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-# Vector Representations of Words
-In this tutorial we look at the word2vec model by
-[Mikolov et al.](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5021-distributed-representations-of-words-and-phrases-and-their-compositionality.pdf)
-This model is used for learning vector representations of words, called "word
-## Highlights
-This tutorial is meant to highlight the interesting, substantive parts of
-building a word2vec model in TensorFlow.
-* We start by giving the motivation for why we would want to
-represent words as vectors.
-* We look at the intuition behind the model and how it is trained
-(with a splash of math for good measure).
-* We also show a simple implementation of the model in TensorFlow.
-* Finally, we look at ways to make the naive version scale better.
-We walk through the code later during the tutorial, but if you'd prefer to dive
-straight in, feel free to look at the minimalistic implementation in
-This basic example contains the code needed to download some data, train on it a
-bit and visualize the result. Once you get comfortable with reading and running
-the basic version, you can graduate to
-which is a more serious implementation that showcases some more advanced
-TensorFlow principles about how to efficiently use threads to move data into a
-text model, how to checkpoint during training, etc.
-But first, let's look at why we would want to learn word embeddings in the first
-place. Feel free to skip this section if you're an Embedding Pro and you'd just
-like to get your hands dirty with the details.
-## Motivation: Why Learn Word Embeddings?
-Image and audio processing systems work with rich, high-dimensional datasets
-encoded as vectors of the individual raw pixel-intensities for image data, or
-e.g. power spectral density coefficients for audio data. For tasks like object
-or speech recognition we know that all the information required to successfully
-perform the task is encoded in the data (because humans can perform these tasks
-from the raw data). However, natural language processing systems traditionally
-treat words as discrete atomic symbols, and therefore 'cat' may be represented
-as `Id537` and 'dog' as `Id143`. These encodings are arbitrary, and provide
-no useful information to the system regarding the relationships that may exist
-between the individual symbols. This means that the model can leverage
-very little of what it has learned about 'cats' when it is processing data about
-'dogs' (such that they are both animals, four-legged, pets, etc.). Representing
-words as unique, discrete ids furthermore leads to data sparsity, and usually
-means that we may need more data in order to successfully train statistical
-models. Using vector representations can overcome some of these obstacles.
-<div style="width:100%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/audio-image-text.png" alt>
-[Vector space models](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_space_model) (VSMs)
-represent (embed) words in a continuous vector space where semantically
-similar words are mapped to nearby points ('are embedded nearby each other').
-VSMs have a long, rich history in NLP, but all methods depend in some way or
-another on the
-[Distributional Hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributional_semantics#Distributional_Hypothesis),
-which states that words that appear in the same contexts share
-semantic meaning. The different approaches that leverage this principle can be
-divided into two categories: *count-based methods* (e.g.
-[Latent Semantic Analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latent_semantic_analysis)),
-and *predictive methods* (e.g.
-[neural probabilistic language models](http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Neural_net_language_models)).
-This distinction is elaborated in much more detail by
-[Baroni et al.](http://clic.cimec.unitn.it/marco/publications/acl2014/baroni-etal-countpredict-acl2014.pdf),
-but in a nutshell: Count-based methods compute the statistics of
-how often some word co-occurs with its neighbor words in a large text corpus,
-and then map these count-statistics down to a small, dense vector for each word.
-Predictive models directly try to predict a word from its neighbors in terms of
-learned small, dense *embedding vectors* (considered parameters of the
-Word2vec is a particularly computationally-efficient predictive model for
-learning word embeddings from raw text. It comes in two flavors, the Continuous
-Bag-of-Words model (CBOW) and the Skip-Gram model (Section 3.1 and 3.2 in [Mikolov et al.](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1301.3781.pdf)). Algorithmically, these
-models are similar, except that CBOW predicts target words (e.g. 'mat') from
-source context words ('the cat sits on the'), while the skip-gram does the
-inverse and predicts source context-words from the target words. This inversion
-might seem like an arbitrary choice, but statistically it has the effect that
-CBOW smoothes over a lot of the distributional information (by treating an
-entire context as one observation). For the most part, this turns out to be a
-useful thing for smaller datasets. However, skip-gram treats each context-target
-pair as a new observation, and this tends to do better when we have larger
-datasets. We will focus on the skip-gram model in the rest of this tutorial.
