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-# Input Pipeline Performance Guide
-GPUs and TPUs can radically reduce the time required to execute a single
-training step. Achieving peak performance requires an efficient input pipeline
-that delivers data for the next step before the current step has finished. The
-`tf.data` API helps to build flexible and efficient input pipelines. This
-document explains the `tf.data` API's features and best practices for building
-high performance TensorFlow input pipelines across a variety of models and
-This guide does the following:
-* Illustrates that TensorFlow input pipelines are essentially an
- [ETL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extract,_transform,_load) process.
-* Describes common performance optimizations in the context of the `tf.data`
- API.
-* Discusses the performance implications of the order in which you apply
- transformations.
-* Summarizes the best practices for designing performant TensorFlow input
- pipelines.
-## Input Pipeline Structure
-A typical TensorFlow training input pipeline can be framed as an ETL process:
-1. **Extract**: Read data from persistent storage -- either local (e.g. HDD or
- SSD) or remote (e.g. [GCS](https://cloud.google.com/storage/) or
- [HDFS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Hadoop#Hadoop_distributed_file_system)).
-2. **Transform**: Use CPU cores to parse and perform preprocessing operations
- on the data such as image decompression, data augmentation transformations
- (such as random crop, flips, and color distortions), shuffling, and batching.
-3. **Load**: Load the transformed data onto the accelerator device(s) (for
- example, GPU(s) or TPU(s)) that execute the machine learning model.
-This pattern effectively utilizes the CPU, while reserving the accelerator for
-the heavy lifting of training your model. In addition, viewing input pipelines
-as an ETL process provides structure that facilitates the application of
-performance optimizations.
-When using the `tf.estimator.Estimator` API, the first two phases (Extract and
-Transform) are captured in the `input_fn` passed to
-`tf.estimator.Estimator.train`. In code, this might look like the following
-(naive, sequential) implementation:
-def parse_fn(example):
- "Parse TFExample records and perform simple data augmentation."
- example_fmt = {
- "image": tf.FixedLengthFeature((), tf.string, ""),
- "label": tf.FixedLengthFeature((), tf.int64, -1)
- }
- parsed = tf.parse_single_example(example, example_fmt)
- image = tf.image.decode_image(parsed["image"])
- image = _augment_helper(image) # augments image using slice, reshape, resize_bilinear
- return image, parsed["label"]
-def input_fn():
- files = tf.data.Dataset.list_files("/path/to/dataset/train-*.tfrecord")
- dataset = files.interleave(tf.data.TFRecordDataset)
- dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=FLAGS.shuffle_buffer_size)
- dataset = dataset.map(map_func=parse_fn)
- dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size)
- return dataset
-The next section builds on this input pipeline, adding performance
-## Optimizing Performance
-As new computing devices (such as GPUs and TPUs) make it possible to train
-neural networks at an increasingly fast rate, the CPU processing is prone to
-becoming the bottleneck. The `tf.data` API provides users with building blocks
-to design input pipelines that effectively utilize the CPU, optimizing each step
-of the ETL process.
-### Pipelining
-To perform a training step, you must first extract and transform the training
-data and then feed it to a model running on an accelerator. However, in a naive
-synchronous implementation, while the CPU is preparing the data, the accelerator
-is sitting idle. Conversely, while the accelerator is training the model, the
-CPU is sitting idle. The training step time is thus the sum of both CPU
-pre-processing time and the accelerator training time.
-**Pipelining** overlaps the preprocessing and model execution of a training
-step. While the accelerator is performing training step `N`, the CPU is
-preparing the data for step `N+1`. Doing so reduces the step time to the maximum
-(as opposed to the sum) of the training and the time it takes to extract and
-transform the data.
-Without pipelining, the CPU and the GPU/TPU sit idle much of the time:
-![without pipelining](/images/datasets_without_pipelining.png)
-With pipelining, idle time diminishes significantly:
-![with pipelining](/images/datasets_with_pipelining.png)
-The `tf.data` API provides a software pipelining mechanism through the
-`tf.data.Dataset.prefetch` transformation, which can be used to decouple the
-time data is produced from the time it is consumed. In particular, the
-transformation uses a background thread and an internal buffer to prefetch
-elements from the input dataset ahead of the time they are requested. Thus, to
-achieve the pipelining effect illustrated above, you can add `prefetch(1)` as
-the final transformation to your dataset pipeline (or `prefetch(n)` if a single
-training step consumes n elements).
