path: root/tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/object_tracker.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/object_tracker.cc')
1 files changed, 690 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/object_tracker.cc b/tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/object_tracker.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d867b934b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/object_tracker.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#ifdef __RENDER_OPENGL__
+#include <GLES/gl.h>
+#include <GLES/glext.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/geom.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/image-inl.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/image.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/integral_image.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/log_streaming.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/time_log.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/utils.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/config.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/flow_cache.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/keypoint_detector.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/object_detector.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/object_tracker.h"
+#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/optical_flow.h"
+namespace tf_tracking {
+ObjectTracker::ObjectTracker(const TrackerConfig* const config,
+ ObjectDetectorBase* const detector)
+ : config_(config),
+ frame_width_(config->image_size.width),
+ frame_height_(config->image_size.height),
+ curr_time_(0),
+ num_frames_(0),
+ flow_cache_(&config->flow_config),
+ keypoint_detector_(&config->keypoint_detector_config),
+ curr_num_frame_pairs_(0),
+ first_frame_index_(0),
+ frame1_(new ImageData(frame_width_, frame_height_)),
+ frame2_(new ImageData(frame_width_, frame_height_)),
+ detector_(detector),
+ num_detected_(0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumFrames; ++i) {
+ frame_pairs_[i].Init(-1, -1);
+ }
+ObjectTracker::~ObjectTracker() {
+ for (TrackedObjectMap::iterator iter = objects_.begin();
+ iter != objects_.end(); iter++) {
+ TrackedObject* object = iter->second;
+ SAFE_DELETE(object);
+ }
+// Finds the correspondences for all the points in the current pair of frames.
+// Stores the results in the given FramePair.
+void ObjectTracker::FindCorrespondences(FramePair* const frame_pair) const {
+ // Keypoints aren't found until they're found.
+ memset(frame_pair->optical_flow_found_keypoint_, false,
+ sizeof(*frame_pair->optical_flow_found_keypoint_) * kMaxKeypoints);
+ TimeLog("Cleared old found keypoints");
+ int num_keypoints_found = 0;
+ // For every keypoint...
+ for (int i_feat = 0; i_feat < frame_pair->number_of_keypoints_; ++i_feat) {
+ Keypoint* const keypoint1 = frame_pair->frame1_keypoints_ + i_feat;
+ Keypoint* const keypoint2 = frame_pair->frame2_keypoints_ + i_feat;
+ if (flow_cache_.FindNewPositionOfPoint(
+ keypoint1->pos_.x, keypoint1->pos_.y,
+ &keypoint2->pos_.x, &keypoint2->pos_.y)) {
+ frame_pair->optical_flow_found_keypoint_[i_feat] = true;
+ ++num_keypoints_found;
+ }
+ }
+ TimeLog("Found correspondences");
+ LOGV("Found %d of %d keypoint correspondences",
+ num_keypoints_found, frame_pair->number_of_keypoints_);
+void ObjectTracker::NextFrame(const uint8* const new_frame,
+ const uint8* const uv_frame,
+ const int64 timestamp,
+ const float* const alignment_matrix_2x3) {
+ IncrementFrameIndex();
+ LOGV("Received frame %d", num_frames_);
+ FramePair* const curr_change = frame_pairs_ + GetNthIndexFromEnd(0);
+ curr_change->Init(curr_time_, timestamp);
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(curr_time_ < timestamp,
+ "Timestamp must monotonically increase! Went from %lld to %lld"
+ " on frame %d.",
+ curr_time_, timestamp, num_frames_);
+ curr_time_ = timestamp;
+ // Swap the frames.
+ frame1_.swap(frame2_);
+ frame2_->SetData(new_frame, uv_frame, frame_width_, timestamp, 1);
+ if (detector_.get() != NULL) {
+ detector_->SetImageData(frame2_.get());
+ }
+ flow_cache_.NextFrame(frame2_.get(), alignment_matrix_2x3);
+ if (num_frames_ == 1) {
+ // This must be the first frame, so abort.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (config_->always_track || objects_.size() > 0) {
+ LOGV("Tracking %zu targets", objects_.size());
+ ComputeKeypoints(true);
+ TimeLog("Keypoints computed!");
+ FindCorrespondences(curr_change);
+ TimeLog("Flow computed!");
+ TrackObjects();
+ }
+ TimeLog("Targets tracked!");
+ if (detector_.get() != NULL && num_frames_ % kDetectEveryNFrames == 0) {
+ DetectTargets();
+ }
+ TimeLog("Detected objects.");
+TrackedObject* ObjectTracker::MaybeAddObject(
+ const std::string& id,
+ const Image<uint8>& source_image,
+ const BoundingBox& bounding_box,
+ const ObjectModelBase* object_model) {
+ // Train the detector if this is a new object.