-## Scaling up with Noise-Contrastive Training
-Neural probabilistic language models are traditionally trained using the
-[maximum likelihood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_likelihood) (ML)
-principle to maximize the probability of the next word \\(w_t\\) (for "target")
-given the previous words \\(h\\) (for "history") in terms of a
-[*softmax* function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Softmax_function),
-P(w_t | h) &= \text{softmax}(\text{score}(w_t, h)) \\
- &= \frac{\exp \{ \text{score}(w_t, h) \} }
- {\sum_\text{Word w' in Vocab} \exp \{ \text{score}(w', h) \} }
-where \\(\text{score}(w_t, h)\\) computes the compatibility of word \\(w_t\\)
-with the context \\(h\\) (a dot product is commonly used). We train this model
-by maximizing its [log-likelihood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likelihood_function)
-on the training set, i.e. by maximizing
- J_\text{ML} &= \log P(w_t | h) \\
- &= \text{score}(w_t, h) -
- \log \left( \sum_\text{Word w' in Vocab} \exp \{ \text{score}(w', h) \} \right).
-This yields a properly normalized probabilistic model for language modeling.
-However this is very expensive, because we need to compute and normalize each
-probability using the score for all other \\(V\\) words \\(w'\\) in the current
-context \\(h\\), *at every training step*.
-<div style="width:60%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/softmax-nplm.png" alt>
-On the other hand, for feature learning in word2vec we do not need a full
-probabilistic model. The CBOW and skip-gram models are instead trained using a
-binary classification objective ([logistic regression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_regression))
-to discriminate the real target words \\(w_t\\) from \\(k\\) imaginary (noise) words \\(\tilde w\\), in the
-same context. We illustrate this below for a CBOW model. For skip-gram the
-direction is simply inverted.
-<div style="width:60%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/nce-nplm.png" alt>
-Mathematically, the objective (for each example) is to maximize
-$$J_\text{NEG} = \log Q_\theta(D=1 |w_t, h) +
- k \mathop{\mathbb{E}}_{\tilde w \sim P_\text{noise}}
- \left[ \log Q_\theta(D = 0 |\tilde w, h) \right]$$
-where \\(Q_\theta(D=1 | w, h)\\) is the binary logistic regression probability
-under the model of seeing the word \\(w\\) in the context \\(h\\) in the dataset
-\\(D\\), calculated in terms of the learned embedding vectors \\(\theta\\). In
-practice we approximate the expectation by drawing \\(k\\) contrastive words
-from the noise distribution (i.e. we compute a
-[Monte Carlo average](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_integration)).
-This objective is maximized when the model assigns high probabilities
-to the real words, and low probabilities to noise words. Technically, this is
-[Negative Sampling](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5021-distributed-representations-of-words-and-phrases-and-their-compositionality.pdf),
-and there is good mathematical motivation for using this loss function:
-The updates it proposes approximate the updates of the softmax function in the
-limit. But computationally it is especially appealing because computing the
-loss function now scales only with the number of *noise words* that we
-select (\\(k\\)), and not *all words* in the vocabulary (\\(V\\)). This makes it
-much faster to train. We will actually make use of the very similar
-[noise-contrastive estimation (NCE)](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5165-learning-word-embeddings-efficiently-with-noise-contrastive-estimation.pdf)
-loss, for which TensorFlow has a handy helper function `tf.nn.nce_loss()`.
-Let's get an intuitive feel for how this would work in practice!
-## The Skip-gram Model
-As an example, let's consider the dataset
-`the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog`
-We first form a dataset of words and the contexts in which they appear. We
-could define 'context' in any way that makes sense, and in fact people have
-looked at syntactic contexts (i.e. the syntactic dependents of the current
-target word, see e.g.