-To apply this change to our running example, change:
-dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size)
-return dataset
-dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size)
-dataset = dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=FLAGS.prefetch_buffer_size)
-return dataset
-Note that the prefetch transformation will yield benefits any time there is an
-opportunity to overlap the work of a "producer" with the work of a "consumer."
-The preceding recommendation is simply the most common application.
-### Parallelize Data Transformation
-When preparing a batch, input elements may need to be pre-processed. To this
-end, the `tf.data` API offers the `tf.data.Dataset.map` transformation, which
-applies a user-defined function (for example, `parse_fn` from the running
-example) to each element of the input dataset. Because input elements are
-independent of one another, the pre-processing can be parallelized across
-multiple CPU cores. To make this possible, the `map` transformation provides the
-`num_parallel_calls` argument to specify the level of parallelism. For example,
-the following diagram illustrates the effect of setting `num_parallel_calls=2`
-to the `map` transformation:
-![parallel map](/images/datasets_parallel_map.png)
-Choosing the best value for the `num_parallel_calls` argument depends on your
-hardware, characteristics of your training data (such as its size and shape),
-the cost of your map function, and what other processing is happening on the
-CPU at the same time; a simple heuristic is to use the number of available CPU
-cores. For instance, if the machine executing the example above had 4 cores, it
-would have been more efficient to set `num_parallel_calls=4`. On the other hand,
-setting `num_parallel_calls` to a value much greater than the number of
-available CPUs can lead to inefficient scheduling, resulting in a slowdown.
-To apply this change to our running example, change:
-dataset = dataset.map(map_func=parse_fn)
-dataset = dataset.map(map_func=parse_fn, num_parallel_calls=FLAGS.num_parallel_calls)
-Furthermore, if your batch size is in the hundreds or thousands, your pipeline
-will likely additionally benefit from parallelizing the batch creation. To this
-end, the `tf.data` API provides the `tf.contrib.data.map_and_batch`
-transformation, which effectively "fuses" the map and batch transformations.
-To apply this change to our running example, change:
-dataset = dataset.map(map_func=parse_fn, num_parallel_calls=FLAGS.num_parallel_calls)
-dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size)
-dataset = dataset.apply(tf.contrib.data.map_and_batch(
- map_func=parse_fn, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size))
-### Parallelize Data Extraction
-In a real-world setting, the input data may be stored remotely (for example,
-GCS or HDFS), either because the input data would not fit locally or because the
-training is distributed and it would not make sense to replicate the input data
-on every machine. A dataset pipeline that works well when reading data locally
-might become bottlenecked on I/O when reading data remotely because of the
-following differences between local and remote storage:
-* **Time-to-first-byte:** Reading the first byte of a file from remote storage
- can take orders of magnitude longer than from local storage.
-* **Read throughput:** While remote storage typically offers large aggregate
- bandwidth, reading a single file might only be able to utilize a small
- fraction of this bandwidth.
-In addition, once the raw bytes are read into memory, it may also be necessary
-to deserialize or decrypt the data
-(e.g. [protobuf](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/)), which adds
-additional overhead. This overhead is present irrespective of whether the data
-is stored locally or remotely, but can be worse in the remote case if data is
-not prefetched effectively.
-To mitigate the impact of the various data extraction overheads, the `tf.data`
-API offers the `tf.contrib.data.parallel_interleave` transformation. Use this
-transformation to parallelize the execution of and interleave the contents of
-other datasets (such as data file readers). The
-number of datasets to overlap can be specified by the `cycle_length` argument.
-The following diagram illustrates the effect of supplying `cycle_length=2` to
-the `parallel_interleave` transformation:
-![parallel io](/images/datasets_parallel_io.png)
-To apply this change to our running example, change:
-dataset = files.interleave(tf.data.TFRecordDataset)
-dataset = files.apply(tf.contrib.data.parallel_interleave(
- tf.data.TFRecordDataset, cycle_length=FLAGS.num_parallel_readers))
-The throughput of remote storage systems can vary over time due to load or
-network events. To account for this variance, the `parallel_interleave`
-transformation can optionally use prefetching. (See
-`tf.contrib.data.parallel_interleave` for details).