+ if (objects_.find(id) != objects_.end()) {
+ return objects_[id];
+ }
+ // Need to get a non-const version of the model, or create a new one if it
+ // wasn't given.
+ ObjectModelBase* model = NULL;
+ if (detector_ != NULL) {
+ // If a detector is registered, then this new object must have a model.
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(object_model != NULL, "No model given!");
+ model = detector_->CreateObjectModel(object_model->GetName());
+ }
+ TrackedObject* const object =
+ new TrackedObject(id, source_image, bounding_box, model);
+ objects_[id] = object;
+ return object;
+void ObjectTracker::RegisterNewObjectWithAppearance(
+ const std::string& id, const uint8* const new_frame,
+ const BoundingBox& bounding_box) {
+ ObjectModelBase* object_model = NULL;
+ Image<uint8> image(frame_width_, frame_height_);
+ image.FromArray(new_frame, frame_width_, 1);
+ if (detector_ != NULL) {
+ object_model = detector_->CreateObjectModel(id);
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(object_model != NULL, "Null object model!");
+ const IntegralImage integral_image(image);
+ object_model->TrackStep(bounding_box, image, integral_image, true);
+ }
+ // Create an object at this position.
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(!HaveObject(id), "Already have this object!");
+ if (objects_.find(id) == objects_.end()) {
+ TrackedObject* const object =
+ MaybeAddObject(id, image, bounding_box, object_model);
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(object != NULL, "Object not created!");
+ }
+void ObjectTracker::SetPreviousPositionOfObject(const std::string& id,
+ const BoundingBox& bounding_box,
+ const int64 timestamp) {
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(timestamp > 0, "Timestamp too low! %lld", timestamp);
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(timestamp <= curr_time_,
+ "Timestamp too great! %lld vs %lld", timestamp, curr_time_);
+ TrackedObject* const object = GetObject(id);
+ // Track this bounding box from the past to the current time.
+ const BoundingBox current_position = TrackBox(bounding_box, timestamp);
+ object->UpdatePosition(current_position, curr_time_, *frame2_, false);
+ VLOG(2) << "Set tracked position for " << id << " to " << bounding_box
+ << std::endl;
+void ObjectTracker::SetCurrentPositionOfObject(
+ const std::string& id, const BoundingBox& bounding_box) {
+ SetPreviousPositionOfObject(id, bounding_box, curr_time_);
+void ObjectTracker::ForgetTarget(const std::string& id) {
+ LOGV("Forgetting object %s", id.c_str());
+ TrackedObject* const object = GetObject(id);
+ delete object;
+ objects_.erase(id);
+ if (detector_ != NULL) {
+ detector_->DeleteObjectModel(id);
+ }
+int ObjectTracker::GetKeypointsPacked(uint16* const out_data,
+ const float scale) const {
+ const FramePair& change = frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromEnd(0)];
+ uint16* curr_data = out_data;
+ int num_keypoints = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < change.number_of_keypoints_; ++i) {
+ if (change.optical_flow_found_keypoint_[i]) {
+ ++num_keypoints;
+ const Point2f& point1 = change.frame1_keypoints_[i].pos_;
+ *curr_data++ = RealToFixed115(point1.x * scale);
+ *curr_data++ = RealToFixed115(point1.y * scale);
+ const Point2f& point2 = change.frame2_keypoints_[i].pos_;
+ *curr_data++ = RealToFixed115(point2.x * scale);
+ *curr_data++ = RealToFixed115(point2.y * scale);
+ }
+ }
+ return num_keypoints;
+int ObjectTracker::GetKeypoints(const bool only_found,
+ float* const out_data) const {
+ int curr_keypoint = 0;
+ const FramePair& change = frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromEnd(0)];
+ for (int i = 0; i < change.number_of_keypoints_; ++i) {
+ if (!only_found || change.optical_flow_found_keypoint_[i]) {
+ const int base = curr_keypoint * kKeypointStep;
+ out_data[base + 0] = change.frame1_keypoints_[i].pos_.x;
+ out_data[base + 1] = change.frame1_keypoints_[i].pos_.y;
+ out_data[base + 2] =
+ change.optical_flow_found_keypoint_[i] ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
+ out_data[base + 3] = change.frame2_keypoints_[i].pos_.x;
+ out_data[base + 4] = change.frame2_keypoints_[i].pos_.y;
+ out_data[base + 5] = change.frame1_keypoints_[i].score_;
+ out_data[base + 6] = change.frame1_keypoints_[i].type_;
+ ++curr_keypoint;
+ }
+ }
+ LOGV("Got %d keypoints.", curr_keypoint);
+ return curr_keypoint;
+BoundingBox ObjectTracker::TrackBox(const BoundingBox& region,
+ const FramePair& frame_pair) const {
+ float translation_x;
+ float translation_y;
+ float scale_x;
+ float scale_y;
+ BoundingBox tracked_box(region);
+ frame_pair.AdjustBox(
+ tracked_box, &translation_x, &translation_y, &scale_x, &scale_y);
+ tracked_box.Shift(Point2f(translation_x, translation_y));
+ if (scale_x > 0 && scale_y > 0) {
+ tracked_box.Scale(scale_x, scale_y);
+ }
+ return tracked_box;
+BoundingBox ObjectTracker::TrackBox(const BoundingBox& region,
+ const int64 timestamp) const {
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(timestamp > 0, "Timestamp too low! %lld", timestamp);
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(timestamp <= curr_time_, "Timestamp is in the future!");
+ // Anything that ended before the requested timestamp is of no concern to us.
