path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/programmers_guide/debugger.md
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diff --git a/tensorflow/docs_src/programmers_guide/debugger.md b/tensorflow/docs_src/programmers_guide/debugger.md
index 1f856bbf3f..25cb72008d 100644
--- a/tensorflow/docs_src/programmers_guide/debugger.md
+++ b/tensorflow/docs_src/programmers_guide/debugger.md
@@ -9,11 +9,19 @@ lets you view the internal structure and states of running TensorFlow graphs
during training and inference, which is difficult to debug with general-purpose
debuggers such as Python's `pdb` due to TensorFlow's computation-graph paradigm.
-> NOTE: The system requirements of tfdbg on supported external platforms include
-> the following. On Mac OS X, the `ncurses` library is required. It can be
-> installed with `brew install homebrew/dupes/ncurses`. On Windows, `pyreadline`
-> is required. If you use Anaconda3, you can install it with a command
+> NOTE: TensorFlow debugger uses a
+> [curses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curses_\(programming_library\))-based
+> text user interface. On Mac OS X, the `ncurses` library is required and can
+> be installed with `brew install homebrew/dupes/ncurses`. On Windows, curses
+> isn't as well supported, so a
+> [readline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Readline)-based interface can
+> be used with tfdbg by installing `pyreadline` with pip.
+> If you use Anaconda3, you can install it with a command
> such as `"C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\Scripts\pip.exe" install pyreadline`.
+> Unofficial Windows curses packages can be downloaded
+> [here](https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#curses), then subsequently
+> installed using `pip install <your_version>.whl`, however curses on Windows
+> may not work as reliably as curses on Linux or Mac.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the **tfdbg** command-line interface
(CLI) to debug the appearance of [`nan`s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN)
@@ -149,6 +157,7 @@ Try the following commands at the `tfdbg>` prompt (referencing the code at
| | `pt <tensor>[slicing]` | Print a subarray of tensor, using [numpy](http://www.numpy.org/)-style array slicing. | `pt hidden/Relu:0[0:50,:]` |
| | `-a` | Print the entirety of a large tensor, without using ellipses. (May take a long time for large tensors.) | `pt -a hidden/Relu:0[0:50,:]` |
| | `-r <range>` | Highlight elements falling into specified numerical range. Multiple ranges can be used in conjunction. | `pt hidden/Relu:0 -a -r [[-inf,-1],[1,inf]]` |
+| | `-n <number>` | Print dump corresponding to specified 0-based dump number. Required for tensors with multiple dumps. | `pt -n 0 hidden/Relu:0` |
| | `-s` | Include a summary of the numeric values of the tensor (applicable only to non-empty tensors with Boolean and numeric types such as `int*` and `float*`.) | `pt -s hidden/Relu:0[0:50,:]` |
| **`@[coordinates]`** | | Navigate to specified element in `pt` output. | `@[10,0]` or `@10,0` |
| **`/regex`** | | [less](https://linux.die.net/man/1/less)-style search for given regular expression. | `/inf` |
@@ -166,10 +175,12 @@ Try the following commands at the `tfdbg>` prompt (referencing the code at
| | `-r` | List the inputs to node, recursively (the input tree.) | `li -r hidden/Relu:0` |
| | `-d <max_depth>` | Limit recursion depth under the `-r` mode. | `li -r -d 3 hidden/Relu:0` |
| | `-c` | Include control inputs. | `li -c -r hidden/Relu:0` |
+| | `-t` | Show op types of input nodes. | `li -t -r hidden/Relu:0` |
| **`lo`** | | **List output recipients of node** | |
| | `-r` | List the output recipients of node, recursively (the output tree.) | `lo -r hidden/Relu:0` |
| | `-d <max_depth>` | Limit recursion depth under the `-r` mode. | `lo -r -d 3 hidden/Relu:0` |
| | `-c` | Include recipients via control edges. | `lo -c -r hidden/Relu:0` |
+| | `-t` | Show op types of recipient nodes. | `lo -t -r hidden/Relu:0` |
| **`ls`** | | **List Python source files involved in node creation.** | |
| | `-p <path_pattern>` | Limit output to source files matching given regular-expression path pattern. | `ls -p .*debug_mnist.*` |
| | `-n` | Limit output to node names matching given regular-expression pattern. | `ls -n Softmax.*` |