer.
+- - -
+#### `tf.train.SummaryWriter.add_graph(graph, global_step=None, graph_def=None)` {#SummaryWriter.add_graph}
+Adds a `Graph` to the event file.
+The graph described by the protocol buffer will be displayed by
+TensorBoard. Most users pass a graph in the constructor instead.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`graph`</b>: A `Graph` object, such as `sess.graph`.
+* <b>`global_step`</b>: Number. Optional global step counter to record with the
+ graph.
+* <b>`graph_def`</b>: DEPRECATED. Use the `graph` parameter instead.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`ValueError`</b>: If both graph and graph_def are passed to the method.
+- - -
+#### `tf.train.SummaryWriter.add_run_metadata(run_metadata, tag, global_step=None)` {#SummaryWriter.add_run_metadata}
+Adds a metadata information for a single session.run() call.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`run_metadata`</b>: A `RunMetadata` protobuf object.
+* <b>`tag`</b>: The tag name for this metadata.
+* <b>`global_step`</b>: Number. Optional global step counter to record with the
+ StepStats.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`ValueError`</b>: If the provided tag was already used for this type of event.
+- - -
+#### `tf.train.SummaryWriter.flush()` {#SummaryWriter.flush}
+Flushes the event file to disk.
+Call this method to make sure that all pending events have been written to
+- - -
+#### `tf.train.SummaryWriter.close()` {#SummaryWriter.close}
+Flushes the event file to disk and close the file.
+Call this method when you do not need the summary writer anymore.