+ bool found_it = false;
+ int num_frames_back = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < curr_num_frame_pairs_; ++i) {
+ const FramePair& frame_pair =
+ frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromEnd(i)];
+ if (frame_pair.end_time_ <= timestamp) {
+ num_frames_back = i - 1;
+ if (num_frames_back > 0) {
+ LOGV("Went %d out of %d frames before finding frame. (index: %d)",
+ num_frames_back, curr_num_frame_pairs_, GetNthIndexFromEnd(i));
+ }
+ found_it = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_it) {
+ LOGW("History did not go back far enough! %lld vs %lld",
+ frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromEnd(0)].end_time_ -
+ frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromStart(0)].end_time_,
+ frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromEnd(0)].end_time_ - timestamp);
+ }
+ // Loop over all the frames in the queue, tracking the accumulated delta
+ // of the point from frame to frame. It's possible the point could
+ // go out of frame, but keep tracking as best we can, using points near
+ // the edge of the screen where it went out of bounds.
+ BoundingBox tracked_box(region);
+ for (int i = num_frames_back; i >= 0; --i) {
+ const FramePair& frame_pair = frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromEnd(i)];
+ SCHECK(frame_pair.end_time_ >= timestamp, "Frame timestamp was too early!");
+ tracked_box = TrackBox(tracked_box, frame_pair);
+ }
+ return tracked_box;
+// Converts a row-major 3x3 2d transformation matrix to a column-major 4x4
+// 3d transformation matrix.
+inline void Convert3x3To4x4(
+ const float* const in_matrix, float* const out_matrix) {
+ // X
+ out_matrix[0] = in_matrix[0];
+ out_matrix[1] = in_matrix[3];
+ out_matrix[2] = 0.0f;
+ out_matrix[3] = 0.0f;
+ // Y
+ out_matrix[4] = in_matrix[1];
+ out_matrix[5] = in_matrix[4];
+ out_matrix[6] = 0.0f;
+ out_matrix[7] = 0.0f;
+ // Z
+ out_matrix[8] = 0.0f;
+ out_matrix[9] = 0.0f;
+ out_matrix[10] = 1.0f;
+ out_matrix[11] = 0.0f;
+ // Translation
+ out_matrix[12] = in_matrix[2];
+ out_matrix[13] = in_matrix[5];
+ out_matrix[14] = 0.0f;
+ out_matrix[15] = 1.0f;
+void ObjectTracker::Draw(const int canvas_width, const int canvas_height,
+ const float* const frame_to_canvas) const {
+#ifdef __RENDER_OPENGL__
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glOrthof(0.0f, canvas_width, 0.0f, canvas_height, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ // To make Y go the right direction (0 at top of frame).
+ glScalef(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
+ glTranslatef(0.0f, -canvas_height, 0.0f);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glPushMatrix();
+ // Apply the frame to canvas transformation.
+ static GLfloat transformation[16];
+ Convert3x3To4x4(frame_to_canvas, transformation);
+ glMultMatrixf(transformation);
+ // Draw tracked object bounding boxes.
