path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/tutorials/sequences/audio_recognition.md
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-# Simple Audio Recognition
-This tutorial will show you how to build a basic speech recognition network that
-recognizes ten different words. It's important to know that real speech and
-audio recognition systems are much more complex, but like MNIST for images, it
-should give you a basic understanding of the techniques involved. Once you've
-completed this tutorial, you'll have a model that tries to classify a one second
-audio clip as either silence, an unknown word, "yes", "no", "up", "down",
-"left", "right", "on", "off", "stop", or "go". You'll also be able to take this
-model and run it in an Android application.
-## Preparation
-You should make sure you have TensorFlow installed, and since the script
-downloads over 1GB of training data, you'll need a good internet connection and
-enough free space on your machine. The training process itself can take several
-hours, so make sure you have a machine available for that long.
-## Training
-To begin the training process, go to the TensorFlow source tree and run:
-python tensorflow/examples/speech_commands/train.py
-The script will start off by downloading the [Speech Commands
-which consists of over 105,000 WAVE audio files of people saying thirty
-different words. This data was collected by Google and released under a CC BY
-license, and you can help improve it by [contributing five minutes of your own
-voice](https://aiyprojects.withgoogle.com/open_speech_recording). The archive is
-over 2GB, so this part may take a while, but you should see progress logs, and
-once it's been downloaded once you won't need to do this step again. You can
-find more information about this dataset in this
-[Speech Commands paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.03209).
-Once the downloading has completed, you'll see logging information that looks
-like this:
-I0730 16:53:44.766740 55030 train.py:176] Training from step: 1
-I0730 16:53:47.289078 55030 train.py:217] Step #1: rate 0.001000, accuracy 7.0%, cross entropy 2.611571
-This shows that the initialization process is done and the training loop has
-begun. You'll see that it outputs information for every training step. Here's a
-break down of what it means:
-`Step #1` shows that we're on the first step of the training loop. In this case
-there are going to be 18,000 steps in total, so you can look at the step number
-to get an idea of how close it is to finishing.
-`rate 0.001000` is the learning rate that's controlling the speed of the
-network's weight updates. Early on this is a comparatively high number (0.001),
-but for later training cycles it will be reduced 10x, to 0.0001.
-`accuracy 7.0%` is the how many classes were correctly predicted on this
-training step. This value will often fluctuate a lot, but should increase on
-average as training progresses. The model outputs an array of numbers, one for
-each label, and each number is the predicted likelihood of the input being that
-class. The predicted label is picked by choosing the entry with the highest
-score. The scores are always between zero and one, with higher values
-representing more confidence in the result.
-`cross entropy 2.611571` is the result of the loss function that we're using to
-guide the training process. This is a score that's obtained by comparing the
-vector of scores from the current training run to the correct labels, and this
-should trend downwards during training.
-After a hundred steps, you should see a line like this:
-`I0730 16:54:41.813438 55030 train.py:252] Saving to
-This is saving out the current trained weights to a checkpoint file. If your
-training script gets interrupted, you can look for the last saved checkpoint and
-then restart the script with
-`--start_checkpoint=/tmp/speech_commands_train/conv.ckpt-100` as a command line
-argument to start from that point.
-## Confusion Matrix
-After four hundred steps, this information will be logged:
-I0730 16:57:38.073667 55030 train.py:243] Confusion Matrix:
- [[258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
- [ 7 6 26 94 7 49 1 15 40 2 0 11]
- [ 10 1 107 80 13 22 0 13 10 1 0 4]
- [ 1 3 16 163 6 48 0 5 10 1 0 17]
- [ 15 1 17 114 55 13 0 9 22 5 0 9]
- [ 1 1 6 97 3 87 1 12 46 0 0 10]
- [ 8 6 86 84 13 24 1 9 9 1 0 6]
- [ 9 3 32 112 9 26 1 36 19 0 0 9]
- [ 8 2 12 94 9 52 0 6 72 0 0 2]
- [ 16 1 39 74 29 42 0 6 37 9 0 3]
- [ 15 6 17 71 50 37 0 6 32 2 1 9]
- [ 11 1 6 151 5 42 0 8 16 0 0 20]]
-The first section is a [confusion
-matrix](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/confusion_matrix). To
-understand what it means, you first need to know the labels being used, which in
-this case are "_silence_", "_unknown_", "yes", "no", "up", "down", "left",
-"right", "on", "off", "stop", and "go". Each column represents a set of samples
-that were predicted to be each label, so the first column represents all the
-clips that were predicted to be silence, the second all those that were
-predicted to be unknown words, the third "yes", and so on.
