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-# Broadcasting semantics
-This document describes how the broadcasting semantics in XLA work.
-## What is broadcasting?
-Broadcasting is the process of making arrays with different shapes have
-compatible shapes for arithmetic operations. The terminology is borrowed from
-Broadcasting may be required for operations between multi-dimensional arrays of
-different ranks, or between multi-dimensional arrays with different but
-compatible shapes. Consider the addition `X+v` where `X` is a matrix (an array
-of rank 2) and `v` is a vector (an array of rank 1). To perform element-wise
-addition, XLA needs to "broadcast" the vector `v` to the same rank as the
-matrix `X`, by replicating `v` a certain number of times. The vector's length
-has to match at least one of the dimensions of the matrix.
-For example:
- |1 2 3| + |7 8 9|
- |4 5 6|
-The matrix's dimensions are (2,3), the vector's are (3). The vector is broadcast
-by replicating it over rows to get:
- |1 2 3| + |7 8 9| = |8 10 12|
- |4 5 6| |7 8 9| |11 13 15|
-In Numpy, this is called [broadcasting]
-## Principles
-The XLA language is as strict and explicit as possible, avoiding implicit and
-"magical" features. Such features may make some computations slightly easier to
-define, at the cost of more assumptions baked into user code that will be
-difficult to change in the long term. If necessary, implicit and magical
-features can be added in client-level wrappers.
-In regards to broadcasting, explicit broadcasting specifications on operations
-between arrays of different ranks is required. This is different from Numpy,
-which infers the specification when possible.
-## Broadcasting a lower-rank array onto a higher-rank array
-*Scalars* can always be broadcast over arrays without an explicit specification
-of broadcasting dimensions. An element-wise binary operation between a scalar
-and an array means applying the operation with the scalar for each element in
-the array. For example, adding a scalar to a matrix means producing a matrix
-each element of which is a sum of the scalar with the corresponding input
-matrix's element.
- |1 2 3| + 7 = |8 9 10|
- |4 5 6| |11 12 13|
-Most broadcasting needs can be captured by using a tuple of dimensions on a
-binary operation. When the inputs to the operation have different ranks, this
-broadcasting tuple specifies which dimension(s) in the **higher-rank** array to
-match with the **lower-rank** array.
-Consider the previous example, instead of adding a scalar to a (2,3) matrix, add
-a vector of dimension (3) to a matrix of dimensions (2,3). *Without specifying
-broadcasting, this operation is invalid.* To correctly request matrix-vector
-addition, specify the broadcasting dimension to be (1), meaning the vector's
-dimension is matched to dimension 1 of the matrix. In 2D, if dimension 0 is
-considered as rows and dimension 1 as columns, this means that each element of
-the vector becomes a column of a size matching the number of rows in the matrix:
- |7 8 9| ==> |7 8 9|
- |7 8 9|
-As a more complex example, consider adding a 3-element vector (dimension (3)) to
-a 3x3 matrix (dimensions (3,3)). There are two ways broadcasting can happen for
-this example:
-(1) A broadcasting dimension of 1 can be used. Each vector element becomes a
-column and the vector is duplicated for each row in the matrix.
- |7 8 9| ==> |7 8 9|
- |7 8 9|
- |7 8 9|
-(2) A broadcasting dimension of 0 can be used. Each vector element becomes a row
-and the vector is duplicated for each column in the matrix.
- |7| ==> |7 7 7|
- |8| |8 8 8|
- |9| |9 9 9|
-> Note: when adding a 2x3 matrix to a 3-element vector, a broadcasting dimension
-> of 0 is invalid.
-The broadcasting dimensions can be a tuple that describes how a smaller rank
-shape is broadcast into a larger rank shape. For example, given a 2x3x4 cuboid
-and a 3x4 matrix, a broadcasting tuple (1,2) means matching the matrix to
-dimensions 1 and 2 of the cuboid.