+ for (TrackedObjectMap::const_iterator iter = objects_.begin();
+ iter != objects_.end(); ++iter) {
+ TrackedObject* tracked_object = iter->second;
+ tracked_object->Draw();
+ }
+ static const bool kRenderDebugPyramid = false;
+ if (kRenderDebugPyramid) {
+ glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumPyramidLevels * 2; ++i) {
+ Sprite(*frame1_->GetPyramidSqrt2Level(i)).Draw();
+ }
+ }
+ static const bool kRenderDebugDerivative = false;
+ if (kRenderDebugDerivative) {
+ glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumPyramidLevels; ++i) {
+ const Image<int32>& dx = *frame1_->GetSpatialX(i);
+ Image<uint8> render_image(dx.GetWidth(), dx.GetHeight());
+ for (int y = 0; y < dx.GetHeight(); ++y) {
+ const int32* dx_ptr = dx[y];
+ uint8* dst_ptr = render_image[y];
+ for (int x = 0; x < dx.GetWidth(); ++x) {
+ *dst_ptr++ = Clip(-(*dx_ptr++), 0, 255);
+ }
+ }
+ Sprite(render_image).Draw();
+ }
+ }
+ if (detector_ != NULL) {
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ detector_->Draw();
+ }
+ glPopMatrix();
+static void AddQuadrants(const BoundingBox& box,
+ std::vector<BoundingBox>* boxes) {
+ const Point2f center = box.GetCenter();
+ float x1 = box.left_;
+ float x2 = center.x;
+ float x3 = box.right_;
+ float y1 = box.top_;
+ float y2 = center.y;
+ float y3 = box.bottom_;
+ // Upper left.
+ boxes->push_back(BoundingBox(x1, y1, x2, y2));
+ // Upper right.
+ boxes->push_back(BoundingBox(x2, y1, x3, y2));
+ // Bottom left.
+ boxes->push_back(BoundingBox(x1, y2, x2, y3));
+ // Bottom right.
+ boxes->push_back(BoundingBox(x2, y2, x3, y3));
+ // Whole thing.
+ boxes->push_back(box);
+void ObjectTracker::ComputeKeypoints(const bool cached_ok) {
+ const FramePair& prev_change = frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromEnd(1)];
+ FramePair* const curr_change = &frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromEnd(0)];
+ std::vector<BoundingBox> boxes;
+ for (TrackedObjectMap::iterator object_iter = objects_.begin();
+ object_iter != objects_.end(); ++object_iter) {
+ BoundingBox box = object_iter->second->GetPosition();
+ box.Scale(config_->object_box_scale_factor_for_features,
+ config_->object_box_scale_factor_for_features);
+ AddQuadrants(box, &boxes);
+ }
+ AddQuadrants(frame1_->GetImage()->GetContainingBox(), &boxes);
+ keypoint_detector_.FindKeypoints(*frame1_, boxes, prev_change, curr_change);
+// Given a vector of detections and a model, simply returns the Detection for
+// that model with the highest correlation.
+bool ObjectTracker::GetBestObjectForDetection(
+ const Detection& detection, TrackedObject** match) const {
+ TrackedObject* best_match = NULL;
+ float best_overlap = -FLT_MAX;
+ LOGV("Looking for matches in %zu objects!", objects_.size());
+ for (TrackedObjectMap::const_iterator object_iter = objects_.begin();
+ object_iter != objects_.end(); ++object_iter) {
+ TrackedObject* const tracked_object = object_iter->second;
+ const float overlap = tracked_object->GetPosition().PascalScore(
+ detection.GetObjectBoundingBox());
+ if (!detector_->AllowSpontaneousDetections() &&
+ (detection.GetObjectModel() != tracked_object->GetModel())) {
+ if (overlap > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ const float jump_distance =
+ (tracked_object->GetPosition().GetCenter() -
+ detection.GetObjectBoundingBox().GetCenter()).LengthSquared();
+ const float allowed_distance =
+ tracked_object->GetAllowableDistanceSquared();
+ LOGV("Distance: %.2f, Allowed distance %.2f, Overlap: %.2f",
+ jump_distance, allowed_distance, overlap);
+ // TODO(andrewharp): No need to do this verification twice, eliminate
+ // one of the score checks (the other being in OnDetection).
+ if (jump_distance < allowed_distance &&
+ overlap > best_overlap &&
+ tracked_object->GetMatchScore() + kMatchScoreBuffer <
+ detection.GetMatchScore()) {
+ best_match = tracked_object;
+ best_overlap = overlap;
+ } else if (overlap > 0.0f) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ *match = best_match;
+ return true;
+void ObjectTracker::ProcessDetections(
+ std::vector<Detection>* const detections) {
+ LOGV("Initial detection done, iterating over %zu detections now.",
+ detections->size());
+ const bool spontaneous_detections_allowed =
+ detector_->AllowSpontaneousDetections();
+ for (std::vector<Detection>::const_iterator it = detections->begin();
+ it != detections->end(); ++it) {
+ const Detection& detection = *it;
+ SCHECK(frame2_->GetImage()->Contains(detection.GetObjectBoundingBox()),
+ "Frame does not contain bounding box!");
+ TrackedObject* best_match = NULL;
+ const bool no_collisions =
+ GetBestObjectForDetection(detection, &best_match);
+ // Need to get a non-const version of the model, or create a new one if it
+ // wasn't given.