-Each row represents clips by their correct, ground truth labels. The first row
-is all the clips that were silence, the second clips that were unknown words,
-the third "yes", etc.
-This matrix can be more useful than just a single accuracy score because it
-gives a good summary of what mistakes the network is making. In this example you
-can see that all of the entries in the first row are zero, apart from the
-initial one. Because the first row is all the clips that are actually silence,
-this means that none of them were mistakenly labeled as words, so we have no
-false negatives for silence. This shows the network is already getting pretty
-good at distinguishing silence from words.
-If we look down the first column though, we see a lot of non-zero values. The
-column represents all the clips that were predicted to be silence, so positive
-numbers outside of the first cell are errors. This means that some clips of real
-spoken words are actually being predicted to be silence, so we do have quite a
-few false positives.
-A perfect model would produce a confusion matrix where all of the entries were
-zero apart from a diagonal line through the center. Spotting deviations from
-that pattern can help you figure out how the model is most easily confused, and
-once you've identified the problems you can address them by adding more data or
-cleaning up categories.
-## Validation
-After the confusion matrix, you should see a line like this:
-`I0730 16:57:38.073777 55030 train.py:245] Step 400: Validation accuracy = 26.3%
-It's good practice to separate your data set into three categories. The largest
-(in this case roughly 80% of the data) is used for training the network, a
-smaller set (10% here, known as "validation") is reserved for evaluation of the
-accuracy during training, and another set (the last 10%, "testing") is used to
-evaluate the accuracy once after the training is complete.
-The reason for this split is that there's always a danger that networks will
-start memorizing their inputs during training. By keeping the validation set
-separate, you can ensure that the model works with data it's never seen before.
-The testing set is an additional safeguard to make sure that you haven't just
-been tweaking your model in a way that happens to work for both the training and
-validation sets, but not a broader range of inputs.
-The training script automatically separates the data set into these three
-categories, and the logging line above shows the accuracy of model when run on
-the validation set. Ideally, this should stick fairly close to the training
-accuracy. If the training accuracy increases but the validation doesn't, that's
-a sign that overfitting is occurring, and your model is only learning things
-about the training clips, not broader patterns that generalize.
-## Tensorboard
-A good way to visualize how the training is progressing is using Tensorboard. By
-default, the script saves out events to /tmp/retrain_logs, and you can load
-these by running:
-`tensorboard --logdir /tmp/retrain_logs`
-Then navigate to [http://localhost:6006](http://localhost:6006) in your browser,
-and you'll see charts and graphs showing your models progress.
-<div style="width:50%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/example_images/speech_commands_tensorflow.png"/>
-## Training Finished
-After a few hours of training (depending on your machine's speed), the script
-should have completed all 18,000 steps. It will print out a final confusion
-matrix, along with an accuracy score, all run on the testing set. With the
-default settings, you should see an accuracy of between 85% and 90%.
-Because audio recognition is particularly useful on mobile devices, next we'll
-export it to a compact format that's easy to work with on those platforms. To do
-that, run this command line:
-python tensorflow/examples/speech_commands/freeze.py \
---start_checkpoint=/tmp/speech_commands_train/conv.ckpt-18000 \
-Once the frozen model has been created, you can test it with the `label_wav.py`
-script, like this:
-python tensorflow/examples/speech_commands/label_wav.py \
---graph=/tmp/my_frozen_graph.pb \
---labels=/tmp/speech_commands_train/conv_labels.txt \
-This should print out three labels:
-left (score = 0.81477)
-right (score = 0.14139)
-_unknown_ (score = 0.03808)
-Hopefully "left" is the top score since that's the correct label, but since the
-training is random it may not for the first file you try. Experiment with some
-of the other .wav files in that same folder to see how well it does.
-The scores are between zero and one, and higher values mean the model is more
-confident in its prediction.
-## Running the Model in an Android App
-The easiest way to see how this model works in a real application is to download
-[the prebuilt Android demo
-and install them on your phone. You'll see 'TF Speech' appear in your app list,
-and opening it will show you the same list of action words we've just trained
-our model on, starting with "Yes" and "No". Once you've given the app permission
-to use the microphone, you should be able to try saying those words and see them
-highlighted in the UI when the model recognizes one of them.