-[Levy et al.](https://levyomer.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/dependency-based-word-embeddings-acl-2014.pdf)),
-words-to-the-left of the target, words-to-the-right of the target, etc. For now,
-let's stick to the vanilla definition and define 'context' as the window
-of words to the left and to the right of a target word. Using a window
-size of 1, we then have the dataset
-`([the, brown], quick), ([quick, fox], brown), ([brown, jumped], fox), ...`
-of `(context, target)` pairs. Recall that skip-gram inverts contexts and
-targets, and tries to predict each context word from its target word, so the
-task becomes to predict 'the' and 'brown' from 'quick', 'quick' and 'fox' from
-'brown', etc. Therefore our dataset becomes
-`(quick, the), (quick, brown), (brown, quick), (brown, fox), ...`
-of `(input, output)` pairs. The objective function is defined over the entire
-dataset, but we typically optimize this with
-[stochastic gradient descent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_gradient_descent)
-(SGD) using one example at a time (or a 'minibatch' of `batch_size` examples,
-where typically `16 <= batch_size <= 512`). So let's look at one step of
-this process.
-Let's imagine at training step \\(t\\) we observe the first training case above,
-where the goal is to predict `the` from `quick`. We select `num_noise` number
-of noisy (contrastive) examples by drawing from some noise distribution,
-typically the unigram distribution, \\(P(w)\\). For simplicity let's say
-`num_noise=1` and we select `sheep` as a noisy example. Next we compute the
-loss for this pair of observed and noisy examples, i.e. the objective at time
-step \\(t\\) becomes
-$$J^{(t)}_\text{NEG} = \log Q_\theta(D=1 | \text{the, quick}) +
- \log(Q_\theta(D=0 | \text{sheep, quick}))$$
-The goal is to make an update to the embedding parameters \\(\theta\\) to improve
-(in this case, maximize) this objective function. We do this by deriving the
-gradient of the loss with respect to the embedding parameters \\(\theta\\), i.e.
-\\(\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} J_\text{NEG}\\) (luckily TensorFlow provides
-easy helper functions for doing this!). We then perform an update to the
-embeddings by taking a small step in the direction of the gradient. When this
-process is repeated over the entire training set, this has the effect of
-'moving' the embedding vectors around for each word until the model is
-successful at discriminating real words from noise words.
-We can visualize the learned vectors by projecting them down to 2 dimensions
-using for instance something like the
-[t-SNE dimensionality reduction technique](https://lvdmaaten.github.io/tsne/).
-When we inspect these visualizations it becomes apparent that the vectors
-capture some general, and in fact quite useful, semantic information about
-words and their relationships to one another. It was very interesting when we
-first discovered that certain directions in the induced vector space specialize
-towards certain semantic relationships, e.g. *male-female*, *verb tense* and
-even *country-capital* relationships between words, as illustrated in the figure
-below (see also for example
-[Mikolov et al., 2013](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/N13-1090)).
-<div style="width:100%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/linear-relationships.png" alt>
-This explains why these vectors are also useful as features for many canonical
-NLP prediction tasks, such as part-of-speech tagging or named entity recognition
-(see for example the original work by
-[Collobert et al., 2011](https://arxiv.org/abs/1103.0398)
-([pdf](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1103.0398.pdf)), or follow-up work by
-[Turian et al., 2010](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P10-1040)).
-But for now, let's just use them to draw pretty pictures!
-## Building the Graph
-This is all about embeddings, so let's define our embedding matrix.
-This is just a big random matrix to start. We'll initialize the values to be
-uniform in the unit cube.
-embeddings = tf.Variable(
- tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0))
-The noise-contrastive estimation loss is defined in terms of a logistic regression
-model. For this, we need to define the weights and biases for each word in the
-vocabulary (also called the `output weights` as opposed to the `input
-embeddings`). So let's define that.
-nce_weights = tf.Variable(
- tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, embedding_size],
- stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(embedding_size)))
-nce_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocabulary_size]))
-Now that we have the parameters in place, we can define our skip-gram model
-graph. For simplicity, let's suppose we've already integerized our text corpus
-with a vocabulary so that each word is represented as an integer (see
-for the details). The skip-gram model takes two inputs. One is a batch full of
-integers representing the source context words, the other is for the target
-words. Let's create placeholder nodes for these inputs, so that we can feed in
-data later.