-This type of broadcast is used in the binary ops in `XlaBuilder`, if the
-`broadcast_dimensions` argument is given. For example, see
-In the XLA source code, this type of broadcasting is sometimes called "InDim"
-### Formal definition
-The broadcasting attribute allows matching a lower-rank array to a higher-rank
-array, by specifying which dimensions of the higher-rank array to match. For
-example, for an array with dimensions MxNxPxQ, a vector with dimension T can be
-matched as follows:
- MxNxPxQ
- dim 3: T
- dim 2: T
- dim 1: T
- dim 0: T
-In each case, T has to be equal to the matching dimension of the higher-rank
-array. The vector's values are then broadcast from the matched dimension to all
-the other dimensions.
-To match a TxV matrix onto the MxNxPxQ array, a pair of broadcasting dimensions
-are used:
- MxNxPxQ
- dim 2,3: T V
- dim 1,2: T V
- dim 0,3: T V
- etc...
-The order of dimensions in the broadcasting tuple has to be the order in which
-the lower-rank array's dimensions are expected to match the higher-rank array's
-dimensions. The first element in the tuple says which dimension in the
-higher-rank array has to match dimension 0 in the lower-rank array. The second
-element for dimension 1, and so on. The order of broadcast dimensions has to be
-strictly increasing. For example, in the previous example it is illegal to match
-V to N and T to P; it is also illegal to match V to both P and N.
-## Broadcasting similar-rank arrays with degenerate dimensions
-A related broadcasting problem is broadcasting two arrays that have the same
-rank but different dimension sizes. Similarly to Numpy's rules, this is only
-possible when the arrays are *compatible*. Two arrays are compatible when all
-their dimensions are compatible. Two dimensions are compatible if:
-* They are equal, or
-* One of them is 1 (a "degenerate" dimension)
-When two compatible arrays are encountered, the result shape has the maximum
-among the two inputs at every dimension index.
-1. (2,1) and (2,3) broadcast to (2,3).
-2. (1,2,5) and (7,2,5) broadcast to (7,2,5)
-3. (7,2,5) and (7,1,5) broadcast to (7,2,5)
-4. (7,2,5) and (7,2,6) are incompatible and cannot be broadcast.
-A special case arises, and is also supported, where each of the input arrays has
-a degenerate dimension at a different index. In this case, the result is an
-"outer operation": (2,1) and (1,3) broadcast to (2,3). For more examples,
-consult the [Numpy documentation on
-## Broadcast composition
-Broadcasting of a lower-rank array to a higher-rank array **and** broadcasting
-using degenerate dimensions can both be performed in the same binary operation.
-For example, a vector of size 4 and an matrix of size 1x2 can be added together
-using broadcast dimensions value of (0):
- |1 2 3 4| + [5 6] // [5 6] is a 1x2 matrix, not a vector.
-First the vector is broadcast up to rank 2 (matrix) using the broadcast
-dimensions. The single value (0) in the broadcast dimensions indicates that
-dimension zero of the vector matches to dimension zero of the matrix. This
-produces an matrix of size 4xM where the value M is chosen to match the
-corresponding dimension size in the 1x2 array. Therefore, a 4x2 matrix is
- |1 1| + [5 6]
- |2 2|
- |3 3|
- |4 4|
-Then "degenerate dimension broadcasting" broadcasts dimension zero of the 1x2
-matrix to match the corresponding dimension size of the right hand side:
- |1 1| + |5 6| |6 7|
- |2 2| + |5 6| = |7 8|
- |3 3| + |5 6| |8 9|
- |4 4| + |5 6| |9 10|
-A more complicated example is a matrix of size 1x2 added to an array of size
-4x3x1 using broadcast dimensions of (1, 2). First the 1x2 matrix is broadcast up
-to rank 3 using the broadcast dimensions to produces an intermediate Mx1x2 array
-where the dimension size M is determined by the size of the larger operand (the
-4x3x1 array) producing a 4x1x2 intermediate array. The M is at dimension 0
-(left-most dimension) because the dimensions 1 and 2 are mapped to the
-dimensions of the original 1x2 matrix as the broadcast dimension are (1, 2).
-This intermediate array can be added to the 4x3x1 matrix using broadcasting of
-degenerate dimensions to produce a 4x3x2 array result.