-You can also build this application yourself, since it's open source and
-[available as part of the TensorFlow repository on
-By default it downloads [a pretrained model from
-but you can easily [replace it with a model you've trained
-If you do this, you'll need to make sure that the constants in [the main
-SpeechActivity Java source
-like `SAMPLE_RATE` and `SAMPLE_DURATION` match any changes you've made to the
-defaults while training. You'll also see that there's a [Java version of the
-that's very similar to the C++ version in this tutorial. If you've tweaked
-parameters for that, you can also update them in SpeechActivity to get the same
-results as in your server testing.
-The demo app updates its UI list of results automatically based on the labels
-text file you copy into assets alongside your frozen graph, which means you can
-easily try out different models without needing to make any code changes. You
-will need to update `LABEL_FILENAME` and `MODEL_FILENAME` to point to the files
-you've added if you change the paths though.
-## How does this Model Work?
-The architecture used in this tutorial is based on some described in the paper
-[Convolutional Neural Networks for Small-footprint Keyword
-It was chosen because it's comparatively simple, quick to train, and easy to
-understand, rather than being state of the art. There are lots of different
-approaches to building neural network models to work with audio, including
-[recurrent networks](https://svds.com/tensorflow-rnn-tutorial/) or [dilated
-This tutorial is based on the kind of convolutional network that will feel very
-familiar to anyone who's worked with image recognition. That may seem surprising
-at first though, since audio is inherently a one-dimensional continuous signal
-across time, not a 2D spatial problem.
-We solve that issue by defining a window of time we believe our spoken words
-should fit into, and converting the audio signal in that window into an image.
-This is done by grouping the incoming audio samples into short segments, just a
-few milliseconds long, and calculating the strength of the frequencies across a
-set of bands. Each set of frequency strengths from a segment is treated as a
-vector of numbers, and those vectors are arranged in time order to form a
-two-dimensional array. This array of values can then be treated like a
-single-channel image, and is known as a
-[spectrogram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrogram). If you want to view
-what kind of image an audio sample produces, you can run the `wav_to_spectrogram
-bazel run tensorflow/examples/wav_to_spectrogram:wav_to_spectrogram -- \
---input_wav=/tmp/speech_dataset/happy/ab00c4b2_nohash_0.wav \
-If you open up `/tmp/spectrogram.png` you should see something like this:
-<div style="width:50%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/example_images/spectrogram.png"/>
-Because of TensorFlow's memory order, time in this image is increasing from top
-to bottom, with frequencies going from left to right, unlike the usual
-convention for spectrograms where time is left to right. You should be able to
-see a couple of distinct parts, with the first syllable "Ha" distinct from
-Because the human ear is more sensitive to some frequencies than others, it's
-been traditional in speech recognition to do further processing to this
-representation to turn it into a set of [Mel-Frequency Cepstral
-Coefficients](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel-frequency_cepstrum), or MFCCs
-for short. This is also a two-dimensional, one-channel representation so it can
-be treated like an image too. If you're targeting general sounds rather than
-speech you may find you can skip this step and operate directly on the
-The image that's produced by these processing steps is then fed into a
-multi-layer convolutional neural network, with a fully-connected layer followed
-by a softmax at the end. You can see the definition of this portion in
-## Streaming Accuracy
-Most audio recognition applications need to run on a continuous stream of audio,
-rather than on individual clips. A typical way to use a model in this
-environment is to apply it repeatedly at different offsets in time and average
-the results over a short window to produce a smoothed prediction. If you think
-of the input as an image, it's continuously scrolling along the time axis. The
-words we want to recognize can start at any time, so we need to take a series of
-snapshots to have a chance of having an alignment that captures most of the
-utterance in the time window we feed into the model. If we sample at a high
-enough rate, then we have a good chance of capturing the word in multiple
-windows, so averaging the results improves the overall confidence of the
-For an example of how you can use your model on streaming data, you can look at
-This uses the
-class to run through a long-form input audio, try to spot words, and compare
-those predictions against a ground truth list of labels and times. This makes it
-a good example of applying a model to a stream of audio signals over time.