-# Placeholders for inputs
-train_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
-train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size, 1])
-Now what we need to do is look up the vector for each of the source words in
-the batch. TensorFlow has handy helpers that make this easy.
-embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, train_inputs)
-Ok, now that we have the embeddings for each word, we'd like to try to predict
-the target word using the noise-contrastive training objective.
-# Compute the NCE loss, using a sample of the negative labels each time.
-loss = tf.reduce_mean(
- tf.nn.nce_loss(weights=nce_weights,
- biases=nce_biases,
- labels=train_labels,
- inputs=embed,
- num_sampled=num_sampled,
- num_classes=vocabulary_size))
-Now that we have a loss node, we need to add the nodes required to compute
-gradients and update the parameters, etc. For this we will use stochastic
-gradient descent, and TensorFlow has handy helpers to make this easy as well.
-# We use the SGD optimizer.
-optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=1.0).minimize(loss)
-## Training the Model
-Training the model is then as simple as using a `feed_dict` to push data into
-the placeholders and calling
-`tf.Session.run` with this new data
-in a loop.
-for inputs, labels in generate_batch(...):
- feed_dict = {train_inputs: inputs, train_labels: labels}
- _, cur_loss = session.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict)
-See the full example code in
-## Visualizing the Learned Embeddings
-After training has finished we can visualize the learned embeddings using
-<div style="width:100%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/tsne.png" alt>
-Et voila! As expected, words that are similar end up clustering nearby each
-other. For a more heavyweight implementation of word2vec that showcases more of
-the advanced features of TensorFlow, see the implementation in
-## Evaluating Embeddings: Analogical Reasoning
-Embeddings are useful for a wide variety of prediction tasks in NLP. Short of
-training a full-blown part-of-speech model or named-entity model, one simple way
-to evaluate embeddings is to directly use them to predict syntactic and semantic
-relationships like `king is to queen as father is to ?`. This is called
-*analogical reasoning* and the task was introduced by
-[Mikolov and colleagues
-Download the dataset for this task from
-To see how we do this evaluation, have a look at the `build_eval_graph()` and
-`eval()` functions in
-The choice of hyperparameters can strongly influence the accuracy on this task.
-To achieve state-of-the-art performance on this task requires training over a
-very large dataset, carefully tuning the hyperparameters and making use of
-tricks like subsampling the data, which is out of the scope of this tutorial.
-## Optimizing the Implementation
-Our vanilla implementation showcases the flexibility of TensorFlow. For
-example, changing the training objective is as simple as swapping out the call
-to `tf.nn.nce_loss()` for an off-the-shelf alternative such as
-`tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss()`. If you have a new idea for a loss function, you
-can manually write an expression for the new objective in TensorFlow and let
-the optimizer compute its derivatives. This flexibility is invaluable in the
-exploratory phase of machine learning model development, where we are trying
-out several different ideas and iterating quickly.
-Once you have a model structure you're satisfied with, it may be worth
-optimizing your implementation to run more efficiently (and cover more data in
-less time). For example, the naive code we used in this tutorial would suffer
-compromised speed because we use Python for reading and feeding data items --
-each of which require very little work on the TensorFlow back-end. If you find
-your model is seriously bottlenecked on input data, you may want to implement a
-custom data reader for your problem, as described in
-[New Data Formats](../../extend/new_data_formats.md). For the case of Skip-Gram
-modeling, we've actually already done this for you as an example in
-If your model is no longer I/O bound but you want still more performance, you
-can take things further by writing your own TensorFlow Ops, as described in
-[Adding a New Op](../../extend/adding_an_op.md). Again we've provided an
-example of this for the Skip-Gram case
-Feel free to benchmark these against each other to measure performance
-improvements at each stage.
-## Conclusion
-In this tutorial we covered the word2vec model, a computationally efficient
-model for learning word embeddings. We motivated why embeddings are useful,
-discussed efficient training techniques and showed how to implement all of this
-in TensorFlow. Overall, we hope that this has show-cased how TensorFlow affords
-you the flexibility you need for early experimentation, and the control you
-later need for bespoke optimized implementation.