path: root/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/contrib.distributions.md
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diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/contrib.distributions.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/contrib.distributions.md
index c2e67db7cb..7bea8d72dd 100644
--- a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/contrib.distributions.md
+++ b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/contrib.distributions.md
@@ -4022,6 +4022,323 @@ Variance of the distribution.
+### Transformed distributions
+- - -
+### `class tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution}
+A Transformed Distribution.
+A Transformed Distribution models `p(y)` given a base distribution `p(x)`,
+an invertible transform, `y = f(x)`, and the determinant of the Jacobian of
+Shapes, type, and reparameterization are taken from the base distribution.
+#### Mathematical details
+* `p(x)` - probability distribution for random variable X
+* `p(y)` - probability distribution for random variable Y
+* `f` - transform
+* `g` - inverse transform, `f(g(x)) = x`
+* `J(x)` - Jacobian of f(x)
+A Transformed Distribution exposes `sample` and `pdf`:
+ * `sample`: `y = f(x)`, after drawing a sample of X.
+ * `pdf`: `p(y) = p(x) / det|J(x)| = p(g(y)) / det|J(g(y))|`
+A simple example constructing a Log-Normal distribution from a Normal
+logit_normal = ContinuousTransformedDistribution(
+ base_dist=Normal(mu, sigma),
+ transform=lambda x: tf.sigmoid(x),
+ inverse=lambda y: tf.log(y) - tf.log(1. - y),
+ log_det_jacobian=(lambda x:
+ tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(tf.sigmoid(x)) + tf.log(1. - tf.sigmoid(x)),
+ reduction_indices=[-1])))
+ name="LogitNormalTransformedDistribution"
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.__init__(base_dist_cls, transform, inverse, log_det_jacobian, name='ContinuousTransformedDistribution', **base_dist_args)` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.__init__}
+Construct a Transformed Distribution.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`base_dist_cls`</b>: the base distribution class to transform. Must be a
+ subclass of `ContinuousDistribution`.
+* <b>`transform`</b>: a callable that takes a `Tensor` sample from `base_dist` and
+ returns a `Tensor` of the same shape and type. `x => y`.
+* <b>`inverse`</b>: a callable that computes the inverse of transform. `y => x`. If
+ None, users can only call `log_pdf` on values returned by `sample`.
+* <b>`log_det_jacobian`</b>: a callable that takes a `Tensor` sample from `base_dist`
+ and returns the log of the determinant of the Jacobian of `transform`.
+* <b>`name`</b>: The name for the distribution.
+* <b>`**base_dist_args`</b>: kwargs to pass on to dist_cls on construction.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`TypeError`</b>: if `base_dist_cls` is not a subclass of
+ `ContinuousDistribution`.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.base_distribution` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.base_distribution}
+Base distribution, p(x).
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.batch_shape(name='batch_shape')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.batch_shape}
+Batch dimensions of this instance as a 1-D int32 `Tensor`.
+The product of the dimensions of the `batch_shape` is the number of
+independent distributions of this kind the instance represents.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`name`</b>: name to give to the op.
+##### Returns:
+ `Tensor` `batch_shape`
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.cdf(value, name='cdf')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.cdf}
+Cumulative distribution function.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.dtype` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.dtype}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.entropy(name='entropy')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.entropy}
+Entropy of the distribution in nats.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.event_shape(name='event_shape')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.event_shape}
+Shape of a sample from a single distribution as a 1-D int32 `Tensor`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`name`</b>: name to give to the op.
+##### Returns:
+ `Tensor` `event_shape`
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.get_batch_shape()` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.get_batch_shape}
+`TensorShape` available at graph construction time.
+Same meaning as `batch_shape`. May be only partially defined.
+##### Returns:
+ batch shape
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.get_event_shape()` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.get_event_shape}
+`TensorShape` available at graph construction time.
+Same meaning as `event_shape`. May be only partially defined.
+##### Returns:
+ event shape
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.inverse` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.inverse}
+Inverse function of transform, y => x.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.is_reparameterized` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.is_reparameterized}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.log_cdf(value, name='log_cdf')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.log_cdf}
+Log CDF.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.log_det_jacobian` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.log_det_jacobian}
+Function computing the log determinant of the Jacobian of transform.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.log_likelihood(value, name='log_likelihood')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.log_likelihood}
+Log likelihood of this distribution (same as log_pdf).
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.log_pdf(y, name='log_pdf')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.log_pdf}
+Log pdf of observations in `y`.
+`log ( p(g(y)) / det|J(g(y))| )`, where `g` is the inverse of `transform`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`y`</b>: tensor of dtype `dtype`.
+* <b>`name`</b>: The name to give this op.
+##### Returns:
+* <b>`log_pdf`</b>: tensor of dtype `dtype`, the log-PDFs of `y`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`ValueError`</b>: if `inverse` was not provided to the distribution and `y` was
+ not returned from `sample`.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.mean(name='mean')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.mean}
+Mean of the distribution.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.mode(name='mode')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.mode}
+Mode of the distribution.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.name` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.name}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.pdf(y, name='pdf')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.pdf}
+The PDF of observations in `y`.
+`p(g(y)) / det|J(g(y))|`, where `g` is the inverse of `transform`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`y`</b>: `Tensor` of dtype `dtype`.
+* <b>`name`</b>: The name to give this op.
+##### Returns:
+* <b>`pdf`</b>: `Tensor` of dtype `dtype`, the pdf values of `y`.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.sample(n, seed=None, name='sample')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.sample}
+Sample `n` observations.
+Samples from the base distribution and then passes through the transform.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`n`</b>: scalar, type int32, the number of observations to sample.
+* <b>`seed`</b>: Python integer, the random seed.
+* <b>`name`</b>: The name to give this op.
+##### Returns:
+* <b>`samples`</b>: `[n, ...]`, a `Tensor` of `n` samples.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.std(name='std')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.std}
+Standard deviation of the distribution.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.strict` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.strict}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.strict_statistics` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.strict_statistics}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.transform` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.transform}
+Function transforming x => y.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.distributions.ContinuousTransformedDistribution.variance(name='variance')` {#ContinuousTransformedDistribution.variance}
+Variance of the distribution.
## Operators allowing for matrix-free methods
### Positive definite operators