-You'll need a long audio file to test it against, along with labels showing
-where each word was spoken. If you don't want to record one yourself, you can
-generate some synthetic test data using the `generate_streaming_test_wav`
-utility. By default this will create a ten minute .wav file with words roughly
-every three seconds, and a text file containing the ground truth of when each
-word was spoken. These words are pulled from the test portion of your current
-dataset, mixed in with background noise. To run it, use:
-bazel run tensorflow/examples/speech_commands:generate_streaming_test_wav
-This will save a .wav file to `/tmp/speech_commands_train/streaming_test.wav`,
-and a text file listing the labels to
-`/tmp/speech_commands_train/streaming_test_labels.txt`. You can then run
-accuracy testing with:
-bazel run tensorflow/examples/speech_commands:test_streaming_accuracy -- \
---graph=/tmp/my_frozen_graph.pb \
---labels=/tmp/speech_commands_train/conv_labels.txt \
---wav=/tmp/speech_commands_train/streaming_test.wav \
---ground_truth=/tmp/speech_commands_train/streaming_test_labels.txt \
-This will output information about the number of words correctly matched, how
-many were given the wrong labels, and how many times the model triggered when
-there was no real word spoken. There are various parameters that control how the
-signal averaging works, including `--average_window_ms` which sets the length of
-time to average results over, `--clip_stride_ms` which is the time between
-applications of the model, `--suppression_ms` which stops subsequent word
-detections from triggering for a certain time after an initial one is found, and
-`--detection_threshold`, which controls how high the average score must be
-before it's considered a solid result.
-You'll see that the streaming accuracy outputs three numbers, rather than just
-the one metric used in training. This is because different applications have
-varying requirements, with some being able to tolerate frequent incorrect
-results as long as real words are found (high recall), while others very focused
-on ensuring the predicted labels are highly likely to be correct even if some
-aren't detected (high precision). The numbers from the tool give you an idea of
-how your model will perform in an application, and you can try tweaking the
-signal averaging parameters to tune it to give the kind of performance you want.
-To understand what the right parameters are for your application, you can look
-at generating an [ROC
-curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Receiver_operating_characteristic) to help
-you understand the tradeoffs.
-## RecognizeCommands
-The streaming accuracy tool uses a simple decoder contained in a small C++ class
-This class is fed the output of running the TensorFlow model over time, it
-averages the signals, and returns information about a label when it has enough
-evidence to think that a recognized word has been found. The implementation is
-fairly small, just keeping track of the last few predictions and averaging them,
-so it's easy to port to other platforms and languages as needed. For example,
-it's convenient to do something similar at the Java level on Android, or Python
-on the Raspberry Pi. As long as these implementations share the same logic, you
-can tune the parameters that control the averaging using the streaming test
-tool, and then transfer them over to your application to get similar results.
-## Advanced Training
-The defaults for the training script are designed to produce good end to end
-results in a comparatively small file, but there are a lot of options you can
-change to customize the results for your own requirements.
-### Custom Training Data
-By default the script will download the [Speech Commands
-dataset](https://download.tensorflow.org/data/speech_commands_v0.01.tgz), but
-you can also supply your own training data. To train on your own data, you
-should make sure that you have at least several hundred recordings of each sound
-you would like to recognize, and arrange them into folders by class. For
-example, if you were trying to recognize dog barks from cat miaows, you would
-create a root folder called `animal_sounds`, and then within that two
-sub-folders called `bark` and `miaow`. You would then organize your audio files
-into the appropriate folders.
-To point the script to your new audio files, you'll need to set `--data_url=` to
-disable downloading of the Speech Commands dataset, and
-`--data_dir=/your/data/folder/` to find the files you've just created.