+ ObjectModelBase* model =
+ const_cast<ObjectModelBase*>(detection.GetObjectModel());
+ if (best_match != NULL) {
+ if (model != best_match->GetModel()) {
+ CHECK_ALWAYS(detector_->AllowSpontaneousDetections(),
+ "Model for object changed but spontaneous detections not allowed!");
+ }
+ best_match->OnDetection(model,
+ detection.GetObjectBoundingBox(),
+ detection.GetMatchScore(),
+ curr_time_, *frame2_);
+ } else if (no_collisions && spontaneous_detections_allowed) {
+ if (detection.GetMatchScore() > kMinimumMatchScore) {
+ LOGV("No match, adding it!");
+ const ObjectModelBase* model = detection.GetObjectModel();
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ // TODO(andrewharp): Generate this in a more general fashion.
+ ss << "hand_" << num_detected_++;
+ std::string object_name = ss.str();
+ MaybeAddObject(object_name, *frame2_->GetImage(),
+ detection.GetObjectBoundingBox(), model);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ObjectTracker::DetectTargets() {
+ // Detect all object model types that we're currently tracking.
+ std::vector<const ObjectModelBase*> object_models;
+ detector_->GetObjectModels(&object_models);
+ if (object_models.size() == 0) {
+ LOGV("No objects to search for, aborting.");
+ return;
+ }
+ LOGV("Trying to detect %zu models", object_models.size());
+ LOGV("Creating test vector!");
+ std::vector<BoundingSquare> positions;
+ for (TrackedObjectMap::iterator object_iter = objects_.begin();
+ object_iter != objects_.end(); ++object_iter) {
+ TrackedObject* const tracked_object = object_iter->second;
+ positions.push_back(GetCenteredSquare(
+ frame2_->GetImage()->GetContainingBox(), 32.0f));
+ const BoundingBox& position = tracked_object->GetPosition();
+ const float square_size = MAX(
+ kScanMinSquareSize / (kLastKnownPositionScaleFactor *
+ kLastKnownPositionScaleFactor),
+ MIN(position.GetWidth(),
+ position.GetHeight())) / kLastKnownPositionScaleFactor;
+ FillWithSquares(frame2_->GetImage()->GetContainingBox(),
+ tracked_object->GetPosition(),
+ square_size,
+ kScanMinSquareSize,
+ kLastKnownPositionScaleFactor,
+ &positions);
+ }
+ LOGV("Created test vector!");
+ std::vector<Detection> detections;
+ LOGV("Detecting!");
+ detector_->Detect(positions, &detections);
+ LOGV("Found %zu detections", detections.size());
+ TimeLog("Finished detection.");
+ ProcessDetections(&detections);
+ TimeLog("iterated over detections");
+ LOGV("Done detecting!");
+void ObjectTracker::TrackObjects() {
+ // TODO(andrewharp): Correlation should be allowed to remove objects too.
+ const bool automatic_removal_allowed = detector_.get() != NULL ?
+ detector_->AllowSpontaneousDetections() : false;
+ LOGV("Tracking %zu objects!", objects_.size());
+ std::vector<std::string> dead_objects;
+ for (TrackedObjectMap::iterator iter = objects_.begin();
+ iter != objects_.end(); iter++) {
+ TrackedObject* object = iter->second;
+ const BoundingBox tracked_position = TrackBox(
+ object->GetPosition(), frame_pairs_[GetNthIndexFromEnd(0)]);
+ object->UpdatePosition(tracked_position, curr_time_, *frame2_, false);
+ if (automatic_removal_allowed &&
+ object->GetNumConsecutiveFramesBelowThreshold() >
+ kMaxNumDetectionFailures * 5) {
+ dead_objects.push_back(iter->first);
+ }
+ }
+ if (detector_ != NULL && automatic_removal_allowed) {
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = dead_objects.begin();
+ iter != dead_objects.end(); iter++) {
+ LOGE("Removing object! %s", iter->c_str());
+ ForgetTarget(*iter);
+ }
+ }
+ TimeLog("Tracked all objects.");
+ LOGV("%zu objects tracked!", objects_.size());
+} // namespace tf_tracking