-By default, the `parallel_interleave` transformation provides a deterministic
-ordering of elements to aid reproducibility. As an alternative to prefetching
-(which may be ineffective in some cases), the `parallel_interleave`
-transformation also provides an option that can boost performance at the expense
-of ordering guarantees. In particular, if the `sloppy` argument is set to true,
-the transformation may depart from its otherwise deterministic ordering, by
-temporarily skipping over files whose elements are not available when the next
-element is requested.
-## Performance Considerations
-The `tf.data` API is designed around composable transformations to provide its
-users with flexibility. Although many of these transformations are commutative,
-the ordering of certain transformations has performance implications.
-### Map and Batch
-Invoking the user-defined function passed into the `map` transformation has
-overhead related to scheduling and executing the user-defined function.
-Normally, this overhead is small compared to the amount of computation performed
-by the function. However, if `map` does little work, this overhead can dominate
-the total cost. In such cases, we recommend vectorizing the user-defined
-function (that is, have it operate over a batch of inputs at once) and apply the
-`batch` transformation _before_ the `map` transformation.
-### Map and Cache
-The `tf.data.Dataset.cache` transformation can cache a dataset, either in
-memory or on local storage. If the user-defined function passed into the `map`
-transformation is expensive, apply the cache transformation after the map
-transformation as long as the resulting dataset can still fit into memory or
-local storage. If the user-defined function increases the space required to
-store the dataset beyond the cache capacity, consider pre-processing your data
-before your training job to reduce resource usage.
-### Map and Interleave / Prefetch / Shuffle
-A number of transformations, including `interleave`, `prefetch`, and `shuffle`,
-maintain an internal buffer of elements. If the user-defined function passed
-into the `map` transformation changes the size of the elements, then the
-ordering of the map transformation and the transformations that buffer elements
-affects the memory usage. In general, we recommend choosing the order that
-results in lower memory footprint, unless different ordering is desirable for
-performance (for example, to enable fusing of the map and batch transformations).
-### Repeat and Shuffle
-The `tf.data.Dataset.repeat` transformation repeats the input data a finite (or
-infinite) number of times; each repetition of the data is typically referred to
-as an _epoch_. The `tf.data.Dataset.shuffle` transformation randomizes the
-order of the dataset's examples.
-If the `repeat` transformation is applied before the `shuffle` transformation,
-then the epoch boundaries are blurred. That is, certain elements can be repeated
-before other elements appear even once. On the other hand, if the `shuffle`
-transformation is applied before the repeat transformation, then performance
-might slow down at the beginning of each epoch related to initialization of the
-internal state of the `shuffle` transformation. In other words, the former
-(`repeat` before `shuffle`) provides better performance, while the latter
-(`shuffle` before `repeat`) provides stronger ordering guarantees.
-When possible, we recommend using the fused
-`tf.contrib.data.shuffle_and_repeat` transformation, which combines the best of
-both worlds (good performance and strong ordering guarantees). Otherwise, we
-recommend shuffling before repeating.
-## Summary of Best Practices
-Here is a summary of the best practices for designing input pipelines:
-* Use the `prefetch` transformation to overlap the work of a producer and
- consumer. In particular, we recommend adding prefetch(n) (where n is the
- number of elements / batches consumed by a training step) to the end of your
- input pipeline to overlap the transformations performed on the CPU with the
- training done on the accelerator.
-* Parallelize the `map` transformation by setting the `num_parallel_calls`
- argument. We recommend using the number of available CPU cores for its value.
-* If you are combining pre-processed elements into a batch using the `batch`
- transformation, we recommend using the fused `map_and_batch` transformation;
- especially if you are using large batch sizes.
-* If you are working with data stored remotely and / or requiring
- deserialization, we recommend using the `parallel_interleave`
- transformation to overlap the reading (and deserialization) of data from
- different files.
-* Vectorize cheap user-defined functions passed in to the `map` transformation
- to amortize the overhead associated with scheduling and executing the
- function.
-* If your data can fit into memory, use the `cache` transformation to cache it
- in memory during the first epoch, so that subsequent epochs can avoid the
- overhead associated with reading, parsing, and transforming it.
-* If your pre-processing increases the size of your data, we recommend
- applying the `interleave`, `prefetch`, and `shuffle` first (if possible) to
- reduce memory usage.
-* We recommend applying the `shuffle` transformation _before_ the `repeat`
- transformation, ideally using the fused `shuffle_and_repeat` transformation.