-The files themselves should be 16-bit little-endian PCM-encoded WAVE format. The
-sample rate defaults to 16,000, but as long as all your audio is consistently
-the same rate (the script doesn't support resampling) you can change this with
-the `--sample_rate` argument. The clips should also all be roughly the same
-duration. The default expected duration is one second, but you can set this with
-the `--clip_duration_ms` flag. If you have clips with variable amounts of
-silence at the start, you can look at word alignment tools to standardize them
-([here's a quick and dirty approach you can use
-One issue to watch out for is that you may have very similar repetitions of the
-same sounds in your dataset, and these can give misleading metrics if they're
-spread across your training, validation, and test sets. For example, the Speech
-Commands set has people repeating the same word multiple times. Each one of
-those repetitions is likely to be pretty close to the others, so if training was
-overfitting and memorizing one, it could perform unrealistically well when it
-saw a very similar copy in the test set. To avoid this danger, Speech Commands
-trys to ensure that all clips featuring the same word spoken by a single person
-are put into the same partition. Clips are assigned to training, test, or
-validation sets based on a hash of their filename, to ensure that the
-assignments remain steady even as new clips are added and avoid any training
-samples migrating into the other sets. To make sure that all a given speaker's
-words are in the same bucket, [the hashing
-ignores anything in a filename after '_nohash_' when calculating the
-assignments. This means that if you have file names like `pete_nohash_0.wav` and
-`pete_nohash_1.wav`, they're guaranteed to be in the same set.
-### Unknown Class
-It's likely that your application will hear sounds that aren't in your training
-set, and you'll want the model to indicate that it doesn't recognize the noise
-in those cases. To help the network learn what sounds to ignore, you need to
-provide some clips of audio that are neither of your classes. To do this, you'd
-create `quack`, `oink`, and `moo` subfolders and populate them with noises from
-other animals your users might encounter. The `--wanted_words` argument to the
-script defines which classes you care about, all the others mentioned in
-subfolder names will be used to populate an `_unknown_` class during training.
-The Speech Commands dataset has twenty words in its unknown classes, including
-the digits zero through nine and random names like "Sheila".
-By default 10% of the training examples are picked from the unknown classes, but
-you can control this with the `--unknown_percentage` flag. Increasing this will
-make the model less likely to mistake unknown words for wanted ones, but making
-it too large can backfire as the model might decide it's safest to categorize
-all words as unknown!
-### Background Noise
-Real applications have to recognize audio even when there are other irrelevant
-sounds happening in the environment. To build a model that's robust to this kind
-of interference, we need to train against recorded audio with similar
-properties. The files in the Speech Commands dataset were captured on a variety
-of devices by users in many different environments, not in a studio, so that
-helps add some realism to the training. To add even more, you can mix in random
-segments of environmental audio to the training inputs. In the Speech Commands
-set there's a special folder called `_background_noise_` which contains
-minute-long WAVE files with white noise and recordings of machinery and everyday
-household activity.
-Small snippets of these files are chosen at random and mixed at a low volume
-into clips during training. The loudness is also chosen randomly, and controlled
-by the `--background_volume` argument as a proportion where 0 is silence, and 1
-is full volume. Not all clips have background added, so the
-`--background_frequency` flag controls what proportion have them mixed in.
-Your own application might operate in its own environment with different
-background noise patterns than these defaults, so you can supply your own audio
-clips in the `_background_noise_` folder. These should be the same sample rate
-as your main dataset, but much longer in duration so that a good set of random
-segments can be selected from them.
-### Silence
-In most cases the sounds you care about will be intermittent and so it's
-important to know when there's no matching audio. To support this, there's a
-special `_silence_` label that indicates when the model detects nothing
-interesting. Because there's never complete silence in real environments, we
-actually have to supply examples with quiet and irrelevant audio. For this, we
-reuse the `_background_noise_` folder that's also mixed in to real clips,
-pulling short sections of the audio data and feeding those in with the ground
-truth class of `_silence_`. By default 10% of the training data is supplied like
-this, but the `--silence_percentage` can be used to control the proportion. As
-with unknown words, setting this higher can weight the model results in favor of
-true positives for silence, at the expense of false negatives for words, but too
-large a proportion can cause it to fall into the trap of always guessing
-### Time Shifting
-Adding in background noise is one way of distorting the training data in a
-realistic way to effectively increase the size of the dataset, and so increase
-overall accuracy, and time shifting is another. This involves a random offset in
-time of the training sample data, so that a small part of the start or end is
-cut off and the opposite section is padded with zeroes. This mimics the natural
-variations in starting time in the training data, and is controlled with the
-`--time_shift_ms` flag, which defaults to 100ms. Increasing this value will
-provide more variation, but at the risk of cutting off important parts of the
-audio. A related way of augmenting the data with realistic distortions is by
-using [time stretching and pitch
-but that's outside the scope of this tutorial.
-## Customizing the Model
-The default model used for this script is pretty large, taking over 800 million
-FLOPs for each inference and using 940,000 weight parameters. This runs at
-usable speeds on desktop machines or modern phones, but it involves too many
-calculations to run at interactive speeds on devices with more limited
-resources. To support these use cases, there's a couple of alternatives
-Based on the 'cnn-one-fstride4' topology described in the [Convolutional
-Neural Networks for Small-footprint Keyword Spotting
-The accuracy is slightly lower than 'conv' but the number of weight parameters
-is about the same, and it only needs 11 million FLOPs to run one prediction,
-making it much faster.
-To use this model, you specify `--model_architecture=low_latency_conv` on
-the command line. You'll also need to update the training rates and the number
-of steps, so the full command will look like:
-python tensorflow/examples/speech_commands/train \
---model_architecture=low_latency_conv \
---how_many_training_steps=20000,6000 \
-This asks the script to train with a learning rate of 0.01 for 20,000 steps, and
-then do a fine-tuning pass of 6,000 steps with a 10x smaller rate.
-Based on the topology presented in the [Compressing Deep Neural Networks using a
-Rank-Constrained Topology paper](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/43813.pdf).
-The accuracy is also lower than 'conv' but it only uses about 750 thousand
-parameters, and most significantly, it allows for an optimized execution at
-test time (i.e. when you will actually use it in your application), resulting
-in 750 thousand FLOPs.
-To use this model, you specify `--model_architecture=low_latency_svdf` on
-the command line, and update the training rates and the number
-of steps, so the full command will look like:
-python tensorflow/examples/speech_commands/train \
---model_architecture=low_latency_svdf \
---how_many_training_steps=100000,35000 \
-Note that despite requiring a larger number of steps than the previous two
-topologies, the reduced number of computations means that training should take
-about the same time, and at the end reach an accuracy of around 85%.
-You can also further tune the topology fairly easily for computation and
-accuracy by changing these parameters in the SVDF layer:
-* rank - The rank of the approximation (higher typically better, but results in
- more computation).
-* num_units - Similar to other layer types, specifies the number of nodes in
- the layer (more nodes better quality, and more computation).
-Regarding runtime, since the layer allows optimizations by caching some of the
-internal neural network activations, you need to make sure to use a consistent
-stride (e.g. 'clip_stride_ms' flag) both when you freeze the graph, and when
-executing the model in streaming mode (e.g. test_streaming_accuracy.cc).
-**Other parameters to customize**
-If you want to experiment with customizing models, a good place to start is by
-tweaking the spectrogram creation parameters. This has the effect of altering
-the size of the input image to the model, and the creation code in
-will adjust the number of computations and weights automatically to fit with
-different dimensions. If you make the input smaller, the model will need fewer
-computations to process it, so it can be a great way to trade off some accuracy
-for improved latency. The `--window_stride_ms` controls how far apart each
-frequency analysis sample is from the previous. If you increase this value, then
-fewer samples will be taken for a given duration, and the time axis of the input
-will shrink. The `--dct_coefficient_count` flag controls how many buckets are
-used for the frequency counting, so reducing this will shrink the input in the
-other dimension. The `--window_size_ms` argument doesn't affect the size, but
-does control how wide the area used to calculate the frequencies is for each
-sample. Reducing the duration of the training samples, controlled by
-`--clip_duration_ms`, can also help if the sounds you're looking for are short,
-since that also reduces the time dimension of the input. You'll need to make
-sure that all your training data contains the right audio in the initial portion
-of the clip though.
-If you have an entirely different model in mind for your problem, you may find
-that you can plug it into
-and have the rest of the script handle all of the preprocessing and training
-mechanics. You would add a new clause to `create_model`, looking for the name of
-your architecture and then calling a model creation function. This function is
-given the size of the spectrogram input, along with other model information, and
-is expected to create TensorFlow ops to read that in and produce an output
-prediction vector, and a placeholder to control the dropout rate. The rest of
-the script will handle integrating this model into a larger graph doing the
-input calculations and applying softmax and a loss function to train it.
-One common problem when you're adjusting models and training hyper-parameters is
-that not-a-number values can creep in, thanks to numerical precision issues. In
-general you can solve these by reducing the magnitude of things like learning
-rates and weight initialization functions, but if they're persistent you can
-enable the `--check_nans` flag to track down the source of the errors. This will
-insert check ops between most regular operations in TensorFlow, and abort the
-training process with a useful error message when they're encountered.